Rook bodyguarding always absorbs the kill, even if the kill is strongman, unless the Rook was roleblocked. Rook is injured in the process, using up bulletproof unless healed and dying if neither healed nor presently bulletproof.
If both Rooks are bodyguarding the same target, the Rook to take the hit will be determined randomly.
Deflected Watcher will see all who visit the new target, and not just those who were originally targeted at the targeted Knight.
Watcher is quiet; the target isn't informed of the Rook's visit to any extent.
Bodyguard is quiet for the target; the target is never informed of the Rook visiting. Any intercepted killers are informed they were intercepted by a Rook. The Rook is informed if they successfully intercept a killer.
If a Rook is killed in a single night by multiple kills, all flavors show.
If a Rook and a Heal target the same target, the Rook intercepts and the heal winds up wasted.
If a Rook bodyguards a target, they will continue to intercept kills even to the point of death and beyond; in the hypothetical world that the queen, both knights, and the scum bomb were all targeted at the Rook's bodyguard target, the rook would receive all of those kills.