[X] You ever get the feeling that something really bad is about to happen? Kintaro Edition
"Archer, are you busy?"
"I'm just dropping lunch off for Minako now;" You're actually making your way to Minako's desk as you hold this mental conversation with Homura through the link you share with her as servant and master. You're trying your best to appear like you aren't holding a silent conversation with someone else inside your head, but you never know. You hope nobody watching you thinks you're crazy. "And I was thinking about checking on the other servants while I'm out, but I can spare a moment if you need me. What's up?"
"Hitomi wanted me to have you ask Tohsaka-san to bring some new books with her when she comes here. She's finished and says she's in need of new material."
"I think I can manage that. Rin's coming from London, though, so she might end up being delayed by another day if she has to make a stop over in Fuyuki to pick up more of her old books. Is that okay with you?"
It takes Homura a few moments of considering your choices before she gives you her answer. "Yes, that's fine. We've gone four weeks without knowing anything about these things. One more day won't kill us if it means Hitomi can further her studies in magecraft."
"Alright, I'll give Rin a call and let her know to stop in Fuyuki in her way over."
"Thank you. I'd ask you to say hi to mom for me, but..."
"But she doesn't know we can talk to each other like this, I know." Speaking of Minako, her desk is finally within sight, and she smiles as she sees you approaching with food. "Don't worry; she knows you and Kirika are thinking of her." You let Homura return to her own lunch now, as you complete your delivery. "Working hard?"
"I'd like to say I'm hardly working, but Junko-san's a slave driver." Minako gestures to the stacks of paperwork cluttering her desk. "This is from about half of our sales reps, and it all needs to be taken care of by the end of the day."
You lean in close as you leave lunch on Minako's desk, trying to be discreet as you give her a kiss. "Then it sounds like lunch is just what you need to get this done," you say. "Hunger is the enemy, after all."
Reluctantly, you pull away from Minako so you can head out to take care of other business, but a hand stops you. "Come on, stay with me," Minako pouts. "Just until I'm done with lunch? I spent all of last night working on that report, and I barely got to see you."
"I'd love to, but I've got things I need to take care of today as well," you are forced to reply, as you slip your arm free from Minako's grasp. A goodbye kiss is the only apology you can give her. "Sorry. I'll see you at eight."
A wistful smile graces Minako's lips as you and she part ways. "See you at eight."
You head out, know that even a moment spent lingering might be the moment that convinces you to stay for lunch. As soon as you have left the shadow of the office building, your hand reaches for the phone in your pocket, and you dial. "Rin, this is Archer. So, about you coming over here to check on that thing I told you about, well... Hitomi was asking for some new books, so..."
Your name is Emiya Shirou; and your job never gets any easier.
The apartment complex where Tomoe and Sakura live is the closer of two residences, and the school is just a few short blocks from there, but you know if you go that way first you're likely to get caught up and spend more time than you had planned talking with Caster, so you decide against that and make for Shirome, to the mansion where Mikuni Oriko and Kirika live; well, during the school week, at least. The pair attend the high school in Shirome, an hour northwest of Mitakihara by train, so you and Minako have allowed Kirika to live with her girlfriend during the school week, as long as she comes home to see her family on the weekends and manages to keep her grades up; you and Minako both had that conversation with Kirika more than one too many times last year.
Your eyes trail the length of the brick-and-iron fence surrounding the Mikuni mansion; a force of habit, you're sure. You can still remember the large hole in the fence that had gone unrepaired for months, and it's only because this fence isn't the only border around the mansion that no one ever thought to try breaking in. The Bounded Field around the mansion is a strong one.
You buzz the front gate, and shortly Lancer comes by to let you in. "Welcome, Archer," Lancer says, straightening her tie as she allows you entrance to her master's property. "This is an unexpected visit. What brings you by today?"
"Call it a bit of neighborly concern for my fellow servants," you respond. "I just felt like going around and checking how everyone was doing, that's all. I hope you and Berserker will grant me that much."
"Certainly." You follow Lancer inside the mansion, making sure to take your shoes off at the front door. You're both dressed in casual clothes today, no servant wear; though, 'casual' may be a bit too casual for the servant of the spear, who wears a dark suit, a light grey shirt that compliments her long, silver hair, and a violet tie that matches her eyes. Her manner of dress is only fitting, however, as when she isn't on duty as a servant, Lancer acts as maid and butler to her master. "You caught me in the middle of doing my master's laundry, but I can spare a few minutes if you wish to speak."
Lancer is Brynhildr, a Valkyrie and onetime wife of Sigurd, the hero of the Volsunga. What else could you say to a woman such as her, except "Have you found any hobbies lately that interest you?" Yes, that really is where you're going to start with Lancer. "I know it might sound obvious after all this time, but we're not just here to fight over some cup. There's plenty of opportunity out there for each of us to find our own happiness. So, is there anything you've found lately?"
"I do not suppose it is a hobby as you might think of it, Archer, but I am quite content to serve as my master's servant." You nod, hoping there might be more for Lancer to say than that. "However, I have recently tried my hand at learning to cook some of the more complicated meals which my master and mistress favour. The learning experience is a rewarding one, and it frees my master to focus her attention on more pressing matters."
"So you've picked up cooking, then?" you ask, restating what Lancer just told you. "Well, I'm glad to hear you've found something that's enjoyable. Maybe I could give you a few pointers one of these days, if you can come into some free time."
Lancer nods. "Perhaps I shall take you up on your offer, Archer," she says. "Berserker should be in the study. Would you like me to lead you to him, or can you find your way on your own?"
"I can find him, if you're sure he's down there," you reply. Lancer nods, leaving you to find the servant of madness on your own; though he isn't mad very much anymore. A Command Seal from his master has given the once-noble knight his high functions back, and you find Berserker seated in a less-than-plush chair with a book in his hands. Like Lancer, he too is dressed formally in a dark suit and tie; but unlike Lancer, you can't recall Berserker ever being one for housework. "Knock knock," you say, announcing your presence and causing Berserker to look up from his book. "I was in the neighborhood and thought I'd stop in to say hi. How's everything going for you?"
"I am well, Archer, thank you for asking." Berserker sets his book aside, standing to meet you with a handshake. "It is good to see you. Is all well with yourself and your master?"
"More or less the same as always. What have you been up to reading all by yourself?"
Speaking with Berserker always carries an air of unease for you. You know Berserker; though you had never met him until his summoning here, his is a face which you recall in dreams once shared with the servant the living you knew as Saber. Berserker is Lancelot, the knight who once served under your long-ago servant in life. "The world has changed much since I was last summoned, and now that I may finally look upon it with eyes unclouded by madness, I have endeavoured to learn as much as I can about how the world has changed."
"What have you found out so far?"
"Most recently, I believe I was most surprised to learn of South Sudan." Of all the things Berserker could have mentioned being surprised by, he picks that one? You wonder what his reason is. "When I was alive, much of the world was still unknown, so it came as quite the surprise to learn that new countries are forming even as recently as last year. The world has grown so much more than any of my time could have anticipated. The devices our masters call 'cell phones' would have surprised even Merlin, I dare say." You try to imagine Merlin, from what images of him the living you once saw in Saber's dreams, attempting to puzzle out how to use a cell phone. You have to refrain from laughing at the thought. "I wonder, if we had cell phones in Camelot like our masters have now, could we have prevented what fate befell us?"
"Who knows." A moment passes in silence as neither you nor Berserker know how to continue from that point, until you ask "How's Kirika coming along with her combat training? She still a wild animal?"
Berserker shakes his head. "It has been slow, but I believe my master is finally learning to refine her combat style into something suitable. Though, I fear she still possesses a reckless streak which I have been unable to curb."
"That's good to hear." You'll see yourself out, then, and leave Berserker to his reading. You've still got two more servants to check on.
The apartment building where Tomoe and Sakura live is a tall structure, whose imposing shadow stretches long across the vacant courtyard. Aside from them, no one else lives here, and even in mid-day the surrounding streets are silent. This area was one of the hardest-hit by Walpurgisnacht's destructive passing, and the corruption it leeched during the course of battle can still be felt in your bones even now. It's no wonder no one else wants to live here.
Rider is absent as you approach the Tomoe apartment, so instead of lingering and waiting for his return, you make for the roof of the school. You know you'll find someone to speak with there. "You have been speaking with Lancer and Berserker, have you not?" asks Caster as you approach his position atop the roof of the school. "Is there something about which you would like to speak to me as well?"
Caster, the golden servant of Tomoe Mami, is none other than Gilgamesh. Not Gilgamesh as you knew him, but a wise and mature king among men. Though that isn't to say he can't still be a handful at times, especially when he's speaking in cryptic riddles and not giving you a straight answer.
You want to speak with Caster about
[ ] His thoughts on humanity
-[ ] What are you hoping to hear about his thoughts?
[ ] The current goings-on
-[ ] What does he make of the new witches?
-[ ] What does he make of the false Grief Seeds?
-[ ] Is there anything in the future we should be aware of?
-[ ] Any other questions about current goings-on (write-in)
[ ] Other (write-in)