[] He's found a body
-[] Whose body?
--[] Someone else
---[] His own
Local celebrity chef/Murder Death Kill survivor Emiya Shirou found dead in creepy Kool-Aid church basement, more at 11.
SVS, your making your OCs way too likable and well written, so now we gotta make Homura interact with them more often, stahp /s
It wouldn't help Homura any if everyone populating the world were horrible people, would it? If we want to nudge Homura down the path to being a more socially healthy person, the world has to have people that she wants to interact with, right?
EDIT: Forgot the peace vote. Very suspicious on Kirika's change of heart though.
Oriko suggesting that Kirika do her best to play nice, versus, Oriko making Kirika promise to put her anger behind her. Which do you think is going to prompt a more drastic change in her personality?
[] He's found a body
-[] Whose body?
--[] Someone else
---[] Satomi's
Wait, this makes even less sense than Enetious saying that Archer found his own body. At least there's an Emiya Shirou of this timeline, but there can't be two Satomi Kaedes. Unless Archer actually found her sister, or someone random that looks identical to her. But not her herself.
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Wait, this makes even less sense than Enetious saying that Archer found his own body. At least there's an Emiya Shirou of this timeline, but there can't be two Satomi Kaedes. Unless Archer actually found her sister, or someone random that looks identical to her. But not her herself.
He could have stumbled upon the body on his way back after his search or something. Never specified when his news was from.
He could have stumbled upon the body on his way back after his search or something. Never specified when his news was from.
Archer contacted Homura at lunch. English Lit is the class they have right before lunch. Kaede would have had to race over to the warehouse and offed herself pretty fast in order for it to have been her body that Archer found. But if she was that hung up about killing herself, she'd likely have done it in the school bathroom or jumped off the roof, and not bothered with running out somewhere else.
They're really letting them pick Chaucer or Beowulf for their English reports? They barely qualify as English, given how much the language has changed since they were written!

[x] Pick something actually written in Modern English like Lord of the Rings or Twilight or 50 Shades of Grey or something.


[X] Plan The Case Files of Archer Servant EMIYA
-[X] He's found a body
--[X] Whose body?
---[X] The missing person
-[X] Sister Hope has a name
-[X] Raise an eyebrow at Sayaka's obvious unintended subtext and bemusedly telepathically inform Sayaka that's it's okay to be attracted to girls as well as guys you too, as plenty of people are, but unfortunately you would have to turn her down too. XD
-[X] While you're finishing the school day, have Archer confront Father Despair and Sister Hope as a Servant, if applicable
--[X] Switch perspectives to Archer
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They're really letting them pick Chaucer or Beowulf for their English reports? They barely qualify as English, given how much the language has changed since they were written!
Only Beowulf is impossible to read as written. Chaucer is perfectly readable, albeit in a strange form that you have to get acclimated to beforehand. And both are, despite your protests, still considered important works of English literature. I won't at all discount your decision to go for Lord of the Rings - that's some high-quality good taste right there and it's a damn shame that no English class below university level ever approaches them - but you are demonstrably wrong for trying to suggest that the two should be invalid choices.

Now, if you wanted to approach that as "They shouldn't be picking those because what eighth-year student actually wants to read Chaucer?" that would be valid.
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Day 24 Chapter 4
[X] Plan The Case Files of Archer Servant EMIYA
-[X] Peace
-[X] He's found a body
--[X] Whose body?
---[X] The missing person
-[X] Sister Hope has a name
-[X] Raise an eyebrow at Sayaka's obvious unintended subtext and bemusedly telepathically inform Sayaka that's it's okay to be attracted to girls as well as guys, as plenty of people are
-[X] While you're finishing the school day, have Archer confront Father Despair and Sister Hope as a Servant, if applicable
--[X] Switch perspectives to Archer

"Archer, I need you to head over to the warehouse park again. One of the disappeared that Hitomi told me about was last seen there, so I want you to investigate the 'Church' as well as anyone who might be affiliated with it and the warehouse park as a whole."

"Understood. Will that be all?"

"That will be all, Archer. I'll leave it to you."

You don't want to say that you had been waiting for this to happen, but with only a week to go before whatever the 'Church' is up to comes to fruition you were wondering when things might show themselves for what they really are. Given a day before the person could be reported as missing, and it's entirely possible that the person last seen near the 'Church' was one of the people that had been there for the Wednesday night sermon. That would be a pretty damning piece of evidence against the 'Church'- If word got out, it might scare other people away and help to lessen the number of people that the 'Black Mountain' has power over.

On the other hand, with this 'Church' having sprung up like mushrooms after the rainfall in response to the city's suffering, yet another disappearance might only cause more people to join the flock. You don't know this city as well as your master and her friends, though, so for right now you'll do as you were told, and leave the rest to your master once you've gotten the information she needs.

This time, with the police likely to be on the same trail as yourself, venturing over that way in a visible state would be a bad idea. Spirit form it is, and without the necessity of having to meet with McRemitz, your travel across town takes you all of ten minutes from your master's apartment to the warehouse park. From there, you've got an expanse of warehouses to check out, with the one housing the 'Church' as good as starting point as any.

As you arrive, you see a familiar mop of waist-length lime-green hair exiting the 'Church' warehouse. But unlike Monday night, this Sister Hope has discarded her featureless robes, exchanging them for a short-sleeved white dress shirt and a pleated tan-checkered skirt with two rows of front buttons. With a smile on her face and her teal-coloured eyes bright in the morning sun, She almost looks normal; like she isn't being drugged up by whatever dark magic the 'Black Mountain' keeps pumping into her and her father.

'Is she going to school, perhaps?' you think to yourself, watching her walk away without a care in the world.

Your eyes catch the sun reflecting off of something falling from her purse as she walks away; flat and white, with a glossy finish. Sister Hope is so preoccupied with her own thoughts that she doesn't notice that whatever it is has just vacated itself from her person. A part of you tries to call out to her, "Miss, you dropped something!" but she doesn't hear you, and continues walking until her lime-green hair has vanished amid the rows of warehouses.

Inwardly, you debate between picking it up versus leaving it where it fell. If you leave it, sooner or later she'll come back once she's noticed it missing. But that's still no guarantee that someone else won't also come along to pick it up with less wholesome intentions. In the end, curiosity wins out, and you approach the place where fell for a closer look.

The name on what is clearly a student ID card reads 'Alina Gray', written in katakana and in Western name order. So, Sister Hope has a name, after all. In addition, it appears that Sister Hope is sixteen, lives in the northeast part of the city close to the overpass, and goes to the local high school. Seems you were right to pick this up- Sister Hope may be tied to a creepy Kool-Aid cult, but she's still a teenage girl, and anyone wishing to do her ill would have access to everything they need from this one card alone. You pocket the ID card, and promptly return to spirit form lest someone see you and get the wrong idea.

Unfortunately, it takes you several hours after this before you're able to find your next piece of evidence. It would be wrong to say that it was 'stashed away' given that it's lying right there, but with the warehouse park being a maze of buildings that all look the same, combined with the completely inconspicuous and out-of-the-way spot in which it lay, and you're sure that you would have missed it were it not for the ripening stench of rancid meat baking in the noon-day sun.

Yeah, you found a dead body. Though in his condition, to what extent you could charitably call the thing you've found 'a body' is suspect at best. It's been- Actually, you can't tell. Part of it looks like it was chopped up, but upon closer inspection there are no cut or tear marks that could indicate what sort of weapon did this. And in other parts, circular chunks are cut off, indicating that the body was bitten; and again, closer inspection reveals no bite marks.

In all honesty, without a single cut or bite - or hell, any penetrative mark - marring the hideously mangled corpse, it mostly looks like the missing areas simply ceased to exist as part of the victim's body.

Cautiously, you exit spirit form, and try your best to examine the 'body' without disturbing what few pieces remain. The face - or what little remains of it - is missing a large chunk that includes an eye and part of the jaw, but based on the ID card you manage to find on his person you can at least confirm that the victim's name matches that of the person who went missing in this area.

Just as you're almost done with your poking around, what little remains of the neck snaps, causing the head to tilt the other way around, giving you a clear view of the back of the corpse's neck. Oh. Well, that's not good.

"Master, I have news."

"Is it good news?"
You can only think of one person that would consider what you've just found to be anywhere within the realm of 'good' news.

"No, but it is news."

"... That's when I discovered the witch's kiss on the back of the guy's neck. So, either this guy got picked up by a witch and the 'Church' has nothing to do with his disappearance, or we've got to seriously rethink our approach to dealing with the 'Black Mountain'. Personally, I'm leaning towards the latter."

"Why is that?"

"Because this kiss looks way too close to the black-and-red sunburst the 'Church' uses as their logo to be a coincidence. And if it is, then it's one
hell of a coincidence."

You pull yourself back from your conversation with Archer, wanting only a moment of mental silence to enjoy your next few bites of food. "Homura-chan?" Madoka offers you some of hers, and you accept, returning the gesture with the same from your own lunch. "You've been acting distant ever since Sayaka-chan said that she wished girls would fall into her lap."

"I did not!" Sayaka can huff and puff all she wants, but you've seen which way the wind blows too many times to take her protests seriously. "I just said that I was jealous of Homura's luck, that's all. If I had boys falling into my lap like Homura has girls, I'd have it made for life."

"You know," you say, reaching out to touch Sayaka's mind "Liking girls doesn't automatically mean you can't also like guys. Plenty of people are bisexual, and there's nothing to be ashamed of if you decide that's who you are."

"Come on, not you too Homura! Geez, I know I tease you and Madoka a lot, but I mean, come on! There aren't even any girls that I like!"

"So, you admit that you
would like a girl if you found the right one?" It just so happens that you happen to have 'the right one' in mind for her already.

"No! ... I mean, I don't know; maybe? It's never something I've ever really thought about, but I mean... I didn't know that Madoka was gay until you showed up, so... Look, I don't know, okay? Maybe there is a girl out there that I'd like if I met her, but I haven't. Besides, I didn't even mean what I said like that, so just cut it out."

"I was just thinking," you say, allowing your thoughts to return to Madoka. "There's been a lot on my mind lately, that's all." "Archer, when you get the chance, approach and confront Father Despair and Sister Hope, as a servant if at all possible."

"Are you sure, master?"

"Yes. You found a body that had chunks taken out of it by a witch. We can no longer afford to presume that they know nothing about the existence of magic. We need to know, and we need to know what they know."

Do you
[ ] Keep the news to yourself
[ ] Tell
-[ ] Madoka
-[ ] Sayaka
-[ ] Hitomi
-[ ] Tomoe-san
-[ ] Kyouko
-[ ] Mikuni Oriko
-[ ] Kure Kirika
--[ ] Some combination of the above (write-in who)
--[ ] Everybody

[ ] Wat do?​
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[X] Tell
-[X] Everybody
--[X] When it comes to your mundane friends and girlfriend inform them for the purposes of them avoiding the area where the Church is set in as for them not to fall under it's influences and end up like that missing person
--[X] Ask Hitomi if she could research into the identity of Alina Gray due to her identity as Sister Hope, and if public records show anything notable about her family. Press that she doesn't have to spend too much of her time digging deep into her or her family, just whatever's publicly available and easily accessible.
[X] Finish up the school day
[X] Switch perspective to Archer

Time for Archer to channel his inner Lord Melloi II and solve this mystery. Also stipulated a point in asking Hitomi for help as to not overwork her. If Homura and co needs further details they can ask the defacto magical detective in town (aka Bazett) since she'll have more access to records normal people wouldn't have access to outside of the Clocktower's influence.
Only Beowulf is impossible to read as written. Chaucer is perfectly readable, albeit in a strange form that you have to get acclimated to beforehand. And both are, despite your protests, still considered important works of English literature. I won't at all discount your decision to go for Lord of the Rings - that's some high-quality good taste right there and it's a damn shame that no English class below university level ever approaches them - but you are demonstrably wrong for trying to suggest that the two should be invalid choices.

Now, if you wanted to approach that as "They shouldn't be picking those because what eighth-year student actually wants to read Chaucer?" that would be valid.
I'll point out that the English skills of a typical Japanese 8th grader are probably on about the same level as this video:

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I'll point out that the English skills of a typical Japanese 8th grader are probably on about the same level as this video:

Fair enough, but given her family's wealth and the expectations they must place on her to succeed, it's reasonable to assume that Hitomi has a better grasp of English than many of her peers, and that with Tomoe-san's help she could make it through Chaucer. Mami, I've already established as being able to read in multiple languages, English included (see Day 18 when Homura is broswing through her multilingual cookbook collection), and with how many times Homura has repeated this class it's likely that she knows English better than the teacher.

Sayaka, on the other hand, just choose Beowulf because she heard it had cool monster fights in it and strongarmed her group into choosing it without thinking.

And for what it's worth, Madoka's group is not going to be choosing something as linguistically obtuse to a Japanese reader as Chaucer or Beowulf.
[X] Tell
-[X] Everybody
--[X] When it comes to your mundane friends and girlfriend inform them for the purposes of them avoiding the area where the Church is set in as for them not to fall under it's influences and end up like that missing person
--[X] Ask Hitomi if she could research into the identity of Alina Gray due to her identity as Sister Hope, and if public records show anything notable about her family. Press that she doesn't have to spend too much of her time digging deep into her or her family, just whatever's publicly available and easily accessible.
[X] Finish up the school day
[X] Switch perspective to Archer
Alright guys, bad news. My laptop has shit the bed. I'm currently typing this on my desktop, but this thing is ancient, broken, slow, and I can hear the box straining just from being turned on. I have replacement parts coming, but it'll still be about a week before I'm back in action.

So while I'm away, go crazy. Post memes, or discuss your favourite wild conspiracy theories for what direction this is all going in.

EDIT: I... guess? Apparently I have a second laptop that was just lying around. It's not as good as my regular one, but it's better than my shitbrick desktop. I'll try to put out what I can when I can, but I make no promises until this time next week.

EDIT 2: Ill probably be able to put something up sometime between "later tonight" and "sometime on Friday". Unfortunately, any estimating better than that is pure guesswork. In the mean time, I just want to lament the fact that Bedivere exists because it means that we'll never get to see Bazett channeling a demi-servant Nuada Airgetlam.
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So while I'm away, go crazy. Post memes, or discuss your favourite wild conspiracy theories for what direction this is all going in
Here's a crazy conspiracy idea, but what if Kaede is one of the last potential Master/Magical Girl candidates left in the city (who was possibly the second person in the hospital that Kyubey went to meet) and she tries to use her wish to NTR Madoka and take Homura for herself?

Like that girl in MagiReco who made a wish to get a girl (who was straight and already in a relationship) to fall in love with her.
Here's a crazy conspiracy idea, but what if Kaede is one of the last potential Master/Magical Girl candidates left in the city (who was possibly the second person in the hospital that Kyubey went to meet) and she tries to use her wish to NTR Madoka and take Homura for herself?

Like that girl in MagiReco who made a wish to get a girl (who was straight and already in a relationship) to fall in love with her.
... That's actually plausible, and would be really bad if it were to happen. :/

Conspiracy theory: Caren is planning to interfere in this whole conflict as someone who's on no one's side, or the Church's, with Lancer by her side reluctantly aiding her.
Day 24 Chapter 5
[X] Tell
-[X] Everybody
--[X] When it comes to your mundane friends and girlfriend inform them for the purposes of them avoiding the area where the Church is set in as for them not to fall under it's influences and end up like that missing person
--[X] Ask Hitomi if she could research into the identity of Alina Gray due to her identity as Sister Hope, and if public records show anything notable about her family. Press that she doesn't have to spend too much of her time digging deep into her or her family, just whatever's publicly available and easily accessible.
[X] Finish up the school day
[X] Switch perspective to Archer

"Are you sure, master?"

You can't believe this- You can believe that Archer found a body, and you can believe that a witch has killed someone. But you can't believe that a witch would have killed someone and then just left their body lying there. And yet... There's no other way to explain away he fact that your corpse has a witch's kiss. It would be an impossible coincidence for him to have been kissed, and then to have had something else - some other supernatural element that tears chunks from its victim's body without leaving so much as a scratch - have been responsible for his death.

You can't believe this; and yet you have to.

"Yes. You found a body that had chunks taken out of it by a witch. We can no longer afford to presume that they know nothing about the existence of magic. We need to know, and we need to know what they know."

"Alright. Any particular time you'd like me to approach them?"

"You said that Sister Hope might have been heading to school, correct? In that case, try to confront them after school gets out. If you're right, that'll be the best time to confront them both at once."

"Based on the way everything is shaping up, I can't be sure if Sister Hope is entirely with it enough to be attending school, if a witch really has gotten her. But alright; I'll confront them after school and try to have this sorted out as best as I can."

You sigh as you for the second time pull yourself away from your communication with Archer. "Homura-chan?" Madoka asks. You're sure that this time, she can hear the stress loud and clear. "Something's wrong, isn't it?" There's no hiding it this time. "There is, isn't there? Don't feel like you have to hide it from us if there is."

"Yeah Homura-" Sayaka chimes in. "We're your friends. Come on, you can tell us. So, what's got you down? Is it Kaede?"

"No, it's-" There's no way you can keep this a secret from them this time. They need to know. Even if it's just for their safety, so that they know to avoid the warehouse park, they need to know. "Girls, there's something I need to tell you. It's very important, but it's also very disturbing, so I need for you to promise to keep this to yourselves..."

"... I see. Well, thank you for keeping me informed, Akemi-san. I trust you'll also let me know when you hear back from McRemitz-san regarding the person ho went missing by the train station?"

You had held off on telling Mikuni Oriko until class had resumed, the logic being that it would be best to devote all of your energies to telling the people in front of you at the lunch table. "Yes, I'll let you know if anything comes up. I know it should be me telling her, but I didn't have the time to inform Kure Kirika of this latest development, and I'm not sure if Tomoe-san did either. That, and I had guessed that hearing it from you might make her more inclined to listen."

While it is true that Kure Kirika seems to be in better spirits and of a more agreeable demeanor, you know well enough to wait and see if her present attitude holds before declaring it so. "It will be difficult, I'm sure. She's still having trouble using this method of communication, and with both of us now in class I don't know if she'll see my message any time soon. But, I will do my best to be the one to let her know, and if she doesn't see it then perhaps either you or Tomoe-san can tell her for me."

"She's still having trouble using her telepathy? Did she use a Command Seal to lower Berserker's rank in Mad Enhancement like I suggested to her?"

By the sound of Mikuni Oriko's shock, you would guess that Kure Kirika did not take your suggestion to heart. "I didn't know that was something she could do. I'll ask her about what you told her when I get the chance. Will there be anything else you need from me, Akemi-san?"

"No, I think that's everything. I'll let you go now."

The distant bells chime, signalling the end of the school day. Your classmates all file out, one by one; Satomi-san is the first to leave, hurrying out of the classroom - out of sight of you - before soon being followed by the rest. Madoka, Sayaka, and Hitomi hang back as the four of you watch your classmates leaving, glum expressions on each of their faces.

"Well, I guess I'll be off to my club, then," Madoka says, giving you a brief hug, its warmth diminished by the tinge of fear in Madoka's eyes as she separates from you. "I'll see everyone tomorrow."

With one final, hesitating wave of her hand, Madoka collects her bag and departs, leaving you alone in class with Sayaka and Hitomi. The room is silent, and the sound in the hallway dies with each passing second. "So..." Sayaka breaks the silence, looking at you with unease written al over her face. "Are we gonna get going, or what?" Wordlessly, you stand, taking up a walking vigil beside Hitomi as the three of you set off.

"Can I ask you to do something for me?" you ask, prompting Hitomi to turn her head in your direction, attention piqued. Sayaka turns her head too, only to turn it back straight ahead as she walks, pretending like she can't hear anything.

"... I suppose so, Akemi-san. I just- I can't believe it. I- I was there; that could have been me. I-"

"But it wasn't. You are still alive, Hitomi, and there is no shame in surviving."

You aren't sure if your words have reached Hitomi; her face still wears the same blank, shell-shocked expression as when you first broke the news to her. "Right. I... I understand, Akemi-san. So, what was it you needed me to do?"

"I need you to look up a name for me, when you get home. 'Alina Gray'; in katakana and western name order, just the way it sounds. It's Sister Hope's name, according to what Archer found. She's sixteen, and goes to the local high school. You don't have to find out everything possible about her; just whatever's public and easily accessible." Anything more than that, and you can ask McRemitz-san to look for you; she seems to have a way with finding information that seems uncanny. "I just want a better idea of who she really is, as a person. Can you do that for me?"

Hitomi nods; now with a purpose, it looks like some of her old self is returning to her features. "Yes, I think I can manage to do that, Akemi-san."

"Thank you."

Do you
[ ] Head home by yourself
-[ ] And practice
-[ ] And do nothing while you await word from Archer
-[ ] And contact McRemitz-san to see what her investigation has turned up
[ ] See if __ wants to 'hang out'
-[ ] Sayaka
-[ ] Hitomi
--[ ] What does 'hanging out' entail? (write-in)
[ ] Break from your friends and try to find Satomi-san
-[ ] But why? (write-in)
[ ] Join Archer as he confronts Father Despair and Sister Hope
-[ ] Ask __ if they want to join you and Archer
--[ ] Tomoe-san
--[ ] Kyouko
--[ ] Mikuni Oriko
--[ ] Kure Kirika
--[ ] McRemitz-san
[ ] Other (write-in)
Changing perspectives to Archer is assumed by this vote.

As Archer,
[ ] What, exactly, do you need to address at this confrontation? (write-in in detail)
[ ] What, exactly, are you hoping to hear from Father Despair and Sister Hope? (write-in in detail)
[ ] Anything else? (write-in)​
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[X] Plan Dark Knight
-[X] Head home by yourself
--[X] And contact McRemitz-san to see what her investigation has turned up
--[X] And practice Isa while you wait for Archer to report back
-[X] What, exactly, do you need to address at this confrontation?
--[X] Determine if they are consciously aware of the supernatural by appearing as a Servant
--[X] Interrogate them for what knowledge they have of the Black Mountain, the entity that's presumably sending Alina visions
--[X] To see if they're being deceived by whatever this Black Mountain is, or if they're willing accomplices to the Black Mountain's will
---[X] If they're being controlled by the Black Mountain or not
--[X] The missing person's body that was found nearby the Church and the condition of it
---[X] The possible connection to Witches in relation to the Witch's Kiss that was on the body in question, along with it's resemblance to the Church's symbol
--[X] To see if they're aware of the death and destruction the Black Mountain will cause to Mitakihara, and possibly the world itself
--[X] What they know of Puella Magi and Witches
--[X] If necessary, and if they aren't seemingly terrible people or being completely controlled by the Black Mountain, reassure them with the knowledge that you're the "Good Guy" as a Heroic Spirit manifested from the Throne of Heroes, sent here to prevent a catastrophe from occurring.
-[X] What, exactly, are you hoping to hear from Father Despair and Sister Hope?
--[X] Answers to the queries above. Them being truthful and forthcoming in their answers. Regret over aiding such a horrible entity blindly.
-[X] Anything else?
--[X] If they don't attack or are otherwise hostile to you, return Alina's student ID like any decent citizen
--[X] Continue to tail them in Astral Form as you send your report back to your Master, gauging their reactions to the whole encounter

Got a feeling that if Homura goes after Satomi to reassure her so soon after rejecting her, she'll only aid in the deterioration of Satomi's stability and increase the chances that the Incubator will attempt to contract her. The only concrete way I see as to prevent Satomi from ever being contracted is by revealing the existence of Magic to her, which probably also isn't the greatest idea.

A good way to foster a better mental state for Satomi would to probably have someone other than Homura - e.g. Mami, Sayaka, or someone else positive and friendly - befriend her, or at least garner her some more positive interactions, since she may have the possibility of having an amount of Potential Kyuubey wouldn't mind contracting, especially after the newfound drought of Puella Magi in the local sector.

Also, sorry for the large vote. Also wasn't sure what to specify in the "What, exactly, are you hoping to hear from Father Despair and Sister Hope?" portion of the vote other than the obvious.
Also, sorry for the large vote. Also wasn't sure what to specify in the "What, exactly, are you hoping to hear from Father Despair and Sister Hope?" portion of the vote other than the obvious.
Ah, that's fine. I'm sure I'll be able to make it work, and if not I can always ask that a troublesome part be toned down. But I'l see where I get at when I pick up again tomorrow.
[X] Plan Dark Knight

Seems reasonable enough, and I wouldn't like to end up in a tie again so soon.
We have a pretty powerful servant lineup on our side, so that has me curious- What, in your opinions, would be the most ideal team comp for an enemy faction looking to beat our holy quintet in an Apocrypha situation?
We have a pretty powerful servant lineup on our side, so that has me curious- What, in your opinions, would be the most ideal team comp for an enemy faction looking to beat our holy quintet in an Apocrypha situation?
I can think of someone who's Gilgamesh's ideal enemy...


In all seriousness though:
Saber (Sigurd) - We can't not include him, if this Apocrypha's having Brynhildr in it. Also is a powerhouse (as Saber Servants do) and has the Divinity to injure Achilles.
Archer (Robin Hood) - Basically an Assassin Servant with the sheer firepower to back it up, and Subversive Activities A would make it a nightmare for Homura and co, seeing as how they're more individually powerful than actually great at working as a team, especially with the actions of some of their members and the mostly lack-thereof teamwork among their Servants, who mostly aren't suited or have clashing personalities to work together properly. Easy pickings (discarding Sha Naqba Imuru).
Lancer (Karna) - For Vasavi Shakti, which is a Noble Phantasm meant to kill Gods and anything below them, so it should be extra effective against Gilgamesh's high divinity, and Gilgamesh would have no knowledge of Vasavi Shakti at all giving Karna an advantage (aside from Sha Naqba Imuru shenanigans). Also has the Divinity to injure Achilles.
Rider (Medusa) - When she has a proper Prana supply, her Belerophon is insane, not to mention the Mystic Eyes of Petrification which is a general debuff at least, and anyone with C-rank or lower Mana will be petrified immediately. Also somewhat divine.
Caster (Tamamo-no-Mae) - Witchcraft EX + her infinite Prana N.P. Also has Divinity.
Assassin (Shuten-douji) - Horrifying. Absolutely sickeningly powerful, and is bound to cause casualties, be they Homura and co or innocents with stats, skills, and N.P.s.
Berserker (Raikou) - Really strong Berserker with a skill that gives them Anti-Mystery, called Mystery Slayer. Also has Divinity (wow lots of Servants are divine nowadays).

If you really want to mess with EMIYA's mind, just have EMIYA Alter come in as their Archer Servant, who's basically the EMIYA who's completely turned into what Alaya was molding EMIYA to be, a heartless killer and a tool with little personality to speak of.
Berserker (Raikou) - Really strong Berserker with a skill that gives them Anti-Mystery, called Mystery Slayer. Also has Divinity (wow lots of Servants are divine nowadays).
Oh look Jackie bai- wait no she already has a mom, also your line up would Love Nobu wouldn't it