Bureaucracy (3 dice + 2 Free)
-[X] Security Reviews (Services), 3 dice (2 rolled)
-[X] Reallocate Resources to other departments, 2 dice (0 rolled)
Total cost: 315 Resources, 10 remaining
You only really need 2 Bureaucracy dice for a Security Review; that gives a 89.2% chance to get over the DC60. (Or a 95% chance if we count on one of our big +15 omake bonuses.) You can easily drop it to 2 dice and use that free die somewhere else.

The only reason I'm using 3 dice for the Security Review is that, well, I disagree with Reallocating Resources this turn. Until we can start using all our dice each turn, we still need more resources. (And, coincidentally, my plan also has a heavier investment in Tiberium mining to be more certain we have more income next turn.) That said, I'm open to being convinced to put 1 die behind Reallocate Resources in my plan if that's important to people. Since we're going to be gaining more resources next turn we could afford to cut that increase down by a bit if it's critically important.
My plan already has only 2 dice rolled on the security review, it consumes 1 unrolled Bureaucracy die and 1 unrolled Services die just to start the process doesn't it? If I've got the mechanics wrong and I'm rolling three dice at it then yeah I can redo some math and find another use for that Free die.
[X] Capital investments
Infra 1/6 15 R +6
-[X] Yellow Zone Reconstruction (Phase 2) 181/200 1 dice 15 R
HI 3/3+5 free 120 R +6
-[X] North Boston Chip Fabrication (Phase 1) 0/150 5 dice 75 R
-[X] Christchurch Tool Plant 201/300 3 dice 45 R
LC Ind 3/3 45 R +6
-[X] Chemical Precursor Plants 0/200 3 dice 45R
Agri 2/3 20R R +6
-[X] Blue Zone Aquaponics Bays 0/200 2 dice 20R
Tiberium 5/6 100R R +26
-[X] Tiberium Glacier Mining (Phase 3) 136/200 2 dice 60 R 99.45%
-[X] Blue Zone Perimeter Outposts (Phase 2) 72/150 1 dice 20 R
-[X] Intensification of Yellow Zone Harvesting (Phase 2) 54/100 1 dice 15 R
-[X] Tiberium Environmental Impact Reporting 0/80 1 dice 5R
Orb 0/3 0 R +4
Services 3/3 15 R +21
-[X] Primary Schooling 194/300 2 dice 10 R 80.47%
-[X] Yellow Zone Security Services 0/200 1 dice 5R
Military 2/3 20 R +1
-[X] Field Artillery Development 0/40 1 dice 10R 62.00%
Bureau 3/3 Free 0 R +6
-[X] Forgotten Band Outreach 3 dice ?? DC

By going all-in on capital good production we can skip the need for bamboo paper mills.
The schools will give some PS and help the yellow zones.
My plan already has only 2 dice rolled on the security review, it consumes 1 unrolled Bureaucracy die and 1 unrolled Services die just to start the process doesn't it? If I've got the mechanics wrong and I'm rolling three dice at it then yeah I can redo some math and find another use for that Free die.
Over at the rolls for last turn, you can see we rolled 2 dice for the Security Review. From the plan:
Bureau 3/3 +1 Free 0 R +6
-[X] Security Review (HI) 2 dice 60 DC
-[X] Close Military Procurement Holes 2 dice ?? DC
Free 5/5
The Security Review takes 1 die from where we're reviewing, but it rolls however many Bureaucracy dice we put into it. In this case, 2 Bureau dice + 1 Heavy Industry die gave us 2 rolls.
Oh awesome, ok, math redone.

PSA for Plan Share the Wealth I cut one die on Blue Zone housing reconstruction to afford a third die on Christchurch instead. With the dice bandwidth to actually pull it off I'm fine wasting some overkill on it to make sure it happens this turn I guess. If people don't like that I can cut the satellite network instead no problem, still kinda want to chip away at that but if people want houses more than comm sats no problem I'll kill the satellites in an instant.
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You only really need 2 Bureaucracy dice for a Security Review; that gives a 89.2% chance to get over the DC60. (Or a 95% chance if we count on one of our big +15 omake bonuses.) You can easily drop it to 2 dice and use that free die somewhere else.

The only reason I'm using 3 dice for the Security Review is that, well, I disagree with Reallocating Resources this turn. Until we can start using all our dice each turn, we still need more resources. (And, coincidentally, my plan also has a heavier investment in Tiberium mining to be more certain we have more income next turn.) That said, I'm open to being convinced to put 1 die behind Reallocate Resources in my plan if that's important to people. Since we're going to be gaining more resources next turn we could afford to cut that increase down by a bit if it's critically important.
The reason to Reallocate Resources is that we're kinda scary-low on Political Support. And I believe that this is the last turn we can get the full +10 PS per die/15 resources spent there.

25 Political Support is not great, and it means that we don't really have the option to safely take unpopular actions that would cost PS.
The reason to Reallocate Resources is that we're kinda scary-low on Political Support. And I believe that this is the last turn we can get the full +10 PS per die/15 resources spent there.
If there's a time limit on it, I guess it'd be better to do it now than never. If no one objects over the next, IDK, hour? I'll switch a Bureau die over.
If there's a time limit on it, I guess it'd be better to do it now than never. If no one objects over the next, IDK, hour? I'll switch a Bureau die over.
As you get closer to reallocation, the benefits start going down, because it is a lot less valuable to get some extra resources for one year than one and a half or two. The earlier you spread your resources, the more benefit you get from it.
[X] Plan Tools, Chips, Food and Tiberium

[X] Plan Share the Wealth

Both these plans work for me and really as long as we work towards fixing our consumer goods and capital goods shortages along with continued military R&D then I'm good to go.
[X] Plan Tools, Chips, Food and Tiberium
[X] Plan Share the Wealth and the Fish (Conservative)
Of the two leading plans, i prefer this one as it does not give 30R away and has two glacier dice making it almost sure we get at least 40 more resources next turn.
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The 30 resources don't just vanish into the aether they're going to other departments of the government that are critically underfunded. Think of it as funding a recruiting drive for the military or something if you really can't stomach the idea of social services and tax collectors getting more money. We can make them fancy gear and fuck around with all kinds of things in the margins but there's really no replacement for just getting more warm bodies in uniform to man all the outposts we're forcing them to construct and protect, which they can't afford to do right now because they have no money. For pragmatic security reasons if nothing else we should really change that.

Honestly I kind of want to go up to 45 even, although I imagine if I did that I'd lose the vote because I'd have to pull dice off either Boston or Christchurch. Helping other branches of the government is a worthwhile end in and of itself even if we didn't get any political support for it, the fact that they want to give us a big chunk of political support on top of that makes it that much better.
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I've switched a Bureaucracy die to Reallocate Resources in my plan.
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[X] Plan Tools, Chips, Food and Tiberium

Only thing I'd change is taking Military dice off:
-[] Sonic Mobile Artillery Vehicle Development 0/40 1 dice 10 R 62.00%
-[] Point Defense Battery Development 0/40 1 dice 10 R 62.00%
and putting them on:
[ ] Blue Zone Residential Construction (Phase 2)(Progress 31/200: 10 resources per die) (- Labor, ++++ Housing)
or maybe an extra dice in Tiberium on
[ ] Blue Zone Perimeter Redoubts (Phase 2)(Progress 2/200: 20 resources per die) (small additional income trickle [5 Resources]) (contributes to plan goal)
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[X] Plan Tools, Chips, Food and Tiberium

[X] Plan Agri Crisis

Hello, new voter here.

I've hesitate on voting till now since I still don't get the mechanics fully, but it seems to me getting more food and resources to keep people alive better is more important than sharing what little is left to make people feel better. Needs before wants and all that.