Likely being a good enough reason to go in you direction here. Why'd you reveal?
Why not? I'd already claimed Pawn. And frankly, I'm increasingly suspicious that no one else seems to want to join in on this case. The evidence against me is already arrayed, as is the argument. Why hasn't anyone else spoken up against me?
Nictis, at least seems vaguely supportive of me, QT's neutral...
And apparently Meso is starting to grow suspicious.
I think trying to determine whether or not we have a scum Queen or a town Queen that was redirected onto Rosen at this point risks giving information to scum. Specifically, it sort of feels to me like @mesonoxian is fishing for a "I was attacked" claim, rn, which I don't like.

I think it is provisionally more likely that we have a town Queen who hit scum than we have a scum Queen who hit a town knight who had redirected at scum, but this should be understood as not set in stone. I think it's fairly likely that we'll get more information on whether or not the Queen is scum or town on subsequent nights, and I'm not sure how knowing affects what town should be doing right now.

I started out thinking we should go after Zaealix or hailcapital, given Rosen's defense of them, but this is also worrying.

I also want to point out this is sharing incorrect information. Rosen didn't defended me, he was voting me. There was a linkage here, but it was that I defended Rosen.
I think trying to determine whether or not we have a scum Queen or a town Queen that was redirected onto Rosen at this point risks giving information to scum. Specifically, it sort of feels to me like @mesonoxian is fishing for a "I was attacked" claim, rn, which I don't like.

I think it is provisionally more likely that we have a town Queen who hit scum than we have a scum Queen who hit a town knight who had redirected at scum, but this should be understood as not set in stone. I think it's fairly likely that we'll get more information on whether or not the Queen is scum or town on subsequent nights, and I'm not sure how knowing affects what town should be doing right now.

I also want to point out this is sharing incorrect information. Rosen didn't defended me, he was voting me. There was a linkage here, but it was that I defended Rosen.
I haven't suggested we speculate on whether the Queen is town or scum. In fact I was criticizing premature speculation on that topic. Let me reread Day 1, but my impression was that -Rosen pushed hugh over yourself.
I don't really see how the pawn neighborhood setup would blow the game open, given we don't know how many pawns scum picked. Best it gives us right now I think is that partners to dead scum pawns might effectively be a role that can be claimed to give town extra Innocent Children i.e. guaranteed town.

I'm going to try to figure out a better exploit, see what the best we could theoretically do with that is, so I know if I think it's worth restarting the game over.

On that issue, I was actually wondering- can a pawn lie about their identity in their quicktopic (claim to be another player?) I remember in the last game I played here claiming to be another player in QTs was banned.
I don't really see how the pawn neighborhood setup would blow the game open, given we don't know how many pawns scum picked. Best it gives us right now I think is that partners to dead scum pawns might effectively be a role that can be claimed to give town extra Innocent Children i.e. guaranteed town.

I'm also not 100% on this right now so Rosen's pawn partner, don't claim yet.
I think trying to determine whether or not we have a scum Queen or a town Queen that was redirected onto Rosen at this point risks giving information to scum. Specifically, it sort of feels to me like @mesonoxian is fishing for a "I was attacked" claim, rn, which I don't like.

I think it is provisionally more likely that we have a town Queen who hit scum than we have a scum Queen who hit a town knight who had redirected at scum, but this should be understood as not set in stone. I think it's fairly likely that we'll get more information on whether or not the Queen is scum or town on subsequent nights, and I'm not sure how knowing affects what town should be doing right now.

I also want to point out this is sharing incorrect information. Rosen didn't defended me, he was voting me. There was a linkage here, but it was that I defended Rosen.
Having reread, Rosen voted you as a joke. Rosen started pushing hugh when there was some ambiguity about whether the thread was going to go after you or them.
Having reread, Rosen voted you as a joke. Rosen started pushing hugh when there was some ambiguity about whether the thread was going to go after you or them.

Rosen initially voted me over a joke of mine that came off poorly, but he also later said that the vote on me was serious, and suggested a possible link between me and Cyricubed.
Okay, so NinetyNineLies said something happened to them during the night. Has anyone else had anything happen to them over the night?
Rosen initially voted me over a joke of mine that came off poorly, but he also later said that the vote on me was serious, and suggested a possible link between me and Cyricubed.
Rosen did basically nothing with that vote, pursued Hugh much more consistently. When Shadell asked Nictis to sell her on you versus Hugh, Rosen said nothing.

I have seen a serious push from Rosen. Hugh got one. You didn't. It looked to me like Rosen turned up the heat on hugh when you and Zaealix got attention from the thread

That's was my feeling yesterday and my rereading doesn't show me anything that makes me doubt that. Knowing Rosen is scum makes it a lot more relevant than it seemed yesterday.

I'm still suspicious of @Shadell for that first post today, though. Rosen very obviously defended Zaealix and both of you have been after them today. So who knows?
-Rosen defending Zaea is meta tbh.
Yeah, it could definitely have been a bit Rosen was doing, expecting Zaealix to flip sooner rather than later and thus reflect well on Rosen for defending them. It could also have been Rosen trying to save a team mate and counting on his rep as a solid player who follows his hunches to make people doubt it was just one scum defending another. Rosen is very good at generating ambiguity.
100% do not claim at all unless you're suspected and you're absolutely sure your partner has gone silent instead of simply not been around.
Yes, I would like to confirm that I am Rosen's other Pawn, but I also killed Rosen last night for missing multiple Monty Python skits in our QT.
So anyone for anything they want wasn't to bring up?I'm not going to be available for a bit but I'd rather we don't stay on this page.
I'm admittedly also not necessarily posting much right now b/c I'm stuck with a bit of stuff atm and also the kind of question on whether or not the game is going to be restarted from sign-up.
I'm admittedly also not necessarily posting much right now b/c I'm stuck with a bit of stuff atm and also the kind of question on whether or not the game is going to be restarted from sign-up.
I think we should play as of it is going to continue until we hear otherwise.

I've just used up most of what I had.
So anyone for anything they want wasn't to bring up?I'm not going to be available for a bit but I'd rather we don't stay on this page.

I guess one of my thoughts during the Night was that regarding wagonomics it might be productive to look off the wagon as well as on, given that there were 9 players on the wagon and 5 excluding hugh off it, and that I'd expect scum to be split on backing any given town wagon, to avoid linking themselves too much. How split they were would be a factor here, though, if they went 3/1 on/off then there's only 1 scum in 5 players off and 2 scum in 8 players on, but if they went 2/2 on off then it's 2 scum in 5 players vs 1 remaining scum in 8 players.

Also wagonomics wise, it seemed to me that in retrospect hugh went from being the narrowly most voted to fairly overwhelmingly voted very quickly, I think it was like 15 minutes going from 4 to 9. I thought at the time (and still think) that hugh made an extremely scummy post, so this made sense, but in retrospect given Rosen flipping scum and being part of this, maybe we should expect to find another scum here among me/Nictis/Shalmoa/QT, if they split 2/2.

Also as a matter of mechanics, even if you can lie about who you are in Pawn QTs, Pawns can still mechanically verify identities to each other by making use of the main thread (by having their partner pass them a unique phrase or something to use in the main thread), although at the risk of leaking info (if the phrase is too obvious). Pawn pairs can mechanically verify that they are pawns to the rest of the thread that they are pawns by using a similar method, with the exceptions of Rosen's partner and Zaealix/hugh's partner. If their partner was scum they could still pretend switch though, having the scum partner they are pretending to be use the phrase.

I would like to discuss the lack of a scum nightkill but some people are arguing against that topic so..

Seems fine to discuss it a bit to me, I just think that if someone had a nightkill directed at them they shouldn't say so, since scum could potentially have watched them as well and use that to identify a town PR.
I would like to discuss the lack of a scum nightkill but some people are arguing against that topic so..
There aren't too many options.

If the Queen kill was the scum kill, they got redirected.

If it wasn't then either the killer was roleblocked of the kill hit someone bulletproof, either directly or via bodyguarding.

If there are other options, I think discussing them is fine, but giving concrete information like "I got roleblocked" or whatever helps scum know how to fake claim and might let them know how their ability failed. (If the target was bodyguarded, the target saying "nothing happened to me last night" confirms that for them, even though the target doesn't realize they are sharing sensitive info.)

Or that is how I see it.