Attempting to Subvert the Plan: Dominion Edition

Retcon: Should General Horner (the MC) have been The Magistrate (Starcraft 1 PC)?

  • Yes

    Votes: 35 43.8%
  • No

    Votes: 29 36.3%
  • This does not matter to me

    Votes: 16 20.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Well, as you say, the option wouldn't be available if we didn't have some facilities for refurbishing the salvaged ships. It might get a lot cheaper and easier if we rebuild the Dylarian shipyards first, but the point here is that we shouldn't leave a giant window of military vulnerability wide open and swinging in the breeze longer than we have to, because this is Starcraft.

I'm sure we'll be fine. Anyway, the UED can't raid the shipyards if the shipyards aren't working to begin with *taps head*.
I'm sure we'll be fine. Anyway, the UED can't raid the shipyards if the shipyards aren't working to begin with *taps head*.
I think we currently have all of zero functioning shipyards for our battle-cruisers so that's more possible than not. The Dominion needs the fleet as strong as possible to hold off the Zerg from infesting planets, not trying to duct tape the reactor cooling loop back into place. Of course we then have the problem that the more ships Mensk has the larger the Sword of Damocles he holds over his planets.
The thing is, we know Mengsk can be beaten even when he has a strong military.

Furthermore, we have no realistic plans to equip the individual planets with significant militaries of their own, and to do that, we'd need to build shipyards and war factories, which would in turn make Mengsk stronger and still able to suppress the planets. As such, individual planets can't really rebel against Mengsk even if Mengsk's fleet is weak, because theirs is even weaker.

Deliberately starving the Dominion of military strength because it makes Mengsk's position more precarious would be a fool's errand. Not only does it result in options for the quest to Bad End because the Zerg or UED overrun us entirely, but Mengsk will very probably just husband the military power he has more carefully and jealously, start making non-negotiable demands that we build more for him, and make sure that if he isn't well armed, nobody else can be armed at all.

If we want Mengsk's position to start falling apart, we need to take other steps.
If we want Mengsk's position to start falling apart, we need to take other steps.
I agree with you, I was just pointing out the unfortunate Catch 22 with our military options. The fleet must grow no matter what if humanity is to survive. What I am hoping is that we can sneak in as much ground to orbit defense spending as possible, guns manned by locals can protect cities from incoming Zerg and bombarding battlecruisers alike.
[] Plan SCV focus 355R 45F
-[] Infrastructure (5/5 dice, 25R)
--[] Korhal: Capital City Augustgrad (Phase 1) [MANDATORY] 133/250 (2 dice, 10R 43%)
--[] Nephor II: Planetary Reconstruction (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] 78/450 (3 dice, 15R )
-[] Heavy Industry (8/4 dice , 80R)
--[] Vardona: Ardonin Heavy Vehicle Factory (Phase 1) 153/250 (8 dice 70R 45% 2 Phases )
-[] Light Industry (4/4 dice, 40R)
--[] Nephor II: Phoros Neotextile Fabrication Plant (Phase 2) 116/250 [NEW] (4 dice 40R 97%)
-[] Environmental (4/4 dice, 30R)
--[] Korhal: Regreening Effort (Phase 1) 1/150 (2 dice 10R 8%)
--[] Nephor II: Cap'n Yum-Yum's Fantabulous Foodularium 0/150 (2 die 20R 18%)
-[] Services (4/4 dice, 40R)
--[] Mass Literacy Movement (Phase 1) 0/200 (2 dice 20R 0%)
--[] Re-Establish the Universal News Network [Reconstruction] 2/100 (2 dice, 20R, 42%)
-[] Military (5/5 dice, 70R)
--[] Brontes: Refloating the Fleet (Phase 1) 0/300 (3 dice, 60R 0%)
--[] Nephor II: Fort Horner Marine Training Camp 0/150 (2 dice, 10R, 24%)
-[] Research (4/4 dice, 50R)
--[] Korhal: Broken Mesa Xenobiology Institute 50/150 (2 die 30R, 40%)
--[] New Model Weaponry (Phase 1) (Tech) 0/150 (2 dice 20R 8%)
-[] Bureaucracy (5/4 dice, 20R)
--[] Truth and Reconciliation Committee (Idealistic) 146/200 (1 die 5R 51%)
--[] Flesh Out the Remainder of the Bureaucracy (3 die 15R 69%)
-[] Personal (4/4 45F)
--[] Private Investments = DC 30/50/70 (3 dice, -30 F)
--[] Deadman's Rock: Authorize Arendt's Working Vacation = DC 20 (1 dice, -15 F)
If I may inquire the thread opinion, what do y'all think of the Imperial Science University? It seems like most plans opt for New Model Weaponry over it, which I assume is because of the Mass Literacy issue in most of our population? I do feel like setting up the University would help stem the flow of the Dominion's brain drain to Umoja, and it could provide institutional assistance for research into Zerg/Protoss tech, which the latter was confirmed by Etran.

-[] Military (5/5 dice, -1 penalty, 60 R)
--[] Nephor II: Fort Horner Marine Training Camp 0/150 (2 dice, 20 R) (36% chance)
--[] Brontes: Refloating the Fleet (Phase 1) 0/300 (2 dice, 40 R) (2/6 median)
Heads up Simon, your Military section has 1 dice unaccounted for, only using 4/5.
If I may inquire the thread opinion, what do y'all think of the Imperial Science University? It seems like most plans opt for New Model Weaponry over it, which I assume is because of the Mass Literacy issue in most of our population? I do feel like setting up the University would help stem the flow of the Dominion's brain drain to Umoja, and it could provide institutional assistance for research into Zerg/Protoss tech, which the latter was confirmed by Etran.

Heads up Simon, your Military section has 1 dice unaccounted for, only using 4/5.

Honestly, it's a simpler reason? We need some Paranoia reduction. The University is absolutely important and in my vague plans for the rest of the year we start on it towards the end of the year to hopefully have it done ASAP. But right now we have Broken Mesa and a key low-hanging military-research fruit to deal with.

As for Refloating the Fleet immediately (as some have proposed), I think that as Chuck is a Marine, it makes sense that we should build up a Marine training camp, tbh, but my plan includes a dice on Brontes Refloating so that five dice next turn can finish Phase 1.
If I may inquire the thread opinion, what do y'all think of the Imperial Science University? It seems like most plans opt for New Model Weaponry over it, which I assume is because of the Mass Literacy issue in most of our population? I do feel like setting up the University would help stem the flow of the Dominion's brain drain to Umoja, and it could provide institutional assistance for research into Zerg/Protoss tech, which the latter was confirmed by Etran.
Hadn't really thought of it in those terms. Had been thinking more in terms of the Paranoia aggro, which is starting to creep up on us.

Heads up Simon, your Military section has 1 dice unaccounted for, only using 4/5.

Hm, that's one of a few things I might want to fix soon then, yeah.
[] Plan Breaking The Limits, Restoring Nephor, and Helping Vardona
-[] Infrastructure (5/5 dice + 2 Free, 35R)
--[] Korhal: Capital City Augustgrad (Phase 1) 133/250 (2 dice, 10R)
--[] Nephor II: Planetary Reconstruction (Phase 1) 78/450 (5 dice, 25R)
-[] Heavy Industry (4/4 dice+ 2 Free dice, 35R)
--[] Nephor II: Nephor Industrial Megacomplex (Phase 1) 80/350 (3 dice, 15 R)
--[] Vardona: Ardonin Heavy Vehicle Factory (Phase 1) 153/250 (3 dice, 30 R)
-[] Light Industry (4/4 dice, 40R)
--[] Vardona: Vespene Extraction Operations (Phase 1) 0/550 (2 dice, 20 R)
--[] Nephor II: Phoros Neotextile Fabrication Plant (Phase 2) (116/250) (2 dice 20 R)
-[] Environmental (4/4 dice, 40R)
--[] Korhal: Regreening Effort (Phase 1) 0/150 (2 dice, 10 R)
--[] Vardona: Subsidiary Hydroponics Effort 0/150 (2 dice, 30 R)
-[] Services (4/4 dice, 40R)
-- [] Re-Establish the Universal News Network [Reconstruction] 2/100 (3 dice, 30 R)
-- [] Mass Literacy Movement (Phase 1) 0/200, (1 dice, 10 R)
-[] Military (5/5 dice, 55R)
--[] Nephor II: Fort Horner Marine Training Camp 0/150 (3 dice, 15 R)
--[] Brontes: Refloating the Fleet (Phase 1) 0/300 (2 dice, 20 R)
-[] Research (4/4 dice, 50 R)
--[] Korhal: Broken Mesa Xenobiology Institute 50/150 (2 dice, 30 R)
--[] New Model Weaponry (Phase 1) (Tech) 0/150 (2 dice, 20 R)
-[] Bureaucracy (4/4 dice, 30R)
--[] Truth and Reconciliation Committee (Idealistic) 146/200 (2 dice, 10 R)
--[] Conduct a Dominion-Wide Census [Reconstruction] 42/300 (2 dice, 20 R)
-[] Personal (4/4, 30 F)
--[] Raynor's Raiders: Request an Update [NEW] DC 40 (2 dice, 10 F)
--[] Nephor II: Contact the Industrial Workers' Trust, DC 40 (2 dice, 20 F)

Here, have a new plan. Or rather, a slight alteration. Someone argued it was better to be more parsimonious on the Marine Fort and spend another die on Brontes Refloating to get it closer to completion. I think there's logic there, so it's 3/2 instead of 4/1. This does increase the cost of the plan to 325 R, but even though that's slightly higher than our income, we also, uh, don't need to worry about it that much! I'd be willing to spend considerably more than that if I had to, but I don't have to.
Honestly, it's a simpler reason? We need some Paranoia reduction. The University is absolutely important and in my vague plans for the rest of the year we start on it towards the end of the year to hopefully have it done ASAP. But right now we have Broken Mesa and a key low-hanging military-research fruit to deal with.
You say we need Paranoia reduction, but you are also doing both re-greening and the subsidiary Hydroponics that make Minsk nervous. So that's +10 to offset the -10 from your guns, and leave you at exactly 0 progress. Now, Augustgrad and the Broken Mesa complex are both -10 paranoia, and Fort Horner is -5, but Ardonin, UNN, Mass Literacy, Truth and Reconciliation, those all produce paranoia to again, exactly balance doing those three projects. So your paranoia reduction efforts aren't actually reduction, they're just offsetting the paranoia generation you've selected.
You say we need Paranoia reduction, but you are also doing both re-greening and the subsidiary Hydroponics that make Minsk nervous. So that's +10 to offset the -10 from your guns, and leave you at exactly 0 progress. Now, Augustgrad and the Broken Mesa complex are both -10 paranoia, and Fort Horner is -5, but Ardonin, UNN, Mass Literacy, Truth and Reconciliation, those all produce paranoia to again, exactly balance doing those three projects. So your paranoia reduction efforts aren't actually reduction, they're just offsetting the paranoia generation you've selected.

No? I don't know what sort of math you're doing.

We have the -5 coming from the completion of the Recruiting facilities automatically. We have the -5 from the Horner Training Ground. We have Q3 Brontes Refloating -10 coming in Q3, and then after that the floating ship Research and the new Orbital Facility to round out the year, etc, etc.

So you're literally just not correct about what is being set up for Q2/3 as far as Paranoia goes.

E: But let me double-check some things, and get back to you to make sure I'm not missing something here.

E2: Yeah, checked it, and the net effect of the things I have planned in the next two turns involve a net of -15 Paranoia, which would put us at the end of it at 30 Paranoia, which isn't all that bad.
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So I'm modifying my draft plan. Still, the big thing that I think distinguishes this plan from most competing alternatives is the push on Flesh Out The Bureaucracy, in an attempt to pick up more dice. There are valid arguments for making something else the focus of our actions, but this is what I favor.

315 RpT
395 Stockpiled
65 Slush Funds

350/315 R (stockpile to 360)
4/4 Free dice

[] Plan Attempting to Expand Our Capabilities
-[] Infrastructure (5/5 dice + 3 Free, +4 bonus, 40 R)
--[] Korhal: Capital City Augustgrad (Phase 1) 133/250 (2 dice, 10 R) (57% chance)
--[] Nephor II: Planetary Reconstruction (Phase 1) 78/450 (6 dice, 30 R) (66% chance)
-[] Heavy Industry (4/4 dice, -1 penalty, 30 R)
--[] Vardona: Ardonin Heavy Vehicle Factory (Phase 1) 153/250 (2 dice, 20 R) (73% chance)
--[] Nephor II: Nephor Industrial Megacomplex (Phase 1) 80/350 (2 dice, 10 R) (2/4.5 median)
-[] Light Industry (4/4 dice, -1 penalty, 50 R)
--[] Sara System: Imperial Chemical-Mineral Survey 0/200 (2 dice, -30 R) (2/4 median)
--[] Nephor II: Phoros Neotextile Fabrication Plant (Phase 2) 116/250 (2 dice, -20 R) (50% chance)
-[] Environmental (4/4 dice, -6 penalty, 20 R)
--[] Korhal: Regreening Effort (Phase 1) 0/150 (4 dice, 20 R) (77% chance)
-[] Services (4/4 dice, -6 penalty, 40 R)
--[] Re-Establish the Universal News Network 2/100 (2 dice, 20 R) (56% chance)
--[] Mass Literacy Movement 0/200 (2 dice, 20 R) (2/4 median)
-[] Military (5/5 dice, -1 penalty, 80 R)
--[] Nephor II: Fort Horner Marine Training Camp 0/150 (2 dice, 20 R) (36% chance)
--[] Brontes: Refloating the Fleet (Phase 1) 0/300 (3 dice, 60 R) (3/6 median)
-[] Research (4/4 dice, -6 penalty, 50 R)
--[] Broken Mesa Xenobiology Institute 50/150 (2 dice, 30 R) (54% chance)
--[] Imperial Science University 0/150 (2 dice, 20 R) (15% chance)
-[] Bureaucracy (4/4 dice + 1 Free die, +4 bonus, 30 R)
--[] Truth and Reconciliation Committee (I) 146/200 (1 die, 5 R) (66% chance)
--[] Conduct a Dominion-Wide Census 42/300 (1 die, 10 R) (1/5 median)
--[] Flesh Out The Remainder of the Bureaucracy 62/200 (3 dice, 15 R) (78% chance)
-[] Personal (3/4 dice, -6 penalty, 30 F)
--[] Private Investments DC 30/50/70 (3 dice, 30 F) (98.4/95.2/89.4% chance of hitting each DC)
--[] We're going to need more than 25 Funds/turn to support all the anti-Mengsk stuff we want to do.
--[] Investing sooner rather than later means more total Funds for these missions.
--[] More freedom to support Raynor's Raiders and other factions.

Infrastructure: I consider reconstruction on Nephor II to be a critical industrial goal; having the planet as a whole be a wreck cannot be good for our industrial base, including the shiny new facilities we're building there. Thanks to Uncrowned Queen, we can put two dice on Augustgrad and six dice on Nephor II, giving good odds to finish both and leaving a Free die for Bureaucracy.

Heavy Industry: I'm not putting Free dice here because it seems like a more important priority to put them on infrastructure and bureaucratic work so we have the capabilities to do better Cool Stuff later rather than grabbing the shiny up front. The SCV factory has a good chance of finishing with two dice; the remaining dice go to NIM, which is my second-highest priority in the category.

Light Industry: Since we're already halfway to completing Phase 2 of the Phoros factory, it seems the obvious move to invest a couple more dice in hopes of getting it. The remaining dice... Well, I was torn between multiple project options, but I think a survey of the Sara system is worthwhile. I could be persuaded to pick a different option here.

Environmental: With Korhal Regreening Effort being so cheap per die and likely to have good effects for future Korhal construction (such as reducing the number of radioactive dust storms), I think it's an obvious choice. Four dice gives us a good one-turn completion chance, even!

Services: Hopefully we can get UNN up and going again, then move on to the next big thing, which for now I think should be the literacy program.

Military: Fort Horner is still a good choice, but with the huge windfall from Brontes making it so easy to activate lots of dice, I move that we also begin work on Refloating the Fleet.

Research: Progress on Broken Mesa, and the university has virtues, though the Paranoia may rack up dangerously...

Bureaucracy: Basically, I'm no longer worried about us being able to fund all our dice, so I want to take the action that gives us more dice. It would be very helpful if we had enough Infrastructure dice that we could more reliably complete our reconstruction goals without needing constant Free dice investment, for instance. Since the census cannot be finished this turn anyway, I'm shifting the main effort to Flesh Out The Bureaucracy, while hopefully wrapping up the truth and reconciliation committees and at least keeping the census ticking over.

Personal: Bear with me here. As explained above, it's clear that for a lot of the Personal actions, we're going to want to spend 3+ dice (to minimize the risk of failure) at a cost of 10 F/die or more. Therefore, we need a budget of more than 25 FpT going into the slush fund. Therefore, we make investments. The income will pay for itself rapidly and we'll be able to do a lot more to fund Raynor's Raiders or handle other operations without taking painful risks and eating those big +10 and +20 Paranoia spikes.
As for Personal, I do think it's valuable to have a turn where we put either 2 or 3 dice into Private investments, but I think that we need to unlock more of our action categories more than we need to do that immediately, because the longer we wait the more risk that someone else will snap them up or they'll start acting on their own. My thought for my own plan is to unlock the Nephor Union actions in conjunction with the big Reconstruction push to make sure Reconstruction doesn't involve, uh, all the things it COULD with them.

Then next turn, 3 dice on PI, 1 dice on a low-DC option of some sort, and then Q4 probably a dice on the Criminal contacts, 3 on the Marine Colonel, and we'll have gotten most of the key figures up.

I don't think it's a huge deal to wait an extra turn for the Nephor Unions thing, but I worry that if we're doing Reconstruction before we contact them, we might accidentally sideswipe them or mess them up.
So I'm modifying my draft plan. Still, the big thing that I think distinguishes this plan from most competing alternatives is the push on Flesh Out The Bureaucracy, in an attempt to pick up more dice. There are valid arguments for making something else the focus of our actions, but this is what I favor.

315 RpT
395 Stockpiled
65 Slush Funds

350/315 R (stockpile to 360)
4/4 Free dice

[] Plan Attempting to Expand Our Capabilities
-[] Infrastructure (5/5 dice + 3 Free, +4 bonus, 40 R)
--[] Korhal: Capital City Augustgrad (Phase 1) 133/250 (2 dice, 10 R) (57% chance)
--[] Nephor II: Planetary Reconstruction (Phase 1) 78/450 (6 dice, 30 R) (66% chance)
-[] Heavy Industry (4/4 dice, -1 penalty, 30 R)
--[] Vardona: Ardonin Heavy Vehicle Factory (Phase 1) 153/250 (2 dice, 20 R) (73% chance)
--[] Nephor II: Nephor Industrial Megacomplex (Phase 1) 80/350 (2 dice, 10 R) (2/4.5 median)
-[] Light Industry (4/4 dice, -1 penalty, 50 R)
--[] Sara System: Imperial Chemical-Mineral Survey 0/200 (2 dice, -30 R) (2/4 median)
--[] Nephor II: Phoros Neotextile Fabrication Plant (Phase 2) 116/250 (2 dice, -20 R) (50% chance)
-[] Environmental (4/4 dice, -6 penalty, 20 R)
--[] Korhal: Regreening Effort (Phase 1) 0/150 (4 dice, 20 R) (77% chance)
-[] Services (4/4 dice, -6 penalty, 40 R)
--[] Re-Establish the Universal News Network 2/100 (2 dice, 20 R) (56% chance)
--[] Mass Literacy Movement 0/200 (2 dice, 20 R) (2/4 median)
-[] Military (5/5 dice, -1 penalty, 80 R)
--[] Nephor II: Fort Horner Marine Training Camp 0/150 (2 dice, 20 R) (36% chance)
--[] Brontes: Refloating the Fleet (Phase 1) 0/300 (3 dice, 60 R) (3/6 median)
-[] Research (4/4 dice, -6 penalty, 50 R)
--[] Broken Mesa Xenobiology Institute 50/150 (2 dice, 30 R) (54% chance)
--[] Imperial Science University 0/150 (2 dice, 20 R) (15% chance)
-[] Bureaucracy (4/4 dice + 1 Free die, +4 bonus, 30 R)
--[] Truth and Reconciliation Committee (I) 146/200 (1 die, 5 R) (66% chance)
--[] Conduct a Dominion-Wide Census 42/300 (1 die, 10 R) (1/5 median)
--[] Flesh Out The Remainder of the Bureaucracy 62/200 (3 dice, 15 R) (78% chance)
-[] Personal (3/4 dice, -6 penalty, 30 F)
--[] Private Investments DC 30/50/70 (3 dice, 30 F) (98.4/95.2/89.4% chance of hitting each DC)
--[] We're going to need more than 25 Funds/turn to support all the anti-Mengsk stuff we want to do.
--[] Investing sooner rather than later means more total Funds for these missions.
--[] More freedom to support Raynor's Raiders and other factions.

Infrastructure: I consider reconstruction on Nephor II to be a critical industrial goal; having the planet as a whole be a wreck cannot be good for our industrial base, including the shiny new facilities we're building there. Thanks to Uncrowned Queen, we can put two dice on Augustgrad and six dice on Nephor II, giving good odds to finish both and leaving a Free die for Bureaucracy.

Heavy Industry: I'm not putting Free dice here because it seems like a more important priority to put them on infrastructure and bureaucratic work so we have the capabilities to do better Cool Stuff later rather than grabbing the shiny up front. The SCV factory has a good chance of finishing with two dice; the remaining dice go to NIM, which is my second-highest priority in the category.

Light Industry: Since we're already halfway to completing Phase 2 of the Phoros factory, it seems the obvious move to invest a couple more dice in hopes of getting it. The remaining dice... Well, I was torn between multiple project options, but I think a survey of the Sara system is worthwhile. I could be persuaded to pick a different option here.

Environmental: With Korhal Regreening Effort being so cheap per die and likely to have good effects for future Korhal construction (such as reducing the number of radioactive dust storms), I think it's an obvious choice. Four dice gives us a good one-turn completion chance, even!

Services: Hopefully we can get UNN up and going again, then move on to the next big thing, which for now I think should be the literacy program.

Military: Fort Horner is still a good choice, but with the huge windfall from Brontes making it so easy to activate lots of dice, I move that we also begin work on Refloating the Fleet.

Research: Progress on Broken Mesa, and the university has virtues, though the Paranoia may rack up dangerously...

Bureaucracy: Basically, I'm no longer worried about us being able to fund all our dice, so I want to take the action that gives us more dice. It would be very helpful if we had enough Infrastructure dice that we could more reliably complete our reconstruction goals without needing constant Free dice investment, for instance. Since the census cannot be finished this turn anyway, I'm shifting the main effort to Flesh Out The Bureaucracy, while hopefully wrapping up the truth and reconciliation committees and at least keeping the census ticking over.

Personal: Bear with me here. As explained above, it's clear that for a lot of the Personal actions, we're going to want to spend 3+ dice (to minimize the risk of failure) at a cost of 10 F/die or more. Therefore, we need a budget of more than 25 FpT going into the slush fund. Therefore, we make investments. The income will pay for itself rapidly and we'll be able to do a lot more to fund Raynor's Raiders or handle other operations without taking painful risks and eating those big +10 and +20 Paranoia spikes.

Actually, if you do want to stick with it, I have a suggestion for your Personal allotment. Might even do it myself, tbh. Put a die in Arendt's holiday. As a baseline, there's a 75% chance of success, and currently we have a +5 and +15 Omake bonus still left, so the odds of failure are more like 10%, which I don't think is that bad, tbh. It would make it a pretty expensive turn, 45 F, but we'd unlock some options and increase our income.

I don't like leaving Nephor Unions another turn, but if one is doing so, one might as well get something done for unlocking actions.

My other alternative would be my plan, and then next turn 3 Private Investment dice and 1 dice on Vacation in the hopes that the penalty would go down to -4... but we might also be spending our Omakes, so hm. Not sure!
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No? I don't know what sort of math you're doing.

We have the -5 coming from the completion of the Recruiting facilities automatically. We have the -5 from the Horner Training Ground. We have Q3 Brontes Refloating -10 coming in Q3, and then after that the floating ship Research and the new Orbital Facility to round out the year, etc, etc.

So you're literally just not correct about what is being set up for Q2/3 as far as Paranoia goes.

E: But let me double-check some things, and get back to you to make sure I'm not missing something here.

E2: Yeah, checked it, and the net effect of the things I have planned in the next two turns involve a net of -15 Paranoia, which would put us at the end of it at 30 Paranoia, which isn't all that bad.
I'm assuming that 'things being set up for Q2 and3 will also probably be offset by future paranoia, and that while I had forgotten about Hormer and refloating the fleet (Which I see as a q4 project), I don't buy that these will decrease our overall paranoia when we have so many vital bureaucracy projects to do like the stats and inspector general.
Attention folks: I've just come to the realization that we can squeeze more efficiency out of our plans by factoring in Vardona Heavy Vehicles project! SCVs are projected to reduce the length of projects across the board, and it's been confirmed that reducing the amount of Progress you need below the amount of Progress you already have, will have those projects autocomplete during the next turn resolution phase.

Essentially, we can nudge projects close to the finish line and allow the SCVs to reduce the needed Progress for them, which auto-completes those projects the next turn. For those who want to squeeze efficiency, we can re-arrange dice to allow multiple projects to auto-complete, saving effort and resources.

Nephor II in general is a priority because it is busy:

-[] Nephor II: TerraUnion Tool and Die Works (Phase 1) [NEW] (1 dice, 10 R)
-[] Nephor II: Nephor Industrial Megacomplex (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] (3 dice, 1 Free dice, 40 R)
-[] Nephor II: Phoros Neotextile Fabrication Plant (Phase 1) [NEW] (1 die 2 free dice, 10 R)

All three of these very valuable factories reside there, and two of them are very important for combating our resource shortage, with the third being more generally useful.
Also can I just say how delighted I am that we picked Victoria? Her perks, labor connections, and unlocking such useful Nephor projects has been great for charting a path to industrial revitalization, our main agenda.
I'm assuming that 'things being set up for Q2 and3 will also probably be offset by future paranoia, and that while I had forgotten about Hormer and refloating the fleet (Which I see as a q4 project), I don't buy that these will decrease our overall paranoia when we have so many vital bureaucracy projects to do like the stats and inspector general.

Why would it be Q4? It's a /300 project, and we have 5 military dice.
Attention folks: I've just come to the realization that we can squeeze more efficiency out of our plans by factoring in Vardona Heavy Vehicles project! SCVs are projected to reduce the length of projects across the board, and it's been confirmed that reducing the amount of Progress you need below the amount of Progress you already have, will have those projects autocomplete during the next turn resolution phase.

Essentially, we can nudge projects close to the finish line and allow the SCVs to reduce the needed Progress for them, which auto-completes those projects the next turn. For those who want to squeeze efficiency, we can re-arrange dice to allow multiple projects to auto-complete, saving effort and resources.
Already did that in my plan; the SCV Plant has a 90% chance to complete (not figuring any potential omake-boni), which in turn should improve the (already quite good) chances of completing the Nephor Industrial Megacomplex, Neotextile Plant, and Foodularium, all in this turn.
Reposting my plans after some refinement, two variations with the only difference in Light Industry (Neotextile vs. Refugee Workshops).

[ ] Plan: Strong Foundations, Investments, Reductions
-[] Infrastructure = 5/5 dice + 1 FREE, -30 R
--[] Korhal: Capital City Augustgrad (Phase 1) = 133/250 (2 dice, -10 R) 42.7%
--[] Nephor II: Planetary Reconstruction (Phase 1) = 78/450 (4 dice, -20 R)
-[] Heavy Industry = 4/4 dice + 1 FREE, -40 R

--[] Vardona: Ardonin Heavy Vehicle Factory (Phase 1) = 153/250 (3 dice, -30 R) 89%
--[] Nephor II: Nephor Industrial Megacomplex (Phase 1) = 80/350 (2 dice, -10 R)
-[] Light Industry = 4/4 dice, -40 R

--[] Vardona: Vespene Extraction Operations (Phase 1) = 0/550 (1 dice, -10 R)
--[] Nephor II: Phoros Neotextile Fabrication Plant (Phase 2) = 116/250 (3 dice, -30 R) 80%
-[] Environmental (4/4 dice, -30 R)

--[] Korhal: Regreening Effort (Phase 1) = 0/150 (2 dice, -10 R)
--[] Nephor II: Cap'n Yum-Yum's Fantabulous Foodularium = 0/150 (2 dice, -20 R)
-[] Services = 4/4 dice, -40 R

--[] Re-Establish the Universal News Network [Reconstruction] = 2/100 (2 dice, -20 R) 41%
--[] Mass Literacy Movement (Phase 1) = 0/200 (2 dice, -20 R)
-[] Military = 5/5 dice, -55 R

--[] Nephor II: Fort Horner Marine Training Camp = 0/150 (3 dice, -15 R) 70%
--[] Brontes: Refloating the Fleet (Phase 1) = 0/300 (2 dice, -40 R)
-[] Research = 4/4 dice, -55 R

--[] Korhal: Broken Mesa Xenobiology Institute = 50/150 (3 dice, -45 R) 74%
--[] New Model Weaponry (Phase 1) (Tech) = 0/150 (1 dice, -10 R)
-[] Bureaucracy = 4/4 dice + 2 FREE, -40 R

--[] Truth and Reconciliation Committee (Idealistic) = 146/200 (1 dice, -5 R)
--[] Conduct a Dominion-Wide Census [Reconstruction] = 42/300 (2 dice, -20 R)
--[] Flesh Out the Remainder of the Bureaucracy = 62/200 (3 dice, -15 R) 78%
-[] Personal = 4/4 dice, -45 F

--[] Private Investments = DC 30/50/70 (3 dice, -30 F) 89.4%
--[] Deadman's Rock: Authorize Arendt's Working Vacation = DC 20 (1 dice, -15 F) 75%

Total Cost
: -330 R / -45 F

This Plan focuses on seeking advantages and creating a stronger foundation, such as acquiring more dice (Bureaucracy), gaining more funds (Investment), reducing project costs (Neotextiles) AND reducing project length-time (SCVs).

  • Light Industry: Doing the 2nd phase of Neotextiles seems lucrative enough in reducing project costs, but I'm open to being swayed on swapping it out for other choices, made an alternative plan below. Getting started on Vespene is crucial as a critical resource that we're apparently in shortage of.
  • Environmental: We need to start on Korhal Regreening now if we want to complete it alongside Augustgrad (Phase 1). Based on discussion, we should also diversify with another project like Nephor's Yum-Yums instead of doubling down on Tyrador Farms again, as Yum-Yums can be quickly finished to supply our burgeoning labor force with healthy, portable rations. This is also part of our obligation to complete at least 1 non-[Reconstruction] project per Category.
  • Research: Focused on completing Black Mesa to get that (-10) Paranoia reduction, the (-6) dice modifier means that 2 dice isn't enough to secure its completion. Remaining dice is used for Model Weaponry to start chipping away at the next Paranoia reduction.
  • Military: Spending 3 dice on Fort Horner Camp is plenty enough considering the (+10) bonus we get for Nephor projects. Leftover dice is allocated to Refloating the Fleet as the next most impactful project available.
  • Bureaucracy: Only 1 dice is used for T&R Committee since there's Omake bonus available to bridge the final gap if it rolls below average.
  • Personal: It's crucial to increase our supply of Discretionary Funds as we don't have enough to consistently afford the dice for covert projects. 4 dice on Private Investments is overkill though, so the remaining one is used for the lowest DC project, unlocking Arendt's criminal contacts.

[ ] Plan: Strong Foundations, Investments, Workshops
-[] Infrastructure = 5/5 dice + 1 FREE, -30 R
--[] Korhal: Capital City Augustgrad (Phase 1) = 133/250 (2 dice, -10 R) 42.7%
--[] Nephor II: Planetary Reconstruction (Phase 1) = 78/450 (4 dice, -20 R)
-[] Heavy Industry = 4/4 dice + 1 FREE, -40 R

--[] Vardona: Ardonin Heavy Vehicle Factory (Phase 1) = 153/250 (3 dice, -30 R) 89%
--[] Nephor II: Nephor Industrial Megacomplex (Phase 1) = 80/350 (2 dice, -10 R)
-[] Light Industry = 4/4 dice, -40 R

--[] Vardona: Vespene Extraction Operations (Phase 1) = 0/550 (2 dice, -20 R)
--[] Tyrador IX: Refugee Workshops (Phase 2) [Reconstruction] = 63/450 (2 dice, -20 R)
-[] Environmental (4/4 dice, -30 R)

--[] Korhal: Regreening Effort (Phase 1) = 0/150 (2 dice, -10 R)
--[] Nephor II: Cap'n Yum-Yum's Fantabulous Foodularium = 0/150 (2 dice, -20 R)
-[] Services = 4/4 dice, -40 R

--[] Re-Establish the Universal News Network [Reconstruction] = 2/100 (2 dice, -20 R) 41%
--[] Mass Literacy Movement (Phase 1) = 0/200 (2 dice, -20 R)
-[] Military = 5/5 dice, -55 R

--[] Nephor II: Fort Horner Marine Training Camp = 0/150 (3 dice, -15 R) 70%
--[] Brontes: Refloating the Fleet (Phase 1) = 0/300 (2 dice, -40 R)
-[] Research = 4/4 dice, -55 R

--[] Korhal: Broken Mesa Xenobiology Institute = 50/150 (3 dice, -45 R) 74%
--[] New Model Weaponry (Phase 1) (Tech) = 0/150 (1 dice, -10 R)
-[] Bureaucracy = 4/4 dice + 2 FREE, -40 R

--[] Truth and Reconciliation Committee (Idealistic) = 146/200 (1 dice, -5 R)
--[] Conduct a Dominion-Wide Census [Reconstruction] = 42/300 (2 dice, -20 R)
--[] Flesh Out the Remainder of the Bureaucracy = 62/200 (3 dice, -15 R) 78%
-[] Personal = 4/4 dice, -45 F

--[] Private Investments = DC 30/50/70 (3 dice, -30 F) 89.4%
--[] Deadman's Rock: Authorize Arendt's Working Vacation = DC 20 (1 dice, -15 F) 75%

Total Cost
: -330 R / -45 F

Alternative plan that swaps Neotextiles for Refugee Workshop (Phase 2) for those not concerned with further cost-saving measures with our excess funds, and prioritize grinding further progress on Reconstruction.
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I've got an idea. Take the Free die that I'm putting on the census (either way, we're doing the bulk of the work in Q3-Q4 under my plan), and move it to Personal, then put two dice on the "Arendt's Holiday" option. Because I really don't want to gamble with screwing up those actions, what with the big +10 Paranoia slaps we get from them.

As for Personal, I do think it's valuable to have a turn where we put either 2 or 3 dice into Private investments, but I think that we need to unlock more of our action categories more than we need to do that immediately, because the longer we wait the more risk that someone else will snap them up or they'll start acting on their own. My thought for my own plan is to unlock the Nephor Union actions in conjunction with the big Reconstruction push to make sure Reconstruction doesn't involve, uh, all the things it COULD with them.

Then next turn, 3 dice on PI, 1 dice on a low-DC option of some sort, and then Q4 probably a dice on the Criminal contacts, 3 on the Marine Colonel, and we'll have gotten most of the key figures up.

I don't think it's a huge deal to wait an extra turn for the Nephor Unions thing, but I worry that if we're doing Reconstruction before we contact them, we might accidentally sideswipe them or mess them up.
Ehh, they live on the planet; I doubt they'll be worse off for what we're doing on net.
I've got an idea. Take the Free die that I'm putting on the census (either way, we're doing the bulk of the work in Q3-Q4 under my plan), and move it to Personal, then put two dice on the "Arendt's Holiday" option. Because I really don't want to gamble with screwing up those actions, what with the big +10 Paranoia slaps we get from them.

Ehh, they live on the planet; I doubt they'll be worse off for what we're doing on net.

I don't think that's a good idea for several reasons. First, it does a lot for a comparatively small reduction of bad odds.

But even more importantly, Arendt's vacation costs 15 R per dice. Adding a dice makes the total cost of everything 60 F, which means even with the increase in income we'll spend the next two turns rather choked for Financial Resources, tbh.

Whereas a plan that uses 45 (30 and 15) would have is with 60 F next turn (20 plus the new, higher income of 40), and thus in a good place to spend heavily on key things.
[X] Plan: Step forward

Infrastructure 5/5 Dice 25 R
-[X] Korhal: Capital City Augustgrad (Phase 1) [MANDATORY] 133/250 2 dice 10 R
-[X] Nephor II: Planetary Reconstruction (Phase 1) [Reconstruction] 3 dice 76/450 15 R
Heavy Industry 4/4 Dice 40 R
-[X] Vardona: Ardonin Heavy Vehicle Factory (Phase 1) 153/250 4 dice 40 R
Light and Chemical Industry 4/4 Dice 30 R
-[X] Tyrador IX: Refugee Workshops (Phase 2) [Reconstruction] 0/450 2 dice 10 R
-[X] Nephor II: Phoros Neotextile Fabrication Plant (Phase 2) 116/250 2 dice 20 R
Environmental 4/4 30R
-[X] Tyrador IX: Establish Farmsteads (Phase 2) [Reconstruction] 0/450 2 dice 10 R
-[X] Nephor II: Cap'n Yum-Yum's Fantabulous Foodularium 0/150 2 dice 20 R
Services 4/4 40 R
-[X] Mass Literacy Movement (Phase 1) 0/200 2 dice 20 R
-[X] Re-Establish the Universal News Network [Reconstruction] 0/100 2 dice 20 R
Military 5/5 70 R
-[X] Brontes: Refloating the Fleet (Phase 1) 0/300 3 dice 60 R
-[X] Nephor II: Fort Horner Marine Training Camp 0/150 2 dice 10 R
Research 4/4 Dice 70 R
-[X] Korhal: Broken Mesa Xenobiology Institute 50/150 2 dice 30 R
-[X] New Model Weaponry (Phase 1) (Tech) 0/150 2 dice 20 R
Bureaucracy 8/4 Dice 50 R
-[X] Truth and Reconciliation Committee (Idealistic) 146/200 1 dice 5 R
-[X] Conduct a Dominion-Wide Census [Reconstruction] 42/300 2 dice 20 R
-[X] Flesh Out the Remainder of the Bureaucracy 62/200 3 dice 15 R
-[X] Re-Establish the Bureau of Planning and Statistics 0/200 2 dice 10 R
Personal 4/4 Dice 40 F
-[X] Raynor's Raiders: Request an Update DC 40 2 dice 10 F
-[X] Fringe Worlds: Divert Supplies to Independent Settlements DC 40 2 dice 30 F

355/710 Resources
40/65 Discretionary Funds
4/4 Free dice
[X] Plan Breaking The Limits, Restoring Nephor, and Helping Vardona
-[X] Infrastructure (5/5 dice + 2 Free, 35R)
--[X] Korhal: Capital City Augustgrad (Phase 1) 133/250 (2 dice, 10R)
--[X] Nephor II: Planetary Reconstruction (Phase 1) 78/450 (5 dice, 25R)
-[X] Heavy Industry (4/4 dice+ 2 Free dice, 35R)
--[X] Nephor II: Nephor Industrial Megacomplex (Phase 1) 80/350 (3 dice, 15 R)
--[X] Vardona: Ardonin Heavy Vehicle Factory (Phase 1) 153/250 (3 dice, 30 R)
-[X] Light Industry (4/4 dice, 40R)
--[X] Vardona: Vespene Extraction Operations (Phase 1) 0/550 (2 dice, 20 R)
--[X] Nephor II: Phoros Neotextile Fabrication Plant (Phase 2) (116/250) (2 dice 20 R)
-[X] Environmental (4/4 dice, 40R)
--[X] Korhal: Regreening Effort (Phase 1) 0/150 (2 dice, 10 R)
--[X] Vardona: Subsidiary Hydroponics Effort 0/150 (2 dice, 30 R)
-[X] Services (4/4 dice, 40R)
--[X] Re-Establish the Universal News Network [Reconstruction] 2/100 (3 dice, 30 R)
--[X] Mass Literacy Movement (Phase 1) 0/200, (1 dice, 10 R)
-[X] Military (5/5 dice, 55R)
--[X] Nephor II: Fort Horner Marine Training Camp 0/150 (3 dice, 15 R)
--[X] Brontes: Refloating the Fleet (Phase 1) 0/300 (2 dice, 20 R)
-[X] Research (4/4 dice, 50 R)
--[X] Korhal: Broken Mesa Xenobiology Institute 50/150 (2 dice, 30 R)
--[X] New Model Weaponry (Phase 1) (Tech) 0/150 (2 dice, 20 R)
-[X] Bureaucracy (4/4 dice, 30R)
--[X] Truth and Reconciliation Committee (Idealistic) 146/200 (2 dice, 10 R)
--[X] Conduct a Dominion-Wide Census [Reconstruction] 42/300 (2 dice, 20 R)
-[X] Personal (4/4, 45 F)
--[X] Private Investments = DC 30/50/70 (3 dice, 30 F)
--[X] Deadman's Rock: Authorize Arendt's Working Vacation = DC 20 (1 dice, 15 F)