I wonder if we'll have access to the supercombatant general again.
On the ground maybe? Considering their is at least a chance they won't get to land I am not prepping the ground side much until we get there.
Although I am working on developing Combat value for various units to help compare your guys to other 40K guys. Anyone see anything glaringly wrong with this list?
Tiers of Armor and Weapons
Ninth Tier: Humans, or equivalent, with no weapons or armor beyond clothes and hands (+60%)
Eighth Tier: Savage Weapons, Bows and arrows, furs. Dragon Kings and comparable races cannot be this low due to scales, claws and abilities inherent to essence wielders (+45%)
Seventh Tier: Primitive weapons and minimal armor, Dragon Kings with NO equipment. (+30%)
Sixth Tier: Average Imperial PDF, Best of 20
th Century Terran Armies, Dragon Kings with barely better than naked claws gear ( +15%)
Fifth Tier: Imperial Guardsmen (Flak Armor and Lasguns), Dragon kings with good but not artifact armor and weapons. No Modifier.
Fourth Tier: Best Imperial Gear (Carapace Armor and Chain Swords), Dragon King Leaf Armor and Sword Sticks, multiple one dot artifacts. (-15%)
Third Tier: Skitari units or comparable. Dragon King Second Line equipment, multiple two dot artifacts. (-30%)
Second Tier: Power armored Sororitas units or comparable, Dragon Front Line Equipment, multiple three dot artifacts. (-45%)
First Tier: Space Marines or comparable. Dragon King Elite equipment, four dot artifacts, many three dots(-60%)
S Tier: Custodes or Comparable. Dragon Power Armor (Not Unlocked), many four dot artifacts, maybe a fifth dot. (-75%)
SS Tier: Primarch or Comparable: Celestial Power Armor (Probably not possible), multiple fifth dot artifacts. (-90%)
SSS Tier: Emperor or Comparable: Panopoly of the Unconquered Sun (Maybe a small team loaded down in relics?), Multiple N/A artifacts. (-105%)