Confringentur 2; a Madoka Magica / Fate/Stay Night sequel

The witch's clothes are the first to go, melting off of her body into a puddle of black bile at her feet. Her naked flesh, carved open like Christmas dinner by Kanshou and Bakuya, is soon to follow. Her body takes just long enough to be rendered into a boiling black grease that your eyes barely have the time to count the massive number of scars littering her arms, legs, and torso. Was she tortured at some point? Do you even care if something as vile as her were to be tortured? After her clothes and body have melted away, all that remains is her head, which fell to the ground as her neck and body melted away around it. Her mouth splits open in a wide grin, and even without lungs her cackling is loud enough to shatter your ears. Soon, even her head melts away, and all that is left behind is a lumpy Grief Seed and a pair of rounded emeralds.
I guess she has proxy clones. Though, is that an actual grief seed she left behind?

[X] Enetious
Okay, I have no idea regarding the vote. Like, none. I'll try to build the pic better for tomorrow, if that's alright

If in doubt, I'll vote:
[X] Enetious
Day 6 Chapter 13
[X] Plan Exorcism

"Looks like we're not getting out of here without a fight," you say, as about a dozen of the witch's familiars emerge from the shadows of her workshop and approach, teeth and claws bared and ready to strike at you. "Damn. I thought for sure I'd have wiped all her familiars out before we entered."

"We'll have time to figure out where your plan went wrong after we defeat them," Rin says as she tosses her trophies to the ground, readying the Sword of Paracelsus you gave her as well as several gemstones as she takes up a fighting stance beside you. "Heh. Just like old times, huh partner?"

"Let's just hope this doesn't end with me being eaten while the less cool version of me walks away with my arm." Rin scoffs, and you add "He's not still walking around with my arm, is he?"

"Of course not," Rin replies. "If you're that curious, we can talk more later, after we get out of this place."

"Right." You ready Kanshou and Bakuya as the first familiar - a bear-sized hulk of fur and scales whose finer details are lost to you in the shadows - approaches, cutting it down with ease, before tossing your blades wide into the throng in order to free your hands up for some more impressive weaponry. You're feeling rather foolish with a Gáe Bolg in one hand and a Gáe Dearg, but by understanding the Lancer-class summon of Shizuki's Saber you're able to make effective use of the weapons as though you didn't look like a total clown waving two spears back and forth.

"My servant, everyone," Rin says as she engages a familiar on her own terms. She brings the Sword of Paracelsus down into the head of her opponent, before finishing it off with a bolt of electricity from her emerald familiar. "The Lancer-class servant, Archer."

"Hey, have you seen how sharp my bow is?" you shoot back, allowing the expertise of Diarmuid ua Duibhne guide your twin spears into the heads and bellies of your enemies. "I could totally be a Lancer-class servant with that thing."

"Har har, very funny," Rin flicks a pair of rubies and a sapphire into the fray, which join her lightning-spewing emerald in loosing bombardments of fire and ice. "What's next? You're going to tell me that Lancer can be an Archer because he throws his spear?"

"Hey, it could happen. Watch-" You pull your arm back, sending the Gáe Bolg flying into the crowd, which only seems to grow the more familiars you and Rin cut down. "See? Only an Archer could throw a spear like that." With your hand outstretched, you call the Gáe Bolg back to your reach, before adding "Besides, I'm not your servant anymore."

"Right, right, I know." It's too dark to make out the details of Rin's face, but from the sound of her voice you're positive she just rolled her eyes at you. "Hey, when we get back, I've got something I want to give to Homura."

"You mean if we get back!" Rider calls out, appearing out of spirit form as he joins the fray, his spear and shield cleaving through familiars just as surely as anything you or Rin have. "Because if you two don't stop with the yapping, we're going to be here all day!"

It's more to the fact that, for every familiar you, or Rin, or Rider take down - burned, frozen, electrocuted, stabbed, speared, or cleaved in two - several more appear to take their place. Only the occasional strike from the Gáe Dearg or the Sword of Paracelsus prove to be permanent in their subdual of the familiar in question; every other blow which spills the black bile from their bodies only serves to add more fuel to the metaphorical fire. In fact, it's just like fighting the Grief-made familiars of Walpurgisnacht, in a sense; where no matter how grievous the blow, the struck familiar gets back up again unless struck by a weapon which nullifies whatever dark magic is around it; either by breaking the Grief itself, or the magical bond which holds the Grief in shape.

You're fortunate to be wearing a holy shroud, but damn if you aren't walking in the house in these boots ever again.

Not that you'd ever be so crass as to wear your boots indoors, that is.

"We're getting nowhere fast," you say. Tossing the Gáe Bolg once more into the fray, you take a moment while your hand is free to Project a mundane bag. Just a normal, mundane, burlap sack, nothing special about it in the slightest. "Rin, put whatever you managed to pilfer from the witch into this. We're going to try to make a break for it."

"On it!"

"Rider, we'll cover Rin while she packs her stuff up. Be ready to clear a path on my signal."

"You got it!"

You and Rider form your best impression of a circle around Rin - hey, it's really hard to form a circle when there's only two people - as she scrambles to stuff the stolen books and the wooden mould into your sack. All around her, fire, ice, and lightning burst from her buzzing gemstones, covering the gaps that you and Rider cannot, on account of you being only two people. It only takes a few moments - but that's a few moments you don't have - for Rin together everything up, tossing the sack over her shoulder as she calls out "Okay! Let's blow this place!"

"Right!" You and Rider call out in unison, readying your spears as one. You thrust first, cleaving through the crowd with the throw of your "Gáe Bolg!" before allowing Rider to take over. He crouches into a running stance, before immediately dashing through the opening your spear created. Familiars are torn through and thrown left and right in the wake of the fastest heroic spirit's fastest Noble Phantasm, giving you and Rin just enough of an opportunity to make a dash for the stairs. Rider follows, bringing up the rear just in case any familiars decide to follow you.

As soon as the three of you make it back out into the real world, Rider calls for his chariot, making a rapid takeoff as you prepare one final blow to be delivered to the witch and her operations. A blade of unwieldy length forms in your hands, which you angle straight downwards towards the church. You've decided to take Rin's call to 'blow this place' a little more literally than she meant it. "Goodbye, have a beautiful time!" you call out, as you let loose the massive blade's true name of "Decisive Blade - Endless Three-Stage!" Black and white and gold flash as the blade tears through the church. "Or don't; your choice, really."

Releasing the true name of the blade carves a massive gash through the heart of the church, deep down into the ground. You don't see any of the telltale red glow that illuminated the workshop underneath, nor can you see any of the black Grief from Walpurgisnacht's Grief Seed bubbling up to the surface, so chances are good that your strike didn't manage to go all the way down. If it had, you aren't sure that would have been a good thing, especially if something happened to disturb Walpurgisnacht's Grief Seed and caused it to spill its contents into the ground more than it already is. But you have dealt a pretty significant blow to the witch's above-ground fortress, and assuming you didn't succeed in killing her down there, the hope is that you've at least put a damper on her operations for at least a little while.

It's approaching dinner, and you recall telling Minako you would be home by now. But, as long as Rider has you in his chariot, you can go just about anywhere you want and not worry about what time it is.

Do you
[ ] Find somewhere secluded to land and have a mini-freakout with Rin over what just happened
[ ] Go home and spend some time with Minako before Homura gets back
-[ ] Make dinner together (what's for dinner?)
-[ ] Talk about your day
-[ ] Give her a massage
-[ ] Other (write-in)
[ ] Stop by the mall, say hi to Homura, and spend some father-daughter time with her
-[ ] If she's with Madoka, just long enough to update her on the situation
-[ ] If she's by herself, stick around and spend some quality time with her
[ ] Stop by Kirika's work and say hi to her
[ ] Other (write-in)
@NMS, I am so, so sorry that nobody ever votes for you, but I think you bring it upon yourself by making votes with so little substance. Everyone else sees them and knows I won't be able to turn them into an update of adequate length. But I feel bad for your efforts always being shat on, so in the future do you think you put put more detail into the votes you give me? They might stand a better chance of winning the crowd over if you do.
@NMS, I am so, so sorry that nobody ever votes for you, but I think you bring it upon yourself by making votes with so little substance. Everyone else sees them and knows I won't be able to turn them into an update of adequate length. But I feel bad for your efforts always being shat on, so in the future do you think you put put more detail into the votes you give me? They might stand a better chance of winning the crowd over if you do.

Eh, it's fine. I guess I'm too used to the days when Enetious would just take my plans and make them work.

But I'll try.

[x] Plan: Just an Average Day
-[x] Go home and spend some time with Minako before Homura gets back
--[x] Make dinner together (what's for dinner?)
---[x] Something simple and easy, you've had a bit of a rough day.
--[x] Talk about your day
---[x] Talk about your daughters' sports festival.
---[x] If she asks, mention the church you found, but don't go into too much detail about what you found in the basement.
--[x] Give her a massage

Sorry for not having a specific dinner to suggest. I have a hard enough time coming with what I should cook for dinner.
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---[x] Talk about your daughter's sports festival.
Unless we suddenly put Homura or Kirika up for adoption, this should be daughters'. Very, very important distinction to be making, as I'm sure you can see.

Speaking of daughters, do you think Kirika ever feels like her relationship with Archer isn't as strong or as meaningful as Homura's, on account of lacking the master-servant telepathy that Homura gets to share with him?
Unless we suddenly put Homura or Kirika up for adoption, this should be daughters'. Very, very important distinction to be making, as I'm sure you can see.

Thanks, fixed.
Speaking of daughters, do you think Kirika ever feels like her relationship with Archer isn't as strong or as meaningful as Homura's, on account of lacking the master-servant telepathy that Homura gets to share with him?

Huh, that thought never occurred to me before. We should have Archer do something nice for Kirika at some point.
I'm sorry, @SVS, but I haven't yet found a pic to plunder for the specific apocalyptic sky you meant :(

[X] Plan: Talk to Kirika
-[X] Stop by Kirika's work and say hi to her
-[X] Ask her how's work going
-[X] Offer to teach her how to cook
-[X] Is there anything she needs?
-[X] Ask how things are going with Oriko?
-[X] Tell Kirika you're proud of her, and that you're thankful she's trying her best to help Homura figure out this entire "relationship" chaos.
[X] Plan Bad Omens
-[X] Return to the ground and investigate the ruins of the church with Rin to make sure you're not leaving anything of the Witch's near Walpurgisnacht's Grief Seed
--[X] Project Mmaagha Kamalu and attempt to detect any remaining evil entities or entities that are going to commit evil in the area
--[X] Use Structural Analysis and Rin's familiar/Magecraft in order to determine whether or not there are tangible dangers still present down there (such as large numbers of familiars, the Witch herself, if the entire basement is flooded with pure Grief, etc.); if there are dangers and it doesn't seem like the Witch is present here at this time, maybe Rin could erect a Bounded Field that could cut off any connections the Witch has to this place from the outside?
---[X] If it comes clear (or clear enough that the possible dangers are minimal to a Servant), search any remaining lower room by phasing through the rubble/ground in astral form while Rider stays behind to protect Rin from any ambushes from the Witch; collect any remaining tomes and such things for Rin if they survived the blast, assuming nothing goes wrong
----[X] Project Lord Camelot to keep on you at all times while you are doing this
-----[X] Immediately exfiltrate yourself if your initial danger assessment ends up being incorrect, if necessary using Lord Camelot to ward off danger and aid in your escape
---[X] If things are seemingly dangerous enough to warrant not going down there, before leaving and setting up defenses/traps consult with Rin and Rider on what they think they should do before anything else
-[X] Have Rin set up defenses around the area Walpurgisnacht's Grief Seed resides, and especially something that'll notify them if whatever Bounded Field she puts up is breached or broken
--[X] As for your contribution, project Failnaught: Fantasia of Lamentation and set up traps made up of your magical energy everywhere that you believe would be most effective to take the Witch off guard or otherwise deter her
-[X] Discuss with Rin and Rider over what just occurred, and your thoughts on it
--[X] You suspect that the familiars she's sent out into the city were her failed experiments, and that she's now achieved much more control over the manifestations of her "Warped Seeds" given she was able to make a familiar "clone" of herself that she could interface through quite effectively (she likely wasn't ever there to begin with, smart of her); you don't know whether or not she's transferred a cache of Grief outside of her workshop, but it's best to assume that she has tons of this stuff to work with even without access to Walpurgisnacht's Grief Seed
---[X] Hopefully Rin can get something more from the tomes she stole from the Witch's workshop, to try to understand what her end goal might be

-[X] Stop by Kirika's work and say hi to her
--[X] Congratulate her on her sports festival win once again; her and Oriko really have some good teamwork, huh?
---[X] Tell her about her little sister's sports festival win while you're here
--[X] Take an interest in her work, and tell her your own experiences with part time work when you worked at Ahnenerbe around her age
--[X] Is there anything she's looking forward to in the future, or anything she'd like to do? You're thinking of doing something - just the two of them - some time soon.

I'd assume that Kirika would want to do something cool/semi-dangerous with Archer that she can't normally do with her mom around, kinda like how she sometimes goes shooting with Homura.

Would have had Archer and Rin talk more about what's going on with the OG F/SN cast, but the plan was getting pretty bloated as it was. Perhaps they could catch up while the Homura and Kirika are at school tomorrow over some tea or coffee or something?
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And that, right there, is a reason that one should research a name before using it, Nasu. (I mean Nasu-Nasu, not SVS-Nasu). I read that name, and I was feeling a cold shower. Ahnenerbe was a Nazi think tank tasked with rationalizing Nazi ideology, and at least one of its leaders was executed at Nuremberg.
Finally! Someone else who shares my being weirded the fuck out by Nasu's choice in names! I mean, I know the Japanese just don't give a hoot about the whole Nazi thing the way the west does, but it's still super-weird to look at the name, remember that the Nazis canonically participated in the 3rd HGW, and then see it pop up as the name of Shirou's place of employment. I still used the name when the bar showed up in an omake, way back in the first thread, but I'm pretty sure I misspelled it, and I can't recall whether that was intentional or not.
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Non-canon omake - But We're Both Girls
Sunday, 8 November, 2015...

That today's celebration had to be held in Tokyo's Shibuya Ward, and not in the celebrants' resident city of Shirome, was a source of disappointment for some, but on the whole the air in the little hotel lobby was one of anticipation. Twenty-year-old Kure Kirika, buttoned upon in an elegant black tuxedo, paced back and forth in the hall, muttering to herself. "It's going to be fine," her younger step-sister, eighteen-year-old Akemi Homura said, appearing to place a comforting hand on her sister's shoulder. "I really don't think you've got anything to worry about."

"But what if it's not?" Kirika asked. "What if she decides she doesn't want to go through with it and she runs off at the last minute and I have to go out there and tell everyone to go home? Mom and dad'll be so embarrassed!"

"If you're that worried, why don't you go pop your head into her room and confirm for yourself that everything's okay?"

Kirika's eyes lit up, and with a cry of "That's a great idea!" she dashed off down the hallway. Oriko's changing room - actually just the room Oriko and Kirika had been staying in for the days leading up to the event - was a few doors down from the elevators on the third floor, but for Kirika, it was faster to take the stairs; and take the stairs she did. Finally, she arrived, almost tearing the door off its hinges as she opened it and called out "Oriko? Are we still on for today?"

She spotted Oriko, wearing nothing but a bra, panties, and gartered stockings, standing over a mirror as she finished styled her hair. A dress of silver and dove-grey, styled equally as elegantly as the tuxedo Kirika wore, lay on the bed beside. Oriko's many Command Seals were visible along the curves of her lower back and down her biceps, and above them rested a tattoo of a phoenix in flight, its glittering wings of scarlet, orange, and gold spread out across her back and shoulders. Cautiously, Kirika waited by the door for Oriko to turn around. "Of course we are, dearest," Oriko said. "It would hardly be polite for me to call everything off, not when we've both been waiting for today for five years."

"Well..." Kirika fidgeted in place as Oriko approached, closing the door behind her. "Maybe you could... Calm my nerves a little?" she asked.

Oriko smiled as she leaned over her shorter lover, and the two shared a passionate and not-at-all brief kiss. "We'll be having plenty of that later tonight," she said. "But right now, you should be going. I'd hate to mess up my hair after I just got done styling it; and besides, it's bad luck for us to see each other right now, isn't it?"

"Well, if you're going to be all traditional and throw that 'bad luck' stuff at me, then how come you aren't wearing white?" Kirika asked. "Isn't it traditional to wear white when you're-"

Oriko silenced Kirika with another kiss, saying as her lips peeled away from Kirika's "Didn't you know? It's only traditional for virgins to wear white."

"You're so unfair..." Kirika licked her lips, staring into Oriko's eyes as she said "If you don't kick me out of here right now, I'm really going to mess up your hair, you know?"

"I know," Oriko said. Leaving her lover with a final, parting kiss, Oriko opened the door and promptly gave Kirika a gentle push back out into the hall. "I'll see you in a little while, dearest."

With Kirika gone from her hair - and gone before she could mess up her hair - Oriko turned to the dress lain out on her bed, and got to work slipping into the elegant piece. She had barely managed to zip herself up when there came a knock on the door. "Kirika, if that's you again, I swear I'll-" Oriko stopped as she stared at the man who had knocked. It was not Kirika. "Uncle?" Oriko had sent the man and his wife invitations, but she hadn't expected for them to show up. They hadn't even been at the rehearsal yesterday, or the reception dinner the night before. "You came?"

"I did," Oriko's uncle said. "I had a long talk with myself about where my priorities were, and I decided it was more important that I be here for you than it was to continue acting as though I didn't approve."

"... You still don't approve, do you?" Oriko asked.

"I wish you had chosen a more... Agreeable, partner," was the descriptor her uncle eventually settled on. "However, I've come to accept that you and Kure do truly love one another; and if she makes you happy then I'm hardly in a position to tell you what you can't do. You are an adult now, after all. You aren't the impressionable teenage girl I thought you were when Kure kicked me in the face."

Oriko smiled, giving her uncle a hug as she said "I'm glad you could make it, uncle. Is auntie with you?"

"Sumi is in the lobby with everyone else. I dare say, she wasn't exactly expecting for this event to draw such a crowd."

Oriko smiled again, drawing in a deep breath before working up the courage to ask her uncle "Would you... Would you walk me down the aisle? I was going to ask Uncle Antonio, or perhaps Archer, but if you're here then-"

"I would be honoured."

Kirika found herself unable to stop fidgeting as the clock struck two. Beside her stood Homura, Sakura Kyouko, and Miki Sayak - each dressed in stylish black tuxedos of their own, distinct only in that the colour of their pocket square matched the colour of their eyes - and across from them stood Kaname Madoka, Shizuki Hitomi, and Tomoe Mami, each of whom wore elegant silver and dove grey dresses to match the woman who had yet to arrive. The music struck its chord, the doors of the little lobby opened, and Oriko was walked down the aisle by her uncle to the altar. "Dearly beloved," the words spoken with all their enthusiasm sucked out, came from one Caren Ortensia, cousin of the bride and the one who would be performing the sacrament of marriage. "We are gathered here today to witness the union of these two lovers; my cousin, Mikuni Oriko, and her girlfriend of five years, Kure Kirika. Marriage is one of the most important sacraments of the Holy Church..."

Oriko and Kirika were fixed firmly on each other, but Caren's eyes wandered over the crowd that had assembled as she spoke the sacramental rights over her cousin and their lover. On her right, she counted very few in attendance; Kirika's mother, Kure Minako - with a very noticeable bump in her belly - sat beside the tanned and adult Emiya Shirou, Minako's boyfriend, Kirika's step-father, and the adopted father of Kirika's stepsister Homura. Also seated on Caren's right were Kirika's grandparents, an elderly couple she had never met before today. Lurking at the far end of the seating arrangements on the right, Caren noticed a scruffy-looking man wearing glasses and a suit that had clearly seen better days. She had never met that man either, but she had one very easy guess as to his identity; that of Kirika's biological father.

The seating on Caren's left, was similarly sparse; there were Oriko's paternal aunt and uncle, the only members of her father's family Oriko had left; and then there was the entire Ortensia clan. There was Caren's grandmother, who was also Oriko's great-aunt, as well as her aunt and uncle and their two sons. All told, it was a small ceremony, but the attendance was definitely skewed towards in one direction, even if that skew were as small as five-to-seven; or perhaps five-and-one-half-to-seven, if Caren opted to count Kirika's unborn half-brother.

Finally, Caren reached the moment everyone had been waiting for. "... Do you, Mikuni Oriko, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, to love and cherish, in sickness and in health, for better or poorer, all while knowing the Church's official stance on homosexual marriage and with the unsurety of whether you and your wife will be together in heaven?"

"I do," Oriko replied.

"Right-o, then," Caren said, before turning to Kirika; "And do you, Kure Kirika, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife-?"

"I do," Kirika replied, earning a disgruntled look from Caren as she cut her off. "I've been waiting for this day for five years. It doesn't even matter to me that this isn't a 'real' marriage; just the fact that Japan is starting to recognise same-sex unions is enough for me to be happy." Kirika took Oriko's hands into her own, saying "Oriko, I've been in love with you from the moment I first laid my eyes on you. You've put up with so much pain because of me, and you've been by my side no matter how bad it's gotten. You've seen me at my worst, and you've helped me to become the best me I could possibly be. There's no way I could ever possibly repay you for everything you've done for me, but I promise you I'll never stop trying, because a girl as great as you deserves only the best from her partner."

Oriko had to excuse one of her hands from Kirika's grasp to wipe away the tear that had formed in her eye. "Dearest, I admit my feelings were mixed at first. I had never dated before you, and I had never considered being with another woman before you, either. I'm so glad I said yes to you back then, because you've brought so much joy and fulfillment to my life that I would have equally as impossible a task repaying you for everything you've done. You were my rock when everything else in my life was falling apart, and you stood by me even when I was at my worst. Your love gave me a reason to keep going even when I thought all was lost. I know Caren-san likes to be a tease, but I'm sure that when our time comes, we'll be together even in heaven."

"Then, by the power vested in me by the Holy Church," Caren said, reaching her arms under the podium to produce a framed certificate; "And by this partnership certificate authorised by the Japanese government, I now pronounce you wife and wife." In unison, Oriko and Kirika moved the silver rings they wore on the middle fingers of their left hand one over, onto their ring fingers. Knowing what would come as soon as she said anything, Caren added with great trepidation. You may now kiss the bride;" and kiss the bride Oriko and Kirika did.

"All right, that's enough," Caren said after adequate time had passed. "We came here to watch you two get married, not to watch you two tongue-wrestle in front of your friends and family."

A mutual "Sorry," was heard from both Oriko and Kirika as the two broke their kiss in the face of Caren's admonishment. Oriko turned to the small crowd that had gathered, saying "Kirika and I are both so delighted you could all come to our wedding, and I hope each and every one of you here today is able to find the same happiness with your chosen partner that Kirika and I have found in each other." She displayed her hands for all to see, adding "As I'm sure you can see, I've no bouquet to throw. There wouldn't be much point, as there's only one unmarried couple I could throw it to who isn't standing behind me at the moment." Her eyes locked on Minako and Archer. "Well, mother, father, your daughters are able to be married, so I suppose it's your turn now."
-[X] Return to the ground and investigate the ruins of the church with Rin to make sure you're not leaving anything of the Witch's near Walpurgisnacht's Grief Seed
--[X] Project Mmaagha Kamalu and attempt to detect any remaining evil entities or entities that are going to commit evil in the area
--[X] Search any remaining lower room by phasing through the rubble/ground in astral form while Rider stays behind to protect Rin from any ambushes from the Witch; collect any remaining tomes and such things for Rin if they survived the blast, assuming nothing goes wrong
We really want to go back down there? For all we know we broke open something important and there's Grief all over the place. Or worse, that we didn't, and the witch and her familiars are still waiting for us to act the fool and come back down to check on things. Are you sure having us go down there so soon after we just escaped is a good idea?
We really want to go back down there? For all we know we broke open something important and there's Grief all over the place. Or worse, that we didn't, and the witch and her familiars are still waiting for us to act the fool and come back down to check on things. Are you sure having us go down there so soon after we just escaped is a good idea?
I trust that Archer's Eye of the Mind skill will prevent him from tripping through a wall into a puddle of Grief or anything like that, and if necessary he still has Structural Analysis. If the Witch and/or familiars are still down there, then it's imperative that they become aware of that fact and act accordingly as the last thing they would want is to leave them be near Walpurgisnacht's Grief Seed.

Once we know a bit more about the situation down there, then we could either strike at the Witch again or burn up the remaining Grief using a Holy Sword or whatever else the situation demands of them. I hesitate to include a bunch of possible scenarios cluttering up the vote when we don't have any clue on what's going on down there as of now, if anything at all.
I trust that Archer's Eye of the Mind skill will prevent him from tripping through a wall into a puddle of Grief or anything like that
It's less that, and more that we hardly have an idea of what this witch is capable of, or what the limits of her ability to control Grief are. It feels like you're being really reckless about this because you want to wipe this witch out as soon as possible, and aren't really stopping to think about how little you actually know about her, the limits of what she can do and how she does it, or what motivates her to do what she does.

You were the one who was so spooked by a building appearing in the middle of the city that you wanted to nuke it from orbit just to be sure, and now you're saying it's okay to go wandering in the lair of an unknown witch just because Archer has a skill that'll keep him from tripping? I just want to make sure you're okay with that, and are understanding of the risks of walking back into an unknown the way you're proposing we do.
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It's less that, and more that we hardly have an idea of what this witch is capable of, or what the limits of her ability to control Grief are. It feels like you're being really reckless about this because you want to wipe this witch out as soon as possible, and aren't really stopping to think about how little you actually know about her, the limits of what she can do and how she does it, or what motivates her to do what she does.

You were the one who was so spooked by a building appearing in the middle of the city that you wanted to nuke it from orbit just to be sure, and now you're saying it's okay to go wandering in the lair of an unknown witch just because Archer has a skill that'll keep him from tripping? I just want to make sure you're okay with that, and are understanding of the risks of walking back into an unknown the way you're proposing we do.
I thought that it was like Night of Wallachia, which it definitely is not especially since the Anti-World NP didn't pop the church like a bubble. This is a real, plain old structure that was somehow displaced through time itself, and not a manifestation of the Witch in any way (or maybe it was kept in stasis until now, same result).

Edited the vote for more caution with more stipulations, in any case. Rin should have some Magecraft or another (other than her familiar) to analyze things from a distance in an area, even if it takes some time to set up depending on how she's doing it (e.g. Second Magic shenanigans, Gemcraft shenanigans, Formalcraft shenanigans, etc.) should it be necessary.

EDIT: Forgot to talk about the (non-canon) omake. Wedding was heartwarming, though it's really just asking for something bad to happen before then to really make this non-canon (hopefully it doesn't come to that). Oriko still is rocking those Command Seals, not sure if it was ever specified just how many she has or how many she might have depleted between now and the omake - it's always good to not have to use Command Seals, but nor should we shy away from using them I think; I shudder to think what'll happen once the Saints start using theirs, what with their lineup.

Probably wasn't the best of ideas to have Caren orating the whole speech considering how she says things (it'll probably come off as very rude or mocking to many of the guests that don't understand her like Oriko does), but Oriko cares about her cousin so I could see her asking Caren to officiate her wedding. Neat that Archer and Minako kept their promise of waiting until Oriko and Kirika could get married, and hey even without Alaya being around anymore this just goes to show that Alaya is still capable of keeping it's promise to Archer to reincarnate him at some point in the future what him and Minako being capable of having a child.
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Oh yeah, I should probably mention that we need some votes. We are, as always, at 1-1-1. I thought my little Valentine's Day special would drawn in enough of the usual crowd that we'd get some votes, but apparently I was mistaken. So, time for the usual roundup,

Oh and @PlaguePaladin, originally I was going to give us ice skating Mami and Caster, but I decided to save that brick joke for later.
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