- Location
- Vancouver, Washington
Akagi's New Captain: Adam Richman
Akagi: Notice me Senpai!!!
Crosspost from SB said:Old Iron said:I think you more than succeeded there as you definitely showed the face of IJN power.
theJMPer said:Jersey: Okay... seriously, why are Jap battleships so sexy? Seriously, why?Old Iron said:Because Japan. There's probably all sorts of reasons. The curve of the hull. The measure of the guns. The arrangement of the turrets. Perhaps even the slant of the armor or placement of the bridge. Whatever it is...
RampantFury said:Jersey: Dude, they're fucking hot as shit. Just about everyone on my crew would drop everything for a date with those... freaking... I mean, look at those tits!Firefinder12 said:I got only only thing to say. There is a thing as too big. ThereThere is a thing as too big. And this is coming from a boob manOld Iron said:Mutsu: My my, my... *blush*
Nagato: *attempts to remain stoically unaffected*
Artistic interpretations aside, I think Musashi is where you really get into that range.theJMPer said:Jersey: Mushi's too big. Naggy though... If she asked me to stay the night, I dunno if I'd be able to say no.RampantFury said:
... So who's gonna write that omake/fic/whateverthefuckwe'recallingit.
I'm just going to copy-paste from SB:
Also, I agree with SaltyWaffles: if the leveling effect buffs Abyssals so much that it makes any conventional engagement with them a 1:1 or even a 2:1 exchange in favor of conventional forces, it makes them functionally useless as a fighting force. Modern forces just can't produce the amount of forces to do that kind of exchange. Not only does it imply that nations without Kanmusu are 100% screwed, it makes them non-entities compared to the Kanmusu. At that point, it'd be pretty much like just reading a WW2 fic. There has to be some give here if you want modern forces to be pertinent in any way, because as is, they can't even provide scouting and intelligence if Abyssals can't be picked up on modern radar.
Honestly, making the Abyssal planes exempt from the leveling effect would probably go a large way to giving the modern day forces a boost. It keeps them from being at the mercy of a random Wo class and doesn't really remove any of the biggest advantages the Abyssals have. Abyssals still have their loltacular strategic manueverability and seemingly endless number of reserves. Even if modern forces can get ridiculous kill ratios on the Abyssal aviation, it doesn't change the fact that there are only so many missiles and jets which means that large Abyssal air assaults are still going to be murder to try and beat back. It'll also help with getting joint conventional-kanmusu task forces going where the modern day forces can provide the long range AA support that would let the battleships close and duke it out
Fixed that for you.Ooooh, those ridiculously sized challenge burgers in some food places, right?
Akagi: I want several.
Those specs are reasonably details so like that really but it wouldn't be too hard to colour over the layout to give a more lifelike look.
Lgear on SB said:While it's only equipment for now, these ranking rewards are reliable portents of upcoming shipgirls, going by how the German and Italian shipgirls were introduced, and the devs have already confirmed that the shipgirl carrying said equipment will be implemented later this year. So yes, our first US shipgirl in Kancolle is going to be an Iowa class.
I have reason to believe yes.
I really hope they give the ship a good design. Preferably by the Sendais' artist.
Main while in a room somewhere.So far, the trend seems to be that foreign shipgirls are designed by a single dedicated artist outside the usual pool - All the German shipgirls have been drawn by Fumikane Shimada (of Strike Witches fame), and all the Italian shipgirls have been drawn by jiji.
If they continue the above pattern, then they'll get an entirely new artist dedicated to drawing the USN ships.
I would totally be okay with that. But I would like a bit of a redesign for some.Main while in a room somewhere.
Jeanx: "THEY WANT ME?!?!" *faint*
Jean X is the guy who does the Pacifics artwork.
Jersey: I... well, that second just looks like.. why am I wearing a chines dress? Do I look Chinese? This armor is fucking perfect. The first one though... It's not me, but I kinda like it. It's nice to see someone draw a battleship without tits the size of fucking... Canada.You know, since I like to make Jersey laugh, here's some alternate versions of her that some have drawn up:
Two Words: Black. Dragon.Jersey: I... well, that second just looks like.. why am I wearing a chines dress? Do I look Chinese?
Neither do I, Jersey.