Okay we really can't CFD this night again, we're getting late in the game and things are messy.

IH hasn't... put up much of a good defense, can't explain the past nightkill, and while that's kind of unavoidable and I feel unfair about this, I think that's scummier than Cyric or anyone else feeling to me right now? That slot hasn't been helping town.

[X] Vote Interstellar Hobo

Sorry this is so close to the wire it's been a messy end of day.
Night 3 Begins
Day 3 End

In a flurry of last minute action, the debate reaches a climax! Ultimately, by a narrow margin, the group, without even word from the great King, votes for the fall of one...

@InterstellarHobo, a Knight, has been [Captured En Mass]

And three cheers go up for the capture of a saboteur.

Night 3 Has Begun. Night 3 Ends in 48~ hours, at
Day 4 begins.
Day 4 Begins

The night proves eventful, as two more fall in the battle.

@mesonoxian, the Queen, has been [Exploded Into Pieces].

@Cyricubed, a Pawn, has been [Royally Beaten].

The group, or what's left of it anyways, discusses their next moves...

Day 4 has begun. Day 4 ends in 72 hours, at
About scum picking Bishop + Knight. Ordinarily I would want to wait a bit to see if someone bites but it was obvious who I was gonna cop last night and clear to scum what it would reveal, so there's no point.

Problem is, last scum is 1 of 4:

Pawn Group 1: -Rosen, Cyricubed
Pawn Group 2: Hugh, Zaealix
Pawn Group 3: 99Lies, Nictis
Pawn Group 4: NemoMarx, Projject_Delta

I'm not a huge fan of Nictis' defense of 3 Pawn world when otherwise meant Shalmoa was up for lynch later, but I recall having a positive impression of them on Hobo so I'll have to do an ISO there. Zae's also been pinging people's sus all game. I think at this point we need roleclaims from the 2-4 that have been promoted but I'd like to hear thoughts on that before demanding it.
As a white knight who evaded death on day 3 when they shouldn't have before being solidly caught day 4, I expect a high effort deathpost from you.
I'm afraid that all I have on that regard right this moment is an honorary scum team membership for mesonoxian, who somehow shot everyone I wanted him to aside from -Rosen, but I'll be happy to provide as much wine as is requested of me (and then some, since I imagine that amount isn't all that high).
I'm afraid that all I have on that regard right this moment is an honorary scum team membership for mesonoxian, who somehow shot everyone I wanted him to aside from -Rosen, but I'll be happy to provide as much wine as is requested of me (and then some, since I imagine that amount isn't all that high).
Eh, I'll take it. Of course, you need opportunities to offer wine, so with the knowledge that I won't trust your answer, which pawn was -Rosen?
About scum picking Bishop + Knight. Ordinarily I would want to wait a bit to see if someone bites but it was obvious who I was gonna cop last night and clear to scum what it would reveal, so there's no point.
Ah. And yeah, that's something I'll need to think on overnight. The big question I do have now is... who does scum have left? A Knight or a Queen?
Claims eh?
*shrugs* I've not shied away from the Wine game, though perhaps I should have spoken up faster. But just to be sure, does Town wish for me to claim?