... fuck it, I'mma plug some numbers into that.
Time exposed to Kongou: 1 (minute)
Number of Kongou in the area: 1 (Bongo herself)
Time Exposed to Kongou Impersonators: 1 (minute)
Quality of Impersonators: 0.90 (Almost as good as originals)
Number of Kongou Impersonators: 3 (Kirishima, Hiei, and Haruna Cosplayers)
Coefficient of Sanity: 1.3
Moderate sanity loss from a single minute.

1: Forgot to mention time is measured in seconds.

2: Same scenario

3: a carrot means "X thingy to the power of Y thingies"


waitaminute. All powers of one are one. Shit, BACK TO THE BOARD.

OLD: Coef. of sanity= 1^(Kt/K)+((tKI*qKI)/KI)

NEW: Coef. of sanity= 1^1/(Kt/K)+((tKI*qKI)/KI)

After re-running the numbers, we get 0.01658374792703150912106135986733 as our coef. san. which is effectively 0.017 and is a MUCH better number.

Forgot that the coeficent needed to be a nuber between 1 and 0, so I forgot a divisor.
Behold the might of the Cult of Dess! Or...
the Church of Dess-ology?
the Pantheon of the Ecumenical Holy Dess-iarch?
no expects the Kongo Dess-quistion?
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I can't help but feel that if anyone in the USN intends to take Jersey to task over an obviously hyperbolic expression of hypothetical violence, "We did not nuke you guys enough," (directed at innocent people having fun in a way that Jersey finds incomprehensible) has much more potential for bad PR than "I'll rape your fucking corpse!" (directed at someone she's caught in the act of sexual assault). It's not theatrical pronouncements of impending violence are a new addition to her vocabulary*.

* Had I the time I'd love to take all of Jersey's dialogue and put together a pie chart breaking it down by category. This green slice represents obviously hyperbolic expressions of hypothetical violence; that blue slice represents profanity; the blue-and-green cross-hatched slice represents threats of violence that are also profane. The pink slice is requests for head scratches.
Then, being Jersey, she would eat the pie chart. "Mmmm.... PIE!"

What? Battleships crunch numbers too! Literally, in Jersey's case; she's got an analog mechanical firing computer...

I wonder... since shipgirls are technically kami, does that make Kongou impersonators their priestesses and thus able to channel a little bit of the Dess?
I'm pretty sure this doesn't work for just any shipgirls, but I am equally pretty sure it works for the Kongou-class.
Oh Jersey, you are hilarious.

Otaku should consider himself lucky. Jersey could have easily torn the guy into pieces.

There is a bluntness from her not shackled by SJW or political correctness that i just like.

Even if she is an asshole. I mean really, we didn't nuke you enough.
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Information: HINT
There is a bluntness from her not shackled by SJW or political correctness that i just like.

Even if she is an asshole. I mean really, we didn't nuke you enough.
hint There are places for posting polandball or ranting about 'SJW' or skeletons or whatever else scares you. This thread is not it.

Likewise, there is a difference between a character in dialogue making a 'we didn't nuke them enough' crack, and you doing it. Don't.
Violation of Rule 5
[information=HINT]There are places for posting polandball or ranting about 'SJW' or skeletons or whatever else scares you. This thread is not it.

Likewise, there is a difference between a character in dialogue making a 'we didn't nuke them enough' crack, and you doing it. Don't. [/information]
I think there is a misunderstanding here.

I was saying that jersey and how blunt and fearless she is even if assholish I find refreshing.

I was calling her an asshole for the comment of not nuking Japan enough. The polandball pic was saying that nuking Japan is what caused the weirdness in the first place.

I'm not american. None of my ancestors had anything to do with WW2
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I think there is a misunderstanding here.

I was saying that jersey and how blunt and fearless she is even if assholish I find refreshing.

I was calling her an asshole for the comment of not nuking Japan enough. The polandball pic was saying that nuking Japan is what caused the weirdness in the first place.

I'm not american. None of my ancestors had anything to do with WW2
Actually, the Japanese were drawing tentacle hentai and female personifications of their ships long before the war. The Nukes... they do nothing!
Actually, the Japanese were drawing tentacle hentai and female personifications of their ships long before the war. The Nukes... they do nothing!
Meh, one of the most famous Japanese romance stories involves a guy having sex with the skeleton of his wife that's possessed by her spirit while the skeleton of her servant watches. Said story goes all the way back to the time of the Samurai.
So, TL;DR, Japan has always been a tad crazy for reasons that would probably take some time to explain.
I'm starting to think islands in general are just Bad Ideas. Japan, England, Philippines, Australia (Australia's technically not an island as evidenced by the people not being nuts, but the critters...) even Hawaii has issues. Ick.
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No response from Jersey. I see. I have defeated an American battleship :cool: !!

Something none of you my fellow posters have accomplished!!

*fills up with a massive ego*
Part of it is the fact that Japan adopted fairly strict pornography laws in response to western contact. That lead to to the thing with the tentacles