Preparation Phase
All Role PMs are out, the White Saboteurs have 48 hours to discuss and pick roles, until at which point at first opportunity the remaining roles will be randomized and sent out, and d1 will start proper.

If you have somehow not received a role PM, say so as soon as possible.

Note that the scum team is entitled to submit and resubmit choices as many times as they want, and I will not prematurely end this phase if submissions show early. If any White Saboteurs fail to pick, then their Piece will be randomly assigned.
Full Power Interaction Notes
Full power interaction notes, updated for game 2. If you have questions this and the existing threadmarks don't answer, feel free to ask/point them out. This shouldn't be necessary to read to be able to play, but just to have all the rulings I can think of dealt with in advance and publicly visible before they can actually come up;


Cop check returns town/scum based on alignment but scum that started as pawns are godfathers. Will be informed of roleblocking rather than provided a result if roleblocked. If deflected by Knight will be given the result of the target visited, not the Knight; this is the only possible way for a false guilty check.

King check is quiet; the target is not informed they are visited.


If scum Queen dies after using the extra kill chance and scum have the Queen's pawn, refreshes the one shot kill.

Queen kill is loud; the target is informed of being attacked, even if they somehow survive. Queen kill is still loud but because Strongman it can't be survived so irrelevant.


Rook bodyguarding always absorbs the kill, even if the kill is strongman, unless the Rook was roleblocked. Rook is injured in the process, using up bulletproof unless healed and dying if neither healed nor presently bulletproof.

If both Rooks are bodyguarding the same target, the Rook to take the hit will be determined randomly.

Deflected Watcher will see all who visit the new target, and not just those who were originally targeted at the targeted Knight.

Watcher is quiet; the target isn't informed of the Rook's visit to any extent.

Bodyguard is quiet for the target; the target is never informed of the Rook visiting. Any intercepted killers are informed they were intercepted by a Rook. The Rook is informed if they successfully intercept a killer.

If a Rook is killed in a single night by multiple kills, all flavors show.

If a Rook and a Heal target the same target, the Rook intercepts and the heal winds up wasted.

If a Rook bodyguards a target, they will continue to intercept kills even to the point of death and beyond; in the hypothetical world that the queen, both knights, and the scum bomb were all targeted at the Rook's bodyguard target, the rook would receive all of those kills.


Bishop roleblock has higher priority than any other action, which is mostly to say it bypasses Knight deflector. There is no roleblock priority required due to only one Bishop being able to roleblock on each given night. The scum team strongman cannot be roleblocked, all other powers can be including queen strongman, save the aforementioned point that a roleblocker crossfire cannot occur due to the alternating nature of the Bishops.

Roleblock is loud; the target is informed of being roleblocked, even if they were not using a power or unable to use a power.

Doctor is quiet unless the target was attacked; a target that was not attacked is not informed of the visit. They will be informed they were attacked and saved if such comes up, but not the pieces or players involved. The attacker is informed of their attack being foiled by another piece, but not which piece type or who. The bishop is informed if they actually block an attack.

Tracking is quiet; the target tracked is not informed of being visited.


All Knight powers are ninja, and cannot be spotted by trackers or watchers.

Deflector is quiet; the target deflected to, and those deflected by the Knight's deflector, are not informed of anything unusual directly. The Knight does not know if they deflected anything successfully. While this seems unlikely to come up, to have a ruling in advance; deflected powers are undeflectable (just to close the awkward question of 'what happens if both Knights deflect to each other same night').

Tracker is quiet; the target tracked is not informed of being visited.

Doctor functions identically to Bishop doctor; the target is not informed unless attacked, in which case they learn they were attacked and saved but not the pieces or players involved. The attacker likewise is informed of their attack being foiled, and the Knight will learn successful at blocking a kill.

Vigilante is loud; the target will be informed of being attacked even in the event they survive, but not by who or what piece type.

If someone is simultaneously killed by two knights, the flavor will be displayed twice.

Saboteur Powers

The nightkill can be used independently of other powers. If the nightkill is performed by a Queen (original or promoted Queen's Pawn), it will have the queen kill flavor and be correctly Strongman. If it is performed by a Knight (original or promoted Knight's Pawn), it will be a ninja kill but retain the normal kill flavor. If it is performed by a Rook (original or promoted Rook's Pawn) it cannot be deflected by a Knight or redirected by a Rook's Bodyguard (including the White Rook's own). If it is performed by a Bishop (original or promoted Bishop's Pawn) then the kill will always flip as a Pawn of the appropriate color, regardless of the actual role, and with no indication the kill was tampered with compared to a normal pawn death.

The strongman can only be done once, and not at the same time as the normal nightkill. It will be ninja if performed by a knight, unredirectable if performed by a Rook, and janitor kills if performed by a Bishop, but will retain its distinctive kill flavor if done by a queen.

Just to be 100% clear, the scum will have access to their quicktopic to discuss strategy before piece picks are made, and thus will be able to coordinate choices.

All Things Pawn

Pawns that are killed before the role they are a backup to flip as Pawn (if town) or Pawn (if scum). There is no direct way to tell which role they were backing up.

Scum can select any specific pawn except the King's pawn. This includes that they can pick between the Kingside Bishop and the Queenside Bishop pawns. Scum can also choose between kingside and queenside for rook and knight, to the extent that if they take a Rook's Pawn and a Rook they are as a group entitled to choose whether they want the pawn that is a backup to their rook or the town rook and so forth.

As a direct consequence of picking which pawn, scum naturally do know which piece they backup for if a pawn. This will be recorded in their role PM.

Pawn backup functionality does apply cross alignment; if the Queen is scum but the Queen's Pawn is town, they will become a Queen when the Queen dies, assuming they are still alive. Likewise, a scum Queen's Pawn can become a Queen from the Queen dying. Players always retain their own alignment, pawn's inherit piece type but remain on the same team as they already were.

Which pawn maps to which piece/player is tracked behind the scenes, but town Pawns will not know what they match to unless they promote from that piece dying. Even in such a case, they still will not be informed of which player they were a backup to in the event that they were a Rook's Pawn and both Rooks died at the same time, or where they were a Knight's Pawn and both Knight's died at the same time.

Pawn promotion occurs immediately with phase changeovers; if the piece a Pawn is backing up is lynched, the Pawn is ready to go with their promoted powers that night (and likewise will show as a promoted pawn if killed that night). If the piece a pawn is backing up is nightkilled, the pawn will have the info of their promoted role the same day the nightkill is revealed (and equally to the inverse scenario, will show as promoted if then lynched). If a pawn and the piece they backup are killed simultaneously, in the same night, the pawn will not show as a promoted pawn, flipping as a generic pawn.

Promoted pawns will flip in the appropriate colors as 'Promoted Pawn [piece name]'.

Pawns are divided between four two pawn Neighborhoods at random; if there are multiple scum pawns, they will be placed in separate neighborhoods, but no other rules on neighborhood distribution among pawns exists.

Pawns are not required to use their SV name in their Neighborhood. Pawns do not automatically know the SV name of their neighbor.

Pawns are not informed if their neighbor dies or is promoted. The other pawn can of course choose to inform them if they promote, but this will not happen automatically. One can, of course, not inform the other pawn if you die, as you are no longer allowed posts with game value, and so it is possible for a pawn to fake their own death in this regard by not posting further. No clarification if one is screaming into the void or not will be forthcoming.

The chat remains even if a Pawn promotes, even if both in the same neighborhood promote.

When Kills Pile Up

If someone is targeted by multiple kills and dies, all applicable kill flavors display. This is true even if they were eg healed and some kill flavors were not strongman.

Yes, this means that if a Rook dies to a Scum Bishop and a Knight vig-kill, the Rook will flip as a Pawn. Likewise, if a Queen and a Scum Bishop target someone being healed, the sabotage kill will show and the death will flip as a Pawn regardless of true role. Further, if a Knight attacks someone being bombed and healed, that kill flavor will be recorded.
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Locking in team submission and beginning to send out role PMs ~1 hour early. Day will start at announced time, this is to avoid getting things too snarled by the process of sending role PMs out.
PMs are out. Pawns may immediately make use of their quicktopics, but no discussion should occur in the main thread until I announce the formal day start.

(scum, of course, may continue to use their quicktopic)
Day One Begins
War of Wits Starts! Day One Begins

The Black Pieces and the secretive White Infiltrators all know they will need to be on top of their game to prevail here! Competition will be stiff, and though the war is no longer unprecedented, every piece counts and all must do their part if they want the best chance of success. And so it is that the accusations begin to fly... if a bit less seriously at the start than they will surely become later.

Day 1 has begun. Day 1 ends in 72 hours at
I for one, intend to see about properly deploying a strategem I saw the glimmers of in a previous confrontation!...What Confrontation you ask? Not the chess wars! Elsewhere!