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You need to switch up with calling his female companions girls with ladies.........a crap ton of fanfic authors make that mistake of calling the female companions girls ALL the time.....too be fair most fanfics are about highschool age and younger MC
Honestly, when I saw that he wanted a good fight without moral issues I was thinking DOOM... or One Punch Man, if he wanted highly powerful fighters.

Those settings certainly have bad guys aplenty. I do wonder if Adam will ever be strong enough to be able to give a good fight to Saitama... Though that's probably never going to happen.
There's several worlds that sound like they could possibly fit. I don't think bleach because they implied they were technological weapons, not spiritual.

I was thinking DBZ at first /maybe/, but I'm not sure if he's on that scale yet. They have a few different alien races for biology, lots of fights, some interesting tech space ships and storage capsules, spiritual powers with Ki. But it doesn't have too many technology based weapons that we see, other that to show how ineffective they are against the Z-warriors.

But then "I just write" mentioned RWBY and yeah that kind fits a bit better at least with the meka-shift weaponry, their Aura for spiritual powers, the grim are lots of things he can kill. So yeah, thinking about it I might think RWBY at least of worlds I'm actually somewhat familiar with, I never actually got past the end of season 2 of RWBY I think, anything after Monty Oum passed away when the show took a different direction and from what spoilers I've seen took a darker turn. I lost interest once I heard of a few main character deaths, I'm not fond when writers do that especially when they make it extra tragic.
Doom would be awesome... any version.
E1M1 boomage is always good stress relief. 💥

Poor Ladies.... Death by Snu Snu.
too much power? need to mindless fights? i think DBZ fit the bill, honestly with the sealing technique of Master Roshi he could theoretically seal an entity.. or bitchslap Freeza
There's several worlds that sound like they could possibly fit. I don't think bleach because they implied they were technological weapons, not spiritual.

I was thinking DBZ at first /maybe/, but I'm not sure if he's on that scale yet. They have a few different alien races for biology, lots of fights, some interesting tech space ships and storage capsules, spiritual powers with Ki. But it doesn't have too many technology based weapons that we see, other that to show how ineffective they are against the Z-warriors.

But then "I just write" mentioned RWBY and yeah that kind fits a bit better at least with the meka-shift weaponry, their Aura for spiritual powers, the grim are lots of things he can kill. So yeah, thinking about it I might think RWBY at least of worlds I'm actually somewhat familiar with, I never actually got past the end of season 2 of RWBY I think, anything after Monty Oum passed away when the show took a different direction and from what spoilers I've seen took a darker turn. I lost interest once I heard of a few main character deaths, I'm not fond when writers do that especially when they make it extra tragic.
I think he'd crush everyone in RWBY as he is now, RWBY is a bit too low on the shounen power scale IMO. Maybe a FATE universe, near all mages commit countless crimes agaisnt humanity and there's a handy grail war where you can fight legendary heroes and not actually kill someone if you don't want to.
But multiple limbs was a mans romance. Or something like that. Everyone was cooler with extra hands and stuff.
This is Luffy logic. You can't work on Luffy logic.
Speaking of which, does Haki and the Rokushiki count as spiritual powers?

Just a short note: Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg? No thank you.
The canon version of him would be very bad, and the fanon version would be better but more irritating.
Taylor hummed happily, hundreds of virtual windows open and flashing as she made changes. The quests farther along her Class advancement became WAY more interesting now that she had unlocked some more abilities. 'Multitasking' had been enhanced by 'Non-Linear Logic' and 'Heuristic Prediction', even if she had to look up what those words meant with mom.
Too OP, please nerf.
But really, couldn't help but escalate? I detect Simmies blue feathers being involved here! Ah well, at least Taylor is having fun playing C&C with real troops.
Right now, he was down to the first and third option, and food alone was not enough... so the implied universe FILLED with bad guys he was allowed to slaughter with no moral issues was very appealing to the man.

Squishy assured him that the Realm had lots of big fights, both individually large and numerous, lots of neat biology to explore, a tech base that focused on providing variety rather than optimized standardization (Especially for weapons)... and also, super powers. Spiritual ones.

I'm thinking 40k Universe... but mayhaps the Gods within the setting are too much for Adam...

One Piece is another real option.
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Well, considering that there's a universe filled with people Adam would have no moral issues in killing, what are the lowest lines Adam has where he can kill someone with no remorse if they cross it, and what fandom is filled with people that regularly cross it and/or do worse?
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Move Aside, I Need This.
Adam twitched as the new Realm offered a very, VERY long list of templates. He did NOT have the patience for this.

Simmy, handle it.

Multiple selections flew by before he could read them, but Adam only cared that, FINALLY, he was close to some actual combat.

His eyes flared blue as his soul burned into the new Realm.

Let's punch something.

~~~Broken Adventure~~~

The battle continued, but the leadership felt the strain almost more than those desperately struggling below near the walls and barriers.

With hidden desperation, Ghira motioned Commander Travis to the side, even as Travis's people continued to pack up.

Visibly impatient, the Commander did at least follow him to a side room.

It was quiet for a few moments. Expensive, life threatening moments.

Ghira sighed. "We won't ask for any further front line support. Nor report any of the incidents. I can even get an increase in our paid commerce taxes approved with some effort on future food shipments to us, can increase them by at least 4% or more."

Maybe 2% honestly, but he could find the additional money somehow. It would bankrupt him, and cause the settlement's attempt at growth to drastically slow, but it was better than having his people consumed alive.

Ghira tried to connect emotionally to the military leader. It... wasn't working. "My communications have reached Vale. I've been told that over a dozen Bullheads, each flying vessel full of trained Hunters, all are coming here as we speak to reinforce our defenses!"

Commander Travis smugly chuckled. "Oh I am sure. But my people come first, and I have orders to return to Mistral when the situation becomes untenable here."

He felt his claws flex, desperate to cut this asshole of a person. "We. Can. Win. You don't even need to risk your own soldiers, just use your air superiority to keep the flying Grimm off of Kuo Kuana's back, keep our city's air space open and clear."

Travis gave an amused look of contempt. "I have better use for our Dust and ammunition than to waste it on a fools errand. Now, I have places to be."

With a sharp turn, the bastard walked back to his already loaded Bullheads, preparing to vertically launch and leave Ghira's people and his family to their fate.

Even as Ghira followed the ass towards his vessel, he was racking his brains for a solution. Political power meant little with so many at the gates. His other friends in higher places were too far to get here in time. And while he himself was strong enough to end this one moron's life, it wouldn't fix the situation in the short OR long term.

But they could hold out, albeit with more casualties, even without these damn turncoat 'Support Troops' that Mistral had offered. Worthless as they turned out to be.

Near the military vehicles opening, Everyone paused. Everything. Everywhere.

The screaming, the rage, the beasts in general had all... stopped. Gone quiet.

Ghira watched in growing horror as the black tide and white bone armor fighting towards his city opened room... and massive forms shifted towards the front lines.


Grimm the size of buildings, massive mammoths with white bone tusks and masks. Each step shook the world.

They usually avoided hunters and residences, even normal people. They were old enough and strong enough to be satisfied far away from conflict in general, to avoid being seen. One showing up could just ignore anything below missile or grenade launchers. Low level Dust couldn't phase it, and most Semblances couldn't touch the things. Battle flowed around Goliaths like water around a stone. Towns vanished, villages crushed.

One was a disaster.

There appeared now... dozens.

Spikes of despair hit Ghira's soul. His wife, Kali. His new darling baby girl, Blake.

Instantly he made the decision. Morality could go hang itself, his baby came first.

Turning to the asshole Commander, he threw pride away and knelt on the ground. "Please, Commander Travis. If you won't defend us, at least take our children away. Don't let them die like this."

The Commander was clearly shocked at having the Chieftain of the whole continent of Managerie in such a position... but recovered.

As the ship lifted off the ground, he watched the Faunus leader still prone in the distance.

Turning back inside, he snorted. "Sorry, but I don't have room for livestock on MY ships."

The sooner he could leave these savages the better.

~~~Broken Adventure~~~

Ghira Belladonna felt pure rage flow in his veins.

That monster Travis was clearly unaware that Faunus could hear things far better than Humans.

Not that it mattered right now.

A Chieftain is a leader, and as such should lead.

He stood with what dignity he had left and turned to his loyal men, each pretending to have seen nothing. "Tell our people that our friends from Mistral have recieved notification that our reinforcements from Vale are close. They are leaving to offer the incoming forces air support and to help guide them back here to battle."

The two Faunus gave tight salutes and ran to disperse the messages. The loss of the local Cross Continental Transmit System relay tower had nearly crippled the defense forces before a hasty messaging system was put in place.

The Grimm were attracted and enraged by despair and negative emotions after all...

Lies like this were required in today's wars.

Turning towards his supportive people, he felt his face tighten in determination. "Open all reserve wepon caches, enable the emergency turrets, and stop restricting the food reserves to all recovering force members in medical."

He reached down for a spare spear. "If we live I can find a way to recover our supplies. But if we die, I refuse to be responsible by holding back any advantage we have left."

The other dozen or so spears were easily hefted like a back pack, ready for his projected rage.

Gazing at the ever closing forces of monsters, he gripped the spear tightly. "Show me to the battles suffering the most."

Time to hunt. "Let's kill some Grimm."

~~~Broken Adventure~~~

Beyond the wall around Kuo Kuana, men and women... Human and Faunus. The weak and strong frantically reloaded pistols, aimed shotguns, threw energy blasts, summoned fire and wind and lightning, shot sniper rifles, launched missiles... anything and everything was heading downrange. Holes tore in skin and bones shredded, the Grimm were peeled and torn and pulped into black sludge.

And the field of black creatures with red eyes and bone armor continued to advance.

Thousands of beasts collapsed from damage and turned slowly into black mist even as more carelessly crushed corpses of other fallen Grimm while advancing.

And behind this tide, ever slowly approaching, were monstrous elephants that ignored the battle as they came to flatten the city.

Susan gripped her knife pistol as she tried to clear her gun jam it... before transforming it to knife mode and focused on helping her freinds to reload their weapons instead. "I can't fix my weapon, I'll be support until another gun is available or until they get close enough for close range combat."

Garth nodded, his massive axe-bazooka jerking him back a half foot. It shot slow, but made a hell of an impact. "Can you find some more Fire Dust rounds? I'm back to basic ammo right now."

She nodded and ran to the supply hub, knowing he used 60mm rounds and preferred grade 3 fire dust rather than grade 4.

He turned back to the endless targets and tried to aim towards the ground between several Beowolves, the smaller Grimm far too maneuverable and quick to risk allowing to get any closer. Then again, with a target environment THIS rich every shot was at least useful.

His aim was thrown WAY the hell off when a massive spiraling Glyph formed in the air above the Grimm, blue lines twisting in the air and burning brightly.

Any thought of an unknown Grimm being responsible was gone as the entire mass of rage creatures actually FLINCHED from the ever growing pattern.

He stared up at the Summoning Glyph in honest confusion.

Why the hell was a Schnee here!?

As the Glyph grew in size, he gulped. If this WAS a Schnee... how the hell could one get THIS powerful without all of Remnant hearing of them first!?

~~~Broken Adventure~~~

Ghira looked up, his last spear throw ignored even as it pierced the distant Goliath's eye, the beast bellowing in rage. "Sienna, any idea?"

The Bengal tiger Faunus was already watching, her orange eyes wide. "No sir, but I KNOW there were no Schnee relatives in our city this morning... and all our 'visitors' were exiting, not bringing new fighters to help."

Then the Glyph vanished as something massive fell towards the ground, screaming in rage.

~~~Broken Adventure~~~

Adam fell towards a face coated in white bone, the open fangs sharp and hungry... and grabbed the monster by the throat.

And the face. And the chest. It was almost like holding a squeeze toy.

Damn his hand was large.

Then he hit soil, the beast in his right hand exploding into black goo as his other reached for another screaming attacker.

Still in a white suit, he slammed his massive legs deeper into the dirt as his left hand grabbed the torso of a werewolf thing and HURLED it into the crowd.

Lifting his head to the sky, he screamed in joyful rage... then slammed his trunk into and THROUGH some massive bear demon covered in armor.

Oh. So he was an elephant Faunus. And now knew what a Faunus was. Neat.

His trunk absently snagged the clawed arm that tried to attack as his enormous right hand pulped some sort of small boar Grimm, his left limb blocking a claw that failed to pierce his flesh.

A nudge inside and a message from Simmy made him frown.

Flexing his torso, blue flames burned a open circle for space and held a perimeter as he turned to the left.

Yep. Massive city. Lots of guns aimed in his general direction... no, probably towards the army of meat toys.

A frown crossed his overly large face.

He just wanted to smash things. He didn't want to be all responsible and protect people right now.

A nudge from Simmy brought his smile back.

His magic surged into the sky again, a complicated Glyph slowly spawning blue feathers.

~~~Broken Adventure~~~

Commander Travis flinched, some sort of distant scream echoing. "Right, let's get farther away and do it faster."

As the troops called 'Yes Sir!', Travis felt something was off, his soul twinging as something unseen and undetectable modified in his body.

It was ignored, he wanted to get out of this hell hole quickly. Probably wasn't important.

~~~Broken Adventure~~~

Above the stranger, another blue Glyph slowly exposed... perfection.

Among a rain of blue feathers, an actual angel... Glowing soft blue and singing such a strange melody. Tired men and women felt aches fade away and a building urge to action grow. Children calmed, orders were simplified, and each shot from the front lines grew more accurate, more deadly.

And the man responsible, the giant in a white suit with massive hands covered in black gore, continued to scream defiance as he fought towards the massive Goliaths.

Equally noticeable, for the first time the enormous creatures seemed to be paying attention. To almost seem concerned. All the Goliaths turned towards the screaming fighter.

The defenders in the city of course were a bit distracted though when a massive pulse of sound echoed... and the entire front of the Grimm wave paused.


And began to consume each other.

Cannibalism bled black blood in a perfect circle around the massive city.

And above the carnage, a blue goddess sang the future.

Ignoring the madness driven disaster in the Grimm ranks, a triumphant trumpet of noise erupted from the fighting elephant Faunus, his gore soaked right hand holding some massive black rod with a blue boulder on the end.

The Goliath reared back, slamming massive feet covered in white armor onto the smaller fighter... who knocked the attack to the side, rod still held high.

Then the rod fell upon the armored mammoth skull.

And blue flames blossomed.

~~~Broken Adventure~~~

Ghira was unsure when everyone had stopped firing as they watched a giant fighter dismantle each normally lethal mountain of flesh.

He WAS sure when he heard Sienna purr. "Mmm. He better be single. Or at least with someone willing to share."

He gave her a flat look. This was why he delayed passing the leadership to her. "Get the wounded to triage, shore up the weak points in the walls and defensive, and ready the squads for inspection."

Her glazed eyes watched the massive man flex as another spire of flames burned into the skies, Grimm screaming in pain and rage. "Mmm, I'd like to give HIM an inspection..."

She was tossed off the wall.

He turned to his other assistants, who suddenly seemed far more focused and ready to follow orders. "Right, treat this as a break and recovery period, we needed a bit of breathing room before Vale's forces arrive and we won't waste this one. I want the mechanical teams to do as much maintenance and repair on our turrets and the peoples weapons as we can before conflict continues."

A massive chunk of Grimm tusk, over a dozen meters long, slammed near the wall as the ground shuddered.

He glanced at it. "Also, collect the stuff he throws this close to our defenses. I'm sure we can find some use for it."

His people scurried to spread the orders as he turned back to watch the stranger try to uppercut a Goliath.


Good distance, that one. Shame the head didn't roll straight.

"Commander Travis flinched, some sort of distant scream echoing. "Right, let's get farther away and do it faster.""
~Simurgh Scream, created by Person257.

"Among a rain of blue feathers, an actual angel... Glowing soft blue and singing such a strange melody. Tired men and women felt aches fade away and a building urge to action grow. Children calmed, orders were simplified, and each shot from the front lines grew more accurate, more deadly."
~69, My Father's Murderer, FFX OST.
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