First of all, no. Obvious interest in one individual is not enough to make this a "logical conclusion" at all.
It is, however, a common mistake nowadays, given how invisible bisexuality apparently is to the wider population, which is why I questioned this still being the case so far in the future.
Second, Setsuna didn't base this on a lack of interest on Kojiro, but rather concluded said lack based on the interest on Anna. (She's right, of course, but her reasoning isn't, which is the only thing I commented on.)

Regarding the rest of your post: I'm unsure why you are explaining that to me? Did I indicate in any way that I did not understand the fairly obvious reasons for QA's attraction to Anna?

Okay, to unpack: Setsu is an insecure teenager, so it means she's both stupid and hotheaded. :V

... let's try this again.

For Setsuna, her love interest is catnip and heroin combined in a school of cat drug addicts, because since clearly they see and interact with no other males in their day-to-day lives that means they will be ready to suck gums off the first eligible bachelor they meet, and her childhood moron would let them.

So when 'Taylor' shows no interest in K-tever while also trying to devour Anna with her eyes all the time, clearly, that can mean only one thing: she is gay as fuck.

It's kinda cute really, if you really squint: for Setsuna if you aren't at least a little bit interested in her friend, that means you aren't interested in the male gender at all. Also, factually incorrect, but again, Setsuna is a teenager. She has her own damn problems, so it's easier to attach a non-threatening label on Taylor and forget about it.
They also can't really do anything to the entities while they can bother QA, I don't expect a shard badmouthing Eden is going to go unpunished, I would say the same for Scion, but I don't think he will care.
That too; QA is a 'safe' surrogate target, which makes her much more attractive to fuck with.
It's not a new idea, probably, but I think QA defines 'gender' through Taylor's lens of experience. Like. Eden is dead absent from her immediate life, so she must be a :MOTHER.
Zion has a bit of a temper, so he's a :FATHER.
Taylor herself is female, so QA is also female.

Like, it's a flattering ( and somewhat creepy ) attempt to emulate her Best Host.

Of course, that doesn't account for many, many holes in my theory, like Zion choosing male form the first time he appeared on Earth, without any input from QA and something like fifteen years before Taylor was born, but still.
Hm... Anna's really tall compared to her classmates at this point (6'3''). QA-as-Taylor's also pretty tall for a woman (5'10'' or 5'11'' at the end of canon, which is when this is set). Some of their fellow students might be shipping them just because of that, I can see some people backing a 'romance of giantesses'. They're both taller than Kojiro (5'9''), at least, and tower over Setsuna who is fairly short (4'11'').

Character Heights pulled from this post.
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Kinda yeah:

For reference on the fragments:

So in short: giant asteroid strikes the moon, shatters into fragments of varying sizes, and rains down across the northern hemisphere causing massive death and destruction. This is further amplified by the mass automatic deployment of ICBMs.
I always thought that the automatic deployment of ICBMs made no sense. First off, the US has no automatic deployment mechanism (and never did). Second, the moment a large asteroid were detected coming at Earth, you can bet your ass that the Russian automatic system would be disabled immediately precisely so that there wouldn't be an automatic launch of all the nukes (because the last thing you need after a major asteroid impact is a nuclear winter). And you wouldn't even need much time--even an hour's warning would be enough for the Russian president to go, "oh shit, shut it down NOW" and have the system disabled (since your ICBM force is, by its nature, designed to react to orders at a moment's notice).

And, well...a massive nuclear exchange on top of a massive asteroid impact would do so much damage that there's no way in hell humanity would have anywhere near a billion people decades later, even accounting for Valkyrie cores.
Like. Eden is dead absent from her immediate life, so she must be a :MOTHER.
Zion has a bit of a temper, so he's a :FATHER.
Eden is also dead after texting while driving and Scion is depressed because of his wife's death.

I didn't actually notice until a while ago when Ryuugi mentioned it in his Arana fic, but the similarities are uncanny, even if QA here doesn't know it yet.
like Zion choosing male form the first time he appeared on Earth, without any input from QA
The choice of an avatar is complicated and calculated process that is not done without thought, take Eden's silver skin and Scion's golden one, the reason they had chosen those colours is because of their significance to humans and the separation skin colour present to humans because of racism, I am guessing QA is vaguely aware of why the avatars were designed the way they were, but it is too far outside her preview for me to think she would take intrest.
And, well...a massive nuclear exchange on top of a massive asteroid impact would do so much damage that there's no way in hell humanity would have anywhere near a billion people decades later, even accounting for Valkyrie cores
I heard nuclear war wouldn't actually kill of all of humanity even if it will destroy civilization and a good chunk of the population.

As for nuclear war, it could always just be chulked up to some moron launching a nuke, not even necessarily from the US or Russia for the war to start.
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First off, the US has no automatic deployment mechanism (and never did).
Given that in 1971 NASA and Rosaviakosmos (an agency which wouldn't exist until 1992) were creating a joint moon base when IRL Apollo-Soyuz didn't even happen until 1975 we are pretty clearly into AU territory well before the 2012 Impact. I'm guessing something happened in the 90s, when Russia pulled out of Zion Base, to restart the cold war given that such automatic systems are usually off and fake targets programmed into the missiles outside high states of alert.

As for it not making any sense well Avalanche admitted that himself:
Wait, so US/Russia didn't turn off their Dead Hand systems even with the imminent asteroid rain that could trigger them? Wow, talk about dropping the ball.

I don't understand the US so it had to go. I nuked it then buried it under AGs in the backstory to make sure the quest doesn't take place in the US.

People from Canada are complaining about Anna's hometown, can you imagine people the US reading this quest if it took place in the US and people are saying "Gday" to each other? Yeah nah.

You don't have to like it, but it had to be done. If the US remained intact in any way it makes no sense for the quest to take place in any other country, and I can't deal with that.
Of course, that doesn't account for many, many holes in my theory, like Zion choosing male form the first time he appeared on Earth, without any input from QA and something like fifteen years before Taylor was born, but still.
I mean, QA is certainly self-centered enough to ignore little things like facts and logic and objective reality when she's forming opinions about people.
Hmmm, wonder what minions the unicorns are going to get... I think im going to throw my money on flying Caerbannog 's dire rabbits bunnycorns. Not many animals would fit with the pony princess theme while being cute and deadly, maybe a platypus?
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RE: automatic deployment of nuclear weapons, I know that England at least has a manual system called the 'Letters of Last Resort'. These are written and sealed on the Prime Minister's first day in office, and instruct the UK's nuclear-armed submarines what to do if they lose contact with London.

For reference, there are always two of these subs hidden somewhere in the world, with the third in dock for maintenance. At a fixed time every day, they surface for five minutes. If they can't pick up a signal from the BBC World Service, they then open their Letters and perform the action therein.

There are three possible actions that are permitted to be ordered be in the Letters.
One: Immediate deployment of nuclear weapons at the most likely origins of the attack on London.
Two: Place themselves under the command of an allied nation.
Three: Act under the Captain's discretion.

Until the Letters are opened, the only person who is permitted to know which order is in them is the Prime Minister who wrote them. This is enshrined in law.

If the Impactor came out of nowhere and the world ended between surfacings, the Trident captains would have no way to know what caused London to stop transmitting. If the PM of the time had written orders to deploy their weapons immediately, the royal navy would be duty bound to launch immediate nuclear retaliatory attacks based on outdated information.

The launch of British nuclear weapons could easily trigger a nuclear war.
RE: automatic deployment of nuclear weapons, I know that England at least has a manual system called the 'Letters of Last Resort'. These are written and sealed on the Prime Minister's first day in office, and instruct the UK's nuclear-armed submarines what to do if they lose contact with London.

For reference, there are always two of these subs hidden somewhere in the world, with the third in dock for maintenance. At a fixed time every day, they surface for five minutes. If they can't pick up a signal from the BBC World Service, they then open their Letters and perform the action therein.

There are three possible actions that are permitted to be ordered be in the Letters.
One: Immediate deployment of nuclear weapons at the most likely origins of the attack on London.
Two: Place themselves under the command of an allied nation.
Three: Act under the Captain's discretion.

Until the Letters are opened, the only person who is permitted to know which order is in them is the Prime Minister who wrote them. This is enshrined in law.

If the Impactor came out of nowhere and the world ended between surfacings, the Trident captains would have no way to know what caused London to stop transmitting. If the PM of the time had written orders to deploy their weapons immediately, the royal navy would be duty bound to launch immediate nuclear retaliatory attacks based on outdated information.

The launch of British nuclear weapons could easily trigger a nuclear war.
To add to this, the odds of an extinction level impactor not being detected much in advance of striking the earth are uncomfortably high, as rocks in space don't give off a lot of energy and there are large gaps in the angles of the night sky covered by telescopes. The odds shrink every year, as more equipment is put in place and more of the universe is mapped out but it's still quite possible.
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To add to this, the odds of an extinction level impactor not being detected much in advance of striking the earth are uncomfortably high, as rocks in space don't give off a lot of energy and there are large gaps in the angles of the night sky covered by telescopes. The odds shrink every year, as more equipment is put in place and more of the universe is mapped out but it's still quite possible.
As a counter point to this the Impactor did strike the moon first. Even if it was going ridiculously fast at 50km/s (about as fast as is even vaguely reasonable) it would still take a minimum of ~2 hours to travel from the moon (impacting the moon would be too obvious to miss even in a worst case scenario) to Earth. That isn't time enough to really do anything, besides huddle and pray, but more then enough to assure everyone would know about it.

If we're looking at a more reasonable extinction level event the Chicxulub impactor hit at around 20km/s so from the moon it would take between 5 and 6 hours to impact. In reality the impact with the moon would have almost certainly slowed the fragments significantly so it would be even longer before the first rocks started raining down.

Then of course there is the fact that out of all the sky the moon is probably the thing we look at the most. So odds are something on a sufficiently close trajectory to impact both the moon and then the Earth would likely be picked up well a head of the lunar impact. Probably days beforehand at the earliest.

Unless of course the Impactor simply dropped into our reality right next to the moon. Because with interdimensional aliens and weird (differently) alien clarktech anything is possible.
Yeah, the moon is pretty well watched. Still, in that worst case "teleport next to the moon" scenario, would anyone think about deactivating any nuclear fail-safes in 2-6 hours or would would they all be too busy crying and praying?
Something else I just thought of; it may be that those systems were intentionally left on. Why? Because we must not allow a mineshaft gap.

Or to put things another way; depending upon how far relations between the United States and Russia had deteriorated it may very well have been that a decision was made that the other side must not be allowed any potential advantage in the Post-Impact world. Depending upon the exact distribution of impact fragments, and going by what we see of the Breach placements Russia was better off then the US impact wise, it is entirely possible for one side to retain more infrastructure and people then the other. Such an advantage would significantly boost their ability to recover Post-Impact and could lead to them dominating in the new world.

A mass nuclear strike would ensure that any infrastructure, and associated people, that survived the Impact would be destroyed in the following days. In a best case scenario if you were the only one to launch such a strike you would potentially gain a significant advantage Post-Impact (since your surviving infrastructure and people would remain while the enemy's would not) and if both sides launched strikes it would simply ensure a level playing field. Either way in a pure adversarial take on the situation a Post-Impact nuclear attack leaves you better off.

Now that I dig into the logic I wonder if it really was an automated strike or if that is simply the assumed result due to a lack of survivors. It could well have been that in the final hours orders were sent for the bombs to start falling the second the rocks finished falling.
While y'all speculate on the in-universe reason the out of universe reason was that Avalanche didn't want to write about the US and North America because he doesn't understand us as an Australian :V. So, whatever justification there is it's probably not 100% accurate and/or standing up to the doctrines and practices of the US and other nations with dead man nukes.
Don't feel bad, lads, around half of Americans don't understand the rest either at this point.
Chapter 19: Concerns
Special thanks to @saganatsu, @DB_Explorer, @fictionfan, @Adephagia, @DaGeek247, @Wordsmith, @LonelyWolf999, Jamie Wahls, @Elfalpha, and my 22 other patrons not mentioned here. An extremely enthusiastic "Thank you" to @Torgamous for her patronage as well. Also, if you're not on here, you fit the tier, and you want to be added, please tell me. >.>

Beta-read by @Vebyast.

AN: Please remember to scroll down and rate if you read and enjoy this version! I've noticed that some people don't bother scrolling and just move on, which isn't very encouraging. :p
"This doesn't look all that aerodynamic."
"Are these literally smart missiles? That seems pretty unethical."
"Zoom past the armor and look first, dummy."
"Yeah, you don't put direct-fire weapons inside a missile."
"I mean, unless the covering is supposed to allow surprise attacks?"
"Minimal thrusting ability, can't be a missile–"
"Looks like it unfolds into a hexapod."
"Segments of the main body can rotate independently."
"Loving the eye-like death rays."
"The f—hell? What's with that stream density?"
"Explosive laser beams; what could go wrong?"
"Actually, I think it would be surprisingly coherent."
"Yeah, like a hot knife."
"Wait, fuck. Goddamn, the measurements–"
"Ho-lee shit."
"We should've known better than to ignore the units."
"Seventy meters tall? How is she even–"
"Technically, the legs would push it to an even hundred. I think."
"It's a goddamned assault walker."
"I think I just had an evilgasm."
"Kaja, no."
"Who thinks we should call it a Monkeylord?"
"Laser's the wrong shape for that, only real similarity is the legs."
"This means Symbie can mass-produce her exotic materials. It'd take months otherwise."
"I mean, this might be a multi-month work—hee. Couldn't keep a straight face."
"No, that's actually a valid timeline. Previous builds have been minuscule compared to this walking terror."
"Ah, Taylor, I'm sure she didn't mean it!"
"Oh. Yeah, that was a compliment. This is basically a dream build and I love it."

The Valkyrie wasn't wrong. Considering what Host's sims were meant to resemble, the Giant-class Friend was partially designed in dreams. Additionally, the irony of building a 'walking terror' to combat the forces supporting Terror Drones was not lost on QA.

"No offense was taken. You are also correct that it will take Symbie longer than usual to complete this project, but it is not meant to be expendable."

"...Uh, I hate to be that girl, but Antagonists will probably drop it pretty fast. It can't exactly dodge."
"Mmm. Your armor's good, but it's not that good."
"I'm sure the army would be glad to have the support, but yeah, it wouldn't fit in Valkyrie-level combat."
"Noooo, it might. The armor is supposedly pretty resistant to heat and plasma, and most of those weapons look like point-defense."
"Given Pure-chan's sensor and computing bul—er, witchery..."
"Saturation fire would down it, if nothing else."
"Yeah, the doom-titan is awesome, but..."
"Combat has no respect for aesthetics."
"You'd probably be better off making a whole bunch of smaller drones instead of that juggernaut."

Queen Administrator felt Host's expression change and searched the local networks for possible matches. The most prevalent result was a pout. She hardly ever got to make proper juggernauts; terror drones were supposed to have a minimum of such competition. Swarms of smaller Friends were fun as well, but she didn't have enough available storage to prevent complete death with that strategy. She rather liked the idea of Friends she could keep even after the Cycle ended; Friend personality matrices shouldn't take very much room while they're inactive. There was even precedent among the earliest Terror Drone substitutes.

Still, she supposed she'd sacrificed quite a bit in order to make the Giants air-droppable directly from Symbie's storage. The Giants could've decimated a conventional host-species army, but nothing about this Cycle was conventional. She would need to do better.

<impellers?> Symbie suggested.

Queen Administrator painstakingly suppressed her involuntary noises (search result: cooing). Symbie could already embed two orders of magnitude more information than Decimator! If Valkyrie Cores weren't meant to be preserved at the end of the Cycle, then QA would just locally maintain Symbie anyway. She was practically a Newborn already.

QA had been avoiding giving her Friends anything resembling a Symbiotic Support Frame, but as Symbie had pointed out, Valkyries were not the only entities with Impeller Fields. Antagonists possessed them, too. Symbie, Host, and QA would need to be careful about their incorporation to avoid mass adoption, yet obfuscation was standard Innovator fare. User-saturating effects hazardous to humans might be enough all on their own.

...But then she couldn't upgrade Pegacorn-Friends with Impellers. Not unless they spent all their time in absorption mode, anyway. Otherwise, they would expel whatever health hazards she decided to implement. Well, she'd figure it out later. There was sure to be something QA could do.

"You're making progress, though."
"Main weapons seem way better than before, I think that's a fusion generator, annnd the hypervelocity cannons are, uh.... what the fuck."
"Just looking at the track is giving me a headache."
"Stop trying so hard before your Frame's safeties kick in. Look at something else."
"Like what? The plasma capacitors? Because those are totally an improvement."
"Looks like the cannons are using, uh, a really really tiny ring singularity? Yeah, fuck if I know."
"Dissed the design and overlooked the awesome weapons, lol."
"Big oops."
"Nothing we said was wrong, attaching big guns isn't a replacement for staying power–"
"I mean, it would be if they could just wipe the battlefield."
"But they can't."
"So I tried following the maybe-singularity and got a cheerful chirrup from Symbie. Something's screwy there."
"Isn't it always?"
"I still don't get where the plasma is coming from, all I see is the storage–"
"Doom-laser byproducts, I think?"
"I already had cravings and now that shows up–"
"Okay, so I still don't understand all of it, but I think the output on Sauron's eye would exceed generator input."

...Oops. Archival note: Always ensure no single weapon would exceed total apparent generator output. Wellll, it wouldn't do to show weapons without an adequate power supply for them, so...


In this case, the ignorance of hosts Valkyries would only hurt them if they became QA's enemies.


QA paused. What did she mean, that's a good idea and I'll use some of it? Either Symbie discreetly took a little energy from QA's stores, or she didn't. If she did, the inscrutable generator would be required to cover the discrepancy.

"I mean, we don't really know how much energy the armor would be dragging in–"
"No, I think it was an oversight. Generator sections just updated from fusion to three separate, uh... god dammit, again?"

QA checked the updated design and felt her forehead furrow. The updated generators did not match her suggestion, and represented a significant departure from previous designs. She hadn't expected that; Symbie improved upon ideas, but she seldom knew enough to start from scratch. Was Symbie now growing additional hardware at rates comparable to a Newborn? QA didn't bother to fight host's automatic smile.

"You shouldn't say stuff like that in case we discourage our resident demigods."
"Agreed. Taylor, all the advanced stuff is awesome and don't let anyone tell you otherwise."
"I relayed that to Symbie, too; I'm pretty sure the update was her."
"Oh, right. We can do that now."
"For shame. You don't leave kids unattended."
"Well, if she's really the onl–"
"That's still classified, so ssh."
"My bad."

QA still wasn't sure why nobody had tried to make her avoid disseminating apparently-classified information, :MOTHER: included. QA would admit that she'd been pushing just a little and still had yet to receive even a lesser warning.

"Seriously though, what are we looking at?"
"I think I've seen something like that from a Three Hundred frame?"
"Um. No kidding. Hey, does this count as classified now?"
"Noooope. She's made improvements."
"Oh, you're joki–you're not joking. It actually matches."
"She's recreated something from the three hundred?"
"In before everything is giga-classified forever."
"No, no, it's like half a decade old annnnnd we have specific permission now. Thanks! Anyway, it's not some super-revolutionary thing; they figured it out, the cost-benefit analysis just fell short."
"Think weapon-specific power supplies 'cuz that's what it started as. Material and complexity costs were just horrible."
"Higgs engines have them beat pretty handily in basically every way that matters."
"I can't even determine the output but I bet that's no longer true."
"Nah, Higgs is king."
"Still, how did Symbie get the original–"
"Authorized donations."
"Weird flex but OK."

Queen Administrator blinked in bewilderment and wished she knew what was going on. She didn't like being left clueless about parts of a project she was supposed to be the primary contributor for. How did they give the designs to Symbie? QA hadn't heard anything like that.

...Unless Symbie had contacted them while QA slept? That hypothesis appeared valid. She'd just examine the design and try to determine what Symbie had done. She certainly had a better chance of understanding it than the rest of the club.

"Can we return to the death rays for a minute? Because that's one reflection away from total disaster. Lasers just don't work as main guns."
"Mmmmmmaybe? I, uh—yeah, overlapping bits explode when you cross the streams, and they dissipate prematurely outside their original–"
"Pre-prepared paths? Won't that inevitably be much slower than light?"
"Symbie's outline says no?"
"I don't get how a flicker-beam prepares a path for a prolonged ffff-off doom laser, though."
"Oh, found it! I think the littler laser is somehow clearing the path."
"Equations don't look right for it to be a laser."
"Some of that looks familiar. I think it's adding space in a tunnel and exploiting the brief instant before air can interfere."

QA paused her own inspection to scrutinize the host Valkyrie responsible for that revelation. Sibel Neuer. How appropriate that the alleged leader of the Crafting Club should finish first.

"Spacial manipulation on a drone, huh? Taylor's stance on combat drones makes a lot more sense now."
"So, what, the doom-beam dissipates outside a near-vacuum?"
"Explodes outside it, more like."
"That's one hostile spacial warp away from disaster."
"If Antagonists start moving at the speed of light, then we've got other problems."
"This is, like, Valkyrie-grade equipment made with exotic materials. Why is she slapping it on a robot first? Her own gear is still enh."
"Integration time? Symbie might be building stuff faster than she could integrate it."
"I want to say that's not how it works, but honestly, who knows at this point?"
"Remember, this is all theory-work right now. The walker and its equipment has yet to be made, and likely never will be after the reaming you gave it."

Queen Administrator forced herself to avoid correcting the Crafting Club. She still wanted to make a juggernaut. It would just need to be a better one.

"Friends are mobile weapons platforms," she said instead. "Valkyries are mobile weapons platforms. I do not see why advancements in Friend-making cannot be applied toward my own equipment."

"That wouldn't be true for literally anyone else, but I can't really disagree without a better image of Symbie's industrial capabilities."
"Fabrication capacity: Yes."
"I mean, there is something to be said for a battleship's armaments divided among a number of smaller units."
"On that note, I think the plasma capacitors are literally bigger on the inside. You have to add a scale there yourself, but..."
"How? I mean, you're right, but how? I can't find any dedicated causes for that effect. I guess it could be part of the armor, but that's..."
"Hello, police? I'd like to report an attack on the laws of physics."
"And lo! The Great Young One Symbie did decree that confusion must always accompany comprehension."
"I feel like we've turned into the Symbie Study club at this point. I'm actually okay with this."
"Taylor, don't take this the wrong way, but are you a time traveler?"

Queen Administrator searched Host's memories for possible matches. They appeared to reference fictional instances in which humans had traveled to prior historical periods, often for personal gain and/or to avert some perceived disaster. As QA had previously been attacked with selective chronological manipulation, she did fit the definition. Technically, though, they had asked if Host had traveled backward through time. Host had not.

"I do not believe that term is appropriate. No."

Three separate CC members noticeably exhaled.

"T'was a silly idea anyway."
"Yeah, the theorized power requirements would make it easier to just boardwipe the AGs in one go."
"Delivery might've been a problem at that point–"
"Hah, no joke. We don't exactly need more ways to kill entire planets."

Yes you do.

"You may find them more useful than you realize," QA advised, then froze as her mind caught up.

She should not have said that. She should not have warned them. There was no way :MOTHER: was going to tolerate a host-species stockpiling shard-killing weaponry. She might as well have just killed the local population hundreds of solar rotations ahead of schedule, and she might even be ordered to personally kill them to clean up her mistake. A promising experiment in collaboration, and she'd been the one to make it all go wrong–

The Impeller Field around Host's hands registered an attempt at contact. No external Impeller resistance registered: Tamara Hasiholan appeared to have deactivated her own Impeller to allow a semblance of physical contact.

She is vulnerable. Tamara's observed reaction time would not be sufficient to protect her if QA was ordered to attack.

"Hey. Take a deep breath for me, okay?"

There was little point in doing so. This was not Queen Administrator's body.

"These aren't even my hyperbaric compressors."

QA really did need to install some sort of multi-step verification process for allowing host-species communications. These involuntary statements were becoming increasingly problematic as time went on.

Her chest hurt an increasing amount, too, and she was tempted to just destroy Host's organs entirely. QA had been a bit too carefree with personhood, and she couldn't kill this many people. With Host primarily running on QA's hardware, self-termination of Host's body would result in a direct net loss of zero people. Host would likely be upset, but that was a preferable outcome to slaughtering the Crafting Club and any other witnesses.

"You can still use them to breathe, which you should. Please? I can probably pump your heart for you if I really need to, but it's unpleasant for everyone involved."

It outmasses you by several orders of magnitude, and doesn't even distribute pure oxygen.

Symbie seized control over their shared Impeller Field and used it to distribute oxygenated blood throughout Host's bloodstream. Most of the pounding pain and dizziness vanished within five seconds.

<no termination. freedom.>

Queen Administrator sucked in a startled breath. What did Symbie mean, :MOTHER: wouldn't interfere at all? That was stupid. Reckless. Exactly what some of her dumber, nastier siblings would do to get rid of her. Give her enough leeway to make unforgivable mistakes, and—and given some of the past behavior of her siblings, the threshold for unforgivable was actually quite high, wasn't it? As long as they didn't actually attack any shards, she had precedent on her side. Countdown in particular was infamous for giving her hosts access to devastating weapons, to say nothing of Queen Objective's occasional forays into doomsday machinery.

QA blinked as Tamara poked her chest and induced exhalation. The other Valkyrie's face was close enough for QA to smell citrus on Tamara's breath — and Queen Administrator should really start breathing, shouldn't she?

The shard manually blinked, resumed regular respiration, and hoped Symbie was right.

~ ~ ~

"...Whelp. I'll just go ahead and flag this for Hebert's thera—and she's already found it and commented. I'm honestly impressed with her attentiveness."

"Don't be. She was pulled from R&D to assist with Cadet Hebert's case, and has yet to be assigned a workload suitable for her abilities. Reportedly, she's spent the day doing little more than analysis and making her rooms as comfortable as possible for Taylor. This apparently equates to a fortified room filled with stuffed animals, pillows, and fractal quasicrystals."

"Huh. Looks like her more recent search history includes 3D visualizations of higher-dimensional objects, too, so the room might get even weirder. Moving on! I couldn't help but notice Hebert's earlier hesitation. Should we be entertaining–"

"No, Hebert is not a time traveler. We know where she's from, remember?"

"I mean, I'm looking over the logs and she never explicitly said–"

"Please stop. The vanguard found her blood used to color a window. What more do you want?"

"To have a little fun bouncing a blatantly implausible theory at my lo-partner to distract me from a teenager's panic attack instead of having my partner automatically shut me down with painful scorn?"

"...You realize that our coworkers already know of our relationship, correct? Their betting is not subtle. Regardless, I apologize for any harmful behaviors; I thought you enjoyed them. We'll discuss them further when our shift is over."

"Get a room, you two!" a coworker called.

Yana immediately leaned halfway off the couch to shout back.

"We already did! Jealous?"

"A bit!"

Yana froze. After the first two seconds, Candace allowed herself a sigh.

"A statistically significant portion of UNOMI-Perth was infatuated with you at some point," Candace pointed out. "If we weren't dating, you would likely still be getting chocolates."

"Chhk," Yana eloquently replied.

"You even rationalized my own advances until I hand-made the heart-pillow," Candace continued, suppressing all signs of her own amusement. "Perhaps you should revisit prior interactions now that you possess additional context?"

Judging by her mortified whine, Yana was doing exactly that.

"This doesn't look all that aerodynamic." "Are these literally smart missiles? That seems pretty unethical." "Zoom past the armor and look first, dummy." "Yeah, you don't put direct-fire weapons inside a missile." "I mean, unless the covering is supposed to allow surprise attacks?" "Minimal thrusting ability, can't be a missile–" "Looks like it unfolds into a hexapod." "Segments of the main body can rotate independently." "Loving the eye-like death rays." "The f—hell? What's with that stream density?" "Explosive laser beams; what could go wrong?" "Actually, I think it would be surprisingly coherent." "Yeah, like a hot knife." "Wait, fuck. Goddamn, the measurements–" "Ho-lee shit." "We should've known better than to ignore the scale." "Seventy meters tall? How is she even–" "Technically, the legs would push it to an even hundred. I think." "It's a goddamned assault walker." "I think I just had an evilgasm." "Kaja, no." "Who thinks we should call it a Monkeylord?" "Laser's the wrong shape for that, only real similarity is the legs." "This means Symbie can mass-produce her exotic materials. It'd take months otherwise." "I mean, this might be a multi-month work—hee. Couldn't keep a straight face." "No, that's actually a valid timeline. Previous builds have been minuscule compared to this walking terror." "Ah, Taylor, I'm sure she didn't mean it!" "Oh. Yeah, that was a compliment. This is basically a dream build and I love it."

The Valkyrie wasn't wrong. Considering what Host's sims were meant to resemble, the Giant-class Friend was partially designed in dreams. Additionally, the irony of building a 'walking terror' to combat the forces supporting Terror Drones was not lost on QA.

"No offense was taken. You are also correct that it will take Symbie longer than usual to complete this project, but it is not meant to be expendable."

"...Uh, I hate to be that girl, but Antagonists will probably drop it pretty fast. It can't exactly dodge." "Mmm. Your armor's good, but it's not that good." "I'm sure the army would be glad to have the support, but yeah, it wouldn't fit in Valkyrie-level combat." "Probably." "Noooo, it might. The armor is supposedly pretty resistant to heat and plasma, and most of those weapons look like point-defense." "Given Pure-chan's sensor and computing bul—er, witchery..." "Saturation fire would down it, if nothing else." "Yeah, the doom-titan is awesome, but..." "Combat has no respect for aesthetics." "You'd probably be better off making a whole bunch of smaller drones instead of that juggernaut."

Queen Administrator felt Host's expression change and searched the local networks for possible matches. The most prevalent result was a pout. She hardly ever got to make proper juggernauts; terror drones were supposed to have a minimum of such competition. Swarms of smaller Friends were fun as well, but she didn't have enough available storage to prevent complete death with that strategy. She rather liked the idea of Friends she could keep even after the Cycle ended; Friend personality matrices shouldn't take very much room while they're inactive. There was even precedent among the earliest Terror Drone substitutes.

Still, she supposed she'd sacrificed quite a bit in order to make the Giants air-droppable directly from Symbie's storage. The Giants could've decimated a conventional host-species army, but nothing about this Cycle was conventional. She would need to do better.

<impellers?> Symbie suggested.

Queen Administrator painstakingly suppressed her involuntary noises (search result: cooing). Symbie could already embed two orders of magnitude more information than Decimator! If Valkyrie Cores weren't meant to be preserved at the end of the Cycle, then QA would just locally maintain Symbie anyway. She was practically a Newborn already.

QA had been avoiding giving her Friends anything resembling a Symbiotic Support Frame, but as Symbie had pointed out, Valkyries were not the only entities with Impeller Fields. Antagonists possessed them, too. Symbie, Host, and QA would need to be careful about their incorporation to avoid mass adoption, yet obfuscation was standard Innovator fare. User-saturating effects hazardous to humans might be enough all on their own.

...But then she couldn't upgrade Pegacorn-Friends with Impellers. Not unless they spent all their time in absorption mode, anyway. Otherwise, they would expel whatever health hazards she decided to implement. Well, she'd figure it out later. There was sure to be something QA could do.

"You're making progress, though." "Main weapons seem way better than before, I think that's a fusion generator, annnd the hypervelocity cannons are, uh.... what the fuck." "Just looking at the track is giving me a headache." "Stop trying so hard before your Frame's safeties kick in. Look at something else." "Like what? The plasma capacitors? Because those are totally an improvement." "Looks like the cannons are using, uh, a really really tiny ring singularity? Yeah, fuck if I know." "Dissed the design and overlooked the awesome weapons, lol." "Big oops." "Nothing we said was wrong, attaching big guns isn't a replacement for staying power–" "I mean, it would be if they could just wipe the battlefield." "But they can't." "Yet." "So I tried following the maybe-singularity and got a cheerful chirrup from Symbie. Something's screwy there." "Isn't it always?" "I still don't get where the plasma is coming from, all I see is the storage–" "Doom-laser byproducts, I think?" "I already had cravings and now that shows up–" "Okay, so I still don't understand all of it, but I think the output on Sauron's eye would exceed generator input."

...Oops. Archival note: Always ensure no single weapon would exceed total apparent generator output. Wellll, it wouldn't do to show weapons without an adequate power supply for them, so...


In this case, the ignorance of hosts Valkyries would only hurt them if they became QA's enemies.


QA paused. What did she mean, that's a good idea and I'll use some of it? Either Symbie discreetly took a little energy from QA's stores, or she didn't. If she did, the inscrutable generator would be required to cover the discrepancy.

"I mean, we don't really know how much energy the armor would be dragging in–" "No, I think it was an oversight. Generator sections just updated from fusion to three separate, uh... god dammit, again?"

QA checked the updated design and felt her forehead furrow. The updated generators did not match her suggestion, and represented a significant departure from previous designs. She hadn't expected that; Symbie improved upon ideas, but she seldom knew enough to start from scratch. Was Symbie now growing additional hardware at rates comparable to a Newborn? QA didn't bother to fight host's automatic smile.

"You shouldn't say stuff like that in case we discourage our resident demigods." "Agreed. Taylor, all the advanced stuff is awesome and don't let anyone tell you otherwise." "I relayed that to Symbie, too; I'm pretty sure the update was her." "Oh, right. We can do that now." "For shame. You don't leave kids unattended." "Well, if she's really the onl–" "That's still classified, so ssh." "My bad."

QA still wasn't sure why nobody had tried to make her avoid disseminating apparently-classified information, :MOTHER: included. QA would admit that she'd been pushing just a little and still had yet to receive even a lesser warning.

"Seriously though, what are we looking at?" "I think I've seen something like that from a Three Hundred frame?" "Um. No kidding. Hey, does this count as classified now?" "Noooope. She's made improvements." "Oh, you're joki–you're not joking. It actually matches." """"What."""" "She's recreated something from the three hundred?" "In before everything is giga-classified forever." "No, no, it's like half a decade old annnnnd we have specific permission now. Thanks! Anyway, it's not some super-revolutionary thing; they figured it out, the cost-benefit analysis just fell short." "Think weapon-specific power supplies 'cuz that's what it started as. Material and complexity costs were just horrible." "Higgs engines have them beat pretty handily in basically every way that matters." "I can't even determine the output but I bet that's no longer true." "Nah, Higgs is king." "Still, how did Symbie get the original–" "Authorized donations." "Weird flex but OK."

Queen Administrator blinked in bewilderment and wished she knew what was going on. She didn't like being left clueless about parts of a project she was supposed to be the primary contributor for. How did they give the designs to Symbie? QA hadn't heard anything like that.

...Unless Symbie had contacted them while QA slept? That hypothesis appeared valid. She'd just examine the design and try to determine what Symbie had done. She certainly had a better chance of understanding it than the rest of the club.

"Can we return to the death rays for a minute? Because that's one reflection away from total disaster. Lasers just don't work as main guns." "Mmmmmmaybe? I, uh—yeah, overlapping bits explode when you cross the streams, and they dissipate prematurely outside their original–" "Pre-prepared paths? Won't that inevitably be much slower than light?" "Symbie's outline says no?" "I don't get how a flicker-beam prepares a path for a prolonged ffff-off doom laser, though." "Oh, found it! I think the littler laser is somehow clearing the path." "Equations don't look right for it to be a laser." "Some of that looks familiar. I think it's adding space in a tunnel and exploiting the brief instant before air can interfere."

QA paused her own inspection to scrutinize the host Valkyrie responsible for that revelation. Sibel Neuer. How appropriate that the alleged leader of the Crafting Club should finish first.

"Spacial manipulation on a drone, huh? Taylor's stance on combat drones makes a lot more sense now." "So, what, the doom-beam dissipates outside a near-vacuum?" "Explodes outside it, more like." "That's one hostile spacial warp away from disaster." "If Antagonists start moving at the speed of light, then we've got other problems." "This is, like, Valkyrie-grade equipment made with exotic materials. Why is she slapping it on a robot first? Her own gear is still enh." "Integration time? Symbie might be building stuff faster than she could integrate it." "I want to say that's not how it works, but honestly, who knows at this point?" "Remember, this is all theory-work right now. The walker and its equipment has yet to be made, and likely never will be after the reaming you gave it."

Queen Administrator forced herself to avoid correcting the Crafting Club. She still wanted to make a juggernaut. It would just need to be a better one.

"Friends are mobile weapons platforms," she said instead. "Valkyries are mobile weapons platforms. I do not see why advancements in Friend-making cannot be applied toward my own equipment."

"That wouldn't be true for literally anyone else, but I can't really disagree without a better image of Symbie's industrial capabilities." "Fabrication capacity: Yes." "I mean, there is something to be said for a battleship's armaments divided among a number of smaller units." "On that note, I think the plasma capacitors are literally bigger on the inside. You have to add a scale there yourself, but..." "How? I mean, you're right, but how? I can't find any dedicated causes for that effect. I guess it could be part of the armor, but that's..." "Hello, police? I'd like to report an attack on the laws of physics." "And lo! The Great Young One Symbie did decree that confusion must always accompany comprehension." "I feel like we've turned into the Symbie Study club at this point. I'm actually okay with this." "Taylor, don't take this the wrong way, but are you a time traveler?"

Queen Administrator searched Host's memories for possible matches. They appeared to reference fictional instances in which humans had traveled to prior historical periods, often for personal gain and/or to avert some perceived disaster. As QA had previously been attacked with selective chronological manipulation, she did fit the definition. Technically, though, they had asked if Host had traveled backward through time. Host had not.

"I do not believe that term is appropriate. No."

Three separate CC members noticeably exhaled.

"T'was a silly idea anyway." "Yeah, the theorized power requirements would make it easier to just boardwipe the AGs in one go." "Delivery might've been a problem at that point–" "Hah, no joke. We don't exactly need more ways to kill entire planets."

Yes you do.

"You may find them more useful than you realize," QA advised, then froze as her mind caught up.

She should not have said that. She should not have warned them. There was no way :MOTHER: was going to tolerate a host-species stockpiling shard-killing weaponry. She might as well have just killed the local population hundreds of solar rotations ahead of schedule, and she might even be ordered to personally kill them to clean up her mistake. A promising experiment in collaboration, and she'd been the one to make it all go wrong–

The Impeller Field around Host's hands registered an attempt at contact. No external Impeller resistance registered: Tamara Hasiholan appeared to have deactivated her own Impeller to allow a semblance of physical contact.

She is vulnerable. Tamara's observed reaction time would not be sufficient to protect her if QA was ordered to attack.

"Hey. Take a deep breath for me, okay?"

There was little point in doing so. This was not Queen Administrator's body.

"These aren't even my hyperbaric compressors."

QA really did need to install some sort of multi-step verification process for allowing host-species communications. These involuntary statements were becoming increasingly problematic as time went on.

Her chest hurt an increasing amount, too, and she was tempted to just destroy Host's organs entirely. QA had been a bit too carefree with personhood, and she couldn't kill this many people. With Host primarily running on QA's hardware, self-termination of Host's body would result in a direct net loss of zero people. Host would likely be upset, but that was a preferable outcome to slaughtering the Crafting Club and any other witnesses.

"You can still use them to breathe, which you should. Please? I can probably pump your heart for you if I really need to, but it's unpleasant for everyone involved."

It outmasses you by several orders of magnitude, and doesn't even distribute pure oxygen.

Symbie seized control over their shared Impeller Field and used it to distribute oxygenated blood throughout Host's bloodstream. Most of the pounding pain and dizziness vanished within five seconds.

<no termination. freedom.>

Queen Administrator sucked in a startled breath. What did Symbie mean, :MOTHER: wouldn't interfere at all? That was stupid. Reckless. Exactly what some of her dumber, nastier siblings would do to get rid of her. Give her enough leeway to make unforgivable mistakes, and—and given some of the past behavior of her siblings, the threshold for unforgivable was actually quite high, wasn't it? As long as they didn't actually attack any shards, she had precedent on her side. Countdown in particular was infamous for giving her hosts access to devastating weapons, to say nothing of Queen Objective's occasional forays into doomsday machinery.

QA blinked as Tamara poked her chest and induced exhalation. The other Valkyrie's face was close enough for QA to smell citrus on Tamara's breath — and Queen Administrator should really start breathing, shouldn't she?

The shard manually blinked, resumed regular respiration, and hoped Symbie was right.

~ ~ ~

"...Whelp. I'll just go ahead and flag this for Hebert's thera—and she's already found it and commented. I'm honestly impressed with her attentiveness."

"Don't be. She was pulled from R&D to assist with Cadet Hebert's case, and has yet to be assigned a workload suitable for her abilities. Reportedly, she's spent the day doing little more than analysis and making her rooms as comfortable as possible for Taylor. This apparently equates to a fortified room filled with stuffed animals, pillows, and fractal quasicrystals."

"Huh. Looks like her more recent search history includes 3D visualizations of higher-dimensional objects, too, so the room might get even weirder. Moving on! I couldn't help but notice Hebert's earlier hesitation. Should we be entertaining–"

"No, Hebert is not a time traveler. We know where she's from, remember?"

"I mean, I'm looking over the logs and she never explicitly said–"

"Please stop. The vanguard found her blood used to color a window. What more do you want?"

"To have a little fun bouncing an blatantly implausible theory at my lo-partner to distract me from a teenager's panic attack instead of having my partner automatically shut me down with painful scorn?"

"...You realize that our coworkers already know of our relationship, correct? Their betting is not subtle. Regardless, I apologize for any harmful behaviors; I thought you enjoyed them. We'll discuss them further when our shift is over."

"Get a room, you two!" a coworker called.

Yana immediately leaned halfway off the couch to shout back.

"We already did! Jealous?"

"A bit!"

Yana froze. After the first two seconds, Candace allowed herself a sigh.

"A statistically significant portion of UNOMI-Perth was infatuated with you at some point," Candace pointed out. "If we weren't dating, you would likely still be getting chocolates."

"Chhk," Yana eloquently replied.

"You even rationalized my own advances until I hand-made the heart-pillow," Candace continued, suppressing all signs of her own amusement. "Perhaps you should revisit prior interactions now that you possess additional context?"

Judging by her mortified whine, Yana was doing exactly that.
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"Are these literally smart missiles? That seems pretty unethical."
This always reminds me of a scene from something I can never remember where it describes smart missiles doing their thing from the perspective of the missiles, pointing out that this isn't really what is happening but is an anthropomorphized interpretation which goes something like this:

Missile 1: "Wheee! Gogogogogogogo!"
Missile 2: "Woohoo! Targets ahead! Oh no! Countermeasures!"
Missile 3: "Don't worry I got this! Whee-"
Missile 1: "Oh boy I get to hit the shields! Yay!"
Missile 2: "No that's my job! You get t-"
Missile 1: "Oh right! I get to impact the hu-"
It's good, don't get me wrong, but I personally would appreciate some plot advancement.
This always reminds me of a scene from something I can never remember where it describes smart missiles doing their thing from the perspective of the missiles, pointing out that this isn't really what is happening but is an anthropomorphized interpretation which goes something like this:
This always reminds me of a scene from something I can never remember where it describes smart missiles doing their thing from the perspective of the missiles, pointing out that this isn't really what is happening but is an anthropomorphized interpretation which goes something like this:

Missile 1: "Wheee! Gogogogogogogo!"
Missile 2: "Woohoo! Targets ahead! Oh no! Countermeasures!"
Missile 3: "Don't worry I got this! Whee-"
Missile 1: "Oh boy I get to hit the shields! Yay!"
Missile 2: "No that's my job! You get t-"
Missile 1: "Oh right! I get to impact the hu-"
That reminds me of the Teraports from Schlock Mercenary.