Ah, and no worries!


For what I meant to say in full to Delta:
*rage from somehow having posted it when I hit enter*

Okay, so what I was going to say in that one shouldn't like, not post much and just let the pros handle it. Post your own thoughts and such on the matter, as not posting much can really have one be seen to be scum in part because of it.

Okay, so what I was going to say in that one shouldn't like, not post much and just let the pros handle it. Post your own thoughts and such on the matter, as not posting much can really have one be seen to be scum in part because of it.
This is a part of the reason why I'm really not sure about PD's position, since I seem to recall him saying:
I just am used to The town of Salem way of doing things, and not the Mafia way (This is actually my first game)

I just don't see an reason to randomly lynch someone yet, SURE we could get lucky...but.
Which, uh, having recently picked up ToS some, makes me dislike the sentiment Usili is commenting on a fair bit more. In my limited experience being really quiet is often even more of a scumtell in ToS than it is in forum mafia here.
Go into this a bit more. why 99 and not other options N1?
Going into N1, pretty much the only person I felt strongly about possibly being town were -Rosen/Nictis/QT to some minor extent, but I figured QT was unlikely to get attacked because he isn't usually loud like this and I'd hope people wouldn't push on that too unreasonably. Between -Rosen and Nictis I figured that even if they were attacked someone had a decent chance of seeing the attacker and that the attacker was probably going to be scum. -Rosen getting vigged by meso and somehow flipping scum was pretty surprising to me, but I wasn't really active on D2 to comment on it. Those were most of the people I felt healing was likely to be effective on helping things on. I could've considered self-healing a bit more, but I didn't feel like there was much attention on me and I figured it'd be worth the risk of gambling on the RB instead.

Meanwhile, on the scumread side of things, I felt, on D1 specifically, that Shadell was quiet (and after Rocket Train, I felt kinda paranoid about that), but I also felt like that feeling was in fact largely just paranoia. I felt like meso was in a sorta odd position, but I attributed that to probably just IRL stuff, maybe projecting a bit. I was at the time sheeping -Rosen on the Zaea-town-read. 99L was acting like typical 99L, and so who I felt was exceptionally suspicious, but perhaps wine-suspicious enough that if he were scum he might even actually be the NK source at the time, so I went for it.

Everyone else was a pretty blank slate going into N1, at least according to my notes. I didn't really want to try using RB as an investigative tool on someone closer to a null read.
Which, uh, having recently picked up ToS some, makes me dislike the sentiment Usili is commenting on a fair bit more. In my limited experience being really quiet is often even more of a scumtell in ToS than it is in forum mafia here.

Is that the new Meta? I should probably mention that I didn't play ranked, and even THEN I haven't played in awhile.

I'm used to Mafia claiming early to prevent people from wanting to investigate them to hard...

All Any was all I really played.
Because I think you're my most likely tone scum on reads; maybe 50%, ish. But I'm extremely confident the other knight is scum, and given a choice I'd prefer to lynch the higher scum read; it's simply a read linked to a role, not a player.
The tone read isn't a surprise since I haven't exactly been playing like normal due to the whole sleep deprivation thing, but was there anything in particular about it?

Hmm. @Shalmoa may I ask why you have a Town Read on Cyricubed?
*rage from somehow having posted it when I hit enter*
There's a specific combination of keys that will auto post without asking to verify, and they terrify me. Unfortunately I don't remember what they are.

ToS talk: I can confirm that going silent is often something scum might do... But honestly I wouldn't read into ToS behavior because the mediums are vastly different (one quits Day 1, one is never put in games :V ) and Town are as likely to go silent as Scum are just due to the idea that silence gets ignored. Again, vastly different mediums and it doesn't track well.

I swear I had something to say but I forgot it while catching up. Hmm.

Okay. Usili and meso are largely self resolving tonight, if the math works out such that shooting is favorable. I think Shalmoa is Town, slightly contingent on if scum snagged Knight initially but I don't see a Cyricubed/Shalmoa link here (Distancing successful) I'm not inclined to push Ajl until I actually review the thread and start building proper notes and feelings. QT I feel is the most likely to either be scum or be verified, Delta is an unknown, I am me, Cyricubed I am uncertain about and will need to review, Nemo I *feel* like is Town but that's kinda still riding off the hugh vote which isn't exactly a perfect Town measuring stick, and I'm forgetting the last player right now which probably has less to do with them going under the radar and more to do with my memory being shot.
Oh right, Zaealix. Uhh... I dunno. Could go either way, will need to review but nothing has popped out as being particularly out of character so far.
The tone read isn't a surprise since I haven't exactly been playing like normal due to the whole sleep deprivation thing, but was there anything in particular about it?
Not much beyond that. If I didn't have a mechanics lynch I'd prefer, I'd be doing a deep dive, but that seems likely to be more productive after a flip, and you have enough posts that I didn't get a ton from the less in depth ISOs.

Sleep deprivation can be a bitch, ugh. Sorry to hear you've been having it.
Cyricubed.... some jokey stuff kinda late in that day 1, but that was a weird day 1 so I'm not sure it's a big deal. Didn't end up voting on hugh, same as me, so wasn't opportunistically jumping on but that doesn't mean a lot. (For me either, to be fair.)

Refering to this. Lets say Zae was the standard scum factional NK and got roleblocked


This leaves the only remaining kills possible to be knights 1-shot kill actions regardless of alignment. Assuming a knight was town who attacked town who survived by vest or heal the only way scum learns that is by the claim of attack. This is the strongest argument I can think of that says 'don't say you were attacked' but it is a very situtational.

There was this whole digression about whether people should admit they were attacked, which was interesting mechanically and I think did help with some strategy a bit?

Wanted Usili to reveal the bishop thing (which ended up happening of course).

Sensibly worried about the big list of kills last night.

And the Zaea vote and a little pressure on Shalmoa to answer questions about their N1 roleblock?

That seems to be the main things. So I don't really have an analysis from all that, just that a quick skim over the posts didn't reveal anything saucy or a lot of pushes or anything.
Hmm. @Shalmoa may I ask why you have a Town Read on Cyricubed?
Sure, but I'll be honest it's more gutread than it probably should be. I think how Cyricubed has been handling information security, especially today, is meaningfully pro-town. I've liked how he's pushed back a bit against the Knight/Bishop/Pawn/Pawn worldview that QT has subscribed to, but I'm a bit biased in knowing that it has to be wrong somehow. Very weak, but I kinda think scum!Cyri would consider doing something about incoming bullets after last game's incredibly unfortunate N1, so in my eyes either he'd be a Rook (but he can't be because hail and Usili are instead), paired with a Queen (which given his interactions with meso I guess isn't entirely impossible but I don't get that impression), or deflected N1 (but we've been thinking that was Scia if anyone). I think Cyri would've seriously considered a Pawn position too, but I still think that's really tied into the Usili/meso pairing. So in other words, I just don't really see a world in which scum!Cyri doesn't visit anyone last night, and I don't really think scum!Cyri is a Knight either? I also think Cyri's response to my "Pawn or Knight" point kinda spews that he's probably not a Knight. I just don't see a ton of worlds influenced by scum!Cyri here, but a few more influenced by town!Cyri.

So, nothing close to 100% certain, but I'd rate him as more likely town than scum.
Sure, but I'll be honest it's more gutread than it probably should be. I think how Cyricubed has been handling information security, especially today, is meaningfully pro-town. I've liked how he's pushed back a bit against the Knight/Bishop/Pawn/Pawn worldview that QT has subscribed to, but I'm a bit biased in knowing that it has to be wrong somehow. Very weak, but I kinda think scum!Cyri would consider doing something about incoming bullets after last game's incredibly unfortunate N1, so in my eyes either he'd be a Rook (but he can't be because hail and Usili are instead), paired with a Queen (which given his interactions with meso I guess isn't entirely impossible but I don't get that impression), or deflected N1 (but we've been thinking that was Scia if anyone). I think Cyri would've seriously considered a Pawn position too, but I still think that's really tied into the Usili/meso pairing. So in other words, I just don't really see a world in which scum!Cyri doesn't visit anyone last night, and I don't really think scum!Cyri is a Knight either? I also think Cyri's response to my "Pawn or Knight" point kinda spews that he's probably not a Knight. I just don't see a ton of worlds influenced by scum!Cyri here, but a few more influenced by town!Cyri.

So, nothing close to 100% certain, but I'd rate him as more likely town than scum.
Okay, followup question because I don't remember the timeline, why did you not out him when you reported that the person you watched was not visiting or Knight?
Okay, followup question because I don't remember the timeline, why did you not out him when you reported that the person you watched was not visiting or Knight?
I felt at that time that it was probably best to minimize the information leakage but I was getting a little stressed over both the person I had tracked pushing me on it and QT deciding my slot must be scum, which is why it came out so fast. I'm still pretty sure it would've been better not to go into detail there, but I pressed post and that's on me.
That moment you grab a quote to second the opinion and realize it's already answered one post later.

I need to read back on Usili and Shalmoa to see if their actions match up with previously stated intents
Alright, so I was planning on doing a review today, but that didn't happen due to RL. And it's probably not happening tonight either due to RL happening to have decided to happen at midnight tonight, and probably not happening tomorrow either since my work asked me to work a longer shift on my last day and RL is striking again almost as soon as I get home from it.

So... Yeah. I'm not going to be able to be sparking discussion and whatnot.
Insomnia has decided to come back around which is Fun. I will attempt to assemble something that might pass for an effortpost in low light but detailed backread/analysis isn't happening bc my fucking head is full of cotton wool.
It's never usually this bad and I'm honestly pissed bc I was super excited to get into Mafia but it be like this sometimes. Sorry all.
I'm gonna be real with you all, I've been trying to work up a half-decent post for most of the last eight hours and I can't. I'm barely typing coherently and taht's something I usually don't even have tot hink about. I'm gonna recuse myself from EoD today bc I don't have the brain to consider my vote appropr tiately. Apologies again, will hopefuly sleep better tonight and not have to replace this slot out again.

Given the large number of people expressing that Life Is Getting in the way this phase, I remind people the day can be extended for extraordinary cases.

If literally anyone asks by PM, I'm entirely open to just slapping another 24 hours onto the game day given the drama that's been going on being apparently fairly general.
Was a pressure vote to get the person to talk versus the actual vote I wanted and seeing the GM post has me a tad spooked.
Was a pressure vote to get the person to talk versus the actual vote I wanted and seeing the GM post has me a tad spooked.

Execpt I've been talking all day phase? Like...bit confused there.

Glad I have more time to analyize as I became much busier than I expected. @~@ So this works out very well
@Usili 2.0 you trusted shalmoa enough not to reveal what you knew about them, and I don't totally understand why. Do you wanna explain that part a bit more?

@QTesseract did your model change any, or did you already suspect Shalmoa of having that role?

I think this would clear up some last questions I have about that. I kind of want to know why the roleblock didn't end up factoring into how 99L was treated the next day much - it seems like a few people just kept that silent? I could get one person doing it for their own safety, but if other people realized what was happening I wanna know how?