14th Year of Toturi IV's Reign, Month of the Hare, 24th day. (Early Spring)
The return from the City of Rich Frog had been both more and less eventful than you'd hoped. More because you just as you had stopped in at Shiro Akodo briefly to see your brother, his wife had gone into labor, leaving you as the proud uncle of a young boy that had wailed so loudly it had woken the entire keep up. At least that is what they're saying. You don't think that little Nazeru was quite that loud, even if you did hear it yourself. Still you're happy for them, even if it meant delaying your own journey by a few days. Maybe this will finally make them stop fighting.
A part of you really doubts it.
While that part was fine, the fact that your Miharu still hadn't found Hagaos...annoyed you immensely. They said they would have him soon, but promises were while not worthless, significantly less concrete than one would think given the tenet of sincerity in Bushido.
All of which brings you here to your council meeting. The first one since Akane had passed. The Imperial Council goes through the routine of prostration, and acceptance before rising. You, Noritoshi and Shem-Zhe all share a glance. When had you all gotten old? The three newest members of the council not a one of them was over thirty summers if that.
With a mental shrug you decide to ignore that your father had had graying hair before even reaching your age. Granted he had died the next year but...enough of that time to focus.
"Doji-san, shall we begin?" You ask.
Yuriko nods.
"The Maiden's Court was a success in many ways, while the Unicorn and Lion are unlikely to ever be true friends, their relations have thawed from the experience and both they and the Minor Clans are gratified about your decision to choose the newest Minor Clan to visit. "Minato of the Catfish Clan has said that he hopes you can visit him soon."
Ah Minato, you should check in on him one of these days. Eh, he's probably fine.
"I see so a success, and of my message to the interested parties?"
Yuriko takes out a fan unfolding it to hide her blush.
"It is known that next winter court will involve a competition for your hand my Emperor. Bayushi Paneki-san has yet to reply to this particular plan but there's no reason he won't be amenable to it. The prestige alone is good for his clan, a debut of sorts."
Ginchiyo snorts.
"As if we need reminders of the Scorpion."
"Hida-san" Yuriko says lowering her fan to fix Ginchiyo with an intense stare. "Please don't interrupt."
Ginchiyo is about to say something, but Noritoshi and Shem-Zhe join with Yuriko, and the Hida seems to back down.
You give a slight nod. Hida Ginchiyo is from Kotaro's reports absolutely brilliant in warfare and the troops seem to fear and love her in equal measure. But her political instincts...that was something you'd have to have someone beat into her. Your uncle might get through to her, the hero worship the Hida woman had for him was no secret.
Filing that thought away, you raise a hand for Yuriko to continue.
"On some what less personal but still important news for the Empire. It seems that Togashi Satsu-san has stepped down after his injuries, there was a time when it seemed that he would recover but... he has appointed Mirumoto Kei-san as his successor, while not traditional, and thus technically within the Imperial remit. Togash-san has asked you grant this citing the need for the Togashi to focus on integrating the Hoshi and Hitomi orders." Yuriko says.
You search your memory.
"Mirumoto Kei, she made a name for herself in the War of Rich Frog yes? And Later during the War of Silk and Steel?" You ask.
"Hai, Togashi-san would know more of her than I but her record shows a dutiful, strong woman with a proven track record as leader of the Mirumoto." Yuriko answers.
You look at Shiko.
Shiko shrugs a little.
"Ask a man who has not been to the ocean in three years what its like and he'll tell you clear as day what he remembers, whether the ocean is still like that, well that's a different question. Mirumoto-sama will be a fine champion, but will gaze north as Togashi-dono did." She says.
You think for a moment, and can't come up with a reason to deny Kei the championship even if you could, there's no point.
"My assent is given. Other business Doji-san?"
"Moto Chinhua-san went to the Scorpion winter court this year, stole a ride from us she did, seems to have hit off quite well with Bayushi-san, I can encourage this, or discourage it if the Emperor wills." Yuriko says.
Its clear she wants to encourage it, equally clear that it might not be in your best interest. Ninjas don't exist, but you definitely don't want ninja horses to become a thing in the imagination either.
"I see, Kakita-san?"
"I hate to be the boor who repeats the same song at every party." He glances to see if either of the Crab take the bait, but they don't.
"But I must once again bring up the matter of Otosan Uchi. While the peasants are beginning to fill it up again flowing in from Eight Wheel City, there is no official law in there, the Tortoise are doing what they can, but they lack the numbers to adequately do anything without the Great Clans providing support. Naturally no one wishes to provoke you without orders to interfere. Given that the prohibition on bringing armies to the Capitals is still in place" Nortioshi says.
"So we have left that Otosan Uchi is liable to become another Zayko Toshi if nothing is done, and for the old capital to become that...I apologize my Emperor, but it is wrong. I request permission to withdraw the Emerald Legion from its normal duties to invest and bring law back to the city. This will be a project that takes some time, so we will have to recruit more Magistrates." He finishes.
"Should we not just decide the matter of Otosan Uchi? If it is to be invested as an Imperial City granted it to one of the Imperial families, and send the Imperial Blessing there." Ginchiyo says.
"The Imperial Blessing is not to be used on Imperial lands by the order of Hantei XI, there were concerns after that particular crisis" Noritoshi says.
You frown.
"What happens if we leave it."
Noritoshi trembles. "I cannot guarantee the sanctity of the Forbidden City if we leave it." he says simply
Chitose speaks. "Ano...I have plans drawn up to begin explorations in the Spine of the World to try and find Jade mines...but I believe we should shelve it if things are that dire."
You look at her with a raised eye. Noritoshi seems torn between being grateful, and the fact that a Yasuki is helping him. On the one hand you do want Jade away from those....Zanj. But Noritoshi's prediction of the Forbidden palace being desecrated brought it's own worries.
Shem-Zhe shrugs. "I can continue work on missionaries without putting everything into it, but...I expect them to step things up after what happened." He says. Neither advocating for himself or Noritoshi.
Ginchiyo waves a hand.
"The Imperial Legion is strong, but I intend to begin fortification of the Jewelled City this month one way or another." She says.
Shiko looks at her strangely.
"Burrowing into sand does not make the seagull look away, but draws other clams to their doom. From what was said last, little has changed, but the other Powers will require Hida-san to work with them to achieve what she wants, meaning the Emperor must give assent to achieve it..."
[] Work to encourage the Scorpion Unicorn alliance and keep it from ruffling too many feathers. TN 25 (+5 Unicorn, Scorpion, -5 Lion, Crab)
[] Recall the Emerald Legion and settle the matter of Otosan Uchi once and for all. TN 25 (No positives or negatives, unlocks further choices)
[] Fortified the Jeweled City. TN 30 (+5 Crab, Lion, -5 Crane, Unicorn)
[] Survey the Spine of the World to find a Jade Mine. Variable TN +5 Scorpion, Crab, -5 Phoenix, Dragon
[] Prepare for the next missionary effort by the Zanj. TN25 (+5 Phoenix, Dragon, -5 Unicorn, Crane
AN: Old colours no longer available on new SV makes me sad, hopefully the new ones grow on me. Hope you guys enjoy.