I think the arguments were more about clarifying Armsmasters paranoia about the hope imposed on him, things spiraled from there.
And then I tried to play damage control by giving them a link to a thread that I looked up myself and they STILL kept arguing. I tagged multiple people and only one of them responded. :( It wasn't even one of the people actually arguing either!
Screw die cast, I'm sure there's a transformers P&P floating around somewhere, and tinkers can make fully articulated figurines.

All the best fun I've always had with transformers toys was learning all the ins and outs of the actual transformation, so that thought has me kinda salivating over here...
Even better if they if they came in DIY kits...

If full articulation helps his pawns, then go for it, if not, then why bother? (if it does then Halbeard is the best tinker for him.)

DIY would be great for Danny though, more time spent. Transformers...Well. GURPS, or Mekton Zeta if he can get his hands on it. TF also good because he can have a car, and then he can have a mech with one use of his power.

(I seem to recall reading a blog post about a guy saying he designed a six changer)

Agreement: Our family has a thing for transformers. My brother and I more so than our mother.
Assurance: Your suggestion is beautiful and we like it, but some things (Unicron, Galvatron, Thunderwing, etc.) are not meant to be trifled with. Besides, rules are required.

...Should I write up a GURPS character sheet for a standard Transformer?
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If full articulation helps his pawns, then go for it, if not, then why bother? (if it does then Halbeard is the best tinker for him.)
Well, besides the obvious*...
The more time he spends on and with the model the more durable and stronger it is.
Things that you can actually pose and play with tend to be much more engaging than unmovable sculptures.

*The obvious being that they would be FUCKING AWESOME.
Screw die cast, I'm sure there's a transformers P&P floating around somewhere, and tinkers can make fully articulated figurines.
I know of one numbers-filed-off officially published one for d20, fan adaptations for OpenD6 and Hero system, and have partially completed notes for BESM/SAS/Tri-Stat dX myself. There have been official licensed board games for the Bayformers too, though that might be limited to Monopoly pieces or something - I quite dislike the Bayformers crap, so I didn't pay attention.

Edit: links
Review of Mechamorphosis - RPGnet d20 RPG Game Index
Transformers D6: Until All Are One | Dagarthorn's Games

2021 edit: Dagarthorn's forum is gone, but the posts live on at the Wayback Machine, and the Mediafire hosted PDF is still up. Alternately, you can get what appears to be the same file at RPGGeek if you have an account there.

There's also this set of house rules to play Transformers with the d6 Star Wars RPG rules directly, either the official books now long out of print or the fan-made third edition (link to google search) - notably, it includes how to turn the official Tech Specs values into playable game stats, though given the TF fan community debate over Tech Spec stat inflation and accuracy that may or may not be as useful as it sounds. (There are over thirty more or less different TF continuities; the fandom is ALWAYS at war over something, much like the TFs themselves.) Adapting normal SWRPG character creation for looser/more balanced/OC renditions is also covered. And for some reason, TF versions of a number of Monty Python characters as well. Because the internet.
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US explicitly stated that the power doesn't work if someone else (e.g. Taylor) does the painting.

Ok, display Taylor's models or let her keep them and keep your own while playing some of these many, many games you memorized the rules for with your daughter. Invite your co workers over for a game night or go to a local game store to play. His powers models require him to interact with them, not ignore everything else. Danny is still a shitty father despite being a great character.
US explicitly stated that the power doesn't work if someone else (e.g. Taylor) does the painting.
I didn't get that, but even so, I read the suggestion to be playing board games with her.

Which may or may not work, depending on what he needs to do with the pawns to enhance them. If playing board games counts then not playing with Taylor is seriously facepalm worthy. If it's like Dauntless and he has to use his power on them to improve them then it somewhat makes sense.
While we're talking about suggestions, maybe Gundam model kits? Wing Zero might be good for an Endbringer fight, but 00 Quan[T] should be sufficiently frightening to convince everyone but Lung that retreat is a really good idea.

Yup, this Danny needs his own story.
While we're talking about suggestions, maybe Gundam model kits? Wing Zero might be good for an Endbringer fight, but 00 Quan[T] should be sufficiently frightening to convince everyone but Lung that retreat is a really good idea.

Yup, this Danny needs his own story.

Needs rules. Which means after building them he needs to play them more. And I'm willing to bet if the rules aren't a good fit his pawns suffer. Trying to Gundam with D&D will get you something workable...but not well.

Also, depends on how much he adheres to physics. If he gets shenanigans, fine, if not, well, even if he does, tanks will usually be better
I just wonder, could he play a blatantly, unfairly overpowered figurine? Is the empowerement perhaps more dependent on if he considers it 'fair' or not? I'm not arguing he should get a Cthulhu figurine or something, but I'm sure there are figurines with feats and resistances that makes them an absolute bitch to take down for anyone but the most prepared munchkins.

Also, I wonder how the rules translate to actual battle. If I'm trying to be silly, I imagine the world coming to a halt, the sound of dice can be heard, and then everyone spends six seconds in order of initiative attacking as they see fit.

In the (not so) far future:
Danny Hebert, Chessmaster, was filled with grim satisfaction. This figurine, this metallic colossus, was the culmination of hundreds of hours, painting and playing, ever improving. As it strode towards the beach, footsteps ringing in the anxious hush, he thought that this was it, this was why he joined the Protectorate. He might not be a good father, but if he could protect Taylor even a little from Leviathan, it would not all be in vain. As he moved his gaze to the Endbringer, a chill went down his spine. It was as if some cosmic being had reached for a printed table, malicious glee in its eyes. Despair gripped his heart, as the mighty colossus, this titanic being, tripped over an imaginary turtle...
Hm, so I wonder if using dice as a stand-in miniature (especially for a character with luck powers) and/or just having a specific "Don't touch my dice, man! Don't even TOUCH my dice!" set only he plays with would allow for some form of probability swinging with them. It's a little much of a stretch, I suppose.
Did anyone ever write rules for playing with Bolo's? Fighting Behemoth? No problem, shoot your way through the planets crust, fixing the plate tectonics as you go. Simurgh in orbit? Your main gun can stand-off an entire interplanetary invasion fleet. PRT have image complaints? Direct them to the battle honours welded to your hull. You're a veteran!
Did anyone ever write rules for playing with Bolo's? Fighting Behemoth? No problem, shoot your way through the planets crust, fixing the plate tectonics as you go. Simurgh in orbit? Your main gun can stand-off an entire interplanetary invasion fleet. PRT have image complaints? Direct them to the battle honours welded to your hull. You're a veteran!
Make a Gloriana-class model!

Seriously, Danny's power should let him conquer the world easily.
Ogre is basically "Bolo: The wargame" so yes, there are rules for playing Bolo. I'd expect Danny's size limitation to be the biggest problem with trying; even a small Bolo/Ogre is massively huge compared to even a modern tank.

Edit: Link
Ogre: Welcome to the 21st Century!
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Mind if I ask what's the problem with the SB thread? Mods aren't going tyrannical or anything again?
Well the mods did get a bit crazy over there over the one liners and general happiness being generated. No no, don't praise the sun! That and the arguments. Sure it's SB, but it was a bit worse than normal on the morality front and etc.

But that's a small reason for me, the main thing was the thread was wayyyy too fast, probably caused by the above though the problem was really there before that as well. I think it was at 150 pages at 10ish chapters?

I like it here much better. I can also use Hug reactions, yay! \o/
Needs rules. Which means after building them he needs to play them more. And I'm willing to bet if the rules aren't a good fit his pawns suffer. Trying to Gundam with D&D will get you something workable...but not well.

Also, depends on how much he adheres to physics. If he gets shenanigans, fine, if not, well, even if he does, tanks will usually be better
Which why Forgeworld models are the only reasonable way to go for intricate and overpriced merch with rules.
I just figured if the thread was gathering enough followers to have the staff complaining about server load, I'd be part of the solution and spread the load to the alternate board, myself.