You probably could have explicitly stated you haven't played in over half a century and need a refresher. Plausible, truthful, and still getting you that nice hands-on with Gale.
Gale: Ignorance of what exactly? Seriously, what are you talking about?
Hmm... probably the fact that you have two gorgeous ships who seem to be madly in love with you and are use the fact you have to lean far over to get a shot in pool to their advantage.
You probably could have explicitly stated you haven't played in over half a century and need a refresher. Plausible, truthful, and still getting you that nice hands-on with Gale.
Wash: I got no idea about what you're talking about...
Hmm... probably the fact that you have two gorgeous ships who seem to be madly in love with you and are use the fact you have to lean far over to get a shot in pool to their advantage.
Gale: See, I really dislike jokes like that. There's no way on God's green Earth that either of them would be interested in a Plain Jane like myself.
Wash: I got no idea about what you're talking about...
You are just as bad as she is. At least you have an excuse. Sort of.
Gale: See, I really dislike jokes like that. There's no way on God's green Earth that either of them would be interested in a Plain Jane like myself.
I... *shakes head*
Jane: Um, excuse me. Ma'am? I think you're being silly. *walks off*
It might happen, eventually people.

*Ignores Haruna in the background using a chalkboard to sketch out a plan that seems to involve a reinforced closet*
I realize that it's actually just a bunch of surfaced subs that look more like normal ships in this angle, but I cannot help but notice the huge empty space right in the middle of the row, just like all the subs just submerged and noped right out of the picture.
We Ace Combat Now
"Alright boys," Colonel Frank "Fronk" Bishop eased the eight throttles of his lumbering B-52 all the way to their stops, letting the roar of turbojet engines mix with the mildly alarming rattle of the improvised bombardier's window. "We Ace Combat now."

A chorus of nervous laughter rippled though the bomber's fuselage, the sound almost lost in the multitude of disheartening mechanical noises the big old bomber was making. Bishop did his best to push any concerned about the structural reliability of the big ugly fuck to the back corner of his brain.

He'd pushed her faster than this at Edwards, and in thicker air. If the nose hadn't blown off then, it wouldn't now. Besides, he was driving a Boeing-built strategic bomber. It was just one step below flying an actual bunker.

"I see the princess," the tense voice of his bombardier crackled though the lumbering bomber's intercom, "Holy fuck she's huge." A pause. Then a nervous chuckle. "Uh… correct five degrees port."

"Copy," said Bishop, easing his hulking bomber into the requested turn. On paper, the five-thousand pound GPS-guided bunker-busters shouldn't have the slightest problem hitting any location his bombardier designated. But that paper never accounted for bombing zombie ships that didn't show up on radar.

Nobody'd ever tried GPS-guided ordy against abyssals before, and Bishop was doing everything he could to stack the deck in his favor. "Weapons release, one though four on your mark."

Two clicks of the mic was all the acknowledgement the Colonel received. For all its size and power, the modified Stratofortress only carried twelve of the bunker-buster weapons. And against a target like that… thing, they couldn't afford many misses.

"Mark!" The bomber shuddered as ten tons of precision-guided bunker-busting ordinance fell off its racks

Bishop glanced out his cockpit window, watching the slender bunker-busters fall off the other bomber in his little formation.

"How we looking?" he asked, pulling the bomber around to form up for another run.

"Uh…" A pause from the bombardier's station. Bishop felt his heart start to sink even before the next few words crackled though the intercom. "Miss Miss Miss. Bracketed but no hits."

Bishop wished he could've been surprised. But against Abyssals, precision ordinance deciding it wants to preciously attack fucking nowhere was an all to common experience. Now he knew how the submariners felt with those world war two torpedoes.

"Bonecrusher two, Bonecrusher lead, you score anything?"

"Just one," came the scowled response. "Just one fucking- SHIT! BREAK BREAK BR-" The radio died with a howl as something came streaking out of the sun. Something pouring 20mm cannon rounds into the bomber's slender fuselage.

Explosions and sparks raced along the bomber, smashing its cockpit in a spray of shattered glass and twisted metal. A second fighter raced after the first, stitching the bomber's wing root with its guns and tearing at the crucial load-bearing spars.

Bishop fire walled his throttles, peeling away from the stricken bomber just as its wing crumpled over at the root. "We're being engaged," he drawled, his voice so flat and even it terrified even him.

"Copy that," came the sweetly friendly voice of the Carrier Akagi. "I'll vector Reppus to cover you."

"Negative, Negative," said Bishop, his head frantically swinging from one shoulder to the other as he desperately tried to spot the abyssal hurricanes. "We'll be okay, cover Sword fleet."

"You fucking will not," thundered the noticeably less sweet voice of Battleship New Jersey. "Bug the fuck out, that's a direct order."

"Not gonna happen, ma'am," said Bishop, kicking his lumbering bomber into the most acrobatic barrel roll it could handle to spoil the shots of the two—three?—hurricanes that were impossibly clinging to his tail. "I outrank you."

"And I'm a fucking battleship," growled back Jersey, "We're fucking expendable, you aren't."

Bishop cursed under his breath. A B-52 was most emphatically not meant for dogfighting. He didn't even have a goddamn tail stinger to keep his six clear. But if these damn 'guided' bombs kept being anything but, he'd have to get low and slow to score hits. In that regime, a hurricane would stomp him even without the leveling effect.

"Fuck," he grunted, pulling away from the fight as fast as the lumbering bomber could manage. "Copy that, Bonecrusher flight disengaging."

The hurricanes, apparently bored with their pursuit peeled off to drop back into their CAP orbit.

"Jersey, be advised-"

"I know."

"I still have ordy, I could-"

"No." came the battleship's reply. Her voice was deadly serious, and so commanding Bishop swore he heard it over the sound of his plane's engines. "We lost enough zoomies today, we won't loose more. Disengage, get the fuck home, hug your fucking kids, and put on some Bon Jovi for me and the girls."

"Will do, J. Bonecrusher flight is RTB."


The Northern Princess stalked along her deck with her face buried in the machined steel of her choker. Her imps scrambled over her deck like so many miniature ants, fire hoses and shovels trailing in their wake as they frantically repaired what little damage she'd taken.

The sea of imps split into two seething masses of scrambling creatures, one shoveling all the kicked-up ice off the side while the other filled up the ragged crater with freezing arctic seawater. This far north, especially in the dead of winter, it would freeze solid within a few days, giving her a fresh new deck to launch her planes from.

If she had any planes left. The princess balled her tiny hands into fists, the padding of her thick mittens scrunching up as she shook with unrestrained rage. Her planes, her beautiful precious planes lay shattered on the ocean.

The princess felt her teeth grind against one another. Her eyes were bloodshot as she stared off at the battle. What aircraft she had left were fighting their little hearts out over the brawling mess of battleships and cruisers, but that wasn't where her eyes were focused.

She stared across the ocean at the super battleship and two dreadnoughts tearing into her horribly out-of-position escort battleships. Them, and those hateful little destroyers escorting them.

She hated them. Hated them with every fiber of her being. All she knew was hate for them. Her planes, her toys were broken and it was all their fault. They broke her beautiful planes without even giving them the honor of dying in a dogfight! They broke them with flak! Those destroyers took her precious toys and stomped them into dust!

The princess raised one shaking mitten, her bloody eyes locked on the hateful destroyers. "Kill them!" she shrieked. "KILL THEM!"


Yeoman Gale almost dropped her drink as the bunker's MC1 crackled to life, and even Admiral Williams seemed to suddenly stand a little straighter.

"Johnston," said the Admiral, his voice straining to be let free from the stern, level cadence he forced it into, "Say again."

The little destroyer's voice didn't have a shred of its usual bouncy energy. There was no bravado, no bombastic boasting or hyperactive fury in her soulless words. "Heermann's been hit, sir."

Williams snapped his fingers, but the drone cam was already swinging around to focus on Nagato's escort.

Gale gasped. This time she really did drop her drink. Everything from Heermann's stern-most turret aft was just gone. Her hull simply ended in a mass of burnt, twisted metal and bleeding oil.

Her body echoed the wounds in horrific fashion. Her shorts were in tatters, and huge chunks were torn from her calves, revealing the twisted, oil-soaked metal beneath.

Even though the shaky camera feed, Gale could see tears streaming down Hoel and Johnston's faces, and even the battleships looked moved as the formed up to punish the abyssals for their actions.

"I'm…" Heermann's whisper was barely loud enough to be heard, "I'mokay," she mumbled, keeling over into the water with a pathetic splash.
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It's gone pear-shaped! Many problems!

The princess balled her tint hands into fists,

What's a "tint"?

Her eyes were bloodshot as she stared off at the battle with bloodshot eyes.

You've told us her eyes are bloodshot twice, here.

The broke her beautiful planes without even giving them the honor of dying in a dogfight! The broke them with flak! Those destroyers took her precious toys and stomped them into dust!

The "They"s at the starts of these two sentences are missing their "y"s.
And I'm a fucking battleship," growled back Jersey, "We're fucking expendable, you aren't."
Bullshit jersey. If anyone expandable here it's the fucking Air Force. Boeing and the Academy can make more bombers and crew if need be.

We can not make a new Iowa class. Let alone a shipgirl. You fucking die the moral will drop until one of you sisters are summon. Then you sisters would probably while up like Musashi. Only able to fight when the stake are against the wall.
The question bouncing through my mind at the moment is: how enraged is Nagato now?
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Bullshit jersey. If anyone expandable here it's the fucking Air Force. Boeing and the Academy can make more bombers and crew if need be.

We can not make a new Iowa class. Let alone a shipgirl. You fucking die the moral will drop until one of you sisters are summon. Then you sisters would probably while up like Musashi. Only able to fight when the stake are against the wall.
Jersey: If. Fucking if I die. I'm a battleship. We don't die.
Jersey: Fine. I die. One girl who's not even a real person versus the lives of everyone on that bomber and their families. Fucking easy call if you ask me.
Jersey: Fine. I die. One girl who's not even a real person versus the lives of everyone on that bomber and their families. Fucking easy call if you ask me.

One girl whose strategic value to both her nation and war effort vastly outweighs that of that bomber, the live of the people on it, and even the lives of their families. I know its cruel, but that does not make it any less true.
Fuck, I hope she still got some rudder and propulsion. If not then she might as well be death, and knowing the Taffies she will not allow NJ to detach shipgirls to tow her out of the battlezone.

Mission first, just Samar.
Jersey: Fine. I die. One girl who's not even a real person versus the lives of everyone on that bomber and their families. Fucking easy call if you ask me.

Yes, Jersey, an incredibly easy call. It's the same call that orders AA guns to keep firing even if a friendly is tailing the target. It's the same call that demands crew shut the watertight doors even if it means leaving people to drown. And it was the same call that means a ship can't stay to pick up survivors if there's still an enemy threat.

It's the call the United States Navy made time and again in World War Two: Men can be replaced. The ship cannot.
Jersey: Fine. I die. One girl who's not even a real person versus the lives of everyone on that bomber and their families. Fucking easy call if you ask me.
Were it so easy...

Think about what you represent New Jersey. How much power you have. Nine of the best guns ever put on a ship. Linked To the best targeting computer ever built. These people say it better
One girl whose strategic value to both her nation and war effort vastly outweighs that of that bomber, the live of the people on it, and even the lives of their families. I know its cruel, but that does not make it any less true.
Yes, Jersey, an incredibly easy call. It's the same call that orders AA guns to keep firing even if a friendly is tailing the target. It's the same call that demands crew shut the watertight doors even if it means leaving people to drown. And it was the same call that means a ship can't stay to pick up survivors if there's still an enemy threat.

It's the call the United States Navy made time and again in World War Two: Men can be replaced. The ship cannot.

As of right you are our best hope against the Abyssals.

Not the Air Force bombers.

Not the Army artillery guarding the coast.

You, the anthropomorphism of the USS New Jersey BB-62, second of the Iowa class fast battleships, are the best hope against the Abyssals. Are you going to fail that hope, by throwing you life away to save bomber crews who signed up knowing the risk?

Cause I know that if you did that to me? I fucking kick you dumbass back for where every you go when you die just so you can be yelled at by the admiral.
Jersey: I'm a fucking shipgirl. They can summon me again if they want. There's no reason to let a bomber crew die for nothing.
Is that a known fact? Has it happened? Cause what if you can not be resummon?