Massively impractical to create. Possibly less so once we colonize that system with the asteroids. Also: Dragon Voltron! Either Noble Warstriders of each of the main magical materials or common of each Jade that use Fusion mechanics to become a single N/A Warstrider.
They're not going to be the only such site we find, and I think having dedicated Royal Warstrider forces defending what are, honestly, probably some of the most important strategic locations in the Realm is entirely reasonable. I hope to eventually Creationform Jach'Uchil, but that's not happening for some time yet anyway.
As to Voltron, the first warstrider mentioned was meant to be part of a set (a badger-shaped warstrider that swam through the earth, a Giant Enemy Crab built to support Tidal Host operations, a Mothra-scale flying Warstrider who would be partnered with a Storm Host that always marched under a storm....) but...I haven't figured out how best to make them synergize properly rather than just be a meme
That said, I kinda want to see how well researching Notice-Me-Not would work with the Jade Ramship idea. What's better than a blinged out chariot that does 3 HLs base of damage and primes the enemy for boarding? The same that the enemy
keep forgetting about. The idea is that this helps them ambush when there's something more interesting nearby (wreckage, asteroids, space station, another ship actually shooting at them etc) and thus are occasionally caught comedically unawares. I don't know if I should expect this system to be something like the 'must spend Mosok dice on upkeep' or require component space, but as a benchmark I'm figuring it'll probably be something like the Globes; "You
could run this on everything, but it'd get expensive fast"
Which synergizes with another ship type I'm planning on making, which is another Chariot that is built around being able to take a hit and keep on swinging; Elektrum with ox-body and extra purchased HLs and just enough gun to keep dance partners interested.
Now I can see shining flower becoming an enemy of chaos not because they are enemies of the Sun... but because their knife skills while carving out hearts are unworthy of the sacrifice being made. get gud scrub or your heart will be the next to be sacrificed.
I mean, you
can think less of someone because they're Creatures of Darkness
and their heart-carving skills were subpar, right?