Narwhal collapsed into the sheets, her sweat covered body shuddering from far too many emotions.
CD and Nightmare Moon had passed out a while ago, neither had experience with Adam's drive or enthusiasm... but now she was falling ever more close to sleep as well.
The feeling of his arms wrapping her up to cuddle were very welcome. "What. The. Hell. Adam."
His embarrassment was apparent. "Not sure. Just... really full of energy today. Haven't slept in almost two days at this point, but I still feel ready to get going."
She gripped his arms. No way in hell. Not tonight, anyway. "Let's. Just. Stop. Awhile."
Adam nodded against her neck and mentally retreated into his soul. Might as well sort the massive ocean of data from Star Wars if he was going to be THIS wired this late.
Unknown to him, a blue feather appeared in the room moving the three girls into more comfortable positions. No reason for the girls to be sore in the morning. Well. More sore.
~~~Broken Adventure~~~
Taylor hummed happily, hundreds of virtual windows open and flashing as she made changes. The quests farther along her Class advancement became WAY more interesting now that she had unlocked some more abilities. 'Multitasking' had been enhanced by 'Non-Linear Logic' and 'Heuristic Prediction', even if she had to look up what those words meant with mom.
Now she could accept System quests to administrate all sorts of tasks submitted by other System users, even if the details were a bit censored to ensure privacy and reduce her exposure to the more mature topics.
Taylor HAD taken the time to ensure any requests from Mom or Dad were always at the top of her queue, but even without their minor requests she had all sorts of interesting problems and stuff to reorganize and direct.
The girl hummed along, redistributing the troop deployments around containment zones and organizing a few proms and birthday parties.
It was a light workload today.
~~~Broken Adventure~~~
Adam forced his leg to stop jittering.
He had eventually went to Squishy about the situation. The endurance? No problem. No longer need to sleep? A bit annoying, but he could relax in his soul as a stop gap measure.
But he had tried to move a machine in the factory level with magic and atomized half the damn floor!
Until Lung stabilized into a good power source, he would be... well. Inconvenient. Too dangerous to do much of anything other than slowly absorb it all like a sponge. Even the idea of traveling to a new Realm was shot down, as 'Transfer' could shove him anywhere right now.
He needed a hobby to help distract himself.
So he was trying to sculpt.
Simmy got a massive block of stone and some tools that could resist his ambient magical pressure and enhanced body, and he was trying to slow down, focus, and break something in a creative way.
Without destroying the ground below the block, or breathing out magical fire, or whatever.
It... well. It was slow and unrewarding.
WITH his powers, carving anything took an instant of concentration.
Without it? Rock had fault lines and defects inside it, and even a slight misunderstanding about those issues could cause chunks of the stupid thing to pop off. He hadn't touched half the tools at all, he just had a basic mallet and a chisel and was trying to slowly cut the rock.
Designs? Shapes? No, he just wanted to consistently carve out small slivers of stone without nailing the chisel into the rock or accidentally punching chunks out with his fists when he missed.
So... basically a lesson in control here.
He absently tilted his head as he kept the chisel at an angle. The trick here was small, SMALL taps with the chisel. Slow, small progress.
A gentle tap popped a foot long strip of stone off. Cracks splintered into the rest, the stone crumbling into a pile.
Simmy tossed the rocks aside, another boulder for him to ruin placed before him.
A smiley face. That should be doable, right? Any curves against the natural 'grain' of the stone would have to be very small chips to avoid another structural collapse. Right.
The worse part of this, Adam considered as he slowly chipped the left eye of the face, was that the raw power prevented him from making his awesome extra limbs. Not that they would be helpful, honestly... compared to his natural hands, they were drastically less controlled and could apply far less finesse.
But multiple limbs was a mans romance. Or something like that. Everyone was cooler with extra hands and stuff.
As Adam chipped his way through another boulder, the massive number of faith power absorption rings continued to ensure not only his comfort but that the underground power supply would be topped off for literally decades.
Waste not, want not... and all that.
Deep below Variance Villa, the growth of Flame Metal had never stopped. It had not increased its rate of progress either, and the spread in general was slowing due to the exponential amount of exposed rock and soil as the roots dug deep.
With this new source of energy, every curse and miss stroke of Adams was pulsing in the metal. Safe houses and other constructed buildings were beginning to reach underground for the pulsing powerful metal foundations ever growing.
It was probably for the best that no intelligence had been given to this particular construction, as without modification or set limits it would probably be a very large 'Villa' after it consumed a few state's worth of soil or so.
Simmy directed the roots again, ever so slightly. No one had to know that the patterns being carved out could theoretically be empowered as a rune boundary, and with Adam this distracted (She gave him another boulder, the gravel gathered for decorative purposes) she could take her time ensuring patterns for strength, protection, and purification would slowly form under the soil.
After all, everyone needed a hobby.
A quick glance ensured that the other girlfriends/wives to be/sisters were still asleep. She had been too busy last night to show off her schoolgirl ensemble, but tonight she could have a bit of a fashion show!
It was going to be fun.
~~~Broken Adventure~~~
The next morning Adam flexed his hand and realized that Simmy had rearranged the girls after the long night of antics. Seeing her body flex and bend as she 'cleaned' the area in that maid outfit though...
As he stalked towards her 'innocent' surprise, he internally nodded.
Sometimes it was good to take a day off or so.
~~~Broken Adventure~~~
Infinite stamina sucked.
Aside from the Endbringer, the other girls had to tap out and have a spa and relaxation day. Even with lots of free 'Recovery' optimizations the mind grew weary.
Which was fine, but with the girls out and about Adam grew a bit restless, even with a beautiful blue angel trying her best to distract him.
It was just... too much energy. He was physically handling it, but the side effects were maddening.
He spent more and more time with Squishy, having her search for Realms that were both expensive to visit AND had expensive options. Something to sink this raw power into, something to focus the frustration towards.
As soon as his body and soul stabilized enough, he would go to the most expensive one found and just punch stuff for a while until his body stabilized. Both Simmy and Squishy agreed that a few good fights would rapidly improve his stability and increase his control and efficiency with the new energies. His girls agreed that while fun at first, the 'Energizer Adam' should not be a continuous experience.
Also, he really wanted to eat lots of food, have even more sex, and punch lots of things. The raw energy burned in his soul slightly, a very light stinging as his abilities were forced to grow and self-refine.
Right now, he was down to the first and third option, and food alone was not enough... so the implied universe FILLED with bad guys he was allowed to slaughter with no moral issues was very appealing to the man.
Squishy assured him that the Realm had lots of big fights, both individually large and numerous, lots of neat biology to explore, a tech base that focused on providing variety rather than optimized standardization (Especially for weapons)... and also, super powers. Spiritual ones.
Honestly she had him at 'lots of big fights'. He had almost NO fighting style right now, he mostly stood around and used his overwhelming power to squash everyone. Even his big stick weapon ended up being a walking cane cause it felt cool. He hadn't even hit anyone in the last journey.
And Yes. Realistically, he knew there was no mental manipulation encouraging him towards conflict, not like with normal Entity Shards. But functionally?
He wanted to go punch something into powder.
~~~Broken Adventure~~~
Two months had passed.
Slow. Infuriating. Months.
His soul pulsed with excess power, but it was now a rhythmical, reliable pulse.
The girls not only knew his plan, but were thankful that the raw aggression he had built up would finally get an outlet. Not to mention they found the destination an interesting place, even though there was no media available in this Realm that referenced it. They would need to get the details from Adam's memories once the journey provided a brain insertion later.
His plans for weapons? Gone. At this point, he wanted to crush things with his magical bone reinforced hands, and only kept the black club he made for potential golf swings.
At this point, he had forced so much energy into the black stick that the blue fire on top had condensed into a metallic blue orb of raw magic. Heaven help anyone smacked with the thing, just getting too close to the magic could cause light burns to anyone nearby. The black body of the club felt like cold stone at this point, and the entire weapon seemed to just be where Adam expected it rather than actually be stored anywhere.
Even as a human his eyes were starting to burn with blue fire.
He glared at the wall.
"Transfer: Abyss."
~~~Broken Adventure~~~
Twilight blinked at Adam's corpse.
It uh. It transformed into stone. Instantly.
Yeah, that was far too much power. That was too much power for a dozen organic bodies, much less compressed into a single organism.
He would have to make a new body once back, hopefully one that can handle that level of raw magic. Or bind it into his soul better. Or a distributed spell matrix for energy transfer?
The other girls sighed and left to focus on their work as Twilight began some new research quests for her teams.
Narwhal and the Dragon sisters had guild work, and Nightmare Moon actually had some interviews from some news sites to attend. Her digital celebrity star was still on the rise, and looking like a sex goddess (technically true?) with a voice of an angel wasn't hurting her ratings.
Still, they would all likely meet back here in the Villa to try Boro's new experimental dishes tonight. It had become a bonding experience since Adam had gone a bit food crazy recently.
The big improvement in Adam's power stability did mean that this journey would be a bit different than usual, however. Adam and Simmy had basically stated that they would stay a bit longer this time without time travel to get back instantly, since they could actually receive alerts from Dragon and CD through System to Squishy. It was needed, as the time travel really bumped up the costs and the target this time was (conceptually) FAR away.
It wasn't an huge issue, theoretically. They did need to have the two Entities fully converted at SOME point after all.