Dragon Kings in the 41st Millennia (Exalted/40K Empire)

would a Wondrous Globe of Precious Stability cost a slot on a ship or just AP?
It would not cost a slot, it would cost upkeep, AP, power, and logistics though. Building them also one of the things that Requires Factory Cathedrals to even do at all.

Of course I am pretty sure you cannot both benefit from the effects of Fae Way charms AND a Wondrous Globe of Precious Stability.

Either gives you speed in the Warp that can compare to the Chaos faction and for similar reasons, ie deals with Daemons/Raksha or a smooth path deeper in the Warp (although for them it is due to Patrons smoothing the way)
It would not cost a slot, it would cost upkeep, AP, power, and logistics though. Building them also one of the things that Requires Factory Cathedrals to even do at all.

Of course I am pretty sure you cannot both benefit from the effects of Fae Way charms AND a Wondrous Globe of Precious Stability.

Either gives you speed in the Warp that can compare to the Chaos faction and for similar reasons, ie deals with Daemons/Raksha or a smooth path deeper in the Warp (although for them it is due to Patrons smoothing the way)
The Globe prevents Raksha, but neither Faeblooded nor trained Psykers, from entering its AoE and imposes a penalty on Fae Charms affecting objects or people within the AoE which Perfect Reckoning Technique doesn't do. It just lets you know the right route to take, much like a Navigator being able to function inside Gellar Fields.
Admittedly true. My colonization plans had been something to the effect of
-finish colonizing Ophelis Prime
-establish Jach'Uchil colony
-keep pumping out Continuing Grace once we have some population space
-send colony efforts to Atlaaki and Hatra to get them started
-look into how to rush colonization of Tocha practically overnight before systematically picking off Ork systems and adding them to our list of conquests

Approximately in that order.

That seems like a sensible plan, assuming no sudden opportunities or issues pop up of course.

Regarding the choices, I'm leery of the Perfected Warrior, they sound amazing but warping the nature of a Dragon King soul like that sounds...perverse in a way.
It feels like a step too far, death and rebirth are fundamental to the Dragon Kings and the apparent cost if failed candidates being burnt out permanently before they even have their first life?

Too much, too heinous for the Dragon Kings at this point I think.
Faeblooded nor trained Psykers, from entering its AoE and imposes a penalty on Fae Charms affecting objects or people within the AoE which Perfect Reckoning Technique doesn't do. It just lets you know the right route to take, much like a Navigator being able to function inside Gellar Fields.
Unless they are going somewhere the pilot is familiar with it requires a Way-Shaping action. Which seems the kind of thing that would be blocked or at least face the five dice penalty. Which is not to say that a Fae blood might not be better at navigating the Wyld than a non-enhanced Dragon King even without charms but I don't think they would beat a Navigator. Maybe a fae blooded navigator? Thats probably using the same conceptual perception space though.
Navigators do sound like a stable bloodline of fae blooded, with some weird Patriarch mechanics yeah. They even have the Balor style eyes of doom that they can learn.
That seems like a sensible plan, assuming no sudden opportunities or issues pop up of course.

I do not expect it to go down that way, of course, but all the same some preparations can probably be undertaken; an increase in in-system transport will probably be useful in setting up Jach'Uchil & shipyard production. I'm torn between the more AP-efficient Manta projects or go for making more Skyremes that also help bolster our defenses. Likewise, spending the effort to make Tree Spires (and later the Ironwood Wreath) should lower DCs considerably, but that's going to be a concerted effort and I doubt we're going to complete the Ironwood Wreath anytime soon. (Incidentally I think the Ebonite research might help lower successes needed for that, but I'm not positive).

Spending ~2 turns making Archgenesis and Benediction Arc supplies should help us set up Jach'Uchil right quick and I'm considering doing that as we'll have the system defenses already in place and I want to have both the Temple to Leeyrta and Martian Manse up so we can have some really good generals when we start invading planets. Plus I suspect the next level of training grounds will help us make our troops more elite, though once again that's speculation. (I'm also debating the merits of trying to get Raise the Puissant Sanctum completed so we can kick in the door and immediately have a toehold wherever we go, but that's mostly me daydreaming about all the bells and whistles.)

Would using divination (either Astrological or Vision-Questing) to find a good window to send a colonization effort out-sector be a reasonable way to avoid orks, or would it be better to just grit our teeth and send an escort?

@StarJaunter Can we get multiple colonization packages bundled together for efficiency? Likewise, can we have Atlier successes chip away at it without needing to assign AP or are the components too complicated for an autocomplete like some of the stockpiles?
Unless they are going somewhere the pilot is familiar with it requires a Way-Shaping action. Which seems the kind of thing that would be blocked or at least face the five dice penalty.
Wait. Even aside from the argument that way shaping shapes the Wyld outside the shield and there's nothing stopping you from casting out (or the one about the Waking version, basically a rip of the Solar Charm of the same name, would still be useful), do Way Travel Chancels not function on the same principles as Way Shaping? I thought that was why we were getting help from a Ferryman to design them.
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@StarJaunter, is there a ruling on if Way Travel Chancels do or do not operate on Way Shaping principles?

The chancels are intended to allow a construct of the size of 40k ship to enter and exit the Wyld/Warp in areas where the veil is thin, usually a couple weeks travel from all planets and stars in the system. This utilizes the ability to enter a Sanctum that both Dragon Kings and spirits have access to and does not require a way grace or way shaping to happen. Once in the Wyld the ship may be guided by a Dragon King Pilot via not Way shaping but via the Principle of Vision Questing. A Fairfolk guide with Way graces (or Daemons with appropriate abilities) can guide a ship much more effectively via Way shaping or charm use of the Way grace but that is something the guide/ferrymen is doing, not a principle in the ships design or engine, baring some special ship meant to work with such pilots. Navigators and Fairfolk guides who aren't trying very hard can guide a ship through the Warp/Wyld better due to their ability to observe things others cannot, and it must be said, between their Paths and artifacts, a prepared Pterok Pilot does not fall that far short of such guides.

The true benefit of an Imperial Navigator lies in the Astronomicon acting as a massive galactic spanning beacon to allow jump of dozens or hundreds of lightyears at a time without much greater risk. In games mechanic terms, all human navigators benefit from a massive galactic scale bit of Geomantic infrastructure giving them a difficulty reduction. The benefit of a Raksha or Daemon guide lies in them using either their own native (or their patrons) powers to manipulate the Wyld/Warp itself to drag the ship along, ie Way Shaping.

In between actions such as the use of Perfect Reckoning Technique or its Daemonic equivalents does not obviate the need to either guide the ship or way shape it to the destination, merely it acts as a potentially even more potent version of the Astronomicon. It does not matter if you know exactly where you are in the warp and where you are going if you lack the ability to steer the vessel from here, to there. It is the Warp/Wyld afterall. Here be monsters, indeed.

Truly allying yourselves with the force of Ruin (or say the Onyx Court) comes not from their wayfinding ability, but from their ability to smoothly steer one through the various and vast perils of the warp. For the races Fallen to Chaos the costs in lives, time, ruin, and mutation saved of course is usually lost as tribute to their patrons. As a magical race with capacity of your own talking to a relatively small court of Warp beings you can negotiate for a better deal than most get... if you are willing to deal with Fairfolk/Daemons of course.

You are not helpless even with merely your own unaided skills. Typically an area of the Warp considered safe to travel would be considered middlemarches. A week in the warp would spawn a Willpower and Essence roll at difficulty 3. You have to endure 2 to three rolls (this is something the navigator or fae guide shrinks from three to two) to make a Quest. Dragon Kings allowed on a ship would have at least Essence 3 and Willpower 5 and gain +2 extra from their nature. Thus rolling ten dice versus the all to common three the average human crew would roll without a gellar field. Thus this is almost always achievable for Dragon Kings, even if they are walking and have no talismans, ship based wardings, or divine blessings to aide them. After this time whoever is leading the Quest rolls Perception + Occult (hence why it will almost always be a Pterok). A Pterok chosen for this purpose will have at least 8 dice and be considered nigh incompetent at the task if so (a Pterok could reach 15 dice even without artifacts, aide or elder status). Here they need more of course, they must accumulate 6 successes (to get to a world in the same subsector), which may mean going another three rounds of mutation risk to reach your destination, especially if you letting someone of dubious qualifications lead you.

This of course is the joy of a vessel. A single skilled guide may move thousands of individuals and tons of cargo in one go, a feat impossible without a ship except maybe under the behest of Celestial charms.

Thus a group of dragon kings totally naked and bereft of all direction in the Wyld still have a non-zero chance of reaching something that might be called a destination, although there may be some minor mutations and one may refuse to leave at the end of the journy. They are a race of basically Demigods forged to guard the borders of reality afterall.

A crew on a ship would be equipped with +3 amulets. Would conduct rituals to bolster themselves and pray to gods to offer them protection. The ship would likely have Jade Obelisk in its core near its most sensitive bits, lowering the risk over everything within a mile to only Bordermarch level while still letting them ship move at Middlemarch speed. Thus most of the ship would be only needing to roll 2 successes on their now 13 dice. Sensitive cargo or passengers (like colonists) could be moved closer to the Obelisk or retreat into warded rooms which offer complete protection from Middlemarch and reduce Deep Marches to Bordermarch levels. Ditto if a warp storm flared up to Deep wyld when no one was expecting it, the crew can fall back as long as its only temporary. A pilot, lets presume you got a hotshot Pterok who needs his Dragon Tear Tiara to actually reach 15 dice can handle the navigation while everyone else maintains the ship, fight of Raksha invaders (who will also be subject to wards causing a negative 3 to their dice pool) or works to treat the few poor fools who get mutated. While getting 6 success on 15 dice isn't a given such a pilot would on average manage it and would rarely need more than two rolls.

Assuming you can get a Wondrous Globe of Precious Stability or a completely warded ship you may be able to risk moving in the Deep Warp where most dare not go. Your rolls would be more dangerous but with such protections they are no risk to you and you make rolls every day, a pure multiplication of speed, even aside from shortcuts which such a ship may allow. Note due to the nature of things a Navigator or Guide must be exposed to the warp on some level or they cannot actually Quest/Steer the ship to the destination. Thus you may have to design ships with parts sticking outside the protection of the Globe or the Jade Obelisk for the Navigator to live in, assuming you manage to make the whole rest of the ship super safe.

A navigator (or fairfolk) as mentioned can get by on just two mutation checks instead of three and usually is adding on to this roll with extra dice. If he can get a beacon or can somehow apply location magic through the warp he can get reduced number of successes needed.

Because this is an empire game I will certainly not roll for every dragon king on every ship that moves, that would be ridiculous although potentially give accurate results because I am sure a few gain mutations or perish on every trip. Certainly do on human vessels and they have gellar fields. Once you get big enough I will not even roll everyone once per ship for similar reasons. This is just what it would be if we cared about the exact effect on a given individual. If you try to move an important human on a ship I will probably do the rolls to see what happened. If timing is important I may do the rolls to see how quickly the ship gets there. Usually this will be simplified and grow more simplified the wider your fleet and territory grows. Percentage checks to see if something bad enough to mention happened with the tools that make things safer reducing the chances of badness and risky events like a sector wide warp storm increasing it.

I think I completely lost track of what I was saying other than trying to emphasize that in this quest mechanically the Vision Questing mechanic is core to Way Travel, not having Way shaping powers.
I wonder what impact Alchemical Excellencies would have on wyrd travel based on this. Being able to guarantee a minimum level of successes with the 2nd Excellency would make it a lot more reliable.
The Kaijiu form seems like a really nice way to leverage our martial artists. At that scale actually skilled combatants are going to be much rarer than powerful combatants.
So unless things change dramatically I will assume the vote rides past the weekend and I will process the turn next week or weekend.

I wonder what impact Alchemical Excellencies would have on wyrd travel based on this. Being able to guarantee a minimum level of successes with the 2nd Excellency would make it a lot more reliable.

The nature of the thing is resistant to magic auto-succeeding it. They can still install charms that grant skills and specialties and permanent boosts to an attribute so a prepared Alchemical pilot can reach 16-18 dice (depending on Breed) before equipment bonuses, regardless of whether they were actually qualified to be a pilot before hand.

I would have to review alchemical charms to see if there are any non-excellency ones that would help.

The Kaijiu form seems like a really nice way to leverage our martial artists. At that scale actually skilled combatants are going to be much rarer than powerful combatants.

You would need to make more martial arts for them, most arts do not apply when you are shapeshifted into a Tyrant Lizard. Totally doable and expected of course to make such arts, even eventually celestial ones.
I would have to review alchemical charms to see if there are any non-excellency ones that would help.

I mean, there's some teamwork-boosting charms that lets collaborators build up impressive dice pools. If we opt for an approach where we have a coven of Navigators working together (and simultaneously training up rookies), that might reduce the number of ships we could crew at any one time but also help that ship go farther, faster.
I know this may seem a little out there but are all of you going to vote soon? I mean the vote is open and @Slamu you have been crafting a plan that I assume you are going to put up this turn for the vote. So what is going on with the lack of voting going on? :???:
I know this may seem a little out there but are all of you going to vote soon? I mean the vote is open and @Slamu you have been crafting a plan that I assume you are going to put up this turn for the vote. So what is going on with the lack of voting going on? :???:

My plan is free to be voted on as-is, and I think @F0lkL0re also submitted one (that you voted for, giving the current count 2:1 favoring F0lkL0re's plan).
I know I know, it is just a little concerning when we suddenly go from having ~7-11 voters to 2-3 voters in the span of a turn.😟
I have noticed that we tend to get more people voting during the war turns then the normal ones.

My plan is free to be voted on as-is, and I think @F0lkL0re also submitted one (that you voted for, giving the current count 2:1 favoring F0lkL0re's plan).
Considering that you have yet to properly format your plan I'm not really sure that it counts as a vote Slamu.
[X] Plan: The Plan I Made When I Was Supposed To Be Asleep
Since the reason Benediction of Archgenesis arks can't speed up red seed production is because it's an astrology thing, could an ark multiply the harvest after the timer ends?
Naturally, it'd be great fun though.

Do you have a preference on plans, veekie?

[X] Plan: The Plan I Made When I Was Supposed To Be Asleep
Since the reason Benediction of Archgenesis arks can't speed up red seed production is because it's an astrology thing, could an ark multiply the harvest after the timer ends?

We can make Archgenesis caches in two turns by burning a lot of exotic stockpiles, I'm not overly concerned in the short term and in the long term I'm expecting to have one or more plantations turning out seed caches. Part of my plans for next turn are to start just such a process (including building an ark to praise the Sun with). Incidentally, may I ask what attracts you to this plan?

On a related note, I also plan on spending lots of dice trying to shore up our divine portfolio; Anklok filling out planetary gods and celestial protectors (I'm about 60/40 favoring lions first), expanding the number of temples we have completed, building the Factory-Cathedral (Unless the 'supposed to be asleep' plan passes in which case it'll be a combination of AP towards completing the Factory-Cathedral if necessary and building the seed plantation)

How satisfied is everyone with our current population growth? Should we prioritize Magical Population Growth, or has that particular itch been scratched between the nursery forts and the occasional asking a favor from the Most High? I'm considering doing a minimal chip at Magical Pop Growth project just to start the 6 turn timer, but if no one is interested of if we think we can (or should) wait, that's another matter.

Incidentally, if and when we complete Treel's Refuge, could we get a follow-up project to dramatically increase the coverage of the tunnel network so we can rapidly move defending armies all over the planet?
I know I know, it is just a little concerning when we suddenly go from having ~7-11 voters to 2-3 voters in the span of a turn.😟

Well in my personal case

Mechanics kind of confuse me
Im not familiar with the setting of exalted
And i feel like improvement is really stagnant because i dont really now whats the difference between one type of unit to another or a piece of tech to anotjer

So im not really sure why im voting for even
Nor do i feel like votes really change things because im not even aware of what each things porpuse is and how they do compared to each other

So i mostly abstain from voting because of said factors

Overall im confused :V
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We can make Archgenesis caches in two turns by burning a lot of exotic stockpiles, I'm not overly concerned in the short term and in the long term I'm expecting to have one or more plantations turning out seed caches. Part of my plans for next turn are to start just such a process (including building an ark to praise the Sun with).
Yeah but if the answer to my question is yes, we can spend a minimal amount of AP to recharge the Ark and get 100 harvests per cycle. Useful and fairly cheap.
Incidentally, may I ask what attracts you to this plan?
I agree with most of the priorities and I find your refusal to properly format your plans off putting.
On a related note, I also plan on spending lots of dice trying to shore up our divine portfolio;
Would that include Golden Throne Aide (for more trade goods, happier gods and potentially hundreds of billions worth of worship) and the Wyld Marketplace?
I'm considering doing a minimal chip at Magical Pop Growth project just to start the 6 turn timer, but if no one is interested of if we think we can (or should) wait, that's another matter.
I'm interested in it both for the passive gains and in hopes of getting some Godblooded DKs and I agree it's not top priority so chip should be fine.
@StarJaunter is it possible to do a similar god raising ceremony to elevate the Least God of Lanka? Also, how are Dark Path Walkers able to enter Lanka if Ratatoskr eats any that get close?