Year 16: Moonlit Wasp
Moonviewing, 14th day of the Monkey, night
The feast had gone well enough, you think, the minor clansmen from all sides seemed to simply be ecstatic that one of their own has risen so high. The Great clan representatives are more subdued, polite but subdued. No doubt the Lion and Scorpion are both trying to figure out how to remove her.
Somethings can never be forgiven, even after all the bloodshed over the Ashinagabachi castle, the Tsuruchi would never forgive the Lion and Scorpion for attempting to destroy them. The Lion and Scorpion would never forgive the betrayal of their two chief daimyo in the region eloping and forsaking their oaths to their clans. Benten-no-kami remained the most fearsome of the Fortunes for good reason. It had been over fifty years but the anger remains, and likely would always remain. For a Clan so driven by honour as the Lion and Loyalty as the Scorpion, they could never forget.
Still, if your Emerald Champion was unable to meet that, then the Heavens would not have chosen her right? So you decide to simply toast and congratulate her while enjoying the ascetic but well made food that the Order of Osano-wo put together. The laughing and drinking would go on well into the night.
You however were not one to ruin a party with your presence and had arranged for a small moon viewing party for your chief vassals who had shown up, and your counsellors which now included Etsuko herself. More sake was drunk as the poems to Lord Moon, Lord Gan, were composed. The new Moon poetry focused a lot more on romance these days rather than the old rage of Hitomi or the odd duality of Onnatangu. You can't say you preferred the romantic poetry to the Hitomi style poetry though. Did that make you an old man? No, you were just someone who thought that genre of winter romance poetry was better for that sort of thing.
Etsuko herself seems to not quite be able to make poems up on the spot like Noritoshi was, but her recitation of an old style Onnatangu poem was well received and chosen you think. Slowly the sake got to people, and slowly they made their excuses, and slowly it was just you, Etsuko and Isshin sitting together enjoying the summer night as the cicada buzzed in the background. You didn't have any evidence that Yuriko had arranged for you three to get watered down Sake, but it would fit with what happened.
You take a moment to enjoy the moonlight. Kaname had loved nights like this...a familiar twinge hurts your heart. You push it away, a small part of you rebukes the rest of you for being able to. Kaname matters, she will always matter, she will always...always be someone you love.
"My Emperor" Etsuko speaks, startling you out of your tangent.
You still hadn't figured out how to describe the Wasp woman's voice. It wasn't quite the lilting mezzo-soprano you might expect from her but neither was it the low breathy alto-tenor either, but some unsatisfying mixture of the two. Well not everyone has the perfect voice for singing you supposed.
"Yes Tsuruchi-san?" You ask.
She pauses for a second clearly restraining herself from talking a mile a minute.
"Thank you for meeting me like this. I enjoy being with people, but I always prefer to learn about people in one one conversations My Emperor" She says at last.
That wasn't what she wanted to say, you know it wasn't. While the Wasp is no doubt skilled at hiding her had been figuring out people's true feelings for longer than she'd been a samurai.
"It is important that my Champion is comfortable with their position and able to talk to me. Its too easy to try and ignore good counsel that doesn't agree with you, equally it's too easy for counselors to try and tell you what you want to hear. I have taken pains Tsuruchi-san to cultivate honesty from my followers. I may not always agree, I will always however, hear." You say.
Etsuko winces.
"Maa...I'm so easily seen through, I thought I was a little better with my on" she says. "Its an impertinent question to ask you, but its one that I have thought about since my clan was reborn"
You wave a hand as you nurse another sake cup.
"Why did you set the Doom of the Mantis the way you did? It's legendary now how Hiroko-ue pleaded with you for her Clan's salvation, and how you gave it in a way that would break the Mantis and yet redeem them. I understand punishing criminals, I understand giving people a second chance. But I don't understand, why you would set the Mantis to do things they aren't suited to do. Why not just destroy them?" Etsuko finishes.
"You answer your own question Tsuruchi-san." You say. "Despite all the challenges the Mantis gave me in my early reign. I never hated them, lamented their ambition driving them to folly, but never hated them. The Mantis have the potential to be a Great Clan, but they did not have the experience for it. So I needed to give them that experience."
"The Mantis have been extant for nearly nine hundred years though how could they not have that experience?" Etsuko asks.
It's Isshin who answers for you.
"Don't be a fool. The difference between the Great Clans and the Mantis is the First War. The Mantis have never had their homes held to the torch, never sacrificed their best for the Empire. They have always sacrificed for themselves. They were unready to be a Great Clan"
Etsuko shakes her head.
"So its as I thought, Yoritomo-no-kami failed the Mantis."
You raised an eyebrow and again gesture for her to go on.
"The Mantis were defined by Yoritomo-no-kami, everyone, everyone wanted to be like him, but he left no instructions on how to protect his legacy, he left no guidance for his followers the way Tsuruchi-shiryo did, or Moshi-shiryo, or any of the Founding Kami. Rather he left behind an impossible example to follow. In that sense, I think that he failed them. So invested in proving the Mantis were great, that he did not take the time to teach them how to be great after he left." She says.
That was an insight you had not expected from the Bounty Hunter, no mention had been made of her being a student of history.
"That he left them with Yoritomo Aramasu didn't help" Isshin says.
Seems the sake made him more talkative, or was it Etsuko? Bah you'd been reading too many of Ayumi's pillowbooks.
"No, it did not." Etsuko quietly agrees.
"Be that as it may, now that I have answered your question Tsuruchi-san, I would have you answer mine. Why did you choose to compete? Even if you did not expect to win the Championship, the Wasp are famous for their disdain of the blade, and the position of Emerald Champion is no easy thing to hold." You ask.
Etsuko drinks the rest of her sake and pours another cup before answering.
"Above all else hold to your own judgement. I know that Tsuruchi-shiryo rejected Bushido because he perceived it as the reason for the betrayal of his family. I don't think it is, I don't think you can hold any code as the reason why someone does something terrible. Whatever the justifications they give, ultimately it is just that a justification. Bushido itself is not an easy code, but it makes no pretense about it. So in that sense, I feel rejecting the blade because its wielder was cruel is a mistake. A sword has no more say in its use than the clouds do in the sky." Etsuko answers before taking another drink of sake.
"As for why I competed for the position. I want to preserve the laws you created Mikado. I have seen how much good they've done for the people, but laws are only worth something if they are enforced. I didn't want to see a traditionalist walk back the protections you gave, especially if they took advantage of your daughter while she was young. I saw becoming Champion as the best way to help the people of the Empire." Etsuko answers.
You nod, rolling the answer in the back of your head for a bit as you decided what to make of it. It was acceptable, but you had learned your lesson with the Unicorn Lion war a few years ago, no matter how much change might be needed, you can only bend a tree so far before it breaks, you would have to keep an eye on her idealism. You had a few years to work on it at least.
Hmm, there was something else you wanted to ask wasn't there?
[] Write in any other questions you have
[x} No
AN: No means we time skip to the winter court this year.
The feast had gone well enough, you think, the minor clansmen from all sides seemed to simply be ecstatic that one of their own has risen so high. The Great clan representatives are more subdued, polite but subdued. No doubt the Lion and Scorpion are both trying to figure out how to remove her.
Somethings can never be forgiven, even after all the bloodshed over the Ashinagabachi castle, the Tsuruchi would never forgive the Lion and Scorpion for attempting to destroy them. The Lion and Scorpion would never forgive the betrayal of their two chief daimyo in the region eloping and forsaking their oaths to their clans. Benten-no-kami remained the most fearsome of the Fortunes for good reason. It had been over fifty years but the anger remains, and likely would always remain. For a Clan so driven by honour as the Lion and Loyalty as the Scorpion, they could never forget.
Still, if your Emerald Champion was unable to meet that, then the Heavens would not have chosen her right? So you decide to simply toast and congratulate her while enjoying the ascetic but well made food that the Order of Osano-wo put together. The laughing and drinking would go on well into the night.
You however were not one to ruin a party with your presence and had arranged for a small moon viewing party for your chief vassals who had shown up, and your counsellors which now included Etsuko herself. More sake was drunk as the poems to Lord Moon, Lord Gan, were composed. The new Moon poetry focused a lot more on romance these days rather than the old rage of Hitomi or the odd duality of Onnatangu. You can't say you preferred the romantic poetry to the Hitomi style poetry though. Did that make you an old man? No, you were just someone who thought that genre of winter romance poetry was better for that sort of thing.
Etsuko herself seems to not quite be able to make poems up on the spot like Noritoshi was, but her recitation of an old style Onnatangu poem was well received and chosen you think. Slowly the sake got to people, and slowly they made their excuses, and slowly it was just you, Etsuko and Isshin sitting together enjoying the summer night as the cicada buzzed in the background. You didn't have any evidence that Yuriko had arranged for you three to get watered down Sake, but it would fit with what happened.
You take a moment to enjoy the moonlight. Kaname had loved nights like this...a familiar twinge hurts your heart. You push it away, a small part of you rebukes the rest of you for being able to. Kaname matters, she will always matter, she will always...always be someone you love.
"My Emperor" Etsuko speaks, startling you out of your tangent.
You still hadn't figured out how to describe the Wasp woman's voice. It wasn't quite the lilting mezzo-soprano you might expect from her but neither was it the low breathy alto-tenor either, but some unsatisfying mixture of the two. Well not everyone has the perfect voice for singing you supposed.
"Yes Tsuruchi-san?" You ask.
She pauses for a second clearly restraining herself from talking a mile a minute.
"Thank you for meeting me like this. I enjoy being with people, but I always prefer to learn about people in one one conversations My Emperor" She says at last.
That wasn't what she wanted to say, you know it wasn't. While the Wasp is no doubt skilled at hiding her had been figuring out people's true feelings for longer than she'd been a samurai.
"It is important that my Champion is comfortable with their position and able to talk to me. Its too easy to try and ignore good counsel that doesn't agree with you, equally it's too easy for counselors to try and tell you what you want to hear. I have taken pains Tsuruchi-san to cultivate honesty from my followers. I may not always agree, I will always however, hear." You say.
Etsuko winces.
"Maa...I'm so easily seen through, I thought I was a little better with my on" she says. "Its an impertinent question to ask you, but its one that I have thought about since my clan was reborn"
You wave a hand as you nurse another sake cup.
"Why did you set the Doom of the Mantis the way you did? It's legendary now how Hiroko-ue pleaded with you for her Clan's salvation, and how you gave it in a way that would break the Mantis and yet redeem them. I understand punishing criminals, I understand giving people a second chance. But I don't understand, why you would set the Mantis to do things they aren't suited to do. Why not just destroy them?" Etsuko finishes.
"You answer your own question Tsuruchi-san." You say. "Despite all the challenges the Mantis gave me in my early reign. I never hated them, lamented their ambition driving them to folly, but never hated them. The Mantis have the potential to be a Great Clan, but they did not have the experience for it. So I needed to give them that experience."
"The Mantis have been extant for nearly nine hundred years though how could they not have that experience?" Etsuko asks.
It's Isshin who answers for you.
"Don't be a fool. The difference between the Great Clans and the Mantis is the First War. The Mantis have never had their homes held to the torch, never sacrificed their best for the Empire. They have always sacrificed for themselves. They were unready to be a Great Clan"
Etsuko shakes her head.
"So its as I thought, Yoritomo-no-kami failed the Mantis."
You raised an eyebrow and again gesture for her to go on.
"The Mantis were defined by Yoritomo-no-kami, everyone, everyone wanted to be like him, but he left no instructions on how to protect his legacy, he left no guidance for his followers the way Tsuruchi-shiryo did, or Moshi-shiryo, or any of the Founding Kami. Rather he left behind an impossible example to follow. In that sense, I think that he failed them. So invested in proving the Mantis were great, that he did not take the time to teach them how to be great after he left." She says.
That was an insight you had not expected from the Bounty Hunter, no mention had been made of her being a student of history.
"That he left them with Yoritomo Aramasu didn't help" Isshin says.
Seems the sake made him more talkative, or was it Etsuko? Bah you'd been reading too many of Ayumi's pillowbooks.
"No, it did not." Etsuko quietly agrees.
"Be that as it may, now that I have answered your question Tsuruchi-san, I would have you answer mine. Why did you choose to compete? Even if you did not expect to win the Championship, the Wasp are famous for their disdain of the blade, and the position of Emerald Champion is no easy thing to hold." You ask.
Etsuko drinks the rest of her sake and pours another cup before answering.
"Above all else hold to your own judgement. I know that Tsuruchi-shiryo rejected Bushido because he perceived it as the reason for the betrayal of his family. I don't think it is, I don't think you can hold any code as the reason why someone does something terrible. Whatever the justifications they give, ultimately it is just that a justification. Bushido itself is not an easy code, but it makes no pretense about it. So in that sense, I feel rejecting the blade because its wielder was cruel is a mistake. A sword has no more say in its use than the clouds do in the sky." Etsuko answers before taking another drink of sake.
"As for why I competed for the position. I want to preserve the laws you created Mikado. I have seen how much good they've done for the people, but laws are only worth something if they are enforced. I didn't want to see a traditionalist walk back the protections you gave, especially if they took advantage of your daughter while she was young. I saw becoming Champion as the best way to help the people of the Empire." Etsuko answers.
You nod, rolling the answer in the back of your head for a bit as you decided what to make of it. It was acceptable, but you had learned your lesson with the Unicorn Lion war a few years ago, no matter how much change might be needed, you can only bend a tree so far before it breaks, you would have to keep an eye on her idealism. You had a few years to work on it at least.
Hmm, there was something else you wanted to ask wasn't there?
[] Write in any other questions you have
[x} No
AN: No means we time skip to the winter court this year.