I won't have as much time as usual this week to devote to this, but here's what I can offer:
Plan Sky Anvil:
- load up the Ruby Arrows and another legion in the Night Faring Gem, use the ships to goad an engagement in orbit
- Little Beam and martial artists to be included in boarding parties to help bolster their Might
- ships are to harass any ork vessel attempting to leave, keeping them pinned between Tokat and our three ships
- warbirds are to act to help boarding attempts to succeed, can be redeployed as interceptors at admiral's discretion
- objectives are in order a) keep orks from landing, b) keep them from leaving, c) board ships and Rok with an eye towards capturing it
- allowing boarding attempts on the Night Faring Gem is entirely acceptable ('oh no, whatever shall we do to have our elite troops fighting people laboring under a -5 while on the station?')
Plan Ground Anvil:
- Ruby Arrows are to garrison the Arena
- Night Faring Gem to be garrisoned by a Volcanic and a Tidal legion (to see if either offer any particular advantage in the coming fight, this is a doctrinal experiment)
- Volcanic legion in Hlass to supplement garrison
- Jungle legions seeded around the area to help plug leakers
- PDF & standard legions act as a noose to constrict and contain ork forces
- Storm and QRF outside the quarantine as insurance in case the orks land elsewhere on Tokat
- Skyremes to descend into atmosphere to act as fire support at general's discretion
- objective is to use the ships to herd the orks to land where they were inclined to anyway, use the Arena as an anvil and our overwhelming force as a hammer to shatter the orks
@StarJaunter Is Night Faring Gem sturdy enough to allow a theoretical Jade Mountain stylist to practice their art? I'm inclined to say 'yes' but I don't want to assume.