How much resources do the other parts of GDI actually need? Is there a way we focus heavily on harvesting so other parts of GDI get fully funded and stop cutting our budget?
EDIT: actually scratch that, other departments will likely just ask for more funding anyway
This was from game start:
[ ]15% of GNP: An actual cut in discretionary spending could be reasonably popular amongst the people as this would indicate high confidence in the plan. In practice, this would allow the Initiative to have more resources for other tasks. (+20 Political Support, 75 Resources per turn)
[ ]20% of GNP: The initial proposal for the resources committed to the Treasury and involves only moderate rearrangements of resources to accomplish policy. (100 Resources per turn)
[ ]25% of GNP: A moderate increase in allocation and a more aggressive economic policy is adopted to free up resources for immediate response to the Tiberium threat. (-5 Political Support, 125 Resources per turn)
[ ]30% of GNP: A number of significant shifts away from other projects are started to ensure resources can be freed up for accomplishing the investment plan. (-20 Political Support, 150 Resources per turn)
[ ]40% of GNP: While allocating a full forty percent of GDI's resources to development is possible, it would require significant sacrifices in other areas and would be difficult to sustain long term. If results are not achieved soon, it will likely lead to your removal. (-30 Political Support, 200 Resources per turn)
Do keep in mind that as we build more other departments are going to expand their remit as well and need more resources, so I would expect the percentages and comments on them to be about the same next plan. And our budget at 25% would be around 200 resources.