Isn't it awfully convenient that Shardspeak and Antagonist-speak are so similar?

Methinks she doth protest too much!
They weren't similar, QA couldn't really understand Decimator at all until she gave them her communication protocols, and Decimator registered as being similar to Abaddon, not Eden\Zion. Abaddon was explicitly noted as having taken a completely divergent line of development from the Warrior\Thinker duo to the point of being so fundamentally different that it had an understanding of concepts more advanced than basic conflict, like philosophy and psychology; imagination. Something that the Warrior\Thinker duo lacked entirely.

It took Decimator nearly half a minute to figure out how to talk to QA after it had been provided with the appropriate communication protocols, assuming that Type 0 Antagonists have at least the same data-processing capabilities to Valkyrie Cores (unlikely, they probably have far greater capabilities) that was fucking forever, and implies that Shardspeak and Antagonist-speak have approximately as much in common as the methods of communication employed by humans and dial-up modems; aka they both use acoustic signals.

That QA was able to get anything at all out of Decimator's initial communication attempt has less to do with similarities between Shardspeak and Antagonist-speak and more to do with the ludicrously bullshit data-processing abilities of Shards.
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And Decimator was still barley above baby-talk even after getting the data packet, and taking what QA still considered a long time to formulate each message. Even if QAylor's direct combat ability is lagging behind, I won't be the least surprised if she quickly gets pegged as an EW and analysis specialist, which is only going to make people wonder WTF the supposed survivalists who had her before thought they were up to even more.
And Decimator was still barley above baby-talk even after getting the data packet, and taking what QA still considered a long time to formulate each message. Even if QAylor's direct combat ability is lagging behind, I won't be the least surprised if she quickly gets pegged as an EW and analysis specialist, which is only going to make people wonder WTF the supposed survivalists who had her before thought they were up to even more.
Which is inevitable really when you consider that Shards are effectively living supercomputers made out of material likely approaching something that could reasonably be called computronium, with the smaller ones starting at the size of an entire continental plate and the larger ones clocking in at multiple continental plates. Valkyrie Cores are impressive, but when it comes to data processing they ain't got shit on Shard capabilities.

In the Sanctioned AU, Broadcast routinely wastes uses quantities of energy equivalent to the total burst output of multiple stars just to communicate really loudly, and that is merely considered annoying. Shards are bullshit.
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Fire breathing, dragon winged, unicorn that can breath fire and has a poisonous snake as a tail.

With a tentacle tongue.
Just fire? he/she can fire plasma beams, the dragon wings are actually some kind of laser based propulsion that can move him/her at speeds suppressing Valkyries.

The tail's poison is actually some kind of bio engined super plague capable of infecting non organic matter and overtaking it's systems,
Amy in canon ward claimed to be capable of making a plague that can take out the machine army, and either stay in the area long enough until all it's "eggs" hatch or break into it's dimensional storage space in which it keeps "eggs" to release to hatch after the army is destroyed in the area, given the machine army is nano machines but it still might be within Taylor's abillities.
And there is variety of tentacles, some are for utility (like healing tentacles), and some are for battle, the battle capable tentacles are capable of both firing lasers and turning into light sabers, as well as give emergency hugs.
You forgot eye lasers and hidden tentacle railguns.
The eyes (all two hundreds and sixteen, Host thought that small eyes is cute, so it stands to reason that a lot of those will be even cuter) actually fire esoteric energy beams that explode on contact and are capable of turning matter into glass.

The railgun is in the flexible legs (which are basically tentacles that look like horse legs).

And let's not start about the horn.
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Who, me? :whistle:

On a more serious note, unless you want me to beta read chapters again (which I'm perfectly willing to do), I only stay up late for quests.

"I don't want you to trigger the anti-forging measures."

She could likely halt and reverse the process before it killed them, but she'd still have an awkward time explaining any crystalline growths
"Wait, I can exploit this process to get a source of Shard crystal down here! And it technically even counts as biological matter, so I can use it to make Friends."

I skipped over about 75% of the motormouths dialogue because trying to parse it was giving me a fucking headache.
Would it still bother you if each statement had its own line? Because you could fix that issue on your own end with a bookmarklet that replaces [""] " with "<br><br>":
javascript:(function(){document.body.innerHTML=document.body.innerHTML.replace(/[%E2%80%9D%E2%80%9C] %E2%80%9C/g,"%E2%80%9D<br><br>%E2%80%9C")})()
Just copy that line into the 'location' property of a bookmark and save it, then click on said bookmark while the Calibration thread is open.
I like this a lot but I am worried about the future of Family maker QA aka Danmachi QA
I need to know how her engagement to Aiz will progress!!!!!
The latest chapter accidentally displayed Tamara's name as Takara. This has now been fixed. <_<;
Is it possible for QA to make FRIENDS that can act as animal shaped combat drones but also shift into Frames for her to use? Like if she has a Bird FRIEND that can transform into a specialize aerial based Frame or a Cat FRIEND that transform into a melee based combat Frame.

Basically, she would have the ability to change/edit her Frame by calling on her FRIENDS and combing by fighting together as one.
Like if she has a Bird FRIEND that can transform into a specialize aerial based Frame or a Cat FRIEND that transform into a melee based combat Frame.

Basically, she would have the ability to change/edit her Frame by calling on her FRIENDS and combing by fighting together as one.

That sounds like 01, would her "base form FRIEND" be base on a grasshopper?
Is it possible for QA to make FRIENDS that can act as animal shaped combat drones but also shift into Frames for her to use? Like if she has a Bird FRIEND that can transform into a specialize aerial based Frame or a Cat FRIEND that transform into a melee based combat Frame.

Basically, she would have the ability to change/edit her Frame by calling on her FRIENDS and combing by fighting together as one.
Crafting Club Voltron when?
Edit: I suspect that QA may find this state of affairs either cute, or comforting as it's reminiscent of being part of an Entity.
If anything, I'd be more worried if it spirals to the point where QA tries to 'halp' the Crafting Club by teaching them Shard <SPEECH>, under a halpful assumption that they possess unique 'mind waves' to take advantage of that fact. Which may potentially spiral into if 'that' happened, a whole new rabbit hole of them recovering from possible Black Speech attempt, at "they did WHAT to her as a kid?"
They taught her to speak in the language of the old gods [Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Dreamer R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!]
And then they jokingly make meta jokes on "has our apocalyptic war turned into a cosmic apocalyptic war?"

But more seriously, if 'that' sort of revelation spills out like hot cakes. Then if QAylor was "akin" to a canon character and not some Gaiden/Dojinshi spinoff, she'd easily fit Studio Gilgamesh's own take on our IRL version of the "Rei Ayanami" archetype. With the only thing missing being 'blue hair'.

... Which, I guess if going meta. May possibly happen as a 'prank' one day.


And then we get a confused baby Antagonis-Shard-hybrid creature born from Decimators corpse after it fiddled with Shard-speak and triggered the copy-protection too much. :confused:
More seriously, if 'that' happened (in a horror analog of Decimator/Queen Administrator joke shipping.) I'd bet how long until "Decimator" (TYPE 0) Ends up filling the Kaworu like roll for the cast...

Except, instead of Shinji he/it dies for, it's Queen Administrator.
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Interlude: Big Sister Is Swearing
AN: There likely won't be an update tomorrow. No, there aren't any more crossovers being added or especially egregious AU divergences and this still isn't an actual fusion. Taylor is just having a little too much fun with certain things.

Also, I made a mistake and accidentally spelled Tamara as Takara all last chapter. This has been fixed. I'm also open to changing the report's font if remains unpleasant.

Doctor Angelica Rayne frowned at the digital interface helpfully provided by Solace, her Valkyrie Frame. She wasn't exactly unhappy about the last-minute addition to her list of patients, but she was rather disturbed. She generally received at least a week of warning before the first session. The warning allowed her enough time to consult surveillance footage, review records, and construct tentative emotional reference models from the gathered information.

Being taken off psychological research duties so she could replace a lower-ranked colleague at a therapy session occurring less than 24 hours after reassignment? That was new. The UN generally preferred to focus on small improvements to a large number of valkyries instead of large improvements to a smaller number, and urgency was seldom such a huge issue that she couldn't be allowed extra preparation time. Still, there was nothing for it. The therapist brought up her new patient's file and began reading through it.

>>Name: Taylor Hebert
>>Sex: Female
>>Age: [Unknown] ~15

Angelica wrinkled her nose and asked Solace to change her perception of the document's font. She refused to read an entire case file in the same font she associated with casualty listings.

>>Name: Taylor Hebert
>>Sex: Female
>>Age: [Unknown] ~15
>>Position: Perth 2070 First Year Cadets, Squadron Four, no Flight
>>Service Record: Unknown family history. In 2070, submitted distress call and was subsequently rescued unharmed from prior path of Class D Type Zero Macross. Temporarily transferred to facility "Stellar" in 2070. Currently a first year cadet in Perth Valkyrie Academy.
>>Synchronized Hours: [Unknown] (>840)
>>Flight Hours: [Unknown] (Claims 0)
>>Valkyrie Core: [Unknown Serial Number] "Symbie"
>>Combat Rating: 250
>See; Class D Type Zero: Macross, Tripoli Major Breach, UNOMI Summary: TH & AVF-S, Tides Project, Monolith Project

Angelica started with the UNOMI summary and immediately found herself wincing. Watching someone's record be updated multiple times per second? Also new. Angelica eventually just decided to put auto-refresh on hold so she didn't have to tolerate the live edit war between at least three different Valkyries. She'd seen members of the Three Hundred with multi-year biographies shorter than what Hebert was managing to compile in one month. The very first sentence after the title explained why, though.

United Nations Office of Military Intelligence
Assessment: Taylor Hebert and Anomalous Valkyrie Frame Symbie

Subject may possess the first known example of a damaged and/or incomplete Valkyrie Core, "Symbie" (likely short for Symbiont). Whether this occurred due to experimentation or other causes is unknown; Hebert has proved resistant to perceived interrogation attempts while willingly divulging information to those deemed her peers (see Hebert-PCC).

Observed Valkyrie Core anomalies and oddities are as follows:

  • Class D Type Zero: Macross 'searched' near Hebert's location for four minutes and eleven seconds with only one missile fired. Said missile is believed to have been aimed at a nearby bunker (see Unidentified African Stealth Complex E13) instead of Hebert herself, who apparently went undetected.
  • Subject usually plots ideal routes through moving obstacle fields <UNOMI 33181: Just call them crowds.> and briefly ceases movement upon entering any new area. The movement delay has been greatly decreased since her integration of advanced sensors.
  • Hebert did not initially possess a detectable Impeller Field, but still dissipated disproportionate amounts of incoming energy when Frame was extended. (See Tides Project)
  • Symbie allegedly needed to modify their Impeller Field for use in modern combat simulators (See Hebert-PCC).
  • Hebert automatically transmits an irregular, self-executing data packet (now claimed to be her personal unique ID) every time she speaks and continues doing so until she falls silent. Sighs and other irregular communications do not appear to trigger transfers. This packet appears harmless unless extensively modified and cannot be copied to outside sources. (See Monolith Project)
  • Hebert physically modified her Valkyrie Core while still synchronized with it (See TH-Symbie Core Repair) and has yet to desynchronize since Hebert was found. Subject refused to unequip Symbie whenever the topic was raised and does not appear to be experiencing strain from continuous synchronization; unusually, she implied she was more comfortable with Symbie equipped.
    • If subject attempts further modifications of Valkyrie Core while at Perth, stick to observation only unless subject endangers her surroundings (See TH-Symbie Core Repair: Discussion 38). <UNOMI 33181: I still say this "Bad cop" thing is bullshit.>
  • Subject's powered exoskeleton and original railgun utilize far more confirmed organic components and biologically active compounds than any other Valkyrie Frame on record. Direct absorption from deceased Antagonists initially considered likely. However, later equipment may act as evidence against this hypothesis.
  • Integration of fission reactor components appeared to be completed within five minutes, granting the subject a permanent Impeller Field of inconsistent strength. Impeller Field appears to weaken as subject is tired or hungry and returns to noticeably beyond the previous power limitation after sleeping. (See Tides Project)
  • Apparent manufacturing and integration of advanced sensors (see Sanchez-Hebert Sensor Collaboration) took less than twenty minutes in total. Hebert did not demonstrate any disorientation during or after completion and demonstrated immediate proficiency with active scanning.
    • Subject indicated that Symbie possessed significant fabrication abilities and that she would prefer to personally construct any Emotional Support Companions (See Hebert-PCC).
  • Newly-expressed portions of integrated sensors do not match prior collaborative designs (see Sanchez-Hebert Sensor Collaboration) and seem to have been mostly replaced with organic replacements. These material replacements appear to have decreased the overall quality of the sensors, likely indicating an abundance of stored organic material. Hebert's subsequent decision to requisition vast quantities of weaponry and raw materials (see TH-PCC Fabber Raid) may be related to associated shortages.
  • Within the hour it apparently took for the integration of a standard datapad, 133 known information requests (see 'Edge of Observable Universe' Intrusion [EOOUI]) were successfully submitted utilizing falsified high-level access codes. Tracking attempts returned similar errors encountered to those found when trying to pinpoint 'sourceless' scenario conditions within modern combat simulators. Especially noteworthy accessed topics include, but are not limited to:
    • Long-term strategic assessments for humanity as a whole
    • Current UN social programs and policies
    • Post-Impact cases of mass human experimentation
    • Post-Impact cults
    • Post-Impact human death matches
    • Valkyrie pilot enhancements
    • General information on the human brain
    • Medical treatments for extreme brain trauma
    • Both biological and robotic Emotional Support Companions
      • Unicorn-model Emotional Support Companions (see Hebert-PCC)
    • Combat-Induced Empathy Loss-Detachment Syndrome
    • NatashAI Syndrome
    • Rights of non-human intelligences
  • Note: The EOOU Intruder has not been definitively confirmed to be Symbie or Hebert, nor did Hebert display any especially unusual behavior during intrusion. Based on search queries, Symbie tentatively assumed to be EOOUI and reclassified as Electronic Warfare Valkyrie Frame; however, it may simply have been an opportunist. As little to no information was sought regarding current tactically relevant situations beyond the logistics surrounding refugee camps, possible disciplinary actions were suspended pending further unauthorized access attempts and better evidence (see EOOUI discussion: TH-Symbie subgroup 6).
  • Hebert refers to Symbie as her "friend," uses feminine pronouns when referring to it, and treats it comparably to a well-protected younger sibling. Symbie has displayed enough behaviors independently of Hebert (see Symbie Behavior discussions) to confirm the presence of a personality emulator, autonomous or semi-autonomous AI, or a genuinely sentient Valkyrie Core. If EOOU Intruder is assumed to be Symbie and not an opportunist covering their tracks, then it is most likely a full AI or the Valkyrie Core itself. Proceed with caution.
  • Hebert was agitated by idea that the UN could confiscate Symbie and claimed that Symbie would eat anyone else ("repurposing as spare parts") on their third attempt to synchronize with the Valkyrie Core (see AS-TH-RY 2070 Perth Flight). Questions regarding whether it had to be a specific individual's third attempt or the third attempt in general were answered with "whichever is better for deterrence." Given Symbie's possible sentience and extensive use of organic materials in construction, this warning should not be taken as hyperbole.
  • Hebert reacted with attempted assault when Rokusabe Yukari inadvertently implied Symbie was defective (See AS-TH-RY 2070 Perth Flight). Attempt was stopped by Anna Sanchez.
  • Symbie demonstrated prehensile variants of both bladed and bladeless tentacles extended from Hebert's back. As with many partial extensions of integrated components, this location is likely an arbitrary choice and not a requirement. Tentacles retained the primarily organic theme of earlier equipment. (See Symbie Behavior Discussions)

Hebert possesses significant signs of Combat-Induced Empathy Loss-Detachment Syndrome (AKA Valkyrie Syndrome) despite initially demonstrating minimal enhancements of her own. The apparent lack of enhancements changed within a month of retrieval (see Blender, Hebert-PCC), including a dramatic increase in apparent scientific and mathematical knowledge despite subject not accessing any standardized sources of either. A significant enemy definition upgrade for sensors primarily coded by Hebert is currently undergoing review; mass adoption is expected (See Sanchez-Hebert Sensor Collaboration).

Hebert's skill progression in Impeller Field manipulation after acquisition exceeds all known records. Exotic effects have yet to be manifested, but this is believed to be due to a lack of instruction and knowledge rather than a wetware limitation; Hebert's demonstrated ability to shape and control purely Impeller-based weaponry rivals that of Elite Valkyries (See Blender).

Subject appears to have developed a seemingly-uncharacteristic infatuation for Anna Sanchez (see AS-TH Interactions) and demonstrated increasing irritation when Rokusabe Yukari attempted conversation. This may have contributed to Hebert's eventual attack attempt (See AS-TH-RY Perth Flight). However, a number of behaviors associated with human infatuation only manifested after Sanchez blocked Hebert's attack. Subject herself denies any romantic inclinations and consciously considers human reproduction to be "disgusting." <UNOMI 38174: Cut unnecessary information; further details belong in Psych's eventual assessment, not here.> <UNOMI 23189: Stop deleting them, they're a necessary component of the interaction advisories.>

Subject displayed an uncomfortable interest in the precise working definition of "bullying" and appeared unhappy when told to stop prying. This may be related to the measures apparently undertaken to force Hebert's obedience (See THe-THa-PCC Interactions).

The EOOUI and conversation with Tamara Hasiholan (see THe-THa-PCC Interactions) may indicate that the perceived rapid rate of skill growth could have been due to repairs of the deliberately induced brain damage that allegedly left Hebert with only vague memories of the events approximately 1 month prior to her enlistment. Ongoing repairs may explain the anomalous non-malignant growths throughout Hebert's brain.

Following the revelation of deliberate damage to Valkyries, close-range scans of the bunker near Hebert's first known location were performed and revealed a significant underground complex armored with unknown alloys. These alloys are invisible to mid-range scans and obfuscate the installation's interior. Further updates pending as local conflict permits (See Tripoli Major Breach).


  • Avoid insulting Symbie or Anna Sanchez.
  • Exercise caution when interrupting interactions with Sanchez.
  • Do not imply or state that the UN can or would confiscate Symbie due to misbehavior.
  • Avoid utilizing direct disciplinary action as a first resort; generally attempt explanations of misbehavior first.
  • If practical, demonstrate ambition, curiosity, and/or other traits associated with self-improvement.
  • Avoid forceful interrogation attempts.
  • Do not interfere with unidentified growths on Hebert's body unless she asks for aid or endangers her surroundings.
    • Immediately report any such anomalies as soon as they are discovered.
  • Avoid harming Antagonist-like unknown organisms near Hebert unless subject regards them as hostile.
  • Assume subject will interpret language literally.
  • Nicknamed "Pure-chan" by Perth Valkyrie Academy's Crafting Club. <UNOMI 23189: Stop removing the alternative translations, 33181.> <UNOMI 33181: They mean the same thing.> <UNOMI 23189: It's intended to let people know who's being referenced, you milk-swilling moron.>

<UNOMI 23189: Please remember to adequately restrict information on ongoing operations. You're big girls; I shouldn't need to pick up after you. And yes, "Subject" is a perfectly valid term to use for the subject of a summary.>

This file has been edited 270 times since you last accessed it. Please refresh.

Angelica stared at the list of recommended interaction advisories, skimmed some of the footage showing the usually-expressionless adolescent girl, and decided that she and UNOMI would be having words. It shouldn't have taken fucking attempted assault for them to start consulting Psych, not with how much attention they seemed to be giving Hebert. They had to have at least the equivalent of a full-time employee looking after her.

...And why couldn't the UN find a nice, well-adjusted, happy cult survivor for once? Was that really too much to ask?
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