Trust and verify.
- Location
- Philmont
... fuck it, I'mma plug some numbers into that.
Time exposed to Kongou: 1 (minute)
Number of Kongou in the area: 1 (Bongo herself)
Time Exposed to Kongou Impersonators: 1 (minute)
Quality of Impersonators: 0.90 (Almost as good as originals)
Number of Kongou Impersonators: 3 (Kirishima, Hiei, and Haruna Cosplayers)
Coefficient of Sanity: 1.3
Moderate sanity loss from a single minute.
1: Forgot to mention time is measured in seconds.
2: Same scenario
3: a carrot means "X thingy to the power of Y thingies"
waitaminute. All powers of one are one. Shit, BACK TO THE BOARD.
OLD: Coef. of sanity= 1^(Kt/K)+((tKI*qKI)/KI)
NEW: Coef. of sanity= 1^1/(Kt/K)+((tKI*qKI)/KI)
After re-running the numbers, we get 0.01658374792703150912106135986733 as our coef. san. which is effectively 0.017 and is a MUCH better number.
Forgot that the coeficent needed to be a nuber between 1 and 0, so I forgot a divisor.