As the person who pushed for 2 deployments this turn, ill just chip in here to say that putting at least 1 die on Chicago this turn is actually kinda non-negotiable for plans that attempt to do glaciers next turn. This is simply to account for the possibility that it is very possible to break the income cap next turn.I think it might be worth dropping the Chicago die (it's not like the place won't be garrisoned anyway), reallocating the Free die to something else, and using the resources thus liberated to do any of a number of things (another die on the macrospinner, a die on Entari deployment, two dice on Tidal Power to make sure we don't blow out our Energy reserves...)
- 15 from YZ MARV
- 20-30 from 2 RZ Containment
- 10-20 from RZ Harvesting
- 40-60 from Glaciers
- 25 from RZ MARV (coin flip on 52% chance)
Total Possible: 40 + 70-110 RpT
Currently 105 away from income cap.
The Hewlett Gardner being researched, ironically actually made it more difficult this turn because it added +40 progress needed for Phase 3 Chicago in exchange for +20 income cap. Previously I think it was 80% chance to complete Phase 3 with 3 dice, now its 66%. So putting at least 1 die into it this turn is actually pretty important to see where the progress is next turn and adjust accordingly. Rather than do the MARV coinflip and having to sweat over trying to cram in a bunch of chicago dice in one turn, or rolling the dice on MARV but Chicago not completing.
Now that ive had a chance to look more closely at @Derpmind 's plan, Im very very impressed. I thought I had already spent a lot of time optimizing mine. The sheer moxie of slicing most of Infra (because the power isnt needed now now), all of Agri (we are going to easily meet the food plan goal), Enterprise 3 (because its not like moon mining is cheap), 1 LCI die (because Personal Pharm not needed now now), and half of Services.
If I had to offer a minor optimization to Derpmind, you might as well cut the 5R Game Studios dice and hold it in reserve in case the income rolls screw us over this turn, and the 5R ends up being needed elsewhere. I dont think all of Services is getting activated next turn anyway, so worst case it goes back into Game Studios next turn. Might also be half a tidal die. This also nicely brings the idle dice to the nice round number of 10 idle dice, lol.
I'm also very interested in finding out where you are going with the YZ Harvesting.
All that being said,
[X] Plan Mining The Lines
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