Confringentur 2; a Madoka Magica / Fate/Stay Night sequel

I was looking back because I had a question about Miss. Witch's pyromancy which I realised was unnecessary, and I noticed this, which didn't seem to be discussed. Maybe meaningful?
While you can still see her, you attempt to see with your master's vision whether or not the mystery woman is a servant.

The pain as you look at the woman through your master's vision is immediate and immense, like your brain is being forced out of your skull through your eyes and ears. You pull back and cancel out your master's vision as fast as you can, having learned only the meaning of pain for your efforts.
[X] Enetious
Day 6 Chapter 9
[X] Plan Fighting Fire With Fire

You stand atop a familiar apartment complex - unfortunately, Caster isn't with you at the moment; that would just be too much of an unfair advantage, wouldn't it? - as you scour the south of Mitakihara for anything out of the ordinary. Now that you know what to be looking for, you can really sense that knot of corrupted magical energy Rin was talking about. How the hell did you manage to miss it before when it's this strong? You turn your gaze to the area where Walpurgisnacht's Grief Seed fell, scanning for irregularities. Then you see one. There's a building nestled among some trees - a building you'd swear hadn't been there before - that's been built right above where Walpurgisnacht's Grief Seed was paved over.

Now, this is all looking pretty Suspicious right about now. Buildings don't normally appear out of nowhere, and yet here's a building you'd swear hadn't been there before today. Or maybe it had, but it was being hidden from onlookers by a Bounded Field. Either way, you've found something of note, and that means it's time to check in with Homura to share your findings with her. You imagine you'll be checking in with her several times in the course of this investigation.

"I found a building sitting on top of where Walpurgisnacht's Grief Seed fell,"
you say to Homura. "Funny thing is, I could have sworn it hadn't been there before. I'm thinking this might be the place."

"Do you need backup?"
Homura asks. "I can see about having Rider or Saber back you up if you think you'll need the assistance."

"Actually, I was hoping to get Rin involved in the investigation. I know she's not my master, but she's still one of the best mages I know, and I'd feel more comfortable having her around for her expertise in case we find something that needs to be analysed."

"You'll have to be the one to contact her, then. I'm picking up some headphones at the mall, and when Madoka is done with her club she's going to meet up with me."

"Uh-huh. Are you going to be home for dinner, then; or should Minako and I make something without you?"

"I don't know right now. Maybe you should think about whether you'll be home in time for dinner, yourself."

"All right. I'm just keeping you informed as I find things."
You'll let Homura get back to her afternoon plans. You've got a Rin to call. You haven't changed into your full servant garb yet, so grabbing your phone from your pocket and dialing her number is all it takes to put you and your former master in touch. "Rin, it's me. I've found something interesting while I was investigating the southern edge of the city, and I'd be honoured if you would be willing to join me in checking this place out."

"Where are you?" Rin asks.

"I'm standing on top of the apartment complex where Tomoe lives."

"All right, I'll meet you outside the apartment complex then. Give me twenty minutes."

Twenty minutes later, and true to her word Rin meets you outside of the Tomoe apartment complex. "Man, talk about deserted," she says as she glances around the empty lot. "Does nobody else live here besides Tomoe?"

"She's got a few people crashing in her apartment, but aside from them, yes; Tomoe is the only person living in this building." Saying those words gives neither you nor Rin any comfort. "Come on, I"ll show you where we're heading."

The building in question is about a kilometer's walk away, and - "Ugh, couldn't we have just met up there?" - Rin is taking the walk none too pleasantly. "Seriously, what was the point of having me meet you here if we were just going to walk the entire way?"

"Because you know where the Tomoe apartment is," you reply; "And you don't know where this building is. Besides, I've been by that way before and never noticed anything, so there's likely a pretty strong Bounded Field at work. I wanted to make sure it was possible to approach this place from the ground."

"If there's a Bounded Field around this place, I'm pretty sure I would have been able to break in by myself, you know."

"And if you broke in and something happened to you while you were waiting to meet me, then I'd feel responsible," you say. "You may not be my master any longer, Rin, but you're still someone important to me. I'm a father now; worrying is kind of in the job description."

"You know, I'm still thrown for a loop over the whole 'you being a father' thing," Rin says. "How'd that even happen, anyway?"

"It's actually a pretty long story," you say. "The short version of it is, Homura and I trusted one another to the point where she accepted me as a substitute for her late father, and by that point in time I had no trouble accepting her as being like a daughter to me. Then I met Minako when she and I went as chaperones to a beach party the girls were hosting to celebrate, one thing led to another, and here we are."

"I'd be interested to hear the full story some time," Rin says. "But it looks like here we are is a bit more literal than you meant it to be."

Here you are indeed. The building, a red-brick church that has clearly seen better days, looms large over your heads as you and Rin approach with caution, the barren trees which surround you and ground beneath your feet practically screaming in agony from the thick corruption seeping into the earth from the Grief Seed which lays buried beneath dozens of meters of concrete and topsoil. 'Should we be concerned that it's a church?" you ask, recalling far too many bad experiences with churches for this one in particular to give you any good vibrations.

"Who knows?" Rin asks. "Maybe it's meant to be ironic, but since Japan doesn't have the same history with witches that Europe and the United States do, I doubt anyone around here would get it if it were." You and Rin both stop where you stand and take a look around, eyes scanning for anything out of the ordinary. Well, anything more out of the ordinary than a building appearing from nowhere. "Can you sense anything?" Rin asks.

"Aside from the massive amounts of corruption poisoning everything around us?" you ask; not in jest, this time. "Then no. I'm not feeling anything aside from some seriously bad juju." Rin nods, and you ask her "So, what's the plan now? Do we go in through the main door, or should we try for one of the side doors or the windows?"

"First, we should probably see if it's even safe to approach this place," Rin says. She produces a small emerald from one of the inner pockets of her coat, chanting a few words over it as her clenched hand glows green. "Alright, let's see what this little birdie can tell us," she says, letting the gem loose into the wild. LIke a tiny green hummingbird, the emerald floats from your position over to the old church, occasionally flitting close to the ground before immediately coming back up. It stops at the door below the archway of the large brick spire - you're guessing that's the front door - before making an odd figure-eight over the door several times. Actually, maybe it's more accurate to compare the emerald to a little green honey bee than to a hummingbird, because as soon as it finishes its odd dance, it zips back to Rin and, hovering above her open palm, repeats the dance in miniature.

"What's that, boy?" you ask; this time in jest. "Little Timmy's trapped in a well?"

"Be quiet, you," Rin says, concentrating on the waggle dance her emerald is performing for her. "Okay, so aside from the disgusting amount of corruption seeped into the ground, there aren't any traps, alarms, or other forms of dark magic waiting to murder us if we try to approach. There does appear to be some kind of early-warning alarm set up by the main entrance, but if we go around the side and try one of the doors there we should be safe from being detected. Granted, that's only covering what's on the outside; I'll need to make another check of the inside before we commit to anything more, but we should be safe to at least move in a little closer."

You and Rin advice across the courtyard of yellowing grass and mossy stones, as all the while the sickness beneath your feet screams at you. You make it to the side of the building, but dare not touch the brick or gaze through the windows to the inside. "Okay, now how are you planning on getting that thing inside?" you ask. "I saw a window that looked like it was boarded up from the inside further along this wall. Think we can use that?"

"It's worth a shot," Rin says, releasing her little emerald honey bee in the direction of the boarded-up window. "If it can slip in through the boards, that might be our best shot." The emerald is indeed able to slip through the boards, and a few tense minutes of waiting later, it returns with the good news. "The coast is clear," Rin says. The inside's just a normal church with a whole bunch of sleeping quarters off to the side; might be a convent, or a former convent, anyway. Whatever the case, there didn't seem to be anybody inside, so maybe our target isn't home at the moment."

"That's strange," you say. "There's an alarm set up by the front door, but you're saying the inside is completely normal? That can't be right."

"I know; it just doesn't add up," Rin says. "I didn't even see a workshop or anything; and on top of that, what do they need all that space for if it's just the one witch? Did an entire coven of witches set up shop here, or does this chick really like having a lot of space to herself?" When you have no answer for Rin, she shakes her head, adding "I can send this guy in for another pass and we can hope it finds something the second time around, or we can take the chance that nobody's home and have a look around in person. Maybe we'll spot something this little guy couldn't."

Do you
[ ] Send Rin's scout in for a second pass
[ ] Go in and look around for yourself
[ ] Other (write-in)
Oops, forgot to vote. Sorry.

[X} Plan: Let's get this over with
-[X] Is this church used by ordinary people?
--[X] If so; go ahead and check the insides.
--[X] If not; terrorism is only terrorism if you get caught. Blow the place to pieces.
--[X] If not; terrorism is only terrorism if you get caught. Blow the place to pieces.
Man, look at this guy just being a killjoy. Don't you want to see what's inside? We know there's more to this than meets the eye; remember? Remember that night Hrunting kept wanting us to go back to Mitakihara when we wanted to investigate Asunaro? NMS remembers.
Summon Hrunting(Is that the right sword?) and use it to track where the fake grief seeds are?
Yes, that's the right sword.
[X] Plan I Have A Bad Feeling About This
-[X] Lay out what you know of so far to Rin, with all the bad flags that come with it should they fall for such an obvious trap despite what readings Rin's getting from this place
--[X] Project Hrunting and use it to sniff out the source of the false Grief Seeds to confirm whether or not it originates from here (and is it pointing straight at it, is it point down/up, etc.)
--[X] This building mysteriously became visible to you right as you were searching for something to do with the Witch in the area, just like when you saw that strange woman Homura was talking to some days back during one of the first Saint attacks; her Witchcraft seems to be capable of shrouding things from sight unless specifically looked for in some way
--[X] You can't be sure, but there is always the possiblity that this building isn't even native to this area, or that it isn't even real at all in the traditional sense, somehow transported or manifested through the Witch's Magecraft/Witchcraft
---[X] Ask Rin if she thinks it would be wise to interact with the building with your magical energy, and if she gives the go-ahead use Structural Analysis to try and identify the history/construction/purpose of this place and whether it's been interacted with before/recently
--[X] This building was not constructed here, and you worry that it might not be entirely... real
---[X] It could have either been seamlessly transported from another place - foundations and all somehow, it could be an elaborate solid illusion, or worst of all you fear it might be a phenomenon that's somewhat similar to the Night of Wallachia manifested through whatever esoteric Witchcraft this particular Witch possesses
----[X] Ask Rin if she thinks it would be wise to interact with this building using your magical energy, and if she gives the go-ahead use Structural Analysis - going through each step of the Tracing process - in order to try and identify the history/construction/purpose of this place and whether it's been interacted with before/recently
I know this is just a building, but this legit freaks me out more than anything else in this quest so far, as it makes me come to conclusions such as it being similar to the Night of Wallachia. It's not like it's unheard of for a Witch to pull people into their own little Worlds not unlike that of a Reality Marble (though it isn't their inner worlds, just manifestations of their Witchcraft dancing around the World Egg phenomenon). Alice does it with Aoko, in any case.

EDIT: Due to knowledge Archer has that I forgot about, changed the end of the vote. Also to clarify just in case, like Kiritsugu in Zero Archer should be able to analyze the entire building in one go.
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Since I somehow missed you on my first pass through the peanut gallery, I hope you enjoyed that, because I'd be hard-pressed to write our relationship going any farther than that without getting myself in trouble.
Eh, it's not about you writing more details; it's more, je ne sais qoui, I had this feeling that the unspoken things between Homura and Madoka weighed heavily on both their minds. Homura, adorable as she is, seems to still think Madoka a precious porcelain doll too often; and that would be doing that kind warrior's soul inside the 'doka a grave disservice. At the same time, Madoka has learnt, I think, to prod the Homura a bit more.

*Now* they're on the same page, and are free to merrily do what they want to do; this isn't our concern, so to speak, as long as they're happy.
--[X] This building mysteriously became visible to you right as you were searching for something to do with the Witch in the area, almost like it was intentionally revealed for one reason or another
I would just like to point out, for you as well as for anyone who may have forgotten about it on Day 1, that this is very well in keeping with this witch's MO. She only appeared when Homura was looking for her. Re-reading 1-14 is probably a good idea for anyone who wants to know the kind of person whose house we've just entered.
I will vote for Enetious, but;

or worst of all you fear it might be a phenomenon that's somewhat similar to the Night of Wallachia manifested through whatever esoteric Witchcraft this particular Witch possesses

Remember that Night of Wallachia doesn't exist in Fate, since Dead Apostle Ancestors aren't a thing. He's this guy in Fate-verse.

[X] Enetious

----[X] Ask Rin if she thinks it would be wise to interact with this building using your magical energy, and if she gives the go-ahead use Structural Analysis - going through each step of the Tracing process - in order to try and identify the history/construction/purpose of this place and whether it's been interacted with before/recently

Also, I don't think Archer can see the history of non-weapons.
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I would just like to point out, for you as well as for anyone who may have forgotten about it on Day 1, that this is very well in keeping with this witch's MO. She only appeared when Homura was looking for her. Re-reading 1-14 is probably a good idea for anyone who wants to know the kind of person whose house we've just entered.
Eh, don't think Archer would really know this himself at the moment, as it wasn't really brought up all that much aside from the fact that only Homura could see the strange woman for some reason.
Remember that Night of Wallachia doesn't exist in Fate, since Dead Apostle Ancestors aren't a thing. He's this guy in Fate-verse.
Primate Murder doesn't exist (yet) in the Fate timelines, yet Archer could reference it just fine in the first quest. As a Counter Guardian, he is explicitly sent to multiple different timelines where the Counter Force is prevalent, and without that he wouldn't have been able to be summoned into any route of the 5th Holy Grail War period outside maybe his original one.
Also, I don't think Archer can see the history of non-weapons.
Yes he most certainly can. He can go through every step of the Tracing process for any object he anaylyzes (or sees in the case of armaments), and it's explicitly shown that Shirou can Trace mundane objects during the scene in which Rin freaks out by relating it to True Magic for a moment after she sees the inside of his shed.

The thing with armaments is that all the data is "saved" in UBW, and doesn't have to be reanalyzed since he can just pull the blueprints directly from his Reality Marble, which is why he can spam weapons so quickly.

EDIT: Made the last point more clear
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Eh, don't think Archer would really know this himself at the moment, as it wasn't really brought up all that much aside from the fact that only Homura could see the strange woman for some reason.
Homura does address the matter with Archer shortly before addressing her.
"Archer, are you seeing this woman?" The sound of your own voice inside your head is agonising, but you have to know if Archer has a visual. "She was standing right out in the open, but somehow I spotted her first."

"I only saw her as soon as you did,"
Archer replies. "An illusion of some kind, if I had to guess, that she only rolled back when she wanted to be seen."
Besides, I was mostly saying that to the players; you in particular, but also just to anyone who needed the refresher on our gal's vanishing act.
Primate Murder doesn't exist (yet) in the Fate timelines, yet Archer could reference it just fine in the first quest.
How do you have better memory than I do when referencing stuff like this, but then you go and forget something that happened only a few days ago in-quest? What does the inside of your memory halls even look like?
Homura does address the matter with Archer shortly before addressing her.

Besides, I was mostly saying that to the players; you in particular, but also just to anyone who needed the refresher on our gal's vanishing act.
Edited the vote.
How do you have better memory than I do when referencing stuff like this, but then you go and forget something that happened only a few days ago in-quest? What does the inside of your memory halls even look like?
Because I rushed through the first part of this quest to catch up and to contribute. Also there's the thing where since there's was no downtime in-between the first chapters of this part of the quest for me, it had less time to set in my memory before ei moved onto the next chapter. At least, I think that's the case.
Because I rushed through the first part of this quest to catch up and to contribute. Also there's the thing where since there's was no downtime in-between the first chapters of this part of the quest for me, it had less time to set in my memory before ei moved onto the next chapter. At least, I think that's the case.
You might want to re-read some of the earlier stuff on occasion, at least until it sticks better.
Day 6 Chapter 10
[X] Plan I Have A Bad Feeling About This

"That's strange," you say. "There's an alarm set up by the front door, but you're saying the inside is completely normal? That can't be right."

"I know; it just doesn't add up," Rin says. "I didn't even see a workshop or anything; and on top of that, what do they need all that space for if it's just the one witch? Did an entire coven of witches set up shop here, or does this chick really like having a lot of space to herself?" When you have no answer for Rin, she shakes her head, adding "I can send this guy in for another pass and we can hope it finds something the second time around, or we can take the chance that nobody's home and have a look around in person. Maybe we'll spot something this little guy couldn't."

"That's just it, Rin..." You scratch at the back of your head, wondering why you didn't say sooner what you're about to say now. "How can we be sure this isn't a trap? A few nights ago, Homura ran into a woman I'm pretty sure is the witch we're looking for. There was a building fire, and Homura went looking for the culprit. She was well within my line of sight, and yet I didn't notice her at all until Homura went out of her way to look for her. This building's the same way; I only saw it when I was actively looking for it. As far as I can tell, we might be looking at someone whose witchcraft allows her conceal its presence unless you're specifically looking for it- Looking for her."

Rin ponders your words, before asking "What would be the point of something like that? The point of hiding is to hide, isn't it? Wouldn't making it so your stuff stays hidden unless someone went looking for it defeat the point?" You nod; it's rather obvious when Rin says it like that. "Maybe it's more like... She's hidden unless she wants to be seen?" Rin shakes her head, muttering to herself "But what would be the point of revealing herself to us now?"

"You see what I mean?" you ask. "This whole thing feels like we're walking right into a trap." You still aren't touching the brick wall of the old church; neither you nor Rin. "Do you think it's safe for me to interact with the building? I could go ahead and give it the old structural analysis, see if I can spot something your little emerald butterfly couldn't." While your structural analysis could just as easily be used to scan the place for traps, what you're concerned with learning is something else entirely. How can you be sure that any of this is real, or at least real in the sense that you're used to thinking of. Aside from the Sakura Church, an old brick building like this clashes with the Mitakihara aesthetic something fierce. It's obvious this building isn't native to the area; so where does it really come from? Was it plucked from its original foundations and deposited here by the witch, or is it something that she made all on her own?

Rin nods her head. "I didn't get the impression there was anything nefarious hiding in wait for us," she says. "This whole place is giving me the creeps, but I think it should be safe for you to analyse it."

"Right." Here goes nothing. You press your hand against the brick - so far, so good - and send a pulse of magical energy into the structure. "Trace on." You close your mind to the world around you, focusing only on what your structural analysis has to say. "This church is old." You stress the word, because old really doesn't properly convey the building's age. "Though it's undergone a few renovations over the years, it was originally built in - get this - 1228."

Rin balks at the news. You'd balk too, if you weren't literally reading the history of the building. "Are you serious?" she yell-whispers. "You're really going to stand there and tell me this place is eight-hundred years old?"

You shake your head, saying "No. This one is only four-hundred years old. I don't mean this is a replica built four-hundred years ago; I mean there's nothing for my structural analysis to read after 1620. My best guess is that our witch is several hundred years old and, for whatever reason, decided to make this place the way she remembered it being back then."

"So, what else can you tell us about our witch, aside from the fact that she'd be at least four-hundred years old, if your guess is correct?"

"Well, we know she's Polish," you say, rapping your knuckle against the brick. "This church - the real one, that is - was built in a little village in what is now part of Poland. She might also have come from a noble family; for a time, this church served as a convent for widowed or unmarried noblewomen."

Rin shakes her head, saying "Nope, I can't think of any Polish witch families that would fit the bill. Maybe if I made a few calls around the Clocktower I'd get some hits, especially if she's four-hundred years old. Hell, I could get in touch with Sakura, and there's a chance Zouken might tell her a thing or two if she puts the screws on him."

"Wait, what?" You could have sworn you just heard Rin talk about Sakura putting the screws on Zouken.

"Oh, yeah. I guess I should have said something, but Sakura took over the Matou about seven or eight years ago. She's pretty hands-off since she'd rather focus on other things, but she can get pretty scary when she wants to, and she's got both Zouken and stupid Shinji under her thumb."

You resist the urge to chuckle at what Rin has told you, and instead return to focusing on your work. "There's something underground," you say. "The church is just a front. There's a basement about twenty, no, thirty meters or so down, and there's a few pretty big rooms that I'm guessing are her workshop. I'll need to test that out for myself, though."

"How do you plan on doing that?"

"Easy." You remove your hand from the brick wall, and with one more utterance of "Trace on," you bring out Hrunting. "A few nights ago, I went over to Asunaro to see if I could find the source of their infestation, and I kept getting pointed back to Mitakihara. If those large rooms down in the basement are where she keeps her workshop, this'll tell us;" And Hrunting does tell you. The jagged sword points straight down. Bingo. "There's our proof."

Do you
[ ] Get out of there; come back when you have more information
[ ] Go check out the basement; you've come this far, haven't you?
-[ ] What do you do if you encounter the witch? (write-in)
-[ ] What do you do if you don't encounter the witch? (write-in)
[ ] Nuke it with Caladbolg; it's the only way to be sure
[ ] Other (write-in)​
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Alright. I'm thinking we contact Homura to contact Kyoko to set Rider on standby, so if things go bad while we infiltatie he'll be ready to swoop in and get us out of the hot seat.

Sound Good?
[X] Plan Norse Blood Fort
-[X] Ask Homura if she could ping her friends to see if Rider, Berserker, or Saber would be up for acting as backup for you and Rin before you go in; also give her an update on things
--[X] While you wait, give Rin a Sword of Paracelsus to use while you're in there, and tell her about the anti-Grief functions and how to use them; she's used an Azoth Blade before, this is just a bigger and better version of it
-[X] Project some copies of Gungnir and use Ragnarök Lífþrasir: Final Phantasm - Girls Advent to set up a Bounded Field around the area to purge the place of evil entities before deactivating it and going in
--[X] Go in and investigate with Rin, you taking point with Kanshou and Bakuya using Triple-Linked Crane Wings when necessary; just like old times, eh Rin?
---[X] You'll focus on protecting Rin and keeping and eye out for things using Structural Analysis and Eye of the Mind, while Rin focuses on studying things and helping you not stumble your way into a curse or two (Rin could scout ahead with her familiar if she wants to, as well)
----[X] If you encounter the Witch specifically at any time, Project Decisive Blade - Endless Three-Stage and use it to cut her down and blast her through a wall or something
----[X] If you don't encounter the Witch throughout all of this, once Rin's finished and taken what she need to study, remove this place from existence using Decisive Blade - Endless Three-Stage

Ragnarok should be able to purge any wicked or evil supernatural entities with ease. It should be noted that it can affect Servants if they fail a check (which is why Archer shouldn't leave it up), but those with Magic Resistance can resist it better and Archer's version is degraded a rank to C, so I think it's firmly out of instant Servant-kill (if it's still capable of doing that to all but the weakest Servants at this point) territory in regards to the quest; it's mostly meant for purging evil anyways. And hey, showcasing Gungnir for once since it's insta-kill function is inferior to Gae Bolg's, so that's neat.

Decisive Blade - sent to Archer last quest - should be able to "extinguish" more esoteric places like this church out of existence, assuming it's not real/a manifestation of the Witch/etc. I think that's the case, seeing as how it lacks a history past the 1600s full-stop. Same with the Witch, if for some reason she can't be killed due to her ability, since with this weapon "even things that do not exist and those that can not be forcibly removed from this world can be extinguished."

Explicitly not included what they do after, as depending on what happens inside they may instead decide to set up a trap/set up Magecraft from Rin in the area to keep the Witch from reaffirming her hold over the area where Walpurgisnacht's Grief Seed resides. Not gonna assume that they're so lucky that they'll make it out by next update, anyways.
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----[X] If you encounter the Witch specifically at any time, Project Decisive Blade - Endless Three-Stage and use it to cut her down and blast her through a wall or something
----[X] If you don't encounter the Witch throughout all of this, once Rin's finished and taken what she need to study, remove this place from existence using Decisive Blade - Endless Three-Stage
Yes, I have a question- How is Okita Alter supposed to draw her blade from its scabbard, when the blade is longer than the span of her arms? Also, I should point out that if the blade is that long, wouldn't we have trouble swinging it inside a building? I know I had Archer say the workshop has some spacious rooms, but that sword is longer than Heracles is tall. How are we supposed to swing it and not have it crashing into walls instead of the target?
And hey, showcasing Gungnir for once
You somehow remember it when I make really obscure references to things one time in the previous quest, but forget that I've repeatedly referred to Lancer's spear as Gungnir (plus frills, can't forget the frills). So, we've seen Gungnir in action before; we're not really "showcasing" anything new here.
Ragnarok should be able to purge any wicked or evil supernatural entities with ease.
With all the extra effort you've put into thinking of what weapons to use, I'm surprised you didn't just save the time and pull out Paracelsus's sword, since we've used that on Grief before to pretty good effect.
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Yes, I have a question- How is Okita Alter supposed to draw her blade from its scabbard, when the blade is longer than the span of her arms?
She loses the scabbard before using it, either by just slipping it off and leaving it on the ground or by astralizing it like any good Servant. But eh, Archer wouldn't project it with it's scabbard on, just like he wouldn't do that with Monohoshizao.
You somehow remember it when I make really obscure references to things one time in the previous quest, but forget that I've repeatedly referred to Lancer's spear as Gungnir (plus frills, can't forget the frills). So, we've seen Gungnir in action before; we're not really "showcasing" anything here.
Different Gungnir. While Brynhildr's Gungnir might have once been the same as the other Valkyries', that is no longer the case after she was cast out by Odin and her spear was stained with her own legend. Since Brynhildr could no longer function as a Valkyrie on behalf of Odin, her Gungnir could no longer use Ragnarök Lífþrasir.
With all the extra effort you've put into thinking of what weapons to use, I'm surprised you didn't just save the time and pull out Paracelsus's sword, since we've
Eh, it saves time by AoEing things ahead of time instead of waiting to get jumped in that horror game of a church. Plus Ragnarök Lífþrasir affects other things like Magecraft stuff and wicked/evil stuff in general, not just Grief things.
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