Dragon Kings in the 41st Millennia (Exalted/40K Empire)

So, my thought is to let the orks land before engaging in the void. The idea is to trap the orks dirtside while the Night Faring Gem and the Skyremes attack the Rok and its escorts. We're...acutely likely to pummel the orks into the dirt on the surface but I'd like to wreck their face in the void so we A) have ships to salvage (thus I'm disinclined to use Amoth) and B) we don't have any leakers.
There won't be anything to fight in void if we let them land. And Amoth still lets us loot wrecks as long as we leave the structure itself floating around.
Added a note reminding plan makers to note the disposition of your ground forces, including how many if any are on the Night Faring Gem.
Don't want to underestimate them too much, I'd say core out the Roks with Amoth, that takes out a maximum number of orks at a minimum number of unrecyclables ruined.

And our void force is going to be mighty miffed if they spent decades preparing and not allowed to fight. So overall...grand battle then whatever gets through is ground battle fodder.
Don't want to underestimate them too much, I'd say core out the Roks with Amoth, that takes out a maximum number of orks at a minimum number of unrecyclables ruined.

And our void force is going to be mighty miffed if they spent decades preparing and not allowed to fight. So overall...grand battle then whatever gets through is ground battle fodder.
Against the Rok Amoth would remove shields and armor, it would still need at least 5 more damage to be derelicted. And because Amoth contributed it would need to be left as a derelict.

Knowing what you know about Orks you can Guess the rok will just "land" if things aren't working out well in space and taking out its shields and armor first will lead to more damage upon "landing" Since its a city smiting cannon it might even be able to shoot it again once it landed and there is no risk of a completely uncontrolled fall. However than you have a ruin on Tokat instead of Derelict in space somewhere.
We could attack the cruisers and allow the rok to "land". Although I am loath to do so as orks favor the crash landing, and I do not like the idea of them crashing damaging their ships/loot. But we don't exactly have a choice when it comes to that ether the loot gets damaged by the orks or damaged by us. On that note I would rather not use Amoth if we can help it.
[X] Plan Remember a Flan
-[X] Have the Space Navy interdict the Ork's ramshackle ship escorts
-[X] Have the our Orbital Gemlord assist
-[X] Allow the Rock to go through as we know it'll land either the Arena or near Hlass

[X] Unit Placement
-[X] Stationed within seeing distance of Arena
--[X] Little Beam; 10,000 Draconic Legionnaires; the Ruby Arrows; 5000 Staran Knights; 2000 Military Stylists; 50 Celestial Stylists; all the razor beaks and all the Tokati Boyz
-[X] Hlass
--[X] 50,000 Draconic Legionnaires; 100,000 Realm Guard; 3000 Martial Legionnaires; 5000 Staran Knights; 2000 Military Stylists; 40 Celestial Stylists
-[X] Orbital Gem lord
--[X] 9,000 Draconic Legionaries; 990 Martial Arts Stylist; 10 Celestial Stylists
-[X] Warbirds
--[X] Warbirds will be splint into two groups. Group 1, along with the Angelic patrols will intercept any Ork transport that doesn't go towards the arena. Group 2 in the event that the Orks have Air units then Warbirds of 2 will engage these units.
-[X] Miscellaneous
--[X] Have all other unassigned units broadly split between 2 groups: One which will have its' units garrisoned in the land between the Arena and Hlass; The second will be garrisoned everywhere else in case he Orks pull a sneaky scheme.

Just to get the conversation moving again.
First edit, addicted the Gem Lord. What else?

Edit2: More movement.

edit3: Moved some Celestial Stylists out of Hlass, and changed the wording of the Miscellaneous Units. Give me some time for the aerial units.
Edit4: Threw in an addition concerning Night and Day spirits.
Edit5: Moved Arena group.
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Speaking of units, how do we want to split our ground forces here?
9000 legionaries with 1000 military stylists garrisoned on the night gem perhaps.

EDIT: Had some more thoughts @RookDeSuit
Have Little Beam, 10,000 Draconic Legionnaires, the Ruby Arrows, 5000 Staran Knights, 2000 Military Stylists, 50 Celestial Stylists, all the razor beaks and all the Tokati Boyz at the arena.

Have 50,000 Draconic Legionnaires, 100,000 Realm Guard, 3000 Martial Legionnaires, 5000 Staran Knights, 2000 Military Stylists and 50 Celestial Stylists at Hlass but with the majority in hiding so it looks like the arena presents the better fight.

The rest of our ground forces will be in strategic positions around the planet just in case the rok lands elsewhere and a delaying action needs to be fought so the our forces can be repositioned.

Have the warbirds focus on killing enemy smallcraft and preventing them from boarding the night gem or landing away from the rok, after the rok has impacted landed they will switch to ether supporting the orbital battle or the ground fighting depending on if the Frigates are still alive and kicking.
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Full plan to follow, but I'm thinking something to the effect of 'full defensive garrisons in Night Faring Gem, Hlass and the Arena (The Arena?), rapid response force and Storm Legions distributed to intercept leakers, PDF in settlements'. Probably try to engage in the void in such a way to sandwich the Orks between void ships and the planet (I don't recall if city defenses can engage ships in orbit), have warbirds work to intercept landings and herd them towards the Arena.
You do not have to do complete breakdowns either.
[ ] Example
Send Ruby Arrows and 5,000 TMA stylists on the Gem and divide the rest of the forces into ten sub groups.

One sub group guards each city and major manse to defend these vital locations as well as act a a relatively fast response if orks land wonky.

For warbirds please confirm their mission type because of the way the rules work. Space Superiority increases enemy kills but will not stop the enemy from conducting their mission. A true interception mission might kill less but spoil the strikecraft/boarding/landing action and force them to try again later. (requiring rebuilding momentum for the attempt). You have two squadrons so in theory you could do one of each, or send one to duel Ork Fighters and another to target landers (where they would cooperate with the angelic protectors).
Any new plans to submit? I make no promises but I would like to get rolling on the encounter.

Probably do it in phases to keep from overwhelming myself and give you guys a chance to chime in and change plans.
Sort of waiting on Slamu to get to comparing things to vote on.
Yeah I'd like to see what Slamu will come up with before I cast a vote.

So was I, but not much to do with he goes MIA.
Well we could put in orders for the warbirds one squad taking on fighters and the other going after landing craft.

Maybe replace 10 of the military stylists on the gem with celestial ones and instead of having forces waiting in the most likely impact zone we should have them garrisoning other parts of the world.

Dou you think we should have some specific placements for the specialist legionaries?
I feel like we should keep them together so they don't get overwhelmed by the more numerous Ork Aerial Assets.
True that is a risk but it was a risk everyone accepted when we didn't complete building more squadrons, so we must decided which is the higher priority stopping the fighter craft from doing attack runs or the landers from depositing orks where we don't want them.
Sort of waiting on Slamu to get to comparing things to vote on.
Yeah I'm waiting to see what he comes up with but I am not going to let that hold me back from voting. If he comes up with something I will give it consideration, if he does not I have the consolation that I voted.
True that is a risk but it was a risk everyone accepted when we didn't complete building more squadrons, so we must decided which is the higher priority stopping the fighter craft from doing attack runs or the landers from depositing orks where we don't want them.
I say we should hit the fighters, we are well equipped to handle their ground forces and we have an idea where they are going to go. The fighters, on the other hand, are something we are more uncertain about, they're likely going to attack our void forces or support the Ork ground forces in either case we do not want them around doing anything so we sweep them from the sky.
I won't have as much time as usual this week to devote to this, but here's what I can offer:

Plan Sky Anvil:
- load up the Ruby Arrows and another legion in the Night Faring Gem, use the ships to goad an engagement in orbit
- Little Beam and martial artists to be included in boarding parties to help bolster their Might
- ships are to harass any ork vessel attempting to leave, keeping them pinned between Tokat and our three ships
- warbirds are to act to help boarding attempts to succeed, can be redeployed as interceptors at admiral's discretion
- objectives are in order a) keep orks from landing, b) keep them from leaving, c) board ships and Rok with an eye towards capturing it
- allowing boarding attempts on the Night Faring Gem is entirely acceptable ('oh no, whatever shall we do to have our elite troops fighting people laboring under a -5 while on the station?')

Plan Ground Anvil:
- Ruby Arrows are to garrison the Arena
- Night Faring Gem to be garrisoned by a Volcanic and a Tidal legion (to see if either offer any particular advantage in the coming fight, this is a doctrinal experiment)
- Volcanic legion in Hlass to supplement garrison
- Jungle legions seeded around the area to help plug leakers
- PDF & standard legions act as a noose to constrict and contain ork forces
- Storm and QRF outside the quarantine as insurance in case the orks land elsewhere on Tokat
- Skyremes to descend into atmosphere to act as fire support at general's discretion
- objective is to use the ships to herd the orks to land where they were inclined to anyway, use the Arena as an anvil and our overwhelming force as a hammer to shatter the orks

@StarJaunter Is Night Faring Gem sturdy enough to allow a theoretical Jade Mountain stylist to practice their art? I'm inclined to say 'yes' but I don't want to assume.
Please keep in mind if encouraging boarding tactics that the ork ships have 100,000 orks each and your ships have 50 marine equivalents: they may be able to succeed at a mission on the ship like destroying a component or something but are unlikely to capture the ship themselves from sheer numbers. So what is the mission they have if you want them to board?
Given that we have torpedo launchers and (most of) a barracks complex on Night Faring Gem, are boarding torpedoes still an option or would we need to complete the barracks complex first?