Look, it's not even that. We've had discussions about the A-10 being used before in the thread and it's been brought up again and again. Thing is though, the A-10 would need to get into the AA envelope which would be death as it was never designed to survive hits like that. Trying to find ways around the issue though is not a problem. And there is more planes then just the A-10. However, there is a use for the A-10 though. It's pretty good at surviving storms so if they need to track Abyssals in a hurricane, they probably could use it to do so easily.
Eh, you want something a bit larger, more responsive and longer ranged than that. Gulfstream IVs/C-20s modified like Miss Piggy are a better fit for those sorts of operations.

Like yeah, there are some crazy fuckers in South Dakota flying an A-10 through their (fairly gentle) thunderstorms for science, but thunderstorms =/= hurricanes, and well, A-10s are pretty much the only things that can carry the instrument package needed, while being cheap to repair after flights. I'd say it's a good plane for a thunderstorm, but thunderstorms are no place for an airplane. :V
Or they could use the planes designed for flying through hurricanes? You know, hurricane hunter planes?
There are no planes designed specifically for flying into hurricanes. All planes used by hurricane hunters are actually former military aircraft that have been modified. Besides which, they've already been looking at using them for storm hunting.
Eh, you want something a bit larger, more responsive and longer ranged than that. Gulfstream IVs/C-20s modified like Miss Piggy are a better fit for those sorts of operations.

Like yeah, there are some crazy fuckers in South Dakota flying an A-10 through their (fairly gentle) thunderstorms for science, but thunderstorms =/= hurricanes, and well, A-10s are pretty much the only things that can carry the instrument package needed, while being cheap to repair after flights. I'd say it's a good plane for a thunderstorm, but thunderstorms are no place for an airplane. :V
You do realize that they've been talking about using them to get up close and personal with tornadoes, so I don't think that the A-10 would be that bad...
There are no planes designed specifically for flying into hurricanes. All planes used by hurricane hunters are actually former military aircraft that have been modified. Besides which, they've already been looking at using them for storm hunting.

You do realize that they've been talking about using them to get up close and personal with tornadoes, so I don't think that the A-10 would be that bad...
They need an observer seat.

Also, Gonzo was never a military aircraft. NOAA's other two hurricane hunters (Kermit and Miss Piggy,) were though.

And yeah, I got a couple of them mixed up, but I'm working off memory for the most part.
Ok, so the A-10 won't work for ships with high AA, but what about ones that don't? I thought someone mentioned pre-dreadnoughts and WW1 era designs are also being used by the Abyssals. Since they don't have that much AA, would an A-10 be useful at that?
I'm not trying to drag on a discussion or get the thread locked, but, aside from Missouri, are there any weapons that humans have that are effective at all against Abyssals?
Well this got entirely off track.

Bets on when Iowa will show up? How much tonnage will Big T and the escorts rack up? The Wolfpack is only about 10k tons, and the Lexington shadow is probably offset by Wiskey.
Ok, so the A-10 won't work for ships with high AA, but what about ones that don't? I thought someone mentioned pre-dreadnoughts and WW1 era designs are also being used by the Abyssals. Since they don't have that much AA, would an A-10 be useful at that?
I'm not trying to drag on a discussion or get the thread locked, but, aside from Missouri, are there any weapons that humans have that are effective at all against Abyssals?
Prayer. Prayer, and Crowning.
Wouldn't tactical nuclear weapons be doable?
I mean, I get that the fallout and consequences would be hellish.
But you could use nukes as an absolute zero option, right?
I bet the chair force will be scrambling to get something that is better than the U-2 at air recon, this plane is so fast, nothing today can catch it. It flies higher, goes faster, and has a stupid rate of climb. It's unarmed, but then again, this doesn't need to be armed. It's top speed is Mach 3.3 at 80,000 feet, with a cruising speed of mach 2.72. I don't think there is a SAM today that can get to this thing, let alone hit it. Our current spy planes are lack luster and easy meat if caught at anything other than their service ceiling, the first goes only 500 miles per hour at full throttle, the other can only do 580 miles per hour.

Let's see what Spy Plane in American Aviation could do Mach 3.3? Oh yes! That's right boys and girls! The mighty mighty SR-71!

The biggest problem I foresee is getting the things back into active service. However once that is done the SR-71 will better than anything we got for intel, it's quick as hell (not even a Raptor can fly as high or as fast), it can get to an area that you need intel on faster than even a Submarine Girl with a Floatplane, give it a datalink (pray that Abyssal Spookiness doesn't screw it up) and it's insane payload of 3,500 pounds of sensors. Let it do what it does best, which is observe your foe from an altitude of 24,000 meters

But anyway back on track, a Dreadnought Vs. a Battlecruiser? Both capable of penetrating each other at range, seems like a fair fight, until you realize that the Abyssal Lexington has 16s, which means a much longer range than Texas so it comes down to good ole human ingenuity. We need a way to break up that formation, to throw the enemy off balance to allow Texas, Alaska, and Company to regroup and go "FREEDOM OF THE SEAS SMASH!"

Can we pull this off? That's the real question, can we do it. The answer is "We have to defeat them. Else the United Kingdom is screwed six ways to Sunday."

Also no go on tac nukes, do you want to start WWIII? Or fry everything electornic within 50 miles? Unless you want to start that or have that happen, then the answer is no.
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I bet the chair force will be scrambling to get something that is better than the U-2 at air recon, this plane is so fast, nothing today can catch it. It flies higher, goes faster, and has a stupid rate of climb. It's unarmed, but then again, this doesn't need to be armed. It's top speed is Mach 3.3 at 80,000 feet, with a cruising speed of mach 2.72. I don't think there is a SAM today that can get to this thing, let alone hit it. Our current spy planes are lack luster and easy meat if caught at anything other than their service ceiling, the first goes only 500 miles per hour at full throttle, the other can only do 580 miles per hour.

Let's see what Spy Plane in American Aviation could do Mach 3.3? Oh yes! That's right boys and girls! The mighty mighty SR-71!

The biggest problem I foresee is getting the things back into active service. However once that is done the SR-71 will better than anything we got for intel, it's quick as hell (not even a Raptor can fly as high or as fast), it can get to an area that you need intel on faster than even a Submarine Girl with a Floatplane, give it a datalink (pray that Abyssal Spookiness doesn't screw it up) and it's insane payload of 3,500 pounds of sensors. Let it do what it does best, which is observe your foe from an altitude of 24,000 meters

But anyway back on track, a Dreadnought Vs. a Battlecruiser? Both capable of penetrating each other at range, seems like a fair fight, until you realize that the Abyssal Lexington has 16s, which means a much longer range than Texas so it comes down to good ole human ingenuity. We need a way to break up that formation, to throw the enemy off balance to allow Texas, Alaska, and Company to regroup and go "MURICA SMASH!"

Can we pull this off? That's the real question, can we do it. The answer is "We have to defeat them. Else the United Kingdom is screwed six ways to Sunday."

Also no go on tac nukes, do you want to start WWIII? Or fry everything electornic within 50 miles? Unless you want to start that or have that happen, then the answer is no.
Hence "absolute zero" option. Nukes is the red line, that thing you never wanna do, and I damn well know it's never gonna happen, because if it does then it's likely a "taking you with me" move from a dying nation.
....Who was it that based a fic off that.
Damnit, I can't remember, but I know someone did that.

But seriously, if you go nuclear then the Abyssals will go nuclear, and then everyone dies.

And concerning modern weapons that work against Abyssals, we do actually have weapon systems that work against Abyssals, it's just that there is (presumably) so much of them and they screw with our guidance systems that we can't fight in any other way than through attrition.
Everyone seems to have forgotten part of the problem here. We only have a GLOWING FUCKING BATTLECRUISER VERSION OF SUPER SARA BEARING DOWN! NO NUKES! IT WOULD ONLY MAKE HER STRONGER!
Everyone seems to have forgotten part of the problem here. We only have a GLOWING FUCKING BATTLECRUISER VERSION OF SUPER SARA BEARING DOWN! NO NUKES! IT WOULD ONLY MAKE HER STRONGER!
The "absorption" shtick.
Eh, old and a bit worn, but it works, nonetheless. Unless this is specific to her and no other abyssal can replicate it.
Sorry if I'm incoherent. Mind's a bit mush from work and binging PMAS. All of it. All of it.
Anyway, the SR-71 idea....
Those are all decommissioned. Some are museum displays, I think (I saw one myself a while back). Making another one would be expensive but not impossible I guess.
But god knows the Abyssals have some counter they'll pull out of their dark magic hat.
Anyway, the SR-71 idea....
Those are all decommissioned. Some are museum displays, I think (I saw one myself a while back). Making another one would be expensive but not impossible I guess.
But god knows the Abyssals have some counter they'll pull out of their dark magic hat.

I know, that's why I said the biggest pain would be bringing them back into service. However, no modern plane can fly as high or as fast for as long as a SR-71, closest thing would be a MiG-25 Foxbat, and the closest that thing could ever get was 63,000 feet and 2.9 kilometers behind a SR-71 at 72,000 feet, according to Swedish Defense anyway. Planes have flown higher, but the engine cuts out and dies at a certain altitude, meaning your intercept has to be perfect and you have to build up enough energy to catch the thing and even then, a bit of a course correction and well, your boned.
I meant stronger, as in reinforcements-wise. There were whole fleets at anchor for Able and Baker. Nagamon, Pringles, and many, many others. Whose to say the vitriol they feel wouldn't inspire a 'family reunion' with nukes blasting off? Besides, remember Independence Day?
I know, that's why I said the biggest pain would be bringing them back into service. However, no modern plane can fly as high or as fast for as long as a SR-71, closest thing would be a MiG-25 Foxbat, and the closest that thing could ever get was 63,000 feet and 2.9 kilometers behind a SR-71 at 72,000 feet, according to Swedish Defense anyway. Planes have flown higher, but the engine cuts out and dies at a certain altitude, meaning your intercept has to be perfect and you have to build up enough energy to catch the thing and even then, a bit of a course correction and well, your boned.
The Blackbird is a recon aircraft. Any hardpoints, or tampering with the frame, and it's a huge reduction in capabilities.
The Blackbird is a recon aircraft. Any hardpoints, or tampering with the frame, and it's a huge reduction in capabilities.

I know that, I was talking about the MiG-25 in order to catch a SR-71 will have to be completely clean with hard points removed, which for the Abyssals will probably equate to Soviet Bias in the form of a La-9 or something, but it still won't be able to catch a Blackbird. Then there is the whole the engine cuts out at a certain altitude and the SR-71's doesn't.
Nuclear Battlecrusier Princess is like...radiating green shit. I wouldn't want to hit that with nukes just on principle.
I see three outcomes from hitting Abyssara with a nuke:
1. It's invigorates her
2. It's makes her angry
3. It validates her beliefs and she joins side that has nukes and not afraid to use them.
Or, you know, it would be humanity collectively crossing the Godzilla Threshold and then inviting the Abyssals to hurl their versions of nukes towards us, ending the series in a nuclear firestorm.

But I don't think nuclear weapons would be used by anyone, at all. It's just too much for too little. And who knows what exactly nuclear weapons could do to Abyssals? Last time we did nuclear weapons tests in the '40s showed that ships tend to actually not get sunken when attacked by nuclear weapons. Mission killed, yes, but not sunk. And since we don't know what the leveling effect would do, well...

It could either end poorly, or end in disaster.

Remember, nuclear weapons are not to be treated lightly. Respect the nuke. It is no one's friend.
And Jeff Goldblum said what would happen if we started using nukes willy nilly. Officially no ICBMs, or quick reaction warheads left, but there's still air-launched ordinance, and boomers.