Confringentur 2; a Madoka Magica / Fate/Stay Night sequel

Alrighty, this is not a drill, time to figure out what the fuck is going on. Pink hair and yellow eyes... Either a meguca, magus or a servant. Foreign means servant or magus. The fact that Archer hasn't reported this woman means either we are in an illusion or in a bounded field.
Perhaps it's related to why Caster couldn't see her clearly with his Clairvoyance?
I don't know if Caster was being literal or not when he told Archer about that detail, but the impression I got from Archer is that this isn't going to be like another Walpurgisnacht. Unfortunately, Archer said that Caster had trouble seeing that far ahead when he tried to look at the person supposedly responsible."
Not in-universe, no.
And what makes you suspect them out-of-universe?
...wait a second... Pink hair... Lime eyes ... THOT RIDER?!?! AKA medb?!?!?
God sir, this is 2012. That word doesn't exist yet.
Doubtful. That's an FGO thing; I don't think that SVS would put that in here.
Well, there was a point in development where I was going through some pretty odd design choices. My feelings towards FGO aside, you never know. Or maybe you do.
And what makes you suspect them out-of-universe?

The fact that we know this is going to be a full on Grail War. It wouldn't really surprise me if this civvie turned out to be one of the ones responsible for the fire and tries to attack Mami while she's focusing on the more obvious threat.
I'll get a proper vote with probably a big think as part of it out in 12 hours. Any suggestions or thoughts?
I have one- Make NMS stop suspecting me of having nefarious intentions. I mean, just look at how suspicious of me this doubting Thomas is.
The fact that we know this is going to be a full on Grail War. It wouldn't really surprise me if this civvie turned out to be one of the ones responsible for the fire and tries to attack Mami while she's focusing on the more obvious threat.
Wouldn't it be difficult for Homura to draw moisture from the air if she's fighting inside a burning building?
Wouldn't it be difficult for Homura to draw moisture from the air if she's fighting inside a burning building?
No, temperature shouldn't really have much affect on the humidity of the environment, unless somehow it gets colder.
It might make it more difficult for her arrows to not melt, though. But as long as Homura isn't the one backing up Oriko and Kirika "fighting inside a burning building" isn't something she has to concern herself with; and since they have Lancer... On the other hand, this is our Big Sis and her girlfriend we're talking about, so maybe we do want to lend them the hand.
[X] Plan: Careful Action
-[X] Assist Kyouko
-[X] Send Archer to assist Tomoe-san
-[X] Have Oriko tell Lancer to assist

In the interest of creating discussion, I guess I'll make a vote. It sounded like Oriko and Kirika were in the most imminent danger; but Mami also seems like she's in bad shape. Kyouko isn't in active danger, so I don't think she needs much help. In addition, that burning lady certainly is interesting, but she isn't a priority when everything is on fire. Thoughts? Switch around Archer and Lancer? Send a Servant Kyouko's way for whatever reason? Chase after burning lady? (We don't have the personal offensive power to fight of a pyrokinetic, mind.)
[X] First Contact 1.0
-[X] Perception
--[X] Before she disappears from view, master vision to see if she has stats and is a servant. Ask Archer if he just saw the woman (and describe her to see if he knows of her (might be magus or servant) and give status update. If he doesn't see her, its either a hallucination/bounded field/illusion. If it is a bounded field, have Archer fire a Gae Dearg at the field.
-[X] Stand your ground - Don't follow her into a trap and ask from where you are at.
--[X] Question her
---[X] what is the purpose of this meeting and if she could kindly reschedule for one hour from now? If not...
----[X] Who is she? A name is only polite.
----[X] Why did she set the building on fire?
----[X] What is she? (magus/puella/servant/apostle/other)
----[X] Who are her accomplices attacking your allies?
-[X] Send Archer to assist
--[X] Mami
-[X] Have Oriko tell Lancer to assist
--[X] Herself and Kirika: Have Lancer move into the melee in spirit form, materialized and go for crippling damage to subdue the hostile magical girls (limb loss, since we can heal it)
-[X] Other: Have Kyouko bring Rider into the field. He can outflank and stealth knock out sniper.

Here is my plan. Basically don't follow spooky woman into dark shadow alley, ask questions, and minimize possible injuries to our side. Comments, suggestions or concerns?
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Comments, suggestions or concerns?
Is Lancer flickering in and out of spirit form really necessary? I'm not sure if Servants can materialize and dematerialize as fast as you think; and if she actually has to fight, she loses the spirit form advantage anyways. Plus, she needs to be able to tank hits from the enemy to actually serve her purpose (because it seemed like Kirika and Oriko were in a lot of danger so she's probably going to be up against offensive combatants if not heavy hitters), which she cannot do in spiritual form.
--[X] If Kyouko gets put under attack and injured/needs backup, break away from this and go help her. Do NOT present your back to unknown lady.
She's already asking for backup though? It sounds like she's trying to get close since she's a Melee fighter but the sniper being a sniper is making that difficult.
Ah. I thought it must be too big for a single puella magi, but there is not a thing that would be impossible for a team of them. They break causality laws for breakfast.

I follow the Rule of Threes, which means I don't vote for anything longer than 3 lines/suboptions on principle.

Kyouko looks like she can handle herself, or at least can prevent the sniper from sniping. The civvie team needs help (since Mami can't identify the threat as a puella magi it's likely a Servant), and Oriko and Kirika outright requested it. The mystery woman will have to wait; I do not want to chase after a possible Servant when we don't have our trump card and it is pretty transparently aimed at removing us from the battlefield.

We can, though, send one of the servants after the woman.

Alternatively, we may have multiple servants double-team a hostile, to overwhelm and hopefully detain them. Separating a girl from her gem still remains an effective tactics, and if there are masters among them, a quick strike may take them out before the have a chance to escape/summon aid.

So this is my idea. Leave the parts that we think can hold out by themselves, and create a numerical superiority at another point... hopefully one without Servants in them, because these pests are hard to kill, pin down or capture when they can be summoned with a single Command Seal by their Masters.

Which means hitting either the two puellas, or the sniper, with a Servant.

[x] Go assist
-[x] Oriko and Kirika
[x] Have Oriko tell Lancer to assist
-[x] Herself and Kirika
[x] Send Archer to assist
-[x] Tomoe-san

Let's hope we take at least one of them for questioning.
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She's already asking for backup though? It sounds like she's trying to get close since she's a Melee fighter but the sniper being a sniper is making that difficult.

Yeah, poor wording on my part.

Is Lancer flickering in and out of spirit form really necessary? I'm not sure if Servants can materialize and dematerialize as fast as you think; and if she actually has to fight, she loses the spirit form advantage anyways. Plus, she needs to be able to tank hits from the enemy to actually serve her purpose (because it seemed like Kirika and Oriko were in a lot of danger so she's probably going to be up against offensive combatants if not heavy hitters), which she cannot do in spiritual form.

Okay my reason is that meta wise we KNOW there are servants. However in character, we don't know it. Which means if we have servants only manifest a weapon or a limb for a quick hit, we can keep concealment of what we actually have under our control.
Which means if we have servants only manifest a weapon or a limb for a quick hit, we can keep concealment of what we actually have under our control.
Does it work like that? I don't think it does. If it worked like that then Shirou wouldn't be able to fight off a full-tilt Archer during their fight. If it worked like that then Rider (Fate/Stay Night Rider not the current one) wouldn't have taken a chance to be all sexy n' s*** against Shirou. If it worked like that then Gilgamesh probably would have dematerialized before Shirou cut his arm off.

Long story short, I don't think Servants can partially materialize, nor materialize fast enough to do what you want to do. Because if not, then a lot of fights from Stay/Night wouldn't have happened and Shirou would be six feet under by now.
In the interest of creating discussion, I guess I'll make a vote.
Disastrously, the desired discussion has not come to our deliverance. We've got three votes, all of which are different enough, and not nearly enough people coming in to debate their merits.
Question: Can we withdraw some of our elements? Let Kyoko, say, fall back before she's pinned down?
We can do whatever we want, strictly speaking. It's more a question of "will we be happy with the outcome of our decisions?" that we need to worry about. So, do you think withdrawing Kyouko will come with a satisfactory result?
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what's made each of you vote/change your vote the way you have? Why one over the other?
I personally don't like Jefardi's vote, because:
- It's overcomplicated
- Is overly passive
- Relies on a tactic for Lancer that doesn't work in Type Moon rules
- Is redundant in multiple places

I kind of bungled my vote (Thanksgiving and 8 in the morning) and I was going to revise it, but in interest of (trying) to break the deadlock, I went with Nevill.
[X] Jefardi

Talking to the burning lady is pointless when we can interrogate one of her colleagues instead. Though I do like the idea of Rider being called in to assist Kyouko since he can get here the fastest.
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