[X] Plan: Small-talk with a bored demigod
"You have been speaking with Lancer and Berserker, have you not?" asks Caster as you approach his position atop the roof of the school. "Is there something about which you would like to speak to me as well?"
Caster, the golden servant of Tomoe Mami, is none other than Gilgamesh. Not Gilgamesh as you knew him, but a wise and mature king among men. Though that isn't to say he can't still be a handful at times, especially when he's speaking in cryptic riddles and not giving you a straight answer. "I'm just making the rounds, checking in on everyone to make sure you'll all fine."
"Why would we not be? Is there cause for us to be unwell?"
You shrug. "I don't know. I've never known for servants to just sit around like this without there being a cup to fight over. I know I've found something that makes me happy, so I just want to make sure that the rest of you aren't going stir-crazy. Call it a bit of neighborly concern for my fellow servants." Caster especially. You remember what Gilgamesh was like the last time he was left to wander the modern day without a purpose, and you would hate to see this Gilgamesh follow suit.
"You wish to know my thoughts on the humans of this age, do you not?" You don't even have to ask your question. "You need not fear for them, Archer. I, the King, am not so callous as my younger self." Well, that's a relief. "There are far more of them now than there were in my time; of that, I am sure my younger self and I can readily agree on. Their greater number makes it harder to see a purpose for each; but not impossible. Those with great purpose may shine brightest, but they do not exist in a vacuum, and even those around them who do not shine as brightly are still invaluable." Caster motions for you to join his side, saying "Come, look," as he points to a student wandering the school's courtyard; seemingly at random, until he speaks. "That boy's father is a merchant. In my time, that would have been his path in life as well, but the abundance of people filling this earth now have given him the choice to be anything he desires."
"Well, I'm glad to know that your time here hasn't given you any funny ideas." You won't say anything more on the matter. "Now, I actually did have some real business to discuss with you. It's about what's been going on for the past four weeks. What do you make of it; the new witches and the fake Grief Seeds, that is."
For a moment, Caster is silent. "They are an omen of ill tidings to come," he says at last. "The trumpets of war sound in the distance, and even as we speak the seeds of discord are being sewn. Seeds, not unlike the ones our masters have been finding."
There is no way to turn what Caster told you into something positive. "Someone is manufacturing fake Grief Seeds. Are you saying that they're trying to force us into conflict with them?"
Caster shakes his head. "My Sight is shrouded in darkness when I attempt to peer that deep, and I cannot say what their purpose is. But I do not believe they care about us, one way or another. We are simply one moving part among many in a scheme larger than either of us can see. All the same, their actions will draw us into conflict. It will begin with fire in the darkness, and will not end until a black scar has been carved deep and wide across the city. War; I see catastrophe coming, Archer."
"What else can you tell me about what's coming?" Of course, you want to shout. Of course something like this would happen. "Anything you can tell me; anything at all. How long do we have? Is there anything we can do to prevent it?"
"The wheels have already been set in motion, Archer. The time to stop it would have been four weeks ago." Caster shakes his head, adding "I am sorry. But our masters will have this conflict thrust upon them, and there is nothing we can do to stop it."
Your lips move in protest, but your words refuse to come. You didn't come here to harass Caster into giving me than he cares to give. By the sound of things, there is more than what even his Sight has seen to this. "Thank you," you say. "I'll be sure to let Homura know that something's up."
"I am sorry this must fall on our masters now," is the last thing Caster says to you as you head off.
You encounter Rider not long after your meeting with Caster came to a close. You spot him from across the street as he exits a local gym; he spots you, too. "Hey, Archer, what's up?" he asks, greeting you with a hearty handshake as he crosses the street to meet you. "You're looking glum today; what, is the missus not treating you right or something?"
"It's nothing like that," you say. "I just came back from a chat with Caster, and-"
"Say no more." Rider cuts you off, wiping his brow clean of sweat with his forearm as he says "So, what's the bad news today?"
Before you answer Rider's question, you have one of your own to ask him. "How are you liking the gym here? Find anyone who can give you a good fight?"
"It's not bad," Rider replies. "I mean, the guys here aren't exactly soldiers of Troy, but they give as good as they get, I'd wager." Bold words from Rider, and high praise from the famous hero Achilles. Damning with faint praise, more like it. The guys inside must not give Rider as much of a challenge as he'd like to admit. "Why do you ask?"
"Because if you hadn't found any good fights in there, then you'd be in luck. Caster says there's something coming."
"What, like another super-strong witch like that Wallyworld thing we fought awhile back?"
You shake your head. "No, nothing like that, though I have reason to suspect similar levels of property damage if we can't keep things under wraps." Even then, you have no idea how out of control this thing might get. "In all likelihood, we should be preparing for war. From the way Caster worded it, it sounds like the person responsible for the fake Grief Seeds our masters have been finding is going to have some part to play in jump-starting the hostilities."
"Sounds like you're threatening me with a good time there, Archer." Rider's self-satisfied smirk in the face of the coming disaster should annoy you, but it doesn't. You know he's just raring for a good fight. "Any idea who we'll be up against?"
"Caster didn't say."
"Well, that's a shame, not knowing if I'm gonna have to pull my punches or not."
"I can assure you, you'll find a good fight somewhere, no matter what. Heck, if this thing passes us by and you're still unsatisfied, maybe I'll go a few rounds with you myself."
Rider greets your elbow with a friendly punch. "Sounds like we've got ourselves a deal," he says. Hefting his gym bag over his shoulder, he waves you off, saying "Guess I'll catch you the next time our girls meet up, then. See you around, Archer!" as he heads off in the direction of the Tomoe apartment. Or maybe for something to eat. Or maybe to another gym on the other side of town. Who knows.
With Rider gone, that just leaves you with one final task; and it's the one you've been dreading ever since Caster gave you the bad news. "Hey, Homura, listen. I'm sorry to have to drop this on you today, but I've got some bad news, and you're going to want to hear it..."
Do you
-[ ] skip Madoka's birthday party and schedule an emergency team meeting immediately after classes
-[ ] don't skip Madoka's birthday party; you can deal with the bad news at your regular team meeting
-[ ] Other (write-in)
[Homura] What's your plan for the rest of the school day? (write-in)