:facepalm: Why do I even bother…

Well, this is what happens when you bring in animals as ships. I haven't been fond of it from the start.

At any rate, I'm hammering away at Yavuz and Pringles. Just sorta waiting for JMP to update again so we don't have two of my omakes in a row because that always makes me feel awkward :V
Just sorta waiting for JMP to update again so we don't have two of my omakes in a row because that always makes me feel awkward :V

Speaking of which, you were hammering the "Haruna/Tiger"* button on my shipping calculator with that omake.

*Tiruna... yeah, definitely Tiruna. Sounds much better then Harger.
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If I'm reading some of these sources correctly, we still had Mk 14 torpedoes *in service* in the 80's and there are conflicting sources that say we either still have them in storage or transferred them to foreign users (evidently the Mk 14 is still in use in some places). So I'm wondering, with the whole leveling effect and such, how difficult would it be to take those out of storage, fit airdrop kits to them, and use them from A-10's as torpedo bombers. In fact, I would think that the A-10 would be a brutally effective anti-abyssal platform. Massive ordnance capacity (load them up with slicks or aforesaid Mk 14 airdrop kit... Boeing would be hungry to develop something like that, I'm sure)... and the GAU-8 is different only in rate of fire from late-war heavy caliber air-to-surface artillery ordnance. I would imagine that the GAU-8 would, even after the leveling effect, be no less effective than the 75mm howitzer on the solid-nosed B-25's...
If I'm reading some of these sources correctly, we still had Mk 14 torpedoes *in service* in the 80's and there are conflicting sources that say we either still have them in storage or transferred them to foreign users (evidently the Mk 14 is still in use in some places). So I'm wondering, with the whole leveling effect and such, how difficult would it be to take those out of storage, fit airdrop kits to them, and use them from A-10's as torpedo bombers. In fact, I would think that the A-10 would be a brutally effective anti-abyssal platform. Massive ordnance capacity (load them up with slicks or aforesaid Mk 14 airdrop kit... Boeing would be hungry to develop something like that, I'm sure)... and the GAU-8 is different only in rate of fire from late-war heavy caliber air-to-surface artillery ordnance. I would imagine that the GAU-8 would, even after the leveling effect, be no less effective than the 75mm howitzer on the solid-nosed B-25's...

I like the way you think. More Dakka anyone? Also, that will be a lot of torps!
Not for the dakka, I doubt the GAU-8 would be a sink-threat to anything apart from DD's, but it would do a number on exposed AA guns and optics. The important part in my mental calculation is that if they can fit air-droppable anti-ship torpedoes (and I guarantee that the entire aerospace mil-ind complex is going to be scrambling to develop them as anti-abyssal systems) on the hard points, then the A-10 becomes an extremely flak resistant torpedo bomber with a nose sting equivalent to the solid-nose Mitchells. The only weakness would be against fighters due to the leveling... so if I were a clever aerospace engineer type, I'd remember the lovely A-10B two-seater, along with my World War II history... Avenger style rear turret anybody? Vulnerable still from below and behind, but from above you got the dakka spewing monster of a GAU-8, and can probably fit a twin .50 in a rear cockpit-replacement turret to cover above and rear, and suddenly the putative A-10 torpedo bomber becomes... potentially lethal.

Wouldn't nearly be as effective as BB shipgirls to counter the threat, but would be a stopgap solution until there are more of the truly effective anti-Abyssal counters.
Not for the dakka, I doubt the GAU-8 would be a sink-threat to anything apart from DD's, but it would do a number on exposed AA guns and optics. The important part in my mental calculation is that if they can fit air-droppable anti-ship torpedoes (and I guarantee that the entire aerospace mil-ind complex is going to be scrambling to develop them as anti-abyssal systems) on the hard points, then the A-10 becomes an extremely flak resistant torpedo bomber with a nose sting equivalent to the solid-nose Mitchells. The only weakness would be against fighters due to the leveling... so if I were a clever aerospace engineer type, I'd remember the lovely A-10B two-seater, along with my World War II history... Avenger style rear turret anybody? Vulnerable still from below and behind, but from above you got the dakka spewing monster of a GAU-8, and can probably fit a twin .50 in a rear cockpit-replacement turret to cover above and rear, and suddenly the putative A-10 torpedo bomber becomes... potentially lethal.

Wouldn't nearly be as effective as BB shipgirls to counter the threat, but would be a stopgap solution until there are more of the truly effective anti-Abyssal counters.

I love the way you think now! A two-seater A-10 with a tail gun, plus being able to carry a number of torpedoes, not to mention having a gun that hits like a 75mm gun firing APC rounds at the rate of fire of 3,000 rounds per minute?

*sigh* No, Thor, not hitting at the equivalent of a 75mm firing at that rate of fire, I think a 1 second burst of the GAU-8 would, due to the leveling effect, be roughly *equal* to the effect of a single shot of the 75mm. Again, it's not a panacea, it's not an I Win button, it's a stop gap 'throw excrement at the wall and see if SOMETHING sticks' sort of solution. What I'm trying to do is recreate a WW2 land-based torpedo bomber with minimal airframe changes, a ersatz Beaufighter so to speak. Not to create something overpowered and out of context.

What I'm thinking, these make their approach on the deck, tail gunners working to keep enemy aircraft off their tails while the pilot wiggles in to spray the target with 30mm to suppress flak as they come in low and slow (there's a hard limit on maximum airspeed velocity to safely drop a torpedo after all), ripple off the torpedos, and turn away. I'd expect losses to be heavy, effectiveness to be low, but at least somewhat greater than zero.
They could always do what Jimmy Doolittle did: stick a broom handle out the back and hope enemy pilots think it's a gunner and give a second thought just long enough to drop and ditch.
*sigh* No, Thor, not hitting at the equivalent of a 75mm firing at that rate of fire, I think a 1 second burst of the GAU-8 would, due to the leveling effect, be roughly *equal* to the effect of a single shot of the 75mm. Again, it's not a panacea, it's not an I Win button, it's a stop gap 'throw excrement at the wall and see if SOMETHING sticks' sort of solution. What I'm trying to do is recreate a WW2 land-based torpedo bomber with minimal airframe changes, a ersatz Beaufighter so to speak. Not to create something overpowered and out of context.

What I'm thinking, these make their approach on the deck, tail gunners working to keep enemy aircraft off their tails while the pilot wiggles in to spray the target with 30mm to suppress flak as they come in low and slow (there's a hard limit on maximum airspeed velocity to safely drop a torpedo after all), ripple off the torpedos, and turn away. I'd expect losses to be heavy, effectiveness to be low, but at least somewhat greater than zero.

I understand that, still I like it. Now then, all we need now is a good plane that can do a howling power dive at like the 50 degree mark, I would recommend the F-4 Phantom it's a semi-decent divebomber. Sadly, no tail gunner.

Sees Jimbo... nice, totally content free. Lovely.

So tell me, is the entire Mil-Ind Complex of the US just sitting on their collective backsides and twirling around with their thumbs up their rectums or are they trying to determine ways to make what they've got work? Glass Nose B-52's are pretty ridiculous (and totally unnecessary, the B-52 already has a manual optical backup bomb sight, so giving them a glass nose is just silly, but suspension of disbelief) and proven to be totally useless. If that is the sum total of US R&D on the abyssal problem, then whoever is running DARPA and the Pentagon needs to be shot for incompetence or treason.

Can you come up with a single factual counter to the efficacy of air-dropped unguided anti-ship torpedoes against Abyssals? If not, then why be insulting, if so, elucidate please.

Are you arguing that a 30mm gatling will be useless, when in World War 2 .50 MGs proved effective at sweeping the decks of warships and causing significant damage to light AA mounts? If not, then why be insulting, if so, elucidate please.
Guys, the leveling effect would be bad for modern-day Mk14 torpedoes and the A-10.

If you were to use MK14s, then they would be compared against other modern-day weapons. As for the A-10s, we've covered them before in the past and determined them to not be nearly as effective as you might be hoping.

Can you come up with a single factual counter to the efficacy of air-dropped unguided anti-ship torpedoes against Abyssals? If not, then why be insulting, if so, elucidate please.
See my above comments.

Are you arguing that a 30mm gatling will be useless, when in World War 2 .50 MGs proved effective at sweeping the decks of warships and causing significant damage to light AA mounts? If not, then why be insulting, if so, elucidate please.
From a significance standpoint, the 30mm gun would be useless against Abyssal due to having to enter the Anti-aircraft envelope of Abyssal warships. The A-10 is tough, but it's not designed to handle Dual-Purpose 127mm guns. Trying to do a strafing run on an Atlanta-class Abyssalized light cruiser isn't useless. It's a death warrant for the pilot.

EDIT: As an aside, you would be limited to the handling profile and characteristics of the MK14s for launching them if that's even possible. I haven't checked this yet, but consider the following:
1) What are the maximum deployment characteristics of the MK14?
2) What is the stall speed of an A-10?
3) Which value of speed is greater?
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Can I just quietly remind you all that this is not the Kancolle Fanfic Discussion Thread? This is about Belated Battleships. Unless you're planning to write yet another omake for it, could you please kindly move this line of discussion there?
has Jersey ever said what type of Torpedo sank her, because I had a scary thought involving U-511.
*the sound of hammering on railroad tracks echoes in the distance*
This meme may be stale, but by god, I will still use it!
Fine, last time I attempt to contribute to discussion.
Look, it's not even that. We've had discussions about the A-10 being used before in the thread and it's been brought up again and again. Thing is though, the A-10 would need to get into the AA envelope which would be death as it was never designed to survive hits like that. Trying to find ways around the issue though is not a problem. And there is more planes then just the A-10. However, there is a use for the A-10 though. It's pretty good at surviving storms so if they need to track Abyssals in a hurricane, they probably could use it to do so easily.
Look, it's not even that. We've had discussions about the A-10 being used before in the thread and it's been brought up again and again. Thing is though, the A-10 would need to get into the AA envelope which would be death as it was never designed to survive hits like that. Trying to find ways around the issue though is not a problem. And there is more planes then just the A-10. However, there is a use for the A-10 though. It's pretty good at surviving storms so if they need to track Abyssals in a hurricane, they probably could use it to do so easily.
Or they could use the planes designed for flying through hurricanes? You know, hurricane hunter planes?