Dragon Kings in the 41st Millennia (Exalted/40K Empire)

Claiming of Tocha
[X] Plan Queen of the Battlefield V2

-[X] Elemental Fury. The orks in the mines are all destroyed in collapsing mines, earthquakes, and exploding pipelines.

At the beginning of the attack a small force is sent north bearing the stockpile of Yasal crystals keyed to unleash elemental fury. Mines are made to collapse, oil refineries burn and their pipelines ignite beyond all possibilities (not that Ork safety measures would have resisted even a normal fire) causing all the scrapyards and squigpits of the north to collapse or burn and leaving nothing their but the scattered remnants of orks that always exist where they have ever existed. Until we cleanse them.

-[X] Specialist: +15% Ork Casualties

The Commander of the forces which engaged in "simulated" battle with the Orkati ended up in command of the Tocha Invasion force. Here she used her understanding of Ork nature to present fronts which looked 'Ard enuff to have a go. while not looking impossible to overcome. This would draw on ork instincts and cause them to sally forth from their defenses and become vulnerable to reprisals, increasing the number of orks slain through the battle by 15% over the course of four months. Resulting in almost half the orks slain under the daiklaive, spears, claws, and essence of the attackers.

9.982 Million orks dead by direct battle.

-[X] Clockwork Legions fully repaired

She directed her healers to keep the clockwork legions as operational as possible, knowing the sturdy metal warriors could soak up more damage than those same healers could compensate for.

Clockwork Soldiers considered fully functional.

-[X] 6.4 Million dead orks (use ten more stockpiles)
-[X] 50% Boost to effect of Devotional Cannon

Mosok infiltrators were sent into the town to act as spotters for the artillery. Allowing each shell to be dropped with terrible precision on orks behind the front lines who would die without ever even seeing a Dragon King.

9.6 Million orks dead through artillery fire.

-[X] -15% DK Losses

Draculee Shikari teams are sent to slay the most powerful (and clever) Ork Nobz as soon as they are spotted, preventing them from racking up kills against the Legion. In a few cases there are even dramatic stories of a warrior on the verge of falling be given a moment in frozen time to collect themselves, receive advise from a Draculee who could not interfere directly, and than manage to pull themselves out of trouble.

New Total Losses: 15,786

-[X] Steal Shadow: No effect now, but with clever timing the Warboss will leave the Cities defenses and charge out into a trap, allowing large losses to be inflicted AND than triggering infighting among the orks.
-[X] Bring in 10 Logistics Stockpiles, 10 Grace Stockpiles, 10 Standard Stockpiles & 10 Draconic Legions

Properly timing the effect through divination to allow reinforcements to arrive and be ready but not give the orks time to prepare for the new forces in place the Sorcerers work together to cast a spell to steal the Warbosses shadow and taunt him and the other orks that might resist his reign with visions and torments culminating in a desperate last raid from the orks timed to occur just as the Reinforcements arrive but before the Orks can realize they are there.

The last 418,000 orks flood out of the city, cries of Waaaagh! rumbling from their lips.

With a fierce invocation to the Sun and no more tricks (not from lack of tricks but a desire to mix it up personally before the enemy ran out of orks). The commander arrayed her forces to receive them.

Orks cannot defeat Dragon Kings we they outnumber them dozens to one, this group of a mere 5 to one bears no chance. As such the commander uses it to allow her troops practically a training battle as the orks thunder toward them, Legionnaires in front use shields to hold back the few bits of fire that randomly manage to strike Dragon King lines and at the perfect moment her voice thunders "Vrah!"

And the second line unleashes Plasma and Prayer fire. Even the thunder and weight of an Ork charge cannot bear the short range but potent weapons of the Dragon King sidearms. Dragon Kings rarely strive for range and always seem to prepare to face peer opponents, which means their chosen arms are short range by the standard of races such as humans or Eldar... but none can contest their terrible stopping power as Boyz and Nobz struck either explode in plasmaballs are physically thrown back into the oncoming horde by Holy Prayer-bolts.

What other race could stop an Ork charge with range weapons no matter how short the range, for what race would see the point in briefly stopping an ork charge a mere 30 feet in front of your lines.

Perhaps a race that has a charge more terrible than even the most Waaagh! filled dreams of a Warboss... and that needs 30 feet to get up to speed?

"For the Glory of the Unconquered Sun!" Cries the commander as she allows her Daiklaive to fall from its upraised position and about 85,000 cry out Vrah! and throw themselves at the stalled Ork lines.

Its takes a little doing but taking advantage of Uskogar's captured Shadow, we manage to destroy said shadow just at the critical moment to distract him. Not to kill him but to capture him and use his status as a Warboss and the presence of the Orkenstone to try and claim the local Orks.

It only sorta works, probably a combination of factors such as the number of orks on Tocha outnumbering the Orkati, Uskgoar being defeated and very distant from remaining orks, and our unfamiliarity or research into the procedure. We manage to secure about 8.71 million orks under the control of the Orkenstone from the second continent. The rest rebel fight among themselves and the controlled orks. This leaves them terribly open to the Jungle host at their back and allows us to transfer troops to the second continent.

In the end about 4.5 million orks remain under our control on Tocha and we quickly build a temporary manse who geomancy allows them to stay under control, if not be controlled even if the Orkenstone bearer leaves.

Over the course of the last clash and the mop up operation on the second continent and additional 6228 Dragon Kings die after the effects of Grace are applied. -4 Grace stockpiles.

For the rest of the year and the next year some troops are used to insure the orks stay gone and have no hold outs while others combine their paths with millions of Orks worth of labor to start preparing the world for colonization.

Total Rewards: 115.5 million orks dead, 4.5 million orks subverted (Total Tokati Waaagh! now 5.5 million Orks). 22,014 Dragon Kings dead (4.5 Legions) -30 Standard Stockpiles, -8 Grace stockpiles, -1 Elemental Stockpile. 4 Success prepared towards colonization, 4/50 success needed to sterilize world of feral Ork spores (note these successes towards colonization are not a standard thing, just a taste of what Leeayta bonus to conquering could provide.)

This was going to be posted at the start of Turn 45, but I realized it involves a choice you probably want to make before you work on Turn 45 budgets so I am posting early.

A combination of undercovering an utilizing the secrets of Wyld travel and meeting the Rogue Trader has inspire some half completed projects and unlocked understanding within our Savants. Another way to travel utilizing the Shinma, Nirupadhika, that which is everywhere because it has no location. We can Interface with the Shinma's synaptic pathways and calculate a trajectory to travel somewhere else, effectively faster than light.

Nirupadhika Synapse Interface: The Interface system involves spending time as still as possible relative to a system's primary, calculating the travel pathway through Nirupadhika's Synapses to the chosen destination. The longer spent calculating the further you can go although there are optimizations based on power consumption, calculation time, and most tricky of all, a process called interfacing which involves attuning the vehicle to the specific, very specific location of origin. This means a ship's travel time is mostly spent holding still in between Synapse jumps, this leaves a vessel vulnerable to interception, since if they move or maneuver, they will lose all progress towards their interface jump. The larger the ship the longer it takes to interface at all (more attunement needed) but the further they can travel in one jump, even compared to small ships taking more jumps in the same amount of time. Jumps can occur inside a star system but this dramatically increases interface time and shortens range. For larger ships this often means it's not worth doing as it would be faster to travel there the old-fashioned way. Jumping into an enemy formation may be possible but again would almost certainly involve your ships sitting still for long enough to be intercepted if the enemy is capable of doing so.

So which of these is what you discovered, keep in mind the one you don't choose cannot later be researched. Its turns out to be not how this works and is either impossible or if discovered later so different your insight into the chosen option does not help even slightly. Choose under the assumption the other choice is locked out.

[ ] Skyship Interface: Small ships can complete the interface sooner but their jumps need must be far smaller. For the smallest, a drive installed on a Roc Frame allows in-system synapse jumps within the time-frame of a single combat turn… barely. Larger skyships like the Aerial Skiffs and Skyremes will require longer to interface but overall skyships can move about roughly the speed of light inside a system… or close enough the strategic implications are the same. Once they clear the system they are able to move faster, but between the limits of the drives and the limited endurance such small ships have they are considered sub-sector only range limits, 4-6 light years. Anything beyond this would require frequent stops or being unable to return. Rocs can be installed with the Interface system without a major redesign but that would cost us some space for assault troops, ie they would only be able to house one Naval Phalanx rather than the theoretical two. Larger skyships will require specific designs, like replacing armor for the Assault Skyreme. An Aerial Skiff with an interface can act as an FTL freight for a subsector as well as enabling much faster travel within a star-system.

If we pick this make this subchoice, you do not get to mix and match, all Assault rocs will be the same design.
- [ ] Rocs are STL: No change, we decide not to use the system on the smallest possible skyship that can fit it.
- [ ] Rocs are FTL: We install the system on all Rocs slightly increasing their cost and lowering their payload when moving assault troops (but not affecting them as Strikecraft) +4 AP per 10 Roc Squadrons.
- [ ] Rocs are Modular: We redesign the Rocs so that the NSI can be removed and full troop capacity can be deployed with about 5 hours of work. This radically raises the cost but allows flexibility. +8 AP per ten roc squadrons.

[ ] Void Vessel Interface: A full component that must be installed inside a void ship like any other FTL system. Albeit the interfaces are svelte and only use half the volume of a Way Travel Chancel and are slightly cheaper. Void Vessel interfaces are far slower, taking many hours even for the smallest ships in ideal conditions. For large Directional Titans multiple days even outside a system. Inside a system it's so slow it is faster to travel outside the system the same as with essence drives before starting the Interface. The Larger the ship the longer it must wait between Synapse jumps but the scaling of length of jump increases so the true interstellar speed of a ship goes up as a vessel gets bigger. This can create difficulties of a fleet not being able to move together if not the same size and synchronized fleet jumps would be one of the focuses of additional research in NSI technology. Chariot sized ships would be roughly the same speed as current way travel ships (assuming no navigators, no beacons, no Void Abacuses, and no WGoPS), with larger ships being faster. Even the biggest ships will not be as fast as either Way Travel ships fully optimized with all possible upgrades or willing to take the risks traveling that fast without upgrades entails though. Another line of research for improvements would be introducing a risky emergency mode to the Interface, like a form of forced Attunement or allowing fleets to act as if a heavier unit. Still even pushed to the max these bonuses will not be as fast as Wyld Travel with the same investment.

If we pick this make a subchoice about which method of FTL will be the default. Any time I provide a "Free" design or ship due to omake rewards or good rolls or something it will be the default choice. Default choice of FTL will have slightly easier research paths and the costs for the drives will change as your savants focus on one of the very complicated methods of bending space and time to your will. Note: if you try to make regular use of both systems rather than just choosing one there will likely be upkeep charges involved as you are pulling a limited supply of experts in too many directions. This is meant to be a racial choice (but we can occasionally make an exception) not a per ship choice.
- [ ] NSI is default: NSI drives are 8 AP and half a slot, Wyld Drives go up to 12 AP and full slot.
- [ ] Keep Wyld as Default: Wyld Drives stay 10 AP and 1 slot, NSI drives are 10 AP and half a slot.

Note: Just in case its not clear, as far as other races are concerned this is just another way to use the Warp, not a non-Warp method of FTL. Objectively its about as related to the Warp as the Eldar Webway so you probably cannot convince them they are wrong.
Note: Just in case its not clear, as far as other races are concerned this is just another way to use the Warp, not a non-Warp method of FTL. Objectively its about as related to the Warp as the Eldar Webway so you probably cannot convince them they are wrong.
That is still a radical difference that the emperor himself was doing a personal megaproject to get humanity access to.
I'm leaning towards this one as it increases the operational range of our skyships and the flexibility of our rocs.
[ ] Skyship Interface
- [ ] Rocs are Modular: We redesign the Rocs so that the NSI can be removed and full troop capacity can be deployed with about 5 hours of work. This radically raises the cost but allows flexibility. +8 AP per ten roc squadrons.
Would it be feasible to build stationary gates or would those be subject to the same issues as ship scale Auspicious Gates? And would such stationary gates be able to spam openings since they never move, still need to spin up for locations that don't have a receiving gate or still need to spin up for every opening?
Would it be feasible to build stationary gates or would those be subject to the same issues as ship scale Auspicious Gates? And would such stationary gates be able to spam openings since they never move, still need to spin up for locations that don't have a receiving gate or still need to spin up for every opening?
No gate, what interfaces goes and once gone it needs to interface again to move again. You may be able to use geomancy to make an area easier to interface from but that is both high end research and still not spamming speed. More like, we can do a jump from planet to interstellar void at interstellar void jump speeds, saving some time traveling out system.
I tend to see our lightships/skyships more as light system monitors than corvettes. This can give our heavy Voidships more flex in where we can send a fleet to, but I can also see how having lightships that are ftl capable would be useful. If they can be attached as parasite craft then maybe they can be used as detachable forward scouts if they can be made stealth as well.
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So basically picking between strategic speed and tactical speed right? But we got the Warp drives for strategic use, and tactical FTL is a pain in the ass to counter, as the Eldar well prove.

[X] Skyship Interface
-[X] Rocs are FTL

I'm not sure the versatility is worth it compared to developing a dedicated transport while the rocs specialize as strikecraft
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[X] Skyship Interface
-[X] Rocs are Modular: We redesign the Rocs so that the NSI can be removed and full troop capacity can be deployed with about 5 hours of work. This radically raises the cost but allows flexibility. +8 AP per ten roc squadrons.
I really like the idea of our civilian transport ships being able to make use of the NSI to just exist from one system to the next, with minimal chance of interception. Not taking advantage of our advantages with Warp travel though seems to be forgoing an advantage we'd already have.

So far, FTL possibilities that occur to me;
-Way Travel; we've already got this unlocked at its most basic, we're working to get Navigators and can get Void Abacuses to perform roughly on par with Imperial ships within the light of the Astronomicon. We might be able to make smaller Astronomicons by shaping Waypoints to act like lighthouses, but that's not something we're ready to tackle right now. A long road, but one we can borrow from other species' tech trees for. Basically I intend to ape what other Warp-using races do and just lean on "we're Dragon Kings, we're just awesome like that" for most of our work.
-NSI at the 'bigger is better' level; I like the idea of just teleporting entire ships from one point to another, and it gives incentive to keep ships at approximately the same level ('all templeship pantheon fleet'?) to avoid "we sent our escorts out two weeks before our capitol ships so they'd arrive at the same time" scenarios. As I just mentioned I see strong advantages for our civilian craft, but making it solely the remit of civilians seems like it'd be losing a lot of potential. Not sure how to best take advantage of this.
-Void ship scale Gates of Auspicious Passage. We already (sorta) have one of these set up linking Tokat to Ophelis on the ground, but those aren't going to move ships through. I intend to have a few of these linking sectors or subsectors as auxiliary infrastructure whatever we go with, but that also is sort of a self-limiting system (only so many ships can go through at a time) so making everything rely on that is going to require us to go for a small, elite fleet that we hope isn't needed too many places at once. Supporting inter-Segmentum fleet movements, both for ourselves and people we like (Ulthwe, cough) though it comes out smelling of roses.
-Gaining Webway access. Something that will surely happen any day now, and Creogarch said that if I keep holding my breath really hard it'll happen even sooner. More seriously though, if we're going to tackle the Dark Eldar we're basically going to learn about the Webway eventually and I don't see us not using it after a while. Probably not something we'd rely on though.
-Godspeed Motivators. I like them for system monitors' mobility and am willing to pitch their use as inter-system tools for supplemental ships (exploration, colonization, trade etc) but I don't see the thread finding the time and effort to research them in the foreseeable future.
-Mass Effect Relays/Tyranid FTL tunnels. Slower than pretty much anyone else's (the 'Nids don't care, they're not in a rush to be anywhere but dinner) we might unlock something like this researching time and space manipulation techniques. More work on an infrastructure level, and as such probably works best going places we already have a presence.
-Necron Inertialess Drive; would require %@(#&^ [error: data loss] and likely result in [TREZYN THE INFINITE WANTS YOUR LOCATION] but is supposed to be very, very good (and we'd likely be able to apply both Autochthonian engineers and Crystal path users to this reverse engineering research) and if we can pull it off it's likely a very, very good tech.
-Tau 'skip' drives: lol, no. We have Way Travel and don't need to worry about the denizens of the Warp. We can pass on this.

There might be others, but that seems to be enough to be going on with, hmm?

- [ ] Keep Wyld as Default: Wyld Drives stay 10 AP and 1 slot, NSI drives are 10 AP and half a slot.

Should I assume 'military ships use Wyld Chancels, civilian ships use NSI' is still drawing too much on that limited savant brainspace to avoid the upkeep penalty?
-Void ship scale Gates of Auspicious Passage. We already (sorta) have one of these set up linking Tokat to Ophelis on the ground, but those aren't going to move ships through. I intend to have a few of these linking sectors or subsectors as auxiliary infrastructure whatever we go with, but that also is sort of a self-limiting system (only so many ships can go through at a time) so making everything rely on that is going to require us to go for a small, elite fleet that we hope isn't needed too many places at once. Supporting inter-Segmentum fleet movements, both for ourselves and people we like (Ulthwe, cough) though it comes out smelling of roses.
Only so many ships go through at once, but it is instant travel. So it balances out, honestly. Because it is a strategic and logistic dream.

Like tell an Inquisitor about all our methods of travel and watch as the first Inquisitors fall to a Xenos species rather than Chaos.
Somewhat, yeah. But if we get a warning that X system is going to be attacked and we need to move forces en masse, or we're trying to supply a hive world with food we're going to be faced with certain bottlenecks. I'm not saying they aren't great, but they're intended to be supplementary, not our primary means of FTL.

Like tell an Inquisitor about all our methods of travel and watch as the first Inquisitors fall to a Xenos species rather than Chaos.

Depends on the Inquisitor, and I doubt we'd be the first race to tempt an Inquisitor. Even leaving aside out and out bodyjacking like Tyranids can sometimes do, Eldar alliances and Tau boarder worlds are a thing, so...
Should I assume 'military ships use Wyld Chancels, civilian ships use NSI' is still drawing too much on that limited savant brainspace to avoid the upkeep penalty?
Correct, Dragon Kings already get choices others don't. When you get Imperium of mankind sized you can talk about having subempires that use different tech from each other

you also already had one, make a relic of sunburst portal evocation. On a solar templeship it can allow the whole ship to move, make sure you have a spare one to come back. Will require lots of relics and constantly re-empowering them, which would manifest as increased upkeep if you were using it as primary system rather than an emergency trump card.
Still waiting for a few more votes, in the meantime how do you feel about Expy races or human worlds? Ir how hard should I work at filing off the serial numbers if I am using another race. Just call them out right away with normal names, half hearted hiding or do you want me to avoid it or work hard to hide my inspiration to avoid breaking immersion?
Case by case basis probably. You could be pretty up-front about, say, a Gears of War planet as that fits pretty well thematically, but 'we found the Krogan homeworld' is a bit more jarring.
Disguised, sure. Otherwise we'd probably see some get confused and try to loot the 'crossover'
scribbles out plans... guess I need a name for the nearby aliens than...

***plays around with alien species name generator*** What about Vakku? Is that anything it could get confused with? I am also liking Chaldon, but that seems more like a world or system than a race name. Chaldoni maybe?
[X] Skyship Interface
- [X] Rocs are FTL

I too would rather they be inspired by a thing than direct copies, but I know how much more work that is. Some examples I can think of are better fits than others and would need less work to feel appropriate in 40k.
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Honestly the names are the things I most want to take from them. Coming up with names is one of my big struggles as a writer.

So it looks like skyships are pretty settled on. The fight just seems to be whether Rocs are all NSI equipped or if you will pay the upcharge to make them modular.
I should probably vote.
-[X] Rocs are FTL

This is approval voting. We want to keep costs down, and until we have enough Naval Phalanx teams to matter I'm willing to 'only' deliver one at a time.

[x] Void Vessel Interface
- [x] Keep Wyld as Default

That said, I like the idea of being able to move voidships around too.

Will we be able to research the Voidship version of the NSI or will we have to take the lesson?

We'll need something else to help things along, we can't just research it.
Will we be able to research the Voidship version of the NSI or will we have to take the lesson?
Yeah you are choosing what NSI tech is with this vote.

The thing not chosen is just not what NSI tech is. If an FTL possibility comes up later it has no connection to NSI, even if it happens to follow the same mechanical ruleset. Which is super unlikely as I am unlikely to use it again unless you hammer the FTL gatcha system until all the candy comes out.

Everyone who is voting for skyship FTL is also voting against having ships with the NSI tech and if anyone voted for ship tech they are voting against skyships having FTL.