The Froggy Ninja
The Blade Will Never Die
Seems cool.
[X] Plan: Gothic Build up
-[X] Let them go. Reward: -10 million population. +25 General AP to be assigned in Turn 47.
39 + 25 = 64
Anklok 11
-[X] Bribe spirits 1 AP
-[X] "Wrath Beyond Measure" Ark 3 AP
-[X] Little Beam 1 AP
-[X] High Holy 3 AP
-[X] Legion Trainee 4 AP + Training Grounds + Stable
-[X] Naval Phalanx 6 AP + Spark + Ash + Ecstatics
-[X] Skyweavers 2 AP + Arc
[10] Generic AP Added
Mosok 11
-[X] Prepare IOM 3 AP + Ghost + Blood
-[X] Soulsteel 2 AP
-[X] Academy of Constellations 3 AP
-[X] Build Stalking Mantis 9 AP + Atelier + Exotic + ship
-[X] Luminous Herald 10 AP + 2 FC + 8 Exotic + Atelier Manse x5 + Ondar Shambol + Templeforge
-[X] Encourage Development 3 AP + dojo
[19] Generic AP Added
Pterok 11
-[X]Q1 Solar templeship free
-[X]Q2 "[Support for construction critical to thwarting the Despoiler]" 1 AP
-[X]Q3 Navigator research support 1 AP
-[X] Advanced Observatory 4 AP
-[X] Elemental Supr. (Observ) 1 AP
-[X] Elemental Support 3 AP
-[X] Void Abacus 5 AP
-[X] Stellar Stabilization 5 AP
-[X] Logistics stockpile 9 AP + Atelier + Thaumaturgy
-[X] Seeds of Immaculate Blood Bounty 3 AP
[21] Generic AP Added
Raptok 11
-[X] Factory Cathedrals x1 6 AP +1 exotics
-[X] Atelier Manses x1 4 AP
-[X] Ophelis Base spread 3 AP
-[X] Navigator 3 AP
-[X] Geomantic Relays 2 AP
-[X] Brass Legion 1 AP + Automata
-[X] Decoy of Decay 1 Raptok + 1 Anklok + Factory Cathedral + Exotic Stockpile
[9] Generic AP Added
-[X] Jach'Uchil 1 AP +steam+ships
-[X] Tocha 40 mill 4 AP + stockpiles + Feast
Any other budgets? I would like to be able to start working on the write up over the weekend if at all possible.
Abbadon specifically avoided accepting significant blessings from Chaos to avoid anti-chaos and anti-warp effects. At one point, powerful anti warp fields banished an entire black crusade and began closing the Eye of Terror and all it did was turn him from one of the most dangerous and experienced space marines even before another ten thousand years of training against unkillable warriors, enhanced by foul sorcery into one of the most dangerous and experienced space marines even before another ten thousand years of training against unkillable warriors. Running High Holy is barely more expensive than divining to make sure it's necessary, and less expensive than running it after confirming it is.I think we can probably put off High Holy with some vision questing as to who, if anyone, is already a CoD. I think StarJaunter mentioned a few pages ago that such an action might be wise. I'm curious what you've got planned with Legion Trainees given that SJ also said that we're capped on how many we can bring with us.
It seems somewhat reasonable that even partial completion will lead to hearthstones. You can never have enough hearthstones. We'd be getting 66.66 hearthstones per success that's better than even odds of tripling our current stock, just with the basic 3 AP.I'm unclear as to whether the Base Spread will be completed with only 3 AP and elemental support dice. Are you trying to make it a two-turn project? I also think you could add Cracking Bone AP to the Navigators project, and as before I see a Factory Cathedral listed here. Did we get a third FC no one told me about?
Eh, you could get something immediately I suppose but the best AP for your effort is making a deal after the warwe put a Factory Cathedral towards making Prayer weapons for the Eldar, do we get the AP pay-off this turn or next? Similarly does that hold true for Willpower-boosting Cores?
I can its just a pain for all the possible variations of different amounts. I will try to isolate some juicy combos and post them.Now that we've completed multiple Factory Cathedrals (and Atelier Manses) could you list projects or formulae for us to calculate the anticipated difficulty of a) building them in groups and/or b) converted Atelier Manses into Factory-Cathedrals?
Yes, basically unlimited mantas but stuck in orbit
Sun portal evocation for bouncing home for repairs and restocking supplies? Maybe something from the aegis to try to perfect block a ship scale attack?What relics would work well on a Solar Templeship? The Four Fulcrums, Perfection Beyond Imagining, something else? Also, when infusing a relic, is it the same '2 AP for five' listed in the Piety tab or is that 'one infusion for five relics'?
Mostly next turn and every turn after that until done. Final hymn is same as little beam in terms of ease but I forgot to write his up seperatelyWhen should we do Prayers for War and Righteous Answer for Catechism for the Gothic War? Likewise, if we want them to be available as hero units would we need to put forth the call to martial gods to accompany us this turn or next? (And if we've got them for multiple turns would we need to keep putting an AP towards asking Little Beam et al to stick around, or once they're stuck in they're in for the duration?) Also I don't see an option to ask help from Final Hymn of Judgement. Do we need to complete a project to do that?
This or make a relevant omakeRunning High Holy is barely more expensive than divining to make sure it's necessary, and less expensive than running it after confirming it is.
[ ] Empower Relic: Relics carry concentrated Divine blessings for personal scale effects but when used need to be re-empowered. When used on Templeships some relics can be ritually boosted to enhance the whole ship. Empowering one costs one success, empowering 5 costs two success, empowering 25 is three success and 125 is four success, etc. Raptok Craftsman are needed to craft these relics. AP Needed 1. DC: 15. Success Needed: Varies. Reward: Empowers Personal Solar Relics. See Tokati Divinity for rules on making and types of relics.
Ild go for efficiency for the factories.This is meant to scale as larger rituals make it more efficient. So one relic is one success. Two success projects covers FIVE relics. Three success projects cover up to 25 relics and four success projects can empower 125 relics.
For factory complexes. Do you want to make it as cheap as possible but use up manses or be manse efficient by using plasma reactors to make major manses and making multiple factories off one manse but costing more.
For example utmost end is use 12 manses to make 12 Atelier for 24 success
OR have one atelier manse making fuel and build between 3 and 9 Plasma reactors and than build 15 to 45 Atelier manses off those 4-10 manses.
15 atelier 4 manse version would be 48 as a single project but if you made the nine plasma reactors first its 23 AP for first stage and 144 to make 45 Atelier manses off 10 Manses worth of Geomancy.
The most efficient direct Factory cathedral seems to be 7. 7 Manses become 7 factory cathedrals for 26 AP (and 7 stockpiles)
It is funny you say this because I worked off of your plan that you posted (admittedly it was not in an acceptable plan format). Most of the parts are from your that's more or less what Voidseer's got here with a few tweaks
[ ] Lileath's Loom: There is a powerful Demense on Ophelis bound to the Eldar god of Dreams and Fortuen and with our ties to prophecy and dreams perhaps we can call out to what remnants of her remain in the aether. Her Dream-Skeins enable the contact with others through dreams, specically they are usually tied to Divination and used to give a prophecy needed to some distant individual that aides them (specifically aiding them in a way that will eventually benefit you) Of course this will require comitting divination as well as Dream-skeins. AP Needed: 3. DC 20. AP needed: 22. Reward:
[ ] Loom Most Holy: Manse Counts as a Dream-Skein and as a nigh ondar Shambol level Manse temple for Lileath
[ ] Loom Most : Manse adds five Dream-skein as well as counting as a basic temple to Lileath
[ ] Loom Most Sublime: Manse counts as a basic temple to Lileath and as a center of weaving dreams and prophecies, enabling projects to reach out to the most distant through their dreams as all know even those who lie dead may dream.
[ ] Kurnous's Hunting Ground: There is a powerful Demense on Ophelis bound to the Eldar god of the Hunt and Wild Places and with our ties such things perhaps we can call out to what remnants of him remain in the aether. His hunting grounds allow Dragon Kings to train as Wild Riders. Demi-Ochilike who are gain ethereal power in exchange for service to the Horn. Each Sounding of the Horn summons all Wild Riders who ravage their enemies with savagery and Vengeance. AP Needed: 3. DC 20. AP needed: 22. Reward:
[ ] Hunting Grounds Most Holy: Kurnous's Horn may be sounded once a turn and the manse counts as a nigh ondar Shambol level Manse temple for Kurnous
[ ] Hunting Grounds Most Savage: Manse adds five Soundings of the Horn as well as counting as a basic temple to Kurnous
[ ] Hunting Grounds Most Sublime: Manse counts as a basic temple to Kurnous and the may be sounded once, but that sounding calls upon an Avatar, the King of the Woods, to lead the Wild Hunt.
] Hoeth's Tower: There is a powerful Demense on Ophelis bound to the Eldar god of Wisdom and Knowledge, learning and sorcery. Perhaps we can call out to what remnants of his remain in the aether. Hoeth's Tower adds research AP directly as his priests help pierce the veil. This AP may explicitly be used for Sorcery. AP Needed: 3. DC 20. AP needed: 22. Reward:
[ ] Tower Most Holy: Manse Counts as 1 research only AP and as a nigh ondar Shambol level Manse temple for Hoeth, Lord of Wisdom
[ ] Tower Most Mighty: Manse adds five research only AP as well as counting as a basic temple to Hoeth, Lord of Wisdom
[ ] Tower Most Sublime: Manse counts as a basic temple to Hoeth, Lord of Wisdom and as a center of Wisdom and Knowledge, grants one Auto success to research and may allow very limited access to sorcery beyond normal limits.
I will confirm therak has a lunar/abraxan manse
I am not dedicated to the term if you thing you have better for the thing which can send out dream prophecies and with some prep work arrange dream conversations with someone's subconsciousDream-skein? Is this some sort of native Loom equivilent, or something else you're thinking about? (also I think you have a typo with 'fortune')
Very much this. Sorta like having an automatic free lumina summon always at the ready.Should I assume that 'sounding the horn' is basically 'push button to pray for a heroic cavalry charge from offscreen'?
Author's Note said:
You can divert the resources of this project, including the factory Cathedral to something else.-[X] Decoy of Decay 1 Raptok + 1 Anklok + Factory Cathedral + Exotic Stockpile
Any ideas on where I should put the freed up AP and Factory Cathedral? Anyone?You can divert the resources of this project, including the factory Cathedral to something else.
To make sure I've got it straight, we've got 6 teams of Naval Phalanxes that need retraining? Or are there more?
If we are infusing relics at an increased rate, is it assumed that it's done all at once in a grand ceremony, or
Not really relevant to this turn or next, but what sort of research would 'why did the Eldar not like our cities?' be? I presume a Raptok project because a) geomancy and b) diplomatics (and maybe c) medical?), but I'm not sure if that'd be "mad science" or "improvements" or something else
Double Torpedo slots (I presume that this would manifest as 'more torpedo storage' rather than 'more torpedo tubes', but maybe there's some other benefits here? I hope to complete at least some of the space manipulation research before trying something like that)
Double Temple research. I doubt it would do anything, but having a triple sized temple cruising around seems like it might offer opportunities for shenanigans if we have the right kind of divine support.
Solar Temple + Sutra Batteries research. I'm not sure what this might result in, but if it just codified the 'Creatures of Darkness get double nines' that'd be nice. Other possibilities too of course.
Solar Temple + Sutra Batteries + Stable Drive. More of the same, really. Maybe with easier justification, or an expanded scope.
Solar Temple + Orichalcum. I'm sure there are benefits from having the temple built with the holy metal but I'm drawing a blank on what they might be. This is mostly an exploratory research (which, if productive, I would intend to repeat with 'Abraxus temple + moonsilver' and 'Observatory + starmetal')
Hexigrammatic Warding research (not sure if that'd be a component or not, nor if it would have the same name)
Stable Drive + Perfected Calculation Arrays. I imagine more shooting bonuses, maybe triple tens or double eights? Or just a cost reduction of sorts, maybe +1 to flurries...
Barracks research: passenger quarters. Basically turning barracks into quarters fit for non-Dragon Kings to travel in without it coming across as, well, a converted barracks for a race of dinosaurs with an expanded view of what 'roughing it' entails.
Ox-Body research. The two big ones are 'synergizing with buying up Hardness/Toughness' and the other is 'adds crippled levels to the ship/counts as added crippled levels for buying up Hard To Kill/Emergency Shields', not sure whether that's best done together or separate.
Leeyata Temple + boarding peripherals (primarily boarding fields), trying to eke out additional boarding potential there. I'm thinking primarily adding additional boarding avenues (usually it goes from 2 to 4)
Leeyata Temple + barracks, either more or better troop transport somehow.
Ryzla Temple + Hangars, either more elite squadrons or more squadrons or some sort of performance boost, something.
Ram Drive + Ramming Prow, not sure what might come of this but I'm thinking something like 'reduce AP cost to build' or 'automatically purchase the half slot for the heavy prow', maybe 'increase the damage automatically absorbed by ramming by [x amount]'
Ramming peripherals (essence ram, boarding field, etc) streamline AP cost when being built together
Jade + ramming ship basic design family, either streamline AP cost or get synergy bonus from ramming (absorb more damage, get a free damage increase again, triple tens when doing the final roll for ramming speed, etc)
Abraxus Temples + Sorcerous Thrones (mostly "can they share a ship" rather than having to have a dedicated sorcery ship, but if there are other synergies to be had I'd like to find out)
Hangars + Barracks (more specifically 'large hangars & large barracks') trying to improve the ability to throw landing parties of Dragon Kings out in a quick and timely manner.
Autocthonic Temples (Hymn of Final Judgement for example) + Autocthonic ships; see if they could count as either geomantic or autocthonic whichever is more beneficial? A bit of a stretch but it works in my head a bit.
(I'm also curious if geomantic temples could receive elemental support. On the one hand 'lots of complex magitech says no', but on the other hand 'basic geomancy uses lots of elementals', a bit up in the air there)
Magical Materials + Hardness gain (reduce AP for buying up Hardness because we're already putting several tons of jade into a ship)
Magical Materials + Globe of Perfected Stability (leverage an abundance of one of the Magical Materials for added effect, maybe streamline AP for the Globe if it's being purpose-built?)
Solar Temple + Theion Drive (another exploratory research, but I'm thinking something like 'acts as a Theion Drive one level higher than one installed' currently)
Haze Shields + Essence Battlements (I remember it being mentioned that there's synergy here. Without going back and looking I think it was something to the effect of 'haze shields count as a larger component slot (though not a full +1)'.
Essence Battlements + Emergency Shields (may add more Emergency Shields levels to a ship with Essence Battlements installed, which I fully expect to be all of them)
Essence Battlements x2 (I suspect this just gets us 2.5 the 0 levels, so 5 on a templeship. Might be a good investment if it synergizes with other component research like the haze shields)
Abraxus Temple + laboratory space + improved sensors, mostly looking for synergy bonuses but I also accept cost streamlining.
Essence Battlements + Globe of Perfected Stability ('can project the reality stabilizing effect across a wider area'? Not sure if there's a synergy here to be honest)
Not really... Quetzacoatl is mostly a god of weather. He has fertility associations with plants in the form of crops being effected by weather... not because he is a vegetative deity.Quetzacoatl Temple + Jurai ship. Not sure if this'd be a synergistic effect or a cost streamlining effect, but still something I expect to have some effect when we finally get around to building it)
The Mosok aren't X'd in[x]Plan Fires of Industry v. 01
Anklok 11
-[x] Bribing spirits to do their job. 1
-[x] Little Beam Training Arc (part 4): 1
-[x] Infuse Ark: #1 1
-[x] Infuse Ark: #2 1
-[x] Pact Lumina 2
-[x] Highest of Holies: 3
-[x] Herald support 5
-[x] Legion Trainee: 4 + training grounds + oil
-[x] Naval Phalanx 1 + Spark + Ash + Pyre + Steam + Metal
I had to make a couple of painful cuts here, including the Skyweavers Training Zone, but this still covers the basics for me; increase the ground troops we have, keep infusing the arks, retrain the Naval Phalanxes and pay our pantheon dues with regards to bribing spirits and training Little Beam.
Mosok 11
-[ ] Prepare for the Imperium of Mankind: 2 + Ghost + Blood + Corpse
-[ ] Acadamia of Constellations: 3
-[ ] Luminous Herald of Dawn: 5 + Ondar Shambol + Atelier x5 + exotics x8 + FC + ship
-[ ] Build Infiltration Ship (Stalking Mantis class?): 9 + Atelier + exotic + ship
-[ ] Encourage Development: 3 + dojo
I cut the shipbuilding AP down as much as I dared, and I half expect to need to do another round of omake to complete both of them like we did with the Feast. I cut Soulsteel acquisition because I don't think current plans call for making Globes, but if not let me know. Other than that we get started with training for how to infiltrate the humans and may double the number of TMA artists we can bring with us.
Pterok 11
-[x] Astrological Question "What is the correct timing for constructing the Luminous Herald of the Dawn?" free
-[x] Astrological Question "What are the ill-omens for construction of Factory Cathedrals?" 1
-[x] Astrological Question "When are the best times to move forward on ship construction?" 1
-[x] Elemental Support: 4
-[x] Supremacy of Elemental Advantage: (Factory Cathedrals) 7
-[x] Herald Support 5
-[x] Stellar Stabilization: 4 + Crystal
-[x] Seeds of Immaculate Blood Bounty: 3
-[x] Logistics Stockpile: 7 + Atelier + Thaumaturgy
This was the section I couldn't really compress much, in part because the big ticket item was the Logistics Stockpiles. I had to cut the Immaculate Seed Plantation option but I kept the Seeds of Immaculate Blood Bounty because we're going to make it through this war and the Eldar are going to want our seeds, but only if we take the time to show them what they could have. (I'm hopeful we can still use astrology to reduce the DC on ship construction as well as fulfill the requirements of the Herald's construction, if not please let me know so I can change it). The last major item here is Stellar Stabilization, which has a reasonable chance of completing here but not a certainty.
Raptok 11
-[x] Call Ulthwe (Gothic War coordination): 1
-[x] Herald Support 5
-[x] Factory Cathedral x7: 20 + 7 exotics
-[x] Essence Spiders: 1 + Stables
I could be persuaded to move the Essence Spiders off for another turn or two, but IIRC there was a general consensus saying they wanted their inclusion. The obvious big ticket item here is going for the seven factory cathedrals, which I hope to pay off handsomely next turn (provided nothing goes horridly awry), and I wasn't sure how StarJaunter wanted me to classify the war coordination so I just put it as 'Call Ulthwe'.
-[ ] Jach'Uchil Expedition: 4 + ships
I'm a mite embarrassed to only be throwing four dice at this instead of my original six planned, but we only have so many ships right now. Another reason to do the 'mass produce Maze Skiffs' project, but c'est la vie. Optimistically should give us ~12 AP, realistically I'm thinking 6 or 9.
-[x] 40 Million: 4 + Feast + stockpiles
With the stockpiles and number of elementals running around I feel confident that Tocha should be fairly quickly colonized. My primary concern is whether or not we're going to be able to connect with it going forward to get the AP it produces. The two answers to that I have thus far are "have the Raptok build a Gate of Auspicious Passage" or "have the Mosok build transports back". My preference is to have the Mosok produce the 9 Maze Skiffs for 36 AP option, provided we can spare a pair of Atelier Manses on them. The idea is to have each of the skiffs run a route between each world in the sector ("Valki to Tocha, Tocha to Tokat, Valki to Khyral" etc) which should get us to just about 'anywhere to anywhere'.
(the piety-focused plan comes tomorrow)
What arks are you infusing? There are no empty arks right now. Build arks this turn and infuse them next if you want more with you.
You forgot the Templeforge.Luminous Herald of Dawn: 5 + Ondar Shambol + Atelier x5 + exotics x8 + FC + ship