We do still need to see Wisconsin come back though. I for one still remember the Taffies speculating on how much it will mean for her to come back after the badass way she went down.

Mo will come back steaming out of a fogbank like the unstoppable engine of maritime death the Iowas are.

Wisky will come back in full-blown dynamic entry mode.
I am now picturing an Iowa-class smashing through the roof of the hastily-built sub pens and landing on the water in a perfect three-point landing. "SURPRISE, BITCHES!"

Makes me think she might have been a BSG fan. :p

Either that, elbow-dropping a carrier hard enough prow and stern touch (fyi: keels are not supposed to bend that way) or making a good imitation of the Kool-Aid Man.
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Makes me think she might have been a BSG fan. :p
You kind of need something with a proper air wing to pull off the Adama Maneuver. However, there's two problems with that:
1) Fleet carriers aren't returning.
2) I doubt you could pull it off with existing shipgirl CVs under the metaphysics the story runs under. Unless JMP decides "why the fuck not?", but he, unfortunately, is kind of suspended for the better part of the year.
I am now picturing an Iowa-class smashing through the roof of the hastily-built sub pens and landing on the water in a perfect three-point landing. "SURPRISE, BITCHES!"
How about the ship hull bursting from underwater and splashing down, like a sub on emergency surface mode? Then the ship girl version skates out of the splash of water?
I am now picturing an Iowa-class smashing through the roof of the hastily-built sub pens and landing on the water in a perfect three-point landing. "SURPRISE, BITCHES!"
How about the ship hull bursting from underwater and splashing down, like a sub on emergency surface mode? Then the ship girl version skates out of the splash of water?

Mo will come back steaming out of a fogbank like the unstoppable engine of maritime death the Iowas are.

Wisky will come back in full-blown dynamic entry mode.

If anyone could hear a voice over the sounds of battle and the sound of sufficient velocity (terminal), they would have heard three fateful words: "Space Battleship Wisconsin!"

Jersey: Surprise *** * * * * * *** *** * *** * * * * * * * * *! America * * *** * * * *** *** * *** * *** * *** yeah!

Bonus points if you figure out the low-effort hidden message.
That's why I don't talk politics.

Maybe I'll write cute Nyancruiser tomorrow. If I'm not worn out from the early work shift.
You know, I wonder... How's Vicky and Repulse gonna react once they realize Saratoga isn't in the Gulf currently (Of course, if I didn't derp on my memory on whether or not Sara got moved to the west coast to be part of the Taskforce to retake Pearl.)

Actually, from what I've seen of Victoruous, I bet she'll drag Repulse on a plane to San Diego, get there, find out Sara departed for Pearl and then Follow her there. Maybe finally catching up with her there.
I just got a Ark Royal Vibe here. Huh.
Unless of course, Mr. Stewart is still in the Gulf Coast region, then I can imagine those two having a good long talk with Mr. Stewart... and Repulse doing all the bullying on the poor guy till Sara gets back...

Whatever happens, I look most forward to seeing it unfold. :)
Oh God.... I suddenly had a bount of existential terror upon imagining Wisky doing this:

to someone that she likes. Goodbye chair, hello full body cast.

Unless that somebody happens to be one of her sisters. They should be...alive.

My own head canon is the Iowa sisters are frighteningly like the Kongo sisters when united.
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Unless that somebody happens to be one of her sisters. They should be...alive.

Yeah, but that ain't saying they won't be hurt by that. I mean even with MSSB protecting the Human on the Receiving end of a Iowa-Class Flying Tackle hug... It'd prolly still be like a NFL linebacker doing the same to a average Joe....

You'll live(Most likely) But boy oh boy you're gonna be sore for a while... maybe have a broken bone or two (Or more) if you're unlucky. Though then again, you're getting lovingly glomped by one of the most powerful Battleships ever put to sea...on the other hand, one of the most powerful Battleships ever put to sea is like, wrapping both her arms and legs around you tightly in a hug in the span of less than a second after flying into ya at Flank speed. That's... that's gonna hurt...
My own head canon is the Iowa sisters are frighteningly like the Kongo sisters when united.

... *Thinks about it*...

That's Terrifying! :o:o:o
I am now picturing an Iowa-class smashing through the roof of the hastily-built sub pens and landing on the water in a perfect three-point landing. "SURPRISE, BITCHES!"
Nah, nah. Wisky may be an adorkable weeb who's about as subtle as Kongou normally, but if she's showing up at the perfect moment in a battle?

Not DYNAMIC ENTRY mode, man.

She just silently materializes in the exact perfect place to be

And then...

Well, these two clips happen, back to back, timed perfectly for best dramatic/comedic effect.

Yeah, but that ain't saying they won't be hurt by that. I mean even with MSSB protecting the Human on the Receiving end of a Iowa-Class Flying Tackle hug... It'd prolly still be like a NFL linebacker doing the same to a average Joe....

You'll live(Most likely) But boy oh boy you're gonna be sore for a while... maybe have a broken bone or two (Or more) if you're unlucky. Though then again, you're getting lovingly glomped by one of the most powerful Battleships ever put to sea...on the other hand, one of the most powerful Battleships ever put to sea is like, wrapping both her arms and legs around you tightly in a hug in the span of less than a second after flying into ya at Flank speed. That's... that's gonna hurt...

... *Thinks about it*...

That's Terrifying! :o:o:o

Oh, you think that's bad? I also like to imagine the Kongo sisters and the Iowa sisters, especially Kongo and Iowa, get along. Very well.

...Very, very well.

Nah, nah. Wisky may be an adorkable weeb who's about as subtle as Kongou normally, but if she's showing up at the perfect moment in a battle?

Not DYNAMIC ENTRY mode, man.

She just silently materializes in the exact perfect place to be

And then...

Well, these two clips happen, back to back, timed perfectly for best dramatic/comedic effect.

Reverse those, with the first one happening just as the noise from the second fades out.

Perfect scene. :)
Just going over how Whiskey might make herself known....

Jersey is in Goto's office when Kongou and her three sisters show up and go through their intro

Then Whiskey steps in dressed like the Kongous-
"Fifth ship of the Kongou class, Born in America, no one watches more anime than me! I am Wisconsin!"

Jersey (facepalms): You're not a Kongou. You're an Iowa!

Haruna: Yes, but we adopted her!

Kongou: Now she's one of us!

From the direction of Sasebo: "Death to all traitors!" "Oh pipe down and take your medication"
Isnt your Ari Pacific!Ari but with a bigger rack?
More like, Pacific Ari aged up into her late 20's or early 30's. She did gain a considerable bust in the process, but on a whole she looks like an older, more mature Pacific Ari.
Wisky will come back in full-blown dynamic entry mode.
The question then becomes; which anime wil inspire her~?
Unless of course, Mr. Stewart is still in the Gulf Coast region, then I can imagine those two having a good long talk with Mr. Stewart... and Repulse doing all the bullying on the poor guy till Sara gets back...
Get ahold of Roma for extra bully.

"You can drug me but you'll never get me to surrender! Never!" *she says as she takes a pill*
Pennsy isn't actually on any sort of medicine. That said, I'm pretty sure Akashi could figure out a way to get medication for shipgirls. At least ways that don't involve a wheelbarrow.