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FOR THAT MOMENT, like in This Bites! where he gives an epic speech to a villain and accidentally shares the rant with the whole world.
which chapter was it?
Anyway, infusing any animal with Black Blood did NOT go well. At all.
Is it because of the nervous system and how blood needs to constantly be pumped (Black Blood isn't fast enough in taking over the animal)?
Repressing the sealed danger below
kinda forgot what this is
last time he had to butcher
last time he butcher
how is this possible!
Was that cord licking it's lips?
Mr. Corner or his distant relatives, Mrs. Wall or Cousin Ceiling
reminding me of Orihime Inoue from bleach but crazier. I just know that Orihime would be touching every weird thing
reminding me of Orihime Inoue from bleach but crazier. I just know that Orihime would be touching every weird thing
. . . . Please don't give him ideas. Inoue in Soul Eater would either crash it due to being immune to the madness she would cause, matching the moon's, just by being there. Or she would end up confusing Madness itself, by being immune to Madness, and cause Madness to become Sane. Either way, the world would crash, and she wouldn't have even done anything intentionally. So... please, don't give Ace ideas regarding Inoue.

Hopefully I, rather, explained why it would be a bad idea to port Inoue into Soul Eater, and thus defused your "ideas" that you may have sparked within Ace. Though, Ace, if I ended up giving you an idea... unless you're intentionally wanting to crash a world... please don't port Inoue anywhere. Somehow, her brand of coping makes her resistant to sanity, and immune to madness... anything around her however is not.

{edit} *The cast and crew of Bleach in response to your defense of Inoue after reading my comment* """""""Yes she is!""""""""
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. . . . Please don't give him ideas. Inoue in Soul Eater would either crash it due to being immune to the madness she would cause, matching the moon's, just by being there. Or she would end up confusing Madness itself, by being immune to Madness, and cause Madness to become Sane. Either way, the world would crash, and she wouldn't have even done anything intentionally. So... please, don't give Ace ideas regarding Inoue.

Hopefully I, rather, explained why it would be a bad idea to port Inoue into Soul Eater, and thus defused your "ideas" that you may have sparked within Ace. Though, Ace, if I ended up giving you an idea... unless you're intentionally wanting to crash a world... please don't port Inoue anywhere. Somehow, her brand of coping makes her resistant to sanity, and immune to madness... anything around her however is not.

{edit} *The cast and crew of Bleach in response to your defense of Inoue after reading my comment* """""""Yes she is!""""""""
Nah all Ace has to do is have a bunch of Darklings with weird letters/images on their heads speaking to each other, where one Is coughing up some sanity.
I want the story to get back to Adam... But I also want closure of this Shadow Arc... Maybe have Shadow merge with a fragment of Adam and the two of them travel to a new world? Maybe have Adam join the Addams? Or have him turn out to be their Ancestor?
Is Stein making his stuff radioactive so that it doesn't become alive!?
Is that an actual need for Stein's equipment usually, or did the Ragnarok proximity start turning Stein's lab into a Zoo?
Ragnarok has found his zen state.
Tree posing to assume dominance!
Truely a marvelously mad style.
Plus, it means more candy intake.
Soul Eater was always super weird... but not weirder than, for example, FLCL.
Now that way lies TRUE MADNESS.

I've noticed it before, but you have the odd penchant for having everyone act like Adam.
It's like your default state for any character is varying levels of... Adamness.
Hey, science starts by poking something! If you have a stick to do it with, all the better!
It goes like this:

Neat thing happened!
Why did neat thing happen?
Theory about why thing happened.
Where does theory fail?
How can I stimulate thing to try to disprove theory? (iE, poke it in the right way that the theory doesn't seem to cover)
Poke with stick! SCIENTIFICALLY! While watching closely!
Repeat from start.
When it comes to measuring how long a story is, I like comparing it to the Harry Potter books, as those are a benchmark that are well know. The 4th longest Harry Potter Book is the Half Blood Prince, clocking in at 169k words. The longest is the Order of the Phoenix at 257k words. So it is around the median for Harry Potter book lengths.
J: It's long by the standards of what I write, but I've got what's probably untreated ADHD. I compensate to a degree by trying to compact a whole lot of story into not very many words.
Not to me? I read a lot of stories that are over 500k - over 1m words, a lot of the current stories I'm reading that are still getting updated are over 100k, so I'd say your doing good. As long as your still happy with it and finding enjoyment in it then don't worry about how long it is, if people like the story more words is a boon because there's more for us to enjoy.
I would call 155k words a low medium length fanfic story, just right for a good read. 500k is my start for long fics and 1M for epic, but there is the fact I really like longer stories, so add a pinch of salt maybe?
Yes and no.
Forums like this are self selecting for people who like reading a lot. So for us it's not a lot.
To the outside world it is far on the large end of the scale.

Its changed over the years but for first time authors its currently;
20-40k for a young adult book.
50-70k for a generic adult reading level book.
80-100k is a good romance or murder mystery.
110-130k is acceptable for sci-fi and fantasy due to heavy world building.

Anything over 90k or so expect a publisher to push hard for extra editing passes to cut down word count, for fantasy past 120k they may want to split it into 2 books.
It is a decent size story, that is worth reading, but I would not yet call it long,
  • 5 000-15 000 minimum size to start reading
  • too long to read it on one free day-->decent size
  • too long to read it in one weekend (2 free days + Friday after work) -->long
  • 500 000 Words it is starting to become intimidating, wonder if I will start reading it

When it comes to measuring how long a story is, I like comparing it to the Harry Potter books, as those are a benchmark that are well know. ...
YAY, another person who uses the unit "Harry Potter books" to count words, we could deviate from the nice standardized SI-Unit, to a strange imperial unit and call the story in question 1 Eragon
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[] nah, i love long stories, it's undeniable that the focus shifts a bit, bit that's good storytelling to me, it somewhat organic and alive in a sense... some people love it some don't, i do

Adam is still Adam even if he's as far removed as he was in the Worm setting and thereafter, and the adventure is freaking funny
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