The following are Constants in the BelBatt universe:

1) Jersey loves pie. (The kind you bake, not...well, you know.)
2) The Gale and The Minion must always suffer.
3) The Sky will be forever bullied.
4) Destroyers are the cute.
5) DerpCruiser loves Cameron.
6) Richardson is a very lucky man.
7) Shinano = Adorable.
8) Albie = Master Subthief
9) Archie loves fishies.
10) Jane = Mother of Smols
The Battleship Iowa museum will be streaming today at 2PM Pacific time. Join us!

Announcement: Petrel crew does it again!

Today, RV Petrel announced Hiei has been located. She lies upside-down in over 900 meters of water in Ironbottom Sound. Pictures are on their Facebook page.
Therefore, my biggest complaint with this story and others like it, that one KC/Harry Potter crossover comes to mind, is that there is too much to read through the main story, the canonized omakes, and the non-canon omakes. Not to mention too much going on in story to keep track of. Which is why I threw up my hands on SB and moved on.
The one hand, you're right that there is a lot going on with a number of authors contributing which makes it massive.

On the other hand, that many authors means that there is something for everyone there.

Also, I got people writing lewds for it on another site. So, yeah.
Omake: A Certain Lady
* * * * *

The winter sea rolled and smashed against itself in the distance. Small waves would make their way up the sandy beach and ultimately crash, each striving to make it further than the last. With the tide going out, it was a slow going effort in futility.

Pennsylvania sat away from the surf, her coat offering something of a cushion against the sand as she stared out over the waters.

The funerary services had ended some time ago. Four hours and thirteen minutes ago according to her internal chronometer. But that meant very little to her in the grand scheme of things. What mattered had been the funeral itself. The fact it had been held in the first place.

A lot of people had died in that battle.

The butcher had given them a rather small bill if one looked on the positive side of things.

If anyone had said that to her face, Pennsylvania knew for a fact that person was going to be written off as a tip for the waiter.

It was the reality of war.

"May I join you?"

Pennsylvania did not need to look up to know it was Mutsu. The woman's voice was unmistakable.


She glanced to the side as Mutsu took her time sitting down. Heavy with child was an understatement. Being so close to launch with twins had reduced the battleship's mobility to the point she was more like a monitor with a limp. Not that had diminished any other aspect. If anything the teasing and tormenting she was so well known for had multiplied.

Nothing was said between the two for some time.

Only the sounds of the sea broke the stillness.

"Are you worried I'm going to fly off the rails?" Pennsylvania finally stated. "Run off and do something stupid in a fit of rage?"

"The thought had crossed my mind. You don't exactly have a reputation for being the most level headed person. Even your nickname can attest to that."

Pennsylvania snorted at the frank reply. At least she knew Mutsu wasn't going to pull punches for whatever this was.

"And I don't care enough to make an effort to change it."

Mutsu gave a soft giggle.

"No, I don't suppose you do."

"Then what do you want?" If Mutsu was just here to sit and waste her time, then she was better off elsewhere. There were a million other, more useful things she could be doing. Hell, she could say the same about herself. She just... didn't care. It was a strange feeling. To not give a single damn about nearly anything.

"Just to see how you were doing." Mutsu looked up at the sky, leaning back to support herself on her hands.

Pennsylvania's eyes narrowed and her fists tightened.

Did she bother to give a straight answer? Hell, did she even want to? And why Mutsu of all people? They weren't exactly friends, much less bosom buddies who would confide in one another without reservation. They were associates. Superior and subordinate. Nothing more.

"Why do you want to know?" The words had left her lips before she could thing twice about stopping them.

"Hmm..." came the thoughtful hum in response. "I suppose you wouldn't believe me if I said it was because I was worried about you. But you would believe me if I said Ari and the Duckies were worried about you."

Pennsylvania would believe her sister was concerned without a second thought. Despite their sometimes rocky relationship, the idea Ari would not fret and worry in some way about someone she cared for simply did not seem conceivable.

The Duckies...

She wanted to deny any of the Ducks would ever be worried about her, but that was a fool's errand. The simple fact she couldn't help but refer to them by their silly little nickname even in her own thoughts was testament to the that. She'd have to be blind to not notice the broad grin on Teruzuki's sunny face or the slight smile cracking Hatsuzuki's normally stern expression whenever she spent time with them. Time she did not altogether dislike. Time she might almost be convinced to admit she enjoyed.

The same for Kawakaze...



"I suppose I was right then."

"...I hate them. I hate them all."

Mutsu thankfully did not interject. If it was her goal to coax her into spilling her guts, then she had damn well succeeded. And with a disturbing ease at that. That one little crack. That simple mention about the Ducks being worried had been all that was needed.

It burned her to have such an easily exploited vulnerability.

It burned her that her vulnerability was what it was.

She lowered her gaze and drew a harsh breath.

"I hate the Akizukis. I hate the Shiratsuyus. I hate the Sendais. I hate every. Single. One of them." Pennsylvania's chest tightened. "They killed so many. They killed my sister. My friends and family. It wouldn't matter how many I kill in vengeance or see sent to the bottom, that hatred just doesn't want to die."

A hand rested on her shoulder, yet she did not knock it away.

"I don't hate them though. Hatsuzuki and Teruzuki are... They're good girls. They drive me up the wall at times. But I don't hate them." A choking sound rushed from her throat. "I don't. A-and I don't think I could. Not anymore."

That comforting hand now rubbed comforting circles on her back. Each movement crumbling whatever might have remained of a resistance. She felt her face screwing up into an expression of pain as her heart broke.

"And Kawakaze... No. I can't hate her. I couldn't. That obnoxious, troublemaking little shit who never once stopped laughing and smiling no matter how much she pissed me off or after I threw her into whatever body of water was in range. Nothing stopped her. Always following me around and causing trouble. Pulling pranks and jumping out of nowhere to try and spook me." Pennsylvania sobbed, giving up what might have remained of her image of anger. "I miss her. I miss my stupid little pain in the ass brat of a destroyer."

With that admission, the dam of fury, hatred, and unrestricted anger broke.

Seventy years of grief rushed forward.

And Battleship Pennsylvania screamed in anguish.

* * * * *

Mutsu gently stroked the messy red hair of the sobbing Pennsylvania currently attempting to wrap her arms around her swollen midsection.

"Just let it all out. I'm here." She whispered. "For as long as you need me here. I'm not going anywhere."

She would never say it would be okay. Because it wouldn't. Not for Pennsylvania. Not for Tenryuu and her children. Not the families of the crews of the the Myoukou or the McCampbell. That wound would never heal. The pain of it might grow more bearable, but it would never fade completely.

Though they all sailed into harm's way with full knowledge of what that would entail, that did not in any way lessen the impact of their loss.

Tenryuu would have to go on knowing that Tatsuta had fallen in the line of duty, her keel snapped by an enemy torpedo after having suffered the damages of long and grueling combat. Her body had been claimed by the seas when the flooding had been too much. The battle had gone on too long to recover much more than her broken spear. A spear that would be sent to Tenryuu along with her personal effects.

And the battleship in her arms...

Pennsylvania would never see Kawakaze's smile again.

Mutsu continued her ministrations, attempting to provide some level of comfort to the standard. Pennsylvania was rambling now. What she could decipher among the cracking sobs seemed to be names and apologies. A few she recognized. But most were unknown to her. Perhaps they were crew who had fallen or ships that had sunk. Or names of personal significance to her. The standard had a long history after all.

She looked up at the sky to see the stars beginning to make their appearance.

It was a very pretty sight.

Pennsylvania was beginning to calm a little, her ramblings softening and slowing. The tension slowly melting away as she cried herself into exhaustion.


No response. Only the soft hiccups of fading sobs and the slight tightening of her embrace.

"I'm here." She moved her hand down from Pennsylvania's now tousled hair to rest upon her back. Pennsylvania relaxed slightly under the gentle touch. "I'm still here. You don't have to say anything. Just let it all out."

Mutsu had found that sometimes just letting someone vent helped them far more than attempting to offer advice or words of comfort. In contrast, Ari more often needed someone to talk to when something troubled her or had shaken her heart. She might need a little prodding, but their little heart to hearts together often worked wonders to raise the battleship's spirits. And her own when she felt herself weighed down.

"I wish..."


"I wish I-I could have done something..." muttered Pennsylvania. "Something. Anything. Even just... been there at the end."

Mutsu breathed a sad sigh.

From the report and from what had been said by those who returned, Kawakaze had passed in Takao's arms before Pennsylvania had been able to reach her. The damage was fatal, even with what damage control had managed to repair. All the heavy cruiser had been able to do was ease her passing amidst the fires.

"Mutsu." The weight of the distraught battleship lifted itself off of her form, allowing her to position herself a bit more comfortably. She watched as Pennsylvania sat down on the sand and slowly attempt to pull herself together before speaking in a voice that was raw and still filled with hurt. "...Thank you."

"You're welcome." Mutsu smiled. She hadn't done much more than just be there. But it had helped. Oh! That's right. There was one other thing she needed to do. "Pennsylvania, there is something I wanted to tell you. Two, actually. But if you'd rather wait, that's fine."

Pennsylvania hesitated before shaking her head.

"No. Please, tell me."

She nodded.

"John received a message from Kawakaze's sisters." A tear-stained letter hand delivered by Yuudachi to be exact, but it had responses from all the summoned sisters.

"A message?" Pennsylvania visibly stiffened. Perhaps there was something of a fear of what might be in that letter.

"It's addressed to you. But Yuudachi said not to worry about what's inside and I trust she wouldn't lie about it. I have it with me if you'd like it now." Destroyers could be painfully honest at times. For better and worse. "And I talked with John about this. But we think it would be right to give you the choice."

"I-I'll take it. And choice of what?" She extended her hand for the letter.

"A choice of whether or not you want to take possession of Kawakaze's personal effects. Guardianship and next of kin is a little messy with shipgirls." She handed over the letter and raised a finger. "Her official guardian is the Navy. And since John is her commanding officer, it fell to him instead of one of her sisters. So we talked about it and made a decision."

"But why me?" There was genuine confusion on her face. Even in the growing dark, Mutsu could see it plain as day.

"I think you already know the answer to that." She smiled softly and placed a hand on her swollen belly. "You don't have to decide now. We'll hold onto her things until you do."

Pennsylvania looked down and the letter and pursed her lips.

"I'd like to read this by myself."

Mutsu nodded.

"By all means. I'll tell the Duckies and Ari to give you some space."

"I... appreciate it."

"I'd just like one teensy, tiny little favor in return~" She clasped her hands together in a display of teasing pleading.

Pennsylvania responded with a baffled expression.

"Help me up?"

The standard snorted, but complied. Much to Mutsu's amusement and relief.

* * * * *

The sunrise shone through the windows of the battleship dorms, illuminating the sleeping form of Battleship Pennsylvania. She sat at her desk, head resting on folded arms and face streaked with still fresh tears.

Next to her hand, having fallen from its grip lay a letter decorated with teardrops, new and old.

And on her face lay something that had not graced her lips in over seventy years.

A pure and genuine smile.

* * * * *
Someone give the Iowas Katies. Ol' Tosa deserves some hellfire for killing a Ducky.

Katies aren't enough. She needs something -slow-. Not sure what would be enough though. some sort of high-oxygen shell to cause her steel to literally burst into flames as it corrodes into rust would be nice, but no idea how to do it. Still, if anyone can figure out how to weaponize pure hatred and rage, it'll be the Iowa Class.

Hellfire rounds. Because even Hell is pissed off at the abyssals at this point.
Katies aren't enough. She needs something -slow-. Not sure what would be enough though. some sort of high-oxygen shell to cause her steel to literally burst into flames as it corrodes into rust would be nice, but no idea how to do it. Still, if anyone can figure out how to weaponize pure hatred and rage, it'll be the Iowa Class.

Hellfire rounds. Because even Hell is pissed off at the abyssals at this point.
The dispersion at max range should give the bitch lethal rad poisoning. Slow and immensely painful.
The dispersion at max range should give the bitch lethal rad poisoning. Slow and immensely painful.

Still not painful enough. Something that targets her base while she's away from it, leaving her babies and -mate- dying of lethal rad poisoning, though....

Alternatively: target her optics. let the blasts only catch her on the fringe, giving her some moderate rad poisoning, sure, but make absolutely certain to -blind- that bitch. Then let her -listen-, blind and crippled, as her fleet is torn to shreds, crying and wailing for the mother who cannot help them. Let her know that this is the cost of inflicting such pain on the other side. That this is -her fault-.

And of course, deny her the -mercy- of oblivion.

*can be an exceptionally nasty and vindictive person. Is also cat, so par for the course.*
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... you don't drag it out more than needed. You just kill it dead, fucking around with that stuff on Abyssals probably turns them on or something, not to mention they might escape alive and 'return the favour'.

That's a nice Sasebo you have there.