Deep within Alt City, a robed figure sits in his new office, pouring over the myriad of paper-work on his desk. He's halfway through the transferal form when three short knocks come from his door, before being followed up by a series of rapid seemingly-random taps.
*Sigh*." The angel digimon puts his pen aside and frowns at the door. "You may enter." The portal rather immediately explodes open, as an eight-winged figure casually saunters in.
"Sup. I heard you got promoted."
HolyAngemon allows a rare smirk to grace his face. "Well defeating a Gloaming Lord does tend to get one noticed."
"Ah, how
very modest of you."
MagnaAngemon, snorts before taking taking a seat. "Well congrats on that. You must be pretty badass for a paper pusher if they made you a Cherub. Paha, but don't forget I still have seniority."
"Hn. Is that all? If so, leave. My new position has required reading that needs attended to."
"Actually..." The larger Ultimate turns back to look at the open door and
*glares*. The reinforced wood, bursts into motion slamming shut. "I have the scanning details you requested, but I'm concerned about one of the new entry's."
"Seraph Dominimon cleared me on bringing the Scion to Alt City."
"Nah, not what I meant. Though now that you do mention it... I don't see why we just don't just seal her and get it over with. Heck, I could just create a gate then boom!" The Ultimate slams his hands together. "No more problem. No need to risk a second coming. Astamon's already a pain in our ass and he hasn't even evolved into whatever horrible thing comes next."
"Such rigid thinking will not win us this war. Initiate LadyDevimon could very well be a very useful asset once her mind has been properly reigned in. I'd prefer more precautions be put in place, but SlashAngemon won't stand for it... and there's one other thing. Sir Scratch raised her, we owe her a chance"
"You two have waaaay too much in that glorified trainer. If he was really so freaking good he wouldn't have died out in the back end of nowhere."
"Do not disrespect him. Sir Scratch may not have been the most famous or powerful of Ultimates, but he was a good soldier and effective mentor."
"Meh. The Choir might not be willing to take that risk, even if she was raised by a member of that hero's order. They can all remember the
last time a LadyDevimon was trusted as an officer."
"If she's deemed to be too dangerous, I'll carry out the actions of what my station requires. But it shouldn't come to that, not with the current precautions in place."
"Hmm, I suppose we'll see?" MagnaAngemon shrugs. "But yeah, back to what I was saying earlier. It's not the Scion but that mutant Gryzmon. Berge or something."
"Verge." The newly promoted angel pointedly corrects. "Did the deep scan analysis provide any additional details on his data makeup?"
"Well... yes and no? It's basically just stuff we knew before, but in depth enough for some theories to be crafted. Pahaha. You really should have seen the Datamon react to the scans, they think he's a certified freak and begged me for the chance to dissect him. A tad bit more worrying are the Taomon, they think he's an unnatural abomination that needs put down... and they might not be wrong."
"I see. Will their leader take any action?"
"Nah, I don't think so. She's the most levelheaded of the bunch and should be able to stop the others from trying to *rightfully cleanse his data from this world oooh*"
"That is... acceptable. But keep watch on their number. We don't need any rogue assassination attempts."
"Getting a bit big for your robes aren't you? Giving me orders now?"
"That's not-"
"Ah, lighten up will ya? I was joking."
"Hn. Just... the report please."
"Yeah, yeah. Both groups agree that his mutations aren't natural, that kind of absurdity doesn't come into creation naturally. Somemon made him. In other words..."
"He's an artificial digimon. Like Blanc."
"Eh…" The older digimon wiggles his hand "No?"
"I'm getting to it, I'm getting to it, just. Give me a few seconds to... how did they explain it-Ah! Little miss Idol was designed after some weird stuff from beyond the gates and built from the ground up to exist in her current form. Just like that Noir creature the Gloaming have. Sure they're both pretty strong for champions, but neither are exactly cut out for the battlefield."
"But my subordinate is different."
"Yeah-huh. Quite a bit. Or... maybe that's an understatement. His creator went through the all the trouble of splicing two opposing attributes together to create him. Then they figured out how to stabilize the resulting mess, which according to the researchers really shouldn't have been possible. The Datamon
still don't understand how in God's name he's walking around, much less how it's made him so strong. Strong enough to fight a champion Legendary Warrior to a near standstill. Pah, I still don't why you lied to the press about that.
"It made for a more impressive headline. And drew attention away from something else." Holy Angemon pause for a moment, wrinkling his nose. "Do your ramblings have a point?"
"Just recently promoted and already you're giving me sass. Hmph. What was I… oh. Right. That Gryzmon of yours can evolve more naturally than the Sistermon, plus possesses deeper limits. And likely multiple possible evolution's as opposed to her one. If he lives long enough, he could hit Mega and we're not talking about something like PlatinumNumemon either. His artificial nature when paired with such power can only mean one thing."
"He's a weapon then. Perhaps even a prototype template"
"Yup. And I'm betting it was the crazy lady herself who built him. She might be making a play for power which uh, wouldn't be a good thing."
"No. No it would not. This is a disconcerting notion. But then, why let him go?"
"Field testing? That whole exploding issue maybe? She could have believed him to be a failure and tossed him out. Or maybe he just died and reincarnated, it's not like that witch can see everything. According to the reports he hatched in a village; if his early memories are accurate that is."
"And now... that weapon is under the influence of a Scion. This needs to be handled delicately."
"Pretty funny how Scratch brought so many weirdos together. Pah, retired or not if that tricky bastard was alive I'd bring him here for interrogation. There's no freaking way it can be a coincidence."
"Agreed. Is that all? I would not want to keep you from reporting this to Seraph Dominimon."
"Hmm. Just a couple more things. Whoever named that Stingmon *Beat* was a genius, from what I've heard Astamon is pissed that another pretender has risen up. So that's always fun."
"And the last thing is?"
"That Pidmon of yours.
Pit he's… more powerful than that species should allow. Then there's the reports, his growth hasn't slowed down. At all. Do you think he could be-"
"-You will be quiet about whatever assertions you're about to make. I've informed the Seraph's of my suspicions. For now he's Sergeant Pit, an exceptional warrior of the host. Nothing more. If the Gloaming suspect his true nature they'll stop at nothing to see him deleted and their assassins are not be underestimated. Or worse, they'll try to induce him to Fall."
Oh. Wow. And we're just letting him go about unsupported?!"
"It's safer not to draw attention to him. There are eyes and ears everywhere. Special attention will be noticed. A simple Sergeant is not considered a priority target."
"I see. This… methinks I need a drink."
"Normally, I'd disdain such actions.
Especially after watching Darcmon, but…" The newly promoted angel reaches down to his desk drawer and retrieves a large bottle from the compartment along with a pair of cups. "I feel like this occasion warrants it."
"Hehe, I was wrong. You're not half bad. Welcome to the rank of Cherub bub."
"Only one cup. I refuse to let you speak in front of Dominimon with a slur."
"Pah, Spoilsport."
=== Vote for 300th Page Omake!
[] Despairing Pride
[] A Lost Kotemon
[] A Conversation Between Friends.
[] The Good Old Days: Hide & Seek.
Authors Note: I kind of wrote this one out of nowhere? I loved the idea of these two just discussing the squad (since they're kind of ridiculous) plus it was a good way for me to get across some good characterization on both parties. MagnaAngemon for instance isn't quite as friendly as he first seems.