Know who we need to see in the sequel to this fic? Issun or his descendant, or possibly Wakka. (Also, Chibiterasu would be adorable.)
Know who we need to see in the sequel to this fic? Issun or his descendant, or possibly Wakka. (Also, Chibiterasu would be adorable.)
Waka was implied ages ago to be around, he was the foreign guy who dropped off the painting. Also since Ammy explicitly doesn't have precog she's probably been exploiting him for all he's worth to be on top of everyone. He just hasn't popped back up or made a direct appearance, probably because Taylor would go "No, this is much too silly now."

Issun no idea and Chibi, Chibi would probably result in a lot of burst eardrums when Taylor see's him.
Omake: Sidekick
There are alot of things that Lung tolerated Oni Lee with.

He looked down at the girl hiding behind Oni Lee's legs.

This may not be one of them.

"Lee, who is she?"

"I call her..." Oni Lee began, stretching the time, "My Side kick."

Silence. It was golden.

"92.737% chance you're going to facepalm."

Lung facepalmed.

Sidekick stalked around the corner. She felt that her petite size business suit lent her an air of sophisticated elegance, even if it had been necessary to hem in the length, and she tried to make the most of it. Her motorcycle helmet was the smallest she had be able to find on short notice, and even after The Miko helped her pad the inside, it still wobbled a bit.

"Halt Evil Doers!" She cried out as loudly as she could, with barely any squeaking noises this time.

The two Merchants turned from their victim to look in her direction, and then down at her. Even the young man in the process of being robbed paused to stare.

Dinah- no she was Sidekick in costume, felt that she had finally managed to bring out all three feet, and seven and an eighth of an inch, of her intimidating costume to bear.

Before any of the three people in the dingy alley way could find words to describe the situation, Oni Lee was suddenly behind the child.

Sidekick felt the criminals had been intimidated enough by her presence. "I'll give you this one chance to surrender peacefully."

The trio continued to watch Oni Lee.

Sidekick suspected that her Onii Chan was distracting people again.

Before she could turn around, he vanished in a puff of ash, and the wind blew it away before the small heroine spotted it.

Suspicious, but still turning back to the Merchants, she decided that they weren't going to surrender, and began advancing on them.

One of them drew a knife.

As he did so, Oni Lee reappeared behind the girl. He also pulled out a knife.

A significantly longer and serrated one.

"So, uh, who are you?" The knife wielding Merchant asked, stalling for time.

"I'm Sidekick! I fight crime!"

The other merchant asked the obvious question. "Whose sidekick?"

Sidekick accepted that until she made a name for herself, this was going to be a recurring question.

"Onii Chan is helping me become a hero! If you guys are dangerous, I can't fight you, as I'm still learning, and I have to pull down the visor in my helmet!"

The girl demonstrated, pulling the visor down over her face, which had previously been hidden behind a black domino mask and the chin of the helmet.

The visor had been obviously spray painted, and appeared to not actually let the girl see, as she quickly pushed it back up.

"Can you even see through that?"

"Well, no, but that's the point! My parents said I can't be a heroine and Onii Chan can't help me because I'm not old enough to see all the blood. This way I don't have to see it. It's perfect!"

The knife wielding Merchant carefully, and without any sudden movements, put his knife away.

"And, and, I've got these smocks too!" Dinah excitedly pulled a disposable plastic smock from her pocket, showing the three people. "I use them to make sure Onii Chan doesn't ruin my costume!"

The two Merchants backed away from their victim, and even further away from the little girl, who was putting the plastic smock back in her pocket, while the stoic Oni Lee stood behind her.

The quiet Merchant finally decided on what he felt was the safest close of action. "I think I'd like to surren-"

Oni Lee shook his head.

"Oh god, I don't know what I want!"

Sidekick nodded to herself. "Fine, you won't surrender then, eh? I'll stop you myself!"

With that, the diminutive girl charged the Merchants.

"HiiiiYaahhh!" She yelled, dropping into a passable martial arts stance and punching the Merchant on her left in the gut.

Being rather young, and small, the girl's attack left the Merchant more confused than injured and he carefully put a hand on her helmet to lightly push her away from him.

She stumbled backwards, but didn't fall, recovering and returning to a ready stance.

She attacked again, this time kicking him in the shin, and he fell over, cautiously crying out his surrender and gratefully seeing Oni Lee slowly nod in acceptance.

The second Merchant, able to learn from the example set by the first one, also surrendered after 'fighting' with the young heroine.

With the two Merchants beaten, Sidekick heroically checked on their would be victim. She also borrowed his phone to call the PRT. She wasn't allowed to have a cell phone until she was older.

The two Merchants, and the victim, sat quietly alongside one wall while Dinah excitedly spoke three times as fast as a normal person and took four times as long trying to explain the situation to the PRT.

Several minutes later, and a second or two before the official heroes showed up, Oni Lee vanished.

A moment later, Vista and Dauntless arrived, with a PRT car pulling in behind them.

The two young girls screamed at each other in excitement



Everybody else flinched as the pitch of the heroines' voices left the audible range of their hearing.

Still, the girls got themselves under control quickly.

"I mean, hello Vista. I've apprehended these criminals. I'm glad the Wards sent their most experienced member to meet me."

"Greetings Sidekick. I'm pleased to see the city's newest hero fighting the good fight."

Aside from a couple squeals of excitement from Sidekick, which Vista attempted to ignore as professionally as possible, while still grinning happily, she described the capture of the two Merchants.

Dauntless quietly cuffed the two thugs, who were grateful to be getting away from an area they suspected might still contain Oni Lee.
You know reading through these comments caused me to have an idea.

The fact that Lung now has to show up during the opening ceremony for the hot spring and be gawked at is all a part of a plan. The plan to get Lung to finally wear a shirt! Yeah, I know it sounds silly right? Well, Taylor wrote a wish way back when about Lung wearing a shirt. Stating that it would take a divine miracle. And Sunny is right there. It doesn't take a genius to put 2 and 2 together that Taylor's wish, one and only wish, is going to be granted by Sunny even if she needs to drag Lung kicking and screaming into the mens department at JC. Penny.

I have a feeling Lung is going to be made uncomfortable in the future at being gawked at too by hormonal teenage girls with little sense and that think Twilight is the best romance story ever. Or worse... the fujoshi get inspired.
This story made me decide to play Okami.

I stopped when the 'voices' gave me an actual migraine before the opening sequence ended.

The disc is currently locked in an otherwise empty drawer. Just in case I ever got high enough to consider opening it, I threw the key out the window.

Such a shame, too, since the story and the discussions in this thread make it seem like a fun game.

You could try lowering the volume during cutscenes?

If it helps everyone in the game speaks a bit different, so...
That was certainly the most entertaining crime meeting I've seen for a while, and at this point I'm assuming everything Taylor did was fairly carefully considered. I think we're mostly past the point where Taylor is using social-fu on people by accident.

I'm inclined to agree with people that Coil set this up so she wouldn't be around when he was trying to pull stuff ... and of course that went terribly wrong. You have to wonder what the other time-line looked like. Kaiser is ... making logical guesses that go in all the wrong directions, which is just perfect. I can't tell from that if he's worked out that Danny is also Chessman yet, though it would surprise me if he hadn't, even Danny thought his identity was probably blown wide open.

Meanwhile people find out the hard way that the Pawprint Shrine takes its neutrality seriously.

That is quite possibly the most sweet and touching scene I've ever seen with Oni Lee murdering the fuck out of a bunch of people ... and there are words I didn't think I'd ever type.

Dinah is going to have a doozy of a story ... and when this gets to the PRT, they will be even more confused.
The PRT have already concluded that Brushstroke and Good Dog are acting as a moderating influence on the parahumans they're in contact with - that was essentially the whole reasoning behind Piggot's revolutionary "let's try talking" initiative after all. I agree that there's apt to be some jaws dropped on just how strong that effect is, and possibly another round of M/S checks to make really, really sure it's not actually some kind of mind-control brainwashing.

Woof. Grumble-murf.

I don't know why they don't just understand it's the tone of the setting bleaching in the sunlight either, Ammy, but at a guess they need more fluffbutt snugcuddles.
Well, if there's someone who need M/S checks (by PRT), that would be Dinah, but we kinda know what happened if Triumph ever got the whiff of that.
Nope. He triggered upon seeing the painting of his dead wife done by his daughter under the influence of Ammy and hung on the refrigerator. It's in one of the really early chapters.

Yeah, WoG says that he triggered seeing the picture of his wife, but everyone thinks he triggered when the Union was burned down (and he apparently hasn't seen any reason to correct them).
Omake: Carnival Phantasm
Looking around the bar? Restaurant? Taylor frowned for a moment before finally shrugging and then walking in. Sitting at the main bar, she glanced up to see what looked like one of those odd Magical Girl shows from Earth Aleph before a voice spoke up in Japanese. "So what can I get you?"

A frown on her place, Taylor shrugged and then pointed at something. "Root beer float, I guess?" Seeing the looks, she rolled her eyes. "I'm too young to drink."

While said float was being made in front of her, the person on one side of her blew out a cloud of smoke. "You know... I have to wonder how you got here."

In reply, Taylor pointed to where Ammy was across from what looked like a woman with fox ears and tails behind her. Said woman looking rather sheepish as Ammy looked apologetic for some odd reason. "Sunny brought me here as a matter of fact." With a look around, Taylor nodded. "This actually looks like a pretty good place."

Beside, one of the people rapidly nodded their head. "Yeah, yeah, yeah!"

Humming, the smoker chuckled. "I suppose that it is. And things do get rather interesting around here."

On the screen, there was a news report. "In other news, a man in a blue skin-tight suit was accidentally hit and killed by an invisible tank. No other injuries were reported... And now for the weather!"

With a blink, Taylor pointed to the television and raised an eyebrow. "Is that sort of thing normal around here? I mean, in Brockton Bay that... No, not even there." Then she frowned. "And what is Squealer doing here anyways?"

Simply shrugging, the bartender placed the root beer float in front of Taylor. "Happens often enough. But this Squealer sounds interesting!"

Blowing out a cloud of smoke, the cat person beside Taylor looked towards the Fourth Wall and nodded. "Look, it's starting!"

Also breaking the Fourth Wall, Taylor turned and blinked before smiling as Ammy grinned in the background.

Because, and I don't know why, I suddenly had the odd thought that this fanfic is to normal Worm fanfics what Carnival Phantasm is to Fate/Stay Night stuff. And I love this fic just as much.
Omake: Crisis Cafe
Actually, this fic is closer on mainline Prisma Illya (No Grail War, yay! Shiro still a chick magnet, though). If this is Carnival Phantasm (or rather, Ahnerbee), you'll got scene like this:


"Uh, are you sure we should be here?"

"Well, Miko said this place had good pasta and noodles and things..."

"...Well, if she said so-"

That's the moment when Emma crossing eyes with... Taylor... and Taylor... and Taylor.... and Taylor....

Which promptly looked at her wide-eyed, and in a very swift motion, begin to do things.

Bugs. Killer Bugs From Space. Robots. Killer Robots From Space. Killer Robot Bugs From Space. 40 mm Bofors. 50 mm Railgun. Rocket Launcher. Laser Cannon. Spatial Displacement Spell. Cursed Stabbing Implements. A Spoon.

Emma, understandably, squeaked like a little girl.

Yuuta, naturally, put himself between The Mikos(?) and Crazy Chick.

Then Sunny begin bopping everyone in head.

"Girls, it's okay! She's with me! She's fine, really!"

And then (Other? Miko?) Taylor appears and defuse the situation.

"...Why there are other Miko here?"

"...Something about Paralel Universe-"

"Stop. Don't need to hear it. Just... can I package our orders?"

"Sure. ...I'm really sorry."

"...It's fine really. Just give a head up if something like this going to happen, so I can find better place."

Then, Yuuta bring the mostly catatonic Emma in bridal style, and walking out the cafe. Everyone looks embarassed.

Then Miko!Taylor speaks.

"Girls, what did I say about bring weapons into establishment?"