Fuckin metal. I loved the stained glass windows.

Of course Symbie had to ruin the aambiance with showtunes

"I don't remember including a soundtrack anywhere. I guess that doesn't mean much, but it still doesn't fit the theme. Symbie?"


"Huh? Why do you need a theme so–"

Did.. did Taylor just get kicked out???

EDIT 2: The contents of other windows will probably be revealed indirectly and piecemeal. I wouldn't just say "Hey, there are more of those," and then never bring it up ever again.

Oh good, cuz I'm super interested.

The titans of silver and gold are Zion and Eden, obviously. The Nine below them are the Noble Shards. But what would the 36 below them be? The three with black tear tracks suggests they are the Endbringers, but there are only 20 endbringers, not 36.

Shard ranks really don't translate well into english. There's just too many ranks and the shards of similar ranks are often slightly above or below each other. For example, Harvester, Administrator, Shaper, and Destroyer are the top ranked Warrior shards. Together they start and end the cycle but Harvester and Administrator have a slightly higher rank. Not that they get to order the other two around though.

The top 9 are the noble shards who help with the cycle. The other 36 would be noble shards of lesser but still high rank. Alternatively they could be the vital shards (the ones that stay with the entities even during the cycle and make up their core selves) but I don't think that fits well. They probably wouldn't be ranked under the nobles so I think they're not incorporated into this representation.
Fanart: Window into Despair
The layered window opposite it wasn't much better. If not for the humanoids of silver and gold, it could have been some manner of family tree with nine crown-wearing individuals branching off into four times their number. In turn, those thirty-six stood over a field of corpses, because of course they did. It wasn't like this place seemed to have a stigma against leaving bodies laying around.

Credit where it was due, only most of the living appeared happy about this state of affairs. Three lower-level members had black trails falling from their eyes, and one upper-tier individual with physical features similar to Cadet Hebert looked down at hands stained with blood. The art style made it hard to compare faces, but the eye and hair color both seemed right. A possible twin with no 'offspring' sat against the maybe-Hebert, curled up and hugging her knees in a puddle of blood. Little drops of red dotted every part of maybe-Hebert's twin save her hands, which were left conspicuously clean.

...Goddammit, who was Liz fooling? One of the two was clearly going to be Hebert. The kid's therapist was going to have their hands full.

No, no, stay positive.

Creepily long silver fingers lead to the heads of each upper-level figure save probably-Hebert's possibly-dead twin. Most of those simply faded into an upper-tier's skull (or possibly crown), but the finger allotted to probably-Hebert split into two black tendrils that pinched her head between them. The layered circles on the tendrils were probably supposed to be eyes, too. In fact, there seemed to be a constant pattern of eyes inscribed on the entire back of the window.
Decided to do a bit of art on this
There is a possible conclusion the explorers might end up with.
Arcology is possibly sentient and trying to tell them something, and also probably insane considering the incoherence of the message.
Then that opens up the possibility for the answer to 'why would anyone do this?' being 'because the insane arcology AI made them do it'.

And that it let Hebert out because it ran out of people and needed to lure more in to continue its experiments. :V
Then that opens up the possibility for the answer to 'why would anyone do this?' being 'because the insane arcology AI made them do it'.

And that it let Hebert out because it ran out of people and needed to lure more in to continue its experiments. :V
Potentially, or, because the depictions seem sympathetic towards Taylor, and the arcology is terrifying, but not outright hostile, the arcology broke down and killed the ones responsible, and is now trying to explain what happened to best of their ability.
Aside from the black and white vs the implied colours this is a really cool picture.
Thanks now I won't be sleeping tonight.
I didn't really have colors, just black markers. I figured it's probably be like the Madoka witches, but couldn't really do that myself so I went with something similarly creepy but artistic in the form of silhouette style.
I feel like the Endbringer's are definitely important enough to include, not because of the damage they did to Earth Bet, but because of QA's interpretation of the Antagonists. Right now the probable assumption for QA would be that she is holding back because she sees both the antagonist and human forces as peer combatants and that exceeding those ends badly, so she plays everything as safe as she can.

Without that additional hint that there were other forces that wielded otherwise excluded powers exclusively at the will of Zion and Eden it will probably take them a long time to make progress on that front.
I think that Team Valkyrie would be interested in endbringers due to their durability. Not only do nuclear weapons start shaving off less than atomic widths of material once they get skeletal enough, but more importantly, they do so without any impellers. Some of the more arbitrary endbringers would also be a bit of an experience. Water-spam is one thing, weird, and actually requiring a rather large power supply, but not much of a threat, but it is an entirely different matter to deal with temporal-differential spam or "any four [valid targets] combined". I doubt that valkyries and type zeroes are valid targets for the Voltron/Captain Planet of endbringers, but if they are, well, that could be eventful. The right combinations of Worm powers would most likely be sufficient however.

But mostly the lack of impellers. That would just be completely and utterly weird in every way to them. I mean, yes, there are supposed ot be some materials that are pretty much invulnerable in V.C., but they are apparently rare drops from type zeroes that presumably cannot be altered to fit a purpose and wouldn't bend much, so would have nothing in common with endbringer material.

Their destructive output would be fairly small-scale, but they could pull off a pretty terrifying unstoppable force/determinator impression even by type zero standards, and would do it in a way that is completely alien to known technologies.

Unless, that is, Taylor invites to the party a Ziz with an impeller. I have no idea at all what Ziz would do with an impeller, but I believe that Ziz knows exactly what Ziz will do with an impeller.
Ah, QA, you truly are the best at HALPING. Pls halp humanz mor
Their destructive output would be fairly small-scale, but they could pull off a pretty terrifying unstoppable force/determinator impression even by type zero standards, and would do it in a way that is completely alien to known technologies.
QA's words in the chapter she had seen a type zero fighting implie endbringers are much more powerful than they had shown to humans, by a large margin.
Decided to do a bit of art on this
Thanks! I h—wait, no, wrong response. Sorry, autopilot. I love it! It's been a few years since I got any fanart, and I'm happy to hear that you enjoyed this enough to make some. I've been happy about the omakes lately, too. :D

EDIT: Please tell me if you'd prefer the Threadmark to have a different title; I pretty much just made something up.
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I hope someone asks Taylor why she called Type Zero 'Decimator' and she just: "I didn't recognized him and so I asked for his name." Leading to more 'Antagonists do not infiltrate'

Great Teacher (For QA) Anna
This reminded me about Dragon Ball fic where SI!sayan tried to learn ki manipulation from Sayan Prince... and got very similar explanations.
Anna is supersayan! (Compared to rest of Valkyries now))) and QA is secretly sayan

Sorry. Need to sleep. Ideas run wild.
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Sorry. Need to sleep. Ideas run wild.
ಠ_ಠ Between you and a few others (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE), I would be tempted to reinstate my policy of not posting too late for EST, but you're in a time zone that makes such attempts counterproductive. So please, just go to bed. I'm genuinely glad you're enjoying the story, but I'd prefer not to be an enabler to any sleep-deprivation hangovers later.
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ಠ_ಠ Between you and a few others (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE), I would be tempted to reinstate my policy of not posting too late for EST, but you're in a time zone that makes such attempts counterproductive. So please, just go to bed. I'm genuinely glad you're enjoying the story, but I'd prefer not to be an enabler to any sleep-deprivation hangovers later.
That is doomed to fail you know. With readers literally all around the world someone will get it posted at a bad time.
That is doomed to fail you know. With readers literally all around the world someone will get it posted at a bad time.
Yup. That's why I did away with the policy in the first place. The above was primarily intended as a hypocritical reminder regarding self-care, not a threat.

In other news (eardrum warning):
Maybe they wouldn't have such a problem with entropy if they didn't waste so much energy. Of course, if they could have figured out conservationism they probably could have figured out birth control.
Shards: What overpopulation? Oh, you mean scaling up. Yeah, that can use some increase.

I think, they fully embrace the infinite monkey theorem.
Liz and Elise looked out at what was probably the largest room to date. Probably. It was hard to tell; the whole thing seemed to be endlessly folding and unfolding on itself in a complete mockery of the word theoretical. At least Antagonists had the common decency to stick to three dimensions. Mostly. Even when they didn't, such sidestepping generally involved constant energy input and liberal use of Higgs particles. Liz wasn't detecting any of that. Hells, the room might not even be sticking with just four dimensions.
It reminds me of the fractal effect of shards reaching through dimensions. Are they even on BAHHSCQ Earth anymore?
"With cat-like tread!" A speaker shouted at them.

"Gods-dammed fucking–" Elise yelped. >> "Seriously, what is with this place? Is this where torturers go to retire?" <<

"Upon our prey we steal!"
Does this mean that a Major-General equivalent awakens at the end?
Decimator outclasses basically any Valkyrie at all by an enormous margin. Anna managed to solo a Type Zero, sure, but Sekhmet still outclassed her regardless per Avalanche's word and she herself doesn't have any actual peers anyway; given the difficulties that Decimator had in communicating with QA, shardspeak may simply be impractical outside of niche circumstances. Decimator took comparative ages to formulate a reply that by QA's standards didn't actually have much in the way of content, and that's further supplemented by Decimator's own perspective in which Decimator came to the unknown truth of needing drastically greater resources in order to make his discoveries fit QA's own performance levels. That practicality issue stems from shardspeak being indeed for shards. Most of the time, Valkyries simply aren't going to have the same needs.
Do note that Decimator was trying not to give away that QA's assumption are all wrong. I imagine, when you are communicating at that fidelity, lying becomes inreasingly elaborate to the point of being impractical for anyone less than a shard, as it needs to remain consistent and believable. Or you get really vague and lie by omission, which, it seems, is what Decimator has ended up doing.
EDIT: I didn't mean to come across as a killjoy here. :p So, how 'bout dem undead?
Undead Antagonists? :V

Valkyries: So they have found a way to reanimate Antagonists. As if for some reason we didn't have enough of the living ones already.
Good catch on the two different implications for 'new' versus 'old'. I was mostly thinking in terms of IRL standard construction, essentially requiring the window to be old. In which case the circumstances were known for quite a while. That's the part that really gets my brain going in circles - because for that to be the case, you have to have a mindset not just to have put the window there, but a mindset that recognizes that you have resistance in your midst that does not like what's going on, acknowledge it, and then continue to channel it - ostensibly for your benefit. That's not standard human behavior. Standard human behavior is to notice that sort of resistance and remove it. IRL, regarding someone with significant objections to the organization's operations, more legal organizations will tend to either ignore the pariah or outright fire people for that, and less legal organizations would likely outright kill them. These crazies? Kept her around, controlled her (perhaps literally) and kept using her. That's going to lead to some very interesting speculation regarding the mindset of those in control of the bunker, if they decide the windows are old.
Not only that, but they can't even control her that well. Note that the fingers connect to the other figures' heads directly, but pinch probably-Hebert's head instead.
Does this mean that a Major-General equivalent awakens at the end?
UNOMI was worried about either that or an ambush. The apparent lack of either has a couple wondering who the hell was in charge of psychological warfare for this place, because they're doing a pretty good job with content that should be fairly innocuous.
Type Zeros get back down to human-sized give or take an approximately human-sized error bar, I thought. And the Endbringers are very much T0-tier opponents.
AGs don't get really big to begin with, either? Unless, uh, space.
1: I looked far and wide before making Decimator, and we don't actually have WoG on their sizes or appearance. All that's said is that they come in a variety of forms, and a few Type-Zeros were small enough to fit in a hole in Arcology plating only a couple meters large at the widest part. In other words, some of them are around human-sized. We don't really know about the rest, and that leaves room for authorial freedom.

2: I mean, AGs are still far bigger than Endbringers, modern military forces, and future forces. So it really depends on what you're comparing them to.

Do note that Decimator was trying not to give away that QA's assumption are all wrong. I imagine, when you are communicating at that fidelity, lying becomes inreasingly elaborate to the point of being impractical for anyone less than a shard, as it needs to remain consistent and believable. Or you get really vague and lie by omission, which, it seems, is what Decimator has ended up doing.
There were some normal lies in there, too, but he did definitely work hard to maintain consistency.
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never read or watched whatever genetic harem trash its crossed with but are Valkyries even human anymore?
it feels like they are some kind of post humanity super lifeform
never read or watched whatever genetic harem trash its crossed with
@Avalanche I thought you'd appreciate the irony here. The problems with parodies, eh? (I've encountered the same thing with It's Not Wrong to make Friends in the Dungeon.)

but are Valkyries even human anymore?
it feels like they are some kind of post humanity super lifeform
Valkyrie Cores "improve" pretty much everything. (Following quote is related to Valkyrie Syndrome)
It is hypothesised that as subjects increase their mental capacities, the mental inhibitors that are initially present in Valkyries allowing for perceived normal communications with other humans are eroded. Significant numbers of higher compatibility subjects appear to subconsciously lose patience when talking with unaugmented humans. Analysis of surveillance and network recordings show a preference in subjects of engaging in multiple conversations simultaneously, whereas one to one individual conversations in non-intimate settings have a tendency to quickly bore the Valkyrie, who then often begins performing other tasks in parallel.

Only in the higher ranking Aces, those within the top six hundred as ranked by combat ability score, do the issues become common and severe enough to manifest as Combat Induced Empathy Loss-Detachment Syndrome (CIEL-DS), known as Valkyrie Syndrome (VS) in short.

Externally, VS shares syndromes similar to Asperger's, detachment syndrome and DPD, but in especially severe cases, subjects exhibit many hallmarks of classic psychosis. Subjects have been recorded as expressing overt disdain and disregard for social norms, especially in regards to relationships and alarmingly, a lack of self awareness or empathy relating to how their actions may be perceived by their surrounding society. When questioned, such subjects will fall upon rationalisations for their behaviours. However, unlike classical psychosis, such rationalisations are almost exclusively built upon statistical and economic notions of rationality. There are no deferrals to motivation or perceptions of moral justification, only quantifiable cost-benefit and efficiency arguments.

… show no signs of disliking humans individually or humanity as a whole, however, subjects suffering from VS do not appear to feel much love for humanity either. While empathy tests are usually passed, ethics hypotheticals are typically resolved without particular consideration of the hypothetical humans past that of a nebulous 'cost factor', which takes enough corresponding consequences into account that attempting to equalise the cost factor could baffle a normal citizen for days on end…

… Onset of VS appears affected by the age at which the subjects begins synchronisation with the Valkyrie Core. VS is unknown amongst first generation Valkyries, including every member of The Twenty, but common amongst second generation Aces after one year of service and near endemic for third generation Aces after one year of service. One proposed hypothesis puts forth that as adolescents possess a more malleable mental framework and lesser amounts of ordered information within their memories, the informational complexity of the human brain is reduced. This thus reduces the amount of time required to integrate the pilot into the frame, which has profound effects on the human ego as shown in the Guramann study.

… as a possible defensive mechanism against traumatic stress. Normal human mental processes allow for the easing of mental trauma through the natural recontextualisation of events through successive recalls and influence from surrounding environment during such recalls. For Valkyries however, due to the perfect recall displayed by many higher ranked Valkyries, it is evident that Valkyries do not naturally recover from mental trauma the way that humans generally would. In this case then, the development of Valkyrie Detachment Syndrome may be a coping method…

… Thus, in the stress of war, it is likely that many young, high ranking Aces analysed themselves in the face of death, devastation and deprivation of a like that humanity has not faced since Impact. They judge their own reactions, their gut feelings and passions, against the actions necessary for improvement, for success, for victory.

They have found themselves… wanting.
- Excerpts from [Redacted. Top secret; Classification schema Red Five October Ninth], by [Redacted], published 1st January 58PI

-"We are holding a snake to our chest to ward off a wolf."
- [Redacted]
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never read or watched whatever genetic harem trash its crossed with but are Valkyries even human anymore?
it feels like they are some kind of post humanity super lifeform

It's an Original Fiction quest thread. Anna is the protagonist of the quest(Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) Original). The Premise is for Anna to acquire enough popularity in the imaginary anime to get her own spinoff and being in Kojirou, the anime harem protagonists orbit, helps with that. This is crossed with Alvarils worm what-if scenario where Queen Administrator took over Taylor's body while Taylor is being a shard and QA is trying to pass as human.

Assuming Valkyries remain synced with their core at all times they are totally transhuman existences minimum. Possibly posthuman depending on their level of cognitive divergence from baseline humanity.

I'm operating under a model like this(Edit: Refined the Model Some)

Baseline human - having the mental patterns characteristic to baseline humanity, including potential neurodivergences, mental illnesses, failure states, and the cognitive biases characteristic to humans such as the Fundamental Attribution Error.
Transhuman - Human minds in augmented(human shaped or otherwise) bodies(If a human mind manages to be transferred perfectly into a telepathic dolphins body and can obviously talk to us and we can understand them, do they not still deserve recognition as human)? Their mindset is still recognizable as human, they can still relate to baseline human beings.
Posthuman - Humans(Edit: Or more precisely human derived minds) who's mindset has diverged from baseline human so massively through technological or supernatural means as to be difficult or impossible to comprehend for baseline human beings.
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