Confringentur 2; a Madoka Magica / Fate/Stay Night sequel

NFF is the
Nine Fox Foundation, aka the mercenary operation of Tamamo Vitch Koyanskaya, who I consider a possible candidate for the pinkhaired woman.
- and that acronym is a slight spoiler for NA, I think. Also, I like the third Lostbelt event currently, if only because the Captain of the Guard is an Old Li Shuwen, who's not a heroic spirit and *still* beats everybody up.

@Jefardi: Any ideas what? I just threw this vote out as a first version, I'm more than happy to adapt it.

Also, sorry, @PlaguePaladin
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Hm, I'm not too sure. Admittedly, I'm not a native speaker, but while this may be a bit longer than chin length, it's not by much:

Tamamo Vitch

Tamamo Vitch (タマモヴィッチ, Tamamo Vicchi?)[1], Class Name Alter Ego (アルターエゴ, Arutā Ego?), is an Alter Ego-class Servant working alongside Beast VII in the Lostbelts of Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt. While working in the same capacity as the three apostles of the Alien God, she is an...

Pink hair, yellow-ish eyes - I still believe it could be Tamamo Vitch. Not sure, and if SVS tells me to stop, I will. - Her Winter Outfit fits best, I think.
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Pink hair, yellow-ish eyes - I still believe it could be Tamamo Vitch. Not sure, and if SVS tells me to stop, I will.
To hammer home just how unlikely you are to guess who she is, not even Enetious knew her identity, and he was heavily involved in helping me plan the sequel, at least until he up and vanished. So keep guessing. It amuses me.

Also your image is broken.
It's chill. Still though, if all we had was 'pink hair' our candidate list would be 5000 meters long.
Do that many people in the Nasuverse really have pink hair?
Honestly, I'm more concerned on the Pleiades motive? Why are they attacking us?
Isn't that the question of the day?
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Honestly, I'm more concerned on the Pleiades motive? Why are they attacking us?

I'd surmise that they attempt to resurrect the One True Kazusa instead of the Kazumi clones, because in the manga Puella Magi Kazumi Magica: The Innocent Malice they did that a couple of times. If they win the grail war, then a wish = Kazusa can live and be happy again. Somehow they're clued into the grail stuff and a greater grail war (teams).

They didn't really give up there , so they're going to go apeshit here to bring her back.
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Do that many people in the Nasuverse really have pink hair?
Well, before I go out for lunch;
Elizabeth Bathory
Miyamoto Musashi
Chloe Von Einzbern (flip-flops between white-ish pink and white)
Nightingale has a sort of pinkish-silver
The 9000 Tamamos
On that note, Amaterasu
Medusa's a sort of pinkish-purple under the right light, even if that is stretching it a bit
Francis Drake
Atalanta Alter (It's a really, really pale pink but it checks out)
Misao Amari
Yvette L. Lehrman

So... yeah. And that's after I got bored and decided to stop; there's almost certainly more.
I was thinking it had something to do with Kazusa, but do they know that there isn't a grail? Is there a grail?

I'm out of my depths here to be sure, but let's say that they bring about the condition, whatever that is, to initiate a grail war, then there would be a grail at the end via the vessel (in FSN, this was Illyasviel's role from what I gather from the wiki)
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It's chill. Still though, if all we had was 'pink hair' our candidate list would be 5000 meters long. But these two descriptions:

shorten down the list by about 5000 meters. As in THERE ARE NONE. Or at least none that I can find.

You'r the one who said you knew who it was!

Well I had my suspicions, but now I'm pretty sure who this is. I ain't gonna tell, though.

Until you said this, I thought she was going to be a Witch some magus was experimenting on and managed to un-Witch her.
Oh, all this speculation is just so juicy. It's great being able to do my own thing without being constrained into making the story lead up to Walpurgisnacht. I hope you guys all end up enjoying this as much as I do.
Why, yes, I am, but I'd really like input if I managed to decode hair and eyes.
(Probably not. But argh!)
I'd really like input if I managed to decode hair and eyes.

but while this may be a bit longer than chin length, it's not by much:
Maybe in her Servant and Winter dresses, technically, since her hair-buns don't reach below the chin. Her Secretary and India outfits very much don't obey this; and even then, kind of a stretch for her first two outfits.

While similar, lime and yellow are very distinct. You cannot mistake one for the other except maybe under dark lighting with the exact right shade of lime. While I'm at it, I'd like to say that Tamamo Vitch doesn't have a foreign face. We're in Japan, remember? It's literally where she was born. Also, the versions of Tamamo that we've seen in FGO and Extra don't use fire as a primary method of attack. They might be able to, but certainly never enough to flaunt it as their go-to spell. I'll give you that they're both witches, but still. Also, there is the fact that Vitch wouldn't just go straight towards the insults right away, or at least, that's what I can get from the wiki. Never played FGO.
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Why, yes, I am, but I'd really like input if I managed to decode hair and eyes.
(Probably not. But argh!)
Well, TV's hair is definitely pink, but her eye colour is something I'd be more inclined to call honey, than lime. Of course, whether you manage to guess her identity correctly or not, I'm not going to tell you if you're right. You'll just have to find out what her deal is the same as everyone else.

And the same goes for you two, too.
I was thinking it had something to do with Kazusa, but do they know that there isn't a grail? Is there a grail?
I'm out of my depths here to be sure, but let's say that they bring about the condition, whatever that is, to initiate a grail war, then there would be a grail at the end via the vessel (in FSN, this was Illyasviel's role from what I gather from the wiki)
Don't think I'm just going to hand out the answers like candy, especially not to dangerous questions like "Is there a Grail?"
Ah, thanks for the information. I'm not a native speaker, and I'm not good with colours, so that kind of adds up ;)

I'm curious what's up next, though :D
Yo, sorry, I have thoughts but real life is kicking my ass. I'll get a response or vote out when I can do more than skim votes in a few hours.
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Ok, time to do what I do best! :V
[X] Bring the girl with you to be questioned by Homura and the others
-[X] Who is she?
-[X] Why does she look identical to the other girl?
-[X] What's going on?
I know SVS hasn't said anything, so it's probably not an issue, but I thought that we had two sets of questions (for Archer and Homura) so that they would be asked by the respective person. So, the "bring the girl with you" option for Archer means we're gonna go for the "ask the civilian girl" option for Homura's questions. You've inserted an Archer question into the option leading to Homura asking, which makes me question if that's your intention and if that's ok?

... Is that understandable? I'm nitpicking over the tiniest thing and it's stupid, but I have nothing else to contribute. I (still) don't know Fate, so I can't speculate.
Low-effort shitposting?
I know SVS hasn't said anything, so it's probably not an issue, but I thought that we had two sets of questions (for Archer and Homura) so that they would be asked by the respective person. So, the "bring the girl with you" option for Archer means we're gonna go for the "ask the civilian girl" option for Homura's questions. You've inserted an Archer question into the option leading to Homura asking, which makes me question if that's your intention and if that's ok?
... Which this actually is not. Who are you, and what have you done with Twix?

Contrary to Twix's belief, this is not low-effort shitposting. It's actually a valid point which I completely missed until something was said. @Swedish15, your vote should probably look something like this, now that I'm thinking of it:
[ ] Whatever the plan name is (remember to make it something relevant and not a funny haha meme name)
-[ ] (Archer) Bring the girl with you to be questioned by Homura and the others
--[ ] Who is she?
--[ ] Why does she look identical to the other girl?
--[ ] What's going on?
-[ ] (Homura) ask your allies about their opponents
--[ ] Were they puella magi, servants, mages; what?
--[ ] Did any of them give a reason for attacking?
--[ ] Describe them and their magics in detail
Along with whatever additions suggested by Jefardi you think are relevant, or something to that effect. It looks like you're having Archer be the one grilling our mystery girl, with Homura just getting the usual debriefing form her teammates. Yes? Or did you want Homura to ask the mystery girl questions of her own? If the latter, then Twix is right and you'll have to make some additional formatting changes to your vote to account for the added layer of Homura interaction.

Also, Twix, your image makes me very sad, because the last time you whipped that out, Enetious was still with us.
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I have edited my post accordingly, and if anybody sees anything amiss, please let me know; I'll be up in about ten hours again.
Low-effort shitposting?
I was thinking more specific to the tweet itself, but yes, that too.
... Which this actually is not. Who are you, and what have you done with Twix?
Except the unexpected! (obligatory :V )

I possess neither knowledge nor critical thinking, leaving me with the only thing I can do: picking at the nitty-gritty.
Also, Twix, your image makes me very sad, because the last time you whipped that out, Enetious was still with us.
I will try to remember shitposts I have already made so that this doesn't happen again.
-[X] (Archer) Bring the girl with you to be questioned by Homura and the others
--[X] Who is she?
-[X] (Homura) ask the civilian girl
--[X] Who is she?
We're... asking the same question twice? I'm not sure how that makes sense. Do you expect a different answer for Archer and Homura?