Hence "wish he could still crosspost". I pretty much avoid SB like the plague these days after "being mean to Trump Supporters" become a 50 point infraction.
The reverse happens in places, but again, let's steer clear of politics, shall we?
My understanding and working of what happens during the time between... let's call it going to sleep, and being summoned kinda varies between shipgirls. Some just go to sleep like you or me. Others watch and play in their own way. Some even dream, whether it be of fantasy or nightmares.
For most of them from what I have seen, it appears to be just a blank slate when they come back. They know there was something. They just can't recall.
Pennsy is aware of the passage of time, but the memory of the war is still fresh.
Being intellectually aware of it is not the same as having dealt with her pain. She basically woke up one morning to her sister's blood splattered across her face. When she nodded off, it was
1948. The memories were still a fresh wound.
There's no... cure for what Pennsy suffers. Her or Ari.
The only cure is her own strength, but she needs help to focus herself, and she isn't really getting any. They just say "It's been seventy years" like it's some magic phrase and expect her to be nice.
Pennsy on the other hand, isn't sure if she wants to even try in the first place.
Frankly, she hasn't been given a reason to try, or at least not one she can see through the haze, hence why she needs counseling. She needs to see there is a reason to move forward.
Not to forget, but to forgive, and to start living.
Looking back, Richardson could have handled that situation better. He could have done worse, but he could have done better. You could even say part of Pennsy's episode on Woody Island was due to his actions. So, he still has plenty of learning to do on his plate.
As I said, he is reacting as John Richardson trying to punish somebody who hurt his daughter's feelings, instead of Admiral Richardson, U.S.N., trying to handle an unruly, psychologically injured subordinate.
His mistake is he is letting the two intermingle.
John Richardson is angry that somebody hurt Jane. Perfectly natural.
Admiral Richardson shouldn't care. He can't afford to.
There are logistical issues for getting Pennsy stateside, but more than those are the fact she will not leave without Ari and separating them is a recipe for disaster in many ways.
That could actually be used to get Richardson to cooperate if he objects to what might be seen as outside interference in his command.
"If we have to we will send her somewhere else, and if we take her, then per the psychiatrist's recommendations we will take them both."
Moving her to San Diego would probably help, but is not strictly necessary. As long as she gets some legitimate assistance, being in Japan will not be an insurmountable hurdle.
I have some ideas in mind for Pennsy that will hopefully make it into the next chapter. I'd like to have her grow into a more full character and part of that is her deciding how to handle her demons, for better or for worse.
That is a huge part of it. Another is those around her realizing that her issues and Ari's are not quite identical. She cannot be handled in precisely the same way.
...not sure if that made sense, but I hope it did.
Making sense is for losers and Frenchmen.