Dragon Kings in the 41st Millennia (Exalted/40K Empire)

@RookDeSuit best to remove the garrisons between the arena and Hlass as when that rok comes down it's going to be with a bang and losing those units by squashing or the resulting shockwave would be embarrassing.

[X] Plan Remember a Flan
Given that we have torpedo launchers and (most of) a barracks complex on Night Faring Gem, are boarding torpedoes still an option or would we need to complete the barracks complex first?
The issue is lack of appropriate troops. Only your naval phalanx units have all the needed training and you have 6 teams which are guarding your ships.

plus is practically a suicide mission and the orks are not threatening enough to contemplate suicide missions.
Please keep in mind if encouraging boarding tactics that the ork ships have 100,000 orks each and your ships have 50 marine equivalents: they may be able to succeed at a mission on the ship like destroying a component or something but are unlikely to capture the ship themselves from sheer numbers. So what is the mission they have if you want them to board?
Only thing that makes sense is assassinating the captain IMO.
Equipment Tiers
I wonder if we'll have access to the supercombatant general again.
On the ground maybe? Considering their is at least a chance they won't get to land I am not prepping the ground side much until we get there.

Although I am working on developing Combat value for various units to help compare your guys to other 40K guys. Anyone see anything glaringly wrong with this list?

Tiers of Armor and Weapons

Ninth Tier: Humans, or equivalent, with no weapons or armor beyond clothes and hands (+60%)

Eighth Tier: Savage Weapons, Bows and arrows, furs. Dragon Kings and comparable races cannot be this low due to scales, claws and abilities inherent to essence wielders (+45%)

Seventh Tier: Primitive weapons and minimal armor, Dragon Kings with NO equipment. (+30%)

Sixth Tier: Average Imperial PDF, Best of 20th​ Century Terran Armies, Dragon Kings with barely better than naked claws gear ( +15%)

Fifth Tier: Imperial Guardsmen (Flak Armor and Lasguns), Dragon kings with good but not artifact armor and weapons. No Modifier.

Fourth Tier: Best Imperial Gear (Carapace Armor and Chain Swords), Dragon King Leaf Armor and Sword Sticks, multiple one dot artifacts. (-15%)

Third Tier: Skitari units or comparable. Dragon King Second Line equipment, multiple two dot artifacts. (-30%)

Second Tier: Power armored Sororitas units or comparable, Dragon Front Line Equipment, multiple three dot artifacts. (-45%)

First Tier: Space Marines or comparable. Dragon King Elite equipment, four dot artifacts, many three dots(-60%)

S Tier: Custodes or Comparable. Dragon Power Armor (Not Unlocked), many four dot artifacts, maybe a fifth dot. (-75%)

SS Tier: Primarch or Comparable: Celestial Power Armor (Probably not possible), multiple fifth dot artifacts. (-90%)

SSS Tier: Emperor or Comparable: Panopoly of the Unconquered Sun (Maybe a small team loaded down in relics?), Multiple N/A artifacts. (-105%)
On the ground maybe? Considering their is at least a chance they won't get to land I am not prepping the ground side much until we get there.

Although I am working on developing Combat value for various units to help compare your guys to other 40K guys. Anyone see anything glaringly wrong with this list?

Tiers of Armor and Weapons

Ninth Tier: Humans, or equivalent, with no weapons or armor beyond clothes and hands (+60%)

Eighth Tier: Savage Weapons, Bows and arrows, furs. Dragon Kings and comparable races cannot be this low due to scales, claws and abilities inherent to essence wielders (+45%)

Seventh Tier: Primitive weapons and minimal armor, Dragon Kings with NO equipment. (+30%)

Sixth Tier: Average Imperial PDF, Best of 20th​ Century Terran Armies, Dragon Kings with barely better than naked claws gear ( +15%)

Fifth Tier: Imperial Guardsmen (Flak Armor and Lasguns), Dragon kings with good but not artifact armor and weapons. No Modifier.

Fourth Tier: Best Imperial Gear (Carapace Armor and Chain Swords), Dragon King Leaf Armor and Sword Sticks, multiple one dot artifacts. (-15%)

Third Tier: Skitari units or comparable. Dragon King Second Line equipment, multiple two dot artifacts. (-30%)

Second Tier: Power armored Sororitas units or comparable, Dragon Front Line Equipment, multiple three dot artifacts. (-45%)

First Tier: Space Marines or comparable. Dragon King Elite equipment, four dot artifacts, many three dots(-60%)

S Tier: Custodes or Comparable. Dragon Power Armor (Not Unlocked), many four dot artifacts, maybe a fifth dot. (-75%)

SS Tier: Primarch or Comparable: Celestial Power Armor (Probably not possible), multiple fifth dot artifacts. (-90%)

SSS Tier: Emperor or Comparable: Panopoly of the Unconquered Sun (Maybe a small team loaded down in relics?), Multiple N/A artifacts. (-105%)

I would threadmark this in informational
Is really useful to know
Are sixth dot artifacts possible here?
They are usually called N/A or Legendary artifacts. Usually its something like make 5 or so level 5 artifacts and THAN do a level 5 artifact project to combine them. Usually there is something else going on that makes it even harder than that as well (Most are tied to Geomancy like the Realm Defense Grid, so very hard to make "equipment") A Royal Warstrider is a level 5 artifact often with a level 5 artifact AI and several level 5 and 4 artifacts weapons and equipments (like flight packs or cloaks). And The whole combined set should still be considered falling short of a single Legendary Artifact if done right.

Its not Impossible of course but making one that can be held in your hands, instead of being a super magical starship, or planet sized channeling of geomantic resources is going to be close. Certainly not something that could be mass produced enough to make units of the things.

I mean we are basically talking about the Silver Millenia setting up the Senshi. Sailor Scouts would count as a SSS tier equipped team I guess? I suppose with enough work you could create something like that? But we are talking about dedicating entire RICH star systems to mostly serve making one fang of super well equipped warriors.

I would threadmark this in informational
Is really useful to know

Still working on it, and hoping it can be fine tuned.
Its not Impossible of course but making one that can be held in your hands, instead of being a super magical starship, or planet sized channeling of geomantic resources is going to be close.
Alright, good to know. I just felt that the final two tiers need to be different, and the easiest solution, in my mind, was the creation of a tier 6.
Not possible to have any or not possible to equip a full legion with?
Celestial Power Armor is specifically designed to be worn by beings with Celestial Anima's. Its just an example of an Exalted artifact of the correct level.

So Celestial Power Armor as written is almost certainly useless to you. Coming up with something close enough to be equal but adapted for your situation may be possible (Maybe a Alchemical Cyber Dragon charm/armor combo or maybe an armor that only works with chosen. Again we are talking high end artifact armor that are just a small step down in difficulty to construct as Royal Warstriders/Titans. Expect running a group in this armor to be like fielding a Primarch and their personal elite guard or something in terms of expense of keeping it constructed and maintained.

Any ideas for better terms for the S-Rank tiers? Does everyone agree with my examples chosen, especially the skitari and Sororitas examples?
Skitari seem to run the gamut from better than imperial guard to rivaling well equipped space marines entirely depending on the Forge World they come from, but that seems right for baseline quality. Obviously space marines themselves can individually reach up to custodes level depending on age and training, but that seems about right for a baseline normal non-scout marine.
OK, so I am calling the vote on Friday.

[ ] Plan RookDeSuit
-[X] Have the Space Navy interdict the Ork's ramshackle ship escorts
-[X] Have the our Orbital Gemlord assist
-[X] Allow the Rock to go through as we know it'll land either the Arena or near Hlass

[X] Unit Placement
-[X] Stationed within seeing distance of Arena
--[X] Little Beam; 10,000 Draconic Legionnaires; the Ruby Arrows; 5000 Staran Knights; 2000 Military Stylists; 50 Celestial Stylists; all the razor beaks and all the Tokati Boyz
-[X] Hlass
--[X] 50,000 Draconic Legionnaires; 100,000 Realm Guard; 3000 Martial Legionnaires; 5000 Staran Knights; 2000 Military Stylists; 40 Celestial Stylists
-[X] Orbital Gem lord
--[X] 9,000 Draconic Legionaries; 990 Martial Arts Stylist; 10 Celestial Stylists
-[X] Warbirds
--[X] Warbirds will be splint into two groups. Group 1, along with the Angelic patrols will intercept any Ork transport that doesn't go towards the arena. Group 2 in the event that the Orks have Air units then Warbirds of 2 will engage these units.
-[X] Miscellaneous
--[X] Have all other unassigned units broadly split between 2 groups: One which will have its' units garrisoned in the land between the Arena and Hlass; The second will be garrisoned everywhere else in case he Orks pull a sneaky scheme.

[ ]Plan Slamu-Sky
Plan Sky Anvil:
- load up the Ruby Arrows and another legion in the Night Faring Gem, use the ships to goad an engagement in orbit
- Little Beam and martial artists to be included in boarding parties to help bolster their Might
- ships are to harass any ork vessel attempting to leave, keeping them pinned between Tokat and our three ships
- warbirds are to act to help boarding attempts to succeed, can be redeployed as interceptors at admiral's discretion
- objectives are in order a) keep orks from landing, b) keep them from leaving, c) board ships and Rok with an eye towards capturing it
- allowing boarding attempts on the Night Faring Gem is entirely acceptable ('oh no, whatever shall we do to have our elite troops fighting people laboring under a -5 while on the station?')

[ ] Slamu-Ground
Plan Ground Anvil:
- Ruby Arrows are to garrison the Arena
- Night Faring Gem to be garrisoned by a Volcanic and a Tidal legion (to see if either offer any particular advantage in the coming fight, this is a doctrinal experiment)
- Volcanic legion in Hlass to supplement garrison
- Jungle legions seeded around the area to help plug leakers
- PDF & standard legions act as a noose to constrict and contain ork forces
- Storm and QRF outside the quarantine as insurance in case the orks land elsewhere on Tokat
- Skyremes to descend into atmosphere to act as fire support at general's discretion
- objective is to use the ships to herd the orks to land where they were inclined to anyway, use the Arena as an anvil and our overwhelming force as a hammer to shatter the orks

[ ] Plan Starjaunter Alpha
We called Little Beam to battle, we have to make sure he gets it!

- Pull back space assets and let orks through
- Staran knights on Night Faring Gem just in case.
- When Orks land send Little Beam and a team of students to mow through them and fight the Warboss.
- Hope its a good enough fight to not disappoint Little beam.
- Send the Orkenstone bearer with a small contingent of Tokati Orks to dominate the survivors.

Advantages: Does not piss off Little Beam, May increase size of Tokati Waaagh from converts.
Drawbacks: Do not get to use space forces.

[ ] Plan Starjaunter Beta
Screw Little Beam, we built this navy and we gonna use it!

- As soon as Ork ships reach weapons range of the gem the Skyremes will go to combat speed and approach on attack vectors while the station does its job pounding the rok.
- Staran knights on Night Faring Gem just in case.
- Warbirds sent to keep fighta-bombas from threatening Dragon King Void assests, do not go after landers (we should be so lucky)
- If we are really really lucky some landers might get through the Aurichim and threaten something enough Little Beam can stomp them. We will probably not be that lucky.
- QRF on stand by in case of multiple separate landings far distant from Realm Guard Patrols.

Advantages: You (the players, not the Dragon King Empire) get to see ship battle in action and gain insight into how to proceed in ship designs and build up.
Drawbacks: Probably disappoint Little Beam. Skyreme probably will take damage and may be destroyed.
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[x] Slamu-Ground

We're competent at ground action and might be able to capture Ork constructs/asteroids for later projects. Void combat is more of a gamble than I am comfortable with at this point.