How much resources do the other parts of GDI actually need? Is there a way we focus heavily on harvesting so other parts of GDI get fully funded and stop cutting our budget?

EDIT: actually scratch that, other departments will likely just ask for more funding anyway
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How much resources do the other parts of GDI actually need? Is there a way we focus heavily on harvesting so other parts of GDI get fully funded and stop cutting our budget?

EDIT: actually scratch that, other departments will likely just ask for more funding anyway
This was from game start:
[ ]15% of GNP: An actual cut in discretionary spending could be reasonably popular amongst the people as this would indicate high confidence in the plan. In practice, this would allow the Initiative to have more resources for other tasks. (+20 Political Support, 75 Resources per turn)
[ ]20% of GNP: The initial proposal for the resources committed to the Treasury and involves only moderate rearrangements of resources to accomplish policy. (100 Resources per turn)
[ ]25% of GNP: A moderate increase in allocation and a more aggressive economic policy is adopted to free up resources for immediate response to the Tiberium threat. (-5 Political Support, 125 Resources per turn)
[ ]30% of GNP: A number of significant shifts away from other projects are started to ensure resources can be freed up for accomplishing the investment plan. (-20 Political Support, 150 Resources per turn)
[ ]40% of GNP: While allocating a full forty percent of GDI's resources to development is possible, it would require significant sacrifices in other areas and would be difficult to sustain long term. If results are not achieved soon, it will likely lead to your removal. (-30 Political Support, 200 Resources per turn)

Do keep in mind that as we build more other departments are going to expand their remit as well and need more resources, so I would expect the percentages and comments on them to be about the same next plan. And our budget at 25% would be around 200 resources.
I wonder if it is possible to build the first two stages of the Enterprise station and have that station build the other ones.
Not mechanically at the very least. It would still be you spending orbital dice and resources to build them.
How much resources do the other parts of GDI actually need? Is there a way we focus heavily on harvesting so other parts of GDI get fully funded and stop cutting our budget?

EDIT: actually scratch that, other departments will likely just ask for more funding anyway
No, because of how the layout works. Each four year budgeting cycle, each department gets allocated its resources for the next sixteen quarters, barring emergency funding use, and whatever increase in resources they can manage from their own resources. You fall into the latter category, where you can more than double your budget in the last two and a half years, and are likely to triple it or more. Because you are keeping all of the profit from each Tib mining operation. But at the end of the cycle, all of the money goes into a big pot and gets dished out from there.

as we build more other departments are going to expand their remit as well and need more resources
And this is the other part. You are not the whole of the government. You are a fairly major part of it, but you are not all of it. And you have other departments, ranging from the big ones like the armed forces, and welfare, to things like the post office and the Biological Survey Corps, who also need funding, and took fairly major cuts from their pre war environment. And they need the funding too. Because it is not lighting money on fire to make political support go up. It is handing out money to all of the other people who have jobs to do, and telling them to get on with it. The military wants to be able to spend more restoring shattered divisions. Welfare wants to allocate out more doctors and nurses, maintenance wants to increase the tempo on its replacement schedule. Everyone is pretty much always going to want more money, because there is basically always a wishlist of good things that they do with it.
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I will be calling the vote tomorrow at 1700 UTC. The currently leading plans are pretty substantially different, and the leading plan is leading the shared 2nd and 3rd places by only a single vote. So I will be extending the time for voting past my usual 24 hours.
Adhoc vote count started by Marty7928 on Apr 28, 2021 at 1:59 PM, finished with 194 posts and 50 votes.

  • [X] Plan Share the Wealth and the Fish (Conservative)
    -[X] Yellow Zone Reconstruction (Phase 2), 1 die (15 Resources)
    -[X] Blue Zone Residential Construction (Phase 2), 2 dice (20 Resources)
    -[X] North Boston Chip Fabrication (Phase 1), 4 dice (60 Resources)
    -[X] Christchurch Tool Plant, 3 dice (45 Resources)
    -[X] Toy Plants, 2 dice (10 Resources)
    -[X] Blue Zone Aquaponics Bays, 3 dice (30 Resources)
    -[X] Intensification of Yellow Zone Harvesting (Phase 2), 1 die (15 Resources)
    -[X] Tiberium Glacier Mining (Phase 3), 2 dice (60 Resources)
    -[X] Tiberium Environmental Impact Reporting, 1 die (5 Resources)
    -[X] Expand Orbital Communications Network (Phase 1), 1 fusion die (10 Resources)
    -[X] Primary Schooling, 2 dice (10 Resources)
    -[X] Security Reviews (Services), 1 die (not rolled)
    -[X] Railgun Refits, 2 dice (30 Resources)
    -[X] Field Artillery Development, 1 die (10 Resources)
    -[X] Security Reviews (Services), 2 dice
    -[X] Reallocate Resources to other departments, 2 dice (not rolled)
    [X] Plan Tools, Chips, Food and Tiberium
    -[X] Yellow Zone Reconstruction (Phase 2) 181/200 1 dice 15 R 88.00%
    -[X] Rail Link Reconstruction (Phase 1) 100/300 1 dice 20 R 0%
    -[X] North Boston Chip Fabrication (Phase 1) 0/150 5 dice 75 R 98.17% Phase 1, 0.33% Phase 2
    -[X] Christchurch Tool Plant 201/300 3 dice 45 R 91.78%
    -[X] Yellow Zone Workshops 0/150 3 dice 15 R 64.73%
    -[X] Blue Zone Aquaponics Bays 0/200 3 dice 30 R 28.4%
    -[X] Blue Zone Perimeter Outposts (Phase 2) 72/150 1 dice 20 R 49.00%
    -[X] Tiberium Glacier Mining (Phase 3) 136/200 2 dice 60 R 99.45%
    -[X] Tiberium Environmental Impact Reporting 0/80 1 dice 5 R 47.00%
    -[X] Primary Schooling 194/300 2 dice 10 R 80.47%
    -[X] Sonic Mobile Artillery Vehicle Development 0/40 1 dice 10 R 62.00%
    -[X] Point Defense Battery Development 0/40 1 dice 10 R 62.00%
    -[X] Field Artillery Development 0/40 1 dice 10 R 62.00%
    -[X] Security Review (Services) 2 dice 60 DC 89.19%
    -[X] Reallocate Resources to other departments, 1 dice (not rolled)
    [X] Plan Share the Wealth
    -[X] Yellow Zone Reconstruction (Phase 2), 1 die (15 Resources)
    -[X] Blue Zone Residential Construction (Phase 2), 3 dice (30 Resources)
    -[X] North Boston Chip Fabrication (Phase 1), 4 dice (60 Resources)
    -[X] Christchurch Tool Plant, 3 dice (45 Resources)
    -[X] Toy Plants, 2 dice (10 Resources)
    -[X] Bamboo Paper Works, 3 dice (30 Resources)
    -[X] Intensification of Yellow Zone Harvesting (Phase 2), 1 die (15 Resources)
    -[X] Tiberium Glacier Mining (Phase 3), 1 die (30 Resources)
    -[X] Experimental Tiberium Treatment Labs, 1 die (20 Resources)
    -[X] Tiberium Environmental Impact Reporting, 1 die (5 Resources)
    -[X] Expand Orbital Communications Network (Phase 1), 1 fusion die (10 Resources)
    -[X] Primary Schooling, 2 dice (10 Resources)
    -[X] Security Reviews (Services), 1 die (not rolled)
    -[X] Railgun Refits, 2 dice (30 Resources)
    -[X] Field Artillery Development, 1 die (10 Resources)
    -[X] Security Reviews (Services), 2 dice
    -[X] Reallocate Resources to other departments, 2 dice (not rolled)
    [X] Plan Share the Wealth and the Fish (Radical)
    -[X] Yellow Zone Reconstruction (Phase 2), 1 die (15 Resources)
    -[X] Blue Zone Residential Construction (Phase 2), 2 dice (20 Resources)
    -[X] North Boston Chip Fabrication (Phase 1), 3 dice (45 Resources)
    -[X] Christchurch Tool Plant, 3 dice (45 Resources)
    -[X] Chemical Precursor Plants, 1 die (15 Resources)
    -[X] Toy Plants, 2 dice (10 Resources)
    -[X] Blue Zone Aquaponics Bays, 3 dice (30 Resources)
    -[X] Intensification of Yellow Zone Harvesting (Phase 2), 1 die (15 Resources)
    -[X] Tiberium Glacier Mining (Phase 3), 2 dice (60 Resources)
    -[X] Tiberium Environmental Impact Reporting, 1 die (5 Resources)
    -[X] Expand Orbital Communications Network (Phase 1), 1 fusion die (10 Resources)
    -[X] Primary Schooling, 2 dice (10 Resources)
    -[X] Security Reviews (Services), 1 die (not rolled)
    -[X] Railgun Refits, 2 dice (30 Resources)
    -[X] Field Artillery Development, 1 die (10 Resources)
    -[X] Security Reviews (Services), 2 dice
    -[X] Reallocate Resources to other departments, 3 dice (not rolled)
    [X] Plan Agri Crisis
    -[X] Infra 1/6 15R +6
    --[X] Yellow Zone Reconstruction (Phase 2) 181/200: 1 die 15R 88%
    -[X] HI 3/3 +3 free 90R +6
    --[X] Christchurch Tool Plant 201/300: 3 dice 45R 91.8%
    --[X] North Boston Chip Fabrication (Phase 1) 0/150 3 dice 45R 64.7%
    -[X] LC Ind 2/3 30R +6
    --[X] Chemical Precursor Plants 0/200 2 dice 30R 0.9%
    -[X] Agri 3/3 +2 free 50R +6
    --[X] Blue Zone Aquaponics Bays 0/200 5 dice 50R 89.7%
    -[X] Tiberium 6/6 120R +26
    --[X] Blue Zone Perimeter Outposts (Phase 2) 72/150 2 dice 40R 97%
    --[X] Intensification of Yellow Zone Harvesting (Phase 2) 54/100 1 die 15R 81%
    --[X] Tiberium Glacier Mining (Phase 3) 136/200 2 dice 60R 99.5%
    --[X] Tiberium Environmental Impact Reporting 0/80 1 die 5R 47%
    -[X] Orbital /3 R +6
    -[X] Services 3/3 10R +21
    --[X] Primary Schooling 194/300: 2 dice 10R 80.5%
    --[X] Security Reviews 1 die DC60 89.2%
    -[X] Military 1/3 10R +1
    --[X] Field Artillery Development 0/40 1 die 10R 62%
    -[X] Bureau 3/3 0R +6
    --[X] Security Reviews: Services (2 Dice + 1 Services Die) DC60 89.2%
    --[X] Reallocate Resources to other departments 1 die
    [X] Plan Delay The Collapse
    -[X] Free: 5/5
    -[X] YZR 1 dice
    -[X] Christchurch 3 dice
    -[X] Boston 4 dice
    -[X] Chemical Precursors 3 dice
    -[X] Bamboo 4 dice
    -[X] Glacier 2 dice
    -[X] Intensification 2 dice
    -[X] Environmental Impact 1 die
    -[X] BZ Outposts 1 die
    -[X] Comsat 1 Fusion die
    -[X] Primary Schooling 2 dice
    -[X] Income Redistribution 2 dice
    [X] Plan Reach Towards Heaven For Politics
    -[X] Yellow Zone Reconstruction (Phase 2) 1 die
    -[X] Blue Zone Residential Construction (Phase 2) 2 dice
    -[X] North Boston Chip Fabrication (Phase 1) 3 dice
    -[X] Christchurch Tool Plant 2 free dice
    -[X] Chemical Precursor Plants 2 dice
    -[X] Blue Zone Aquaponics Bays 3 dice
    -[X] Bamboo Paper Works 3 free dice
    -[X] Intensification of Yellow Zone Harvesting (Phase 2) 1 die
    -[X] Tiberium Glacier Mining (Phase 3) 1 die
    -[X] Experimental Tiberium Treatment Labs 1 die
    -[X] Tiberium Environmental Impact Reporting 1 die
    -[X] GDSS Shala (Phase 1) 1 die + 1 fusion die
    -[X] Primary Schooling 2 dice
    -[X] Security Reviews (Services) 2 dice + 1 Services die
    -[X] Reallocate Resources to other departments 1 die
Think this is the closest vote we've had in a while. Everyone is after the same main goals we just differ on the details.
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Think this is the closest vote we've had in a while. Everyone is after the same goals we just differ on the details.
This is the closest vote in the entire quest. And it has stayed close mostly because of different secondary objectives. Cryos plans are heavily focused on the mid and long term issues. Things like getting a good plan for next round and setting up for further investments into critical areas. Versus the other winning plan which aims much heavier investments into immediate problems. Both are good plans, I just want the thread to not be evenly split between the two.
What's the difference between the conservative and radical Share the Wealth and the Fish?
[X] Plan Share the Wealth and the Fish (Conservative)
[X] Plan Share the Wealth and the Fish (Radical)
3 dice on Boston is very much likely to need all 8 dice (including all 5 free dice) next turn. And it's just too likely that we'll need at least 1 free die somewhere else for something. I'd rather play it a little safe. So I'm removing my vote for the Radical version of the plan.

[X] Plan Share the Wealth and the Fish (Conservative)
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Since the Discord has had some discussion of private industry, I figure I will share my thoughts on that with the thread.

Private industry is something that has its upsides and downsides.
The two big upsides for you are that
1. It will mean that you don't have to worry about supplying things like toothbrushes, and T-shirts and PCs to the civilian market. Instead, you will start seeing more big ticket projects like Vaccine Plants or Polymers Laboratories. Big ticket innovation items which the private market does not do so well at dealing with. Stuff with long lead times and uncertain results, but you can afford to take those risks.
2. It will eventually start turning a profit, and you can take advantage of that. It will need to be babied, and take a very long time to pay itself off, but eventually it will be a value adding proposition, either through
A. Public Private Partnerships, where both sides put up some portion of the funding for mutual goals. In the context of the quest, think about asteroid or Tiberium mining projects where you don't have to pay all of the costs.
B. Taxes.

The downsides are
1. It needs to be babied for a fairly long time. Most companies are going to be both small and dependent on the treasury for their continued existence. What this means for you is that until they build up the capital to do their own Tiberium expeditions, or go to space and do asteroid mining, they will be draining resources allocated to you.
2. They will try to defend their own interests, even at your expense.