That tib roll was sickening, massive swathe of blue zone suddenly turned red. I'd be panicking if I was on Tib earth right now.
Which is why continued mitigation is so important and how tiberium is far more on fire than anything else even if not tracked with the - value.

Though if we can push through the next red zone and blue zone fencing next quarter we should slow the spread with more average rolls as well hopefully. But yeah we need a lot of tiberium mitigation work to the point that we are actively pushing back the spread.
One source of mitigation we haven't been using are the MARV Reclaimator Hubs. Up till now, they've been super expensive. Thanks to the High Energy Capacitor Plants, they've gone from 0/200 progress to 0/125... but that's still too expensive at 25 R per die, plus now we've been using those Military dice for other things. Hopefully when we get Silicon Chips and (eventually) Lithium Battery Plants up, the price will drop to where it's worth doing.
One source of mitigation we haven't been using are the MARV Reclaimator Hubs. Up till now, they've been super expensive. Thanks to the High Energy Capacitor Plants, they've gone from 0/200 progress to 0/125... but that's still too expensive at 25 R per die, plus now we've been using those Military dice for other things. Hopefully when we get Silicon Chips and (eventually) Lithium Battery Plants up, the price will drop to where it's worth doing.
It's worth doing now yes its costly but still worth doing at least Blue zone 1's
Honestly I feel like we cant spare military dice on the reclamator hubs as we need to keep pounding out the plants to provide equipment for forces to guard our tiberium expansions. Maybe after a few more plants we can start sliding 1 or 2 dice on it but not now.
Have been tossing around the next iteration of Vague Plan, but the bits that are most relevant and solid are these:

--Blue Zone Perimeter Fencing Phase 1 1 Die (15 Resources)
--Blue Zone Perimeter Outposts Phase 2 1 Die (20 Resources)
--Red Zone Tiberium Harvesting Phase 2 2 Dice (50 Resources)
--Blue Zone Perimeter Redoubts Phase 4 2 Dice (40 Resources)

--ASAT 2 Dice (20 Resources)
--Zone Suit Factories 3+2 Dice (75 Resources)

What do people think of these?
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I would rather 2+2 the zone suit factories and slide the extra dice to make progress on Myomer works- that improves the quality of some projects and also drops progress needed for walker plants letting us get those out quicker one we get done with the zone suit and apollos. That or put it on the boron suits to keep chipping away at that project.
Q2 2051
Headline: Blue Zones Expand!
Dr. Granger: While this great news is in part thanks to all the mitigation efforts of the Tiberium department, I would like to caution the populace that this quarter has seen the smallest Tiberium growth rate on record. A sudden massive expansion could still occur.

Q4 2051
Headline: Massive Tiberium Expansion! Largest on record!
Dr. Granger: I did caution you.

One source of mitigation we haven't been using are the MARV Reclaimator Hubs. Up till now, they've been super expensive. Thanks to the High Energy Capacitor Plants, they've gone from 0/200 progress to 0/125... but that's still too expensive at 25 R per die, plus now we've been using those Military dice for other things. Hopefully when we get Silicon Chips and (eventually) Lithium Battery Plants up, the price will drop to where it's worth doing.
Poor little Reclaimator Hub for Blue Zone 1. Been untouched since Q2 2050, just sitting there in eternally paused construction.
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Right, edited to 2 Red Zone and 2 Blue Zone Redoubts. Lots of Blue Zone Tib Stuff next turn. That leaves 10 extra Resources hanging around that I am going to wait and see what the new options are before I allocate it, because it might have some really nice stuff or I could toss it at some of the several projects hanging around that are 10 Resources each or I could 1-turn Toy Factories or I could finally use that Fusion Die and ask Carter to fix the Orbital Comms.

Not convinced that Myomer is worth 1/2 a Zone Suit Factory right now though.

You're overkilling it. 3 dice gets us a 92.7% chance to complete this. (2 dice is only 49.5%.) Plus if we want to do Forgotten Band Outreach we'll probably want to have Experimental Tiberium Treatment Labs running.
You sure it's 49.5% with 2 Dice? Red Zone Stuff is currently at 136/200, and our Tib Average Roll is increasing 74->76 next turn. I'd say that one die has a better than 50% chance to complete it.

Nevermind, was looking at Glaciers. Still comfortable with 2 Dice though, 2/150+76*2=154 and that is a Slightly Better Than Average chance of completing it.
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Still comfortable with 2 Dice though, 2/150+76*2=154 and that is a Slightly Better Than Average chance of completing it.
We've waited long enough for the next phase of Glacier Mining. I'm not willing to bet on a coinflip whether we'll be able to do it next turn or not. I'm not voting for any plan that doesn't put 3 dice on Red Zones next turn.

Edit: We could put 4 or more dice into Red Zones; 5 dice has a 87.3% to get us all the way though Red Zones Phase 3 and we could couple that with another die to finish Perimeter Fencing. I don't know how comfortable we are trying to push that much on Red Zones right now, but we could do it.
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We've waited long enough for the next phase of Glacier Mining. I'm not willing to bet on a coinflip whether we'll be able to do it next turn or not. I'm not voting for any plan that doesn't put 3 dice on Red Zones next turn.

Edit: We could put 4 or more dice into Red Zones; 5 dice has a 87.3% to get us all the way though Red Zones Phase 3 and we could couple that with another die to finish Perimeter Fencing. I don't know how comfortable we are trying to push that much on Red Zones right now, but we could do it.
I was previously going to be 4 Dice onto Red Zones, but then I realized that wasn't going to get us the Mitigation we wanted. The one die on Perimeter Outposts is a coin flip to try for more Mitigation, so I don't want to move it. If everyone else is comfortable with it and I see something that needs Just Five More Resources that's tempting enough in a category we're already rolling in, probably Infrastructure and something Yellow Zone, I'll be willing to switch a Redoubt Die over to a Red Zone Die. Otherwise there's a lot of stuff that's Just Ten More Resources that looks pretty good, and if we flip three coins we're likely to get one or two of them.

(Looking at a Coin Flip Calculator, it's 87.5% to get 1+, 50% to get 2+, and 12.5% to get all 3. And our odds are slightly better because we have slightly better than 50% chances on each coin.)

Although actually, I might be convinced to swap an ASAT die for another Factories die. So that could be thing Tempting Just Five More Resources thing.
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I wish to remind everyone that we need to have rebuilt our military before expanding tiberium remediation/mining.
Not doing so creates a high risk of NOD influence on our efforts succeeding*.

*READ: NOD attacks will start and suceed.
I wish to remind everyone that we need to have rebuilt our military before expanding tiberium remediation/mining.
Not doing so creates a high risk of NOD influence on our efforts succeeding*.

*READ: NOD attacks will start and suceed.
Yes, that's why I want to keep up our current tier of military investment and focus on Factories. Although ASAT is just being frustrating and that's why there's two dice on it. Although although if people want more Factories more than ASAT I am willing to swap out a die from ASAT to More Zone Suits.
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Wow just noticed that ASAT still isn't done next turn then let's double down before this becomes even more of a meme.

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I think three dice for red zone, with that discord snippet we can fairly confirm we have enough for 1 expansion into the red zone, not sure if 2 might be too much. As is we need the extra resource income and unlocking the next tiberium glacier mining.

Infra 1/6 10 R +6
-[] Monument Restoration Program 75/100 1 dice 10 R
HI 1/3 15 R +6
-[] Manchester Chip Foundry 122/150 1 dice 15 R
LC Ind 0/3 0 R +6
Agri 0/3 0 R +6
Tiberium 6/6 130 R +26
-[] Blue Zone Perimeter Fencing (Stage 1) 369/400 1 dice 15 R
-[] Red Zone Tiberium Harvesting (Phase 2) 2/150 3 dice 75 R
-[] Experimental Tiberium Treatment Labs 0/100 2 dice 40 R
Orb 0/3 0 R +4
Services 3/3 15 R +21
-[] Primary Schooling 25/300 3 dice 15 R
Military 3/3 +5 free 100 R +1
-[] ASAT Defense System (Phase 1) 5/50 2 dice 20 R
-[] Zone Suit Factories (Newark) 0/75 2 dice 30 R
-[] Zone Suit Factories (Glasgow) 0/75 2 dice 30 R
-[] Advanced Myomer Works 0/125 2 dice 20 R
Bureau 3/3 0 R +6
-[] Forgotten Band Outreach 3 dice ?? DC
Free 5/5


Of the above projects schooling is the first to be cut as all others are more immediate priority, though we should be able to fit in at least 1 school dice. Red Zone Tiberium gives mitigation, +10-20 income and opens up the next glacier mining that provides the income boost we need to run full infra and 3 HI or LC Ind dice alongside full tiberium and military spending. 2 turns for that but we need to start that now to cut into our problems further.

40 R free for Infra/HI projects depending on need
Potential projects:
Yellow/Blue Zone Housing under infra (housing should be at = but a good chunk is temp refugee camps, yellow zone housing also lets us counter NOD propo further denying them sympathizers and recruits)
Run of River Campaigns 200 v 500 for more energy depends on what our energy surplus is, and if 2 more zone suit factories would knock it to = or -, as long as it will be positive we can work on housing first but we will need more power generation in the next few turns
Helsinki C-35 Factories more likely the following turn as it counters the logistics strain of phase 3 glacier mining, though if we can spare a dice to make progress that would be nice also provides +5 PS
Christchurch Tool Plant at 300 progress not something we can finish in one turn but something we can potential start chipping away at with 1 dice a turn +++ Capital Goods
Light and Chem Industry
Lithium Battery Plant + Logistics and some reductions on military projects is useful, at 10 per dice does not break the bank
Toy Plants ++ Consumer goods, 100 progress and 5 R per dice makes this something we can use to spend spare dice (or drop school to 2 dice and put 1 dice on toy plants)
40 R free for Infra/HI projects depending on need
Potential projects:
Yellow/Blue Zone Housing under infra (housing should be at = but a good chunk is temp refugee camps, yellow zone housing also lets us counter NOD propo further denying them sympathizers and recruits)
Run of River Campaigns 200 v 500 for more energy depends on what our energy surplus is, and if 2 more zone suit factories would knock it to = or -, as long as it will be positive we can work on housing first but we will need more power generation in the next few turns
Helsinki C-35 Factories more likely the following turn as it counters the logistics strain of phase 3 glacier mining, though if we can spare a dice to make progress that would be nice also provides +5 PS
Christchurch Tool Plant at 300 progress not something we can finish in one turn but something we can potential start chipping away at with 1 dice a turn +++ Capital Goods
Light and Chem Industry
Lithium Battery Plant + Logistics and some reductions on military projects is useful, at 10 per dice does not break the bank
Toy Plants ++ Consumer goods, 100 progress and 5 R per dice makes this something we can use to spend spare dice (or drop school to 2 dice and put 1 dice on toy plants)
Personally, I feel that Christchurch is probably our most important project that you don't already have in your plan, and that we should try and put 2 Dice into it. That'll eat up everything but 10 Resources, true, but the Capital Goods shortage is apparently massively adversely affecting our rollout speed.

The other thing I'd really like to go for would be the Housing, because yeah, Refugee Camps do not good propaganda make.

Run of River won't be important for now, with 1 Apollo Factory and 6 Zone Suit Factories we should be zeroing out on Energy if my math is correct. It would be something we wanted for after that though, and it is enough for another Apollo Factory or for Helsinki, so if you like.

Helsinki does give PS, but personally if we were going to throw HI dice at something I'd rather do Christchurch because Capital Goods Rollout Malus.

Lithium Batteries would be nice I guess. Military Discounts would be good, even if they probably won't be lots, and the + Logistics doesn't exactly hurt. It's just not super high on my priority list.

Toy Plants would be nice I guess, since they're so cheap, but Consumer Goods are at the absolute bottom of my priority list atm.

Still not a fan of doing Myomer instead of Moar Factories, but I can deal. Am fine with doing Forgotten Outreach. Am not super enthusiastic about the Experimental Labs when we need More Mitigation ASAP but they seem like they'll be important so I can deal, especially since we're starting up Proper Mining again. Am happy with the Monuments and the Chip Foundry, and although I'm not excited about the lack of other Infra stuff see my opinions above on Things To Do With The Spare 40 Resources. Schools I am obviously happy about, because I have been pushing Schools For A While Now.
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I'd say swap the 2 dice on the Tiberium Labs for 2 dice on Blue Zone Perimeter Outposts, in order to increase the Mitigation on the blue Zones (and also get 5 extra Resources - I know it's not much but it's something). And I agree with keeping a close eye on our Energy expenditure due to the military factories we are building.
Personally, I feel that Christchurch is probably our most important project that you don't already have in your plan, and that we should try and put 2 Dice into it. That'll eat up everything but 10 Resources, true, but the Capital Goods shortage is apparently massively adversely affecting our rollout speed.

The other thing I'd really like to go for would be the Housing, because yeah, Refugee Camps do not good propaganda make.

Run of River won't be important for now, with 1 Apollo Factory and 6 Zone Suit Factories we should be zeroing out on Energy if my math is correct.

Helsinki does give PS, but personally if we were going to throw HI dice at something I'd rather do Christchurch because Capital Goods Rollout Problem.

Lithium Batteries would be nice I guess. Military Discounts would be good, even if they probably won't be lots.

Toy Plants would be nice I guess, since they're so cheap, but Consumer Goods are not a huge priority atm for me.

Still not a fan of doing Myomer instead of Moar Factories, but I can deal. Am fine with doing Forgotten Outreach. Am not super enthusiastic about the Experimental Labs when we need More Mitigation ASAP but they seem like they'll be important so I can deal, especially since we're starting up Proper Mining again. Am happy with the Monuments and the Chip Foundry, and although I'm not excited about the lack of other Infra stuff see my opinions above on Things To Do With The Spare 40 Resources.
Yeah I have a lot of conditionals in the list as it really depends on what the options are and our exact situation next turn, plus also if we put a couple of dice in 15 r then we likely slide 1 dice into a 10 R. Energy is a project to take once we either make more progress on our cap/consumer good shortages or need it within the next quarter. If 6 zone and 1 apollo is needed to 0 out our energy we can push energy projects off a couple of turns.

Helinski is also nice because the ++ logistics cancels out the -- logistics from the next glacier mining so something I am looking at for next Q2 most likely and not Q1. Toy Plants is something we can slide 1 dice onto at 5 R most turns until it finishes for starting to chip away at consumer goods but not something I would ever drop 2 or more dice on.

I plan on 2 factories but we also want to keep development going and myomer makes all the steel talon projects (both trial and plants) quicker as well as quality boost. As is once ASAT phase 1 finishes my view is: 4 dice on plants, 2 dice on improvements/trials and 0-2 dice floating on military.

I'd say swap the 2 dice on the Tiberium Labs for 2 dice on Blue Zone Perimeter Outposts, in order to increase the Mitigation on the blue Zones (and also get 5 extra Resources - I know it's not much but it's something). And I agree with keeping a close eye on our Energy expenditure due to the military factories we are building.
There were concerns raised about stretching our forces too thin so this way we can do the red zone expansion (vital for slowing red zone expansion and getting us the resources we need) without other military commitments. Q2 I see us doing Blue Zone outposts since we should have more plants online and the military expansion continues so it supports more pushes. Also tiberium labs should work well with Forgotten outreach and is something we want to get done that does not increase our military commitment like an outpost expansion.
Helinski is also nice because the ++ logistics cancels out the -- logistics from the next glacier mining so something I am looking at for next Q2 most likely and not Q1. Toy Plants is something we can slide 1 dice onto at 5 R most turns until it finishes for starting to chip away at consumer goods but not something I would ever drop 2 or more dice on.
Fair enough on Helinski, and I guess it's moderate cost PS, but I think we have far more critical projects in HI right now than Helinski. Toy Plants I am of similar views, although since we're not actually using any of our LCI dice right now I'd be willing to drop two dice on it in a turn.

I plan on 2 factories but we also want to keep development going and myomer makes all the steel talon projects (both trial and plants) quicker as well as quality boost. As is once ASAT phase 1 finishes my view is: 4 dice on plants, 2 dice on improvements/trials and 0-2 dice floating on military.
Yeah, that seems like a pretty good dice distribution for Military. What's your rough list of priorities for improvements/trials?

There were concerns raised about stretching our forces too thin so this way we can do the red zone expansion (vital for slowing red zone expansion and getting us the resources we need) without other military commitments. Q2 I see us doing Blue Zone outposts since we should have more plants online and the military expansion continues so it supports more pushes. Also tiberium labs should work well with Forgotten outreach and is something we want to get done that does not increase our military commitment like an outpost expansion.
Fair enough, and Tib Labs should also unlock some Important Science, but if what you're after is Red Mitigation then Yellow Zone Harvesting is better for that, I think? Still, I think Red Zone should be higher priority atm because it gives us Decent Money and unlocks Big Money in the form of Glaciers, and money is our main limiting factor right now.
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Fair enough on Helinski, and I guess it's moderate cost PS, but I think we have far more critical projects in HI right now than Helinski. Toy Plants I am of similar views, although since we're not actually using any of our LCI dice right now I'd be willing to drop two dice on it in a turn.

Yeah, that seems like a pretty good dice distribution for Military. What's your rough list of priorities for improvements/trials?

Fair enough, and Tib Labs should also unlock some Important Science, but if what you're after is Red Mitigation then Yellow Zone Harvesting is better for that, I think? Still, I think Red Zone should be higher priority atm because it gives us Decent Money and unlocks Big Money in the form of Glaciers, and money is our main limiting factor right now.
Not a fan of 2 on toys because overflow goes nowhere and we can always find a use for that 5 R even if it is just to activate an extra dice the following turn. On red zone- yeah yellow zone is more mitigation but red zone is more resources and unlocks phase 3 glacier which gives us badly needed resources (enough between the 2 to run infra and either HI or LCI at full every turn if we get minimum). Yellow zone would be on a following turn along with the various blue mitigations.

For military trials:
Myomer Works (makes our Steel Talon stuff better and take less progress)
Sonic Mobile Artillery Vehicle (more stuff for our general ground forces)
Harbinger Gunship (close air support)
Remote Weapons System Development Predator (more ground support again)
The last 3 are 40 point projects so we could probably split the 2 dice on improvements to 1 and 1 and likely get one through possibly 2 each turn.

Also depends on what the Boron Suits unlocks. After finishing Myomer Works- Havoc Scout than Titan Mark 3 and than Mastodon join the list. At some point we will need to do naval and space options as well.