Day 2 Ends
Day 2 Ends

In a frantic flurry of discussion, and by a slim margin, one is selected to fall by the group.

@NinetyNineLies, a Pawn, has ben [Captured En Mass].

The army retires, hoping for better luck next time.

Night 2 has begun. In order to avoid drift, night 2 will end in a bit under 48 hours, at .
reminder that less than 24 hours remain in the night. Remember to get night actions in before it ends.
Day 3 Starts
Day 3 Starts

The group returns considerably diminished. The fallen are checked, the names and causes accounted for.

@hailcapital, a Rook, has been [Royally Beaten].

@Scia, a Knight, has [Fallen Afoul of Sabotage].

@Shadell, the Kingside Bishop, has been [Jousted off the Board].

The surviving pieces quickly begin discussing the losses of so many fine warriors, and pointing suspicious fingers about, with ever more vigor than before.

Day 3 has begun. In order to avoid drift, day 3 will last 71~ hours, ending at
Last edited:
Player list has been fully brought up to date with latest deaths and replacement.

Which will probably help track all the new corpses.
Alright. So if scum didn't take a queen, probably didn't take a rook, and has at least 1 nonscum knight and bishop, I think we're looking at:
1. White Knight / White Queenside Bishop / Pawn / Pawn (-Rosen).
2. White Knight / Pawn / Pawn / Pawn (-Rosen)
3. White Bishop / Pawn / Pawn / Pawn (-Rosen)

And for the sake of completeness,
4. White Rook (Usili) / ??? / ??? / Pawn (-Rosen), with either 99lies or Mesonoxian scum

I'm thinking about pawn claims but that would likely also involve outing our king, which I'd rather avoid. Also, for the sake of information completeness I was roleblocked last night.
Well, no accusation from Meso so I'm going to assume that hail was the target. To go over my thoughts on the question there:
If Meso targeted someone unrelated who decided to redirect towards the revealed Rook, that bears questioning.
If Meso targeted Scia and got redirected to Hail then we know that the Scum attacked with a Rook.
Alright. So if scum didn't take a queen, probably didn't take a rook, and has at least 1 nonscum knight and bishop, I think we're looking at:
1. White Knight / White Queenside Bishop / Pawn / Pawn (-Rosen).
2. White Knight / Pawn / Pawn / Pawn (-Rosen)
3. White Bishop / Pawn / Pawn / Pawn (-Rosen)

And for the sake of completeness,
4. White Rook (Usili) / ??? / ??? / Pawn (-Rosen), with either 99lies or Mesonoxian scum

I'm thinking about pawn claims but that would likely also involve outing our king, which I'd rather avoid. Also, for the sake of information completeness I was roleblocked last night.
Meso is the revealed Queen that killed Rosen, and 99 is the dead Town Pawn.
Well, no accusation from Meso so I'm going to assume that hail was the target. To go over my thoughts on the question there:
If Meso targeted someone unrelated who decided to redirect towards the revealed Rook, that bears questioning.
If Meso targeted Scia and got redirected to Hail then we know that the Scum attacked with a Rook.

Meso is the revealed Queen that killed Rosen, and 99 is the dead Town Pawn.
Fuck, I had scenario 4 in my notes from d2 before eod madness and just assumed it was still valid, fuck. It's... been a long day. I think I should probably avoid posting this evening, I'm kinda frazzled from school atm.
Whoof. What a night. I'm honestly surprised 99 flipped town, especially after... whatever the heck that was at EoD. Because, wow, that was. Something. And hail and Shadell... I've not covered myself in glory thus far, it seems.

It's 3am and I can't sleep so I'm polishing up the responsepost I put together during game-night. I think I got all the hail-related stuff out but it's 3:45 am now so I may have missed something.

As for him being a power piece... I didn't say that? I was just saying that scum would want one of those roles to do the attack and Rosen wasn't one of those roles.

I didn't think you intended to, no. Reading strictly as written, "It is very lightly Town indicative in that if the scum picked the killer randomly there's a 1/4 chance they would have used 99L for the kill. Realistically, slightly higher than that because they would prefer to use a bishop or knight, instead of a Pawn such as Rosen." implies that 99 is - was - a bishop or knight, but I get that your meaning was that since -Rosen was a pawn it's somewhat more likely scum picked one of the other three to try and kill with.

Apologies for the poor phrasing of my initial response.

Fair, it's just that Usili is a bit of an unusual N1 attack target, and I'm kinda thinking through why they in particular might have been targeted.

I suppose there's more room for that kind of thing somewhere like SV where it's a largely closed system and most of the players are fairly well-known quantities. Another difference to adjust to.

No, I checked, and they haven't particularly addressed that, which is why I brought it back up.

My mistake.

Hmm. I don't like the 99lies vote, for reasons I've argued against before.

I don't love "I have reasons but go back and find them yourself", especially closing in on EoD. Paraphrasing is no great effort.

You're welcome to sus me but you're wrong.

I also don't love this, on a gut/vibe level, but alone I don't think I'd weigh it much. In combination with other posting from QT... hm.


The fact that I had the most reasoning on that wagon should be a bad sign imo, since I wasn't really convinced about it at all...


Oh boy.

These votes are very fast Iwish we had more time :C

30-33 is just... made of chaos.

Nictis jumping to me is incredibly sus. I'm not on the board here and zero reasoning. I
I'm starting to feel like Nictis' performative unability to read posts was delaying, and I'm increasingly sold on QT, for ignoring reads for most of the day before jumping on Meso.

RIP. Responding to these because they're still relevant:

My gut agrees with you on QT and I also didn't love that timing - I was a little surprised to see any significant meso wagon actually crystallise around that - but as someone who held back from voting you only due to my desire to be thorough about doing due diligence checking my gutreads I don't see much wrong with Nictis, a significantly more experienced and confident player in this format than I am, switching to you as a backup option.

Yo meso, you intend to kill hail?

I mostly expected to see QT take it, myself, though I did have outside odds on hail as a secondary.

Alright. So if scum didn't take a queen, probably didn't take a rook, and has at least 1 nonscum knight and bishop, I think we're looking at:
1. White Knight / White Queenside Bishop / Pawn / Pawn (-Rosen).
2. White Knight / Pawn / Pawn / Pawn (-Rosen)
3. White Bishop / Pawn / Pawn / Pawn (-Rosen)

And for the sake of completeness,
4. White Rook (Usili) / ??? / ??? / Pawn (-Rosen) with either 99lies or Mesonoxian scum

99 is dead :V

meso scum is technically possible if they tried to hit Scia or the other knight (in non-scum Knight2 world) and they redirected into -Rosen, but that's one of those "are you precognitive" scenarios I was talking about.

It is, as I have previously stated, arse-oclock in the morning and I'm up only because sleep is eluding me entirely, so I'm not going to engage in mech analysis right now.

Overall, coming into D3, my list of sus is now topped by my own gut because both hail and Shadell flipped town -.-. More seriously I'm looking at QT and Zaea as most sus players, and am starting to feel more strongly about wanting to see more contentposting from the quieter members of the thread.

I have previously stated that the Nictis/hail interaction felt scummy to me, and I stand by that, but at the same time during night phase I was feeling moderately comfortable pegging Nictis as probable town and hail as probable scum. I think I'm going to need to double back and reexamine their argument and, importantly, its context.

(Can someone explain the concept of a stale wagon to me please? Not 100% on how accurately I've got it. Also 'cfd'.)
meso scum is technically possible if they tried to hit Scia or the other knight (in non-scum Knight2 world) and they redirected into -Rosen, but that's one of those "are you precognitive" scenarios I was talking about.

Actually @Terrabrand can scum target scum? There's nothing barring it on the frontpage rules. It'd be gambit territory but I can see scenarios where it might be a workable tactic.
I'm not liking the twice-over madness on EoD...Hrrm. I'd REALLY like to see some posts from @Projject_Delta , especially seeing as he's only two posts ahead of someone who literally swapped in!
Actually @Terrabrand can scum target scum? There's nothing barring it on the frontpage rules. It'd be gambit territory but I can see scenarios where it might be a workable tactic.
While there are obvious practical reasons why to not, in a general sense, scum are in fact allowed to target the kill directly at their own membership. Or, of course, any other abilities from pieces.
... jfc that's a lot of dead this night, as we're down to like nine people of whom a third are scum.

I'm going to like echo in that there are way too many quiet people who are still alive (Shalmoa, Cyric, Delta, and Zaealix) which is concerning. What's been interesting has been Shalmoa posted a lot in the first game and not so much this game.

Alright. So if scum didn't take a queen, probably didn't take a rook, and has at least 1 nonscum knight and bishop, I think we're looking at:
1. White Knight / White Queenside Bishop / Pawn / Pawn (-Rosen).
2. White Knight / Pawn / Pawn / Pawn (-Rosen)
3. White Bishop / Pawn / Pawn / Pawn (-Rosen)

And for the sake of completeness,
4. White Rook (Usili) / ??? / ??? / Pawn (-Rosen), with either 99lies or Mesonoxian scum

I'm thinking about pawn claims but that would likely also involve outing our king, which I'd rather avoid. Also, for the sake of information completeness I was roleblocked last night.
I am in no way part of scumteam.