Dawn of Heroes

Name: Tamara Lyn/Fairy Knight (PL11)
Age: Biologically 25
Gender: Female
Personality: Tamara is a playful and excitable individual who maintains a cheerful demeanour. She will take everything in her stride whilst maintaining her optimistic outlook. Tamara will do her best in whatever task she is attempting but has no pride outside of that. In combat, Tamara will hold back and attempt to take her foes in alive unless they make things personal, where she will then do her best to take them down one way or another.

(Magic-Fey): Morph 3 (Animal Forms, Limited to +10 Deception bonus, Metamorph with Variable Descriptor 2 & Limited to reduced PL by 2), Regeneration 2 (1 per 5 rounds)
Ethereal Beauty (Magic-Fey): Enhanced Advantage 1 (Attractive), Feature 1 (Change the external details of your appearance/+2 Circumstance Bonus to Interaction Skills)
Faerie Heritage (Magic-Fey): Enhanced Strength 2, Enhanced Agility 2, Immunity 5 (Ageing, Starvation & Thirst, Need for Sleep, Suffocation Effects), Partial Immunity 7 (Disease, Poison, All Environmental Effects,) Concealment 1 (Regular Hearing),
Talatine (Device-Sword/Magic-Fey): Penetrating Damage 5, Weaken Fighting 2 (Resisted by Fortitude), Feature 2 (Summon to hand at will as a Standard Action), Teleport 1 (8 Metres & 24 kg/Medium: Talatine), Indestructible, Personal, Impressive, Dangerous 2, Easily Removable,
-Thrown Talatine: Ranged Damage 5, Weaken Fighting 2 (Resisted by Fortitude), Feature 2 (Summon to hand at will as a Standard Action), Teleport 1 (8 Metres & 24 kg/Medium: Talatine), Indestructible, Personal, Impressive, Dangerous 2, Easily Removable,
Torlyn (Armour/Magic-Fey): Impervious Protection 10, Continuous, Limited to Human Form, Noticeable (Shining Silver Plate Armour), Feature (+5 Bonus against Mental Attacks) & Partial Immunity 5 (Mind Control),
Minor Spells (Magic-Fae): 3-Point Power Array with 1 Alternative Effect.
-Mimicry: Feature 1 (Imitate almost any sound you heard using your voice with +10 bonus to Deception checks to convinces others that the sound is real), Feature 2 (Disguises require no preparations, +5 to Deception checks for disguises),
-Urban Camouflage: Feature 1 (+5 to Stealth checks in an Urban Environment), Concealment 2 (Regular Vision, Limited to Urban Environments),
Major Spells (Magic-Fey): 4-Point Power Array with 2 Alternative Effects.
-Healing Spell: Healing 2.
-Lighting Bolt: Ranged Electrical Damage 2.
-Teleport: Teleport 2 (32 Metres & 24 kg).
2/Fairy Wings (Magic-Fey): Flight 1 (4 MPH)

Strength: 2 (4)
Stamina: 2
Agility: 3 (5)
Dexterity: 2
Fighting: 4
Intellect: 4
Awareness: 4
Presence: 0

Dodge: 6 (8)
Fortitude: 7
Parry: 8
Toughness: 2 (12/Impervious 10)
Will: 10

Initiative +11 (13)
Unarmed +11: Close Damage 2 (4), Critical 20,
Talatine +13: Close Damage 7 (9/Penetrating 5), Critical 18-20
Thrown Talatine +5: Ranged Damage 7 (9), Critical 18-20

Acrobatics 5 (8 [10])
Athletics 5 (7 [9])
Close Combat: Sword 9 (13)
Close Combat: Unarmed 7 (11)
Deception 4 (4)
Expertise: British Politics 5 (9)
Expertise: Current Events 4 (8)
Expertise: Fey Transformation Magic 20 (24)
Expertise: General Magic 4 (8)
Expertise: Maid 6 (11)
Expertise: Politics 3 (7)
Expertise: Fey Royalty 6 (10)
Insight 3 (7)
Intimidation 2 (2)
Investigation 1 (5)
Perception 3 (7)
Persuasion 4 (4)
Stealth 5 (8 [10])
Technology 5 (9)
Treatment 2 (6)

Accurate Attack: Trade effect DC for attack bonus.
Artificer: Use Expertise: Magic to create temporary devices.
: Use Insight to learn an opponent's combat capabilities.
Attractive: +2 (+5) circumstance bonus on Deception and Persuasion checks based on your looks.
Benefit (Friend on the Force): You are engaged in a covert partnership with Inspector Brown
Benefit I (Government Influence: Tara Lane): You have minor influence within the government as Tara Lane.
Benefit (Neighbourhood Hero): Call upon local support within Whitechapel.
Benefit (Prepared Rituals): Delay the effects of a completed rituals until a time of your choosing.
Diehard: Automatically stabilise when dying.
Defensive Attack: Trade attack bonus for active defence.
Evasion: +2 circumstance bonus to Dodge resistance checks to avoid area effects.
Improved Defence: +2 bonus to active defence when you take the defend action.
Improved Initiative II: +8 bonus to initiative checks.
Instant Up: Stand from prone as a free action.
Interpose: Take an attack meant for an ally.
Languages: English, Fey
Power Attack: Trade attack bonus for effect bonus.
Quick Draw: Draw a weapon as a free action.
Ritualist: Use Expertise: Magic to create and perform rituals.
Takedown: Free extra attack when you incapacitate a minion.
Tracking: Use Perception to follow tracks.
Uncanny Dodge: Not vulnerable when surprised or caught off-guard.

Winfield Castle
Size: Huge; Tou: 8; PL11
Intellect: 6; Awareness: 3; Presence: 3
-Living Space, Magical Defence System, Technological Security System (DC20), Magical Laboratory, Magical Workshop, Technological Workshop, Power System, Sealed (Magical Barrier), Self-Repairing, Magical Portal to Elphane, Intelligent (Rebecca),

Motivation (Her Duty): Tamara is the Fairy Knight because she sees it as her duty to protect the innocent and to fight evil.
Magic over Tech: Tamara is well-acquainted with the technology of the human world and has great respect for what it can do, especially in the hands of a genius. Yet when given a choice, Tamara will choose the magic she grew up with over a more technological solution.
Enemy (Prince Auraen): Prince Auraen has not forgotten his defeat at the hands of Tamara and Sapphire Squire. Escaping his imprisonment, Tamara's cousin now seeks to get revenge on her in his self-imposed exile.
Secret Identity (Tamara Wallis): Fairy Knight maintains a secret identity as Tamara Wallis nee Lyn, widow of Benedict Wallis and mother of Alexandra Wallis.


Known Heroes and Heroic Organisations
The first costumed vigilante in both the British Isles and London, the Night appeared in early 1916. Primarily focused on fighting the Consortium and stopping the criminal empire taking advantage of the then ongoing war, the Night also focused on regular crimes and the criminals of London soon learnt to fear his presence. He vanished in mid 1919 without a trace while investigating the politician Barnaby May-Porter and his ties to the Consortium leadership.

His secret identity is Benedict Wallis, grandson of the wealthy retired politician Gareth Wallis.
The youthful squire of the Fairy Knight and aspiring heroine, Sapphire Squire relies on a mixture of physical skill, mental ability and technological gadgets. A genius and prodigy, Sapphire Squire holds her own on the streets of London and has proven herself worthy of fighting alongside her mentor. Since 25th December 1920, Sapphire Squire has gained two magical abilities from her mentor, one which allows her to change her outfit at will and provide her clothing with protective properties while the other removes her needs for sleep, food and drink.
The second squire of Fairy Knight, Onyx Squire comes from a criminal background and seeks to help the world rather than hurt it like the rest of his family. Relying mainly on his fists and hardiness, Onyx Squire has picked some equipment and magic from Fairy Knight and Sapphire Squire, the most exotic of these being his partial invisibility and complete silence.

His secret identity is David White, son of the street thug Jacob White.
Jordan Brown is a chief inspector within the Metropolitan Police. A determined man who believes in stopping criminals and protecting the innocent, Chief Inspector Brown is willingly to bend the law a little if it means seeing proper justice done.

Following his systematic dismantlement of the Dragonsteeth, Jordan Brown was promoted from Detective Sergeant to Detective Inspector. Following the arrest of the Templar, Jordan Brown has formed a formal covert partnership with the Fairy Knight.

As of 1st March 1921, Jordan Brown has been promoted to Chief Inspector from Detective Inspector under a cloud of politics, high tenses and borderline infighting amongst the Metropolitan Police.
Gareth Wallis is a wealthy man and a retired politician who has known great tragedy. The ageing man has outlived all of his family and currently lives alone in London with his butler. He was aware of his grandson's activities as the Night and covertly funded his crusade. As of January 1920, he supports and funds Fairy Knight's continuation of the Night's crusade.

Known Villains and Villainous Organisations
While some call him a hero, the Golden Knight is definitely a criminal. Appearing in 1919, the Golden Knight and his Golden Order are returning veterans of the Great War. While they fight the Consortium and claim to see justice for the people, many of the Golden Order's activities are regular organised crime and in some ways, the Golden Knight is just another crime lord who dressed up as a costumed vigilante.

On 9th February 1920, the Golden Order captured Sam Carson of the White Devils and hold him captive.
On 24th April 1920, the Golden Knight aided Fairy Knight at Anna Lucas' party.
The White Devils are a London street gang that was led by Sam Carson and backed by the Consortium. A male dominated gang that believes in the supremacy of the white Englishman, the White Devils seek to purge London of its 'foreign filth'. Covertly supported by the Consortium, the White Devils rose to prominence falling the Night's disappearance and seek to 'clean out' Whitechapel so they can turn it into their territory and use the neighbourhood as a base of operations.

On 9th February 1920, Sam Carson was defeated by Fairy Knight before being captured by the Golden Order. Following the loss of their leader, the White Devils have fallen into infighting and got systemically picked off by their foes. As of mid 1920, the gang no longer exists.

As of 25th February, Sam Carson was freed from the captivity of the Golden Order by Redcoat, presumably on the orders of the Consortium.
The Dragonsteeth were a major street gang that was founded and led by Anna Lucas. Covertly backed by the Consortium, the Dragonsteeth held a position of prominence within the London criminal underworld and the gang held great influence over several small gangs.

On 24th April 1920, Anna Lucas was defeated by Fairy Knight and later arrested by the police alongside several of her subordinates.

Between late April 1920 and early August 1920, Detective Sergeant Jordan Brown systematically dismantled the gang. He did so by arresting and putting in prison most of their leadership and membership, shutting down all of their major operations and most of their minor ones and he ruined their reputation.

As of September 1920, Cliff Gregory currently leads what is left of the Dragonsteeth with the gang having gone to ground as a remnant of their former glory.

As of April 1921, the Dragonsteeth are no more after being consumed by rivals in the gang war following the downfall of the Royal Ravens.
Levy Porter was the chief enforcer of the Dragonsteeth, a feared man for his deadly prowess. He was arrested by Detective Sergeant Jordan Brown on the 24th April 1920 after being defeated by Fairy Knight and was later sent to prison.
Levy Porter was a sub-boss of the Dragonsteeth and their main accountant. An experienced elderly man, he managed most of the gang's finances and briefly took over half of it following Anna Lucas' arrest.

He was arrested by Detective Sergeant Jordan Brown during early June 1920 and was later sent to prison.
Cliff Gregory is the current leader of what remains of the Dragonsteeth. An ambitious and dangerous man, he leads what is left of the gang after avoiding being arrested by Detective Brown.

As for 25th February 1921, Cliff Gregory is attempting to return the gang to prominence and has broken its prior ties with the Consortium.

As of April 1921, the Dragonsteeth are no more after being consumed by rivals in the gang war following the downfall of the Royal Ravens. The current fate of Cliff Gregory is unknown.
The Consortium is the top dog within the criminal underworld of London with its leadership remaining unknown to outsiders and most within the Consortium. Whilst it has sway across most of the British Isles, the Consortium is located in London where it holds the most of its power and influence.

Despite enjoying a good couple of decades of effectively uncontested dominance, the Consortium has founded itself increasing under attack in recent years with its most prominent foes being the Night, the Golden Order and Fairy Knight.
An middle-manager within the Consortium who is responsible with coordinating with outside assets. He was Windstrike's liaison when the Consortium hired her to kill Fairy Knight in March 1920.
Known as Ronald Barr in his civilian identity, the Templar is a fearsome warrior who dresses up in plate armour, styling himself after a medieval knight. Wielding his imposing war hammer, the Fist of God, the Templar is one of the most dangerous individuals on London's streets with very few capable of matching him. Having retired from the army after a decade of service at the end of the Great War, Ronald seemingly works for an Anglican organisation that seeks to purge London's streets of heretics and infidels.

He was arrested on the 18th September 1920 after being defeated by the Fairy Knight, but avoided going to prison due to destruction of evidence during his trial.
Peter Michaelson was the leader of the Royal Ravens and a member of the Consortium. The Royal Ravens were the top gang in London and the Consortium used them as a proxy to control the streets of London. Following a rash attack on the Brown family in February 1921, the full force of the Scotland Yard came down on the Royal Ravens and as of April 1921, the gang has been systemically destroyed one way or another and is effectively no more.
Allen Baxter as the chief enforcer of the Royal Ravens.

On 16th February 1921, Allen Baxter was accidentally slain by Fairy Knight in battle.
25th February 1921, the Regal Ravens split off from the Royal Ravens.

Known Civilians and Neutral Organisations
A waitress, Lydia lives with her older sister Ellen and more recently, Tamara.
A telephone operator and a feminist, Ellen lives with her younger sister Lydia and more recently, Tamara.
Barnaby May-Porter is a prominent and respected politician who has ambitions of being Prime Minister. The Night disappeared uncovering evidence financially connecting Barnaby to the Consortium's leadership.
Also known as Tedd Donald, the Squirrel is a talent and agile thief who steals from the rich as a challenge. After being caught by Fairy Knight on 10th August 1920, he has given up his life of crime.
The wife of Jordan Brown and mother of Brenda Brown and James Brown. A formerly cheerful and supportive woman, she was almost killed on the 18th February 1921. While she survived thanks to Fairy Knight's intervention, her right hand has been maimed and Eira has fallen into a deep depression.

As of May 1921, Eira has fully recovered thanks to Moira Lyn and her magic.
The son of Jordan and Eira Brown and the younger brother of Brenda Brown. James Brown was a shy kid who witness his mother almost being killed in their own home on the 18th February 1921 alongside receiving injuries of his own. While he and his mother were saved by the Fairy Knight, the fallout has left him spooked and jumping at shadows.

As of May 1921, James has fully recovered thanks to Moira Lyn and her magic.

British Isles

Known Heroes and Heroic Organisations
The partner of Sentinel and student of Merlin, Galahad is a powerful superhuman with powers he claims are a gift from God. With flight, super-strength and toughness alongside his Blaze and Radiance, there are only a handful of individuals out there that can match Galahad. While he is based in Winchester, Galahad operates in all of Hampshire.
The partner of Galahad and student of Merlin, Sentinel is a genius who creates devices and invents technology beyond what the rest of the world uses. Operating out of Southampton, Sentinel no longer takes to the field as per his agreement with Galahad and instead acts as off the battlefield support to his partner.
Formed by the British government in August 1921, the Kingsmen are an officially sanctioned team of heroes that work for the national authorities. Lead by the Fairy Knight, the founding members consist of Fairy Knight, Imperial Lion, Spider and Longbow.

Known Villains and Villainous Organisations
Named for his signature redcoat, Redcoat is the deadliest killer in the British Isles with none of his targets having survived him going after them. After a week of back and forth fighting with Fairy Knight and Sapphire Squire, Redcoat was defeated by the duo on the 11th December 1920 and later arrested by the police. His secret identity was revealed to be Oliver King, a soldier turned mercenary.
An upstart criminal group formed by some Irish folk up in Glasgow, they have seized control of the Glasgow criminal underworld from the Consortium and are battling the Consortium over Edinburgh's criminal underworld.
A villainous magic user, he has proven a capable spellcaster and a dangerous foe, especially if given time to prepare. He apparently works for an employer, but holds little loyalty to them and is willingly to further his own goals at their expense.

On the 18th March 1921, Druid defeated Sapphire Squire and bound Fairy Knight to his will for multiple hours. On the 19th March 1921, he foiled Sapphire Squire's attempt to rescue Fairy Knight before later releasing Fairy Knight.
A hired thug of little fame, he has been known to work for the Druid. The man is more dangerous from average thug, but has yet to display any out of ordinary.

On the 19th March 1921, he was defeated by battle by Sapphire Squire.
Known Civilians and Neutral Organisations

Kingdom of the Faeries

Known Heroes and Heroic Organisations
The King of the Faeries and former ruler of the Little Court of Ireland, Tiarnach is a stern, but fair ruler. A capable warrior and respected leader, he is a highly popular leader thanks to his own actions as King and his overthrowing of his aunt. He seeks to change the ways of his people and turn them into something more noble and less capricious.

While time flows differently in the Kingdom of the Faeries, it wa roughly 6th May 1921 that Tiarnach became king.

Known Villains and Villainous Organisations
Sister to the first Queen of the Faeries and temporary usurper, Princess Taenya is an ambitious and paranoid woman. While she was able to amass a loyal following that allowed to overthrow her sister, Taenya valued loyalty and subservience over competence and ability. She would later meet her downfall when her paranoia and tyrannical rulership resulted turning half of her realm against her, purges that left her supporters greatly reduced in number and putting the most loyal subordinates in charge rather than those that were qualified to do the job.

While time flows differently in the Kingdom of the Faeries, it was roughly 6th May 1921 that Prince Tiarnach overthrow Taenya and became king.
The son of Taenya, Prince Auraen made up what he lacked in competence with obedience. He was left in charge of defending the Little Court of Scotland when his mother was overthrown, resulting in his defeat at the hands of Tamara Lyn and her squire.

Known Civilians and Neutral Organisations
The mother of Tamara Lyn and many other important fairies, the Queen of the Faeries was a powerful and uncontested leader. Having rightfully earnt both fear and respect, the Queen of the Faeries was a whimsical and capricious ruler who did what she felt like at any given moment thanks to being powerful enough to get away with it.

At some point prior to start of 1920, she was overthrown by her sister Taenya and has not been seen from since.
The daughter of the Queen of Faeries, Princes Moira rules over the Little Court of England. While she is a decent ruler, Moira is more focused on magic and improving her magical abilities. She and her half-sister Tamara consider each other to be their favourite sibling.

As of May 1921, Princess Moira has taken up the human identity of Moira Lyn.
The son of Princess Taenya, Prince Zelphar ruled over the Little Court of Wales before being disposed alongside his mother.
The daughter of the Queen of Faeries, Princes Maeryn rules over the Little Court of Cornwall. While not a bad ruler, Princess Maeryn is more interested in socialising than running her realm. Maeryn likes to spend her time engaging in politics and the high life of society.

As of May 1921, Princess Maeryn has taken up the human identity of Maeve Lyn.


Known Heroes and Heroic Organisations
A German vigilante operating in Munich, he is an inventor who wields an electrified sword and a belt that protects him from electricity. With his partner Sportlerin, he battle the local crime lords, Fredikorps and anarchists. His main foes are the crime lord Oskar Lowith and his hired enforcer, Eisenfaust.

On 7th April 1921, he fought alongside Fairy Knight and Sapphire Squire against Eisenfaust and the Consortium.
Known Villains and Villainous Organisations
A mercenary assassin for hire, Lucilla Verona aka Windstrike is a skilled Italian archer and swordswoman. Prideful and greedy, Windstrike is a professional for whom there is little that she won't do for the right amount of money. Known for her competent and professionalism, Windstrike takes contracts from all over the world with a preference for remaining within Western society.

On 21st March 1920, Windstrike was arrested by the Metropolitan Police whilst attempting to kill Fairy Knight after her victim inflict a near-fatal injury on the archer.

As for August 1921, Windstrike has secretly joined the Kingsmen as a founding member under a new identity as Longbow.
Eisenfaust is a German mercenary named for the distinct gauntlet he wears on his right hand. Eisenfaust is hardy man and a fearsome foe and has recently taken up employment as an retainer for the crime lord Oskar Lowith for an indefinite length of time.

His attempts to deliver a weapon to the Consortium was foiled by Fairy Knight, Sturmschwert and Sapphire Squire on 7th April 1921.

Known Civilians and Neutral Organisations
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I really beyond pissed three magical tomes full of Fairy Knight's magical knowledge that any bloody human can used!!!
That is so unfair, any advantage we have is lost when he could offer it to anyone, the govt, criminal groups could gain all advantage if they can get it, we pretty much lost all leverage from what we known if we want get in with the govt since we could teach people vetted by us!
Look at Sapphire Squire, she's the prime example how well a determined human can learn and use magic better than a half fay!
Imagine our opponents using it against us, making it far harder to stop them, same goes if it used against other heroes or the govt.

Sigh while letting him go in exchange out of concern for Sapphire Squire welfare is well meaning but its a bad move when she could use her ritual to locate Sapphire Squire.
I want to drop everything and hunt him, everything we're doing is worth nothing if those knowledge become widespread to everyone even if its harder learn from it.
Partial victory for Druid? Yeah right he wins in the medium and long term.
He have to die and I don't care if he gone to ground, doing other stuff is just urgh a poor sense of priorities...but its just Sapphire Squire task then I would be fine if its just Fairy Knight went after him solo using the more dangerous side of Fay abilities.

Please tell me Fairy Knight can completely resist Druid's mind control spell now since she experience it long enough that it would not work again?!
Also how much does Bull and his men know and is he dead?!

Sorry I just feeling really bitter about this about what happened and if this song and dance would happens again when we find the bloody meatsack.
I should say you're good writer reflecting the painful rolls sigh.
You guys may be fine with this but I view it an alarming worst case scenario since Fairy Knight did not booby trap and corrupt all the spells in those books.
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No questions. He dies. That's a lot of power for a villain. He dies and if anything we make an example of him.

EDIT: She was helpless and unable to oppose him and he took advantage of that for his own desires three different times. Sound like anything in particular? There's a reason I said he dies.
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[X] Magic can be both terrifying and awesome, but it is also fun. Muck about and have fun using magic with Tamara.

Lets not overstate it.
He mechanically just got a few pp worth of arcane lore skill. Very awesome for a ritualist.
[X] Magic can be both terrifying and awesome, but it is also fun. Muck about and have fun using magic with Tamara.
Lets not overstate it.
He mechanically just got a few pp worth of arcane lore skill. Very awesome for a ritualist.

Eh - mechanically maybe

Narratively it feels like a big deal to me especially as info can be sold and we've been leaning heavily on Tamara using that she gets magic and is coming out of left field for others.

But again I don't know this system - though by the hints that this is set up for a party and that Brenda is better at intelligence stuff

[X] More knowledge is always useful and it looks like you'll be helping out more at home these days. Get Tamara to teach you the basics of looking after a household.

I doubt this will win but that it's even an option says a lot about the role Tamara is for Brenda.
At certain levels of savvy telling him her id is worthless means he grabs someone more vulnerable. Maybe we're lucky that vote didn't gain traction.
Not really... Its the same as saying that those people are no more or less vulnerable than anyone else in Whitechapel. If he was going to grab someone vulnerable then he'd just do crime in York or somewhere FK doesn't patrol.
You feel the urge to cry in frustration at the unfairness of it all as you stare at the sign saying 'Welcome to Manchester'. As you do your best to ignore the tears welling up in your eyes, you decide that you absolutely hate the wizard.
Wow so thats 81 miles here-abouts. Which would imply a rank 15 teleportation effect. I think this is probably GM fiat to give us some consolation clue for losing as I think we'd still fail to catch him if we were teleported 4 or 8 miles with a rank 10 or 11. But it might also just be that npcs don't need to be built to the point cap, then again it was implied to be tiring.
"We really need to talk about this more at some point," you say, disbelieving how she can consider that kind of treatment to a kid to be sign of caring parenting.
"Very well, perhaps we can talk about the person whom beats you at the same time."

I'd like to see SS be a little more comfortable with her secret identity and troubles around FK. Also its been implied that she was possibly being reckless with magic in the name of getting better sooner so I think focusing less on that is good characterisation.
[X] More knowledge is always useful and it looks like you'll be helping out more at home these days. Get Tamara to teach you the basics of looking after a household.
Lets not overstate it.
He mechanically just got a few pp worth of arcane lore skill. Very awesome for a ritualist.

Pretty much this. To stop any unnecessary doomsaying, the first two volumes are each worth Expertise: Magic 1 while the third one is worth Expertise: Magic 2. So basically some equipment that give Expertise: Magic 4. While I won't tell you his plans, the tomes of magic are effectively a consolation prize for Druid after his main plans fell through. Which by the way, he already has plenty of ranks in.

Wow so thats 81 miles here-abouts. Which would imply a rank 15 teleportation effect. I think this is probably GM fiat to give us some consolation clue for losing as I think we'd still fail to catch him if we were teleported 4 or 8 miles with a rank 10 or 11. But it might also just be that npcs don't need to be built to the point cap, then again it was implied to be tiring.

It was a usage of Extra Effort by the Druid to turn his most powerful spell into an Extended Teleport that was Limited to Extended, which required him to send Sapphire Squire to somewhere he was familiar with.
Vote is still open.
Vote Tally : Dawn of Heroes Original - Superhero | Page 50 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 1253-1256]
##### NetTally 2.2.0

[X] Magic can be both terrifying and awesome, but it is also fun. Muck about and have fun using magic with Tamara.
No. of Votes: 2

[X] More knowledge is always useful and it looks like you'll be helping out more at home these days. Get Tamara to teach you the basics of looking after a household.
No. of Votes: 2

Total No. of Voters: 4
Pretty much this. To stop any unnecessary doomsaying, the first two volumes are each worth Expertise: Magic 1 while the third one is worth Expertise: Magic 2. So basically some equipment that give Expertise: Magic 4. While I won't tell you his plans, the tomes of magic are effectively a consolation prize for Druid after his main plans fell through. Which by the way, he already has plenty of ranks in.

It was a usage of Extra Effort by the Druid to turn his most powerful spell into an Extended Teleport that was Limited to Extended, which required him to send Sapphire Squire to somewhere he was familiar with.
We should remember to use Extra Effort more.
We should remember to use Extra Effort more.

That is what write-ins are for. That said, I do use extra effort when I believe Fairy Knight is in a difficult situation such as healing when back when you took down Windstrike or regeneration when you were racking up the toughness penalties against the Dragonsteeth. Tamara just hasn't been in a position where I felt it was necessary for her to use extra effort for some time now.
Please tell me Fairy Knight can completely resist Druid's mind control spell now since she experience it long enough that it would not work again?!
Also how much does Bull and his men know and is he dead?!

Fairy Knight can resist Druid's mind control according to how it works mechanically so as long as she doesn't roll a 1 on her Will Check, he can't fully control her and she can roll against being Compelled every six seconds. That said, if there is enough support for it in the thread, I consider adding anti-mind control options in the next timeskip.

The Bull is alive as Sapphire Squire only knocked him out. Bull knows Fairy Knight is Tamara Lyn, but believe she was pulling one over on the Druid by doing that. He knows nothing beyond that as the Druid likes to keep his cards close to his chest.
The other hired thugs know nothing.

I really beyond pissed three magical tomes full of Fairy Knight's magical knowledge that any bloody human can used!!!
That is so unfair, any advantage we have is lost when he could offer it to anyone, the govt, criminal groups could gain all advantage if they can get it, we pretty much lost all leverage from what we known if we want get in with the govt since we could teach people vetted by us!
Look at Sapphire Squire, she's the prime example how well a determined human can learn and use magic better than a half fay!
Imagine our opponents using it against us, making it far harder to stop them, same goes if it used against other heroes or the govt.
Narratively it feels like a big deal to me especially as info can be sold and we've been leaning heavily on Tamara using that she gets magic and is coming out of left field for others.

But again I don't know this system - though by the hints that this is set up for a party and that Brenda is better at intelligence stuff

To be clear, the Druid doesn't need those tomes to teach magic to others. He was already capable of teaching magic to others beyond meeting Fairy Knight and while those tomes make it easier for him, they only do that as they increase his existing skills and don't grant him any new ones.
Teaching Moments
Teaching Moments
"That's the basic for elemental magic covered," Fairy Knight tells you as you finish today's lesson on magic.

You roll your shoulders as you file away all of the information in your mind. While you haven't needed to sleep for a couple months now, all of these magic lessons have left you feeling tired.

But it has been worth it. You will have magical knowledge and the ability to use magic, all of which is something you need to be better, to be able to protect your family. Technology and science have served you well and will continue to do so, but there is so much more that you can do with magic.

Even as this crash course in magic leaves you feeling exhausted, you have no doubts that it is completely worth it. You will be stronger and you will be able to prevent your family from being hurt again.

"Now that is done, is there anything in particular that you would like to learn?" inquires Fairy Knight, "Magic spells are not easily learnt, but I can teach you how to apply some certain effects. That said, I am still limited by what I know so while I would do my best, I am unable to promise to have the knowledge that you desire."

At the question, your heart jumps in a mixture of excitement and hope. While you desire to learn magic to become a better hero, you do have a few more selfish and personal desires that you hope supernatural power will fulfil.

"Yes, there is," you tell your mentor, "I was hoping that you could show me the magic you use to support your chest in your secret identity."

Given how heavy your bosom is and how horrible insufficient the bras that Mum makes you have proven, you're been hoping to find a better solution since your second year of puberty. Then you almost wince as you remember that Mum isn't even doing that anymore. You can easily get another bra as needed thanks to the Mystic Wardrobe, but it hurts to be reminded of how Mum isn't being your mother since the Attack.

You push those sorts of thoughts out of your mind as you focus back on the subject at hand. Even if you won't ever be able to get flat enough to be pretty like Dorothy is, you hope that you can find a solution that will deal with all the pain of them.

While you had idly hoped that Fairy Knight might be able to provide a solution, it wasn't until you discovered her secret identity that you really hoped she would be able to help. Fairy-no, Tamara's chest was almost big as yours. She must surely have some way of dealing with all the pain and getting in the way that plague you as the Sapphire Squire.

"Oh sure, I guess," replies Fairy Knight as she shapeshifts into Tamara Lyn, complete with maid uniform and is still something you need to get used to, "But I don't think it is something I can just teach you since I'm pretty sure it is part of my shapeshifting abilities."

"Wait, you can-what you do mean pretty sure?" you ask, trying to figure out what sort of answer you got.

"I didn't really notice back in Mother's court, but not all of me works the same way as regular people," answers Tamara with a shrug, "I believe it is part of being half-human, half-fey. I'm mostly human, especially in the basics, but I got some stuff about me that is definitely faerie. Like my shapeshifting. I don't have a default form to turn back into so I just have whatever I currently am in. If I am unable to shapeshift, I get struck with whatever body I have and I make sure to never take a body that I won't be comfortable in if forced to stay in it."

"That makes sense," you agree, "But how does that relate to your chest?"

"My magic takes care of a lot of fiddly bits of the human body," says Tamara, "Like how I don't need to sleep or eat and like as much. Magic sustains me and partially takes care of my basic human needs. With my chest, apparently that counts as part of my beauty so I don't need to worry about bras. Same with baths and makeup. I don't need any of that stuff."

"Wait, are you saying that you don't need to worry about breast support or cleaning yourself?" you exclaim, feeling a sudden sense of unfairness welling up inside you.

"Pretty much," answers Tamara blithely, "We had baths back home, but those were for fun and social activities rather than hygiene. Bras and makeup are only things I know about because my roommates use them. Why are you asking about them anyway?"

"It's, urr, we've both women right so it is okay to talk about this right?" you ask, blushing as you didn't expect to explain your reasoning.

"Of course we are," answers Tamara as she gives you a look, "That is clearly obvious and unlike you to ask questions with those sort of answers. Is something wrong?"

"I was just hoping you or your magic could provide a solution to these," you admit indicate towards your chest, "Mum doesn't really understand because I guess I got it from Dad's side of the family while I'm the biggest of my friends so they can't help."

You refrain from reacting as you are once again reminded of just how Mum is these days.

"Ah yes, they do get in the way of combat," says Tamara solemnly as she glances down at her own pair, "I had been wondering how you dealt with them as my squire. Unfortunately, I'm afraid that I can't help you there. I just reduce the side of them to not be there to get in the way. In fact, the only reason that I am not flat as the Fairy Knight is that I wish to avoid being mistaken for a man. That said, I have used my shapeshifting enough that I might be able to help you come up with a similar effect if that helps."

"Um, no, I don't think it would," you reply even as you want to say yes, "Maybe as...no, I need to keep them like this due to my secret identity. I can't explain a magical breast reduction without blowing my secret identity, which is completely unacceptable. Things are already bad enough with it intact and I dread to imagine what would happen if it got discovered."

While you have already come to the terms with the fact that you aren't going to beautiful, it still hurts to admit it out loud that you can't get a pretty chest even with magic. Sometimes you were born a decade or two earlier so you could the past standards of beauty before remembering that you would hate to live in those times. If the price of more freedom and rights was being considered ugly by society, you would take it for greater freedom to choose your own fate.

"That is a shame," says Tamara, "Perhaps a mundane solution could be found where a magical one hasn't?"

"I'm not wearing a corset," you grumble, remembering your discussions with Mum and feeling a stab of sadness and anger as you remember her condition, "Those things are just as painful and I'm smart enough to figure out that they aren't healthy."

"I was actually going to suggest you get some bras to help your size," says Tamara as she gives you a smile, "I'm not entirely sure of idea's plausibility, but when I started working for Mr Wallis, he offered to get me some to accommodate my chest. While it was not something I needed to worry about, he offered to get me some custom fitted ones to support my chest like he did for his daughter-in-law, who apparently had a similar size to me."

"Maybe," you reply, your mind already racing as you think about the possible solutions that science and technology could provide where magic has failed you, "Maybe a few at first to see how they work. Actually, it would be better to see if they work and see how they work if they do. Then I could try making some of my own, something which is well within my range of capabilities if I do say so myself. Even if they aren't helpful, I bet I could put together something that is more useful than what I currently use. Holy moly, I wouldn't even need to worry about materials thanks to my Mystic Wardrobe."

"There you go," says Tamara as you almost bounce with joy.

It isn't perfect, it may not work and it won't make you beautiful, but if you can just get your hands on something to deal with the pain you have to deal with everyday life and bounding about the city as Sapphire Squire.


The first of the interludes that I got planned, this one was interesting because it is my latest attempt to touch upon what could be considered sexual subjects. In this case, I was wondering how Sapphire Squire would deal with having the most common superpower in the 1920s, partially due to the fashion trends of the era and partly due to having more limited technology. The former is interesting because the 1920s appears to be a gap between two periods of the hourglass figure being considered attractive where a flat boyish figure is considered to be desirable instead. This leads to an odd position (or odd to me at least) where Brenda considers herself to be unattractive despite being very beautiful by modern standards.

In regards to the more limited technology, I never realised before writing this how much history there is behind breast support. I figured that sports bras were a recent invention, but I didn't realise that supportive bras weren't really a thing until 1922. Nor did I know that bras used to be homemade (to varying degrees of effectiveness). This is in turn led to Brenda having to put up with homemade bras from her Mum that were effectively worthless due to Brenda getting her curves from her Dad's side of the family. Combined with how painful it must be for her to go running, swinging and fighting across the city most nights, Brenda would definitely want to get her hands on some proper breast support and what better thing to turn to than literal magic?

All of this in turn led me to wondering how Tamara dealt with breast support which led me to deciding that she didn't. Getting in the way of combat? Just shrink them until they don't. Dealing with them in her secret identity? Her half-fey nature means she doesn't need to. I figure that one of the ways that Tamara's supernatural heritage expresses itself is that she doesn't need to deal with all the regular maintenance that a normal human would.

Just as she doesn't need to breathe, eat, drink or sleep, Tamara also doesn't need to clean herself, cut her nails, cut her hair, go to the toilet, have periods or brush her teeth. All of those things are dealt with one way or another by her various abilities and this is something that Sapphire Squire is going to find unfair. To a degree at least as Brenda definitely appreciates the advantages that not needing to sleep, eat or drink give her.

I also wanted to show how Brenda decided to go for a technological solution where a magical one didn't exist or at least wasn't easily accessible to her. While she has a lot of interest in magic, she just as capable of using mundane solutions as she is magical ones if not more so.

Another thing that I tried to include here is how Brenda has been coping with the attack on her family. While she isn't directly affected, Brenda is still indirectly being impacted by how her family is coping with it.

For anyone wondering when this is set chronologically, it takes places between Royal Ravens and the Druid during the crash course in magic that Fairy Knight gave Sapphire Squire.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to. Feel to ask questions for more details and information.
Well, theres always learning a bit of shapeshifting.

Fairy Knight probably wants to invest into better magic detection though. The biggest deal with the Druid fight was just how ill informed our heroes were about what he could do.
Well, theres always learning a bit of shapeshifting.

Fairy Knight probably wants to invest into better magic detection though. The biggest deal with the Druid fight was just how ill informed our heroes were about what he could do.
Even just being able to blur your face or pick between two or three, swap a couple of height inches, etc
Alright- I absolutely love the dynamic between Brenda and Tamara - just how they definitely care — but at the same time they definitely are on two different sheets of music.

Tamara has her squire's back - whether Brenda likes it or not because she and Tamara don't agree on what qualifies as necessary- see teacher and caning.

It's funny and not heart breaking because so far despite vastly different standards the two are making it work.

Sometimes Tamara's outside perspective isn't that useful - see everything with her not having to deal with the logistics of the most common superpower making her not the greatest for advice (one day her roommates are going to open the door and Tamara will walk in with her squire because she has live in resources) and other times its perfect for calling a duck a duck (see her reaction to the caned hand).

They don't always get each other - but they understand enough to make the attempt to respond to what the other asks for, or needs despite that. And are successful enough - see Tamara not having personal knowledge but had come across the implication before so brought up the technological route.

Usually the faerie stepping in a support role like this would be a tragedy even if they're trying, (and in other stories be out right horror fodder) just by not getting humans.

"Can I ask something of you?" asks Sapphire Squire, "Something else that is. A big something else."

"You may always ask," you tell her solemnly.

"Thanks," says Sapphire Squire before taking a deep breath, "I'm sort of going through a rough spot right now and I'm limited on who I can turn to, which is part of why I am in a rough spot. Can I rest against you and you hold me whilst telling me happy stories?"

"You may," you reply gently as you stand up and walk over to a more comfortable chair, "I am willingly to help. Is there...?"

"I just need someone to be there for me when I need to be a girl my age," replies Sapphire Squire as she follows you over, "I might be the Sapphire Squire, but sometimes, I just need to be...I just need to be a little kid who can't sole the world you know? I had someone for that and that has been taken from me."

"Oh my squire," you whisper as she curls up against you.

You politely ignore the tears she leaves when she cries into your chest as tell her of your own days as a squire.

Not - Tamara doesn't always get British culture. Again see canings and seeing personality alterations and mindcontrol as normal. But Tamara does seem to get people very very well - and uses that it lieu of actually getting the social structure completely. It's an utterly human thing - and explains a lot about why Tamara's aunt exiled her first thing. Fae can't get creeped out I don't think - but if they did Tamara probably would be high on the list.
While no one has voted since this morning, I am still going to leave the vote open to if there are anymore votes overnight before closing it in the morning.
Oh I thought Teaching moments was the magic vote winning and you'd flipped a coin or something. I only just noticed its a sidestory :p

Yeah, it is the thing that I mentioned here.
I've got one half-written up where Sapphire Squire discusses some of her issues with Fairy Knight with the hope of getting a magical solution with the intents of showing how Sapphire Squire views herself, how she has been coping since the attack on her family and how Tamara's half-fey heritage has her differ to a normal human.

I had started writing it after posting The Druid I and had been working on it while the vote was open. I only got it finished last night, but I didn't write the author's note until today so it only go posted today.

I got another showing Inspector Brown at work about two thirds done which I hope to finish and get posted either tonight or tomorrow.
Wait, I just realised that I forgot one of the options I wanted to include.

Now added to the vote:
[] You always wanted to ride a horse, but you never had the opportunity until now. Get Tamara to shapeshift into a horse for you to ride.
[X] More knowledge is always useful and it looks like you'll be helping out more at home these days. Get Tamara to teach you the basics of looking after a household.

I have no fear of power problems. I'm more concerned about their psy health.
[X] More knowledge is always useful and it looks like you'll be helping out more at home these days. Get Tamara to teach you the basics of looking after a household.
Vote is still open.
Vote Tally : Dawn of Heroes Original - Superhero | Page 50 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 1253-1271]
##### NetTally 2.2.0

[X] More knowledge is always useful and it looks like you'll be helping out more at home these days. Get Tamara to teach you the basics of looking after a household.
No. of Votes: 4

[X] Magic can be both terrifying and awesome, but it is also fun. Muck about and have fun using magic with Tamara.
No. of Votes: 2

Total No. of Voters: 6
Work Life
Work Life
Chief Inspector Jordan Brown lets out a weary sigh as he has to deal with more paperwork. It is always more paperwork these days. Not that the man has a problem with paperwork as unlike some, he doesn't find it to be a tedious chore even if it isn't his idea of fun either.

He can't remember the last time he didn't work a late night and Jordan has a guilty nagging feeling that it isn't just because of his increased workload. His darling Eira just hasn't been the same since the attack by the Royal Ravens and he hates seeing her like that. He just hopes that she will get better soon even if he suspects that she won't ever fully recover from the ordeal.

And then there are the kids. James is so jumpy and nervous these days and only leaves the house to go to school. He would, well, he wouldn't give a hand, but he really wishes that his son would go outside and play with his friends again. With Brenda, his daughter is the one coping the best, which makes sense given she was the only one that went unscathed during the attack.

Another thing to be thankfully to Sapphire Squire for.

Brenda is talent, strong and confident and once again, Jordan regret that his beautiful daughter isn't his handsome son. The girl is good, but even with all of the changes these days, society just isn't the place that accepts the sort of person his daughter wants to be.

Finishing the current paper, Jordan wonders when his daughter is going to join up with a feminist movement if she hasn't already done so behind his back. He can live with that so long as it is a feminist movement and not something foolish like some group of commies. The lawman doesn't worry about that sort of thing however as Brenda is too intelligent to throw her lot in with communists of all people.

"Hey boss," says Jimmy as the young lad strolls up to his desk, "Sam has just checked in. Those guys that robbed the bakery the other weak? Royal Ravens turned Regal Ravens or at least they are claiming to have switched sides. Sam is sceptical and we got enough evidence to keep them locked up so we're keeping them for now."

"Good work Jimmy," says Jordan, "How many did we get in the end?"

"We got three in custody, but Sam and Connor are certain that a fourth one is still out there," answers Jimmy.

"Unless we got some evidence on that fourth one, he is going to stay out there," Jordan informs him as he pulls out another report.

"Actually boss, it looks like the fourth one might be a woman," replies Jimmy, "Connor thinks that is why they got away because we were expecting a man."

"Please tell me that Sam didn't underestimate the suspect because she was a woman," groans Jordan and Jimmy winces, "Oh for crying out loud, surely the likes of Fairy Knight, Sapphire Squire, Anna Lucas, Windstrike and all of the other female criminal leaders we encounter should have taught him not to dismiss the fairer sex. We even got women on the force."

"Sam's a bit stuck in his ways?" suggests Jimmy weakly as he tries to defend his immediate superior.

"Hmm," you reply noncommittally, "Tell Sam to keep the three he has with what we got. I would like the fourth in custody as well, but we need evidence to keep her otherwise let her go. See if the men we got are willingly to spill any beans on their missing friend."

"Will do boss," confirms Jimmy, "I hope the family is doing well. Give them my best regards."

"I will Jimmy," mutters Jordan, turning his attention back to the paperwork as the lad exits his office.

Jordan sighs as he reads report from a patrol last night. A couple of Golden boys had a bit of a face off with twice their number of Azure Skulls. Things didn't break into violence and both groups went on their way when a couple of constables showed up.

He doesn't know what is good for the city these days. On the one hand, the Golden Order is preferable to the Consortium, but on the other, they are still criminals and Jordan can't say they won't be as bad as the Consortium if they get themselves entrenched into power.

The streets of London are on the verge of the gang war and Jordan can think out if he wants things to stay in the current tense stand off or to kick off. The former keeps the peace and things remain quiet, but it is a temporary state of affairs and on some days, Jordan just wants the ball to get rolling so he can deal with things instead of waiting for them to begin.

The whole city is a mess or at least the parts of it Jordan needs to worry about are. He doesn't know what it is like for the average citizen these days, but the criminal underworld is a whole tinderbox waiting to go off. The gangs are afraid to move in case they end up being the one to draw down the heat on their head, you and the rest of the police are afraid of moving on the gangs lest it begin the gang war in earnst and even Fairy Knight and her squire are being less aggressive and more cautious these days.

Fairy Knight. Tamara Lyn. That woman is a bastion of sanity in this mess as even despite the Regal Ravens and their coalition facing off against the Golden Order sets the criminal underworld on edge, Whitechapel and the surrounding neighbourhoods remaining mostly free of organised crime as the gangs refuse to try their luck against the Fairy Knight and her Sapphire Squire.

Speaking of the Sapphire Squire, Jordan decides that he ought to see if he can introduce her to Brenda. The two of them seem like they would get along with each other though he worries what sort of influence that Sapphire Squire might have on his daughter.

"Uh hey," says a voice that Jordan did not expect to here and he look up, once again interrupted by his paperwork.

"Constable Henry Jeffers," says Jordan coldly as he stares one of the police officers that he knows took bribes from the gangs in the past, "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I just wanted to let you know that it wasn't supposed to be like that," says Jeffers, refusing to meet Jordan's gaze, "It was just some extra money on the side. No one was supposed to get hurt."

"That's how it works Jeffers," Jordan tells him, "You start off with something small and seemingly harmless. Heck, they don't even want to hurt anyone at the start and are geinue about that. But you know why that is?"

Oh, he would love to tell this dirtbag to go to hell, but he can't. The situation is perilous as it is that if a corrupt cop is rethinking things, Jordan can't afford to just shove him aside. He need bring up his numbers and lower theirs which means being reasonable and talking him around. He doesn't like it and it doesn't sit well with him given their prior corruption and what it has caused, but he need to think to the future. Jordan needs every officer on his side that he can get and that means encouraging Jeffers' doubts, making him think twice about engaging in corrupt again and to make him feel guilty about what he did. He need to do all that without pissing him off. Or least making Jeffers pissed at him. If he wants to go after the Consortium or some other bunch of criminals once he is done with him, that is fine in Jordan's books.

"Why sir?"

"Because they don't think they can get away with it then," Jordan answer, "These are authentically bad people that are talking here. They don't refrain from doing harmful and nasty things to others because it is wrong, they don't do them because they will suffer consequences. Soon as they think they get away without punishment to their misdeeds, they will do them without hesitation. So yes, they won't harm anyone and they truly mean that up until the moment that they think they can get away with hurting someone."

"That makes sense sir," says Jeffers slowly.

"You want to know why Peter Michaelson went after me and my family?" Jordan ask rhetorically, "It was because he thought he had brought off another policemen like you to get away with it. Because he doesn't care about right or wrong, just his own power and greed."

Jordan take some internal pleasure at watching the man flinch.

"It won't happen again sir," promises Jeffers.

"See to it that it doesn't," Jordan warn him, "With things being what they are, you're going to be given a second chance due to all of the bigger fishes about. I strongly recommend not screwing it up against you won't be getting a third chance."

"I'll make things right sir," says Jeffers and as he leaves Jordan's office, it occurs to Jordan that Jeffers isn't under his command.

What is his life coming to these days?

Busy. That is what it is with all of these paper work, the brewing gang war and tensions on the streets and him becoming some kind of figurehead for the non-corrupt in the Scotland Yard to rally around. As another policeman enters his office, Jordan sighs at having more work for him to handle. It looks like tonight won't be one where he gets to see the kids.


The next interlude that I've written up. Chronologically speaking, this is set during Druid and it shows how Brown is doing at work these days. With his promotion and the general troubles at the moment, he is very busy at work and has little time for nonwork stuff. This ties into him not being around for his family through part of that is Brown using work as an excuse to avoid the problems at home so he doesn't have to confront them.

One thing I didn't do in this interlude is show his relationship with Tamara that well. I wanted to do that, but I could find the right place to insert it. That said, I am glad to have included is how Brown doesn't know that his daughter is actually Sapphire Squire. I'm not sure if I find it to be amusing or sad, but it is aspect of both his character and Sapphire Squire's character that I find interesting, especially as the Brown family slowly falls apart.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to. Feel to ask questions for more details and information.
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With Brenda, his daughter is the one coping the best, which makes sense given she was the only one that went unscathed during the attack.

Well this update in general explains a lot of Brenda beginning to lean heavily on Tamara for emotional support.

One parent is struggling with recovery (not helped that I think social isolation is taking effect and that her husband is avoiding her when she needs support)

The other is essentially ignoring the problems at home and hoping they'll go away.

Our favorite cop is lucky honestly that Tamara feels very responsible for her squire - Brenda attempting to force speed her learning of magic enough said.

Because I think a small and (possibly in the future increasingly not so small) reason for Brenda's stability is that she found an adult willing to adult by helping her figure out how to adult. (See getting actual breast support and possibly running household)