Burden of the Emerald Empire (A Legend of the Five Rings Tale)

Year 16: Moonlit Wasp
Moonviewing, 14th day of the Monkey, night

The feast had gone well enough, you think, the minor clansmen from all sides seemed to simply be ecstatic that one of their own has risen so high. The Great clan representatives are more subdued, polite but subdued. No doubt the Lion and Scorpion are both trying to figure out how to remove her.

Somethings can never be forgiven, even after all the bloodshed over the Ashinagabachi castle, the Tsuruchi would never forgive the Lion and Scorpion for attempting to destroy them. The Lion and Scorpion would never forgive the betrayal of their two chief daimyo in the region eloping and forsaking their oaths to their clans. Benten-no-kami remained the most fearsome of the Fortunes for good reason. It had been over fifty years but the anger remains, and likely would always remain. For a Clan so driven by honour as the Lion and Loyalty as the Scorpion, they could never forget.

Still, if your Emerald Champion was unable to meet that, then the Heavens would not have chosen her right? So you decide to simply toast and congratulate her while enjoying the ascetic but well made food that the Order of Osano-wo put together. The laughing and drinking would go on well into the night.

You however were not one to ruin a party with your presence and had arranged for a small moon viewing party for your chief vassals who had shown up, and your counsellors which now included Etsuko herself. More sake was drunk as the poems to Lord Moon, Lord Gan, were composed. The new Moon poetry focused a lot more on romance these days rather than the old rage of Hitomi or the odd duality of Onnatangu. You can't say you preferred the romantic poetry to the Hitomi style poetry though. Did that make you an old man? No, you were just someone who thought that genre of winter romance poetry was better for that sort of thing.

Etsuko herself seems to not quite be able to make poems up on the spot like Noritoshi was, but her recitation of an old style Onnatangu poem was well received and chosen you think. Slowly the sake got to people, and slowly they made their excuses, and slowly it was just you, Etsuko and Isshin sitting together enjoying the summer night as the cicada buzzed in the background. You didn't have any evidence that Yuriko had arranged for you three to get watered down Sake, but it would fit with what happened.

You take a moment to enjoy the moonlight. Kaname had loved nights like this...a familiar twinge hurts your heart. You push it away, a small part of you rebukes the rest of you for being able to. Kaname matters, she will always matter, she will always...always be someone you love.

"My Emperor" Etsuko speaks, startling you out of your tangent.

You still hadn't figured out how to describe the Wasp woman's voice. It wasn't quite the lilting mezzo-soprano you might expect from her but neither was it the low breathy alto-tenor either, but some unsatisfying mixture of the two. Well not everyone has the perfect voice for singing you supposed.

"Yes Tsuruchi-san?" You ask.

She pauses for a second clearly restraining herself from talking a mile a minute.

"Thank you for meeting me like this. I enjoy being with people, but I always prefer to learn about people in one one conversations My Emperor" She says at last.

That wasn't what she wanted to say, you know it wasn't. While the Wasp is no doubt skilled at hiding her emotions...you had been figuring out people's true feelings for longer than she'd been a samurai.

"It is important that my Champion is comfortable with their position and able to talk to me. Its too easy to try and ignore good counsel that doesn't agree with you, equally it's too easy for counselors to try and tell you what you want to hear. I have taken pains Tsuruchi-san to cultivate honesty from my followers. I may not always agree, I will always however, hear." You say.

Etsuko winces.
"Maa...I'm so easily seen through, I thought I was a little better with my on" she says. "Its an impertinent question to ask you, but its one that I have thought about since my clan was reborn"

You wave a hand as you nurse another sake cup.

"Why did you set the Doom of the Mantis the way you did? It's legendary now how Hiroko-ue pleaded with you for her Clan's salvation, and how you gave it in a way that would break the Mantis and yet redeem them. I understand punishing criminals, I understand giving people a second chance. But I don't understand, why you would set the Mantis to do things they aren't suited to do. Why not just destroy them?" Etsuko finishes.

"You answer your own question Tsuruchi-san." You say. "Despite all the challenges the Mantis gave me in my early reign. I never hated them, lamented their ambition driving them to folly, but never hated them. The Mantis have the potential to be a Great Clan, but they did not have the experience for it. So I needed to give them that experience."

"The Mantis have been extant for nearly nine hundred years though how could they not have that experience?" Etsuko asks.

It's Isshin who answers for you.
"Don't be a fool. The difference between the Great Clans and the Mantis is the First War. The Mantis have never had their homes held to the torch, never sacrificed their best for the Empire. They have always sacrificed for themselves. They were unready to be a Great Clan"

Etsuko shakes her head.
"So its as I thought, Yoritomo-no-kami failed the Mantis."

You raised an eyebrow and again gesture for her to go on.

"The Mantis were defined by Yoritomo-no-kami, everyone, everyone wanted to be like him, but he left no instructions on how to protect his legacy, he left no guidance for his followers the way Tsuruchi-shiryo did, or Moshi-shiryo, or any of the Founding Kami. Rather he left behind an impossible example to follow. In that sense, I think that he failed them. So invested in proving the Mantis were great, that he did not take the time to teach them how to be great after he left." She says.

That was an insight you had not expected from the Bounty Hunter, no mention had been made of her being a student of history.

"That he left them with Yoritomo Aramasu didn't help" Isshin says.

Seems the sake made him more talkative, or was it Etsuko? Bah you'd been reading too many of Ayumi's pillowbooks.

"No, it did not." Etsuko quietly agrees.

"Be that as it may, now that I have answered your question Tsuruchi-san, I would have you answer mine. Why did you choose to compete? Even if you did not expect to win the Championship, the Wasp are famous for their disdain of the blade, and the position of Emerald Champion is no easy thing to hold." You ask.

Etsuko drinks the rest of her sake and pours another cup before answering.

"Above all else hold to your own judgement. I know that Tsuruchi-shiryo rejected Bushido because he perceived it as the reason for the betrayal of his family. I don't think it is, I don't think you can hold any code as the reason why someone does something terrible. Whatever the justifications they give, ultimately it is just that a justification. Bushido itself is not an easy code, but it makes no pretense about it. So in that sense, I feel rejecting the blade because its wielder was cruel is a mistake. A sword has no more say in its use than the clouds do in the sky." Etsuko answers before taking another drink of sake.

"As for why I competed for the position. I want to preserve the laws you created Mikado. I have seen how much good they've done for the people, but laws are only worth something if they are enforced. I didn't want to see a traditionalist walk back the protections you gave, especially if they took advantage of your daughter while she was young. I saw becoming Champion as the best way to help the people of the Empire." Etsuko answers.

You nod, rolling the answer in the back of your head for a bit as you decided what to make of it. It was acceptable, but you had learned your lesson with the Unicorn Lion war a few years ago, no matter how much change might be needed, you can only bend a tree so far before it breaks, you would have to keep an eye on her idealism. You had a few years to work on it at least.

Hmm, there was something else you wanted to ask wasn't there?

[] Write in any other questions you have
[x} No

AN: No means we time skip to the winter court this year.
Year 16: Emerald Interview
Ah yes, you remembered now, you had to think more of the future, and to give your daughter advice on how best to use the advisors you would give her after you stepped down. You were no longer the young man when Noritoshi had first met you proper, and there was understanding now. As much as it may chafe at the Crane desire for perfection that burned in most Samurai, samurai were not perfect. There were mistakes made, unintended consequences, and sometimes just outright stupidity.

What was important was that you recognized the flaws you had and worked to improve them, or surrounded yourself with people to help you improve them. A warm feeling flickers across your heart as the images of Ayumi and Kana come to mind along with your children.

So then, the important question to ask was one that everyone hated answering, even though it was quite common for it to be asked when a local lord transferred power.

A quiet sip of sake and then you speak.
"So Tsuruchi-san, I have a mind to the future, you will serve my daughter for many years, one hopes for most of her tenure even. I will guide her but in the end she will rely as much on you as any of my other counsellors. So indulge a worried father. What will you find most difficult about being my and her Champion? Not in terms of martial skill or law, we know your talent there is worthy. Rather, as a person."

Etsuko chokes slightly on the sake she sipped politely while you spoke. To her credit she didn't immediately answer with something like 'I'm too humble' which might be true but was utterly useless. Instead she thinks for several moments before answering.

"I think it will be the same thing that has lead me to become a Champion. I wish to help the common man, to maintain the just laws you have put in place. Yet, that will lead me to clash with many. I will chose what I think is just over what is politically expedient." A slight smile. "When Bayushi Jomon brought forth his charges of conspiracy, I would have had him arrested and tortured then and there."

"Despite the fact that he is my Imperial Chancellor and thus hypothetically sacrosanct?" You ask dryly.

"Despite the fact yes. The man has never represented the interests of the Clans properly, and has ever been a poison viper. The Scorpion are....well my Clan's opinions mirror my own there." Etsuko says.

You make a mental note to have Kotaro arrange for a nice set of Scorpion to spend time with Etsuko, while your Underhand were not always nice, having an Emerald Champion out to get them would be...problematic. Maybe one of the earlier competitors? Ah well, you got both the true answer and the right answer there.

"I would take care, while I understand the history of the Wasp, the Scorpion are one of my vassals." You say. "But to a more pleasant question no doubt, what will you excel at for me and my daughter?"

Etsuko smiles again.
"I was bounty hunter for years, I have tracked Kolat through forests, cities, mountains, lakes, and all over. In that time I have found that the surest way to hunt is to never give up. I will not give up any task you put before me. No matter if it takes a hundred years or more, I will not stop until I have completed the task"

Well you could respect that kind of drive you supposed, even if it was perhaps eerily reminiscent of your earlier reign. Back when your motto may as well have been 'either the wall breaks or the earth beneath it does, but I won't'

You nod slightly, it was getting late, but you still had a question brought on by her own, and better yet it was going to be a demonstration of her problem solving style too.

"Indulge me a little more Tsuruchi-san and then we can all get some rest. You asked earlier about my decision with the Mantis. While I admit to some curiosity about whether or not your clan will ever rejoin them...I would like instead to have a hypothetical play out. Let us say that the Wasp through some providence become their own Great Clan, and then through their hubris commit some act equal to Okimoto's Folly. What would you do then in my position?" You ask.

Etsuko frowns looking at the sake.
"Honestly? I'd probably just destroy the clan, it would be hard, but I think the Age of Chaos left us with this false notion that no matter what happens Clans can be forgiven for their failings and return to the fold. What was made can be unmade, and should my Clan fail in such a way, we would deserve to be unmade. Just as the Scorpion, the Crab, the Lion, and the Unicorn all deserved to be unmade at one point"

"You would deny them a chance of redemption? To punish those who followed Loyalty properly seems ill done." You say.

"No, there would bet trials, investigations, reorganizations." Etsuko says. "Trials that were fair and honest. Those who went along with it for power and greed would be punished, the rest would be allowed to swear to appropriate lords."

Isshin coughs slightly.

"....Apologies if I overstep my Emperor." Etsuko says. "Allow me to soothe your curiosity. The Tsuruchi will to my understand rejoin the Mantis if and only if the Mantis can create a corridor of land between our lands and theirs...the last war between the Unicorn and the Lion proved one thing to us. We are no longer dealing with the Lion and Scorpion who are unable to move against us, and our best defense is the law saying we cannot be attacked." Etsuko says.

"Indeed it would be a true tragedy to lose you so young Tsuruchi-san" You say.

Slowly rising you make your appropriate farewells to return back to your tent.

Isshin moves beside you somewhat glowering. Guess he was taking that loss harder than you thought?

Overall you can't say you dislike the enthusiasm or idealism your new Champion showed, but you suspected that much like your Shogun, she was going to give you head aches.

Side Story Pick
[] Ayumi and Kana's first meeting
[] Yuina's Excellent Journey
[] Ginchiyo and Yuriko have a productive meeting
Winter Court XVI: Snowed in Court
Shiro Kitsuki, Month of the Rat 15th Day (Early Winter)

Snowed in, you had known in the abstract sense that it was possible for that to happen particularly in the northern mountains that the Dragon Clan called home. Other castles would have covered walkways so that the rain didn't get on you or the snow was easy to push off. The Dragon were the only clan outside of the Crab that built entire passages between the various parts of the castle. At least it was for a more benign reason than 'oh yeah murderous flying death demons are a thing' you supposed.

That still left you feeling, what was the word? Not bored, the Dragon even though they were denied the ability to go outdoors were good for keeping people mentally occupied, riddles, stories, meditations on the Tao a surprising number of fake murder mysteries. (That unfortunately you couldn't be a part of, you weren't jealous) It still all lacked the motion, the quiet tension of a winter court where you didn't know who was going to make the next faux pas and throw themselves out a window.

Not the least of that because the windows themselves were locked. You guess boredom was the right word, you had wanted to visit Togashi on his mountain, but the Dragon had demurred saying that the High House of Light wasn't recovered from your last visit nearly a decade ago. Which could be true, could be Dragon being Dragon, whose to say? Which meant you were dealing with mundane political issues for the most part.

The Phoenix and The Dragon were having a passive aggressive competition over the new Agasha and old Agasha techniques. Which honestly you thought the new Agasha techniques were better. Yes alchemical potions were infinitely more potable and usable. On the other hand, ice fire was just impressive to watch.

The Lion and Crane were dancing around each other in the traditional 'will the Matsu snap?' dance as Makoto and his father tried to figure out what they were towards each other. It was all...

"Dear Kami, I'm bored" you say out loud, opening your eyes.

Kana your wife looks up from her scroll with a bemused smile. "As you say my Emperor, the Dragon have tried to be good hosts, while perhaps not the same as the Crane reverie, it has been intellectually stimulating..." she offers.

You sit up and look around your opulent (by Dragon standards anyways) room.

"I know that, and I've enjoyed a lot of the stuff they've done, but there's no...challenge, no spice I guess."

"...is my dear husband complaining that there isn't a crisis to occupy his winter?" Kana asks dryly.

Ayumi's sarcasm lessons had been going well apparently.

"When you put it like that no...I just uh...I suppose I was sort of used to it. Most of my winter courts had something going on, but this one is just quiet. The Dragon are too mellow to cause problems and despite us being snowed in, the rest of the Clans all know by now that we're getting ready for another war and that my displeasure if they start things will be considerable so..." You trail off.

"So you want something to challenge you because that's what you expect and since there isn't anything in particular, your all worked up." Kana says.

"...You know for someone who only married me a little while ago you read me very well." You say.

"Ayumi-chan gave me notes" Kana chirps.

You can't decide whether your glad they're getting along or worried that they're getting along.

"Still did you know that the Dragon have the second largest shrine to Benten-no-kami outside of the Crane?" Kana asks.

"I think remember something like that, why?" You ask.

"I asked Mirumoto-san about that, and apparently the Dragon have always somewhat struggled with population."

"That would indicate a need for Musubi-no-kami, wouldn't it?"

"Mirumoto-san says that the Dragon find that couples who love each other make more children, and that's why they invite Benten-no-kami's gaze so eagerly." Kana says.

You raise an eyebrow at Kana, a broad hint about something you could spend your time on instead of worrying. Well as broad hints go you've heard worse ones.

Cracking your neck a little you rise and make your way over to Kana putting one hand on her shoulder and leaning in to kiss her, a girlish smile on her lips....

The sound of a shouji screen slamming open as Doji Yuriko comes in running. Well very fast walking, but for a Crane that's like running.

Yuriko comes up short at your compromising position as her face goes red and then she forces a blush down as she kowtows.

Suppressing a deep sigh, you rise up from Kana who definitely hasn't opened a fan to pout. That would be wrong.

"Doji-san, you seem distressed." You say dryly.

"Tenno, I came as soon as I confirmed it. However your Imperial Chancellor has been murdered. A Mirumoto patrol found him in his quarters hanging from a ceiling"

On the one hand people murdering your Imperial Chancellor otherwise known as the Clan Ambassador to your court was a bad thing in the abstract. On the other hand Shosuro Jimon dying brought a warm feeling to your heart.

"Wait how do we know he was murdered? Suicide by hanging is a strange way to go for a Scorpion, but if he had no poison and was too afraid to commit seppukku, then hanging is certainly valid isn't it?" Kana asks.

Yuriko waits for you to gesture at her to rise before answering. Which you do after a moment.

"Leaving aside that we found enough opium in his quarters to kill someone much less painlessly according to your Doctor." Yuriko says. "It looks like there was a struggle of sorts in the room itself according to the Kitsuki. Shosuro-san seems to have tried to pull off the rope to the point where he tore fingernails."

She doesn't suppress a shudder or anything, but you know how distasteful such an undignified end would feel to a Crane. Death was a moment, your last moment to be artistic. To go out clawing for your life...it wasn't a good death by Crane standards.

"So probable murder, is Tsuruchi-san looking into it?" you ask.

"Hai being assisted by Kitsuki Iweko-san. They're listing up suspects and means. Kitsuki-san is especially upset." Yuriko says.

"I would think the, the Kitsuki pride themselves on truth and justice and then this happens." You say. "How long until I can expect an update?"

"Tsuruchi-san said she would bring a report with the evening meal. However, the political concerns I think can be addressed now." Yuriko answers.

"Political concerns? The Clan Champions will just select a new Chancellor, maybe one of more use to the Empire than Shosuro-san was." Kana asks.

"If my Emperor permits?" Yuriko asks.

You nod as you look around for some form of sake, it may not have been evening yet but you were deeply regretting tempting fate at the moment and wanted to forget it.

"The Imperial Chancellor's role has in large part been stripped of its power beyond representing the Clans concerns and having some authority to propose laws and manage parts of the Imperial Bureaucracy that aren't under Otomo control. This is because Bayushi Kachiko-shiryo thoroughly usurped Kakita Yoshi-shiryo's power when the two were Imperial Advisor and Imperial Chancellor respectively. When the Emperor revised the laws, this was made legitimate, to some ire in the clans. While Shosuro-san ultimately proved impotent. There's no real guarantee that his successor will be similar"

No sake damn. You decide to wait in a dignified manner instead, as Kana and Yuriko continue to talk.

"So you worry that the Clans many of whom already wish to have things made more...traditional as it was under the Hantei will appoint someone who will push for the restoration of the Imperial Chancellorship?" Kana asks.

"Precisely" You say.

"However, with things as they are, the appointment isn't wholly out of our hands. The Clans will select someone known to have a good rapport with the Emperor, as regardless of restoration they will not want to anger him and risk another Doom." Yuriko says.

"Meaning depending on who I spend time with during this winter court will incline them towards that person. Or it would it wasn't incredibly obvious about it." You say.

Kana frowns in thought.
"So you have to spend a lot of time with someone without looking like you wanted to spend a lot of time with them, while also seeming like you enjoyed it. While also making sure that whoever it is someone that all the Clans can trust."

"And we should really fine who murdered Shosuro-san." Yuriko adds.

"I trust Tsuruchi-san and Kitsuki-san will find an answer."

A part of you acknowledges that you're being rather heartless about the death of a man who in the end had only really done a job that he was expected to.
On the other hand he was an ass....

"So the best way to arrange this then would be for the Emperor to take interest in a certain arts known to be preferred by various clans. After all in light of such a...tragedy.." Yuriko finally settles on. "Many turn to the arts to understand mono no aware."

The question then was which clan/art should you pursue? There were arguments for all the Great Clans, and against.

[] Crab have an interesting form of sculpture where in you carve by breaking stone with your bare fists.
[] Crane have many arts and indeed claim to all of them, but outside of the sword they favoured most was painting
[] Dragon were known for enjoying esoteric wordplay and puzzles but they produced many poets for their size
[] Lion consider their chief art War, however when not at that art they perfected the art of story telling and oratory
[] The Phoenix were consummate students of the Tao, as such prized the art of calligraphy above all others
[] The Scorpion vied with the Crane on the artistic world in a war that had lasted for centuries, but their first best art was appropriately enough Acting
[] The Unicorn strangely enough were brilliant weavers creating great silken tapestries that were easy to carry and beautiful

AN: I really tried to avoid murdering someone this Winter Court but I found I couldn't.
Last edited:
Winter Court XVI: Putting Pieces in Place
Month of the Ox, 11th Day (Midwinter)

Etsuko frowns as you read over the sentence carried out. One Kitsuki Suijin, a graduate of the Kitsuki Method had undertaken of her own accord the murder of Shosoru Jimen due to his debauching of her sister years ago. Apparently she had seduced him, the dumb bastard hadn't even remembered who she was. Suijin had then used his apparent opium addiction to get him into place and then hung from the neck. Waiting until the opium wore off to kick out the stand that Jimen had been resting on. She had wanted him to suffer, which is why she just hadn't killed him painless with the Opium.

So just the next morning she would commit seppuku in front of the court to atone for her crime, shaming the Dragon greatly.

"Problem Tsuruchi-san?" you ask. Your hand just above sealing the order and condemning Suijin to her death.

The Wasp looks around your office and fold her arms. "No, I guess not, Kitsuki-san and myself both agree that she had means, motive and opportunity to commit this murder. I'm not sure I would have waited as long as she did to commit the act, but it all fits...however, I can't help but feel like I missed something."

From across the office Kotaro smokes on a pipe, a new hobby he had taken up after spending time with the Kaeru family this court, you couldn't say you liked it.

"I know too well that feeling Tsuruchi-san, our Emperor's rule has seen a fair number of conspiracies and the use of cut outs to obscure the true culprit. Sometimes though, the simplest answer is correct. Its not like Shosuro-san didn't have a habit of making enemies for the fun of it." Kotaro says.

"I understand that Otomo-san." Etsuko says. "But it feels, incomplete somehow."

"Because its mundane." You opine. "We are used to political assassinations on this scale having a greater purpose than family honour being satisfied. While I can't say that I disapprove of Kitsuki Suijin's motivations, its unfortunate that she simply couldn't duel him to the death."

"Much like the Imperial Council, the Imperial Chancellor enjoys the sacrosanct protection of the Emerald Champion. Any duel would have to go through Tsuruchi-san." Kotaro points out.

Etsuko makes a face. "Like I would duel for that cowardly little worm..."

"It's bad karma to speak ill of the dead. So let us not speak of him, unless you have another suspect Tsuruchi-san. I am going to approve this seppuku." You say.

Etsuko frowns again.
"No I don't, but it seems wrong that someone avenging her family should suffer."

"The Scorpion are understandably upset that one of their own was murdered in the Dragon's hospitality. Regardless of the strange quasi friendly rivalry they have with one another. The Dragon must show to the Scorpion that they will avenge them, and so someone must die. Its unfortunate, but at least she will be with her sister in the next life." You say bringing the stamp down.

"I don't have to like it." Etsuko says.

"No one should like it. But it is however, how the world is sometimes." Kotaro says.

"Quite, now I'm told that the Lion are holding a story telling competition in the Garden of Memory, and I intend to listen in." You say rising.

"Spend some more time with Kitsu Yoshihiro-san, you've spent too much time with Akodo Nanase-san and Ikoma Hideki-san." Kotaro says not rising from his position.

You wave it off. "I'm spending time with all of the Lion delegate leads in these things, I can hardly be blamed that Kitsu-san got sick."

"No, but people are already saying you favour the latter two, for subtlety, you will want to spread it out." Kotaro says.

"I still don't understand why the Lion." Etsuko mutters.

"A few reasons." You say as you check yourself over, straightening your obi. "But the biggest one is simply to ensure that even if my daughter and my wife are completely at odds, the Lion still have someone she listens too."

"Wouldn't that also apply for the Scorpion though?" Etsuko asks.

"Scorpion are planning to make a play for the Jade Championship when Horiuchi-san finally steps down, and to take over my role when I step down." Kotaro says.

"So if you know that...then the only role for the Lion would be the Shogunate or the Chancellorship?" Etsuko says. "I say it shouldn't even be a clan samurai but a ronin anyways, that way they can represent all the clans."

"Not the worst idea, but the Clans will never except that baring some sort of insane mind control." You say. "A ronin speaking for them would be too insulting to their pride."

Etsuko rolls her eyes, showing exactly what she thinks of that.

"How do I look?" You ask.

"Dignified and handsome as ever." Kotaro says wryly.

"Better a Silver Fox than Silver Boar as the sages say." You say.

"Wisdom in truth." Kotaro says.

"Shall I escort you my Emperor?" Etsuko asks.

"Sure you and Seppun-san need to work better together anyways." You answer.

Etsuko moves to stand slightly behind you as you leave the office, making the long winding journey to the Garden of Memory. Shiro Kitsuki is still mostly snowed in but the long winter months have at last let up on the snow, and the Tamori are almost completely certain they will not need to invoke the kami to let you leave in the spring.

All the same, your mind naturally flickers back to the names you and Kotaro spoke of. The Lion had not sent a large delegation despite the distance, largely because of the need to deal with the Dragonfly. Over three hundred years and the humiliation of the Tonbo still burned the Lion soul. Although on the balance, given the reputed beauty and ability of Tonbo Maroko, you wouldn't have given up on her easily in Akodo Yokatsu's place. Nor would you have taken the insults the Dragon and Phoenix gave without reply.

Still, that meant the Lion delegation was led primarily by Kitsu Yoshihiro, a gifted courtier who had plied his trade far and wide. Unfortunately he had caught some illness over the last few weeks, and had isolated himself to avoid harming others. What little time you had been able to spend with him showed a keen mind and a dry sense of humor.

You had however spent much more time with Akodo Nanase and Ikoma Hideki. The pair were almost inseparable. Born twins, with Hideki being slightly older and thus his family heir, they had gone to the Open Hand of the Lion dojo to learn how to be bards and excelled. Rapidly reaching positions of assistant delegation leaders for the Lion despite Nanase having to marry into the Akodo.

They worked well as a unit, Nanase serving as the calm, collected voice of reason to the hot blooded passionate Hideki. Together the pair managed to keep people off balance and bring people around to the Lion point of view on things.

Alone they were still good, the Lion didn't have the near fetishistic obsession of keeping twins together the way the Scorpion did. They would not abide them being unable to work together. However, the sum was very much more than their parts.

There had however, been one member of the Lion delegation that had somehow managed to evade you in all of your exploration of your Lion roots in the light of a tragic death of a civil servant.

Matsu Suki, a one armed woman who had transferred over to the way of the Courtier after losing her position in the Lion's Pride over the lack of an arm. It didn't seem to be malicious on her part, simply put she was the one doing the rest of the work while the Lion entertained you.

You could continue to simply spend time with the three available Lion courtiers, or maybe you should try to spend time with Suki properly...decisions, decisions...

[] Spend time with Kitsu Yoshihiro, the razor witted and tongued leader.
[] Spend time with Akodo Nanase, the cool elegant rationalist
[] Spend time with Ikoma Hideki, the hotblooded passionate idealist
[] Spend time with Matsu Suki, the dependable distant administrator
Year 17: Catching Up
17th year of Toturi IV's Reign, Month of the Serpent 3rd day (Late Spring)

You weren't going back to the Dragon lands anytime soon. It wasn't that they hadn't been hospitable or anything. You had spend a lot of time enjoying yourself, and while you didn't think it would be a sure thing, your efforts with Matsu Suki should lead to you receiving a Chancellor who while motivated and efficient lacks the...charm to unite the Clans against you in another remonstrance. No the problem was the damnable snow hadn't let up until half way through the spring. It was only now that you had been able to come home to Toshi Ranbo. You were tired, and somewhat annoyed at the delay. However, you couldn't delay a council meeting any longer. The year wasn't that long that you could waste effort like it.

You look towards you two travelling companions, Etsuko and Yuriko. Both didn't look like they had spent a week and a half of hard riding to get here, nor like they had barely slept. Desire was a sin to be sure, but you miss your old vigor sometimes.

Yuriko clasps her hands and looks around the council.

"It is unfortunate that we had to delay so long, so we shall be about it. Hida-san I understand your preparations are going well?"

Ginchiyo doesn't flinch, a Hida never flinches, but there is a measure of...you don't want to call it fear, but healthy respect in her eyes as Yuriko looks at her. You had heard the two had a confrontation before you left for Shiro Kitsuki. Kotaro had said it was nothing to worry about, but you were curious.

"Ah right we've been drilling the army hard. In keeping with Otomo Kaneka-sensei's directives, we've avoided expanding the legions back out the way that some of the traditionalists wanted. The Ten Legions that form the core of our force have been recalled and are preparing for war in that benighted desert. The other legions we've formed up have taken on the patrol oversight duties that they had. There are some teething problems, but nothing that can't be over come with more effort."

You weren't sure you totally agreed with your uncles vision of the Imperial Legions. A dedicated core of 10 Legions that rotated out duties to make sure they drilled relentlessly wasn't a bad idea in principle. However, the secondary purpose of the Imperial Legion as a second home for samurai from lineages to proud to beg and too poor to to provide was completely absent. It made things difficult for a few of the clans. Which was part of the point, but Clans that were unhappy made you unhappy if only for the effort of calming them down.

"Sounds like the matter is well in hand do you intend to launch any further initiatives?" You ask.

"Honestly no, almost anything else I would want comes under Yasuki-san's purview over mine. " Ginchiyo says. "Some of my generals are advocating that we build new siege platforms outside of the Jewelled City, but in truth I've spent the last half decade or so turning our part of the city into a death trap, more siege engines will just hurt our logistics."

Shiko nods and reaches into her loose robe and pulls out a small pillowbook.
"Well then I suppose I will provide something then. At Imperial behest I focused my time ensuring that the Pact's bonds were still quite strong. The Senpet have seen fit to grace us with the Yodotai's newest military manual. They call it 'Tacita' "

Ginchiyo seemed about to propose to the Togashi on the spot over it.

"Is it translated?" you ask.

"As much as we can, I only received it last month. This is the first full copy we've made, but we have scribes producing more for Hida-san's generals." Shiko answers.

"With this in mind my Emperor, I would like permission to secure land to conduct a full war game using the information in this manual, it will allow us to understand the b---" A look towards Yuriko. "asics of their military strategy" Ginchiyo finishes

Yuriko just smiles. "Sounds promising, for my own part, the Clans are somewhat in flux, with the appointment of a new Chancellor in the current mix, we will have to take a light hand in the courts this year, lest we scare them into a hardline stance. That said in discussion with Togashi-san, I do have another project while we wait. A joint summit between the members of the pact. I am given to understand that working with your allies is much easier if you talk to them first." Yuriko says.

"A joint summit? What kind were you thinking?" Shem-Zhe asks.

"Military in nature, we were thinking of convincing them to send military representatives to the Jeweled City while we sent our own. Together they could work out a plan of action and the return it to us. Such an effort would take at least a year of preparation but once they're made, we can let it operate without great effort on our part. The key issue is ensuring that we do not appear weak." Yuriko answers.

"Send Otomo-sensei, then" Ginchiyo speaks up. "No one would think Otomo Kaneka-sensei was weak."

Yuriko shares a look with you, and you decide to answer instead of making Yuriko the villain of the piece. She's a Crane not a Scorpion after all.

"It would look like I was preparing to have my uncle return to the position of Shogun, a proven reliable hand, showing my lack of confidence in you." You say. "As such a grave insult to you Hida-san and the Crab clan."

Ginchiyo blinks, having clearly never considered that possibility at all. You suppose she knows your uncle well enough to know that he would never take it back. That doesn't mean people who don't won't think otherwise though.
"I still say he's best. Doji-san can manage that sort of thing can't she?"

Yuriko nods slowly. "I can try at least. Otomo-sama has maintained his popularity in the Empire mostly through his wandering with his lovely wife. Most clans can say they hosted him for a winter now, and he's charming when he wants to be. So it will be difficult to manage the calls for it, but I could manage it I think."

The summit is a good idea, your uncle is perfect for it too, but still, that's a lot of work. You put the decision aside for the moment and look towards Etsuko.

"Tsuruchi-san, you've been quiet, what do you have for me?" you ask.

"Ah, Kakita-san's prior suggestion was a good one I think, but I was planning to implement training reforms. Yasuki Michii the Ruby Champion has decided to retire with Kakita-san's departure. I intend to appoint Asako Zenkyo to the position and there focus on retraining our Magistrates. We're using the same curriculum that was put down after the Articles of Heaven were implemented. A lot of more sophisticated criminals know our ways. I intend to change that, however I won't say that the Imperial gaze won't help push things forward. Etsuko says.

"Really that long?" Shem-zhe muses. "Asahina Sekawa-san and Kuni Utagu-shiryo both revised the training for the Jade Champions. The first because of Toturi III's insistence after that near miss with Shinsei's Heir, the second because well... Okura."

Kitsu Okura, one of the few legendary villains of the Lion Clan, who in his desire for power had nearly corrupted a third of the Clan to the worship of Akuma no Oni the Great Demon Lord said to be equal to the First Oni. Yes it would make sense to change procedures after that.

"Hai, it will be hard effort, but worth it I think" Etsuko says.

"Normally I'd call on Yasuki-san, but since we're on the matter of the Jade Champion, Horiuchi-san, are you still working on the Icons?"

"As much as I can my lord, we're making some headway, but to be honest without more support we can only do so much with our other duties. We've still not fully recovered from the Scouring of Otosan Uchi to my shame" Shem-Zhe says.

"The Jade Legion proved its worth there and made certain that it would never be disbanded in favour of the Phoenix, there is no shame in taking time to recover from such an effort." You say gently.

Shem-Zhe nods taking the compliment.

"Which then brings us to Yasuki-san." You say looking at the smaller woman.

"Ah, well its uh too late now for us implement my supply city concept. However, with the probable deployment of our forces to the Jewelled City, I intend to try and expand the sand road. Both in actual road and oases. It will require a lot of work but logistics are very important, we Yasuki know this intimately." Chitose says.

Instead of breaking out into an argument the council waits for you to weigh the options in mind. So the question then was what you were going to pick before going to collapse in a futon with your concubine and wife.

[] "We will arrange for a joint military summit with Kaneka as a representative. Putting all that work into maintaining our allies is pointless if we can't work with them" {DC 20 Air Check} (+5 Unicorn/Lion) (Failure is -10 to Crab)

[] "Given how difficult crime fighting seems to be in this Empire I will support the reforms you intend to make. Better to have that set now then after come what may" {DC 25 Earth Check} (-5 Scorpion, Crane,) (+5 Dragon/Crab)

[] "Know thy enemy is a maxim from the ronin Sun Tao. I happen to think it's a good one, prepare these war games, We will ensure the Clans do not find anything too difficult with it. {DC 25 Fire Check} (+5 Scorpion, Dragon) (-5 Lion, Crane)

[] "We think that setting up a supply chain for the Jeweled City is a good idea. While the effort may be expensive, the more work here, the less work our armies need to do {Variable check} (No penalties)

[] "These Icons are still the key to the Yodotai's magic, now that the army is settled I think we can focus on this more effectively. You will have Our support in the matter. {DC 25 Void Check} (+10 Phoenix (-5 Crab/ Lion)
Last edited:
Year 17: A Question of Safety
Month of the Goat, 17th Day (Early Summer)

Your uncle had not wanted to go all the way to the Jeweled City for a military summit. It had taken several weeks to convince him, and it had taken a further amount of time for Yuriko and yourself to reassure the Crab that this wasn't a prelude to stripping Ginchiyo of her position. In the end Hida Kuon had relented largely on the basis of a massive shipment of Jade finally arriving, and you not immediately confiscating it for your own use. The Zanj had taken a while to ship their promised material and duly they had provided a copy of their holy book for you to read.

You hadn't read it. Shem-Zhe had looked it over and said that there were no curses or anything on it, and a brief glance had shown that it was translated into proper Rokugani. To be sure a merchant's Rokugani lacking the subtlety and grace of proper high Rokugani, but it was readable all the same. You had said you would receive the book. The implication was that you would read it, but you couldn't quite find it in yourself to do so yet. You had seen the Sun and the Moon ascend, their favour sat at your side. Compared to that, what could a book do to persuade you to a foreign god of fire?

The pragmatic part of you argues that it would do nothing to persuade you, but that it could do a lot to allow you to understand the strangers from distant shores who still deeply wanted to convert your people and free them from their chains. That understanding could be vital in the future, so you should read it.

And yet, you stood in the Silver Fountain Gardens instead. Watching the pure spring water fall down artfully arranged polished stones that gave the gardens their name. For it truly seemed like silver was hiding just beneath the surface of the water waiting for you to reach out and touch it. This was installed in your father's day an affectation of Bayushi Kaukatsu-shiryo. Thus it became the personal garden of the Imperial Chancellor. You weren't even sure Jomon had the ability to change things.

It still bothered you at how quiet he had been after you cowed him the first time. You couldn't put your finger on why that was though it had been a boon to your policies, also probably your liver. Lady Sun knows that Jomon drove people to drink in his youth.

The heavy footsteps of a bushi echo through the garden. They're familiar, as you had hoped Matsu Suki had indeed become Imperial Chancellor after the Clans had shared their letters and arguments with each other. (That Suki was now to marry a Scorpion and appoint a Asako as her personal secretary had nothing to do with anything you were sure) That was still the future though, for now, you were going to meet her for the first time since her ascension to the position.

You turn around to look at her
{Source Nobunaga's Ambition}

You'd never quite felt comfortable enough to ask how she made it so that her left sleeve didn't fall flat against her like most people did. You assumed there was some sort of prosthetic involved. Still despite the fact that she had no left hand. (Her dominant hand) she looked determined and up beat. A mask in some ways, all faces were as Shinsei had taught Bayushi no Kami.

Suki kowtows to you for a moment before you gesture for her to stand and walk with with you. Isshin your ever present Seppun guard seems to fade into the background as he gives the illusion of privacy. An illusion that you treasured deeply. It was an illusion everyone treasured deeply.

The Chancellor walks with you for several moments, waiting for you to comment. This was after all something you arranged, to try and have a better relationship than your last Chancellor had had. However, while you want that, you also know that Suki will have to find her own voice both to bring the concerns of the Clans and to manage her own ministry, reduced as it was.

"I never thought I would be here. The Silver Fountains were always something I thought a tall tale, a story about the riches of the Empire told to let us move past the loss of Otosan Uchi." Suki says. A rich deep voice, not masculine but deep, booming. A warrior's voice.

"And yet Otosan Uchi is now under the stewardship of the Empire once again, and the tales are still told." You say.

"A good tale is one that does not stop being retold even if the reason for it is gone." Suki says.

You allow yourself to chuckle, it was a very Ikoma lesson one, that you had spent so much time during this last Winter Court absorbing.

"Indeed, you are settling in well?" You ask.

"Hai, there's a lot of work to be done, Bayushi-san allowed...quite a bit of correspondence to accumulate. Some of it is too old to answer but I'm answering what I can." Suki says.

Again the strangeness of Bayushi Jomon reared it's head. You couldn't figure out why the thoroughly slimy man was so incompetent, but at least you had someone diligent working at it.

"Well hopefully that means that I can comfort my vassals soon. I am aware that there are some who wonder why we fight for a desert city so far from home."

Suki tsks at that. "There is some of that, but most are far more concerned with the fate of your daughter at the moment." she says.

"My daughter is alive and well, last we spoke. Her training is nearly finished." You say.

Suki nods. "I understand that my Emperor, but many still remember your abrupt arrival to the Empire when you ascended. While your skill has assuaged that concern and led us to a time of recovery and peace. The fact remains that many would prefer if they had a chance to know your daughter before she ascended. It is not the Age of Chaos anymore and your father's well founded fear of assassins seems...lesser now."

You can feel your anger growing, lesser? Tell that to your WIFE! How she was assassinated in the middle of the Unicorn's heart, how---
A deep breath is forced by you, calm down Hisao, you can't get angry at your Chancellor on literally her first meeting with you.

"I would strenuously disagree with that Matsu-san, my beloved wife Shiba Kaname-shiryo after all was taken from us too soon by assassins." You say.

Suki nods. "Of course the Emperor is correct in his assessment. However, would he permit me a question then about his daughters?"

Slowly you nod, forcing the anger back where it belonged.

"If the Emperor wishes to keep his children safe as all parents do. Why then does his second daughter Toturi Yuina such free reign? She has been seen in the Mantis lands and the Crab lands, both dangerous to the Toturi for different reasons. I mean no offense, merely looking to understand." Suki says.

That was different, of course it was different...
But you couldn't say how.
That Yuina needed to protect herself from herself as much as anything else, and thus travel to understand the Void was essential?
It sounded flimsy even to you.

That Yuina was wise beyond her years and knew better? That she could understand the danger?
Why then was she not the Heiress?

'Promise Me'

You had trusted in the Void, in Yuina to protect her, but why could you not trust Minoru the same way? Or had you done what was easy over what was right? In the end, there had been now way to keep Yuina from moving, she had showed that when she showed up to meet Kana in the Scorpion Court. So you hadn't even tried. But you could stop Minoru, so you had, and been grossly unfair to both.

You couldn't hate Suki, it was a fair question that she had asked. But your answer was hollow to your ears.

"Unfortunately the way that Ishi are taught precludes them staying in one particular place for too long despite my wishes. Would that we could keep her from threats as well." You finally say.

"I understand my Emperor" Suki says. "However, I must stress that with your intentions known, and the War...it would be better in my opinion to have your Heir meet the Clans sooner rather than later, lest she be thrust into the position you were."

Kaname's words echo in your ears.

You had promised to keep them safe.

But what did that mean?

[] They have... a point so much of your early reign was marked by crisis simply because you had no true friendships built up, if you had been shown to the world earlier then...

[] No you will not in fact tell the Kenku when the training is done for your daughter, the time will come sooner or later, and you can be patient. Minoru can handle it...

AN: Being a Dad is hard, apparently.
Year 17: Hi Dad
Month of the Goat 28th Day (Early Summer)

You had been writing letters, you had been communicating with Minoru for the last little while, so you shouldn't feel nervous. Yet, somehow as you stood on the small platform amidst a large fountain pool, you were. Surrounding the pool were a number of Miharu and your own wife. Although Shem-Zhe and the Asako Inquisitors still hadn't quite figured out what to call the technique she created, (Popular contenders were Lord Moon's Gaze, or Mirror of Voices) Kana had taught it to a number of your Seppun shugenja, the Miharu in hopes that divided strain would allow you to continue the conversation without it suddenly cutting out on them.

Ridiculously extravagant for all but the most privileged of Lords. Which being the Emperor counted you first amongst its ranks. If it worked it would create a new form of communication that was even more flexible than the talents of the small Bat Clan. The Bat could send words...this sent people after a fashion.

You glance at Kana.

"Are we ready?" You ask.

"Ready my Emperor...at your word." She says.

You nod and your wife kneels down with the other shugenja and begins to chant as the water swirls around you, reaching out to a place hundreds of miles away. The green summer leaves flicker into view, ah so she's under a tree, seems like a nice oak. And there's a young man...Satoshi, yes that was his name...and his arms were around your daughter...and they were kissing. Minoru's eyes were closed, she couldn't see you.

You feel a flurry of emotions, shock, possessive anger, indignation, finally settling on a sort of calm anger, that reminded you of the few times you had heard of your father truly losing his temper.

"My beloved, darling, daughter, I hope I am not interfering too much." You enunciate each word with a clipped restrained tone.

Minoru's eyes go wide as she pushes Satoshi off her, the young man stumbling on the ground before turning around to see you. To his credit you suppose, he goes immediately into a kow-tow on the ground.

"Father I..." Minoru begins. "...No, your not...interrupting."

You just look at her for a moment. A large part of you knows that you aren't being fair to her or to Satoshi. Well maybe to Satoshi, he was well regarded and loyal, but he was still a teenaged brat, and how dare he...calm down, you're calm, you're calm. If you tell yourself that enough you will believe it.

"I see..." you take a deep breath. "I had intended to discuss some matters with you, Minoru-chan. If the Miya are working properly they should be bringing my spring letter to you soon. But it seems we have more immediate questions here." You say.

Kana continues to focus, and the image seems good for now.

Minoru nods. "I guess so. I suppose we're even now. You got a new wife and I got a boyfriend" She says defiant.

Kaname's voice whispers 'she gets that from you'

"Yes your boyfriend...how long has this been going on? I want your boyfriend to answer...stand up boy." You say.

Satoshi stands up and you finally get a good look at him.

Source: Bai Jingting in 'Huang Quan': Rise of the Phoenixes by Tang City Studios

You don't hate how he looks. Oh he's not good enough for your daughter, no one is. But he seems resolute enough and while you're not particularly interested in men, you can understand why, alone in the middle of the forest with a Kenku and a much older man for company, your daughter would choose him.

To be fair you would have killed Aoshi if he tried anything so this might be for the best in some ways.

"I fell for your daughter the day we left to find Kozume-sensei. She was awkward, gangly, and her hair didn't work...yet, when she stepped out on that road, all I could feel was the need to follow her, to be with her. Yes she was all those things, but she was still amazing, and the most beautiful woman I knew." Satoshi says after a moment. "I knew that I would follow her no matter what happened. That her happiness mattered to me more than anything else. So we came to Kozume-sensei, we began learning under her. I didn't want to pressure your daughter into anything. I was content to support her, to be with her. Then shortly after her first encounter with you by this method, Minoru-sama---"

"Chan, I told you to call me chan" Minoru cuts in.

"...Was upset that you had married again without talking to her, that you had had two children without talking to her. I was the one to find her and comfort her...apparently that was what started Minoru-s" Satoshi pauses "...chan to develop feelings for me as well. Roughly around Benten's Festival she invited me to walk with her to a lake nearby. We spent the evening on the lake under the moonlight, and I couldn't stop myself from confessing."

"Then I kissed him and he became my boyfriend father." Minoru says finishing the story.

Satoshi blushes.
"Well yes, my Emperor"

You take a deep breath.
"I am disappointed that you didn't tell me before, but I admit that I cannot judge fairly about this."

"I have a letter for the Miya for when they arrived to tell you, you just...jumped ahead" Minoru says. "We weren't together until after the Spring Letter left"

"Regardless. You are the Empress in waiting, I will not have a scandal regarding propriety, understand?" You narrow your eyes in a glare.

"I understand my Emperor" Satoshi says.

"....Fine. But I do intend to marry him." Minoru says.

"That's a discussion we will have later I think." You say.

A quick glance around the pool tells you that the ritual can continue for a little longer at least.

"In your letter, you will be informed that I have a new Imperial Chancellor, she has opined to me that the Clans would be most happy with you rejoining the world and spending time amongst them, before your ascension. While a deep part of me wants to keep you there, to keep you safe. I know that is untenable in the long term, but more importantly." You take a breath. "I don't want to interrupt your training. I am not there, I do not know Kozume the Tengu well enough to judge your progress. So I would ask you, if you feel you are ready to begin taking on duties as a full samurai."

Minoru's breath hitches for a moment.
"I...will have to ask Kozume-sensei, but I think so. If I am, I will return with the Miya when the spring letter arrives. If not, then I will explain why on that same letter"

That was fair, you supposed.
"Very well..."

"Thank you father for asking me first." Minoru says.

"I am trying Minoru-chan." you say.

"I know. Hopefully I can see you soon." Minoru says.

"Stay safe" You say.

"Stay safe" she says.

At that the connection cuts out and the shugenja all collapse in exhaustion.

You stand there, as they recover, trying to decide how you feel.
On the one hand, your daughter was obviously becoming her own woman, albeit one as stubborn and determined as you were at her age. That was natural, normal even. On the other hand you...still remembered her as a baby, how she felt nestled into your arms, how she cooed in delight when you found the time to play kemari with her. You remember her as your little girl.

Yuina was going through the same thing, and it brought home a very real truth. You were their father yes, but their lord and Emperor as well, and going forward, they would be adults in everyone else's eye. You would have to make a decision on how to treat them.

As a father or an Emperor. But the decision was already made really, you would be a father first, not necessarily a good father, you were all too aware of your failings there. But a father first...

Then there was Satoshi, you still didn't like the idea of anyone being with Minoru. No one was good enough for her.

But with that maxim in mind, Satoshi was from a good family, and clearly loved your daughter a lot. Whether it was love that would last, or would fade when they weren't literally the only two attractive people of the same age together...that you didn't know. You had intended to allow Minoru to choose her own husband. You wondered what they were thinking in Kawa Forest...

[] Interlude: The Daughter's Promise
[] Interlude: The Suitor's Diligence
[] Interlude: The Artist's Understanding
[] Interlude: The Sensei's Decision
Year 17: A Daughter's Promise
--The Daughter's Promise

You walk towards Sensei's hut, pushing down the lingering embarrassment you felt. There had been a plan, a plan to tell him about Satoshi-kun...about the cute, handsome man whose hands were so gentle but so strong--- enough of that Minoru!

There had been a plan, to bring Satoshi with you to the capital when your training was complete, to let him show the greatness that you knew slept within him. To show your father that you had chosen well. Because you had chosen Satoshi, you know Aoshi-sensei was concerned that it was a childish infatuation. A relationship brought on because you were the only two people here where it could work.

You understood the argument. While Kozome-sensei did have a very attractive human form, she preferred to be in her crow form which meant it was never going to work. (Leaving aside the whole you should not date your sensei because that was like incest) Aoshi-sensei was also handsome...but interested in men. Which you didn't begrudge him for, after all you were too.

It wasn't that though. It was hard to explain, even to yourself. There was a calm there when Satoshi was around. After Mother...after Mother passed, and Father had explained things...you had built a mountain of expectation for yourself. You were a Toturi, it was your duty, your obligation to hold the Empire together, to make it peaceful and prosperous no matter what happened.

So you pushed yourself, over and over again to be better, to be stronger, to make sure that if you had to fight every single kami forsaken demon in the world to make your people safe, you would. You wouldn't be your father, a man broken by his inability to save everyone. You would be better.

That is what you had told yourself, and the standard you held yourself to as Kozume-sensei beat in war for you, and Aoshi-sensei showed you culture. Satoshi had stood by you every step of the way.

It had been three years ago now you think, on the anniversary of her death. That it had been too much, you had tried to the proper grieving, proper mourning for her, setting alight the obon lanterns on the water. Out of season, but still what you wanted to do.

Then a crow being a petty little bastard seeing a shiny had swopped down and stolen it out of the water. It had been too much, and the rain had started falling down and down, and you had just knelt there.

Satoshi had found you, he had been worried, and he didn't say anything about the rain. Or what a mess you were, he didn't say anything. No Satoshi had just knelt beside you, taken a breath, and drawn you into a hug.

It was such an uncrane like thing to do really. To touch someone without permission, to hold someone who was so far above him. However, in that moment, it had been what you needed.

So he held you, he didn't promise it would be alright. He promised that he would be there for you always.

He hadn't meant it as a marriage proposal, you knew that. He had meant it as a faithful retainer, a servant. Satoshi was far too good to be a mere servant, a retainer. He deserved more than that, how many children would just go along with their friend's crazy plan to go into the death touched forest to find a mythical tengu?

Satoshi hadn't even asked twice, merely lifting the packs.

No, Satoshi had been your rock when you needed one, he still was.

So even if he hadn't meant it as a marriage proposal, you had decided to take it as one. You had always been close, but now you became closer, feather light touches, small hand made presents of origami, haiku laden with double meanings. It had been a surprisingly normal courtship given your location.

The way he had blushed when kissing you for the first time still made you feel warm inside.

You could never build that bond with someone else. Satoshi might die one day (And you will burn the land itself if that happens) but no one else would just get you, or understand you. That meant that when the choice of who you would marry was thought of...there was only one choice.

Marriage, you still didn't understand Father's decisions. You know he had loved Mother, you had seen hidden beneath that stoic façade of his how hurt he was at losing her. So then how did a mere two, three years later he end up with a concubine and a wife?

Yes there had been another plot by the Bitch to ruin things, and had revealed his concubine's feelings...but why had he returned them? His answer didn't satisfy you at all. He had been the epitome of how the Ruler couldn't let their personal feelings over ride good sense...but because some Scorpion... (Okay that wasn't fair, Ayumi did seem nice from the letter she wrote to you) had flashed her wiles at him he had just given in?

No it didn't make sense at all.

But then, that was why you had made a promise

That you would be better than your father.

No matter what it took.

Hisao looked at the letter from Kuon suggesting that he have a Winter Court somewhere else, the Kuni were pretty sure that Shahai had a trap in mind at Kyuden Hida. Any of the Crab castles likely had contingencies, the witch was good at planning.

Does Hisao decide to go somewhere else for Winter Court instead of the Crab lands?
[] Yes
[] No

If yes, write in another clan to visit (The Dragon is unavailable) Alternately you could hold winter Court in Otosan Uchi for the first time in thirty years or so.
[] Write in
Winter Court XVII: Snow Lioness
Kyuden Doji, 13th day of the Rat (Early Winter)

Blood falls on white snow, the burning pain sets into your limbs as you breathe out. Your eyes sweep over the bear out unseasonably late in the year. The bear with madness tinged obsidian black eyes. The bear that had just smashed you through a tree. Burden had cut off its limb in the exchange, still feel like it came out ahead in the encounter.

Isshin for his part has surged forward attacking the taint infused bear like the master swordsman he is. Blade blurring in motion as steel cracks through the armored carapace with the precise

A bear, that was Shahai's brilliant plan?

Kana kneels beside you, praying to the water kami around you. The spirits surge through your shoulder and arm as your ruined body knits itself back together. It still feels tender as the spell fades, but it feels whole. You stand up and test the limbs.

"Kana this can't be all that the witch has planned." You say.

"It might not be her." Kana says.

"It has to be her!" You snap.

It had to be Shahai, no one else has the gall, or the planning, none left alive anyways.

Kana looks towards Isshin who while making progress is still fighting at a disadvantage. The obsidian plate growths on the bear and the unnatural resilience of the taint make it hard for the Seppun to get a killing blow.

An arrow flies out from the under brush, you instinctively move to block it with Burden. The solid thud of the arrow on the flat of your blade, tells you it had some power behind it.

"My Lord!" Isshin calls out through gritted teeth.

Kana's eyes narrow, as she begins chanting again. Snow whirling around her feet, she needs time to call on the kami.

More arrows fly, and you can only block them with your blade and body. You're not, you're not good enough at defending people to do this. No you need to change tactics.

"ISSHIN SWITCH!" You call.

Isshin looks like he wants to argue, what with the arrows sticking out of you, but Burden is a blade forged by the God of Steel and Swords, it's purpose is to cut down the impure, the tainted, the corrupt.

It is perfect for killing this demon bear.

In contrast Isshin has spent his life training his blade to defend against everything that could harm his charge.

So he jumps in front of Kana as you jump in front of the bear. Burden glows with emerald light as you slash it up again, taking the other paw of the creature.

Isshin finds himself weaving a web of steel in front of him as Kana continues to speak to the water kami the snow whirling up around her.

You look at the bear, and lament that this hunt had gone so wrong, so terribly quickly. It leaps forward on its back legs trying to smother you with it's bulk. A side step, and despite the burning pain from all over your body, Burden comes down across it's spine, cutting through the armor that Isshin had had so much trouble with like it was rice paper.

A shout....oh there's an arrow in your chest...that can't be good.
Yeah sleep sounds good.


You are Seppun Isshin, and you have failed completely and utterly as your Lord, as your...Friend...falls to his knees towards the ground. You can't even leave to protect him as you fend off another attack. These arrows, they weren't Rokugani make or even Shadowlands make, no gaijin arrows from... no time for that.

Empress Kana looks at the Emperor falling to the ground beside the bear, and lets out a roar. The Lion Empress as she was occasionally called had not truly lived up to the title. Inventing a new way to communicate across the Empire was impressive, but it wasn't...it wasn't that martial.

The snow turns into a blizzard around you. Frostbite burns at your hands as you limbs slow, its so cold, so cold now, but still you defend her, defend the one that your Lord had spilled his own divine blood to protect.

You had failed in the duty of the Seppun, to protect the Emperor from all harm.
You would not fail your duty to your lord to defend his wife.

Too slow now, the freezing air saps your speed, all you can do is put your body in the way. The cold keeps you from feeling much pain anyways.

Kana says a word a single word.

And the world goes crystal white as pillars of ice erupt out of the now destroyed forest. The blizzard stops just as soon as it started, as the bitter cold surges into these ice pillars, consuming the snow around them and leaving the forest bare. As warmth returns to your limbs along with pain, you look towards the pillars. Inside you can see men, strangers with too olive skin, rough beards, and clothing that doesn't belong in Rokugan. It's not Invidi, nor Senpet, but their features remind you of Angelos Cyril...the Yodotai Envoy.

You would have his head, and his Emperor's head, one way or another... that much was true. You would die for your failures, that much was ordained, but like the 47th Ronin, you would die after avenging your lord.

The Empress rushes over to the Emperor, and then calls out for you. Your reverie ended as she says the words you hoped to hear, but feared you wouldn't.

"He's alive!"

The arrows in your torso can wait. The Emperor comes first, he must always come first. You take the small signal firework that Kotaro had devised and quickly light it, before heading over towards the Emperor and the Empress. The woman is already again calling on the kami to save his life.

You didn't know why the Emperor had chosen Kana really, but in this moment, you understood...
After all, a Lioness is the most fierce defender of her family of all the pack predators in the Empire.

Perspective shift
[] Doji Yuriko
[] Toturi Kana
[] Angelos Cyril
[] Otomo Kotaro
Winter Court XVII: Tea over the Emperor's Body
Fifteenth Day of the Rat.

A deep sigh escapes you as you look over the sleeping body of your husband. It was never supposed to be like this, you were supposed to protect him, to help him. To be the Empress who stood beside him. Yet, here he was resting after you had spent a day and a night doing everything you could for him.

Your name is Toturi Kana, and for the third time in as many minutes, you find yourself rubbing your eyes. Sleep could come after he was awake. For now you had to watch over him, you didn't trust anyone else to do it. A selfish, foolish thing to do, Yuriko had told you that more than once.

But after pulling arrows out of Isshin and your Husband, you don't care. In the heart of Crane power the Emperor had been attacked. Not just by the devil you knew in the form of Shahai, but the gaijin had dared....

The order for expulsion had almost passed your hand before Kotaro had convinced you to limit to the Yodotai. It wasn't the fault of the Ivindi, Pelmyrians and Senpet or the other minor nations that you never bothered to learn. Just the maniacs from the west.

The sound of a shogi door opens, you turn readying your wakizashi in one hand and beginning the soft chant of your own favoured attacking spell.

Its Kotaro who holds up a hand, the other hand holds a large tray of tea.

"Peace my Empress." he says.

Why was he here? You blink and force the haze away from your mind. Right you had asked him to bring a...a briefing right? Of events...right. Letting the tension sag out of you, the drooping feeling of your limbs seems like lead.

"Tea?" Kotaro asks.

You want to punch the smug bastard, but you couldn't really punch your husband's spy master. As much as he deserved it.

"Thank you" you say instead.

Kotaro readies a cup for you and then offers it. You drink deep of the hot, bitter drink, feeling your senses alight with energy as you consume it. Normally you preferred your tea on the sweeter side, with a bit of honey or fruit. Right now, the sheer jolt of energy was what you desperately needed.

Putting the cup down, you finally notice that there's food on the tray as well, mostly rice balls and other confectionary treats. Your stomach rumbles, when was the last time you ate? Who cares, your hungry *now* so you grab a rice ball and begin eating.

Kotaro gives a smug amused look. Damn Otomo and their Otomo ways.

"If you're ready Otomo-san" You say around a mouthful of food.

It wasn't dignified or Empress like, but you could be proper after Hisao woke up.
You weren't ready to lead the Empire to war, neither was Minoru...the only one who could was Hisao.

"As you wish Empress. After dethawing the Yodotai you entombed in ice, most of them died, one lived, and I will say this much for the Daidoji, they know their business." Kotaro says taking a slip of paper from somewhere in his robes and sliding it over to you.

"Name is Gaius, no last name, apparently making him of the lower classes. A member of their 'Vulpes Office' as part of the Bureau of Barbarians. Known to the rest of the world as their spy agency." Kotaro says.

He can't hide the sneer when he says the word barbarian, you understand it. The Yodotai calling the rest of the world barbarians? It was absurd and darkly humorous if you were of the Crab bent. The Emerald Empire knew war, but it never believed it a right to conquer the entire world, that was insane. After all the important things were already within the Empire.

"And what is this Vulpes Office?" You ask.

"Their equivalent of Shinobi, it looks like Gaius and his contemporaries were inserted with Angelos Cyril's entourage way back when the Emperor first took Winter Court here. They were disguised as servants and body guards. While we went over them deeply, it seems not even Cyril knew they were here. They took a gamble that the Emperor would return to this court soon and embedded themselves as 'Yobanjin' remnants hiding in the nearby mountains. The Crane apparently made an old practice of hiring them out during the Age of Chaos, so that a few old ones had decided not to return after what Toturi Sezaru-shiryo did, seemed plausible. They went deep cover as hunters on the edge of civilization" Kotaro sighs.

You raise an eyebrow as you pour another cup of tea for yourself,.

"It seems their original leader a Sextus Marcus was content to follow orders to just watch and observe, to return to the Yodotai army with a detailed report of how best to...break the society of Samurai. The goal being to keep this new province of the Yodotai Imperium quiet. As if that as possible...but he died. His second a Lucius Crassus, took over and had different ideas. With the Imperium poised to attack, Lucius decided to take advantage of the Emperor returning to launch a decapitation strike. Which he did when the bear attacked" Kotaro finished.

"Where did the bear come from. We went to the Crane to avoid That bitch's shenanigans." You say.

Kotaro offers a wan smile.

"That's where we have some good news. It wasn't the Lady of Blood who sent that bear, it was her son. That's why it was so amateurish without the interference of the Vulpes, I doubt you would have been in any real danger from it" Kotaro says.

You want to shake him. How is the fact that now Shahai has a son that can do these sort of things, good news at all? If anything it's terrible news. Two semi immortal maho-tsukai who have a god complex and ego enough to demand the throne that belonged to your husband. That wasn't better!

"...I don't see it" You settle on.

"The Crab planned a trap for Lady Blood's stratagem at Kyuden Hida and Daybreak Castle. This was evidentially going to be the debut of the new 'Hantei' in attempt to establish that his power was overwhelming. First by taking Daybreak Castle in a single night then Kyuden Hida." Kotaro says.

He takes a sip of tea.

"According to the preliminary reports, Daybreak Castle still stands. The False Emperor has been driven off, and Lady Blood has lost her body. I'm still waiting for a more detailed report, but that is what Hida-san sent to me with riders. This happened about two weeks ago, which means that the Bear was the best thing that the False Hantei could come up with in a panic...so yes, good news I think." Kotaro finishes.

You swallow the rice ball.
"I'm not so sure, the Emperor is still hurt....and even if the Lady of Blood is gone for now. Her son is just as terrible as she was it sounds like. I mean he did manage an attack"

Kotaro takes another sip.
"I will take a young inexperienced foe over an experienced one any day. His attack was so sloppy and amateurish that it wasn't something we expected to actually work. Its a bit like hmm, a small child shooting a bow, they sort of know how to do it. But them hitting the target is more a matter of luck than any skill. We were so focused on the master archer, that we missed the idiot child playing with a bow off on the side. So yes a set back on our part, but the idiot child is much less dangerous than the master archer"

You pinch the bridge of your nose. Okay that made sense, but dammit it hurt too much to think right now.

"Empress, forgive my impertinence but when did you last sleep?" Kotaro asks.

"I'll sleep when my husband awakens" You retort.

"With respect, no you should sleep now, you are the acting regent of the Empire, it might not be a role you want, but it absolutely must be fulfilled, and you need to do it." Kotaro says. "The Emperor will wake up, I'm sure of it"

"And if I'm not there?" You snap.

"Then you are the woman he needs to support him right now. As much as the Emperor hates delegating, he's appreciative of competent subordinates doing their jobs." Kotaro says.

"My job is to look after my husband." You say.

"And his Empire. I'm not asking you to abandon his side, but to rest. Doji Makoto-san wants to talk with you in the morning as do most of the other delegation heads, and you need to be at your best for that."

"Can't Yuriko do that?" You ask.

"Doji Yuriko-san is doing much of that, but some things aren't in her power. We've expelled the Yodotai officially, but what do we do with their embassy? Are the Crane to be punished for this? What of Horiuchi-san? Those are all decisions you as regent are going to have to make unless he wakes up tomorrow." Kotaro says.

Hisao lays there, breathing in slow rhythms as his body continues to heal itself from the near death experience. He could wake up tomorrow, or later, you just didn't know, for now the Kami were being used to keep him fed while he rested.

Your head hangs slightly.

"I...I'll think about it" You finally say.

Kotaro nods.
"Then by your leave?" he asks.

You wave a hand as you finish off the tea, you didn't need sleep anyways.

Sixteenth Day of the Rat

Ow...everything hurt, well okay that was an exaggeration, but most things hurt. You open your eyes to see Kana passed out on your chest. So that was what was so warm...softly your hand goes to her head and begins rubbing the back of it. She must have been so worried.

So you had been attacked...that much was clear, by both the Bitch and the Yodotai...but you don't think they were working together. If only because the idea of Yodotai working with anyone was insane.

Still, the Crane had kind of messed up here. Maybe more taxes for a year or two? Or something else they hated, like helping the Crab with food. Yeah that was a ticket.

You were also going to have to show that despite being shot in the stomach you were still a healthy vigorous Emperor....your mind slowly pierces through the fog. A martial tournament? Hmm maybe. Oh castle wide game of kemari...

Or to show absolute confidence you could try hunting again, maybe this time a bear mutated by the forces of jigokou won't attack you?

How would you show that you were still good to go?

[] Participate in a martial arts tournament
[]Lead a castle wide game of kemari
[] Hunting again take down a tiger or something
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