[X] Doka party time
Evidently, you weren't the only one to think of getting dressed up for Madoka's birthday party. While Sayaka and Kyouko are still wearing their school uniforms - though Kyouko has conspicuously freed herself from her uniform ribbon as well as her socks - Hitomi is wearing a very nice powder-blue button-down shirt and blue jeans. It's the same thing she wore on the day Archer told her she could be a mage; and you don't know why you're thinking of that just now. Your mind should be on Madoka, not Hitomi.
"My, you're looking rather sharp, Akemi-san," Hitomi says as Madoka introduces you to the others.
"Thanks," you reply. "Amy talked me into it, actually. She thought I should wear something cool for Madoka's party." You credit Amy, but Madoka was in no small part responsible for selecting the outfit you're wearing now. The black skirt, slim black jacket, and the shirt whose colour matches your eyes, were items Madoka helped pick out for you on your very first date together in this timeline.
The others laugh off your comment, with only Sayaka remarking "Cats can't talk, silly."
"But if they could, I wonder what they'd say?" Madoka adds. "They must have an entirely different perspective on things than we do."
"If you'd like, Madoka, you can ask Amy what she thinks of you the next time you see her." Madoka smiles, and you move in for the kill, adding "Actually, that might be sooner than you think. I'm taking Amy to the vet for her six-month checkup tomorrow after archery practice. If you'd like, you can come with me."
"Really? I'd love to, Homura-chan." Madoka nuzzles your cheek, squealing with delight as she says "I haven't gotten to play with Amy in a long time, now that I think about it. I'd love to go with you."
Kaname Tomohisa comes by with snacks, a large bowl filled with salty and sweet treats, from which Kyouko is the first to take. Chomping on a thick chocolate-covered pretzel stick as though it were a cigar, she says to Madoka "Well, yer the birthday girl, Pinkie. What d'ya wanna do?"
"Well..." Madoka chews on Kyouko's words as Kyouko chews on her pretzel. "It wouldn't be fair to Tomoe-san if I opened everyone's presents without her, so... I guess we could play some games? I've got stuff like Mario Party or Mario Kart we could play, if that's okay with you."
"I don't mind," you say. You've never played either; so far, the extent of your gaming knowledge comes from whatever titles Kirika shows you on her Wii, your copy of Pokemon, or the games at the mall arcade. "I've never played either before, but I'm willing to give them a try."
"Same," Hitomi adds. "I'm not usually one for videogames, but for Madoka-san's birthday I don't mind trying something new."
"Man, you two are so bo~ring!" Kyouko moans, rolling her eyes at your lack of experience. "But whatever. Sure, I'll play along; but I'm warning ya, I'm pretty damn good at Mario Kart if I do say so myself."
"If by good you mean you lose every time we play, then yeah, sure." Kyouko sticks her tongue out at Sayaka's comment, only to be met in kind by Sayaka sticking her own tongue out in return. You, Madoka, and Hitomi all roll your eyes at the pair, who soon straighten up as soon as Sayaka says "Alright, so I'll get us all plugged in and we can get started. You want the first round, Madoka?" Madoka nods, and Sayaka gets to work hooking up the game system. When she finishes,, she hands one of the controllers over to Madoka, and asks "Okay, so how are we gonna do this? 'Cause there's five of us and it's only a four-player game."
"Drawing straws for the first round seems like the most logical choice," Hitomi says. "After that, whichever of us comes in last switches with the person who didn't play." Hitomi looks to Madoka for confirmation of her idea; Madoka replies with a nod of her head.
After drawing straws, you are the one left to watch as Madoka, Sayaka, Hitomi, and Kyouko play the first round. That's fine; you can use the opportunity to learn how the game plays.
A half hour passes quickly when you're having fun with your friends and your girlfriend; in what feels like no time at all, the doorbell is ringing, and Tomoe-san has joined the party, carrying a delicately-wrapped present under her arm. "Tomoe-san, welcome!" Madoka says, taking the present from Tomoe-san and setting it aside with the others as she welcomes the final party-goer into her home. "How are you enjoying high school so far?"
"The work load is quite strenuous at times," Tomoe-san replies, greeting you and the others with a bow as Madoka leads her to the living room. "But I am enjoying myself, all things considered." Tomoe-san's eyes meet yours for a brief moment; you'll be having words with her and the others later tonight. "What about yourself, Kaname-san? Has your birthday been enjoyable?"
Madoka responds with an "Mhm! We've been playing Mario Kart while we were waiting for you, but now that you're here, is it okay if I open everyone's presents?"
"Of course, Kaname-san. This is your party, after all."
You'll hold off on giving your present to Madoka for last, letting Kyouko take the opportunity to muscle to the front of the queue with an "Open mine first!" as she presents Madoka with a small, floppy package that's more like a gift-wrapped pair of socks than anything else you can think of. Well, there's a reason for that. "Aren't they great?" Kyouko's present is indeed socks; but it's clear that care was taken in picking them out. "Look," Kyouko says, her outstretched finger tracing the lavender diamond pattern along the length of the long, knee-high black socks. "It's the same pattern that's on Spooky's magical girl outfit. Now you two match; ain't that something?"
Madoka smiles, wasting no time in sliding Kyouko's present onto her legs and feet as she says "They're lovely, Kyouko-chan. Thank you so much."
Sayaka is up next, calling Kyouko a "Showoff" as she presents Madoka with a book-sized and poorly-wrapped package. You can still see some of the cardboard underneath. "Mine's gonna blow Kyouko's socks right off your feet, Madoka. Now, I know how much you love magical girl anime, so..."
Sayaka's present is a boxed set of anime Blu-Rays, for a series called Senki Zessho Symphogear. The name is familiar to you; you didn't watch it, but you know Madoka did, and the name is familiar to you through Madoka. But apparently, "Oh, that's a really good series," Madoka isn't the only one to have enjoyed it. That was Tomoe-san who just spoke.
"Wait, you liked Symphogear?" Sayaka asks. "For real? I thought you only liked really classy stuff, Mami-san."
Tomoe-san shrugs. "Kure-san turned me on to it a few months ago, and I guess I fell in love with the premise of magical girls who are also singing idols."
Madoka nods, saying "And the main character is voiced by Yuuki Aoi, too; how cool is it that the main character sounds just like me?" The main character of this series sounds like Madoka? Suddenly, your desire to watch this series has gone up significantly.
Hitomi is up next, presenting Madoka with a present that is tall and thin. "Be careful," she says; Madoka is, taking her time and unwrapping the present delicately. "It's handmade, actually." Your eyes can hardly believe what they're seeing as Madoka unwraps Hitomi's present, a delicate glass sculpture depicting you and she as you hold hands. "I made it using a bit of magecraft. It took a few tries to get the sand to behave the way I wanted it to, but I think it's my proudest creation."
Madoka is beaming as she sets the glass sculpture aside, and she says "Thank you so much, Hitomi-chan! It's beautiful."
Before Tomoe-san has the chance to present Madoka with her present, Kyouko speaks up, saying to Hitomi "Hey, you never answered my question earlier. How far'd you get with yer new boyfriend? Figure if yer gunna toss around romantic sculptures like that it's as good a time as any ta ask about yer love life. So how about it?"
"Well, we've gone on plenty of dates together; we've held hands, we've kissed-"
"Nah, that ain't what I meant, Seaweed."
"Impropriety may not bother you, Sakura-san, but I'm saving myself for marriage, and Makoto-san knows it. We've done no such thing. Though..." Hitomi's eyes flutter dreamily for a brief moment, and under her breath where she thinks no one can hear her, she adds "I wouldn't mind marrying him, all things considered."
"What's your boyfriend like?" you ask Hitomi. "Forgive me, but until today I wasn't even aware you were seeing anyone since you broke up with Kamijou Kyousuke. How did you and your boyfriend even meet?"
"Well, I'd hate to gossip on Madoka-san's birthday..." But from the look in her eyes, Madoka wants to hear the story just as much as you do. "But alright." Hitomi smiles as she says "I met Makoto-san on my first day at Chigasaki. He introduced himself to Sayaka-san, Sakura-san, and me, and offered to be our guide if we needed anything while we were attending school there. Well, when I looked at our class assignments, he and I were in the same class, and things just kind of... Happened, from there. He was so charming, and smart, and kind; he was understanding when I'd tell him about how distant Kamijou-kun and I were growing; I never felt like he was taking advantage of me during those last few months when Kamijou-kun and I were still together. When we finally broke up, asking Makoto-san out on a date just seemed like the most natural thing in the world to me." Then, a melancholy look comes over Hitomi's face, and she adds "I wish I hadn't kept him from all of you; I believe you all would find his company quite agreeable; but as I told Sayaka-san over lunch, I was afraid that if she found out how quickly I'd moved on after Kamijou-kun she would be angry with me."
"And I told you, you've got nothing to worry about." Sayaka wraps an arm around Hitomi's shoulder, saying "Why don't you introduce us, officially? If you think we'd like him, then what's stopping you from showing off your arm candy now that he's public information?" Sayaka does the same thing to Tomoe-san, pulling her in with her other arm and asking "You've got a boyfriend now too, don't'cha? Why don't you bring him along too? We could have ourselves a big old couples' get-together!"
"Well, no," Tomoe-san is forced to say. "We broke up recently, I'm afraid. I'd rather not talk about it." But Tomoe-san pushes through the bad news, and passes her gift over to Madoka. "I admit I'm not always the best at gift-giving, I'm afraid, but I do hope you'll enjoy this."
Even if Madoka doesn't enjoy Tomoe-san's present, the tea set is quite lovely to look at. "It's so pretty, Tomoe-san," Madoka says, placing the set aside as gently as she had for Hitomi's glass sculpture. "It'll be perfect to use with the cake papa's made."
And it is. Tea and cake with everyone is lovely, though tinged with a hint of nostalgic sadness. Hitomi aside, these are the girls you've fought alongside in countless timelines. Even though the Madoka and Sayaka of this timeline are not puella magi, seeing them enjoying tea and cake with Tomoe-san reminds you of days you had once thought better. These days are even better than those days, fortunately, because Madoka and Sayaka are alive, safe, and happy.
There are only two presents left for Madoka to open; yours, and Kirika's. "This is from Kirika," you say, handing the present from your big sis to Madoka. "I don't know what it is, but she wanted to make sure I gave it to you." With a nod, Madoka opens Kirika's present, finding inside an unmarked CD in a generic CD case. There's a small, handwritten card included which reads "Homura- This is kind of for you as much as it is for Pinkie. Don't watch it until it's just you two. I'm sure you'll both enjoy yourselves. - Kirika"
"What is it?"
"I think it's a movie," you say, though you aren't entirely sure. "The card says not to watch it until it's just us." You shrug; Madoka shrugs; you hand Madoka your present. "I spent a very long time thinking of what to get you," you say. "I hope you enjoy it."
[ ] What did you get Madoka for her birthday? (write-in)