Jersey: ... I don't get it.
Neither do I, Jersey.
Ok, how about an alternative: Three of your four deployments were in one, relatively, small area of the Pacific: Near Japan, Korea, and Vietnam. The three countries have alot of cultural overlap with China, so you wearing a Chinese dress is not too strange.
In Chinese mythology, black dragons were spirits, kings who dwelt in the depths of the mystic waters. So since the dragon is a powerful symbol in China, maybe it has to do with that?
That too. Probably the artist's original inspiration, I'm just a filthy intellectual historian.
Ok, how about an alternative: Three of your four deployments were in one, relatively, small area of the Pacific: Near Japan, Korea, and Vietnam. The three countries have alot of cultural overlap with China, so you wearing a Chinese dress is not too strange.
Jersey: But I'm an American. The West Pacific didn't make me Chinese. I Made the West Pacific American. Duh.
Probably not. She's got enough tech experience that she knows how to do basic troubleshooting. And she knows enough about computers to understand that when it breaks, yelling at the Magic Cat Box Priest will not make things un break faster. (Bringing donuts however...)
In that case, she is automatically in the good books. Donuts put her in the excellent books.
Shipgirls sure have a thing for donuts. If I was on a base with them, I would be running a donut shop instead of being the Admiral.
Jersey: They're delicious, and if you stack them on your rifles, you can eat them hands-free. You can also use them to bribe CaxBoxPriests if you're not stupid busty.
Naka-Chan!: That was probably Musashi. You wouldn't believe how much she argues that WoWs made Yamato brutally under powered and how everything else needs to be nerfed.
Well, considering the plushie industry is now considered a crucial part of the war effort...
So the most important people the Admiral has under him or her are the XO, the Secretary Ship, the gift shop owner, and the donut shop owner. Checks out.
Saratoga: Sorry, That must have been someone else I heard screaming:'Nerf this you fuckers!' and then a loud crash... My mistake Jersey...
Eh. Hardware failure isn't that bad. Swap the bad parts. Replace the rig if needed. Better than software shenanigans.
Naka-Chan!: That was probably Musashi. You wouldn't believe how much she argues that WoWs made Yamato brutally under powered and how everything else needs to be nerfed.
...Someone get her one of those armored units. Preferably with Iowa-Class housing. Please.
Naka-Chan: Let me put it this way. She won't be happy until she can take on the entire enemy team by herself without ever dropping below green health.
Saratoga: I've learned not to take video games so seriously. Like playing Hearts of Iron and watching someone put jets on the Old Covered Wagon.

So wrong and yet so amusing.