I would suggest that both Arizona and Pennsylvania be sent to the base psychologist' s office. It is obvious to me that Pennsylvania probably has PTSD at the very least. Admiral Richardson should point out to both Arizona and Pennsylvania that the modern-day American military does not look down on mental health issues. The main thing to do is to keep her away from any Japanese ship girls until a psychological evaluation and treatment program can be put in place.
1. I don't think there's a shrink on the planet qualified to deal with this
2. Arizona's pretty sane by SG standards, and has already worked through most if not all of her problems by now.
3. they really don't have choice a about putting her in combat given whats about to go down.
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Warning: WARNING
warning Alright. My day job of blowing things up has kept be from checking this thread until now. But here we go:
@Thorthemighty, you've been told by the OP and others to stop disrupting things. Repeatedly. This is your last warning. You cause me to have to come down here again, and you're just getting permanently threadbanned.

Everyone else: The reports on Thorthemighty got a bit nasty on their own, as did some of the dogpiling and vitriolic responses. @Harry Leferts, stay calm when riled up by TtM's lack of ability to even grasp a topic. In the future, if TtM becomes a disruption again, just report or ignore him. You don't need to get so hot that you risk infractions yourself.

Everyone play nice, and Beat Navy.
Dunno, isn't the Army the branch that people who can't make it into the USN/USAF go to? I guess being able to throw a forward pass is one of the requisites.

(Or at least that's how the joke goes?)
*Sticks head in*
Well time for the midshipman to weigh in.

and one from the last CNO

(Goes back to working on In Harm's Way)