Burden of the Emerald Empire (A Legend of the Five Rings Tale)

Winter Court XIII: Keeper of the Arts of Light and Shadow
'Kyuden' Kaeru, Month of the Rat 20th day

It had been something of a private joke between you and Kotaro as the word spread of your intentions. First the great sense of despair that all this effort had been in essence wasted, and then the quiet scrambling to find something anything else to focus on now that your will had been made known. That the Amethyst Champion had been bullied into taking on a successor via a short series of contests had been somewhat inspired.

Now you wait for them to realize that you have just ensured many of the most powerful, prestigious and skilled shugenja of a generation are going to be doing courtly battle in the lair of the Scorpion.

The words of your Kizoku come back to you
"I can't tell whether that was evil or not my Emperor, but it's sure to be a show"

A show indeed, hopefully with Ayumi as your lover Paneki won't feel any particular need to ensure truly tragic accidents. You make a mental note to warn him off of that.

Its one thing to see the air kami steal everyone's obi, quite another for someone to fall down a flight of stairs while screaming that the flying tortoise did it. Although you hoped that one was more story than fact.

Which brought you back to the present, as the steady sound of snow crunches underneath your sandals, and you look up at the Lion compound where the story competition is about to be held. It should be a decent way to pass the time at least, even if nothing else of import seems set to happen this court. It's not so bad to have that from time to time.

Isshin holds out a hand. "Mikado, there's something strange here."

The young Seppun had been at some point promoted to your chief bodyguard after the incident with Ayumi. A part of you suspected that you could lay the blame for that on Kotaro, but it wasn't like you had a problem with him.

You tilt your head around slightly listening for a moment.
The quiet was not deafening, but it was audible...and yet...

"An ambush?" You ask. "But I don't sense any hostile intent."

"Nor I my Emperor, but at the same time, we are being watched and not by the Miharu." Isshin says firmly.

"The guard swept the way before we came did they not?" You ask.

"Hai, but that does not change the situation." Isshin says.

Slowly, you draw Burden from its sheathe.

"Alright, come out, if you're here to kill me let's get this over with, I have a competition to spectate." You call.

Isshin draws his own sword and looks at you with some concern.
"My Emperor, I must insist I fight the threat first."

"Of course" You agree.

A deep baritone chuckle as a figure seems to emerge from the shadow of the lanterns. A dark brown cloak covers him as he pulls down his hood revealing a face coloured darker than any Ivindi that you had ever seen, darker than the people of the Sands or Senpet. He bows and smiles. The description matches, one of the fabled Zanj, which raises several questions that you will absolutely be tearing out of Shika later.

"Emperor of the Rokugani" his accent you can't place it, it's soft but with hidden edges like a seashore with sand and rock.

"Zanj" You say.

Isshin snarls. "Shall I slay him for trespassing on holy soil?"

You raise a hand.
"I want to hear what compels this Zanj to darken my sight in the first place."

The Zanj smiles again.
"They told me you were a hard one, but iron is too soft for you. I am Hagaos Issa in your tongue, Priest of the High Fire, Keeper of the Art of Light and Shadow, and Servant of the Sacred Freedom. I come to speak to you, to teach the Liberation of The Sacred Flames, so that you and your people might know eternal joy and rest."

"You speak blasphemy Kairiyah. For a thousand years we have followed the Fortunes and the wisdom of Shinsei, your Sacred Flame holds no power here." You say.

"So you know a little of our tongue....as for no power" He holds up his hand and jade grows out of it. "I do not believe that is true, but I see your heart is closed. Thus I give you a week o Emperor marshal your best arguments your best priests, let us challenge wisdom under the sight of the Sacred Flame, unless that is, you lack faith in your gods?" Hagaos asks.

"I lack no faith I have met my gods, can you say the same Zanj?" You ask.

"I can, an interesting debate it is."

"There will be no debate Zanj" you say. "We made no deception, any of your priests who step on our land dies." You nod slightly

Isshin moves, his blade in motion cleaving through the Zanj in one clear stroke.
Only for it to disappear in a wisp of flame.

"One week, I await you in the central courtyard of your keep!" Hagaos says with laughter.

Then just as suddenly as you felt his presence he disappeared. You sheathe your blade, looking at the spot where Hagaos stood.

Isshin turns to you and kowtows.
"Forgive me, I have failed my duty and offer my seppukku to you oh Emperor."

"Life for now Seppun-san, I doubt even my Champion could have killed a living flame in one cut." You say.

"A living flame?"

You gesture to where a pool of water now begins to freeze where Hagaos was.

"I don't think he was ever really here." You say.

"My Emperor, what do you intend to do? If he proclaims his challenge in the court yard...."

"Then I will have to answer, I have Burden with me, I cannot allow a challenge to Lady Sun and Lord Moon to go unanswered." You say. "That and I suspect trying to kill him will go as well as it did this time."

"The Miharu could surely bind him in time" Isshin says loyal to his kin.

"Perhaps, perhaps." You muse. "Let's go to the competition." You say striding forward as Isshin stands up.

[] You will debate Hagaos yourself, in the coming week you will prepare, challenge yourself, and when a week passes you will make that man eat his words with your own.
[] You are no priest, thus you will ask Horiuchi Shem-Zhe to debate in your place
[] Togashi Shika owes you for this, and you're sure she's around somewhere, she will debate for you
[] Let the Hidden Guard trap and kill him. This might impact your jade supply, but you warned them, you really did. Of course if it doesn't work you don't really have a back up plan.
Winter Court XIII: The Quiet Debate
Month of the Rat 27th day

The sun shone brightly as the cool winter winds blew away the clouds. The snow seemed to dance in the wind as you stood in the central courtyard. Beside you Horiuchi Shem-Zhe say on a small stool over a large cauldron of water as he prayed through his own ways for guidance from the Fortunes and the Kami in this coming debate.

If you didn't show up, Hagaos would just preach to everyone there and lay bare your own inability to stop him. If you did, you gave them that one thing they had wanted several years ago. However, as per your usual idiom, you had decided on the third option. You had arrived but you would not debate him, indeed you would be showing your back to him the entire time and allowing Shem-Zhe to take the lead.

You had also emptied the courtyard and the surroundings of any spectators. Only the Hidden Guard surrounded the area, and behind you Isshin stood looking grim.

"It's noon, he said under the light of the sun...he might well be more powerful at this time" Isshin says.

Shem-Zhe looks up from his cauldron. "Regardless the kami stand ready, we've spoken to those where you met him first. If we are correct, then the lashes that the guard prepare should catch him."

There's a silence then as a flash of flame appears in front of you. It crackles as great stone ropes erupt from the ground and wrap around the flame seeking to tie the fire down and snuff it out. More and more stone moves directed by the Miharu, and it seems like their power is enough.

And then a single arm emerges from the fire through the web of stone and touches one strand then another, with each touch an ashen symbol appears and the stone crumbles.

The web collapses, and Issaos Hagaos, walks out with a smile.
"That was a good one Toturi! But you cannot chain down the fires of freedom so easily!"

You just scowls a little.

"Iuchi-san I leave it to you." You say and turn around.

Hagaos doesn't say anything, but you want to imagine his chagrin, that he knows you've beaten him this time.

Instead he says.
"Even a single life brought to freedom brings joy the Creator of Light and Shadow. Iuchi Shem-Zhe thank you for listening to me."

"You will not thank me Hagaos when I prove you wrong." Shem-Zhe says.

"Many have tried to douse the flame of liberation in my chest my friend. I hold no ill will. Even a single ember becomes a great flame in time. Did you wish to open or shall I?" Hagaos asks.

"You may go first." Shem Zhe says.

"Very well, I invoke Yehem, may he bless us this day and guides us to the truth his bright light." Hagaos says.

"With in the heart of every man, every woman, every child burns a need, a sacred need to be free, to follow their own path, to make their own choices. We all feel it deep inside. To be our own masters to rule ourselves not in the name of distant ones who do not care for us, but in for us. For the people around us that we so love. In the name of this freedom Isatu came to us with the words of Yehem. With these words my people cast off their bonds, they became free, free to chose their own way, free to live and love, free to escape the bond of a dark world and transcend to an eternal paradise of light.

Tell me then what does the way of Shintao offer? Cycles upon cycles of death and rebirth where in you are punished for things you cannot even remember doing how is this fair? You hope, hope, that you follow enough things well to some day be allowed to one heaven, not the original, but one set aside so that we humans never tread on the feet of gods, can you truly say this is just. You who sacrifice so much receive so little for your devotion?" Hagaos finishes.

Shem Zhe listens.

"You speak of the freedom we all desire, you speak of the need to make our own way, to make our path, and how your god freed you from slavery. Then you ask how it is fair that we must go through the wheel to have a chance at heaven. How we are to be punished for things we do not even recall doing.

"Nonsense. The nature of a soul does not change so easily and we have always learned better from the burned hand then the gentle admonishment. Every life teaches and purifies the soul, every life has us grow and change to become better, stronger. Yes some lives are worse than others, some lessons are more painful than others, but that is true of anything. The gods do not hold our hands or presume us to be mere children incapable of attaining enlightenment on our own. Instead we are taught how, given a path, and all can reach it if they try. You speak so reverently of freedom, because you fought for it, you struggled for it. We fight for and struggle for enlightenment and transcendence and through this way we receive a reward greater than any paradise of light, a paradise of the soul that cannot be taken away." Shem Zhe says.

"And what of those who by your teachings are trapped forever in the realms of hell? They are abandoned because there is nothing to be done for them. Yet your gods do nothing about this. They do not seek to make it so they can escape at some point." Hagaos asks.

"Even there escape is possible it takes time but it is obtained with your own effort. You speak of freedom, but no freedom is universal. You are not free to be a monster in your own lands, you are not free to do what you will. If there is a universal need for freedom, then there is also a universal need for order, for duty. One that your people acknowledge." Shem Zhe says.

"Freedom comes only with integrity, of stoking your fire without consuming another, from that the need for hearths comes. Order only exists to keep the freedom intact, where as yours exist only to smother it out."

"Order is the only thing that keeps us safe from the madness that infests the south."

"Or is it the only thing stopping you from truly overcoming it? You think only in the past, not seeing the future potential."

"You do not know them if you think that allowing our passions unchecked would do anything but damn us all. It was passion that the Lady of Blood used to attack our people, whatever the Zanj endured, it is not equivalent to what we endure. You have not fought the demons we have, the Senpet are but children compared to the monsters we face. Our gods created our way so that we could survive and thrive. Where was your god then?"

Hagaos says nothing for sometime.

"I had assumed the tales of the South were overblown, but I will have to go see them myself before I answer your challenge my friend. I concede this round to you."

With that another flash of light and you turn around. Shem Zhe sags a little as he sits back on the stool putting his hand in the freezing water and smiling.

"What happened? I thought we had him." You ask.

"It seems we planned for fire and air but not for void, combining fire and void is not usually possible. I will have to ask the Agasha about it. Give me sometime and I can track him down" Shem-Zhe says.

"I have been informed" Isshin says. "That the Miharu are also willing to go, and bring this criminal down allowing the Jade magistrates to focus on other things."

[] Task Shem Zhe with it
[] Task the Miharu with it.

AN: Still not happy, but time's a wasting. This will be the last post of
Year 14: Young and Old
14th Year of Toturi IV's Reign, Month of the Hare, 24th day. (Early Spring)

The return from the City of Rich Frog had been both more and less eventful than you'd hoped. More because you just as you had stopped in at Shiro Akodo briefly to see your brother, his wife had gone into labor, leaving you as the proud uncle of a young boy that had wailed so loudly it had woken the entire keep up. At least that is what they're saying. You don't think that little Nazeru was quite that loud, even if you did hear it yourself. Still you're happy for them, even if it meant delaying your own journey by a few days. Maybe this will finally make them stop fighting.
A part of you really doubts it.

While that part was fine, the fact that your Miharu still hadn't found Hagaos...annoyed you immensely. They said they would have him soon, but promises were while not worthless, significantly less concrete than one would think given the tenet of sincerity in Bushido.

All of which brings you here to your council meeting. The first one since Akane had passed. The Imperial Council goes through the routine of prostration, and acceptance before rising. You, Noritoshi and Shem-Zhe all share a glance. When had you all gotten old? The three newest members of the council not a one of them was over thirty summers if that.

With a mental shrug you decide to ignore that your father had had graying hair before even reaching your age. Granted he had died the next year but...enough of that time to focus.

"Doji-san, shall we begin?" You ask.

Yuriko nods.
"The Maiden's Court was a success in many ways, while the Unicorn and Lion are unlikely to ever be true friends, their relations have thawed from the experience and both they and the Minor Clans are gratified about your decision to choose the newest Minor Clan to visit. "Minato of the Catfish Clan has said that he hopes you can visit him soon."

Ah Minato, you should check in on him one of these days. Eh, he's probably fine.

"I see so a success, and of my message to the interested parties?"

Yuriko takes out a fan unfolding it to hide her blush.
"It is known that next winter court will involve a competition for your hand my Emperor. Bayushi Paneki-san has yet to reply to this particular plan but there's no reason he won't be amenable to it. The prestige alone is good for his clan, a debut of sorts."

Ginchiyo snorts.
"As if we need reminders of the Scorpion."

"Hida-san" Yuriko says lowering her fan to fix Ginchiyo with an intense stare. "Please don't interrupt."

Ginchiyo is about to say something, but Noritoshi and Shem-Zhe join with Yuriko, and the Hida seems to back down.

You give a slight nod. Hida Ginchiyo is from Kotaro's reports absolutely brilliant in warfare and the troops seem to fear and love her in equal measure. But her political instincts...that was something you'd have to have someone beat into her. Your uncle might get through to her, the hero worship the Hida woman had for him was no secret.

Filing that thought away, you raise a hand for Yuriko to continue.

"On some what less personal but still important news for the Empire. It seems that Togashi Satsu-san has stepped down after his injuries, there was a time when it seemed that he would recover but... he has appointed Mirumoto Kei-san as his successor, while not traditional, and thus technically within the Imperial remit. Togash-san has asked you grant this citing the need for the Togashi to focus on integrating the Hoshi and Hitomi orders." Yuriko says.

You search your memory.
"Mirumoto Kei, she made a name for herself in the War of Rich Frog yes? And Later during the War of Silk and Steel?" You ask.

"Hai, Togashi-san would know more of her than I but her record shows a dutiful, strong woman with a proven track record as leader of the Mirumoto." Yuriko answers.

You look at Shiko.

Shiko shrugs a little.
"Ask a man who has not been to the ocean in three years what its like and he'll tell you clear as day what he remembers, whether the ocean is still like that, well that's a different question. Mirumoto-sama will be a fine champion, but will gaze north as Togashi-dono did." She says.

You think for a moment, and can't come up with a reason to deny Kei the championship even if you could, there's no point.

"My assent is given. Other business Doji-san?"

"Moto Chinhua-san went to the Scorpion winter court this year, stole a ride from us she did, seems to have hit off quite well with Bayushi-san, I can encourage this, or discourage it if the Emperor wills." Yuriko says.

Its clear she wants to encourage it, equally clear that it might not be in your best interest. Ninjas don't exist, but you definitely don't want ninja horses to become a thing in the imagination either.

"I see, Kakita-san?"

"I hate to be the boor who repeats the same song at every party." He glances to see if either of the Crab take the bait, but they don't.

"But I must once again bring up the matter of Otosan Uchi. While the peasants are beginning to fill it up again flowing in from Eight Wheel City, there is no official law in there, the Tortoise are doing what they can, but they lack the numbers to adequately do anything without the Great Clans providing support. Naturally no one wishes to provoke you without orders to interfere. Given that the prohibition on bringing armies to the Capitals is still in place" Nortioshi says.

"So we have left that Otosan Uchi is liable to become another Zayko Toshi if nothing is done, and for the old capital to become that...I apologize my Emperor, but it is wrong. I request permission to withdraw the Emerald Legion from its normal duties to invest and bring law back to the city. This will be a project that takes some time, so we will have to recruit more Magistrates." He finishes.

"Should we not just decide the matter of Otosan Uchi? If it is to be invested as an Imperial City granted it to one of the Imperial families, and send the Imperial Blessing there." Ginchiyo says.

"The Imperial Blessing is not to be used on Imperial lands by the order of Hantei XI, there were concerns after that particular crisis" Noritoshi says.

You frown.
"What happens if we leave it."

Noritoshi trembles. "I cannot guarantee the sanctity of the Forbidden City if we leave it." he says simply

Chitose speaks. "Ano...I have plans drawn up to begin explorations in the Spine of the World to try and find Jade mines...but I believe we should shelve it if things are that dire."

You look at her with a raised eye. Noritoshi seems torn between being grateful, and the fact that a Yasuki is helping him. On the one hand you do want Jade away from those....Zanj. But Noritoshi's prediction of the Forbidden palace being desecrated brought it's own worries.

Shem-Zhe shrugs. "I can continue work on missionaries without putting everything into it, but...I expect them to step things up after what happened." He says. Neither advocating for himself or Noritoshi.

Ginchiyo waves a hand.
"The Imperial Legion is strong, but I intend to begin fortification of the Jewelled City this month one way or another." She says.

Shiko looks at her strangely.
"Burrowing into sand does not make the seagull look away, but draws other clams to their doom. From what was said last, little has changed, but the other Powers will require Hida-san to work with them to achieve what she wants, meaning the Emperor must give assent to achieve it..."

[] Work to encourage the Scorpion Unicorn alliance and keep it from ruffling too many feathers. TN 25 (+5 Unicorn, Scorpion, -5 Lion, Crab)
[] Recall the Emerald Legion and settle the matter of Otosan Uchi once and for all. TN 25 (No positives or negatives, unlocks further choices)
[] Fortified the Jeweled City. TN 30 (+5 Crab, Lion, -5 Crane, Unicorn)
[] Survey the Spine of the World to find a Jade Mine. Variable TN +5 Scorpion, Crab, -5 Phoenix, Dragon
[] Prepare for the next missionary effort by the Zanj. TN25 (+5 Phoenix, Dragon, -5 Unicorn, Crane

AN: Old colours no longer available on new SV makes me sad, hopefully the new ones grow on me. Hope you guys enjoy.
Year 14: Order of Things
Month of the Horse, 3rd Day (Early Summer)

You really wish that you would stop winning and losing at the same time. On the one hand the Miharu had found Hagaos and killed him in a brutal, if ultimately small scale explosion of magic in Zayko Toshi. Minato was less than happy about one of the walls being blown out, but that could be fixed. Your will had been put forth and the Zanj know now no matter what they do, your laws will not be flouted.

You really hope they don't take it personally, but the cynical part of you knows they will.

However while that was something to be celebrated if quietly, the news from Otosan Uchi was less so. The Emerald Legion had dutifully formed up and gone into the city to clear out everyone and make sure that everything was safe. That was when it had gone wrong.

You sit in your throne looking at Shosuro Jimen and know that the smug bastard is grinning behind that mask of his. But no proof and more importantly killing the Imperial Chancellor no matter how satisfying, would be asking for headaches. After all he is the ambassador of the Clans to you and certain functions must be kept.

That does not stop you from fantasizing about using his head as a kemari ball.

"And that is the proposal of the Great Clans to the Illustrious Son of Heaven, may your wisdom find worth in their words." Jimen says

"I will certainly consider their merit Shosuro-san, it is a weighty topic, I will give you an answer in three days." You say.

"Of course, The Emperor must consider many things, this humble servant awaits the pleasure of being in your presence again" Jimen says .

Dear Ancestors you can feel yourself getting greasy near him.

"No doubt we will both be anticipating the experience, but for now I am sure Shosuro-san has other things to do" Your words are curt as you dismiss him

Rising from the Throne you whisper to Isshin.

"I want Otomo Kotaro, Doji Yumiko and Kakita Noritoshi in my personal dojo in one hour."

Isshin nods and passes it on. While you go change out of your formal robes.
You feel the need to hit something, hard.

An hour passes and you stand in front of a training dummy made of the finest straw in the land, fist punching through it as you think about the proposal.

The Emerald Legion had been too slow, or someone had said something but as the Magistrates left, a surge in inter clan Crime and just crime in general had hit the various postings in response the Emerald Legion had to redeploy rapidly, it had stopped the worst of it and crimes were being solved.

But it had exposed that you intended to do something with Otosan Uchi, and it had done so before you were finished and could dictate from a position of strength.

The Clans had mostly contented themselves to working against each other after your face off over the inheritance a decade ago, but a lot had changed since then and a new generation seemed inclined to probe your will.

You hear the sound of footsteps behind you and turn to look at Kotaro, Noritoshi and Yuriko all of them kowtowing, while Yuriko seems embarrassed to see you in such a state.

With a wave of your hand you bid them to stand and come watch you beat the crap out of a straw dummy closer. You definitely were not imagining it being Jimen's face under your fists, cracking and breaking as his blood splattered everywhere.

That would be wrong.

"Tenno" Kotaro greets. "My Emperor" Noritoshi and Yuriko say.

You punch the dummy again.

"Minna-san, you know why you are here yes?"

Kotaro and Noritoshi nod, but Yuriko shakes her head.

"Kakita-san, explain it for the newest member of the group." You order.

"As you wish my Emperor." Noritoshi says smoothly. "In keeping with the decision to pacify and hold Otosan Uchi I made a series of deployments carefully coordinating with local magistrates to ensure that no loss of legal enforcement happened. The plan was to spend three months pacifying Otosan Uchi and then return the Emerald Legion to its normal duties with a small caretaker force left behind. "

The Emerald Champion doesn't do anything like groan or sigh to show his immense frustration but you can feel it boiling off of him.

"We do not know who yet arranged for a series of coordinated strikes in key areas such as Ryoko Owari, Kaeru Toshi, Zayko Toshi, Mura Saibashi Toshi, and others where there are large number of different clans present, but a number of murders, apparent thefts, blackmail and kidnappings occurred almost within a few weeks of departure, the uproar was such that we never actually sent any beyond the caretaker force to Otosan Uchi. We suppressed the crime wave and found what information we could. One of my men Mirumoto Xie has determined it was a Kolat plot but I truthfully am less sure of that."

Yuriko nods.
"I see now, that was why my friends all said that a large number of clan magistrates were going to Otosan Uchi."

"Precisely" Noritoshi says. "They have effectively cleaned up the city, however in payment, they want the Imperial Throne to grant control of it, including Seppun Hill and the Forbidden Palace to the Clans with a council of sorts ruling over it."

The training dummy disintegrates.

Kotaru takes out his fan and waves it in front of him for a moment.
"Naturally while recovering the Imperial City, the arguable spiritual heart of the Hantei has redeemed the Toturi in many ways. Allowing it to become just another political piece would damage our prestige significantly. The Forbidden Palace contains a number of relics that while not directly dangerous could be used to enhance the power of any of the Clans who hold it." He shuts the fan. "And more importantly for us, the Forbidden palace contains the only stable gateway to Tengoku. To allow another to have such a direct connection to Heaven...it is unthinkable."

Yuriko nods taking out a small netsuke and opening it before closing it again.
"However, there is precedent to share the city. The past governors of the various districts did come from the Clans appointed by the Throne, asking for that to return is an appeal to tradition. It comes down to the Forbidden Palace, so long as the Emperor does not live there. They can reasonably petition for the right to oversee it, and since none of the clans would willingly allow one of them to do so, making it a shared position is a fair and balanced way to do that." She says.

"Naturally, it is a reasonable proposal in many respects, however it is entirely designed to infuriate our Emperor" Kotaro says.

You turn and give him a look.

"I mean no offense my Emperor, your anger is justified yes. However it is known that springing things on you is the quickest way to stroke your anger. Particularly on political matters" Kotaro says.

Noritoshi nods. "I have of course prepared my resignation, and if you wish me to preform the Three Cuts as well, I will."

"You have not failed me before Kakita-san, I trust you will not in the future, and I expect you to fix this mess." You say.

Yuriko looks between you and then nods, seemingly happy that her fellow Crane will not die today.

"I have no intention of agreeing to this proposal" You say. "Therefore we must come up with a counter proposal for that snake to take to the Clans that he cannot twist."

"Ano, wouldn't the easiest method just be to move back to Otosan Uchi?" Yuriko asks. "It would obviously take some time to make all the preparations but well, you cannot be asked to give up your home."

"Then what do we do with Toshi Ranbo?" Noritoshi asks. "It has been peaceful to have the Imperial capital taking up this and the Kitani valley. Were the Throne to leave the Lion and to be honest our own clan Doji-san would be fighting over it again within three years."

Kotaro opens and closes his fan in thought.

Yuriko thinks for a moment.
"Make a new minor clan?"

"As much as I love making new minor clans" You say wryly. "There really isn't anyone at the moment I can plausibly raise as a reward for that. Nor is there a war where I can make it part of the treaty. Doing so at a whim limits its use."

"What about the Brotherhood?" Kotaro asks. "They aren't part of the clans but can be trusted to keep the Gateway safe along with everything else. Its unusual but giving them the Forbidden City and the Shrines as a holy site to honour the Imperial Throne is an option."

You nod, that was a thought.
"Can the Imperial families take up ownership of the city?"

Kotaro frowns slightly.
"The Seppun are stretched thin between Kyuden Seppun and Toshi Ranbo, they would have to give up one or the other. The Otomo are the same, the Miya might be able to they do not want to however. They hate having Kyuden Miya to be honest"

"Everyone loves the Miya for a reason" Noritoshi muses.

Yuriko looks down at her netsuke.
"What if...what if Toshi Ranbo was kept as an Imperial City but was a sort of given to the Imperial Heir to help them learn to rule?" she asks.

"Interesting, there would need to be some changes, but a Governor can raise their own forces to protect them, the Seppun can form a skeleton to fill out...only problem is that Minoru-dono is still in Kawa Mori...we would have to get her out." Kotaro says.

"Well that and a regency of sorts for her, she has yet to complete her gempukku, but it could work." You say.

The right governor would be needed, probably an Otomo married to a Crane. Still options, now to pick one and make it work.

[] Give the Forbidden Palace to the Brotherhood
[] Move back to Otosan Uchi and make Toshi Ranbo the domain of the Imperial Heir
[] Make the Miya move
[] You have a better idea....

AN: Sorry for the delay on this.
Winter Court XIV: Tea With a Hint of Treachery
Kyuden Bayushi, Month of the Rat 4th day

It was confusing returning to castle that had its entire layout changed yet again. A part of you knew that it was just how the Scorpion did things, half because they liked messing with people, and half because it made them safer. It was still confusing, at least however it was drawing your mind away from the other thing suffusing the castle.

That is to say a large group of attractive, talented priestesses who were vying for your hand. Bayushi Paneki had said that if he caught anyone, that there would be hell to pay. On the other hand he was not a shugenja right?

In retrospect, the Kuni had kind of been asking for it when she walled up the Crane apartments with earth kami. Probably should not have tossed her out a window though, Hida Kuon was going to be pissed again. Well that was not your problem...yet.

With that memorable demonstration, things had settled down, mostly. Every time you went to the shrines a bevy of shugenja maidens hoping to impress you with their piety were there. Every time you went into the gardens, they were there communing with the kami to create vibrant artistic displays
It was a subtle thing and if you did not know it was happening you might have been charmed. At least after the third time that poor Kitsu's red hair turned pink for some reason.

Which brought you to where you were right now. Taking tea with Bayushi Paneki, the man has silver in his hair now, odds are that he will retire a few years after you, waiting until his son settles in before he goes away completely.

The rich luxury of Kyuden Bayushi always tread the line between gauche and tasteful and that has not changed at all. Nor has Paneki's ability to be a chameleon.

"I do hope you enjoy this blend, it is from the south, one of my own particular favourites" He says.

"Its delicious" You say. "However, I find that focusing on only one blend leads to my palette becoming stale, and unable to discern the myriad flavours in other blends.

"That is understandable, the Scorpion focus below the Spine of the world, and our tea blends are not so different from those of the Crab, or the Crane or the Mantis...but you have to focus on the north as well. Is there a particular blend you enjoy as a cleanser of Scorpion?" Paneki asks.

Do you intend to marry one of the northern clans?

That is not the question asked, but its what he means.

"No, I find myself enjoying a variety of blends, it depends on which one suits the atmosphere, but thank you for your kind consideration" You reply.

You both understood why you were not going to marry a Scorpion, with Ayumi already pregnant with twins. Twins...you had taken a long time to have Minoru and longer for Yumisa, not even a year and...you push the thought away. Regardless a Scorpion bride and concubine was bit much. Leaving aside how literally everyone would jump on the Scorpion the minute something happened to Minoru. Sometimes a reputation for being villains was a hindrance who knew?

"Of course, but if you have a preference, I would naturally as your host, go out of my way to obtain it for you."

"You are too generous Bayushi-san, welcoming me into your home and flattering me so. " You say with an easy humor.

"Ah for the Son of Heaven is anything too generous? Particularly one that has been quite kind to my Clan as we did our work"

"We all need loyal and competent servants Bayushi-san. Just as am I blessed with the skill of your clan, so I am in many matters."

"Including Otosan Uchi it seems. Truthfully, your foresight in giving custody to the Brotherhood was surprising, considering what they found" Paneki says.

Slowly you sip your tea. Yes, you had been lucky, the Brotherhood had gone over the Forbidden City with a monk's patience to properly sanctify it to the glory of the Founding Kami. In doing so they had found hidden deep in the vaults, the sleeping elemental terror of fire. It had taken many lives to put it down, but put it down they had, emerging as the undisputed rulers of the city for the effort.

Even now Sohei from the Orders of Osano-wo, Bishamon, Hachiman, and Megumi patrolled the streets of Otosan Uchi and kept order amongst the clans. A part of you wonders what the long term consequences of this will be, but for now your dynasty is safe, and nothing exploded so you are going to consider that win.

The sound of thunder cracking in the distance.

"It seems that Mantis-san has discovered who interfered with her presentation on storms with me." You comment mildly.

"Indeed, it seems so, I will have to reprimand them both naturally."

"I believe that it may be a taryu jiai duel."

"Likely, but that still needs my permission" Paneki says lightly. "In any event when we next meet for tea what blend would you like to have?"

[] Name a blend from the Unicorn lands
[] Name a blend from the Lion lands
[] Name a blend from the Crane lands
[] Name a blend from the Dragon lands
[] Name a blend from the Crab lands
[] Name a blend from the Phoenix lands
[] Name a blend from the Scorpion lands after all
[] Name a blend from one of the Minor Clans.
(GM rolls 1d10: 1 Fox, 2 Badger, 3 Sparrow, 4 Hare, 5 Oriole, 6 Tortoise, 7 Dragonfly, 8 Ox, 9 Bat Clan, 10 Mantis Clan)
[] You are not sure. (GM rolls 1d7: Number same as above for Great Clans)

AN: This is actually going to decide which clan you favour brides from, choosing Unicorn would have you meet a number of Unicorn Shugenja, Choosing Phoenix the same ect. Minor Clan rolls would only have you meet one of their shugenja, so the number is smaller, but they are not serious competitors so it can be a way of putting it off for a bit to see who emerges from the scuffle as the Front Runners from each Great Clan
Winter Court XIV: Five Unicorn Teas
Bayushi Gardens, Month of the Rat 7th Day

It had been a subtle thing that led to you and Isshin walking through the gardens alone. So subtle that you really doubt that anyone who wasn't aware of what Paneki was doing would even notice. However, you were and so you did not find it particularly surprising that as you rounded the corner. You spotted a woman painting the gardens.

Isshin looks at you with a slightly raised eyebrow asking silently if you wanted to meet privately with her while he coincidentally had to secure the area and make sure there were no ninja assassins made of flowers waiting to attack you.

You nod silently even as you put a name to the picture. Kintaro having heard of your desire for 'Unicorn blends' had provided you with a briefing on the five most politically connected candidates.

Shinjo Izumi, a relatively young woman whose family were rulers Haisho province in the north eastern corner of the Empire. Not the strongest Shugenja with regards to the kami she did however excel in many courtly arts. She likely hopes to help the Shinjo eventually regain the leadership of the Unicorn.

You approach Izumi and wait for her to notice you. The painting is not the best you have seen, but it is not terrible either, likely with a few more years practice she would be considered quite the talent.

"No needs more green...he'll never notice you if you don't stand out more." She mutters.

Oh the painting was for you...well you suppose that makes sense, but honestly it seems a waste.

She turns down to her painting supplies to pick up the green paint and freezes in place, her eyes going up your legs towards your face.

An instant passes, then two, and suddenly she is on her knees kow towing to you.

"Forgive me Mikado I did not see you, this unworthy...."

"Enough Shinjo-san, you may rise." You say cutting off the babble.

She is young, not that it matters beyond your own peace of mind, but you could see it in how nervous Izumi is. Her voice is soprano that rings faintly with musical training.

"Thank you my Emperor" She says rising still not meeting your eyes.

You kneel down a little to pick up the green paint and hand it to her. There should be something you could say to her, but on the other hand...you have to see how she stands with you.

While there was no one who could replace Kaname in your heart. You had no need for a wife who could not look you in the eye.

A few moments of breathing from her as she reaches out and takes your hand in hers, bold, but if she thinks that is enough...

"They're rougher than I expected" She says.

Izumi's eyes rise up to yours as she firmly shakes your hand.
Unicorn custom, but a little too familiar you decide, still there was some spark there.

"Jiujutsu remains one of my favoured hobbies."

"It shows my Emperor, thank you" She says letting go of your hand and taking the green paint.

"Go on finish your painting Shinjo-san, tell me about yourself."

Izumi blinks and nods firmly before turning to do so.

"I always wanted to be an artisan, I love to make things, I love to create, but the kami speak to me, not as strong as some but they speak and I cannot help but respond...who could ignore the divine around them like that?" She asks herself.

The garden comes into clearer view as her brush strokes firm and in dexterous move around the page.

"I was raised as a priestess, but I taught myself to be an artisan. I..." she trails off.
"Do not know what to say. You are the Emperor, divinity, you who created the Laws, Reclaimed Otosan Uchi, Broke the Mantis...what can a priestess like myself offer to that? I love to make things, to leave the world more beautiful than when I lat left it. I cannot promise you that I will be able to rise the rivers at my command, to see the Water Dragon roar. I will promise you this though my Emperor, my heart is true, my compassion pure, and that there is magic just as great in the art of a brush or a string...and in that magic I am strong indeed."

You nod.
"So tell me then what about this magic makes it so strong?"

This was something you expected from the Crane, but it wasn't terrible as you spend the afternoon discussing art with the Shinjo
The Tea Hall of the Bayushi, Late Night, 8th day of the Rat.

Today hadn't been a day you could totally spend engrossed with one woman, there were ceremonies to observe, things to do. But as the day ended, and you finished watching a lovely little play on the history of the Toturi, you found that a late night snack would hit the spot.

The hall was curiously empty, even as you saw one woman alone in the corner, reading a book.

Ide Ami, an older woman whose first marriage had been cut short before they could wed by the the last Unicorn Lion War. A woman who had thrown herself into her work after that, tending to the various shrines of her family domain in Eijitsu province. Word was that she had turned down over a dozen confessions over the last few years. Kotaro had argued that her nature along with her kuge status made her a good match. You weren't so sure yourself.

Isshin glances at you again.
"Go make sure that the kitchens make the daifuku I like Seppun-san."

"Hai" and he hurries off to do that, content that the hidden guards in the rafters will keep you safe.

For your part you move over to Ami and stand in front of her table.
Ami quickly looks up from her book and kowtows to you, not saying anything, but submitting to your presence.

"Rise Ide-san, may I sit with you?"

"Of course my Emperor, how could I deny you anything?" She asks.
Ami's deadpan voice is deep speaking of more suffering than you'd like. Also you were pretty sure that was sarcasm.

You sit down across from her all the same, as you look at the book she was reading. 'An Inquiry into Celestial Wheels and Effects on Crops.'

"A heavy topic for so late is it not Utaku-san?" You ask.

"Oh the book?" She asks, pouring you tea perfectly as she does so. "Perhaps, but I am always trying to learn new things to do my duties in the spring more efficiently."

"In the spring? You could go somewhere else after spring." You say.

Ami does not smile the wan smile of a woman who has heard every pick up line before, who knows what to expect. Yet some how you see it in her eyes all the same.

"My Emperor knows best of course. However, I do not expect to be swept off my feet. I am not exactly the flower of youth as many beauties here are, and well, expectation breeds disappointment." She says simply.

You take a sip of the tea.

"Am I disappointing then?" You ask to see her reaction.

Her eyes meet yours, without flinching.
"My Emperor could hardly disappoint me in anything, but my eyes are not blind to my own faults. The question I should be asking is if I disappoint you."

"Not yet" You say as she drinks her tea in turn.

"I have no intentions of ever doing so." She says. "However, I do not see myself being someone you would pick for a bride. So expecting the handsome Emperor to sweep my off my feet is too arrogant even for me." Ami says.

"Why would I not pick you?" You ask curious.

"I am sure that Otomo-sama has already told you my past, how I was betrothed but my fiancee died before we could exchange our vows...However, I see it in you the same thing I see in me. I still love him, Moto Jiyang...even after all this time. You still love the Empress." She says.

You raise one eyebrow.
"Perceptive." you say.

"I was there when she passed, at Shiro Moto, I saw your grief. " Ami says. "I won't say that I don't want to marry you, because I would like to. It would be good for my family, and I like to think that I could make you happy somewhat. But you deserve better than to compete with a dead man's memory."

By that same token, didn't all of these women? You wonder, before you can do more than that Isshin arrives with the daifuku. The heavy topic is chased away by his arrival and the sweet deserts. You end up talking about the nature of the stars for some time before going to bed.

Hall of Fortunes, Month of the Rat 9th day.

You had slept in today. There was nothing particularly on the agenda, so after a small breakfast you had gone to the vast indoor complex that held all the Fortunes in Kyuden Bayushi. While you had prayed every day for Kaname and to the gods, during this early winter, so close to the anniversary to her death...you wanted to do it more.

Not for the first time you cursed the nature of life that meant you could not just take a week off to mourn her. The Empire never stopped, so neither could you.

Yet, here in these holy halls, it seemed to stop as you whisper prayers and go through the bone deep grief you feel allowing it to flow out of you through the incense sticks into heaven. There is nothing you can do to bring her back, but you will honour her and show Kaname the love you still have for her.

Ami might have gotten to you more than most.

Hours it feels like but it could not have been so many, you rise and begin to head out to the wider world. Only to stop at the small entrance to the shrine of Musubi-no-kami the fortune of marriage and child birth. There stood another woman that Kotaro had offered up to you.

Utaku Erina, another younger woman, but she had served with the armies despite her less than martial appearance mostly as a healer, although reportedly had once simply used her bare hands to wrestle down a rampaging boar. You kind of doubted that though. A powerful shugenja her family ruled Tsuriai province, and was thus of sufficient status, but her personality was something of a mystery. Kotaro reported her being very outspoken to most but demure to those in authority, although like most Utaku she adored horses.

Erina quickly kowtows to you as she catches your eye, waiting for you to say or do anything for her to move. So instead you approach and gesture for her to stand.

"Utaku Erina-san was it?" You ask.

A slight blush from her.
"Hai, my Emperor, I am glad that you have remembered my name amongst the dozens of others here." She says.

Her voice is not the low deadpan of Ami, nor the high pitched music of Izumi, but something in between, a voice used to shouting, a voice that could be kind one moment but absolutely terrifying the next.

"Praying to Musubi-no-kami for guidance?" You ask.

Erina nods. "Hai, while Benten-no-kami is great and I wish her blessing as well. I think it better not to tempt her, her blessing is a dangerous thing." She says.

"But it is still a blessing" You say.

"Blessing is a good thing, love is good, I believe that Mikado, but I do not believe that people are always ready for such things. You give a child sweets before a meal and his appetite is ruined."

"That's a different analogy. Am I keeping you from your prayers?" You ask.

"No my Emperor. I was finished and thinking if I should go to the stables or not."

"The famed Utaku steeds, do you have one?"

The light in Erina's eyes at the mention of steeds dims as the question sinks in.

"No, I am not a Shiotome, while I love Galenz dearly he is not one of the fabled Utaku Steeds." Erina admits.

You reflect that you could probably keep Erina happy just by giving her a lot of horses.

"I see, beyond the stables what do you enjoy otherwise Utaku-san?"

"My Emperor should not just ask me to talk about me, its a little too arrogant to brag about yourself to someone like that. " Erina says faintly blushing again.

"But..." you prompt.

"I love to learn about animals, people. I was just of age to fight with my Clan against the Lion, and while it was really hard in a lot of ways. I found that I never felt more fulfilled when I was saving people, helping them walk again, I suppose that you could call me a naturalist? But in the end I just like to learn how bodies work so I can fix them even better. I also enjoy swimming, not just a bookworm I promise!" Erina says in one long breath.

That was just impressive.

"Swimming that's a bit different for a Unicorn how did that happen?" You ask as the pair of you begin to walk through the hall.

Erina is bubbly but yes opinionated going at great length how she hates when people judge by stereotypes and her will to go out of the way just to prove them wrong.

A sweet girl, but Fortunes, that's a lot of personality. You never do actually ask her about marriage, she seems simply happier talking about various other things. Granted, you get the feeling that there's a reason for that.

Something for Kotaro to look into.
One of these days you should like give him a vacation or something.
Dojo of the Forgotten, Month of the Rat, 10th day

Was there anything better than the feeling of your fist going through stone? Lots of things, but there was still a visceral satisfaction about it as you broke the stone block before you in the dojo. After a day of listening to a lot of minor complaints.
(Seriously who cared that this one group of Emerald Yoriki kept ruining this merchant's cabbages?) The ability to cut loose by leveraging your martial arts to the fine past time of destruction was welcome.

Too bad it made you sweaty though, you think as you take off your training gi to cool off.

A sharp inhale of breath alerts you to the fact that you are not alone. Isshin is already moving to see what the fuck was that. (If it was zombies, you were going to throw Paneki through a window, maybe two)

Instead stepping out from the corner, and fiddling with her hair, face redder than a Scorpion's mon, stands a woman. She quickly remembers to kowtow just before Isshin kicks her.

Wait a minute, you know this woman. Iuchi Hanae, the only daughter of Iuchi Yue former Daimyo of the Iuchi family. A woman of tremendous strength in the kami so it was said, but also secretive preferring to ride outside the Empire to the Jewelled City rather than reveal herself closer to home.

"Iuchi Hanae, you know there are laws against spying against the Emperor?" You ask.

"Hai, I know, I will offer my life to atone, but please let me explain my Emperor!" She says her voice lilting like there were many gaijin tongues influencing it.

"Rise Iuchi-san, and speak quickly. Seppun-san here is a bit twitchy." You say.

Isshin looks at you with a simple nod. Yes twitchy was a good word for him.

"So last night Utaku Erina-san came to talk to me about you, and we ended up staying up all night. So I thought I would go to this dojo to catch a bit of sleep so the servants can clean the Unicorn rooms, but I ended up sleeping too long and when I woke up I heard you going through your forms. I swear I did not know it was you until I looked..." she says quickly but more slowly than Erina did.

"How did you keep the Seppun from finding you? They're very good at this." You ask.

"Well, I um, asked the Kami to make sure I wasn't disturbed and to tell everyone else I wasn't dangerous...and I'm not! I would never hurt you my Emperor!" She says.

And yet you can tell she's struggling not to look over your body again. Well you're going to choose the option that boosts the old ego.

"You just asked" Isshin says deadpan.

"Yes I did Seppun-sama, the kami like me, always have."

Isshin looks at you asking for permission to jab crystal into her with his eyes. You nod.

Isshin takes a small crystal pendant and stabs Hanae with it.

Hanae flinches more out of reflex than pain. "Hey what the...oh..."

The crystal does nothing, so it seems she's not some evil demonic entity trying to assassinate you. Just a really lucky/unlucky woman.

"Well I suppose then Iuchi-san, that this is as good a time as any to get to know each other" You say.

"Hai." She says still red.

"Seppun-san. You want to referee?"

"As you wish." Isshin says stiffly moving to the central sparring ring in the dojo.

"Referee?" Hanae squeeks.

"Well Iuchi-san, since you interrupted my training, you get to be my training partner." You say.

Hanae looks down, takes a deep breath.

"As my Emperor commands." she say and moves over to the ring.

So the two of you spar, in terms of raw power she has you easily outclassed, but in terms of flexibility and experience, well you are superior there and you use it over and over again to win. However Hanae adapts and with each bout you have to work harder and harder to get that win. More than that you begin to learn about her. How she is very open in one sense with her stance, but her actions are very closed, she puts everything into single strikes, but refuses to stop tunneling from your own blows. Its interesting as a contrast.

Finally she raises a hand.
"My Emperor, I wish I could continue but I cannot..." she says.

"Hai, it was a good match" You say wiping the sweat off your brow.

Before you even ask, a servant with water is there. You take a long drink.
Thank you helpful Scorpion ninja servants.

"Why did you ask me to spar? I mean I know I can throw a punch but you were...well a lot better, I couldn't have been that much of a challenge."

"I wanted to get your measure" You say.

"Oh..." Hanae looks down. "You were amazing, I felt like every time I had you figured out, you would just add another piece and make the whole puzzle different."

"Puzzle?" You ask.

"Hai puzzle, I love puzzles, I love figuring out how people think, how things happen, why magic is the way it is. I am not always lucky, but I love learning itself.
I am glad I got to learn from you, even if I'm pretty sure I sunk my chances of marrying you" Hanae says.

Although she is sad at that, the Iuchi quickly bounces back.
"Oh well, that means Utaku-san has a better chance, and I'm happy for her."

You give Isshin a look of bemusement before prodding the younger woman on how her journeys in the Burning Sands were.

Hanae is much more subdued that Erina, but you can figure out why they're friends.
Hunting Grounds, Month of the Rat 11th day

After the last few days, you decided that it was time to get out of the castle for a bit, so with your trusty retainers you began a grand hunt going through the forests with a spear and a bow. The spear was for boars and bears, the bow was for everything else.

You moved through on your horse, when you come upon a clearing, at one end was a boar dead, from multiple spear wounds a horse wanders around at the far end. In front of the boar, a woman stood, one you also recalled

Moto Jinae, daughter Moto Namagi who ruled over the province of Enkaku. She was the second generation of the nascent order of Death Priests that had come from the West. A strict woman as all Death Priests were, she had ranged far afield being with the group that had gone to Pelmyria to scout years ago. Kotaro said that she was a bit shy but very comfortable with theology.

Which you hoped explained whatever the hell she was wearing on her face.

"Moto-san" You call out.

The woman goes stock still and turns to face you slowly and kowtows in the snow.

"My...Emperor" She says softly.

Almost too soft to hear, her voice is deep almost masculine but still manages to convey that she is a woman.

"You can stand. Did you kill this boar?" You ask.

"Hai..." Jinae says standing. "Was...worried..."

"Worried?" You ask tilting your head as you ride closer to her.

"For you...very tough..." she gestures with one spear to the boar.

"Are you saying I couldn't handle a boar?" You ask faintly amused.

"Do not...want you to..." she says.

"What are you wearing on your face anyways?"

She reaches up and takes off the mask, revealing a beautiful face

"Is special...keeps snow blindness away...and warms face..."

"Is it gaijin?" You ask.

"No...old Moto invention...not used much since...moved south." She says.

You study her, why is she slow in speaking, hesitant even. When you realize that for all she is looking at you, she is trying very hard not to quite meet your eyes.

The Moto is scared she will ruin this and her family. You realize.

"Please, join me then Moto-san, and explain to me about this Moto invention." You say.

Jinae takes a moment but mounts up and rides beside you. It was a strange dichotomy, as she spoke about things she knew. Her words came slow, but careful and well formed as if she was searching for the best meaning for each of them. When it came to asking about herself however...

"I...am...a...priestess. I..." a long pause. "Enjoy...things."

Not the most outgoing, you were about to call it for a day when out of the underbrush stood a tiger, chased away by something else, it looked at you with fear in its eyes, but knowing that you would hunt it down, attacked...

Only for Jinae to simply stare at it, as she whispered something in a foreign tongue and the tiger stopped in it's tracks, falling over as it passed out.

"Sorry..." she manages as you look on in confusion.

For the sake of the peasants around here you had killed the tiger and ridden back with Jinae. A woman supremely confident in her abilities, but not in herself.


As you went into your chambers, you were about to turn in when a familiar tuft of hair appears.

Yuina stands before you, which is odd because she should be in...Tamori province? That was what her sensei had said anyways. Oh she has grown taller since you last met, but the white hair, the eyes and the movement remain the same.

You reach out to her shoulder and give a gentle squeeze, to prove to yourself that she is here.

"Yuina-chan, what are you doing here?"

"Hello Father" she says giving a smile.
"I wanted to meet my new mother...the Void...decided to let me."

"You traveled across the Empire through the void?" you ask.

"Hai...was that a bad thing?" she asks.

"Would your sensei say it was?" You ask in turn.

Yuina lowers her head.
"Missed you and Minoru. Can I stay?"

A deep breath.
"Of course you can, you're my daughter."

Yuina hugs you close.

"So have you found her yet?" She asks.


"The woman you're going to marry."

[] Write in a name
[] No, you intend to look into brides from (Insert other Great Clan here)
[] Ask Yuina something instead to distract her.

AN: Okay so I know this is a week late, but uh....yeah this took a lot of work.
Have fun. (And please choose a clan with less families next time if you go that route...oof)
Last edited:
Winter Court XIV: Four Feline Masks
Ide Ami 1
Moto Jinae 1
Lion Brides 8
Iuchi Hanae 6

As you look down at Yuina, your daughter who had straight up used magic to appear inside one of the more heavily warded castles in Rokugan. There are a lot of questions you could ask. 'Like how did you do that?' 'The Void told you I was getting remarried?' and of course. 'Does your sensei know you're here?' that last one actually might be important. Probably should have Kotaro take care of it.

But in the end, you remember the words that Kaneka said to you when it was discovered that Yuina was an Ishi.

"Don't ask how it works, it's the void it doesn't have to explain shit."

Which suits for this. So instead of asking any of those questions, you gesture for her to walk with you to your chambers and begin walking before answering.

"No not yet, I intend to look at all the clans before deciding properly, but the Lion are next."

Yuina looks up at you with this black eyes that see so much and yet so little.

"Too bad, Jinae would have been really happy and tried so hard to be a good mother..." she says quietly.

"...Moto-san" you say very pointedly "Is a nice woman, but the Empress needs to be able to talk to people.

Get her sensei an etiquette tutor too while you're at it.

Yuina shrugs.
"Still would have made me brownies"

A suppressed sigh from you.
What the fuck was a brownie anyways?

"That's not how I choose a bride. You and Minoru are important to me Yuina, but I have to think about everything else too." You say.

Yuina nods.
"Its why I'm glad I was born second."

"Let's just get some sleep." You settle on.

"Can I sleep with you?" She asks.

"Just until we get you proper quarters." you settle on.

You loved your daughters, but you could do without the magic.

Month of the Rat 14th day, the Scorpion Masquerade

The large hall was filled with countless samurai, all of them wearing nondescript masks, that covered them, that included even you. The Scorpion Masquerade was a treasured tradition of the Scorpion, everyone dressed up in fine but not distinct kimono, placed concealing masks on each other and then enjoyed the evening. The idea being to allow the various samurai to get to know each other without clan affiliations poisoning the well. In practice it was usually a way to get blackmail.

Still as the the smooth sake flows freely, and the music plays in a soft but insistent melody, it works to loosen people up. Sadly you're hear on business instead of pleasure which means not paying attention to the way that several samurai of various genders are closer to each other than strictly appropriate.

Typically the Emperor does not go to this sort of thing as the scandal of not treating you with respect would be too great. But as always, being the Emperor means you can bend this sort of thing.

Paneki being amused by it probably helps. He's also arranged for specific masks to go to the Lion candidates. With Kotaro's help to get portraits of them proper to remember by, you can approach undetected and get to know them without the kow-towing. You could probably do that for everyone really, but the Lion are really the only clan you think would be too overzealous to get a good handle on.

Well that and you're relatively sure that its going to come down to the Lion or Unicorn, the other clans have their charms, but those two need to be bound closer to the throne.

So then who was first? Glancing around the woman you see one of the masks that Paneki had arranged. This one was a simple frog mask that hid behind it one Ikoma Fumiko

Fumiko had been an older woman as you recall, but one that had unfortunately seen herself unwed as her betrothals kept falling through, until it was discovered that her own brother had been behind it. The Kitsu trained shugenja had thrown him throw a wall after that, and the brother banished from the clan. Kotaro had said that she was somewhat gifted with the kami but nothing truly notable.

You approach and bow to her.

"Good evening Frog-san."

She bows back.
"Good evening Flower-sama. I hope you enjoy the party?"

Her voice reminded you of a rich tapestry, all the better to paint stories with every nuance and inflection. But her gifts had been with the kami and thus...well here you were.

"Its been interesting" You say. "The Scorpion certainly are good at making everyone loosen up. I admit that the music isn't quite to my taste."

"Music? I play a little nothing so talented as that, so I can't say I would help much there" Fumiko says wryly. "I heard the Emperor was at this thing, but I can't seem to find him."

"You're interested in him?" You ask.

"He's an interesting man, besides Akodo-dono seems to love him even now despite the choices made, I'd like to know why." She says with a shrug and sips some sake.

"Not interested in the Competition of Hearts?" You ask deciding to move on.

"Oh I didn't say that, if given the chance I would do my best to have him in my bed before the night was over. But...I probably should be more circumspect, can only blame so much on this" She gestures with her cup.

"Probably. Still the Empress is a high position to set your sight on, some women would be intimidated." You say.

Fumiko shrugs.
"Intimidation is for those who aren't getting older. I know that I might not be as young and pretty as some here, but I'm confident in my abilities with the kami and the courts, and I can offer a lot there. Besides, given the concubine, I think that our dear Emperor is not looking for love anyways and I can deal with that."

You don't let yourself miss a beat. But the way the woman talked about Ayumi...

"The Concubine, you refer to the Scorpion" you say.

"Hai, don't get me wrong, if what I hear is true, then I have nothing but sympathy for her. But...I was maybe ten when the Emperor and his wife visited Kyuden Ikoma the first time. I didn't see someone who would move on so easily. Yeah it'd been a year and a half but...no I don't think that the concubine is going to make him happy in the end and she should know that." Fumiko says.

In lieu of answering you take a sip of sake.

"I heard that it was one of the sin swords that provoked it. Not anything else like that" You say. "But doesn't the same go for you or anyone else seeking his hand?"

Fumiko's brown eyes glance down.
"You'd be right, but I'm not going to delude myself into thinking I can, just content."

"I see." You say the next thing to say is cut off as another man moves over and begins chatting Fumiko up, you use the opportunity to exit the conversation quietly.

You do spot her looking at you speculatively as you leave though.

Moving through at random you see the next woman you intend to meet for the evening wearing a fetching fox mask. Sparkling eyes look you over before a smirk appears in them

Kitsu Hekima

A woman born to a good family but with a strangely small amount of the fabled Kitsu blood in her. Despite this she had turned out to excel in her training in the physical arts, even if her skill with the kami was somewhat lesser than expected of shugenja of the Kitsu. Kotaro had noted that she was a hair's breadth from becoming a Matsu trained berserker, but only the family pride of being a shugenja had kept that from happening.

Hekima bows to you.
"Flower-sama." she says in a gentle soprano reminding you of bells.

"Fox-san, pleased to meet you" you say.

The music strikes up a fast tempo.

"Oh I love this song, does Flower-sama wish to dance with me?" she asks.

And like that you found yourself moving through the motions in the small space set aside for people to dance with each other, nothing more than finger touches if that as the couples moved around, anything else would be scandalous. But still she was close as her energy bubbled around her and through her causing you to move more with her than anything else.

The song changes to a slow one where the couple is supposed to briefly clasp fingertips and then move in a circle, swaying to the time as they do so. Her fingers touch yours.

"You're a good dancer Flower-sama." she says .

"As are you, so energetic even at this late hour." You say dipping in time with the movement.

"What can I say? I hate sitting still. I want to be doing something anything, and if its with a handsome samurai how can I complain?" she asks.

"Not even if I was say a Unicorn?" you tease.

"I would have smelled horse if you were a unicorn." she volleys back.

"Fair enough, what about your husband?" You ask.

Hekima falters ever so slightly at that.
"Alas I do not have one...I hope to at the end of the year but not yet."

"A shame, I would think Kakita rogues and Bayushi playboys would be beating down your down." You say.

"Who says they haven't?" She replies. "But its one thing to spend a night with Benten-no-kami watching and another for marriage."

The song shifts and you rotate the other way.

"And the topic of marriage comes back to the Emperor does it not?" You ask.

A slight chuckle.
"Hai, hai, every woman wants him, if not for his looks, then for his power." Hekima says.

"And what do you want him for?" you ask.

"...I want him because I want to help my clan. He's good looking, strong, but in the end my clan wants him closer because despite Akodo-ue's bonds with him, so many of us feel like we should be closer, that we're out of step. Toturi-heika-shiryo took the position of Right Hand from the Lion...I never want to see that happen again." Hekima answers.

"What about his children and concubine?" you ask tilting your head in curiosity.

"I will do my best by them, but I don't expect them to love me, just understand me." Hekima says.

There's a note of sadness in her words as the music stops.

"Thank you for the dance Flower-sama, do you want to join me for food?" she asks.

You do but as you see another mask floating by, you have to shake your head.

"Forgive me Fox-san, I've already eaten, and this figure needs work to maintain it." You say.

Another sparkle in her eyes.
"Hai...well then I will hopefully see you later." She says bowing and leaving you alone on the dance floor.

Moving away from the floor towards a smaller section of the hall where weary samurai (and to be frank passed out samurai) can rest on the provided futon, you find yourself sitting down, and stretching somewhat when someone sits beside you.

Looking to the side you see the smiling monkey mask of Matsu Kana looking at you. Your mind's eye drawing back her portrait.

Matsu Kana, descended from Toku-no-kami himself through his daughter, by way of her son marrying into the Matsu, it was a surprise when she was born with a powerful gift for the kami. But she took to it all the same with all the determination of her ancestor. Not naturally gifted in understanding her power, she had to work twice as hard as anyone else in the Golden Spider Dojo to learn the ways of war and the kami. But worked hard she had blooming into a young woman who had been courted by many. Kotaro noted she had refused all comers until you had put out your own decisions

"Monkey-san" you say bowing to her.

"Flower-sama" she says bowing back. Her voice is low a contra alto meant for whispered conversations and joyful laughs.

Maybe you've drunk too much sake tonight.

"Resting your feet?" You ask.

"A little" she admits. "I've been moving since this morning, trying to find out everything I could."

"What were you looking for?" You ask.

"While I don't think the Emperor is here, I do know his eyes are, I wanted to know who they were so I could impress them."

You sigh and lean back
"Everyone seems to be quite enamored with him."

"Oh I didn't mean it like that, I don't...think you um...oh Ancestors" she trails off.
"You're probably really nice, and I'm sure a good samurai, just I want to help him."

"The Emperor? What would he need help?" You ask bemused.

"When he came to court, he was strong and powerful, he looked like an Emperor with every step, I was too intimidated to approach really. But after he left I mustered up my courage and went to see him as he went to the shrines...and saw only for a moment someone with so much weight on their shoulders. I guess it's a little presumptuous of me, but my family was with Toturi-Mikado-Shiryo when he was Toturi the Black..." Kana trails off.

"No I understand wanting to help. The Empire is so big now, and well he's doing everything for it. But there's more to being an empress then just being someone he comes home too." You say.

"Hai, his daughters...I lost my own mother fairly young. during the War of Dark Glass...I want to help them too." She says.

You look at her with one eye.
"Just help, not love or be loved?"

"I'm not so stupid to think I can compete with a dead woman for his heart or his concubine for his bed. But if it happens it happens...he does need someone I think" Kana finishes.

"Bold words, I suppose I will have to wish you luck and lament that all the beautiful women here are beyond my reach" You say.

"Oh I'm sure Flower-sama could have his pick if he really wanted" Kana demures.

You give a slight chuckle.
"But not you."

"...sorry?" Kana offers.

You rise, shaking your head.
"No don't worry, I know when I'm beat. I'm going to see if you're right about that though, thank you Monkey-san for the conversation." you say bowing.

"Of course thank you for listening Flower-sama' She bows back.

And then there was one. One last woman and then you could just mingle before going to your chamber to read Yuina a story. You'd missed doing that.

Now where was Akodo Miho? Paneki had said she would be in a Lion mask.
Out of the corner of your eye, you spot said lion mask heading out of the hall to a balcony.

Well that could be good or bad.

You follow after her thinking over what you know

Shigetoshi's niece, she was like Kana born with an unexpected power in the kami, but unlike Kana, Miho seemingly loved all the kami and was good at working with them, a natural prodigy of the priestly arts. Now if only she was a good Lion, then her family would have been ecstatic with her. But she had been involved in the last Lion Unicorn war, and had decided for some reason to become a pacifist from that. Strong in her convictions, she was pious, skilled, and supposedly a great shogi player. However Miho was the loudest voice to call for peace and had remained so, much to the chagrin of her family.

The cold winter air on the balcony kicks up snow, as the warmly bundled Lion woman looks out across the city, her mask resting on the railing. The sound of your footsteps on snow alerts her.

Miho quickly puts the mask on and turns bowing.

"Flower-sama" she says.
It's hard to place her voice a soothing soprano that just straddles the edge of being a contra alto, with natural talent for music it sounds like.

"Lion-san." You say bowing back. "What brings you out here?"

"Ah, I just wanted some air. The Scorpion throw wonderful parties, but I'm not really comfortable with the mask on. It seems strange to hide yourself."

"Not so strange to the Scorpion though." You point out.

"No, not so strange to them, but I'm no Scorpion although more than a few wish I were." She chuckles.

"The game of letters?" You ask.

"Hai, it is cheating a little to ask the kami who wrote them, but I don't want to lead anyone on." Miho says.

"I can only imagine, so many of us being frustrated by a bigger prize." You say.

"The Emperor? My family insisted, but I doubt he's going to pick me." Miho admits.

"Why's that?" You ask.

"The Emperor, I think means well and is trying his best, but he's too likely to use force, he doesn't compromise...and I don't either, you don't put steel on steel, it just breaks both." She says.

"So you think he'll avoid someone who can stand up to him?" You ask curious.

"I don't know about that. But I know he views war as a tool to do what he wants...I don't."

"...A pacifist, an Asahina I presume" You say.

She laughs at that.
"If only I think everyone would be happier if I was. But you're not supposed to ask Flower-sama, ruining the Scorpion's fun would be bad for all of us."

You move to lean on the railing beside her.

"Okay you have me there. Why the pacifism then?" you ask.

"I saw a child die because of the last Lion Unicorn war, he didn't have to, he wasn't a samurai yet, he was filled with potential, how many more are like that...these brilliant candles snuffed out because people can't just see that war hurts them?" She asks.

"People die every day though" You say.

"So? We get itchy every day, that doesn't mean you'd invite mosquitoes to live with you. " Miho replies.

"...but we still deal with mosquitoes." You reply.

"I know, but maybe we can deal with less. I'm sorry Flower-sama, I'm not great company tonight."

"I don't know, you're interesting at least. I'm sorry if I'm boring you" You say.

"No, no its just, most of the time people get angry at this point..."

"I'm not most people" you say.

"Hai, what do you think of the Emperor?" she asks.

Well that was a loaded question.
"I think...I think that he's a man trying to do his best, and that the Empire is a burden that he bears...and can never put down."

"...Hmm...that is one way to think about it. A mask and an a burden then.."

"A mask?" You ask.

You end up talking with Miho for a while, mostly about the Scorpion tradition of masks and how it relates to you, something no doubt that Kotaro will be amused by. By fair the longest conversation you had, but the start seems to be what sticks with you.

As you lay in your room looking at the ceiling, hands behind your bed, you can't sleep. thoughts whirling, had you found the one?

[] Yes (Write in name)
[] No (Write in next clan)

AN: Sorry busy life now, so slower updates, still hope you enjoy.
Winter Court XIV: Decisions Made, Ambush
In the end, you roll over the candidates in your mind, it was a hard choice for you. You knew mentally that you were going to pick either the Lion or the Unicorn, bind one of them tighter to you and use that to keep them from starting a stupid fight.

You had your own stupid fights to start. Wait, that came out wrong. You had stupid fights to finish, there that was better.

Naturally your mind drifts between the two women women who had stood out.
A distant part of you wishes that Ami was more...capable at breaking people in two, but it was what it was and you had to deal with that. Meaning she was unfortunately not who you were going to choose.

No it came down to Matsu Kana and Iuchi Hanae. The question was which of them? The decidedly male part of you was admittedly attracted to both of them. The slim power of Hanae and the toned muscle of Kana both appealed greatly. Were you in some pillowbook, no doubt you would seduce them both and decide on the basis of that. However, you were better than that, also not a seventeen year old boy anymore.

You toss and turn wrestling the names in your mind. Kana whose determination and dogged virtue seemed so endearing while Hanae's quick mind and words sparked a long forgotten enthusiasm you shared.

Kana, or Hanae.

Month of the Tiger, 14th Day, Geisha House: Foreign Stories

A small group of two men and three women lounge in the small, private room they had rented out. Two of the men carry a regal bearing about them although they would both deny being anything other than simple ronin. Two of the women wore the sublime silks of a Clan samurai. The last was a simple geisha woman, or would be if there was any chance of mistaking the predator like golden eyes that swept over the group.

"So it's confirmed then. The Emperor has chosen the Matsu?" She asks.

Mistress Silk, does not curse does not betray the anger she feels. If they had not fought...well, it matters little now. The Organization will continue its work, that they had been betrayed by the Toturi is no longer in doubt.

"Hai" one man says.
He has many names, for now though he goes by the name of Mausu. His form is ready for conflict, ill at ease with this clandestine work. "It was confirmed by our Spy in the Lion not three days ago."

The other man, old and aged but still at ease with this work nods. For now he simply calls himself Oji.
"Do we know why her? She's not got the best lineage..." he says.

"No" Mausu admits.

"You two are so simple, is it not obvious? " The last woman says.

She too is at ease here, a catlike motion of her head as haughty humor flows from her smile, Gato, how ridiculous a name, and yet so ridiculous it would never be connected to her real identity.

"No Gato, it isn't....enlighten us." Mistress Silk says.

"Matsu Kana was one of the few to actually take time to speak to his daughter, it was all in the report." Gato says.

"The Emperor being swayed for his daughter? If that was the case he would have gotten his heir out of the Kawa Mori years ago" Mausu says.

"Perhaps not, it is there that she is out of reach of us and the Lady Spider's grasp." Oji offers.

"Regardless, it seems that Toturi has at long last slipped from our grasp as I predicted" Mistress Silk says. "Has Master Steel and his faction agreed to truce."

"No Mistress" Gato says. "He still maintains that the time of the Kolat is over, and the time of the Guards is nigh."

"Bitter old fool, reject me because of my family, he is everything wrong with the Kolat." Mistress Silk says.

Oji stops for a moment, listening.

"Something wrong?" Mausu asks.

The old man shakes his head.

"No just the feeling we're being watched." He says.

Mistress Silk cocks her head. Now that he's mentioned it...she discreetly raises a biwa from her side shifting slightly to look at a hidden mirror.

A Dragon samurai? That was odd...

The door blows off the sliding rail as from the ceiling several more samurai pile in.

"ON THE GROUND NOW!" Shouts come from all around them. "YOU ARE UNDER ARREST!"

Mausa draws out his tanto and buries it one of the assaulting magistrates before being attacked from behind, and going down like a sack of rice.

Oji for his part is too old for this and tries to slip out through the back only to be met by a smiling mask of a Scorpion.

"Well hello little---" were the last words he says before a jitte clips him across the face and brings him down.

No, there was no chance to talk their way out of this.

Gato fought like a hellion twin knives moving like a blur trying to get space, trying to get a path forward. Then a Doji with a sasumata steps forward and captures her by the neck against the wall. Bereft of movement the woman can only glare hatefully as she's disarmed and bound.

Mistress Silk plays a biwa note before throwing it to the ground and acting every inch the geisha who has just been hired, and oh no what is going on?!

The Dragon, Mirumoto Xie steps forward and kicks her in the stomach.

"Bring her to the estate, none of them escape before we're done with them."

"Hai" the magistrates say to their senior.

Soon Kitsuki-Shiryo, soon you will be avenged

Month of the Hare 2nd Day (Year 15 of the Reign of Toturi IV) Start of Spring

You look at the woman travelling across from you in the palanquin. Matsu Kana has seemingly had a permanent blush since entering into it with you. She still has no idea that you were 'Flower-sama'.

Out of duty you had looked through the other candidates, the elegant Crane women who had conveyed grace with every movement, the rough Crab who had sought to impress you with the power of their conviction, all of them were lovely, and you had discreetly asked how many of them would be someone you could engender into the Seppun family. Kotaro had said it would take some time on that.

But in the end, as you had first thought, it came down to Matsu Kana and Iuchi Hanae. The tipping point coming from how they interacted with your daughter. They had both been very kind to Yuina, gentle...but Kana had let the girl act like a girl instead of treating her like the esoteric connection to the raw essence of reality that she really was.

That had sealed the deal.

But now you were here travelling back to Toshi Ranbo, alone. Well, as alone as you ever got. It was going to be a long trip to get to know each other better and prepare her for the throne. Also, Minoru, that second one might be more important all things considered, there was also Ayumi...

[] Speak to Kana about the Throne (No roll for debut)
[] Speak to Kana about Minoru (Better starting relationship with Minoru)
[] Speak to Kana about Ayumi (Better starting relationship with Ayumi

AN: Hey guys, sorry about the long wait, will try to update with the year 15 turn quicker this time.
Last edited:
Year 15: Council in the Gardens
Fifteenth year of Toturi IV's Reign Month of the Dragon, 3rd Day. (Spring)

It had been an exceptionally mild spring, already some were calling it a sign of the blessing of the gods for your coming nuptials. Others simply noted that the Order of Inari had seen a swell of recruits in recent years for one reason or another. You didn't know yourself, and to some extent, you didn't care.

Oh it would be nice if Lady Sun smiled on you along with Benten-no-kami and Musubi-no-kami. (And truth be told you suspected that she was the sort to enjoy that given her choice in Lord Moon...) It wasn't where you had focused on. Instead pouring your energy into teaching Kana the steps, about how to well, be an Empress, it was something your mother had done for Kaname but well...she still lived albeit as a Hida now and you hadn't been the most filial of sons.

That was a bridge to mend one day maybe, but not right now. Kotaro said she was happy enough, that would satisfy you in terms of that duty.

Kana herself had stepped into the role of Empress to be. Although uncomfortable your long conversation allowed it to proceed without too much awkwardness. The young Doji Yuriko quietly making friends with the earnest woman you hope they balance each other out.

Thoughts of Yuriko brought you back to the present as the rest of your council filed in to the warm spring garden that you had elected to hold this council meeting in. The sun was too nice to simply ignore by being inside a stuffy room.
Even if Shika had decided to dress in a monk attire because of it.

As Kakita Noritoshi sits down, you look at the rest of them. Hida Ginchiyo lounging out against a rock, as irreverent as ever. Shem Zhe resting in a lotus position by the pond, Yuriko and Chitose sitting beside each other on the bench underneath the still blooming willow trees.

Which leads to Noritoshi sitting at your right side and Shika for whatever reason laying on the ground by the lamps.

"Let us begin people" you call. "And come closer" you order.

The five of them stand up and move to sit around you in a half circle, kneeling in the formal seiza position. An errant crow caws above you.

"I hope you have all found no difficulties with my wife to be?" You ask.

A shake of heads. Yuriko gives a Crane smile, the kind where only her eyes light up, but nothing else betrays the careful neutrality she is supposed to have.

"No my Emperor, if I could begin this time?" Shem-Zhe asks.

Normally you went from the political to the spiritual but you suppose there's no reason for that.

"Hai, go ahead."

"After the death of the Hagaos. We expected something from the Zanj, but no new missionaries, no new priests, nothing if anything they seem to have disappeared entirely. However, while this has given us time to reteach the Tao of Shinsei to those who have lost their way, it's worrying. I would like permission to dispatch the Jade Legion out of Rokugan to the Jeweled City." He says.

"The Jade legion is only barely rebuilt from retaking Otosan Uchi, and as the Imperial Throne wills, we have been focusing on developing the North. We cannot continue to do that and support such a large scale expedition. I am sorry Horiuchi-san, really I am!" Chitose says in her cute voice.

"When a neighbor gives you a rake and you use it to kill his dog, he will ask for that rake back" Shika says.

"...The Jade, but the Ivindi...?" Begins Ginchiyo.

Shika leans back slightly looking up.

"Why should I give my fish to my cousin in law when I know they will give it to my son in law who I hate?" She asks.

"I tire of these Zanj, have the Invindi actually indicated that they were going to step away from the agreement?" Noritoshi asks tersely.

"Well no, not yet anyways." Shika admits.

"Then let's not go borrowing trouble and making Yasuki-san squeal more." Noritoshi says.

"....Kakita-san..." Chitose says her cheeks red.

"Apologies" Noritoshi says. "To pull back a bit to domestic matters. I believe I've narrowed down the locations of the Kolat, and would like permission to bring the Emerald Legion in full force on them."

"Would this be sanctioning violence on the clans?" You ask.

"Potentially, we intend to investigate them before throwing our net. However, they are wily and we will have to move fast."

"I must ask that you wait at least a little then Kakita-san." Yuriko says speaking up. "We all remember what happened to the Hare. The Throne was able to avoid scandal as it was the Scorpion who acted, but if the Emerald Legion itself acts and is found in error...no there will be no denying that the Champion must resign in that case." She says softly.

"I do not make errors like that" Noritoshi says.

No one looks at the eye patch he wears, no one needs to. Still the threat hangs in the air. You have had somewhat distant relationship with Noritoshi, a charming man when he wanted to, he had grown colder over the years, particularly after his rival had left

"Moving on then Doji-san, what would you say is our priority this year?" you ask.

"Ara it's a little ambitious, but we all know that Shosuro Jimen is in a word compromised." She says. "I would seek to have him removed as Imperial Chancellor."

"...that is bold" Shem-Zhe says the words you didn't.

The Imperial Chancellor had once been the most powerful political position in the Empire, but you, your father and grandfather had gradually sidelined it in favour of the Imperial Adviser, a position you controlled not the clans. In turn you had had little use for the snake Jimen which had only further pushed the Chancellor into irrelevance.

That didn't mean it was easy to remove the Chancellor, long precedent even written into your laws now was that only the Clans could choose a Chancellor and only they could remove him.

Ginchiyo looks around.
"Okay I'll say it. Why do you want to do this Doji-san? While all of us would like to put a hole in him, he's mostly harmless."

"He's mostly harmless for now. But for Toturi V? I do not know and if there is Heaven's forbid a regency..." Yuriko shakes her head. "He will be a poison in the reign of Minoru. Even if I wasn't concerned about that, the fact is I feel the Clans deserve better than that man representing him. With Imperial support I believe I can engineer his removal, without...I will have to be more circumspect, slower." Yuriko says.

You stroke your chin idly wondering how your father got his beard when you couldn't.

"Yasuki-san, you said you wanted to focus on northern development?" You ask.

Chitose nods, and with a glare at Noritoshi, begins to speak.
"Hai, I realize my initial proposal was too broad, too diffuse to yield quick results. However, with the coming problems, I believe that if we focus on the Dragon lands, we will have a number of results that would be beneficial. There are countless untapped veins of minerals there for lack of people." She says.
Chitose twiddles with a netsuke and opens it revealing a folded map that she opens up.

"The other clans will of course want considerations for this, but I believe so long as we set the stage, we can do it...unless that is if we send Horiuchi-san's legion. The logistics are just too much to do both without significant strain you commanded me to avoid" She finishes looking over the map.

"I see and Hida-san? You have the final speaking role today it seems." You say.

Ginchiyo looks uncomfortable as she glances around.

"I still want to fortify the Jeweled City, but we're working on that, I have had officers draw up plans for the Yodotai fight, and they want a reconnaissance of the northern plains. Our records from the Senpet show that the Yodotai are fond of sending pincer armies to attack us and the North has been quiet for a while now so seems like a good time to check it out." Ginchiyo says.

"Would that anger the Pelmyrians? I know they were upset over the Yobanjin" You ask Shika.

"What care have the ice and snow for trees or plains?" She answers.

A moment to parse, the Pelmyrians would prefer against it but ultimately, neither of you have enough interests in the area to make a fight of it. Togashi speak is exhausting.

"Very well then. Let us depart then I will make my announcement soon"

In the end you decide to go with....

[] Remove Shosuro Jimen, he knows what he did. (DC 30 Clan rating effects: Unknown)
[] You can't kill Shahai, but Kolat are the next best thing. (DC 25: Crane, Unicorn +5 \ Scorpion, Phoenix -5 )
[] Ginchiyo has a good idea, send a detachment to check out the Yobanjin lands (DC 20: Phoenix, Lion +5 / -5 Dragon, Scorpion)
[] The Zanj are not your friends, finding new Jade sounds great though (DC Variable: Dragon, Crab +5 / -5 Lion, Crane)
[] Yeah the Zanj are definitely going to do something to the Jeweled City, better get the Jade Legion over there (DC 25: Unicorn, Scorpion +5 / -5 Dragon, Crab)

AN: Sorry about the delays, on the plus side we got the old colours back so yay!
Year 15: Fall of the Hidden Tower
Dragon Heart Plain: Month of the Horse, 15th Day (Early Summer)

You are Kakita Noritoshi, Emerald Champion, you have lived oh fifty years now. Through the chaos of the Spirit Wars, the Four Winds, and the rise of Toturi the Fourth, known as the Blessed even now.

And as you sit on your horse, hands lightly holding the reins, you reflect how ancient you feel. How heavy the armor of the Emerald Champion feels on your frame. You had taken up its mantle fifteen years ago, as the best duelist in the Empire.

Ruefully a small part of you wonders if that remains true. Memories flash back to Daigotsu Megumi, who had taken your eye so many years ago. A lot of that seemed to happen in Toturi III's reign, even the old man himself had lost his eye at some point.

Before you, the Emerald Legion moves in careful position. This time there is no mistake, this time your orders were not intercepted, this time no coordinated crime wave saps you of momentum before you can even start.

Instead, the Emerald Legion, your legion waits for your signal to attack Shiro Morito The home of the Kolat, the true Kolat, so the prisoners the Mirumoto had taken swore. You were not so sure. It was the nature of Kolat to splinter, and keep themselves invisible even to each other. However, you were sure this is where the main base of the greatest Kolat sect was found.

And you would burn it to the ground.

Looking over at the slightly nervous seeming Utaku samurai, you give a small nod. The woman is a battle maiden true, and pushes away her feelings. Of all the Clans, the Unicorn have the most knowledge of the Kolat...and the most reason to hate them, save for the Hare.

For it was the Kolat that made their mother turn her face from around the time you were born. A crime they could not, would forgive.

The Utaku, Zhang-Mei, you vaguely recall raises her bow and shoots a single humming bulb arrow high into the sky across the field, the whistling sound reaching out to the rest of the messengers who in turn shout their arrows, the noise echoing across the Legion.

With the cry of Banzai echoing across the valley, The Emerald Legion moves as one, samurai from every clan charging forward to take the castle before the Ox can truly mount an effective defense.

Your lips curl in a hidden sneer. The Ox, oh so loyally raised by Toturi III had betrayed his son....and wasn't that just the way of the age of chaos, to have loyalty repaid with treachery?

It was time to mark yet another closing page of that epoch.

Zhang Mei hands you the foreign spyglass and you hold up to your eye looking across the castle. A deep part of you despises handling such a heretical object. The more practical part of you, born of long years in the role of the Imperial hand of justice, acknowledges being able to see from afar is probably worth a small heresy.

The first cohort has stalled at the front gate, even as the second and third sweep over the sloped walls like fire with the help of the shugenja embedded within.
The fourth held the rear sally point to keep everything under control. The fifth cohort stayed with you. The net had been sprung and was tightening around the the castle. It would hurt, you could already see good samurai falling to their deaths as the Ox fought desperately to save their treacherous masters.

Ancestors on both sides would be pleased tonight.

Still there's little for you to do but wait and watch when a glimmering catches your eye. You move the spyglass quickly upwards and watch.

The Kolat had foreseen your assault after all. The Ox army, was barreling down the slopes towards the Fourth Cohort.


There was nothing for you to do but move to reinforce.

"Send out three arrows Utaku-san, warn the Fourth Cohort, we ride to reinforce!" You bark.

Zheng-Mei does so, more humming bulbs filling the sky in dreadful warning as you begin to ride.

You had never been much for armies truth be told, oh you had fought at the Fall of Otosan Uchi, and other places during the Four Winds....but you were a warrior first not a general.

And yet here you were a general maneuvering to counter trap the Kolat in a battle that would see you live in glory, or die in infamy.

All things considered? You preferred the former.

The pounding of the hooves under you echo as you surge forth the Ox Clan cavalry was after the Unicorn some of the best in the Empire. There was no way you could get there in time.

You heard more than saw the clash of flesh and steel echoing from the rear sally port.

Heard the strange cry of "FOR MAN!" as the Ox fought with the desperate fanaticism of the heretic.

In your minds eye you could see the brutal fighting as Samurai struggled to hold the line against a wall of steel and flesh simply running them down the way you ran down a dog.

You hoped that Soshi Nanjiro got a spear wall up in time, you hoped...but you didn't have much hope for it. So you ride around the castle wall, the rest of the legion trusting that you will save their comrades....or avenge them at least.

The Ox Cavalry had all but annihilated the Fourth Cohort, a small half ring of spear users make a grim last stand against the castle wall. Yet the Ox had stopped pressing to clear out the last of them as they hear you coming.

You raise your sword high and make the last fateful command of the day. After this, all was in the hands of Hachiman-no-kami.


Time seems to slow as you near the rapidly turning Ox, they're trying to escape, to get away....but there's no time. You can feel your heart beating in your chest, smell the scent of fear and exhilaration from both sides, and see the snarling faces before you.

Then it all resumes, as the Fifth Cohort slams into the Ox Army like a sword through flesh, cutting down horses, riders in a flurry of movement that sees screams of joy turn to agony, and defeat to victory all in single moments.

Blood stains your blade as you cut down yet another foolish Ox challenging you, a single thrust through the small gap between then neck guard and the mempo, and then you whirl around to catch a spear shaft, cutting in two before riding forward and cutting the samurai's arm off.

Then pain blossoms on your side as you fly off your horse, the noble beast collapsing from the powerful nodachi strike of your attacker.

Your blind spot....coughing blood you stand up and ready your sword, looking at the one who attacked you. Morito, the Master of Steel they said....you would not dignify him with the title of samurai.

"....And here I thought I was getting old...you can't beat me Champion...so lower your sword and live." His voice aged echoes out.

The fighting around you seems to slow as you look up at him, the old master is hale, his body untouched by the battle, mounted. While your arm was going numb, and the blood dripping through your armor was growing thicker by the minute. By any reasonable estimation, your defeat was certain.

But any reasonable estimation forgot, two things
Honour is stronger than steel
And you were Kakita Noritoshi.

"I will offer you the chance to slit your belly Morito and redeem yourself. Otherwise I will take your head hear and now" You say.

"....Well, can't say I didn't try." Morito muses as he rides forth readying his nodachi to kill you.

There should never be a question of whether or not you will hit. The question should be why, if you lack conviction, a weak blade will fail you. If you lack understanding a foolish blade will fail you. To be a master, it is not enough to declare that a cut will happen. You must reach out and take it with every fiber of your being

You had told that to Mai, your successor at the Academy that once. You close one eye and focus, one strike, one cut, one death.

That was the essence of the Kakita Ryu.

Aged joints scream at you, copper fills your mouth, and your eye opens as your body acts even as you determine the out come, both arms putting everything into one cut.

Morito charges by you and brings his nodachi down as your katana comes up.

The horse crashes into the ground as you feel more pain echoing down your shoulder. You look to see the bloody wound opened up. Oh that was going to hurt you.

But behind you, Morito struggles to stand, missing one leg. You turn around, he's already dead, you both know that. But Morito was never one to give up, even with one leg he pulls out a knife and lunges at you.

You spin to the side and draw your wakizashi out and bring it down through the folds of his armor.

"....May your ancestors forgive you Morito, for the Emperor does not" You hiss.

Morito coughs up blood and you look around. The death of their leader takes the fight out of the Ox, they continue to try and fight, but it is with a grim acceptance that this is the end.

The Kolat as they were are now destroyed.

Time for that nap.


Month of the Horse 29th day

You are Toturi IV, and you wish you could focus on this report, wish you could take pleasure in the total destruction of the Hidden Temple.

But your mind is elsewhere as Ayumi has been giving birth for...nearly a day now. You wish you could help her, be with her, but that is not allowed for various reasons. Not the least of which is that she doesn't want you to.

Kana is hovering around the birthing room, although you don't think she and Ayumi precisely get along...neither of them want anything but the best for the children coming.

You read it over again for the fifth time. Noritoshi was badly wounded, it'll be some time before he can fully resume his duties....you should talk to him when he returns. The man is well past retirement age, particularly for a bushi, even if his venerable ancestor Satsume held the post of Emerald Champion for fifty years...him doing so might not be the best.

The sound of movement as you turn, a breathless servant comes in and kowtows.

"My Emperor, the Imperial Physician reports that your children are born and ready to be seen..."

"And my concubine?" you ask.

"She is....unconscious. The Imperial Physician states that it was a hard labor, and she will not recover for some time, but that a full recovery is expected."

"...I see" you say softly as you stand up. "Take me to them immediately." You declare.

The servant nods and leads you through the castle to the Imperial Nursery.
Kana is standing over the foot of crib looking down with a mixture of affection and regret. You can see her stroking something in the crib.

But truth be told you only have eyes for one thing in this room right now.

your children

They were wrapped in cloth, but you could see them, they were real. A healthy boy and girl, looking up at you with big brown eyes.
Kana looks up and withdraws her arm. You reach down and pick them both up carefully nestling the twins in the crooks of your arms as you look from one to the other and can see so much of their mother in them...but their eyes are yours.

"Ayumi-san offers her apologies she could not be here..." Kana says quietly.

"It can't be helped, did she name them?" You ask.

"No she didn't want to presume...it is your decision." she says.

"I will name them"

[] Write in

AN: And so the world turns.