Confringentur 2; a Madoka Magica / Fate/Stay Night sequel

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It's been a year and a half since Walpurgisnacht was defeated; but just because one obstacle has been cleared, that does not mean the road ahead is any less rocky. Witches that don't require labyrinths to manifest, Grief Seeds that aren't Grief Seeds, a rival faction of puella magi and a Great War between two factions of masters and servants, a girl claiming to be an artificial human, and a centuries-old witch whose meddling seems to be at the heart of it all; just what is happening in Mitakihara? It's up to Akemi Homura, the heroic spirit Emiya, and the Puella Magi Holy Quintet, to keep the city safe.

Or else.

Sequel to the first Confringentur, which can be found here for Part 1 and here for Parts 2 and 3. Prior knowledge of the original quest is recommended, but not required.​
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Day 1 Chapter 1


Around here
Approximately 2:30 in the morning…

You were no stranger to fighting witches. You might say you could even do so in your sleep, though you'd never say so out loud, for fear of tempting the fickle hand of Fate. But witches come in all shapes, sizes, and powers, and over the course of your long career you've proven to be a deft hand at taking them down.

Your current quarry notwithstanding, that is.

You were no stranger to fighting witches, but part of you wonders whether this thing you and your teammates are currently fighting is in fact a witch at all. Its body, an illogical mishmash of animal parts stained the colour of charcoal, is appropriately obtuse enough for a witch; but the fact that it has manifested in the real world, without needing a labyrinth to contain it, is the tell that all is not as it seems. It roars, thrashing its large, ashen-coloured body as it tears free from the bindings of golden ribbons and crimson chain-links that once tied it down. A tail, equally as large and thick as the rest of its body, crashes into the sides of several nearby buildings, tearing deep gashes in the concrete sidings and sending rubble crashing down onto the street. Its head, broad and flat like the fusion of a crocodile and a hammerhead shark, shudders as it sniffs the air, before surging off in a westerly direction, leaving you and your teammates to pursue.

"If things keep going the way they have been," Tomoe-san says to you and Kyouko, "We won't be able to stop it from crossing the river into Downtown."

"This'd be going a lot easier if Big White and Crazy'd get here like they said they would," Kyouko spat.

"They've gone to set up a blockade along the witch's most likely course," Tomoe-san reminds Kyouko. "They'll get here as soon as they're finished."

Fire envelops Kyouko's spear, and she leapt, landing atop the thing's backside and planting her spear deep in what should have been its head. "At the rate things are going, it ain't like one more blockade's gunna stop this thing."

Against most witches, a deep strike from Kyouko's spear should have been game over; but this witch, this thing, proves itself tougher than most, and within seconds the wound had closed up as though the spear had never broken its hide. You and Tomoe-san are forced to leap out of the way as the rampaging witch tears through the place you had both been standing. Your paths crisscross as you leap, bounding off the sides of nearby buildings as you and she join Kyouko atop the witch's head, where it scarcely seems to notice you. You can't stop this thing. You can barely slow it down. And now it's about to run head-first into a building. "If barriers won't slow it down, "Tomoe-san says as she eyes the approaching building with a mischievous glint in her eyes, "Then perhaps something a little more direct will."

If Tomoe-san is wrong… You won't waste time worrying about what could happen if she's wrong. You bring your bow up, drawing upon the water in the air as arrows of ice form on your bowstring; as you do so, a ring of silver muskets form around Tomoe-san. In unison, the two of you leap down from your perch atop the witch's head; you, loosing your frozen payload; Tomoe-san, unloading a volley of lead. Your twin attacks collide with the witch's face in a brilliant shower of gold and blue sparks.

That does the trick.

The witch roars as its progress towards Downtown is halted by your twin strikes to its face, before immediately powering through your most recent attempt to stall it. For all your optimism just seconds earlier, it now appears that the witch is going to ram through that building in spite of your efforts; and with you just centimeters from its feet, it looks like it's going to be taking you through the building with it. Faced with the impending prospect of being pushed through the building at your back, you only now come to appreciate the size of your opponent, easily as tall as the building it is about to ram you into. You brace your body for impact.

Impact never comes.

You open your eyes, and finally, finally, the witch has stopped its rampage, as it tries fruitlessly to power through the impenetrable transparent barrier erected between it and you. "Took ya long enough," Kyouko says, as you look up to greet the newest arrivals, white- and black-garbed figures standing against the moonlit cityscape. "Now get yer asses down here and help us finish this, will ya?"

"Oh, hold your horses, will ya?" Kirika says, drawing several pairs of claws as she leaps down first. "Me and Oriko just got held up prepping the blockade is all."

Kyouko opens her mouth to retort, but is preempted by a roar of the witch. "We don't have time to argue," Oriko says, calling on a swarm of drones to throw up another barrier between herself and the witch. "It'll break through soon enough." True to her word, the witch does indeed break through the first barrier, slamming into the second only moments later. Oriko strains, forced to take a step back as the witch presses against her barrier. "Tomoe-san, Akemi-san, I need you to pin its limbs down for just a few seconds!" she calls out. "I've got an idea!"

You've already tried and failed using Tomoe-san's ribbons to contain the witch's advance, but at the moment, "There's not much else we can do," Tomoe-san says, conjuring a waterfall of golden ribbons to ensnare the witch. "We'll have to do what we can, and trust that Mikuni-san's plan is the right one."

You nod your head in silence as you loose another volley of ice arrows; together, your attack and Tomoe-san's have done enough to contain the witch's front limbs, but as soon as the two of you have let up, the witch is at it again, struggling to tear itself free.

"Kirika! Support me!" Oriko cries out as her drones tear into a new shape, folding the barrier in on itself to form into the shape of a massive pair of transparent hands. Not a moment later, the witch frees itself, and it charges, with Oriko meeting its advance head-on; or, hands-on, if you were so inclined.

"Oriko!" Kirika flexes her wrists as she calls out Oriko's name, causing her claws to grow massive in size. Shooting out from her hands on lengths of chain, the claws anchor her to solid ground as she presses against Oriko's backside to reinforce her. "Are you crazy? You're gonna get yourself run over going off like that without telling me!"

"I know what I'm doing!" Oriko's voice strains under the load pressing against her barrier-hands, which slowly give her the leverage she needs to lift the witch - even if it's just by a few centimeters - as Kirika struggles to keep her steady. "On three…"




The strain nearly appears to break Oriko as her barrier-hands fling the witch towards the sky. "Now! While it's airborne!" Tomoe-san calls, forming her ribbons into the shape of a cannon. "Let's hit it with everything we've got!"

Arrows of ice form on your bowstring as you aim skyward towards the rapidly-descending witch.

Tomoe-san takes aim at the witch with her cannon, winking as she speaks the name of her attack. "Tiro…"

Kyouko wreathes her spear in fire as she stands her ground, angling the weapon straight up.

Oriko's drones break their hand-barrier formation, swarming around her like bees as they charge with a gold-coloured hum.

Kirika frees her claws from their anchor in the street, positioning herself to impale the falling target.


The witch never stood a chance.

For your victory, the five of you are gifted with a single prize; a Grief Seed. 'At least,' you think, as you go to pick your prize up from the street, 'That's what the prize is supposed to be.' The twisted, ill-made thing in your hand resembles a Grief Seed, but only superficially. The bottom spire, normally short and to the point, twists and turns in on itself like a long worm, and the body of the 'Seed' is shaped more like a lumpy, half-baked cookie than the perfect sphere of a normal Grief Seed. You've gotten used to seeing these misshapen Grief Seeds; they're all your victories have earned you for the past four weeks. "It's another one of those," you say, holding the misshapen Grief Seed up for your teammates. "Whatever they are."

Four weeks, and you still have no idea what these misshapen things actually are, only what they aren't; and they aren't Grief Seeds.

The five of you take a moment to contemplate your victory; and as you stare down the ruined strip of city previously trodden by the witch, you are forced to consider the cost of that victory. "So, which of us is going to have to clean that up?" Kyouko asks. "'Cause it ain't gunna be me."

Your name is Akemi Homura; and your job never gets any easier.

Do you
[ ] Go home, go to sleep, deal with this in the morning
[ ] Head back to base and debrief; what do you know?
[ ] Other (write-in)

Wednesday, 3 October, 2012

Major objectives:
[ ] Set your major objectives here
[ ] Set your major objectives here
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Major Characters - Protagonists
Our story's primary heroine, one of its two protagonists alongside her servant Archer. This isn't the same Homura you might remember. Archer's presence in her life has forced her to open up and become proactive at managing her relationships with others, and finally managing to defeat Walpurgisnacht has allowed her to leave the unending timeloop she was trapped in and settle into something resembling a normal life. She has friends in Sayaka and Hitomi, a girlfriend in Madoka, and together with Archer and the Kures Kirika and Minako she even managed to cobble together a relatively normal family.​

It's just too bad that, by the nature of her being Akemi Homura, things are never bound to go her way for very long.

Element: Love
Origin: Limitation and Perseverance

- Timestop The time manipulator components of Homura's old shield broke following Walpurgisnacht's defeat
- Hammerspace storage
- Projection and Reinforcement magecraft (Alteration is made impossible due to the Limitation aspect of Homura's Origin)
- Runes
- Applies a large, wide-area freezing effect to Projected arrows
- Freeze up to whole large enemies/objects when hit by Projected arrows
- Allows for invocation of the rune by drawing it with frozen atmospheric water molecules
- Allows for all-over freezing of water in any molecular state
- Splash freeze status across adjacent enemies.
- Project arrows made entirely from frozen atmospheric water molecules
- Grants access to Finitora Freccia, a -273°C arrow attack
-- Finitora Freccia Minore - A single arrow with a wide-area freezing effect and freezing splash damage (same as regular ice arrows)
-- Finitora Freccia Maggiore - A self-replicating wide-area scattershot, with a wide-area freezing effect and freezing splash damage
- Allows for a large amount of energy transfer between two bodies.
- Allows for a high-power Gandr shot to be used as a means of depleting moderate amounts of Grief from the user's Soul Gem.
- Allows the user to "hold hands" with the mana of another living person or persons.
Kaname Madoka is Homura's greatest love, and the safety of Kaname Madoka is Homura's greatest priority, but Madoka just wishes she knew how to help her girlfriend, friends, and the people around her. Despite possessing an incredible magical potential, as well as knowledge of the world of magic, Madoka wants nothing to do with the world her girlfriend is part of, nor with the immense power sleeping within her. It's almost unfortunate, because for someone with no mage lineage to have more magic circuits than can accurately be quantified is beyond miraculous.​

Element: World and Leyline
Origin: Kindness
This timeline continues to be very kind to Miki Sayaka. She has yet to sell her soul to the Incubator, she hasn't had to see anyone get their head bitten off, and she and Homura are on very good terms, all things considered. Despite this, Sayaka remains a very foolish girl. She has a desire to learn magecraft and to be involved in the world of magic, despite having no magic circuits and an almost guaranteed Fate of death or worse should she get herself involved. Instead, she's forced to vicariously enjoy the world of magic and magecraft through her friendships with Homura and Hitomi and through her relationship with Sakura Kyouko, whom she has been dating for the past eighteen months.​

Element: Water
Origin: Music
Coming from a very conservative family initially made Hitomi hesitant to accept the sexual orientations of her closest friends, but to her credit she's done an excellent job of accepting Kaname Madoka as a lesbian and Miki Sayaka as a bisexual. The jury's still out on Mikuni Oriko and Kure Kirika, though that could just be because of how unrestrained they are in showing their affection, and nothing to do with the fact that they're both girls. Girls can love girls, after all. Hitomi is a first-generation mage, which came as a pretty big shock to her when she found out that she had magic circuits. She's taken quite diligently to studying magecraft, and her Origin of Structure has been a great help with her studies in that regard. A Wind Element is nothing special, but Hitomi has still managed to leverage it to her advantage when it came to creating her Mystic Codes.​

Hitomi is also a proud master for Mitakihara, commanding the Saber of the Green faction.

Element: Wind
Origin: Structure

- Projection, Reinforcement, Alteration
- Mystic Code creation (specialised for manipulation and transmutation of elemental gasses)
- Body-carbon transmutation, "Ultimate Shield" (stolen from Maki Kaoru by way of Misaki Umika's memory magic backfiring)
- Runes
- Small boost to transmutations
Tomoe Mami is Mitakihara's senior-most puella magi. She's a charismatic, reliable, and composed senior to the girls underneath her, and she's more than capable of holding her own in a fight despite her dislike of unnecessary violence. She is the master of Caster, oldest friend and roommate of Sakura Kyouko, and an avid drinker of tea. Despite her seniority, she has largely yielded authority to Akemi Homura when it comes to organizing the coordination of their alliance. She's tough, capable, and willing to do what needs to be done to keep Mitakihara and its citizens safe, though she would prefer it be done without unnecessary bloodshed.​

Element: Wood
Origin: Togetherness

- Ribbon creation
- Runes
- Allied combat enhancements
- Dampens Grief accumulation inside Soul Gems
- Enhanced tracking
- Magic sealing
Tough, rude, and abrasive are all good words to describe Sakura Kyouko. Until joining Akemi Homura and Tomoe Mami, she was working and living on her own, and initially her joining their side was motivated by circumstance and bribes of food more than a genuine desire to do good. Seeing Mikuni Oriko and Kure Kirika redeemed, striking up a relationship with Miki Sayaka, and helping to defeat Walpurgisnacht have all played their part, and while Kyouko remains tough, rude, and abrasive, she's no longer the loner she once was. In addition to her proficiency with her spear, Kyouko commands the Rider servant in battle.​

Element: Fire
Origin: Adversity

- Illusions Kyouko's illusion magic remains self-sealed due to unresolved familiar traumas
- Runes
- Large-scale manipulation of fire
- Rune can be invoked by drawing it with ignited atmospheric oxygen
Mikuni Oriko is the master of Lancer and devoted lover of Kure Kirika. With the power of precognition, Oriko enacted a terrible plan to save the world, and was promptly stopped by the combined might of Akemi Homura, Tomoe Mami, and their servants. Since then, her mission has been to make amends for her actions in any way she can, and finding religion has helped her to deal with the guilt she feels for her actions, a guilt she continues to struggle with every time she looks in the mirror. That isn't metaphorical, either. As a result of her actions, Mikuni Oriko came into possession of a fairly sizeable amount of Command Seals, which cover her back, shoulders, and biceps with their crimson markings, serving as a constant reminder of her sins. That was a year and a half ago, and she's done a very good job of keeping her head on straight so far. She's helped to defeat two massive super-witches, and has managed to stay true to her convictions to never again take a life. Only time will tell, however, whether the current crisis will force her to compromise her morals for the greater good.

In a surprise twist of Fate, Oriko is related to Caren Ortensia. Their maternal grandmothers were sisters, and their mothers were lifelong friends. Though Oriko wishes to have a similar relationship with Caren, her cousin's prickly attitude understandably makes things difficult.​

Element: Light
Origin: Prudence

- Precognition
- Control over a large number of spherical drones for attacking and utility
- Runes
- Expert at Bounded Field and barrier creation
- By using drones inscribed with the Othala rune, mobile, flexible barriers can be created and shaped at will
-- Enables the usage of Parafulmine, a railgun created by linking barrier-drones together into a tubular formation and firing a bolt of mana down the center
- Expert level of healing.
The best word one could use to describe Kure Kirika would undoubtedly be "obsessed". She is obsessed with Mikuni Oriko, with her relationship with Mikuni Oriko, and with Mikuni Oriko's opinion of her. This isn't entirely her fault, either. As a consequence of her wish, Kirika's Element and Origin were overwritten, with both becoming "Love" in the same way as Emiya Shirou was rewritten to be "Sword", with similarly obsessive results. However, while one might believe they could write Kure Kirika off after describing her as "obsessed" the truth is anything but. She has her own interests aside from Mikuni Oriko, videogames, old anime, yuri manga, and guns to name a few things. She has a deep love for her mother, and has formed a tight sisterhood with Akemi Homura, even if her feelings towards both seem dwarfed by her obsession with Mikuni Oriko at times.

Kirika is also the master of the Berserker servant, who is no longer quite so, well, berserk, thanks to a well-spent Command Seal reducing his Mad Enhancement parameter to its lowest setting.​

Element: Love
Origin: Love
Kirika's shared Element and Origin are the result of her wish overwriting her previous existence. Her original Element and Origin are unknown.

- Time Alter
- Runes
- Combined, allows for enhanced mana transference from willing or unwilling targets
- By using weapons inscribed with Fehu and Gebo, mana can be taken from damaged opponents in the middle of combat
-- Vampire Fang, a single-target attack that drains mana from the damaged opponent
-- Infinite Blades, a wide-area attack that drains mana from all damaged opponents within the attack's area of effect.

True name - Diarmuid ua Duibhne
Master - Shizuki Hitomi

Strength - B+
Endurance - B
Agility - A
Mana - D
Luck - E
Noble Phantasm - B+

Class Skills
Magic Resistance - A
Riding - B

Personal Skills
Eye of the Mind (True) - B
Knight's Strategy - B
Love Spot - C
Mana Burst - A

Noble Phantasm
Moralltach - B+
Moralltach, the Great Fury. The first sword given to Saber by Aengus Óg. Any attack made with Moralltach will always certainly hit and be carried out without interruption, so long as the chance to land the hit existed in the first place. This ability does not require a True Name to be unleashed in order to be used.

Beagalltach - B
Beagalltach, the Little Fury. The second sword given to Saber by Aengus Óg. Beagalltach is a weapon that passively increases the defensive capabilities of Saber. By releasing its True Name whilst in Saber's offhand, it can strengthen the weapon in Saber's primary hand such that even a cheap tin sword might scratch steel. In combination with Mana Burst, this allows Moralltach to match the raw destructive power often associated with most Noble Phantasms, though it costs almost his entire stores of mana, requiring him to recover.​

True name - Emiya Shirou
Master - Akemi Homura

Strength - D
Endurance - C
Agility - C
Mana - B
Luck - E
Noble Phantasm - ???

Class Skills
Independent Action - B
Magic Resistance - D

Personal Skills
Clairvoyance - C
Eye of the Mind (True) - B
Magecraft - C-

Noble Phantasm
Unlimited Blade Works - ???
The heroic spirit Emiya does not have a true Noble Phantasm that is the crystallized embodiment of a hero's existence like many demonic or holy swords, but if a Noble Phantasm is considered to be a symbol of the Heroic Spirit, then the Reality Marble,'Unlimited Blade Works', is his Noble Phantasm. It is the one true specialization of his magecraft, the result of "Sword" being both his Origin and Element, and the basis for his projection and reinforcement skills. Through the Unlimited Blade Works, Archer may call upon reproductions of any famous sword, weapon, or armament known to Archer. Their entire histories, material compositions, and designs are all available at Archer's fingertips, and he may even modify them as he sees fit through his use of magecraft.​

True name - Brynhildr
Master - Mikuni Oriko

Strength - B+
Endurance - A
Agility - A
Mana - C
Luck - A
Noble Phantasm - A

Class Skills
Divinity - E
Magic Resistance - B
Riding - A

Personal Skills
Hero's Bridesmaid - C++
Mana Burst (Flame) - B
Primordial Rune -

Noble Phantasm
Brynhildr Romantia - B+
Rather than being a spear itself, Brynhildr Romantia is instead the manifestation of Lancer's deep-seated affection and hatred for Sigurd, given form by wrapping the essence of her feelings around her spear Gungnir, the spear which also belongs to her father Odin. The tip of the spear grows larger and heavier the more emotion Brynhildr feels towards her target, even allowing Lancer to kill divine spirits when her emotions have grown the spear to its fullest.​

True name - Achilles
Master - Sakura Kyouko

Strength - B+
Endurance - A
Agility - A+
Mana - C
Luck - D
Noble Phantasm - A+

Class Skills
Divinity - C
Magic Resistance - C
Riding - A+

Personal Skills
Affection of the Goddess (Thetis) - B
Battle Continuation - A
Bravery - A+

Noble Phantasm
Troias Tragōidia - A
The chariot of Achilles, pulled by the three divine horses Xanthos, Bailus, and Pedasos. This chariot was a wedding present bestowed to Achilles' father Peleus by the god Poseidon. It boasts tremendous power, able to fly at near to the speed of sound, and it capable of trampling everything in its path. However, with such power comes an equivalent cost; the mana cost to use the chariot for any extended period of time is enormous. At its worst, it is estimated to consume enough mana to power an entire other servant.

Dromeus Komētēs - A+
A continuously-active Noble Phantasm, embodying Achilles' nature as the fastest heroic spirit. With this Noble Phantasm, Rider can instantly cross the distance between himself and his target, allowing him to charge across entire battlefields in a single bound. However, the use of this Noble Phantasm requires that Achilles' heel, his weakpoint, be made vulnerable to his enemies.

Andreias Amarantos - B
The heel of Achilles, and the source of his invulnerability. Any attack of a non-divine nature is nullified, and attack of a divine nature must be sufficiently strong to harm Achilles. A divine attack of C-rank or higher will harm Achilles completely, but attacks of D or lower will have their power reduced. Striking Achilles in the heel will nullify his protection, rendering his entire body able to be harmed by any attack and reducing his speed considerably.

Diatrekhōn Astēr Lonkhē - B+
The spear of Achilles. Given to him by his father Peleus, this spear contains a miniature world within its head, used by Achilles to contain himself and any single opponent in unarmed combat. However, this technique cannot be used against female opponents.

Akhilleus Kosmos - A+
The shield of Achilles, a divine construct formed by Hephaestus. It is a defensive-type, Bounded Field Noble Phantasm similar to Rho Aias, said to be able to withstand any attack by employing a miniature world as a defensive barrier. Due to Achilles being known a a generous hero, and because the shield does not require great effort on the part of the user, this Noble Phantasm can be given to others to use, and even in the even of Rider's death can the shield's new owner use its power.​

True name - Gilgamesh
Master - Tomoe Mami

Strength - C
Endurance - D
Agility - C
Mana - B
Luck - A
Noble Phantasm - EX

Class Skills
Divinity - B
Item Construction (False) - A
Territory Creation - A

Personal Skills
Charisma - A+
Golden Rule - A
King's Return - A
Sovereign of Magical Wands - EX

Noble Phantasm
Melammu Dingir - B
The walls of Uruk, summoned by Gilgamesh as a weapon of both defense and offense. When employed in a defensive role, the walls of Uruk are capable of repelling an attack by a force seven-hundred men strong; and when employed in an offensive role, the Gate of Babylon spills open atop the parapets of the walls, loosing a rain of swords upon any who would approach the King.

Gate of Babylon - EX
The treasury of the King, containing within all the wealth that has been collected by Gilgamesh in his lifetime. Every treasure and every weapon cantained within Babylon is a Noble Phantasm in its own right, ranking from the very least to the very greatest, all of them able to be called upon at will to serve a specific purpose, or loosed as a storm without thought for careful selection. Among Babylon's greatest wealth is contained the prototypes for many of the strongest Noble Phantasms of the strongest heroic spirits, as well as the weapon Ea, an impossible sword-before-swords once used by the Babylonian god Marduk to split heaven and earth during the creation of the world.

Sha Naqba Imuru - EX
The Sight of the King, allowing Gilgamesh to See into the past, present, and future with perfect almost clarity.He does not use this Noble Phantasm as a weapon, but rather as a tool and a form of instruction.​

True name - Aífe
Master - Caren Ortensia

Strength - B
Endurance - C
Agility - A
Mana - A+
Luck - E
Noble Phantasm - B+

Class Skills
Item Construction - C
Presence Concealment - E
Territory Creation - C
Assassin has been summoned to a class vessel for which she is unsuited. As a result, her Class Skills have suffered demerits.

Personal Skills
Celtic Martial Arts - C
Lust for Battle - C
Primordial Rune -
Assassin has been summoned to a class vessel for which she is unsuited. As a result, her Personal Skills have suffered demerits.

Noble Phantasm
Sword Breaker - B+
Crystallized from the act of breaking of Cú Chulainn's sword when they fought, Sword Breaker is a technique created to destroy Noble Phantasms and Mystic Codes. By invoking this Noble Phantasm's name and striking another Servant's Noble Phantasm, Assassin can severely damage or destroy it depending on its rank. Noble Phantasms of C-rank or below will instantly be destroyed barring any special circumstances, and Noble Phantasms of B-rank or above will be damaged depending on how low the ranking is, with B-rank Noble Phantasms taking the most severe damage.

If the Noble Phantasm that Assassin strikes is a sword, then this Noble Phantasm is boosted in potency. Sword Noble Phantasms of B-rank of below will instantly be destroyed, while those of A-rank or above will be damaged accordingly. Striking an already damaged Noble Phantasm - whether it be damaged from this Noble Phantasm or otherwise - will likely cause it to break regardless of rank.

Fáinne Connla - B
The second Noble Phantasm of Assassin, Fáinne Connla is the golden ring that Cú Chulainn forced her to be bound by in exchange for her life. Acting as a curse, Assassin is unable to come into conflict with her sister Scáthach for as long as she is bound by this Geis. After crystallizing as a Noble Phantasm, Assassin is able to curse another to be unable to come into conflict with her for as long as she is able to supply this Noble Phantasm with magical energy. Only one person may be cursed at a time by this effect.

True name - Lancelot du Lac
Master - Kure Kirika

Strength - B
Endurance - B
Agility - A
Mana - C
Luck - B+
Noble Phantasm - A++
Because his rank of Mad Enhancement has been reduced to the lowest value, Berserker's physical parameters have been reduced.

Class Skill
Mad Enhancement - E
Through the use of a Command Seal, Berserker's rank of Mad Enhancement was reduced to the lowest value in order to reduce the strain commanding him was placing on Kirika.

Personal Skills
Eternal Arms Mastery - A+
Magic Resistance - D
Protection of the Spirits - A

Noble Phantasm
Arondight - A++
Arondight is the holy sword wielded by Lancelot, considered to be a counterpart to King Arthur's Excalibur. When drawn, it increases all of Lancelot's physical parameters and deals increased damage against dragons and dragon-kind, in addition to increasing Lancelot's Luck against mortal wounds. However, Arondight is a cost-intensive weapon, and unleashing its full power takes a tremendous toll on Kirika's body. Wisely, its true power is rarely unleashed, but Arondight can still be used as a sword to no ill effect on Kirika.

For Someone's Glory - B
An ability cultivated by Lancelot in life, allowing him to disguise himself as anyone he chooses. It is a manifestation of Lancelot's tradition of winning fame and glory while disguising himself in a number of his endeavors, and is also able to conceal his identity and parameters from onlookers. Drawing Arondight seals this ability, along with Knight of Owner, until such time as Arondight has been sheathed.

Knight of Owner - A++
Rather than taking the form of a weapon, Knight of Owner grants Berserker the ability to make any weapon in his possession into his own. Once Berserker grabs hold of anything which he recognises as a weapon, it instantly gains the property of 'becoming his Noble Phantasm' and allows him perfect mastery over that weapon as though it were his own. This ability can be used at any time, for as long as Berserker has not drawn Arondight. Drawing Arondight seals this, along with For Someone's Glory, until such time as Arondight has been sheathed.​
The divorced single mother of Kure Kirika. Because she was forced to drop out of high school when her then-boyfriend got her pregnant, she previously had to work multiple jobs in order to provide for herself and secure her daughter's future. As of a year ago, she has moved in with Akemi Homura and Archer, completed her equivalency certification, and started attending online classes for a four-year degree out of a local university while working only a single job, coincidentally at the same realty firm where Kaname Junko works. She is currently in a committed relationship with Archer, and cares for Homura as though she were her own daughter.​
A representative of the Holy Church, acting undercover in Mitakihara on their behalf. Her cover is that of a nurse at the local junior high school, a cover she accepted because it allows her a front-row seat to the suffering of children. While normally no sane school board would ever allow a woman like her anywhere near children, there's more going on here than meets the eye, and what the Church wants from Caren's mission in Mitakihara is anyone's guess. Caren is also master for Mitakihara, commanding the Assassin servant for the Green faction.

In a surprise twist of Fate, Caren is related to Mikuni Oriko. Their maternal grandmothers were sisters, and their mothers were lifelong friends. Though Oriko wishes to have a similar relationship with Caren, her cousin's prickly attitude understandably makes things difficult.​
A homunculus created by Kanna Niko for the purpose of being the Hijiri Kanna that should have been. Hijiri Kanna escaped from the Pleiades Saints and made for Mitakihara, intent on warning the Puella Magi Holy Quintet when her creators set their sights on Mitakihara. While she normally remains quiet, preferring not to intrude while others are speaking, she suffers from memory problems that leave her constantly questioning whether she or her creator are the real Hijiri Kanna, and she hides a dark and malevolent streak and a desire to kill her creator for forcing her into a life she never asked for.​
This is Juubey, not to be confused with Kyubey. Juubey is the Incubator who has replaced Kyubey in Mitakihara and Asunaro after the Incubator collective determined Kyubey to have been defective. Juubey is not defective. Juubey is operating under normal conditions for an Incubator. Juubey can be trusted. Hopefully.
Mitakihara Junior High's archery club, of which Akemi Homura is a member. They're generally good people, despite their status as one of Mitakihara Junior High's least-funded clubs giving them a poor reputation. They are, however, too poor to afford a picture or individual biographies.​
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Major Characters - Antagonists
The seventh master of the Pleiades Saints, commanding Lancer of Blue. She's apparently a big deal to the Saints, but what her importance is is anyone's guess. Kazumi doesn't share the same animosity towards her opponents that the rest of the Pleiades Saints do; she would rather keep her friends from getting hurt than she would hurt her opponents. Recently, Kazumi has been questioning her sexuality, and is considering the possibility that her feelings towards Kanna Niko might be more than those she should have for just a friend. Her Soul Gem is her weak point- Take it from her, and she goes into a berserk state.
Kazumi is actually an homunculus, an artificial human created by Kanna Niko, for the purpose of bringing Kazusa Michiru back to life after she turned into a witch. Kazumi's body was made by transmuting the flesh of Kazusa Michiru's witch into a human shape, and her Soul Gem is also artificial, having been created by modifying the captured Soul Gems of puella magi previously defeated by the Pleiades Saints. She is the thirteenth attempt at reviving Kazusa Michiru, and is thus far the only attempt that has remained stable enough to exist outside the carefully controlled conditions of Niko's private workshop.
Element: Void
Origin: Sacrilege

- Incredibly high mana reserves
- ???
Maki Kaoru is the master of Berserker of Blue. Before becoming a puella magi, Kaoru was a football player who used her wish to heal her body after an accident at one of her games left her crippled. Similar to Kazumi, Kaoru holds no real animosity towards the members of the Puella Magi Holy Quintet; rather, she's keeping up with the fight because she wants to keep her friends safe.
- Self-Reinforcement
- Body-carbon transmutation, "Ultimate Shield"
Misaki Umika is a prolific author and the master of Caster of Blue. She possesses a studious, no-nonsense nature, and is often too engrossed in her own work to make time for her friends. She is also, to her own detriment, a bit of a braggart and a blabbermouth when placed into combat.
Umika's studious nature and avoidance of spending time with her friends is actually her way of concealing the truth from Kazumi. Umika is one of the Pleiades Saints responsible for creating Kazumi, using her memory manipulation magic to implant Kazumi with the memories of Kazusa Michiru. Unfortunately, the implanting process failed, leaving Kazumi an amnesiac. Previously, Umika had also failed to properly manage the memories of the homunculus Hijiri Kanna, leaving her with memories of her creation as well as the memories of the real Hijiri Kanna.
As of 23 October, Umika is no longer the master of Caster of Blue.
- Mind scanning
- Memory manipulation
- Memory-object creation
- Various assorted support spells (presumed to have been stolen from mind scanning defeated puella magi
Asami Saki is the leader of the Pleiades Saints, and is the master of Saber of Blue. She is intelligent, but possesses an incredibly deep-seated stubborn streak, and despite evidence to the contrary she continues to push forward with the War against the Puella Magi Holy Quintet out of her desire to protect her friends from Mikuni Oriko and Kure Kirika, a pair of former serial killers whom Saki is afraid will kill her friends if she sits down to negotiate a ceasefire with the rest of the Quintet. Saki is engaged in a secretive intimate relationship with Wakaba Mirai, though she persistently refuses Mirai's requests to make their relationship more than that.
Saki's fears of loss are not entirely unfounded. As a young girl her younger sister was killed in a car accident, and fairly recently Saki also had to watch as Kazusa Michiru, the girl she loved, turned into a witch. Saki is the mastermind behind the creation of Kazumi, directing Misaki Umika, Kanna Niko, and Caster of Blue in their efforts to help her bring Kazusa Michiru back to life.
- Super speed
- Lightning
Wakaba Mirai is the second-in-command of the Pleiades Saints and right hand of Asami Saki. She's impulsive and quick to anger, often breaking into violent fits at the slightest provocation. Despite her abrasive and aggressive tendencies, Mirai hides a soft side; she has a fondness for stuffed animals, and is obsessively loyal to and deeply in love with Asami Saki, despite the latter's persistent refusal to make their relationship anything more than purely physical. She is the master of Rider of Blue, though her comparatively low reserves of mana, combined with Rider of Blue's incredibly high upkeep costs, make deploying him on the battlefield to his fullest extent difficult for Mirai.​

- Fire
- Teddy bear familiar creation
Usagi Satomi is the master of Archer of Blue, a fact which makes her very happy because of her fondness for animals. Satomi has some form of mental illness, and she often flips back and forth between a sugary-sweet disposition and a violent and psychopathic one.
Deceased as of 17 October.
- Animal communication
- Mind control
Kanna Niko is the master of Assassin of Blue. An intelligent, introverted, and hardworking member of the Pleiades Saints, Niko can most frequently be found in her workshop tinkering with some new module to improve the performance of herself and her allies in combat, to the point that her servant has had to force her to leave her workshop in order to get some sunlight on at least one instance. Niko may also be developing feelings for Kazumi, though only time will tell if she ever works up the courage to act on those feelings.
In reality, Kanna Niko is the real Hijiri Kanna, a name she chose to give to the homunculus she created in her image in order to replace her existence. As a young child, Kanna accidentally shot and killed two of her friends, and the guilt she continues to feel over the incident is the reason why she continues to perform work of Asami Saki that leaves her disgusted with herself and her actions. She created Kazumi, along with her twelve failed predecessors - a fact which makes her acceptance of her feelings for Kazumi all but impossible - by transmuting the flesh of Kazusa Michiru's witch into a human shape, and gave her her Soul Gem by forcibly modifying the captured Soul Gems of defeated puella magi.

- Material transmutations and alchemy, the deconstruction and reconstruction of matter
- Rendere o Romperlo, a move which severs the connection between a puella magi's Soul Gem and their body.​

True name - Sigurd
Master - Asami Saki
Master - Sidonia von Borchk

Strength - A+
Endurance - A
Agility - A
Mana - A
Luck - E
Noble Phantasm - A++

Class Skills
Divinity - B
Magic Resistance - A
Riding - B

Personal Skills
Mana Burst (Ice) - A
Primordial Rune -
Wisdom of the Dragon - A

Noble Phantasm
Gram - Dawn of Ruin - A++
Bearing the name of Wrath, Gram is the sword used by Sigurd to slay the dragon Fafnir. Gram is a sword passed down the bloodline of the Volsung, and to Sigurd's father Sigmund before him. After being broken by Odin during Sigmund's fight with King Lyngvi, Sigmund's wife kept the two halves of Gram for her son, who eventually received it, reforged, from the dwarf Regin.

As a sword, Gram is comparable in renown and power to King Arthur's Excalibur, and when used it converts the user's magical energy into offensive power, releasing it in the form of a directed blast of energy capable of slaying a dragon or leveling a fortress. It is an "ultimate killing technique" comparable to Excalibur. Even if the attack is dodged, those in close proximity can still be disrupted by the intensity of the blast.​

True name - Atalanta
Master - Usagi Satomi

Status - Deceased

Strength - D
Endurance - E
Agility - A
Mana - B
Luck - C
Noble Phantasm - C

Class Skills
Independent Action - A
Magic Resistance - D

Personal Skills
Aesthetics of the Last Spurt - C
Calydonian Hunt - A
Crossing Arcadia - A

Noble Phantasm
Phoebus Catastrophe - B+
Rather than being a bow itself, Phoebus Catastrophe is instead a technique for firing the arrow itself. Affixing a message to the arrow, Atalanta begs Apollo and Artemis for their divine protection. In seeking their divine protection, they desire a calamity in compensation, so it is equated to their protection being a calamity for the enemy. That calamity comes in the form of a rain of arrows being loosed upon Atalanta's enemies. Attacking in great numbers, these arrows are strong enough to even pierce servants, especially those with low Endurance, and the width of their attack can be made greater or lesser depending on Atalanta's need.

Agrius Metamorphosis - B+
The pelt of the Calydonian Boar, which was killed by Atalanta during a hunt. The pelt is cursed, and its use causes Atalanta to enter into a berserk state, raising her physical parameters at the cost of her sanity. In addition to raising her physical parameters, the cursed pelt is also able to change its shape once it is merged with Atalanta, allowing her to change it into armour, wings, or an offensive weapon as required.​

True name - Scáthach
Master - Kazumi

Strength - B
Endurance - B
Agility - A
Mana - C
Luck - D
Noble Phantasm - A+

Class Skill
Magic Resistance - A

Personal Skills
God Slayer - B
Hero Creation - A
Item Construction (Spear) - C
Primordial Rune -
W̸̪͝i̴̙͋͠s̴͎̺̪̞̑d̷̹̲̣̏͑o̴̡̓m̴̺̯̬̓͝͝ ̸̨̟̰̤͘o̸̱̗͇̓͑̿̚f̸̝̯̩̾ ̵͔̹͕̔̂ͅD̸̨̰̘̅̒̈ú̵̄͒̀̈́͜ň̵͎͚ ̸̭̠̙̘̓S̸̹̅͜͠c̵̪̱̆̑͜á̸̮̪́̋̓i̴̛̲͌t̴̡̹̋h̶͇̆͠ ̶̞̬̙̳̒̉̃̕-̴̩̄̿ ̷̧̼̻̠͊͒̑͠A̴̖̘͍͆̓̐͒+̷̱̟̖̓̂

Noble Phantasm
Gáe Bolg: Soaring Spear of Piercing Death - B+
The cursed spear of Cú Chulainn, which originally belonged to another, has returned to its original owner's possession. Carved from the bones of the great beast Curruid by the warrior-woman Scáthach, the Gáe Bolg is a weapon whose strike is sure to pierce the heart of its opponent when thrust. However, when thrown from the foot, the Gáe Bolg soars with enough force to break the back of an entire army. A powerful, two-in-one spear that combines both abilities into a single Noble Phantasm.

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̴̺̱̪̙̓͗̄l̵̢̢̛̖̙̬̦̱̲͉̗̃̏̈͗͘o̴̰͈̹̱͓̲͂̌̽̉̓̿̋̍͝͠͝n̸̦̞̹̣̈́ͅģ̸̡̧̣̱̤̹̣̯͌̾͒͑̈́̒̐̔̉̋̉͐̈́̏ȩ̴̛̯̜̱̓̇̓̅̒̍͆̽̎͂̀ṙ̷̲̙̦̟̜͚̭͈̜͓̘̜̬̐̄̔́̄̈́͗̔́̄̅̈́̚͘ͅ ̴̟̉̒̎̔̉r̷̨͇̗͕̙͖̞̙̬̊̒͜͝͠͠ė̷̡͙͈̮͙͖̲̇̑̄̔̒͘m̸̺̍́̃͂̉͗͛̽͌̈́̏̐̂͛̚ę̵͖̥̙̤͙̤͔̪̟̊̏̃̌̀͆m̵̡̢͓̺̊̓̿́͠b̶̯̟̜̰̹͊̂͐̋̊̔̈͊̂̈́̌̄̕̚̚e̶͔̦͗͂̓̃̕r̴̟̭̗̣͍̬̳͒͗̌̇͝ ̵̡̡̧̠̫̝͕̝̞̙̗͊̿̔̈͜ͅḛ̵͕̏̈́͘͝x̴̢͕͖̲͈̬̳͚͈̼̰̄̄̿̉̓͝à̸̟̲̘̩̯͔̲̯͙̖͗͜c̷̢̡͈͖̺̥͖̬̊͐͐̿̍t̶̜̐̍̇̋̿̿͊͋̉̚l̸̮̙̜͙͇̯͓͉̤̩̲͍̜̎̂̒̔̓ÿ̶̢̛̻̙͉̻̤̗̱̣̻͔̟̦̜́͐͐̎̚̚͘͝ ̷̬͌͐̉͆̓̚h̶̯͉͕͍͇̺̠̗̬̺̻̪̓̈͗̀̏̔̓̌͑̅̓̄̂ö̸̡̗̹̦́̋̓̂̑ẉ̶̻͕̞̅́̄̐̏͒̿͗͘ ̶̛̞̫͎͙̻̻͖͊̋͌̀͘͝ṁ̵̧̨̘͍̯̙̤̥̙̭̞̟͕̦̰̀͊͝͠ų̴̛͉͉̩̞̯͙́̓͗̆̔̓͋́̔̚͝͝c̴̢̲͕͍͓̩̲̻͎̃̕͠h̴̦̼̙͉̱͈͍̆͛̐̉͛̑͝ͅ ̶͖͙̤̗͆̉̅̌́̒͊͝t̴̛̛̘̺̥̯̥̥͈̟͚̆͐̐̋̍̆̀̂̂̓̉͜͝į̷̧̳̼̱̠̣̯̗͎͍̞̲͉̀̎̆̄̓̏̂͜m̶̮̭̫̥͉̭̫̻̂̐̌̀͆̚͝e̶̳̣͔͌̾̏́͗̓̋̿̂̅͆̔ ̶̡̢̜̪̠̠̘̥̼͖̤͙͕͕̠̀̈́́͌͊͑͝ḧ̸̡͓͈̲͔̪̘͇̣̫̩̥̼́̈́̽̋̎͊̿̓̆̊͌̒̀̕͝ä̸̛̞̬͈̳͎̮̥̲̻̲̩́͛̿̽̔͑͘̕͝v̶͚̯̖̫̮͉̖̯̝͉̦̺͚͂̓̿͂̔̊̓́̋̾͌͝͠ͅe̵͈͉͓̺̎͆̓̓͌͠͠ ̵̨͕̲̭͔̠̼̫̾̓͝p̵̠̭͐̅͋͛͂̾̊́̇̍̕â̶̢̨̫̪̲̳͎̱͙̓̊͂̅̋́̕̕͝ș̵̨̖̠̬̭͓̹͓̫̮̱͙̽̽͆͒͐́̐̚ͅs̴̢̧̮̜̪̗̤̥̱̱͙̊̾̐̋̉̽̒̆͘͝ȩ̸̛̳͎̜͓̭̥̙͖̬͔̥̬̍̂̽͗̓̀̐̔̀̂̋̇̕͝d̷̨̦̯̺̬̙͓̗̪̳̬̭̖͆̅̔͛͋̂̋̐ 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̸̡̧̡͕̝̻̺͚̠͉̼̤̈́̅̉̉̋͊̎̔̿̂͝I̶̢̧̱̥̹̖̫̣̘̝̬̬̟͂̚͠ẗ̷̗̝͉͉͉̙̯͉́̏͜ͅ ̶̢̡͚̰͚͖̯͎͍͉̹͙͎̩̓̈́i̷͉̘̫͉̥͆̍́͊̇̍͑̽̕s̷̠̳̒̾̅̆̉͑͋͊̎̔̉̆̓̾́ ̷̖̖͂̔͒̇́͗͗͂̑̒̌̍d̸̞́͌͊̆̂͒̓̿̚͠͠͠i̵̧̧͉̟̥̗͚̓́̾̽̍̀f̵̧̩̹̼͇͓̳̜̗̱̪̫̙̦̠̈́͑̆̆̚̚f̷̢̡͕̩͙͚͉̦̝̼̟͉̲͋͛̾͛͊̓̇̾͜͠ě̴̡͙̹͙̫̼̲͎̘̠̘̀̔̒̄͋̓̽̈̕̚ͅr̴̟̰̞̹͕̬̽̃͐͋̓̽ȩ̶͓͉͕͈̬̣͈͕̤̺͓̄n̵̡͈̼̲͎̘͙͎̬̻̹͑́̀̀͛͜͝ͅͅẗ̸̖̦̮́͛ ̸̨̥̭̣̥͉̠̭͙͎̌̌͋̓̈́̀͒̀̍̂̀͆͝͝͝ͅf̸̞̄̅̐͊̒̄r̶͈͓̔͗̊̄̀̾̾͠͝͝o̸̦̙͕̜̪͇͉̣̾̉́͂̑̽̀́ṁ̶̨̬̝̠̰̩̺̪̳̞̈́́ ̷̡̦̪̯͇͍̔̐͛͐̐͋͜ṡ̵̡͈͒͜ò̷̳̮̳̼m̸̡͓̰̼̻͙͕͚͆́̎͌͛͛̓̓̃͠͠ė̵̛̥̼̥̖̤̫͇̞̱͉̠̈́͑̌́̑͋̿͜ͅt̸͚͉̠͇͕̒̒̾̍͘ͅḥ̷̟̪̙̀̍̋͗͆͂̾̓̿̐̎̂̕ͅi̴̭̣̩̔̿̚͠ñ̸̗̞̀̍̐̂͠͝͝͝ͅg̴̟̭̦̥̭̠̮̝͙̺̈́̑̄̏̽͐̄͛͑̃͘͝ ̶̡͙͔̖̠̮̮̱̩̺̱̘̫̭̮͗̔͋̎̚̚͝g̵̪̿̈́̎̀͂̀̎ǫ̴̡͉̦̟̝̲͛̍͝ͅǫ̶̢̧̰͙̼̜̥͚͔̞̯̆̒̍̏͜ͅd̷̟̹̫̗̲̝͚͚̓̃̅͗͐̀͝.̷̰͐̐̿ ̷͈̳̩̬̓̀͆̊̕̕Ĩ̴̢̩̼̼͇͊̇̃͊́͝ ̴͓͑̅̾̌̔͋͑̇͐̑͗͝w̴̢̜̯͖̥̣̣͌̾̾̈́̉͊ả̸͎̭̰͍͚̳͎̬͊̂͂͌n̸̡̛̥͙̥͓̟͎͔̯̰̣̊̑̅̊̋̀͐̉̎͝t̴̫̥̪͐͊̒ ̶̨͉͍̞͎̱̟̮́̉́͛̀̓̓͛̌̔̀̕͘͝y̸̡̙̠̓́͑͑o̴͈͚̫̔̋͗͛ȕ̴͙̩͔̤̻̫͖̟̘̲̈́̍͜ ̸̡̦̫̖̣͓̙̮̣̩̠̬̥̦͌̓̅̿̎̐̌́̽̀̊̚̕͝t̸̛̟͓͉͔̪̋̈́̿̑̍̓̓̓̔͑̉͌́͝ǫ̶̘̺̩̱̝͈͔̽̔ ̵̧̙͕̹̗̙̹̪̈̀̆̌̔̃̇͂̿̍͛̎͊͝ͅk̶̛͔̭̖̲͉̬̦̊̓̈́̎͂̽̒̈́̾̅̀ȋ̷̪̲̹̈́̄̐́͠͝l̶̨̢̧̢͍̳̞̟̝̬̲̩̲͕̎͊̇̐͋̊̓l̴̳͓̾͊͒͑ ̴̢̯͈̯̘̆̾̏̔̈́̏̅̇̚m̷̢̬͉̬͇̖̑̌e̷̦͉̰̩͚̤̯̺͐.̶̛̩̩̪̹͔̙̭̮͇̥̟̓͐̌̊̏̿̿̆́̚ ̸̢̳͎̳̖͇̩̀͛̿́̀̿͗̎͑̎ͅI̶̢̛̜̥̟̝̫̪̱̭͍̟̓̈́̓͘ ̴̡̓͒́͑͐͐̉̚͜w̴̢̧̧̡̨̺̭̯̭͈̣̝̱͖͍̍͝ạ̷̛̼̳̫̱͔͒̒̍͘n̸̢̛͇͎̰̠͚̣͚͓̜̟̫̟͍̻̓̎͛t̵̙͎̠͕́̉̓̊̄̂̀̎͝ͅ ̵̡͔̙̩̰̙͔̱͕͕̭̻̳̍̌̀͂͜d̶̡̺̮͕̗͍̼̣̘̮̉̿̈́̽̚e̴̢̪̟͖̐̃̏͘͝a̶̯̙͎̳͆̽͊̒̽̑̓͝t̵͕̹̬̀̓͜h̵̰̹͒̈́̃ ̴̡̧̧̛͎͙͍̘͉̯̖̙̲̲̌̅̌͑́̀̈́̊̽̿̚͝ȁ̴̟͎̹̳̳̈́̍͆͂̒̐̿͝ś̸͎̣̞͋͝ ̶̛͔̭̞̬̺̈́̒̔̐͆̐̐̄̿̍̚͘͝a̷̛̘̞̟̭̩̫̗̖̰͔̾͂̉̎̑́̒̓͐̿͘ ̸̺͍͗ͅp̵̢͓̹̺̱̞͕̺͎͖̠̹̏̀̾̉̈̓̓̋̒̓̃̋̌͐̽ȇ̵̞̲̹̘̙͉̳̳̺̯͕̓̎̾̈́̌̄̉̓̑̋ŕ̴̢̜̲̣̠̣̜̝̠̻̤͋͊̋͐s̵̻̜̰͉͇̬͔͚͉͑̄͊͘ŏ̶̰̬͚̬̺̝̺͋̽̀̍̈́́͒̽̌͝͝n̴̻̲̱͔͓̻̫͙̮̬̹̣̞̦̈́͛͌̌̽̍̏͘͜.̵̨̲̖̥͓̈́̀̓̅̊͒̋̀̀͆͌͘̕͠͝ ̶̬̏

True name - Ramesses II
Master - Wakaba Mirai

Strength - C
Endurance - C
Agility - B
Mana - A
Luck - A+
Noble Phantasm - EX

Class Skills
Divinity - B
Magic Resistance - B
Riding - A+

Personal Skills
Charisma - B
Golden Rule - EX
Imperial Privilege - A
Protection of the Sun God - A+

Noble Phantasm
Ramesseum Tentyris: The Shining Great Temple Complex - EX
Taking the form of the The Great Temple Complex, the might of the Pharaoh Ramesses II is embodied in his strongest Noble Phantasm. It is the manifestation of how the glorious Pharaoh contains within his body the various Egyptian gods, thus it contains a number of mystics. It appears as a giant complex consisting spanning a great many temples and corridors, and the central pyramid, the Ramesseum Great Temple Complex, acts as the main temple and throne room. Housed within the complex are a number of powerful spells, boons for the self and for allies and curses for enemies, and all manner of phantasmal beasts from ancient Egypt prowl the complex as its guardians.

In addition, the temple's main form of attack is the Dendera Electric Bulb, a high-power wave-motion cannon capable of destroying enemy fortifications from afar. Though the Dendera Electric Bulb contains its own power supply, Rider can pour his own mana into the weapon to increase its power.

Mandjet: The Solar Boat of Millions of Years - A+
The Pharaoh Ramesses, regarded as the scion of Ra on earth, is using as his own the solar barque used by Ra during his journey across the day-time sky. Embodying the might of the sun, the Mandjet is capable of burning everything in its path with its powerful solar beams. It can also fly, naturally.

Abu el-Hol Sphinx: The Lion-Bodied Beast of the Hot Sand - A
The strongest divine beast to originate in ancient Egypt, the Great Sphinx of Giza, rendered in living flesh and stone, is summoned to the aid of the pharaohs of Egypt.​

True name - Hans Christian Andersen
Master - Misaki Umika
Master - Kanna Niko]

Strength - E
Endurance - E
Agility - E
Mana - A+
Luck - D
Noble Phantasm - C

Class Skills
Item Construction –
Territory Creation - C

Personal Skills
Enchant - A
Human Observation - A
Magecraft (False) - C-
Verse of the Great Poet - C

Noble Phantasm
Märchen Meines Lebens: A Story Just For You - A
A Noble Phantasm Hans to target a person and manipulate their personal life, while also guiding them into significant change. The amount of change possible is very generous, allowing him to alter and strengthen, to some degree, a person's skills, appearance, species, and destiny/fate. Märchen Meines Lebens can be resisted through a Luck stat above E, though it takes B rank luck to completely resist it, and until the tale he writes of a person are complete, the changes made can either stall or begin to revert depending on the target's Luck stat. He also has to make these changes to his own satisfaction, meaning that Hans can be rather fussy with how this is used.​

True name - Florence Nightingale
Master - Kanna Niko

Strength - D
Endurance - C
Agility - C
Mana - D+
Luck - B
Noble Phantasm - B

Class Skills
Presence Concealment - D
Territory Creation - C

Personal Skills
Alluring Nightingale - B
Charisma - C
Nursing of Steel - A
Statistician - B

Noble Phantasm
Nightingale Pledge
A Noble Phantasm of self-Geis that prevents Assassin from bringing harm to others and seals her physical parameters, in exchange for incremental increases to her medical abilities. This self-Geis takes the form of a four-count Aria, with each successive verse conferring a different boon onto Assassin's medical abilities.
- "I solemnly pledge myself before God and in the presence of this assembly to pass my life in purity and to practice my profession faithfully." The inciting verse, which seals Assassin's rank in Presence concealment and lowers her Strength and Endurance to a rank of E. The other verses may be recited out of order, but this verse is required in order to activate the Noble Phantasm.
- "I shall abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous, and shall not take or knowingly administer any harmful drug." Seals the Alluring Nightingale skill, and in exchange raises Assassin's rank in Territory Creation by one full rank.
- "I shall do all in my power to maintain and elevate the standard of my profession and will hold in confidence all personal matters committed to my keeping and all family affairs coming to my knowledge in the practice of my calling." Confers an increase in power to Assassin's Nursing of Steel skill equivalent to the effect of two + modifiers.
- "I shall be loyal to my work and devoted towards the welfare of those committed to my care ." Confers a rank of Battle Continuation on Assassin of Blue's allies.
When all four verses of this Aria are spoken in sequence, each successive verse increases the power of the boon conferred by the previous verse. However, once all four verses are active Assassin is unable to turn her Noble Phantasm off without the help of her master.​

True name - Boudica
Master - Maki Kaoru

Strength - B+
Endurance - B+
Agility - A+
Mana - D
Luck - C
Noble Phantasm - A+

Class Skills
Mad Enhancement - D++
Riding - C--

Personal Skills
Affection of the War Goddess (Andraste) - A
Battle Fervor - EX
Charisma - B--

Noble Phantasm
Esuprastus - B
Named after her husband and given to her by Andraste as a Sword of Selection, much like Gram and Caliburn. However, due to its significantly lesser fame, its power as a Noble Phantasm is lesser than those more famous swords. Rather than being classed as an anti-fortress, this Noble Phantasm might be better thought of as an anti-house.

Icenian Exemplar - B
Boudica's Chariot. Sealed with the activation of Affection of the War Goddess due to the forgoing of her Riding skill. When called upon, it actively shields all allies under Boudica's leadership. It's also as fast as Gordius Wheel, though it cannot fly like Gordius Wheel, meaning that it can be used offensively and for travel but has limited maneuverability.

Thrice-fold Victory -A+
A manifestation of Boudica's three major wins, followed by a pathetic defeat to an army only a tenth the size of her own. Upon each battle, a + parameter is applied to each of Boudica's stats, up to two applied on the third battle. Using However, this causes her to undergo severe rank-downs upon the fourth battle, after which Thrice-fold Victory will be reset.​
A 17th century Pomeranian witch who has made camp in Mitakihara in order to tap into the unlimited supply of Grief offered by Walpurgisnacht's Grief Seed. She has displayed the use of powerful perception-blocking magecraft, pyromancy, and the ability to manipulate Grief for various purposes, up to the creation of fake Grief Seeds and familiars which she can puppet from afar.
Sidonia's ultimate goal is the complete eradication of all non-magical humans on earth. How she intents to accomplish this goal from within Mitakihara is still unknown. Whatever it is, is involves the Grief Seed of Walpurgisnacht, the cursed sword Dáinsleif, a spellbook written by the 16th century Polish mage Jan Twardowski, and the twelve spare Kazumis being kept in the basement of the Pleiades Saints' base.
As of 26 October, Sidonia has forcefully taken mastership of Saber of Blue from Asami Saki. Mastership contingent on possible Blackening of Saber of Blue.
Fake witches are the familiars of Sidonia von Borchk made from the fake Grief Seeds she creates. They can manifest without the need for a labyrinth, and the larger fake witches have been shown to be incredibly tough, requiring the effort of a full team of puella magi to be defeated. Sidonia's most recent efforts have involved fake witches modeled after creatures from Polish folklore, of which the following have been encountered:

- Smok Wawelski: Modeled after the 13th century Wawel Dragon, the Smok Wawelski is a seven-headed dragon capable of flight and which spews a powerful fire-and-lightning breath weapon from each of its heads. Possesses an incredible amount of raw physical power, but is lacking in durability when facing a retinue of servants;

- Skrzak: Modeled after imps from Polish folklore, the Skrzak occupy the tall crevices of Sidonia's underground workshop and serve as her last line of defense against intruders. Their bodies are small and bat-like, with razor-sharp sickle claws that can cut down to the bone with just a touch. Their bodies are slick with liquid corruption, turning even a tiny scratch from their claws into a life-threatening injury;

- Nachtkrapp: Modeled after the massive demonic corvids from Germanic and Slavic folklore, the Nachtkrapp are strong enough to pick up a human and carry them off, or to fly while supporting a human passenger on their back. Though the Nachtkrapp possess no eyes, they appear to have no problem spotting and chasing down prey, and just being in their presence is enough to impose a health hazard, due to the strong corruption that emanates from their bodies;

- Wilkolak: Pack hunters, modeled after Polish werewolf tales. They are fast and attack in large numbers, but are easy to harm and don't pose much of a threat to a prepared defense. While most Wilkolak that have been encountered appear locked into their bestial form, a select few have on occasion been elevated and allowed to assume the form of an upright werewolf;

- Bazyliszek: A massive serpent modeled after the Basilisk of Warsaw, the Bazyliszek is the newest, and arguably most dangerous, addition to Sidonia's arsenal of familiars despite missing the stony gaze which classical Basilisks are known to possess. Its head is a massive battering ram that is strong enough to punch clean through an entire building, it can regenerate its flesh and revive itself after death, it leaks liquid corruption every time its body is injured, and when it unhinges its jaw it can unleash a cloud of gaseous corruption that ignites on contact with oxygen;

- Skarbnik and Duży Skarbnik: Skarbnik are small automatons modeled after Polish earth spirits who inhabit mines. Unlike Sidonia's other familiars, Skarbnik are generally non-aggressive, only attacking when their work is disturbed. When pressed, a number of them can merge together to become a Duży Skarbnik, which has no direct correlation in Polish folklore. The Duży Skarbnik is large and strong, with hands that can change their shape into that of a war hammer, and it also possesses laser eye-beams; among other possible abilities that have yet to be displayed;

- Strzyga: A female demon of Polish folklore that is similar to a vampire. While modern versions of the Strzyga are more closely related to witches than to vampires, the versions employed by Sidonia stick to their roots, resembling beefed-up and more humanoid versions of the bat-like Skrzak, with long, muscular limbs tipped with sickle claws, wings, and mouths full of razor-sharp teeth. Their scream produces a sonic laser that can cut through a wide variety of materials.

- Drekavac: An ambush predator whose physical form is reminiscent of several species of trapdoor spider. The Drekavac, literally, "shrieker" is a creature from Slavic folklore said to wait in hiding to drag its unsuspecting prey off when they wander too close to its lair. The Drekavac is a tunneller, and it coats its lair in a sticky, foul-smelling web spun from Grief. The overall effect of the Drekavac's ear-piercing screech, combined with the hazards of its lair, serve to disable the senses of anyone who attempts to combat it.

- Firebird: A flaming bird, which hatches from the incubated egg of Sidonia's Bazyliszek after a week. It is incredibly fast and agile while in the air, capable of mach-speed maneuvering like a fighter jet, while also retaining a flaming payload to rain fire and terror onto its victims; individuals, cities, indiscriminately.​
The Incubator has relocated to Asunaro, and is currently working with the Pleiades Saints, manipulating them into conflict with the Puella Magi Holy Quintet of Mitakihara.
Hijiri Kanna is an homunculus created by Kanna Niko for the purpose of being the Hijiri Kanna that should have been. For the better part of a year, Hijiri Kanna has been stewing in her anger towards her creator, anger which culminated in seeking out and allying with Sidonia von Borchk for the purpose of taking revenge on the Pleiades Saints, and on Kanna Niko in particular. Hijiri Kanna's betrayal led to her brutally attacking Kanna Niko, tearing off the arm which held her Command Seals, as well as crushing her leg. The arm of Kanna Niko was then delivered to Sidonia, giving her access to close to forty Command Seals, as well as the mastership of Caster of Blue (and potentially Assassin of Blue as well)
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Day 1 Chapter 2
[X] Head back to base and debrief; what do you know?

You and your teammates return to base - tonight, Tomoe-san's apartment - to debrief; for whatever is worth what little information you know about the situation, that is.

There are five of you gathered together in Tomoe-san's living room tonight; yourself, Tomoe-san herself, Sakura Kyouko, Mikuni Oriko, and Kure Kirika. Before this timeline, the inclusion of those last two would have been met with stopped time and a bullet to their Soul Gems, but things are different now. This timeline did start you and they off on the wrong foot, to be sure; but circumstance and a genuine desire to do right by their mistakes saw the pair of once-enemies soon becoming integral parts of the team in time for Walpurgisnacht. More than teammates, even; you'd be proud to count anyone in this room among your closest friends.

It's been a year and a half since the five of you, aided by your servants - heroic spirits summoned from across time and space, bound to your command by a magic system unheard of to you at the time - defeated Walpurgisnacht. While her defeat has freed you from the cycles which had once trapped you in an endless repetition of the same forty-six day stretch, you would be a fool if you thought that her defeat would mark the end of your trials all together.

Tonight's prize sits at the center of Tomoe-san's gold-inlaid sandstone table - a decorative gift from her servant, Caster - and the five of you sit around it. "This makes fourteen of these in the past four weeks," Tomoe-san says of the misshapen, Grief Seed-shaped lump. "What do we know about them so far?"

"Not much," you reply as you pull up a map of the city, with each appearance by a witch marked with a black triangle, and the path of their rampage marked with a thick black line. "So far, all we know is that they're dropping from the witches we've been killing recently."

"Are we sure they're really even witches at all?" Kyouko asks. "I mean, Whataburger aside, witches need a laybrinth to appear, right? So how come all of these new witches have been making do just showing up without one?"

"For lack of a better term, I'll be calling them witches until we know more about what they really are," you say to Kyouko. "But I admit, you're probably on to something. I'm doubtful these are witches as we know them." You haven't seen the Incubator at all since the day Walpurgisnacht was defeated. Could it be behind these new witches? The idea churns your stomach, to think of whatever new scheme that little white rat has cooked up in its absence.

"Maybe there's a clue in where they've been showing up?" Oriko suggests, tapping a finger to a point at the city's southern edge. "All of them have been coming from this part of the city, and heading out along these pathways. Maybe that could be a clue?"

The place where Oriko's finger rests on the map is where Walpurgisnacht's Grief Seed fell. At almost ten meters in height, the massive Seed had been too much for the five of you to move; and so it had remained there. Reconstruction of the city had paved over the massive Seed, but who knows whether its corrupting influence is still pulsing beneath the concrete foundations of the city?

[ ] How could you have missed something so obvious?
[ ] If the new witches are spawning from Walpurgisnacht, why are their Grief Seeds not Grief Seeds?
[ ] Could the Incubator be responsible for this somehow?
[ ] Other (write-in)

"What do you make of the paths the witches have taken?" you ask Oriko. "We've been lucky enough to stop them from crossing the river, but why do you think they've always tried to head either up the river into Downtown, or across the river west along the train tracks?"

"I wouldn't know," Oriko replies. "Maybe they're looking for something?" But what?

"If we only knew what they were looking for, "Tomoe-san adds.

"That's even assuming they're looking fer something in the first place," Kyouko remarks. "Fer all we know it's just coincidence, and the next one'll head off in a completely different direction."

Tomoe-san nods her head at Kyouko's remark. "While the idea that they're looking for something makes sense given the information we currently have, we should keep our minds open in case new information contradicts what little we know."

Kyouko rolls her eyes, muttering "Man, that'd be a headache, wouldn't it? We barely know anything about this as is. Why'd I have ta go and open my big mouth?"

You turn to Kirika, who has been silently cuddling up beside Oriko throughout the debriefing. "You've been quiet lately," you say to her. "Is there anything you want to add?"

"Huh?" Your words jostle Kirika. Was she sleeping? "Nah, I don't have anything to add," she says. "You and Oriko have said just about everything I was gonna say, anyway." Kirika stifles a yawn, saying as she finishes "Oh, before I forget-" Reaching into one of the pockets of her jacket, she produces a small, nearly-flat package wrapped in pink paper. "It's Pinkie's birthday tomorrow, isn't it? This is for her. I'll be too busy working after classes to join you all at her party, so give her that for me, will ya?"

"Later today, technically," you say, checking the time on your phone to confirm that midnight has passed. "But yes, it is Madoka's birthday." You take the offered present from Kirika, and place it into the pocket of your own jacket. "Thank you. I'll be sure to pass your gift on to her."

Kirika smiles. That's not a good smile. "I'm sure she'll love it." Knowing Kirika, you're also sure it'll be trouble.

"Well, it's gotten rather late, hasn't it?" Tomoe-san asks; a rhetorical question, immediately followed up with "And I'm doubtful we'll learn anything new just going over information we already know. How about we call it a night and meet up after Kaname-san's birthday party to see if we can't figure anything new out?"

Do you
[ ] Agree; head home for the night
-[ ] Get in a bit of practice before going to bed
-[ ] Check Kirika's present out before going to bed; you want to make sure it won't cause trouble for Madoka later
--[ ] Don't. It's Madoka's present, not yours. You shouldn't be peeking
-[ ] You'll probably be taking the same train home as Oriko and Kirika. Do you have anything you want to talk to them about?
--[ ] Yes (write-in what you want to talk about)
--[ ] No
[ ] Disagree; you've still got something to add to tonight's debriefing
-[ ] What do you need to add? (write-in)
[ ] Other (write-in)​
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Day 1 Chapter 3
[X] Write-In Votes are a Crime against Magic Girls

"Well, it's gotten rather late, hasn't it?" Tomoe-san asks; a rhetorical question, immediately followed up with "And I'm doubtful we'll learn anything new just going over information we already know. How about we call it a night and meet up after Kaname-san's birthday party to see if we can't figure anything new out?"

You aren't particularly tired, and the commute from Tomoe-san's apartment back to your own isn't more than twenty minutes; but you aren't the only one you have to think about. Oriko and Kirika live up north in neighboring Shirome, and for them the commute from here to Oriko's mansion where the two of them live is over an hour. But getting some rest would be nice, you admit; and you wouldn't want to be too tired to enjoy Madoka's special day tomorrow; er, today.

Compared to the length of time you spent repeating the same stretch of time, a mere year and a half is no time at all; but it's incredible all the same, to think that just a year and a half ago you had no reason to ever expect to see one of Madoka's birthdays. By the time the sun sets later today, you'll have seen two. The next time you see Madoka, she'll be sixteen. Your own birthday - 12 March - isn't too far away, either. You'll be turning sixteen just in time for graduation.

You're so caught up in your musing that you barely notice the walk from Tomoe-san's apartment to the nearest train station, and it isn't even until Kirika asks you "Hey, you still with us?" that you realise you'd been lost in thought. "What'cha thinking about, sis?"

Oh, yes, that's something else that has changed in the past year and a half. Kirika is, by way of the relationship between your father and her mother, your new step-sister. She's a troublemaker, to be sure, but a better sister you couldn't have asked for. "Just the miracle of life," you reply. "I was trapped looping the same forty-six days for so long, I guess I'm still a little in awe of the fact that time can pass for me now." You smile, as the image of Madoka's vibrant pink smile fills your mind. "I never thought I'd live to see Madoka turning sixteen." You never thought Madoka would live to turn sixteen, either.

"So come on, tell me-" Kirika leans over, wrapping an arm around your shoulder as she grins. Beside her, Oriko does her best not to get between the two of you. "-You two... You got any special plans for Pinkie's big day, huh?" You aren't sure whether it's the train car that's jostling you, or Kirika. "Come on, you can tell me."

"Something tells me I'm better off not," you reply. "I've got no plans with Madoka that are of any interest to you."

Kirika pouts, retreating her arm from your shoulder as she says "Fine, be that way. But don't expect to get any relationship advice out of me in the future."

"I'm much more interested in getting advice for school than I am for dating," you reply. Your musings about the passage of time have reminded you that you won't be in junior high forever - much as you once believed otherwise - and that you should give thinking about high school a head start. "You've been in high school for half a year now; what's it like?"

"Ugh, it's brutal." Kirika speaks the word the way one might speak of lung cancer. "And I thought the workload in junior high was too much."

"That bad, huh?"

"It's bad. Between work and school, there's days where I feel like I don't even have time for Oriko anymore."

"What made you decide to take a part-time job in the first place, then?" you ask, hoping to get some answers about the mystery after-school job Kirika rarely speaks about. "If schoolwork takes up so much of your time, why'd you decide to take up an after-school job as well?"

"Because..." Kirika shifts her eyes back and forth, as though on the lookout for prying ears. There's no one else in the train car besides the three of you, and Oriko is busy silently checking something on her phone. With the coast clear, Kirika leans in, whispering in your ear "Because I wanted to buy Oriko something nice for Christmas. She's always buying me stuff, so I thought I should return the favour."

You nod, making an "Mhm" sound at Kirika's answer. "Well, high school can't be all bad, can it?" you ask. "There's got to be at least one course you enjoy."

"I guess chemistry, actually," Kirika says. That's an unexpected answer coming from her, when you remember how much trouble she had with biology last year. "It's crazy hard sometimes, but it's also kind of fun, learning how molecules and stuff fit together. Makes me appreciate what our magic can do just a little bit more."

"What about you?" you ask, leaning over Kirika to speak to Oriko. "How are you finding high school so far?"

Your question causes Oriko to put her phone away, returning the device to her coat pocket as she addresses your question. "It's fine," Oriko replies. "True, the workload is more intense than it was in junior high; and true, I do feel like Kirika and I have less time for each other than we did before we graduated, but all things considered it could be a lot worse." A smile finds its way to Oriko's face, and she adds "I recently made a bid for a position on the student council during the September elections, actually. I didn't win anything, but the fact I even got votes at all made me happy." There's a glint in Oriko's eyes, and before you have the chance to ask, she adds "And since I know you're going to ask me, my favourite class is the same as it was in junior high; my Italian language elective."

The train comes to a stop at the station nearest your apartment. "Guess that's my stop," you say. "I'll see you both later today."

"Tell mom I said hi."

"Right, I'll let her know," you say to Kirika as you stand. You give her Oriko each a hug on your way out, and you wave goodbye to them as the car doors close and the train heads north to Shirome.

The walk back to your apartment gives you plenty of time to think about things besides the academic track of your step-sister and her lover; namely, the nagging puzzle of the lumpy Grief Seeds you keep finding. The spawning location of the new witches, combined with the fact that they don't require labyrinths to appear, would make Walpurgisnacht as their origin a likely possibility; except for one slight hiccup. Familiars spawned from witches can become witch themselves, given time and prey enough to grow; but even a matured familiar will still drop a regular Grief Seed upon demise. But these new witches don't drop regular Grief Seeds... To you, that says there might be some origin other than Walpurgisnacht's Grief Seed that's spawning these new witches. You'll have to ask dad if he's got any ideas the next time you see him.

Your apartment comes into view after a short walk from the train station. It's a two-storey, western-style building, with each floor housing a single residence. Your personal residence is on the bottom floor, but the entire property is owned by you outright, leaving the upper apartment to serve as a nice guest residence, in lieu of your own apartment's lack of a guest bedroom. You take your shoes off at the door and hang up your jacket as you enter, and there's a light on in the kitchen waiting for you.

"Waiting for me to come home?"

"What sort of father would I be if I wasn't fraught with worry at the thought of my daughter coming home late after a fight with the supernatural?"

You smile, and though you reject the cup of tea your father offers you, you do still give him a hug. "Don't lie; you're just jealous we didn't need you tonight."

Your father is an interesting man, all things considered. For one, he isn't exactly human, in a manner of speaking. He's a servant, occupying the class of Archer, and though he's told you the story of his given name - Emiya Shirou - to you Archer is the name by which you know him best. Your first meeting with him was not entirely an event you could have expected - he came crashing through the ceiling of your living room, unannounced, breaking your couch on his way down - and it took awhile for you and he to fully trust one another. But in time, you've come to trust and rely on one another, to the point where you feel entirely comfortable calling him father and accepting him as a substitute for your deceased birth father.

"We found another one of these tonight," you say, placing the lumpy Grief Seed down on the table as you and Archer break your hug. "Do you think you could do some structural analysis on it, maybe figure out what it is? Because we're about at our wit's end not knowing what these things are."

"Yeah, I can take a look at it while you're sleeping" Archer says. "You want me to also give Rin a call if I get stumped?"

"Yes. Another mind would be appreciated."

"Alright." Archer takes the lump Grief Seed from you, pocketing it as he points in the direction of your bedroom. "Now, you've got an important day ahead of you, young lady, so be sure to get plenty of sleep. I don't want to check in on you only to find you practicing when you should be resting up for Madoka's big day tomorrow."

"Don't worry," you say, shrugging off Archer's concerns. "I'll be sure to get plenty of sleep." You and Archer have one more brief hug, and then it's off to bed for you. 'Well,' you think, closing the door to your darkened bedroom, 'Maybe just an hour or so won't be too bad...'

The night passes you by, but you've got other things besides sleep to occupy your thoughts tonight.​
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Day 1 Chapter 4
[X] Yes; another mind would be appreciated

It happened again. Despite your best efforts to keep her safe, Madoka is dead. With your shield broken and no way for you to turn back the clock, this is it. You cradle the broken body of your beloved, and with tears blurring your vision you stare at the figure responsible for her death. Their face is hard to make out against your tears, but their white hair and white dress stand out to you- Mikuni Oriko. How could she have done this? You thought she had moved past acting this way to get what she wanted.

The white figure approaches, their every step silent, their body never swaying with the movement of their legs, almost as if they weren't really walking at all, but gliding through the air. Their long white hair blows in the wind, and as they approach your eyes can finally make out their shape. It isn't Mikuni Oriko; it's you. You killed Madoka.

'Your' face is hardened, 'your' skin browned to the same colour as Archer's, and 'your' eyes possess a cold sharpness, steel to pierce the soul, not the flesh. The other you raises their hand, conjuring a weapon from nothing as they stand above you...

Your eyes awake, but the pressure in your chest isn't from a piercing blade, but rather from a welcome companion. Amy kneads her paws on your chest, and you raise up your hands to hold her as you sit upright in bed. You look around the room, reassuring yourself that all is well - that Madoka is well - when you confirm that nothing has changed from when you went to sleep. Your present for Madoka sits on the corner of your desk, and you will make sure Madoka lives to open it.

Once assured that all is well, you smile for Amy, giving her a kiss and some scratches behind the ear as you set her down on your bed. "Good girl," you say, swinging yourself over the side of your bed, letting your bare feet fumble for your slippers. You rise, and Amy follows you as you make your way to the kitchen, to the scent of cooking breakfast, and to mom and dad.

"Morning Homura," Archer says as you enter the kitchen. "Sleep well?"

You nod, a yawn barely escaping your throat as you respond with an "Mhm," as Amy slinks past you to her food and water dishes. "Morning," you say to Archer, and to the other woman already seated at the kitchen table, currently hunched over at her laptop. "Morning mom."

Kure Minako isn't your birth mother; quite the opposite, she's actually Kirika's birth mother. But she's your father's significant other, the mother of the girl you call your sister, and she's taken care of you just as well as your real mother would have, were she still alive. So she's mom in your eyes. "Morning sweetie," Minako says, looking up from her laptop to smile as you take the seat across from her at the table. "Archer told me you got in late last night. Everything okay?"

Both her biological daughter and her adopted daughter are puella magi, so it was impossible to keep the secrets of magic from Minako forever; she knows about you, Kirika, and the rest of the girls. "Same as always," you respond. "Kirika says hi, by the way." Minako gives you another smile, almost to return to her work before you ask "You doing schoolwork, or work work?"

You don't know the entire story; all you know is that Minako had to drop out of high school when she got pregnant with Kirika. She never finished, and she never went to university either. She's going to school now, thankfully, getting a four-year degree through some online learning program out of some local university. She's also working, coincidentally at the same realty firm where Madoka's own mother works. In fact, if you've heard correctly, Minako has Madoka's mother to thank for getting her that job in the first place. "Work work," Minako replies. "I've got to get this report typed up before Junko-san can close out some contract she's working on."

"She was working on it last night, too," Archer says, laying out a breakfast of bacon and eggs for the three of you. "Speaking of work, I gave Rin a call after I hit a dead end looking at that lumpy Grief Seed you gave me. She said she could be out here by the end of the week to take a closer look at it."

"Thank you." Archer takes a seat beside Minako, and the three of you share a brief "Itadakimasu!" before digging in. "How far did you get with your structural analysis?"

"Not very. It's... How do I say this... It's like a Grief Seed. It's nominally composed of the same dark magic, but the way it was put together makes me think it was done by someone who only kind of knew what they were doing, rather than something professional that the Incubator would have cooked up." You mull over Archer's words as you chew on a bit of bacon. Someone is manufacturing fake Grief Seeds, then; but who would do something like that; and why? What could they hope to achieve by doing that? "Hopefully when Rin takes a look at it, she can tell us whether it was made through magic, or through magecraft. Might give us some clues as to who's responsible."

"Come on you two, no magic at the breakfast table," Minako says, attempting and failing to affect a pout with her mouth full of delicious breakfast. "I barely get to see you two as is, I don't want to feel like you're leaving me out of the conversation."

Archer takes the hint, changing the subject by saying "I think Amy is due for her six-month checkup soon. You want to take her to see the vet, or should I?"

[ ] You'll take her (write-in when)
-[ ] Maybe Madoka would like to accompany you?
[ ] Have Archer take her (write-in when)

[ ] Do you have anything else to talk about over breakfast?
-[ ] with Archer (write-in)
-[ ] with Minako (write-in)

When you head out after breakfast, do you
[ ] Talk
-[ ] to Madoka
-[ ] to Sayaka
-[ ] to Hitomi
--[ ] About what? (write-in)​
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Day 1 Chapter 5
[X] This is a Fate story and the first image wakeup image isn't Sakura, for shame!

"Come on you two, no magic at the breakfast table," Minako says, attempting and failing to affect a pout with her mouth full of delicious breakfast as she directs her displeasure at the matter you've been discussing with Archer. "I barely get to see you two as is, I don't want to feel like you're leaving me out of the conversation."

Archer takes the hint, changing the subject by saying "I think Amy is due for her six-month checkup soon. You want to take her to see the vet, or should I?"

"I'll do it" you say. "I can bring her to the vet after archery practice tomorrow." You wonder, maybe Madoka would like to accompany you? "What about you? What are you up to today?"

"Oh, not much." Archer shrugs your question off in typical Archer fashion. "I've got grocery shopping to take care of, then I'll make a lunch to bring to Minako at work, then if there's nothing else around the house that needs doing I'll probably spend the rest of the afternoon relaxing with a good book until you get home. Maybe the mood'll strike me and I'll do something out of the ordinary, but I'm hoping for today to be one of those boring days where nothing out of the ordinary happens."

Something in Archer's statement sits ill with you. You'd hate for Fate to feel tempted enough to stretch its hand down and meddle in your life today. You choose to acknowledge Archer's tempting of Fate with no more than a nod, before turning to ask Minako "What's it like working with Junko-san?" Kaname Junko had offered to get you a job at her realty firm once you were out of high school; you see no reason not to get a sneak peek into what working with her is like.

"Well, I only got promoted up from office lady a few months ago," Minako says. "So mostly, I'm working under the more seasoned sales reps until I've got a handle on everything that happens before the paperwork gets filed." She sighs, downing the last drops of orange juice in her glass. "On top of that, Junko-san's still got me handling the paperwork side of things. Trying to juggle all of that and making time to get all my schoolwork done isn't easy.I know Junko-san offered you a job right out of high school, but take it from me- You'll have an easier time keeping your head on straight if you wait until after you've got your degree before off heading to work for her. Wish I'd known that when she offered me the promotion-" Minako shrugs, saying "-but it's not like I'm in any position to complain, given my credentials. Heck, I'm just grateful she'll stick her neck out for me like this."

"Do you like your work, though?" you ask. "I know it's hard, but do you at least enjoy what you do?"

Minako nods her head, saying "Yeah. The work's challenging, but it's also really rewarding; and most of the other sales reps are really nice, too." Under her breath, though, she adds at just above a whisper "Except for that slut Sana. I wish she'd quit already."

"Which one is that?"

"Oh, you know." Minako responds to Archer's question with a dismissive wave of her hand. "You've met her before; she's the one with blue hair and the huge rack." Archer pretends like he didn't hear that, like he hasn't taken notice before of his woman's allegedly attractive coworkers. "She acts all nice and everything, but it's just about the worst-kept secret at the office that she sleeps with her clients to make sales; and what's worse is that she's got a husband and two kids, too. I can't stand her."

When they were still married, Kirika's father cheated on Minako with one of Kirika's teachers. It was an argument you wish you hadn't been present for, but it's given you context for why Minako would despise a woman like her coworker. "Are you sure she's really doing something like that?" Archer asks. "Maybe it's just a misunderstanding?"

"I mean, I've never actually seen her do anything unprofessional with one of her clients before... Come to think of it, when Junko found out Sonezaki was sleeping with a client, the boss had his ass out the door later that same day."

Archer nods. "Maybe she's just overly-friendly with her clients and the rest of the office is just making assumptions. If something you think she's doing is bothering you, you should talk to her about it. If you're wrong, maybe clearing things up will gain you a new friend at work."

"Yeah, you're probably right, as usual."

Minako gets up, helping Archer to clear the table of breakfast's dishes while you shower and change for the coming school day. Your heart skips a beat as you change into your school uniform, your mind filled with thoughts of the precious pink smile waiting for you. You don your shoes, and throw on your jacket as you head out the door. The rush of the cool autumn air as you exit your apartment is a treat you once thought you would never be allowed to experience, but like many of life's small pleasures returning to you you savour the cool breeze on your face as you walk to the intersection where Madoka waits for you.


The world around you may be growing cooler with each passing day, but Madoka's embrace never fails to warm your body in its entirety. You meet Madoka with arms wide open, welcoming her embrace with one of your own as you say to her "Happy birthday, Madoka," drinking in the warmth of your girlfriend's embrace. This is a victory you've worked so hard to achieve. "How's the birthday girl enjoying her special day so far?"

Madoka answers your question with a kiss. "Papa's been going crazy setting everything up for my birthday party," she says. "I'm actually a little glad to be out of the house right now."

"Only a little?"

"I'm glad to see you a lot, Homura-chan." Madoka kisses you again, and asks you "So, what did you get me for my birthday?"

"That's a secret," you say with a smile. "But I'm sure you'll love it."

You walk, hand-in-hand with Madoka, until you come to the intersection where Sayaka and Hitomi are waiting. "Hey guys, what's up?" Sayaka shouts, racing towards you and Madoka with a smile on her face. Behind her, Hitomi approaches at a much more serene pace. As Sayaka approaches, she jabs a gentle elbow into Madoka's side, asking her "How's it going, birthday girl?"

"It's going good, Sayaka-chan," Madoka says, smiling as she greets her friend. "How are things going for you?"

"Not bad, not bad. Nothing new to report since the last time I saw you, though."

"Sayaka-chan, we just saw each other yesterday."

"I know! That's why I don't have anything new to report." Sayaka's words send a round of laughter through the four of you, and while Madoka and Hitomi take their turn exchanging morning pleasantries, Sayaka approaches you, asking "You bring your DS?" as she gestures to one of the pockets of her jacket. "'Cause today's totally gonna be the day I beat you!"

You spent your fourteenth birthday in the hospital. To make up for this, Madoka had proposed hosting a birthday party for you and Hitomi, whose own birthday falls on 31 March, at the same time. The idea fell through, but Sayaka was thoughtful enough to pick you up a belated birthday present all the same; a Nintendo DS and a copy of the most recent Pokemon game at the time. You put off touching your presents until after Walpurgisnacht was defeated, but found yourself enjoying the game when you finally did pick it up. You gesture to one of your own pockets, saying to Sayaka with a teasing smirk "In your dreams."

"Not today, Homura," Sayaka says. "Laugh all you want, but today's finally gonna be the day I beat you. I've got a foolproof strategy this time."

"Let me guess; you're using a team of six Swords Dancers and hoping my team won't have enough bulk to outlast yours?" One look at Sayaka's shattered expression tells you you've hit the nail on the head. "You're too predictable, Sayaka. You'll never beat me like that."

Defeated, Sayaka slinks off to sulk, and you address the fourth member of your troupe. "How are things going with your studies?" you ask Hitomi. "Archer said Tohsaka-san might be by at the end of the week, so if you've got any questions about what you're working on I'm sure she could find the time to help you."

That's another thing this timeline has done differently; Hitomi is a mage. Not a magical girl, but a user of magecraft. It was unexpected, learning that Hitomi had a potential outside of the Incubator's system, but Hitomi has taken to magecraft exceptionally well, in your opinion. Then again, your own knowledge of magecraft is limited to some of the basic applications like Projection and Reinforcement, so who are you to judge?

"Oh, that's wonderful to hear," Hitomi says. "I've recently been working on a few new Mystic Codes, actually, though I haven't had the chance to test them out yet. Perhaps Tohsaka-san would be willing to look them over before I test them out, to make sure I've got my theories correct? Oh, and also, if it wouldn't be too much trouble, do you think you or Archer-san could ask her to bring a few more books with her? I believe I've gotten everything out of the ones she gave me last time."

"You sure went through those fast," you say, though you aren't really sure how fast one should have worked their way through the tomes Tohsaka-san lent to Hitomi "I'll be sure to have Archer let her know you're in need of some new material."

Hitomi nods her head. "Thank you, Akemi-san.

Having said your piece to each of your friends, the four of you walk and exchange pleasant small talk until the front gates of the school appear. Waiting for you is a familiar frock of scarlet hair dressed in a Mitakihara Junior High uniform. "Took ya long enough," Kyouko says, before Sayaka's lips cut her off from saying anything else. You'll pretend to look the other way, as you're sure the pair would do if they caught you and Madoka kissing.

Oh, who are you kidding? They'd probably gawk and use it as ammunition to tease you with later.

[ ] What's your plan for the school day? (write-in)​
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Day 1 Chapter 6
[X] I just realized I got through a Whole Scene without my votes killing half the group!

The teacher meanders his way through rows of desks, handing back sheets of paper; last week's exam. He stops over your desk for a moment, stealing the light from the overhead bulbs as you copy notes from your book. Saying nothing, the teacher leaves your exam for you, before moving on. Denied the benefit of a hundred lifetimes' worth of rote memorisation, you feel the same sense of trepidation as any other student must as you look over your exam sheet. You aren't expecting a perfect 100.

The crimson 75 stares back at you, as do the words "I expected more from you, Akemi. Make sure you do better next time."

It's not a failing grade, but the teacher is right; you could have done a lot better. Unfortunately, Warring States-era history is far from one of your strengths. You're only into the first third of the era and it already feel like there are too many dates and names to keep track of. You set your exam aside and return to your notes. It's an organised mess consisting of the names of Tokugawa Ieyasu, the dates when he changed his name, and the events associated with each change. Scribbled along the margin of the page is the senryū associated with the man whose many names take up the rest of the page. Nakanu nara, naku made matō, hototogisu.

Unlike Tokugawa Ieyasu, you don't have the luxury of waiting. If the cuckoo that is your grade does not sing, the only thing you can do is work hard to raise it. You can at least take solace in the fact that your grades in other classes are better than this; not always by a lot, you're forced to remind yourself, but at least they're somewhat better.

Returning to the head of the class, the teacher announces "Alright, today we'll be starting with Tokugawa Ieyasu. I saw some of you getting a head start on the material as I was handing back your exams. You'll need it." The more diligent students nod their heads, but you keep yours down, content to continue copying notes from the text. "Now, during the Muromachi period, the Matsudaira clan controlled a portion of Mikawa Province." Pulling up a map of historic Japan on the smartboard, the teacher marks the area of importance, zooming in on a section of highway as he does so. "Ieyasu's father, Matsudaira Hirotada, was a minor local warlord based at Okazaki Castle who controlled a portion of the Tōkaidō highway which linked Kyōto to the eastern provinces, here..."

You flip to the reverse side of your current sheet, sketching out a rough approximation of the teacher's map, marking important locations as he speaks. You aren't as talented an artist as Madoka, but at least the landmass is recognisable as part of Japan. That's a point in your favour. "His territory was sandwiched between stronger and predatory neighbors, including the Imagawa clan based in Suruga Province-" another location, another name to note. "-to the east and the Oda clan to the west." Now, that is a name you recognise. You make sure to give the location of the Oda clan a special mark on your sketch. You're sure to be coming back to them later. "Hirotada's main enemy was Oda Nobuhide, the father of Oda Nobunaga..."

You wonder how Madoka did on her exam.

All you needed was to read those few scrolls of text to know that the battle was yours. "Galvantula used Thunder! It's super effective! Sayaka's Samurott fainted!" Victorious, you close your DS and return it to your pocket. Now that you've beaten Sayaka, you can finally eat lunch without her- "Rematch me" -interrupting you.

"No." You don't mean to sound blunt as you respond to Sayaka; you just want to dig in to Archer's delicious lunch before you have to go back to class. "Maybe after class I'll rematch you, but right now I just want to eat." Seated around the table, Madoka, Hitomi, and Kyouko all nod their heads. As a consolation prize, you offer up some of the spicy pork and rice Archer made. You know Sayaka can't resist.

Sayaka accepts the offered portion with only a few grumbles. She wants to eat Archer's cooking just as much as you do, and- "Hey, Blueberry, let me get some," Kyouko says, reaching for some of what you just offered Sayaka.

"No way!"

Before Kyouko has the chance to steal from her, Sayaka shovels the entirety of the portion into her mouth. She chews vigorously, only opening her mouth to reveal that nothing remains once she finishes. The gesture does little to deter Kyouko. "I've stuck my tongue further down yer throat than that, Blueberry," she says, making kissy faces at Sayaka as she lurches dangerously close to the Blueberry's personal space. "Yer gunna have ta do better than that ta keep some'a Redman's grub away from me."

For a moment, it does indeed look like Kyouko is about to stick her tongue down Sayaka's throat, until the passing of a grey-haired boy by your table brings an uneasy silence to the five of you. Sayaka and Kyouko cease, and a wistful look comes over Hitomi's face. "I just wanted to apologise for what happened," he says, addressing Hitomi. "I... I know I shouldn't have made you wait this long to hear that." Then, the boy was gone, lost among the crowd of heads in the cafeteria.

It takes a few moments before anyone at the table can find their words. "Sayaka-san, I believe I owe you an apology as well," Hitomi says. "I stole the chance to be with Kamijou-kun from you, and then I was the one who left him. If I had known it would have ended the way it did, I would have left well alone and let you date him instead."

"It's fine, Hitomi." Sayaka waves Hitomi's concerns away as though the preceding few seconds had never happened. "Yeah, I'd have liked to have what you two had, but I'm happy with Kyouko. What makes you think things would have been any different if it'd been me instead of you? You think he'd have paid less attention to his music if it'd been me?"

"Well, no, it's just-"

"Really, don't beat yourself up over it." Sayaka cuts Hitomi off with an arm wrapped around her shoulder. "What's done is done." Adopting a mischevous and typically-Sayaka grin, she adds "Besides, it's been what, over a year now since you two broke up? Time to get you back into circulation, girl! You're fifteen, and cute boys aren't gonna be available forever."

"Actually..." Hitomi averts her gaze from Sayaka's own, the tone of her voice tone going sheepish as she speaks, as though she were ashamed of the words. "I'm already seeing someone." Wait, Hitomi has a new boyfriend? This is news to you.; and to Madoka as well, apparently, if that gossip-hungry glint in her eyes is any indication. "Makoto-san and I have been dating since Kamijou-kun and I broke up. I just... Didn't want to say anything at the time, because I was afraid you'd be angry with me for dating someone else after I'd already stolen Kamijou-kun from you."

"Why would I be mad at you for that?" Sayaka asks. "I just told you I wasn't mad at you for what happened."

"Yes, well, I didn't know that at the time."

"Makoto..." Kyouko's tongue plays with the boy's name, until, "Wait, you mean that scruffy-looking kid from Chigasaki? Seriously? Geez Seaweed, I was just joking about him being yer boyfriend! Ya weren't s'pposed ta take me serious!"

Hitomi looks almost insulted by Kyouko's words, and she responds with "Well, I suppose I did take you serious then, Sakura-san; and I'm very happy I did. Makoto-san is a wonderful boy."

"Yeah? Well he'd better be if you've stuck with him fer over a year. How far'd you two get?"

There's a story here, one with which you aren't familiar. It has something to do with a boy Hitomi met when she, Sayaka, and Kyouko were transfered to a school in Chigasaki after Walpurgisnacht destroyed the school in Mitakihara. Along with about half of the city, you remind yourself. There are still places where reconstruction hasn't finished. They haven't spoken to you much about their time at Chigasaki, just like you haven't spoken to them much about the time you, Madoka, and Kirika spent at Shirome during that same period. You'll have to get the story out of one of them, in light of this new information. But for the moment, there's something else you need to get out.

"Archer, are you busy?"

"I'm just dropping lunch off for Minako now, and I was thinking about checking on the other servants while I'm out, but I can spare a moment if you need me. What's up?"

"Hitomi wanted me to have you ask Tohsaka-san to bring some new books with her when she comes here. She's finished and says she's in need of new material."

"I think I can manage that. Rin's coming from London, though, so she might end up being delayed by another day if she has to make a stop over in Fuyuki to pick up more of her old books. Is that okay with you?"

You weigh the choice Archer has given you. You can either give the okay, and wait an extra day for Tohsaka-san to give you her appraisal of the lumpy Grief Seeds causing you and your team concern; or you can say no, and trade Hitomi's current growth as a mage to expedite the answer your team needs.

[Homura] Do you
[ ] say yes; you can wait the extra day so Hitomi can get her books from Rin
[ ] say no; you can't spare the extra day if it means getting an answer now

[Archer] What do you want to know when you check on
-[ ] Lancer (write-in)
-[ ] Caster (write-in)
-[ ] Rider (write-in)
-[ ] Berserker (write-in)​
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Day 1 Chapter 7
[X] You ever get the feeling that something really bad is about to happen? Kintaro Edition

"Archer, are you busy?"

"I'm just dropping lunch off for Minako now;"
You're actually making your way to Minako's desk as you hold this mental conversation with Homura through the link you share with her as servant and master. You're trying your best to appear like you aren't holding a silent conversation with someone else inside your head, but you never know. You hope nobody watching you thinks you're crazy. "And I was thinking about checking on the other servants while I'm out, but I can spare a moment if you need me. What's up?"

"Hitomi wanted me to have you ask Tohsaka-san to bring some new books with her when she comes here. She's finished and says she's in need of new material."

"I think I can manage that. Rin's coming from London, though, so she might end up being delayed by another day if she has to make a stop over in Fuyuki to pick up more of her old books. Is that okay with you?"

It takes Homura a few moments of considering your choices before she gives you her answer. "Yes, that's fine. We've gone four weeks without knowing anything about these things. One more day won't kill us if it means Hitomi can further her studies in magecraft."

"Alright, I'll give Rin a call and let her know to stop in Fuyuki in her way over."

"Thank you. I'd ask you to say hi to mom for me, but..."

"But she doesn't know we can talk to each other like this, I know."
Speaking of Minako, her desk is finally within sight, and she smiles as she sees you approaching with food. "Don't worry; she knows you and Kirika are thinking of her." You let Homura return to her own lunch now, as you complete your delivery. "Working hard?"

"I'd like to say I'm hardly working, but Junko-san's a slave driver." Minako gestures to the stacks of paperwork cluttering her desk. "This is from about half of our sales reps, and it all needs to be taken care of by the end of the day."

You lean in close as you leave lunch on Minako's desk, trying to be discreet as you give her a kiss. "Then it sounds like lunch is just what you need to get this done," you say. "Hunger is the enemy, after all."

Reluctantly, you pull away from Minako so you can head out to take care of other business, but a hand stops you. "Come on, stay with me," Minako pouts. "Just until I'm done with lunch? I spent all of last night working on that report, and I barely got to see you."

"I'd love to, but I've got things I need to take care of today as well," you are forced to reply, as you slip your arm free from Minako's grasp. A goodbye kiss is the only apology you can give her. "Sorry. I'll see you at eight."

A wistful smile graces Minako's lips as you and she part ways. "See you at eight."

You head out, know that even a moment spent lingering might be the moment that convinces you to stay for lunch. As soon as you have left the shadow of the office building, your hand reaches for the phone in your pocket, and you dial. "Rin, this is Archer. So, about you coming over here to check on that thing I told you about, well... Hitomi was asking for some new books, so..."

Your name is Emiya Shirou; and your job never gets any easier.

The apartment complex where Tomoe and Sakura live is the closer of two residences, and the school is just a few short blocks from there, but you know if you go that way first you're likely to get caught up and spend more time than you had planned talking with Caster, so you decide against that and make for Shirome, to the mansion where Mikuni Oriko and Kirika live; well, during the school week, at least. The pair attend the high school in Shirome, an hour northwest of Mitakihara by train, so you and Minako have allowed Kirika to live with her girlfriend during the school week, as long as she comes home to see her family on the weekends and manages to keep her grades up; you and Minako both had that conversation with Kirika more than one too many times last year.

Your eyes trail the length of the brick-and-iron fence surrounding the Mikuni mansion; a force of habit, you're sure. You can still remember the large hole in the fence that had gone unrepaired for months, and it's only because this fence isn't the only border around the mansion that no one ever thought to try breaking in. The Bounded Field around the mansion is a strong one.

You buzz the front gate, and shortly Lancer comes by to let you in. "Welcome, Archer," Lancer says, straightening her tie as she allows you entrance to her master's property. "This is an unexpected visit. What brings you by today?"

"Call it a bit of neighborly concern for my fellow servants," you respond. "I just felt like going around and checking how everyone was doing, that's all. I hope you and Berserker will grant me that much."

"Certainly." You follow Lancer inside the mansion, making sure to take your shoes off at the front door. You're both dressed in casual clothes today, no servant wear; though, 'casual' may be a bit too casual for the servant of the spear, who wears a dark suit, a light grey shirt that compliments her long, silver hair, and a violet tie that matches her eyes. Her manner of dress is only fitting, however, as when she isn't on duty as a servant, Lancer acts as maid and butler to her master. "You caught me in the middle of doing my master's laundry, but I can spare a few minutes if you wish to speak."

Lancer is Brynhildr, a Valkyrie and onetime wife of Sigurd, the hero of the Volsunga. What else could you say to a woman such as her, except "Have you found any hobbies lately that interest you?" Yes, that really is where you're going to start with Lancer. "I know it might sound obvious after all this time, but we're not just here to fight over some cup. There's plenty of opportunity out there for each of us to find our own happiness. So, is there anything you've found lately?"

"I do not suppose it is a hobby as you might think of it, Archer, but I am quite content to serve as my master's servant." You nod, hoping there might be more for Lancer to say than that. "However, I have recently tried my hand at learning to cook some of the more complicated meals which my master and mistress favour. The learning experience is a rewarding one, and it frees my master to focus her attention on more pressing matters."

"So you've picked up cooking, then?" you ask, restating what Lancer just told you. "Well, I'm glad to hear you've found something that's enjoyable. Maybe I could give you a few pointers one of these days, if you can come into some free time."

Lancer nods. "Perhaps I shall take you up on your offer, Archer," she says. "Berserker should be in the study. Would you like me to lead you to him, or can you find your way on your own?"

"I can find him, if you're sure he's down there," you reply. Lancer nods, leaving you to find the servant of madness on your own; though he isn't mad very much anymore. A Command Seal from his master has given the once-noble knight his high functions back, and you find Berserker seated in a less-than-plush chair with a book in his hands. Like Lancer, he too is dressed formally in a dark suit and tie; but unlike Lancer, you can't recall Berserker ever being one for housework. "Knock knock," you say, announcing your presence and causing Berserker to look up from his book. "I was in the neighborhood and thought I'd stop in to say hi. How's everything going for you?"

"I am well, Archer, thank you for asking." Berserker sets his book aside, standing to meet you with a handshake. "It is good to see you. Is all well with yourself and your master?"

"More or less the same as always. What have you been up to reading all by yourself?"

Speaking with Berserker always carries an air of unease for you. You know Berserker; though you had never met him until his summoning here, his is a face which you recall in dreams once shared with the servant the living you knew as Saber. Berserker is Lancelot, the knight who once served under your long-ago servant in life. "The world has changed much since I was last summoned, and now that I may finally look upon it with eyes unclouded by madness, I have endeavoured to learn as much as I can about how the world has changed."

"What have you found out so far?"

"Most recently, I believe I was most surprised to learn of South Sudan." Of all the things Berserker could have mentioned being surprised by, he picks that one? You wonder what his reason is. "When I was alive, much of the world was still unknown, so it came as quite the surprise to learn that new countries are forming even as recently as last year. The world has grown so much more than any of my time could have anticipated. The devices our masters call 'cell phones' would have surprised even Merlin, I dare say." You try to imagine Merlin, from what images of him the living you once saw in Saber's dreams, attempting to puzzle out how to use a cell phone. You have to refrain from laughing at the thought. "I wonder, if we had cell phones in Camelot like our masters have now, could we have prevented what fate befell us?"

"Who knows." A moment passes in silence as neither you nor Berserker know how to continue from that point, until you ask "How's Kirika coming along with her combat training? She still a wild animal?"

Berserker shakes his head. "It has been slow, but I believe my master is finally learning to refine her combat style into something suitable. Though, I fear she still possesses a reckless streak which I have been unable to curb."

"That's good to hear." You'll see yourself out, then, and leave Berserker to his reading. You've still got two more servants to check on.

The apartment building where Tomoe and Sakura live is a tall structure, whose imposing shadow stretches long across the vacant courtyard. Aside from them, no one else lives here, and even in mid-day the surrounding streets are silent. This area was one of the hardest-hit by Walpurgisnacht's destructive passing, and the corruption it leeched during the course of battle can still be felt in your bones even now. It's no wonder no one else wants to live here.

Rider is absent as you approach the Tomoe apartment, so instead of lingering and waiting for his return, you make for the roof of the school. You know you'll find someone to speak with there. "You have been speaking with Lancer and Berserker, have you not?" asks Caster as you approach his position atop the roof of the school. "Is there something about which you would like to speak to me as well?"

Caster, the golden servant of Tomoe Mami, is none other than Gilgamesh. Not Gilgamesh as you knew him, but a wise and mature king among men. Though that isn't to say he can't still be a handful at times, especially when he's speaking in cryptic riddles and not giving you a straight answer.

You want to speak with Caster about
[ ] His thoughts on humanity
-[ ] What are you hoping to hear about his thoughts?
[ ] The current goings-on
-[ ] What does he make of the new witches?
-[ ] What does he make of the false Grief Seeds?
-[ ] Is there anything in the future we should be aware of?
-[ ] Any other questions about current goings-on (write-in)
[ ] Other (write-in)​
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Day 1 Chapter 8
[X] Plan: Small-talk with a bored demigod

"You have been speaking with Lancer and Berserker, have you not?" asks Caster as you approach his position atop the roof of the school. "Is there something about which you would like to speak to me as well?"

Caster, the golden servant of Tomoe Mami, is none other than Gilgamesh. Not Gilgamesh as you knew him, but a wise and mature king among men. Though that isn't to say he can't still be a handful at times, especially when he's speaking in cryptic riddles and not giving you a straight answer. "I'm just making the rounds, checking in on everyone to make sure you'll all fine."

"Why would we not be? Is there cause for us to be unwell?"

You shrug. "I don't know. I've never known for servants to just sit around like this without there being a cup to fight over. I know I've found something that makes me happy, so I just want to make sure that the rest of you aren't going stir-crazy. Call it a bit of neighborly concern for my fellow servants." Caster especially. You remember what Gilgamesh was like the last time he was left to wander the modern day without a purpose, and you would hate to see this Gilgamesh follow suit.

"You wish to know my thoughts on the humans of this age, do you not?" You don't even have to ask your question. "You need not fear for them, Archer. I, the King, am not so callous as my younger self." Well, that's a relief. "There are far more of them now than there were in my time; of that, I am sure my younger self and I can readily agree on. Their greater number makes it harder to see a purpose for each; but not impossible. Those with great purpose may shine brightest, but they do not exist in a vacuum, and even those around them who do not shine as brightly are still invaluable." Caster motions for you to join his side, saying "Come, look," as he points to a student wandering the school's courtyard; seemingly at random, until he speaks. "That boy's father is a merchant. In my time, that would have been his path in life as well, but the abundance of people filling this earth now have given him the choice to be anything he desires."

"Well, I'm glad to know that your time here hasn't given you any funny ideas." You won't say anything more on the matter. "Now, I actually did have some real business to discuss with you. It's about what's been going on for the past four weeks. What do you make of it; the new witches and the fake Grief Seeds, that is."

For a moment, Caster is silent. "They are an omen of ill tidings to come," he says at last. "The trumpets of war sound in the distance, and even as we speak the seeds of discord are being sewn. Seeds, not unlike the ones our masters have been finding."

There is no way to turn what Caster told you into something positive. "Someone is manufacturing fake Grief Seeds. Are you saying that they're trying to force us into conflict with them?"

Caster shakes his head. "My Sight is shrouded in darkness when I attempt to peer that deep, and I cannot say what their purpose is. But I do not believe they care about us, one way or another. We are simply one moving part among many in a scheme larger than either of us can see. All the same, their actions will draw us into conflict. It will begin with fire in the darkness, and will not end until a black scar has been carved deep and wide across the city. War; I see catastrophe coming, Archer."

"What else can you tell me about what's coming?" Of course, you want to shout. Of course something like this would happen. "Anything you can tell me; anything at all. How long do we have? Is there anything we can do to prevent it?"

"The wheels have already been set in motion, Archer. The time to stop it would have been four weeks ago." Caster shakes his head, adding "I am sorry. But our masters will have this conflict thrust upon them, and there is nothing we can do to stop it."

Your lips move in protest, but your words refuse to come. You didn't come here to harass Caster into giving me than he cares to give. By the sound of things, there is more than what even his Sight has seen to this. "Thank you," you say. "I'll be sure to let Homura know that something's up."

"I am sorry this must fall on our masters now," is the last thing Caster says to you as you head off.

You encounter Rider not long after your meeting with Caster came to a close. You spot him from across the street as he exits a local gym; he spots you, too. "Hey, Archer, what's up?" he asks, greeting you with a hearty handshake as he crosses the street to meet you. "You're looking glum today; what, is the missus not treating you right or something?"

"It's nothing like that," you say. "I just came back from a chat with Caster, and-"

"Say no more." Rider cuts you off, wiping his brow clean of sweat with his forearm as he says "So, what's the bad news today?"

Before you answer Rider's question, you have one of your own to ask him. "How are you liking the gym here? Find anyone who can give you a good fight?"

"It's not bad," Rider replies. "I mean, the guys here aren't exactly soldiers of Troy, but they give as good as they get, I'd wager." Bold words from Rider, and high praise from the famous hero Achilles. Damning with faint praise, more like it. The guys inside must not give Rider as much of a challenge as he'd like to admit. "Why do you ask?"

"Because if you hadn't found any good fights in there, then you'd be in luck. Caster says there's something coming."

"What, like another super-strong witch like that Wallyworld thing we fought awhile back?"

You shake your head. "No, nothing like that, though I have reason to suspect similar levels of property damage if we can't keep things under wraps." Even then, you have no idea how out of control this thing might get. "In all likelihood, we should be preparing for war. From the way Caster worded it, it sounds like the person responsible for the fake Grief Seeds our masters have been finding is going to have some part to play in jump-starting the hostilities."

"Sounds like you're threatening me with a good time there, Archer." Rider's self-satisfied smirk in the face of the coming disaster should annoy you, but it doesn't. You know he's just raring for a good fight. "Any idea who we'll be up against?"

"Caster didn't say."

"Well, that's a shame, not knowing if I'm gonna have to pull my punches or not."

"I can assure you, you'll find a good fight somewhere, no matter what. Heck, if this thing passes us by and you're still unsatisfied, maybe I'll go a few rounds with you myself."

Rider greets your elbow with a friendly punch. "Sounds like we've got ourselves a deal," he says. Hefting his gym bag over his shoulder, he waves you off, saying "Guess I'll catch you the next time our girls meet up, then. See you around, Archer!" as he heads off in the direction of the Tomoe apartment. Or maybe for something to eat. Or maybe to another gym on the other side of town. Who knows.

With Rider gone, that just leaves you with one final task; and it's the one you've been dreading ever since Caster gave you the bad news. "Hey, Homura, listen. I'm sorry to have to drop this on you today, but I've got some bad news, and you're going to want to hear it..."

Do you
-[ ] skip Madoka's birthday party and schedule an emergency team meeting immediately after classes
-[ ] don't skip Madoka's birthday party; you can deal with the bad news at your regular team meeting
-[ ] Other (write-in)

[Homura] What's your plan for the rest of the school day? (write-in)​
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