Burden of the Emerald Empire (A Legend of the Five Rings Tale)

...and so now she's going to go have a chat with Uncle... who, if I recall correctly, sacrificed himself to handle a rising and dangerous prophet among the Yobanjin a number of years ago.

But for the Ishiken, the arrow of time is more what you'd call a guideline, than an actual rule.
You know how it is:
Time was confusing when you can move it around like rice in a bowl
The grains of time? Almost like sand?
I wonder if we can send her to not!persia to find a dagger. :V:V:V
That was less fighting and more conquering, aside of cathargo rome didnt have that much serious enemies, persia meanwhile is pretty much their main rivals as they were of the greek and eventually the bizantine empire.
Sort of? The "Persia" who kept fighting Rome was the Selucids, and they were a Macedonian successor state (as was Ptolomaic Egypt). Darius the Great (the poster child for the Persian side in the wars with Greece) was well before that. It might have been the same block of land, but it wasn't the same people making the decisions by any stretch. Both of those groups actually held the territory that wound up later becoming the Byzantines, and the folks who were seriously bothering the Byzantines were really religious types who had started out somewhere else entirely.

...but this gets off-topic. After all, none of these people were invading Japan.
Winter Court XVI: Snowed in Court
Shiro Kitsuki, Month of the Rat 15th Day (Early Winter)

Snowed in, you had known in the abstract sense that it was possible for that to happen particularly in the northern mountains that the Dragon Clan called home. Other castles would have covered walkways so that the rain didn't get on you or the snow was easy to push off. The Dragon were the only clan outside of the Crab that built entire passages between the various parts of the castle. At least it was for a more benign reason than 'oh yeah murderous flying death demons are a thing' you supposed.

That still left you feeling, what was the word? Not bored, the Dragon even though they were denied the ability to go outdoors were good for keeping people mentally occupied, riddles, stories, meditations on the Tao a surprising number of fake murder mysteries. (That unfortunately you couldn't be a part of, you weren't jealous) It still all lacked the motion, the quiet tension of a winter court where you didn't know who was going to make the next faux pas and throw themselves out a window.

Not the least of that because the windows themselves were locked. You guess boredom was the right word, you had wanted to visit Togashi on his mountain, but the Dragon had demurred saying that the High House of Light wasn't recovered from your last visit nearly a decade ago. Which could be true, could be Dragon being Dragon, whose to say? Which meant you were dealing with mundane political issues for the most part.

The Phoenix and The Dragon were having a passive aggressive competition over the new Agasha and old Agasha techniques. Which honestly you thought the new Agasha techniques were better. Yes alchemical potions were infinitely more potable and usable. On the other hand, ice fire was just impressive to watch.

The Lion and Crane were dancing around each other in the traditional 'will the Matsu snap?' dance as Makoto and his father tried to figure out what they were towards each other. It was all...

"Dear Kami, I'm bored" you say out loud, opening your eyes.

Kana your wife looks up from her scroll with a bemused smile. "As you say my Emperor, the Dragon have tried to be good hosts, while perhaps not the same as the Crane reverie, it has been intellectually stimulating..." she offers.

You sit up and look around your opulent (by Dragon standards anyways) room.

"I know that, and I've enjoyed a lot of the stuff they've done, but there's no...challenge, no spice I guess."

"...is my dear husband complaining that there isn't a crisis to occupy his winter?" Kana asks dryly.

Ayumi's sarcasm lessons had been going well apparently.

"When you put it like that no...I just uh...I suppose I was sort of used to it. Most of my winter courts had something going on, but this one is just quiet. The Dragon are too mellow to cause problems and despite us being snowed in, the rest of the Clans all know by now that we're getting ready for another war and that my displeasure if they start things will be considerable so..." You trail off.

"So you want something to challenge you because that's what you expect and since there isn't anything in particular, your all worked up." Kana says.

"...You know for someone who only married me a little while ago you read me very well." You say.

"Ayumi-chan gave me notes" Kana chirps.

You can't decide whether your glad they're getting along or worried that they're getting along.

"Still did you know that the Dragon have the second largest shrine to Benten-no-kami outside of the Crane?" Kana asks.

"I think remember something like that, why?" You ask.

"I asked Mirumoto-san about that, and apparently the Dragon have always somewhat struggled with population."

"That would indicate a need for Musubi-no-kami, wouldn't it?"

"Mirumoto-san says that the Dragon find that couples who love each other make more children, and that's why they invite Benten-no-kami's gaze so eagerly." Kana says.

You raise an eyebrow at Kana, a broad hint about something you could spend your time on instead of worrying. Well as broad hints go you've heard worse ones.

Cracking your neck a little you rise and make your way over to Kana putting one hand on her shoulder and leaning in to kiss her, a girlish smile on her lips....

The sound of a shouji screen slamming open as Doji Yuriko comes in running. Well very fast walking, but for a Crane that's like running.

Yuriko comes up short at your compromising position as her face goes red and then she forces a blush down as she kowtows.

Suppressing a deep sigh, you rise up from Kana who definitely hasn't opened a fan to pout. That would be wrong.

"Doji-san, you seem distressed." You say dryly.

"Tenno, I came as soon as I confirmed it. However your Imperial Chancellor has been murdered. A Mirumoto patrol found him in his quarters hanging from a ceiling"

On the one hand people murdering your Imperial Chancellor otherwise known as the Clan Ambassador to your court was a bad thing in the abstract. On the other hand Shosuro Jimon dying brought a warm feeling to your heart.

"Wait how do we know he was murdered? Suicide by hanging is a strange way to go for a Scorpion, but if he had no poison and was too afraid to commit seppukku, then hanging is certainly valid isn't it?" Kana asks.

Yuriko waits for you to gesture at her to rise before answering. Which you do after a moment.

"Leaving aside that we found enough opium in his quarters to kill someone much less painlessly according to your Doctor." Yuriko says. "It looks like there was a struggle of sorts in the room itself according to the Kitsuki. Shosuro-san seems to have tried to pull off the rope to the point where he tore fingernails."

She doesn't suppress a shudder or anything, but you know how distasteful such an undignified end would feel to a Crane. Death was a moment, your last moment to be artistic. To go out clawing for your life...it wasn't a good death by Crane standards.

"So probable murder, is Tsuruchi-san looking into it?" you ask.

"Hai being assisted by Kitsuki Iweko-san. They're listing up suspects and means. Kitsuki-san is especially upset." Yuriko says.

"I would think the, the Kitsuki pride themselves on truth and justice and then this happens." You say. "How long until I can expect an update?"

"Tsuruchi-san said she would bring a report with the evening meal. However, the political concerns I think can be addressed now." Yuriko answers.

"Political concerns? The Clan Champions will just select a new Chancellor, maybe one of more use to the Empire than Shosuro-san was." Kana asks.

"If my Emperor permits?" Yuriko asks.

You nod as you look around for some form of sake, it may not have been evening yet but you were deeply regretting tempting fate at the moment and wanted to forget it.

"The Imperial Chancellor's role has in large part been stripped of its power beyond representing the Clans concerns and having some authority to propose laws and manage parts of the Imperial Bureaucracy that aren't under Otomo control. This is because Bayushi Kachiko-shiryo thoroughly usurped Kakita Yoshi-shiryo's power when the two were Imperial Advisor and Imperial Chancellor respectively. When the Emperor revised the laws, this was made legitimate, to some ire in the clans. While Shosuro-san ultimately proved impotent. There's no real guarantee that his successor will be similar"

No sake damn. You decide to wait in a dignified manner instead, as Kana and Yuriko continue to talk.

"So you worry that the Clans many of whom already wish to have things made more...traditional as it was under the Hantei will appoint someone who will push for the restoration of the Imperial Chancellorship?" Kana asks.

"Precisely" You say.

"However, with things as they are, the appointment isn't wholly out of our hands. The Clans will select someone known to have a good rapport with the Emperor, as regardless of restoration they will not want to anger him and risk another Doom." Yuriko says.

"Meaning depending on who I spend time with during this winter court will incline them towards that person. Or it would it wasn't incredibly obvious about it." You say.

Kana frowns in thought.
"So you have to spend a lot of time with someone without looking like you wanted to spend a lot of time with them, while also seeming like you enjoyed it. While also making sure that whoever it is someone that all the Clans can trust."

"And we should really fine who murdered Shosuro-san." Yuriko adds.

"I trust Tsuruchi-san and Kitsuki-san will find an answer."

A part of you acknowledges that you're being rather heartless about the death of a man who in the end had only really done a job that he was expected to.
On the other hand he was an ass....

"So the best way to arrange this then would be for the Emperor to take interest in a certain arts known to be preferred by various clans. After all in light of such a...tragedy.." Yuriko finally settles on. "Many turn to the arts to understand mono no aware."

The question then was which clan/art should you pursue? There were arguments for all the Great Clans, and against.

[] Crab have an interesting form of sculpture where in you carve by breaking stone with your bare fists.
[] Crane have many arts and indeed claim to all of them, but outside of the sword they favoured most was painting
[] Dragon were known for enjoying esoteric wordplay and puzzles but they produced many poets for their size
[] Lion consider their chief art War, however when not at that art they perfected the art of story telling and oratory
[] The Phoenix were consummate students of the Tao, as such prized the art of calligraphy above all others
[] The Scorpion vied with the Crane on the artistic world in a war that had lasted for centuries, but their first best art was appropriately enough Acting
[] The Unicorn strangely enough were brilliant weavers creating great silken tapestries that were easy to carry and beautiful

AN: I really tried to avoid murdering someone this Winter Court but I found I couldn't.
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"I would think the, the Kitsuki pride themselves on truth and justice and then this happens." You say. "How long until I can expect an update?"
A bold place to try this sort of shit.
[] Crane have many arts and indeed claim to all of them, but outside of the sword they favoured most was painting
Technically we could also maybe add Mizu Do to our interest in Juijitsu.

Alright, our lowest rated clans are Crane, Lion Unicorn. Lion is currently pegged. Crane has a peg but is above it. Unicorn is unpegged. Dragon have a peg but are significantly above it.
We have a Minor Clan/Wasp, a two Crabs, a Unicorn (maybe approaching retirement) and two a Cranes.
I'm pretty disinclined to give it to Crane given all that.
Scorpion are friends with Crane and Unicorn and enemies of Lion so that might be the place to go to exploit the Lion peg and shore up our low ratings.
E: On the other hand, I seriously doubt that it will help our harem councils diversity.

E: How embarrassing.
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[X] The Unicorn strangely enough were brilliant weavers creating great silken tapestries that were easy to carry and beautiful

Was debating between this and phoenix, but i figure the Phoenix are going to try and snatch the jade championship when Shem-zhe retires.
[X] The Unicorn strangely enough were brilliant weavers creating great silken tapestries that were easy to carry and beautiful
I will need to look over the Court's make up later.

Though honestly, my first thought was "surprise murder mystery game"!
So... thinking about it... what does the Imperial Chancellorship entail?

This is going to be the person who (at least officially) represents the will of the clans. They're going to be that for us, and they're going to be that for our heir. Personally, we're pretty much done with making sweeping changes to Rokugani society. We had a good run, but we've pushed them about as far as they will go. Our heir is... likely to be more traditional? She was raised by both Crane and Kenku. WE do want to make sure she doesn't push too far back in the wrong direction, though.

By extension, we probably don't want someone from one of the deeply traditionalist clans. No Lion, no Crane. From that perspective, I'd go Dragon, except that we already have one of those as Commissioner, and we don't want to dip too deeply. Perhaps... Scorpion? The only Scorpion we have anywhere close to our councils right now is Ayumi, and if we can get one who will work with us rather than against us... well, it might be good for our heir to have someone to speak for the under hand... and Scorpion are only 5 above the lowest.

Side note... I notice that right now, the three most prominent Unicorn out there are the Jade Champion, the Sun, and the Moon. I feel like we might start seeing some more spiritual stuff coming out of that clan soonish. Regardless, while our her will want to find a way to get a Unicorn voice int eh miz once Shem-Zhe retires, they should be fine for now.

Yeah... I think I like the Scorpion on this one, especially because they do so well in the "officially, I'm the antagonist" role. We just need to get one who doesn't have "Villain" written right on the card. Also... it will help to counterbalance our heir's alignment towards the Crane.

[x] The Scorpion vied with the Crane on the artistic world in a war that had lasted for centuries, but their first best art was appropriately enough Acting
Okay. Fair. So... do we want the clans to get their way? How much do we want the clans to get their way? How much are the clans going to get their way for each clan in question? (Honest question here. I'd love to see someone else run some analysis on this one. I'm tapped out for the moment.)
Power the Imperial Chancellor has is power taken from the Imperial Advisor, since Chancellor is picked by the clans and the Advisor by the Emperor, I'd say probably not unless we also get something in exchange for it. However its probably also not a very high cost if we could get something.

Its really hard to say how each clan would work and what a competent chancellor could do since the last one was Jimen... Obviously if we're afraid of a Chancellor who is working against us in some way we probably don't want to favour a clan that doesn't like us, but they're all at 45 minimum so we're probably safe there.

If we are looking for someone who is most likely to work in our favour, obviously we'll start a minor brawl in the court as everyone tries to justify why thats them. However our highest ratings are with Crab, Dragon and Pheonix. And we could also make arguments for the higher honour groups, normally I'd say Lion there, but storytelling would be an Ikoma and that was the ancestor who kinda had to do the less honourable mucking about in that clan if I remember right. And another argument could be made for the Scorpions loyalty.

I already looked at what we'd choose for purely looking at mechanical rating, we'd go Crane or Unicorn as they are lowest while leaving the Lion on their peg or Scorpion on the basis that their wide alliances would get the most approval. Since we aren't selecting the clans are electing I'm not sure we'll get influence from this though.

If we want to go by representation on the council, Lion have never been up there as far as I can remember, though they have the active empress. Phoenix have had the empress and never a council member, however if Shem Ze retires they're the favourite to replace him. Unicorn will have no one if Shem retires. And Scorpion have no one on the council, but have had multiple in the past and currently have a concubine, which probably means more now than when emperors had dozens.

I think I am leaning Scorpion, I'm just worried they're going to be trying to move into actively seducing us rather than the usual "Send pretty girl and see what happens" that the clans have mostly been doing.